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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Cornyn on Campus Unrest  CSPAN  April 30, 2024 7:50pm-8:03pm EDT

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leaders must lead. administrators must take charge of their institutions. face up at objectives here could not be clearer. on campus protect jewish community members. clear the encampments let students go to class and take their exams. and allow graduations to proceed. here in washington withdrawal radical nominees and force the department of justice and education to investigate civil rights violations. moral clarity does not prevail, than the ivory tower in the biden administration this could go down as a particularly
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shameful moment in our history. >> think you mr. president. mr. president, last week createk a political task to support a national security. after months of uncertainty this chamber overwhelmingly approved a bill to reaffirm our commitment to our allies who are facing unrelenting aggression around the globe. this legislation will bolster israel's fight to defend itself against terrorists like hamas it will support ukraine's ongoing defense against russian forces who are violating their sovereignty. it will helpre countries in the end of pacific like taiwan counter chair hopefully chinese aggression. america has always been known as one that stands by its friends and allies. that is actually one of the biggest differences between thee
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united states and russia and china. we have friends that. we have like-minded allies based on her commonly shared values. now, there are strategic shotgun marriages which you see between iran and china and russia. no one would mistake that against the united states. my enemy is the enemy of my enemy is my friend is in philosophy they embrace. live a proud history of defending democracy and standing up to adversaries. i am glad congress approve this legislation to continue in that tradition. as america's friends and allies combat evil around the world we are seeing a new wave cropping up right here on american soil. since hamas attacked israel on
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october the seventh of last year, anti- israel protests have taken place across the united states. our country protests are nothing new. in fact they are privileged and guaranteed under the first amendment to the constitution. impassioned debate is not a recent innovation. but there is a clear line between protesting and or rioting. and even clearer line between a free speech and violence. regrettably that linus been cross a time and time again in recent months. some hamas sympathizers and support heavy is the guise of protesting to harass and intimidate jewish students across the united states and some of the most disturbing incidents have been those on college campuses. in the wake of october 7 campuses have experienced the
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wave of anti- somatic attacks targeting their jewish students. last fall for example jewish students at a small university in new york city sheltered in the collegeth library has a pro- palestinian protesters and bank on the doors and windows enchanted outside. multiple students at tulane university in louisiana were physically assaulted during a tense protest. and at cornell university message board was flooded with anonymous comments that threatened to physically harm any jewish person on campus. these incidents highlight a dangerous resurgence of anti-semitism that will spread like wildfire across college campuses. too many people have tried to defend these attacks as constitutionally protected speech. i would hurry to point out that not everybody involved in these protests and in this
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disobedience the civil disobedience or even violence are even students at these universities. and in many ways i feel this is another manifestation. another indication more evidence many of our institutions of higher education have lost their way. they should be focused on educating the next generation of american leadership. not engaged in primarily focused on this sort of activity. so it is shameful and disingenuous to suggest attacks, particularly physical attacks and threats against jewish students qualify as protected speech. because while as i said the first amendment does protect speech it protects the right to protest peacefully. itef does not give anyone the freedom to riots, to threaten or carry out acts of violence or even violates the rules of their
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university. the supreme court has long recognized neutral protections like time, manner and place provisions do not violate the first amendment. those are the sorts of guidelines and rules these protesters need to follow. when they don't follow they should be held accountable for it. sadly pro- palestinian groups are continuing to create a threatening environment by attempting to occupy and disrupt some college campuses. at yield university a jewish student journalists was attacked by pro- hamas mob while attempting to film a protester. protest. she was stabbed in the eye with the palestinian flag and her attacker has still not been identified.en this last weekend at harvard anti- israel protesters raised a palestinian flag in the place
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where the american flag should have beenri flying. protest of the university of southern california have created such serious safetya concerns te university actually cancel its main graduation ceremony. some of the most alarming incidents had taken place at colombia university where pro- palestinian students set up a tent encampment on the center of the campus. this situation has become so tense last week a prominent rabbi urged jewish students to leave campuses and stay away for their own safety. the situation grew more dangerous overnight as anti- israel mom broke into an academic building used furniture to barricade the doors. they shattered windows, hung homepro- palestinian banners frt the building and members of the buildings and maintenancedo team he was briefly held hostage. these institutions are known as some of america's elite
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universities. but the response of these incidents has fallen far f shor. they've allowed protesters to break university rules. threaten other students particularly jewish students create a dangerous and hostile environment for their entire campus communities. under title vi of the civil rights act colleges and universities are required to an environment free from discrimination based on race, color, or national origin. so it is shameful some of these elite universities in our country do not take that responsibility seriously. last week protests erupted at the university of texas in austin where i live. i'm glad to say the response there was far different than what you have seen and many other parts of the country. hundreds of protesters attempted to occupy the campus the university has not wavered in its commitment to preserve a safe environment for all of its
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students. recognize the danger these demonstrations could pose to jewish students as well as disrupting the entire campus community that is after all dedicated to education. it is hard to get a good education if you cannot go to class or you cannot participate in activities on your own campus for fear of violence or threats. university of texas took swift action to break up last week's demonstration before things turned violent. and has continued to do the same thing as the situation heats up this week. i want to commend my friend president jay hartsell for doing so many other college presidents have failed to do. protesters took over the campus cub heat with the backing of our governor and other elected officials made it clear at the theuniversity rules to be enfor. as we have seen at college
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campuses across the country, on controlled i should say or out of control protest create a very dangerous environment for all students the faculty and staff. they create especially threatening environment for jewish members of the campus community who are targeted solely based on their ethnic identity or their religion. these types of attacks are despicable and un-american. i'm glad the university of texas of austin made it clear anti-semitism has no place on its campus. last week 26 of my republican colleagues and i urge the biden administration to do more to protect jewish students on college campuses. anti-semitic mobs are paralyzing many campuses and threatening jewish students. giving the wave of protest across the country lead by the administration must do more to
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combat anti-semitism and ensure every student has a safe place to learn. universities of course are no stranger to activism, generations of young people and organize protest and raise their voices on a variety of political and social issues. that is entirely appropriate. the right to protest is fundamental to our democracy. but, mr. president does not grant anyone the ability to say or do what they want without consequences. recent demonstrations have turned into a breeding ground for anti-semitism and we must do more to protect all of our students and restore safety to our college campuses and restore the very basic mission for which they were founded which is to educate the next generation of americans. mr. president, i yield the floor and i note the absence of quorum. >> coming up tonight on c-span2 nasa administrator bill nesson
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testifies on prison vibes 2025 budget request for the agency. then international scholars discuss global challenges and opportunities for diplomacy at a recent conference held at georgetown university. later a hearing to examine intellectual property concerns digital replicas that are made to imitate a voice or other likeness through artificial intelligence. that and more coming up tonight on cspan2. ♪ c-span is your unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more including cox. ♪ is extremely rare. but friends don't have to be. when you are connected, you are not alone. ♪ cox support c-span as a public service. along with these other television providers. giving a front row seat to


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