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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Cornyn on Campus Unrest  CSPAN  April 30, 2024 11:47pm-12:00am EDT

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reality just as growing number of democrats are rejecting mr. maggio's nomination, are rejecting surging radicalism of alma matters but that will only go so far. leaders must lead. the administrators must take charge of their institutions, the basic objectives here couldn't be clearer. cleared the encampments but students go to class and take their exams and allow graduations to proceed. here in washington, we draw radical nominees and force the
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department of justice and education to investigated civil right violations. if moral clarity does not prevail in the biden administration, this could go down as particularly shameful moment in our history. >> thank you, mr. president. mr. president, last week the senate completed a critical task to support our national security after months of uncertainty this chamber overwhelmedly approved a bill to reaffirm our commitment to our allies who are facing unrelenting aggression around the globe. this legislation will bolster israel's fight to defend itself against terrorists like hamas. it will support ukraine's ongoing defense against russian forces who are violating
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sovereignty. and it will help countries in the indo pacific like taiwan counter or undeter hopefully chinese aggression. america has always been known as one that stands by its friends and allies that's actually one to have biggest differences between the united states and russiahe and china and wrong-minded allies based on shared values and now there are strategic shotgun marriages which you see now between iran and china and russia but nobody would mistake that for a shared value concept. it's just that they are a raid against the united states. my enemy -- enemy of my friend is what they embrace.
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i'm glad congress approved this legislation to continue in that tradition. as america's friends and allies combat evil around the world we are seeing new wave right here on american soil. hamas attacked, so in debate is not a recent innovation but there is a clear line between protesting and rioting and even clearer line between free speech and violence and regrettably the line has been crossed time again in recent months from hamas
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sympathizers have used the guys are protesting to harass and intimidate jewish students teacross the united states and some of the most disturbing incidents have been those on college campuses. pro-palestinian protestors banged on door and chanted outside. flooded with anonymous comments that threaten the physical harm of any jewish person on campus.
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highlighted dangerous resurgence of anti-semitism that spread like wild fire across college campuses and many people tried to defend attacks as constitutionally free speech. more evidence that any of institutions have lost way. they should be focused on educating the next generation of american leadership not engage in primary focus on activity. so it's shameful and disingenuous for students
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qualified protecting speech. recognize that neutral protections like time, manner and place, provisions do not violate the first amendment and those are the sorts of guidelines and rules that these protestors need to follow or they don't follow, they should be held accountable for it. sadly pro-palestinian groups are continuing to create a threatening environment by attempting to occupy and disrupt some college campuses. at yale university jewish student journalist was attacked
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by a prohamas mob by attempting to film a protest. she was stabbed in the eye with the palestinian flag and her attacker has still not been identified, palestinian flag in the place where the american flag should have been flagged. protests at the university of southern california have created such serious safety concerns that the university actually canceled graduation ceremony.
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they shattered windows, hung pro-palestinian banners from the building and members of the buildings maintain teams were briefly held hostage. these institutions are known as some of america's elite universities but their response to these incidents have fallen far short. they allowed protestors to break university rules, threaten other students particularly jewish students and create a dangerous and hostile environment for their entire campus communities. under title 6 of the civil rights act colleges and universities are required to provide an environment free from discreme nation based on race, color or national origin, so it's shameful that some of the so-called elite universities in the country do not take that responsibility seriously.
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last week protests erupted at the university of texas in austin where i live but i'm glad to say the response there was far different than what r you've seen in any other parts of the country. it recognized the dangers that demonstrations could pose to jewish students as well as disrupting the entire campus community that is after all dedicated to education, it's hard to get a good education if you can't go to class or you can't participate in activities on your own campus for fear of violence or threats. the university of texas with swift action to break up last week's demonstrations before things turned violent. i'm going to commend my friend
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ut austin for doing what so many college presidents have failed to do. as protestors took over the campus he with the backing of elected officials made it clear that university rules would be enforced. as we have seen in college campuses across the country uncontrolled or out of control protestsed create a very dangers environment for all students, the faculty, and staff, they create a especially threatening environment for jewish members for the campus community who are targeted solely based on the ethnic identity or their religion. these types of attacks are despicable and un-american and i'm glad the university of texas at austin made it clear that anti-semitism has no place on its campus. last week, 26 of my republican
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colleagues urged r the biden administration to do more to protect jewish students on college campuses. antisemitic mobs are paralyzing manymi campuses that are threatening students. they must do more to combat anti-semitism and ensure that every student has a safe place to learn. universities, of course, are no strangers to activism, young have organized protests and raised protests on a variety of political and that's entirely appropriate. right to protest and does not grant anyone the ability to say or do whatever they want without consequences. recent demonstrations have turned into a breathing ground and we must do to protect
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students and restore safety to our college campuses and restore the very basic mission for which they were founded which is to educate the next a generation of americans. mr. president, i yield the floor and i would note the absence of a quorum. note note. >> since 1979 in partnership with the cable industry, c-span has provided coverage in the halls of congress from house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party briefing and committee meetings. c-span gives you front-row seat on how issues are debated and decided with no commentary, no interruption and completely unfiltered. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> wednesday on c-span, the house meets at 10:00 a.m. easternor general speeches then aoon members consider
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legislio to combat anti-semis on college campuses a also resolution denouncinghe biden administration's immigration lies. on c-span2 the senate returns at 10:00 a.m. to consider direct court nomination for northern illinois and will vote later in the day on whether to begin work on fivye authorization bill for federal aviation administration programs. currentaa authorization is set to expire may tenth and over on c-span 3 at 10:00 a.m. energy secretary jennifer tesfyg on 20 budget request and at 2:00 p.nited health group testifies on recent cer-attack within the company and iact on patients androders. you can also watch our live coverage on the c-span video app or online at .. ..


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