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tv   Reel America Victory Round- Up - May 1945 United Newsreel  CSPAN  May 4, 2024 11:45am-12:01pm EDT

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berlin is occupied by the red
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army to the strains of martial music. the red army stages review in berlin. in this on the 8th of may. the final unconditional surrender has been ratified. by german field marshal keitel. obama chief of staff.
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marshall zhukov of the red army. next field marshal keitel signs surrender for those remnants. the mammoth still bearing arms arms. general admiral von friedberg signs an american general spots of the eighth air force. british air marshal turner. french general daulat de tasini. it is over. the war in europe is ended. in berlin, the brandenburg door still stands amid the ruins. the days people wander here and
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there, battered and shell swept. the famous island. not much else remains. in southern germany. allied. move forward to complete the occupation of the country. and. the eagle's nest the beaches formerly hitler's mountain retreat. much munich lies in ruins. the famous beer hall little remains. one of the first war criminals is captured. hermann goering.
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he is interviewed by allied newspapermen. field marshal kesselring, former commander. the german troops in italy. who. field marshal runs dead and former commander in the west.
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hermann frank former governor general napoleon high on the list of war criminals. field marshal von kleist. admiral horthy, former regent of hungary. the tall is office sizing traitor austria former guard, later holland. he will be brought to trial. in austria.
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the last german armies in the southern redoubt had already been surrendered. lieutenant general brandon berger of, the 19th german army, came over the brenner with his chiefs of to sign the capitulation in the small austrian city of innsbruck. american general brooks is ratified. another victory victory. but meantime, near the small town of flensburg on the danish border. grand admiral doenitz, self-styled new führer of grinds up the last business of state. and the surrender of his once great u-boat fleet. one by one, they enter british box and are taken by men of the royal navy.
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these germans, once the terror of allied shipping. now, like all their comrades in arms, nothing but prisoners of war. the news of surrender reaches the people of brussels years almost to the day after the german invasion of that country. from dawn on d-day. every house in the city is bright flags. every street alive and loud with happiness. orange smoke flares. no longer needed for warfare. make fireworks. in paris from, notre dame. from soccer, from every church goes out the. resounding message of peace and hope for the future and present
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joyful thanksgiving thanksgiving. in the past, l'opera l'opera. in the rue de madeleine. while general de gaulle approaches the arc de triomphe to pay homage in, the name of the people of france at the grave of the unknown soldier, to pledge that victory with the memory of those who died, to gain it shall this time for all time, be preserved in peace,
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even. the capitulation at lynchburg to field marshal montgomery on the remnants of the northern german army and navy was not only the signal of germany's total defeat. it was the signal for the liberation of those countries still remaining under german occupation. the british fleet sailed into copenhagen harbor. denmark is, free after five years, five years of stubborn resistance and heroic acts of sabotage. the german cruiser prince oregon fell prize to the british navy. to the danish capital where a guard of honor awaits him. comes field marshal montgomery, victor and liberator.
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and his reception by the people of the city demonstrates the feeling of deliverance and gratitude. as in every liberated city, the people of copenhagen welcome the allied troops. the world has seen such scenes of joy in france in belgium and holland and. now it is the turn of the people of denmark denmark in. sheets of music, printed and distributed. soldier salute. soldier this is the comradeship of free peoples. king christian arrives for the
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reopening of the danish parliament with a democratic constitution. all parties are represented under. the leadership of this well-loved monarch. all through the occupation, he inspired his people. his faith in allied victory never faltered. his faith is today.
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well across the country. this is the time of year when high school students are prepping for advanced placement tests here on american history. tv. we're going to take a close look at the u.s. history advanced placement tests. we have to guess who are also coauthors. jason stacey is a history professor at southern illinois university and edwards, phil and


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