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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum  CSPAN  May 6, 2024 10:49am-11:02am EDT

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the senate returns tomorrow at . senators will vote on the confirmation of next u.s. ambassador to the southeastern asian country. workbook ihe lislation to reauthorize at the a programs for five years. current programs areo watch live coverage of the u.s. house on c-span, the scent on c-sp i remind y can watch all of our congressional coverage with our free video app c-span now or online at >> c-span is your ability of government. we are funded by the salvage companies and more including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers and we're just getting started building 100,000 miles of new frtructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communications supports c-span is a public
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service along with these other television providers giving you a front-row seat to democracy. >> host: abc news and ipsos put out the poll yesterday taking a look at several issues and one of the things they introduce as part of it thata list of important election issues for people who participated. at the top of that list was the economy with 80% of those think that's the top issue. that was followed by inflation, issues of crime and safety, protecting democracy was a category come in number four. health care following that, at the u.s.-mexico border and then that is followed by gun violence, standing in the world of the united united stan access and then the issues of concerning israel and hamas. that's the list. you may pick one of those as a top issue for you this election year, maybe other issue you want to add to that list. you can call us 202-748-8000 for
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democrats, 202-748-8001 for republicans and independents 202-748-8002. as you called to let you know what to expect during the course of today at 10:00 right after this program its priorities of the united nations. that will feature ambassadorat dennis francis of term debt a debacle, u.s. general assume the president as the national pss club if yous want to learn aboa those issues you can see thatn a main channel c-span, c-span now is her out and is always you can follow along at if you're interested in that topic. your top issue, thisc. election cycle, crystal starts us off in north dakota, republican lie. good morning and thanks for calling. >> caller: good morning, thanknk you. to meet the things go support his foreign policy. we are a superpower and we have a statute that we part of the 75
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years of nato, and the nato alliance. that was created after world war ii. it's very important right now for us to be focused on foreign policy. the success of the abraham accords came into place with the jordan, saudi arabia, came to the rescue of israel went iran launched all those missiles. we're looking at what's going on in ukraine. thank goodness in my state we've got strong republicans that understand this. senator kevin cramer, senatoror john hoeven, and they have been phenomenal in helping to get the package for ukraine, for the middle east, for taiwan. that is essential. because the matter what's going on within our own country, debating all these other things, our ability to defend our nation, our ability to come to the defense of our allies, as a
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said 75 years of nato, we got united nations coming up. just things arere so important right now and they need to be handled with diplomacy as well as military strength, crystal in north dakota. either way president biden expected to host jordan's king abdullah today as that goes in the background of what's going on between israel and hamas out there in gaza. so look for that on the c-span networks today as well as our app if you want to see part of what goes from that discussion. in illinois democrat's line kathy your next up. good morning. >> caller: yes good morning. for me the number one issue is protecting the democracy. i think we need to do that before we can address the many concerns. y. of agree with my republican friends, crystal. and also think that it is utmost that the republicans protect the
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republican party. it almost seems like it's being infected with something that isn't normal. it's very disconcerting. so -- >> host: when you say protecting democracy, what does it mean exactly to you? >> caller: that means to me to have people elected, as president, being a a democratr republican, that understands our democracy. it seems like there are people who want to come in and shatter our government, not improve it. and break is a part as a people. it's like almost people are being turned against each other. republicans and democrats used to fight like hell, i think a lot and have a drink together. they were all working towards the common good of the country.
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now it seems like it's being ripped apart, the republican party is being ripped apart. and i'm glad to see leader jeffries do something to help maintain, and mr. johnson, who i totally disagree with politically, but but i thins the right idea. mr. jeffries has the right idea. we are coming together to solve problems, not fight one another and cause this ascension. >> host: kathy in illinois. massachusetts up next under independent line. andrew, good morning. >> caller: yes good morning. actually my biggest issue is the potential election of the former president. we have the only sitting president in american history, he used lies, deceit, coercion,
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and eventually violence and a failed attempt to remain in office after losing the election. and for some god knows why reason, i get the whole, you know, team politics thing, but how can anyone vote for this man? i just don't get it. i think that's the biggest issue in front of us today. thank you very much from okay. i can you can though the candidates themselves into the mix if you wish as far as taking a look at the issues, the most important issues to you. abc/ipsos paul took ' look at the category of personal for both among favorable and unfavorable when it comes to joe biden, the president, president biden 40% favorable favorable approval versus 51% unfavorable. when it comes to former president trump 33% 33% fave approval versus a 58%
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unfavorable danny is next in kentucky, republican line. the most important issue this election. go ahead, thanks for taking my call. been trying to get in for two months and just have a hard time getting through. mine is the election. a free, fair election of what's going on with trump in the courts, courtroom is not being a free, fairm election. i can't understand anybody wanting gelled back in there. as bad as a country is, i tell you, i like to go back for the rat four years ago, it was a whole lot better. and another thing, y'all have, y'all have clips y'all play all the time. and i noticed the last hour you all played a lot of clips of people couldn't get through because having someone talking ong different subjects, and
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announce the called number so many times, i'm like, getting that many people to get call through or too much talking withoutou having people calling through. like i said, been trying to get through for two months. i got through to you yesterday and ii got, i didn't get to ta, they just hung up on me. >> host: okay. thanks for calling today. pat in michigan, democrat's line. >> caller: good morning, pedro. my call. for taking and i want to tell you that the c-span moderators are professional off the charts. you can't do an incredible job every day. my main focal point these days is the abortion issue. abortion is not about abortion. it's about taking away a woman's right to her own body.
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when you start with the perceived least amongst us, a black man, a brown man, the white woman, ultimately they are taking away everyone's rights. and you take away a woman's right to her own body terrifies me. i'm nearly 68, and i chose not to have children. i got my tubes tied when i was in my mid-'20s. i knew i never wanted to have children. i love children. i had a great childhood. wonderful parents, that it wanted to drive a semi truck and i grew to live my dream. my husband and i retired as 2 million-mile accident free semitruck drivers driving coast to coast for 23 years.
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today, the way i see things going, they want to take so many rights away from women, that they don't want women to be educated. they don't think women should be working certain jobs. i've seen on youtube where christian right nationalists said that women shouldn't be educated, women shouldn't work in the medical field, women shouldn't work in the science field, and so one. >> host: okay. >> caller: couple that, okay, thank you. >> host: that is pat in michigan, to reflect how abortion will play out particularly amongst the reelection campaign of president biden, and add in recent days take a look at the topic of abortion. here is that ad. .. saying that some states might choose to monitor women's pregnancies to prosecute women
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who violate abortion bands. >> two years ago i became pregnant with a baby i desperately wanted. i learned that the fetus would have a fatal condition and never survive. because of the new laws in texas , i had to flee my own state to receive treatment. if donald trump is elected, that's the end of a woman's right to there'll be no basic turn. even the states were abortion is currently legal and that means every woman in every state. , trump the way our freedom. we need leaders that will affect our rights and not the crumbling and that's joe biden at kamala harris. >> i am joe bidenov and i agree businesses. >> the top issue in this election cycle. angela in massachusetts.
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>> good morning thank you for taking my call. rightme now $4 a day. how a lot of veterans. it's impacting children. don't . there is no way that you can learn if half of your classroom doesn't speak a word of english. this is impacting them as we spend billions -- i live in cape cod. we have two bridges that need to be repaired asap. the money that they are spending on these illegals could go towards our infrastructure. as far as a health care concern, we have stewards. they own


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