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tv   U.S. Senate U.S. Senate  CSPAN  May 10, 2024 6:30pm-6:45pm EDT

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now.he science of climate change and the effects of carbon cuts the answer is that if you take aon look at the historical record of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and it is the whole it's been going up-and-up. the data. >> we take you live to the u.s. senate on this friday for the chambers holding a brief pro form on thursday senators approved a five-year reauthorization of funding for the federal aviation administration by vote of 88-4. extend current funding for another seven days until the house can the full reauthorization. live coverage of the senate here n2. the presiding e parliamentarian will read a communication to the senate. the parliamentarian: to the senate: under the provisions of rule 1 paragraph 3, of the standing rules of the senate, i hereby appoint the honorable sheldon whitehouse, a senator from the state of rhoties of the chair. signed: patty murray, president pro tempore. the presidingthe presiding officer: under the previous order the senate stande 2024.
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content session. all my crystal back next to said nomination for united nations representative post. cspan2. now we take it back to on environmental policy hosted by the american enterprise clerks haven't heard how escape? helping seo to built up? what's the short answer is no. co2 it is admitted for purposes of human society climate system co2 is an atmosphere forever but from a policy standpoint. ou. >> what i am curious about what about is not that i and model can go down 2.4 degrees or 2.3 degrees and be a wide extent. i'm not sure it h climate debate at all. pushed on this issue constantly whichbution industry is like incredibly
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jevon has a huge section of the democratinterest groups there's foundations putting hundreds of billions. had to point to at this point? there's always something goingthe dialogue at this point completely imperviouscomplete impervious with the actual events you've written about in your blog and others. i'm not a bit more common sense of it that models actually going to have that much effect. problem is the weather attribution zipper there's always going to som how hot it has been this last year unbelievable it is soso what you do about that?ay but i won't be here. >> to be here at 6:00 p. tonight. goit is a great question.ere absolutely right. what are the other responses to the changing out there is advocates the apocalyptic language used to describe four celsius, is recalibrated oh my gosh it's to celsius the weather attribution
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that means something happened, cause? it's usually been emissions of greenh gases. it's really interesting because the sciattribution has departed fro standard of the government are standard on climate latest burning have a lot of respect for them. cold things straight on e weather.ill the advocacy world a journalistic world has decided to ignore there's been people to fill that gap it's a new good work from people like me who have looked at h back 150 years.d it turns out we have a different media ecosystem now change and how we see it in theweather. that used to be a drought drought follows the we were colonizing the west i don't of that that ever goes away.
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everyime there's a weather event anywhere in the is actually normal on planet earth.identify. it's on human a cause climate i fully expect that to continue to be a tool of advocacy forward. smart climate energy policy will have to be in that context. quirks have>> come up for the long extent try to resist making religion. i prefer to stick with the and not traff what can quickly become overgeneralization. time. a couple of people often ask me why are glue meet? because it makes them happy. is a secular apocalypse without the promise of but equally obvious is there's very much about it. covid story abo republican made his money and electronics want to do something on climate did
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not subscribe to the party line took tom steyer had the "new york here's a person who's have to wait with you. and tomte there is a demand for absolute to religious orthodoxy. i don't if t not. that seems during the sociological matter is very much evident that drives a lot that shame. maybe it'll be something actually bret stephens the wall street journal was still may go away someday something must replace ominee i write once on your story poles are weakening or moving a bit. the absoluteollapse it's apparently a really big calamity for the planet surely is able to way to blame it on human activities. melvin my nominee for what will human beings may be hardw element eventually starts to erode as is been doing for 200 years what it? >> ami add to that. i do a work with the
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e reinsurance. not out in the discussions out in front of people. but these are who make andsaeid we have not seen the effect on our portfolio that was t laterly that. t who manages riskclimateclimateand weather trend. you cannot get a hot caught up in the it's person it's reasonable we have it to pass violent say but i think the people to make decisions where they have to i'm putting in $100 million of agricultural understandinge those sort of decision reality. >> quickly i saw a headline i is. premig huge profits. e. >> tha apologies for being i make. at question to you i know this has to do wit framing and the nature yes, you are absol moneynha analogy. as are
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going bankrupt at theast bankrupt andin bankruptwly at f collapse of dyn structures. specifically if they are missing fundamentally unde problem. the second is asked over here which was about nature's am sureyone in the room knows tisomeulhasat produces glo warming. it was notystemic. was it weather combination of ht hth hv volcano increase the wat 10%. it was a big el ninou8 me what happe dlanedeauring and come more by the way i i ced the there is a mouse o aremae big difference which inclement wioger and water to this maybe it's time for us to beith ourselvemstat climate and weather which i we all came in 35 years et office. t of mou d because o we in this mess weather models to climates. as we all what last year showed usor we know fromecord is t there is a relationshioe no white temper sea of took y taboo a and that.s a
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we come in i merely reporthave been in dcussions in tix months which i have not years. begin c to country if they do this actually iscl bankare in an organization likee time nowep considerwef all of the goelco to washington. foteeast productive weidd policy. aental panel of the chclimate gngav back changed. this is something of. turn on a have lpriceverywh not going to makeo eve the c ateol picy we arera trend well bce will aieve lard of it chapt am l to la where hmp's a moreachableorhelayperson. things y afar.ption i pledge hisotlian
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