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tv   Washington Journal Kadia Goba  CSPAN  May 13, 2024 7:32pm-8:01pm EDT

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the house will be in order. part of this year c-span celebrates 45 years governing congress like no other. since 1979 we been your primary source for capitol hill. providing a balanced unfiltered coverage of government. taking you support of cable company. c-span 45 years and counting. powered by cable. clicks each week congressman session we like to take a look at the week ahead. we will talk with kadia goba i want to start with not to say on capitol hill but a topic involving a member of congress bob menendez, robert menendez of new jersey democrat senator his trial begins today. what remind folks why a bob menendez got involved in this,
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his second try was people may remember progress the first one happened on 2015 or 16 i 15believe. it seems so long ago from initially breaking the news or 2022 who is under investigation. essentially he is charged yes colluding with the egyptian government. this is somewhats. related to an organization and him giving i guess special privileges to certain companies. his wife has been wrangled into this. it is going to be very interesting and the trail starts this week because federal district court in manhattan is where it will be. you mentioned break in the story. broke the story about the
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investigation of. >> we did october 22 of 2022 is very unclear oh my gosh this is happening once again. we know this he was under went through a trial several years earlier it is going to be some of his colleagues are already calling for his resignation. we are not sure if he's tempting you along this' path of seeking reelection. going to be interesting. >> john fetterman federal democrat progress he has been consistent in running against his colleague menendez. says he just not think this is appropriate. he should step down. i will add bob menendez stepped down as a foreignn affairs a chair which indictment even more interesting. he was the chair of foreign affairs committee and the
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senate. >> that trial taking place in new york in federal district fet court coming back here to capitol hill and week ahead businesswise. so the senate passing their version of the authorization. and then buying time under the old spending agreement for the house to check that up this week. does that set should be smooth sailingil in the house? what are we looking at? what's at this point, yes. we have probably gone for most contentious period of the house iowhich was again passing the ukraine aid on national security funding.k i think it will eventually pass the house. >> the other issue on foreign policy is what we talked a lot about last week the biden administration pausing offensive weapons toad israel. members on both sides for members who disagree with that issue is there a legislative
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track they can take this week you are looking out for demonstrate forces by administration and here? >> here's the interesting thing. there've been letters coming from the republican leadership. it has strictly been a bunch of letters so far. but the biden administration is asking for more aid to ukraine. i am wondering if there's going to be some battle in the negotiations there. to some kind of exchange to see whether or not they are going to allow these weapons to go forward. >> late thursday we learned cory mills republican of florida freshman said he was going to file impeachment articles against joe biden for this effort to pause offensive weapons in israel. what is going to come about this week of anything? >> of tax republicans and democrats. a lot of people threw waterer on it and said they were not taking
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it as serious. we don't know if d he's going to push this as a privilege motion, which you would probably know by nowt that would force a vote within two legislative days. it's not clear if that is going to happen. we do know he is drafting legislation. >> kadia goba is our guest. what about the next 20 minutes or so go ahead and call in their questions, comments about the week ahead in washington this weekly segment that we do when congress is in session. it's expected to return noon tomorrow and the 3:00 p.m. hour and of course you can watch both on c-span and cspan2. we talk about the faa bill. as we move past mother's day towards the summer other must pass legislation congress is coming up here before congress and breaks for the august recess and the campaign trail and
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everything about the election year? >> the farm bill is something we all use we used to get our food. i spoke to chairman thompson a while ago. he said the legislation would probably be out of committee by a memorial dayou but this is something they have to take out initially granted a year-long extension. we are going to meet that extension later in the year along with defense reauthorization. and of course we will probably need to fund the government once again. >> when it comes to government funding its october to october fiscal year. so at this point should be at work out fiscal 25 funding. how far along are they? we saw how far behind they were by the time they finally passed legislation to fund the government to the rest of 2024.
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which is not clearly start in appropriations at this point. but i do hear often speaker johnson's main -- like the one think that he really wanted toan get done. to put the 12 appropriations bills and avoid an omnibus. i'm not sure if that's going to happen them a few months in between there is a huge break not sure how much legislating they will do between now and about september 30. >> dimension speaker johnson. started last week this week at an washington looking at speaker johnson's job security amid a potential ouster from republicans caucus who disagree with him. that defeat last week has been put to bed? what is your estimation of where igjohnson stands now? >> have been there about a month or at retail agreed to note the votes to before but this that proves correct last week when the vote failed. i do not see any appetite to
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push forward another resolution. however at the end of a press gaggle last week she did kind of throw up this idea her and thomas massie from kentucky throughout this idea former president trump did say it may be this would happen sometime down the line. i think they are both hoping he is not reelected in the coming year. whether they are a majority are not. >> who isar not reelected? >> works johnson's artwork speaker johnson when it comes to facing the motion to vacate as it's called and congress can marjorie taylor greene offer another of these? is there a limit on how many and member of congress can offer can she do it in that same weight she can do this shut down a way for that to happen? >> she can offers many she would like thanks to the rules package republicans put forth in 2023.
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so yes she can beat thomas cands massie they were exiting last week thomas massie set a cannot promise it won't happen again but what i will promise is you do not worry aboutis it next wek or you can take the week off he told reporters. >> our guest in the second two 202-748-8000 for democrats to call in 202-748-8001 for republicans. independence is 2027488002 week had in washington is our topic just speaking with marjorie taylor green for a minute more. one thing she called her shoes criticizing speakergs johnson before this vote how much support is better in the republican caucus to do that? >> cleared with the vote. protected members of congress republicans included they don't
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see where they have the vote to defund and terms of who we found out johnson's biggest critics. i was trying to oust speaker johnson. wheresoever republicans are surprised democrats are not to table the boat we can imagine this is all political they need to go back to their district and say i certainly did not vote to save this far right republican. it was more democrats who did not go along with the party leader. >> owns it next time members are going to head home when will they hear from their constituents is at the memorial
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day weekend? >> one more week and make they have an entire week off. >> what are you expecting during that time who is goingos to get the most fearful after what happened here you talk to these members of congress on a daily basis because nancy mace is in for a tough reelection. she has not said so but many people believe are reporting says kevin mccarthy is behind her opponent her primary opponents that is a very interesting election bob good right here in virginia he is facing maga republican now. this is in a primary x and bob good would say he is extremely conservative. however he did not support former president trump he backed ron desantis and that is probably gives an effort to
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remove him. you're going to see down the line marjorie taylor green faces some kind of opposition she's a fine in her district she is a pretty safe and people like her really a lot in her district. i think the interparty battles, i'm keeping an eye on the interparty battles. >> 's or been a surprise of the primary season so far? it's always a topic there's always a one race it sneaks up every election cycle that nobody had on the radar and a member of congress loses and has gone into a primary. has there been a surprise so far? >> not yet. there is a lot of tension around jamaal borman. the reelection of a. >> democrat from new york. >> a democrat from new york. people are keeping an eye on that race. his opponent was backed was a
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funded pack. the sentiment there is because of his views on how outspoken he has been against funding israel there is an effort to oust him. but what i can tell you is the democrats do not want to pay a bunch of attention on a primary when they're trying to win back the house it's kind of a distraction but it's up in the airport. >> is the campaign committee playing in that race so that working to protect the incumbent? >> they're going to be safe. especially members of congress who are probably not going to talk about the race are not going to pick a side which is again very interesting as well. >> is our guest this morning. one of our viewers wanted to come back to senator bob menendez trial seen the
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corruption trial is scheduled to in manhattan courthouse. why is a trial taking place in manhattan is the question. like that is a great question i am not clear. the southern district of new yorkth brought the charges. >> as of the trial will be in new york in federal court? this is ralph here in washington d.c. independent. you are next and on with kadia goba. >> i did not vote for trump. i would not vote for hilary. but this time i am voting for trump because what i am seeing is legal persecution of someone of a political opponent. jack smith is a special counsel. jack smith special counsel authorities do not exist. they were voted and before congress and had an expiration date. so by what authority does he become a god and decides i could go off and charge anyone with any crime to persecute them for
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type them up in court and bring criminal charges. please explain that to me. >> doctor jackson? garland wanted to maintain -- did not want to seem biased. it brought in a special counsel to view this. we have seen this in cases with the president biden. with the documents in case also with various situations. the authority to do what hee is doing. given by i'm sorry the authority general. >> 10 minutes left. we mention the house and senate bill come in tomorrow.
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key congressional hearing shall be watching for it once members of congress are back in town on tuesday, wednesday, thursday for. congressional hearings. that is a good question. i think the judiciary i'm not sure of all the hearings going on this week but i think the judiciary has somethingng upcomm and it is escape me right now, sorry progress one question i have whether presidents of universities would back on capitol hill anytime soon. office of the protest being in the spotlight. >> of the novel is the schedule change recently. i am very curious now that school is over or ending how that turns out. this would be a clear distinction about student protesters and people who have come from the outside the end of graduationhe time.
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i guess this would be an opportune time to bring in front of congress for. >> the first hour we spent asking viewers were going to do it again after this segment about their purchase experiences whether they thought it made a difference. have you as a reporter covered a protest? and if so how does one cover a protest? >> like us very carefully. i did cover the 2020 black lives matter protest. >> where did you go? >> outside of the white house. had the pleasure of covering protesters but also being a pool reporter at the same time when president trump cross the street in front of the church. >> you in the white house pool question. >> i was in the white house pool it feels very different when you're inside the white house as opposed to outside among
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protesters. but in general i saw a lot of families generational protesting but i also saw people putting graffiti on buildings. there is a clear distinction of people who come there to protest and people who may be cause strife i remember someone specifically grabbing a water bottles from volunteer just to throw in the crowd sent though there are the because i think pointing those things out what you are in the crowd is very important. >> one you are the pool reporter when he walked across the street and held the bible? >> yes. >> acute follow him for that walk for the famous walk after the police came and clear the protesters out? >> yes i have a very, very famous pool report talk to people doubled over at the bench
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on the gas that was in the air so yes. >> what do you remember from that walk we are able to talk and ask than present questions at all? >> we weren't actually. the white house press corps was told to move counter to the president across the lawn i'm going to the church i was not reporter whereol we were going. i thought it was awed the president was walkingng outsidef the white house. but we eventually gothi there re a gaggle out there i think of ankit trump was there in a couple of other people. and then he made this speech i just covered it and exactly what we're doing but the biggest thing i remember it was the smell of the area and how quickly they had pulled protesters away.
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because again the day before us on the other side covering that. >> are able to talk to any of the protesters that day? what happened after that photo shoot and there is the image of the president holding up the bible at st. john's church viewers or remember the famous photo what happened at the photos taken from your perspective? looks like a back inside the white house. protesters don't come back immediately.e they don't come back i think i left around 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. i don't remember them cutting coming back until after i was gone. i did not get a chance it was a big controversy because i wrote in my pool report gas than there thenthere's a big debate whether not it was definitely a gas. but whether or not it was toxic i was working for buzz feet at the time.
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months later eventually the secret service came out and said they did dispense this i think it was pepper spray butdi not actually anything toxic. but either way the stench was very prominent. for people running while they are covering the president, even cameramen were a little exhausted at the environment to put kirk's june 1, 2020 coming up for year anniversary of that walk in that photo. the other question i had you mentioned you knew some people were there to legitimately protest. you knew there were other people there to cause violence. how do you choose who to interview when you are trying to cover a protest do you try to interview both types of people and get the voices in? what was that like the day before and you're doing that? >> you interview everyone. i remember exactly defend the
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police effort. i was put on assignment and the assignment was go find out if people understand what the meaning of d fund the police is. it was not clear at that point on what to people meant it was interesting because different people had different ideas. some people had noo idea some people had scholarly answers about how they wanted to approach this. obviously talking to everyone including the graffiti poster and understanding why >> running short on time limited to some calls i apologize for making them weights. thank you for waiting market mounted north carolina line for democrats what is your question for kadia goba? >> my question is why does everyone feel making drunk and get with anything he wants to propose working for company if i took papers in front the for me too return thosesk papers and ii
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didn't i will be stealing from the company so why does it feel everyone allows trump to steal papers from united states of america and should anything be done or should be written off? >> that's it north carolina. t documents case is the focus of his question. >> that is the argument that everyone is having. many people who supportrt trump their question is why are we persecuting a former president? people who understand or see the justice system should not give favoritism to anyone are arguing no, pursue every action you can even if he is a former president and has been the debate since we started this entire thing. >> time zone on twitter mentioning henry cuellar we talked about bob menendez asking
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or vice versa. remind folks what happened lastt week. >> very similar to bob menendez. henry is facing charges for illegally taking some kind of -- taking gifts in exchange dealing with a foreigngn entity and exchanging favors for gifts. that's a very fresh environment. we will not see anything for' that for i imagine a year or so. but he is up for reelection that is that very, very volatile seat for democrats. it's not really clear where democrats are going to fall on this. >> bill is sending attacks fromn ohio and guess what we have another trial think what mr. menendez did was way worse than what mr. trump did asking the media are they going to cover it as salacious leak as
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they've covered the other trial the donald trump trial saying please do that is in ohio. less than two minutes left here a week ahead in washington what did we get to? what are you coming this week? >> i have a story out today national security, that women who have national security background. some are leaving both of them come from very tough districts or swing districts for democrats. they flip the seats in 2018. now they are seeking higher office. abigail is running r for governr in his running for senate. my question to some members on the hill does this leave a gap and national security conversations and some people specifically and the republican
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party per the chair of the intel committee are spewing russian talking points. some of these lawmakers are essential in articulating to their colleagues what is necessary and how things are unfolding even though their colleagues don't have the accese the intel access they do. >> lead story right now if you want to check it out democrats are about to lose their mod squad. you can go read her work. most appreciate your time of the walls into journal. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up tonight on c-span2 congressional testimony five years ago former president ex- lawyer michael cohen that's followed by a look at federal debt and fiscal policy current former government officials and economists at a fiscal policy conference. then a discussion u.s. defense priorities around the world. the role of military forces.
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>> core returns to state legislative business and boats. the house is back at eastern. later in theeek lawmakers will vote on listion to reauthorize five years current programs are s t expire friday at midnight. members willlso consider bills quiring event ticket sellers to disclose a total ticket prices including fees. several measures natioolice week. senate at 30 m. eastern centers willote o executives and judicial nominations for u.s. district inirit cou live coverage of the house on c-span the senate on cspan2 and a reminder watch over congress coverage on a free video app c-span now or online at ♪ c-span is your unfiltered view of government. funded by these television
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companies and more including a charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers. we are just getting started. the 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communication support c-span as a public service. giving you a front row seat to democracy. the crimina trial former president donald trump resumed in manhattan with this x lawyer michael cohen picking the stand to testify about t hush money deals he helped to arrange at the direction of his former boss in order to benefit mr. trump's 2016 presidential campaig according to the associated press mr. cohen told the jury everhing required mr. trump's sign off as he was questioned by prosecutors. cross-examination by the defense is still to come in the trial


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