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tv   President Biden Remarks at the Asian Pacific Islander Institute for...  CSPAN  May 15, 2024 9:39am-9:59am EDT

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destruction of the state of israel. ♪♪ >> since 1979, in partnership with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress, from the house and senate floors, to congressional hearings, party briefings and committee meetings. c-span gives you a front row seat to how issues are debated and decided with no commentary, no interruptions and completely unfiltered, c-span, your unfiltered view of government. >> today on c-span, the house is back at 10 a.m. for general spch, followed by legislative business at noon. members will begin the process of considering several police related bills, toighlight national police week. on c-span2, theenate returns at 10 a.m. eastern to consider the nomination for permanent representatives to the uted
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nations edatnal, scientific and cultural organization. as well as the district court nomination for ete new york. at 10 a.m. on c-span federal officials testify onhe ongoing investigaon into the collapse of baltimore's francis scott key bridge before the house infrastructure committee and later, testifying on the agency's operations and 2025 budgeteqst before a house mend security subcommittee. that's livet 2:30 p.m. eastern. you can also watchur live coverage on the c-span now video app or online at in honor of asian-american and pacific islander heritage month president biden spoke at a gala hosted by the asian pacific islander event and the
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president was introduced by the california representative judy chu. this is 20 minutes. >> ♪♪ (applause) >> good evening, and happy asian-american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month. as chair of the congressional asian pacific american caucus, or capac. i'm excited to be celebrating the 30th anniversary at tonight's awards gala or as it's better known, the asian prom. and i'm so thrilled that we are celebrating this enormous milestone with tonight's keynote speaker who, from day
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one of this administration, has prioritized equity, inclusion and representation from the aapi community. president biden has issued directives to advance racial justice and build equity into the work of all federal agencies in an unprecedented fashion. to address the pandemic related surge of anti-asian hate, he signed the covid-19 hate crimes act into law, the first advancement in hate crime legislation in 30 years. [applause] >> and to address the root cause of anti-asian hate he signed into law a bill that we're all so excited about and that is the bill to create the national smithsonian museum of asian pacific culture.
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[applause] >> yes, this is our first step to teach the public that aanhpi history is american history. [applause] >> now, last year tragedy hit my hometown of monterey park, california when a mass shooting occurred and a gunman killed 11 americans who are all asian immigrants. i was with president biden as he came and personally consoled each of the victim's families and the wounded. i witnessed his enormous empathy and how he helped them to heal. i was there as he raised his voice for an assault weapons ban and announced executive actions to prevent this type of gun violence from continuing to target our community. and i will never forget the profound respect he showed to
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our community. and i've seen him show us respect in so many other ways from his support for aanhpi small businesses to his historic investments in our higher education and to his expansion of culturally inclusive health care for our communities. president biden has been there for us and president biden really sees us. under the previous administration, when the data was first announced for covid-19 hospital deaths, the death rates for blacks, whites and hispanics were presented, but we were shocked to see that we, aanhpi, were lumped into other. even in the midst of the global pandemic, we were other-ized, but president biden not only sees us, he did something that we've been advocating for
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nearly 30 years, his administration updated federal standards on race and ethnicity ensuring that every federal agency will disaggregate, the data in their collection and report the and every aanhpi will be heard and seen because of this, thank you, president biden. so as i introduce tonight's keynote speaker, i want to thank him for all that he's done for our communities across the country. and i hope you will all join me, please stand and welcoming our fearless leader, president joe biden. [applause] ♪♪
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♪♪ >> hello, hello, hello. whoa, what a crowd. please, have a seat if you have one. [laughter] >> well, thank you, judy chu for that introduction and the asian pacific caucus. i was raised by a guy who sort of a sponsor when i got here as a 30-year-old kid, danny, and norm ma netta was a close friend and trained early on. and thank you, and leader jeffries, i can't see you and i know you're here, whip clark,
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chair aguilar and the members of congress here tonight. thank you, thank you, thank you, to the asian-american institute of professional studies, for more than 30 years, aapi leaders across the government. and let me say, i have kept our commitment to having an administration that looks like america. i made that commitment when i got elected. members of the aahpi community at every level led by the vice-president. united states, kamala harris. and so many here today, including my cabinet, u.s. trade representative katherine thai, act willing labor secretary julie su. and director of technology, where is she? stand up, i like that dress. let us see your gown.
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and thanks to all of you, leaders of labor, business, flap throw -- philanthropy, cultural arts. there's no singular asian-american, hawaiian, diversity of cultures and breadth of your achievement strengthened the fabric of our country. the fastest growing demographic in the united states, you represent how we're a nation of immigrants, a nation of freedom, and that's the america we share, that's the america we know and you've made incredible progress. 15 million new jobs recorded. historic low levels of unemployment. record small business creation. in fact, loans from our small business administration, nnhpi, and small business is up 40% compared to the previous administration. because the exit ended child
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care tax credits during the pandemic which not one republican voted for i might add we cut asian-american child poverty nearly 25% to record lows. the lowest across the board beat big pharma and gave the ability to negotiate prescription drug prices. and capped $35 a month down $400 a month for seniors on medicare. our forms not only save lives, guess what, they save the taxpayers $160 billion. 160 billion. medicare no longer has to pay those exorbitant prices. we're also making college more affordable and students debt for millions of borrowers, including for many in this community. that's worth clapping for, i promise you. [applause] >> leader in the world having
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the best education, i don't understand. we increased pell grants by $800 a year largest increase in decade which matters to 40% of the aani students that rely on pell grants. folks, when i was growing up $800 makes a lot of difference to a family. more people have health insurance today than never before and i'm proud that my administration announced finally have health care under the affordable care act and the first comprehensive bill, for dreamers expanding the number of green cards so many more families can build their future together. and those were not in the bill that i first introduced when i became president. and that bipartisan bill has
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majority support in house and senate, but i was told that other guy, that loser-- i think he's having trouble. trump called republicans and to block that senate bill and got on the phone, a win for biden and loser for him and make sure you don't allow it to a vote. and he's wrong congress must act, it's the right thing to do and america needs it done. >> decades by so many of you i'm proud our administration recently announced major changes in how federal government collects and supports data on race and ethnicity. by disaggregating data on a
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community that's so diverse we can better serve the entire community. if the government don't see the difference between korean from -- how in the hell can they address the american community, disaggregation. we are making historic investments to rebuild our roads and bridges and to lead the world in science and innovation and that includes the most significant investment ever, ever in the history of the world on climate. i am so proud with your help that the new report co-released by 20 major climate organizations from the sierra club the sunrise movement making action and conservation, public health and clean energy and i signed the most significant gun law in 30 years that matters in the community. and i remember in atlanta, half
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moon bay, and monterey park, this guy said when the last shooting occurred he said, when asked about it, he said just get over it, get over it. and anyway. i'll be good. together we'll not stop until we ban assault weapons again, this time permanently. [applause] >> i could go on, but i'm between you and your dinner. the point is we're lowering costs, we're expanding opportunities with your health, we're protecting freedom in stark contrast to my predecessor's view. look, i'll never forget him lying about the pandemic telling americans to inject bleach into their skin. i wonder if it did it. [laughter] >> might explain some things, anyway. never forget the rise in
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anti-asian hate crimes during the pandemic. i was proud to have signed the covid-19 hate crimes act with your support to help states, city, better respond and prevent crime. we also provided historic levels of funding to public safety and local communities, that is delivering results. we're seeing near 50 year low in violent crime in america, according to the justice hate crimes, targeting asian americans, fell from 2021 to 2022, but there's still more to do so that every community feels safe. when trump was in office he enacted a three trillion dollar tax cut to overwhelmingly the wealthiest among us and corporations that exploded the federal deficit. his administration added more to the federal debt than other previous terms and now he and congressional republicans want to do it all over again.
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and the same time, terminate, i love the way these guys talk, terminate the affordable care act, and denying you and pre-existing conditions for you and several million people and undo what they finally got done and what we finally got done and make up for it. they want to give power back to big pharma charge exorbitant prices on prescriptions, and saying on the platform and those of you in congress know that. my predecessor wants to cut social security and medicare a lot of reasons you can do it in terms of cutting. not on my watch. [applause] >> he brags about getting roe v. wade overturned, but kamala and i are going to fight for roe v. wade the law of the
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land. and to vilify immigrants i can't believe the way the guy talks he talks about them as rapists and murderers and that they're not people, poison the blood of this country. folks, that's not who we are. diversity is the strength of this nation and always has been and always will be. and my predecessor's prejudices leading to obscure position and they want a country for all of us, that's what we want. let me close with this, three years ago i signed a landmark law to pave the way for a national museum of asian americans, native americans and pacific islanders, history and culture, proud to do so. it amplifies why we're a great nation and trump wants to --
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and we make history and that's why i see you and celebrate asian-american, hawaii, and dear friend who i miss, norm manetta who helped create. norm once said democracy is not a spectator sport, requires everyone's active participation. you don't have to be running for offers office to be in public service, folks, there have always been competing values and visions what america should be. my predecessor, a country of revenge and retribution. we're a country to build a future together. i see a future where we defend democracy not diminish it. protect teams not take them away. i see a future the middle class
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has a shot and the wealthy pay their fair share and child care and paid leave and still reduce the deficit. folks, i see a future where we save the planet from the climate crisis and our country from gun violence. above all, i see a future for all americans. i see a country for all americans. it's because of you and i mean this sincerely, i've never been more optimistic, we have to remember who the hell we are, we are the united states of america and there's nothing beyond our capacity when we work together. let's keep working together to get so much done. god bless you all and bless our troops. thank you, thank you, thank you. i mean it, thank you. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> today, tsa administrator testifies on his agency's operations and 2025 budget request befe a house homeland security committee. watch live coverage at 2:30 p.m. eastern on c-span 3. and c-span now our mobile video app or online at >> c-span now is a free mobile app featuring your unfiltered view of what's happening in washington. live and on demand. keep up with the day's biggest events with live streams of floor proceedings and hearings from the u.s. congress. white house event, the courts, campaigns, and more from the


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