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tv   House Speaker Johnson GOP Leadership Discuss Israel Security Assistance  CSPAN  May 16, 2024 6:37pm-6:53pm EDT

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c-span now your front row seat to washington anytime,whe. ♪ mike johnson and otherheir support for israel during a news this occurred in charlotte for the house went on to pass a bill requiring the delivery of weapons that were already approved by congress. the legislation is in response to the biden administration recent decision to withhold a shipment of 3500 bei sent to israel. [background noises]
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[background noises] >> thank you all for being here this morning we are here today to discuss the israel that is been actively undermined by president biden se l schumer. but, at first i want to address the breaking news from this morning. about an hour ago we learned president biden hasok privileget the american people for hng auds testimony to special cancel her the american people will not be able to hear w prosecutors felt the president of the united states was in specialel robert hers or it's a quote
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elderly man with a poor memory. and thus should not be charged. just think about that for president biden is apparently afraid for the citizens ts country and everyone to hear those tapes. they obviously confirm w found. and would likely cause in his estimation such alarm at the american people the president io suppress their release. rather than defend our closest ally at war president biden is using h authority to defend himself politically. on the issue of today just as pren the will of congress with the use of executive privilege he is brazenly doing so by withholding congressionally mandated aid. just last month the house must asumanly as
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reverse course. yets president biden senator schumer himself who are standing in the way of getting israel the resources it desperately needs to defend tried multiple times to deliver this much a israel. each and every time biden and schumer have opposed it. and now just weeks after congress passed the national security biden administration withholding weapons shipment to israel. we want the president he said not long ago we had to have ironcl israel. aimed his actions are doing exactly the opposite. thisophi decision with global implications. we cannot look the stand the
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leslation to compel the delivery of weapons toaels they fight for radical terrorist defendant very existence as a nation. joe biden is threatening is suggesting he refuses to bring it to the senate floor. on october 7, hamas the radical terrorist which are proxies for ir lit a fire and israel proverbial buyer is israel there only allowed to put tart of the fire. that is simply not going to work. his release to finish the job in nee to help distinguish the per that long ago president biden covered the elimination is not doing t anymore. biden and schumer have turned their back on israel but they are carrying water for iran and
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itses. this is not complicated is very simple this is a moment we need not just the american people but the entire world need to either isrl or you are not. if schumer refuses to bring it up for a vote he would be telling the world is part of the democrats are no longer willing wit our great ally. i don't think that is a palatable position for the american people but with that i yielded next republican majorte. >> think it mr. speaker. later today at the house will be making a very historic and important vote. that's whether or not we continue to stand with israel. whether we going to ensure the biden adminis through on their promise to caliver the weapons that in many s israel already paid for.
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many of the weapons holding back right now are weapons that israel paioronth ago. in some cases things they paid for before hamas actually invaded right now while they are at warn completely understands the severity of the war or not the people in israel surely do the duly elected leadership in israel understands they are in a war that they have toin a terrorist organization. whnd sported by iran president biden is impeding the ability for israel to defend themselves iran is not holding back he saw them fire over 300 hamas where is presidenten
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caring ameri held hostage now and tunnels under gaza. this passes with the bipartisan vote today through house the public pressure will grow so large chuck schumer willav take this bill up. if this bill does pass the senate, like some other bills that president biden threatened to veto he ultimately signed because the public finally enough. this is one of those cases. this is a time for choosing as a speaker said the choice is v clear. right now there is a war going and hamas. if you are not supporting israel
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u hamas a terrorist organization. when president biden said he wants to hold back on the arms sales he is holding back on israel's ability to go and fight a war against hamas. the only other person who wantse it is hamas. why would president biden choose that side? today on hou of floor every member of congress is going to have the opportunity make that choice. this house majority leadership he sid is been crystal clear from the g. we support israel and the right to self-defense they are under attack from a terrorist organization that will defend themselves. have a right to defend themselves they are going to have our support and that right to self-defense. we will have israel's back whene happens later today when it send th t chuck schumer he's going to have to make a decision he can give hot air in rhetoricr
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in the senate there's going t be a lot of other people that's going to have a say in whether or not he sits on israel. but that i want to bring whip. >> one month ago onpril 13 we stand withaend its people and the united states will do everything we c to support israel's defense against iran." the following day he said the u.s. commitment to israel's flash forward to it yesterday at senator schumer said he will block our bill requiring president biden to send military aid to israel. where is your support now, senator? was it lipservice or w need
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to buy you a new dictionary purposely rourc more precious dollarssot an ironclad commitment aiding and abetting barbaric terrorists moral of the story not believe them. actions speak louder than words and supportgestlly in the middle east. meanwhile the world is win iran and its proxies are taking. will not let up on our mission to ensure israel has theresourcs
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once and for all. over to our conference chair elise stefanik. >> think it whip. just a comment on the breaking news thisni we continue to see unprecedented illegal law fair for the sham alvin bragg trial and yourity or weaponize d.o.j.sregarded ovf constitutional executive to obtain presidentialor president trump was allowed to have under the presidential act. now joe biden is hiding behind executive privilege to prevent the american public from hearing how he knowinglyhandd classified intelligence for personal financial gain. onae the lack of leadership or sink in the democrat party led by joe biden and chuck schumer is disgraceful. they have turned their backs on
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supporting our most precious ally, israel, and ad for instead choosing to placate the far left adics who are now the anti-semitic base of their party. schumer, time and time again vehemently blocked our israel aid package publicly rebuked netanyahu that leader of an ally at war. meanwhile joe biden has sent everything in his power to give iran and its terrorist proxies the green light to esce attack, withholding critical aid but pressg surrender at every opportunity joe biden has failed to support israel. under joe biden adversaries no and our allies cannot rely on us. if joe biden wd israel could defend itself, he would yet he refuses. will judge f and
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history will judge joe biden for the failure as well house or hoe republicans will not deterred. we'll put this legislation on the floor this week will put presidenmp back in the white house, grow our majority protect the senate and take out togetherrepublicans will alwaysd with israel and its right to exist up or i'm proud to turn it back oveo of the house mike johnson. questions if you have any. yes, ma'am. iations regarding this? and if senatores to bring it up how do you further this act? >> witness at the outset we have broad bipartisan support i believe in the house. we will affirm that again here shortly. shamefully has becomeartisan that. we have to stand with our es did the only stable democracy in the middle east. one of csest friends and not the most important alley that we have for strategic reasons and forll the other
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reasons all the stand with israel. that is always been our position this you see happening now is a brazen political decision by the president of the united states and by leader schumer because they are clearly making thisonol subset, and elements in their party. their pc iran criticizing israel. now they're trying to appease a radical band of pro- hamas supporters and their this clearg and it is affecting the stability to the entire world that's why the calling this outr exactly what it is for there's nowhere to hide from us. as we noted, the president himself and leader schumer both within the l weeks were saying we should stand with israel. the reason the right language.
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another doing a complete about face. ling that said they should but it's only possible explanation for this. it is usc us. >> the full house will approve the resolution given contempt given t executive privilege letter today? >> we will see how that develops. one time. yes, over here. >> democrat said this what are your thoughts? s a window dressing to try to give political cover. those are things already determined a long time ago. we just passed the aid package less than three weeksgo and now they are defying the will of congress but this is an overwhelming vote on this floor as you saw. the support for is or was separated each of those votes so that we could see exactly where everyone clear message oe
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white house, to the senate and to the ameri p president of the night sates is standing in the way of the will of the people w done here through their duly elected representatives. this is something everyone should be calling out yes, ma'am for going to talk up bipartisa support in the house republican support in the senate what about this bill will change the democrat support? >> we are going to find out right where the reasons for calling this out as we think the amane calling the senators over there democrat senators beginning with leader scher letting him know they feel about this. i think pc opinion is on the side of israel we certainly note the rise in anti-semitism that ng i the country and the angry mobs on the college campuses and all this other. as i said before and i'll close again this is a time for the president of the united states to stand out, looked directly into tnd call it good, good and evil, evil we cln of any consistency from the white house and we are not w all these pbl


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