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tv   Treasury Secretary Discusses Democracy  CSPAN  May 17, 2024 7:09pm-8:03pm EDT

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committees in 1933 and 1995, examine events surrounding the deadly 1990s are seized carried out by the government another law enforcement agencies the rest civilian compound near waco texas and 8:00 p.m. eastern, and hunters, texas a&m history pfizer malachi crawford talks about the evolution of civil rights ought never to dismantle racial segregation and jim crow and clean the 1954 bron versus board of education supreme court decision which include public education segregation to be unconstitutional and 9:30 p.m. eastern them on the presidency coming times white house correspondent, peter baker, the evolution of the american presidency these observe the vice presidential tenures of al gore, cheney and joe biden, as in, harris printed this morning the american stories, watch american history tv, saturdays on "c-span2" and find a full schedule in your program guide or watch online anytime a
7:10 pm >> treasury secretary janet yellen come talk here about democracy and the biden administration's economic record, she by arizona state university president michael crow and hosted by the mccain is to do annual uniform in sedona, arizona. [applause] imac. >> welcome everyone is nice to see so many of you here. to join us on this wonderful we can that help you gain from and you enjoy as well. is my job right now to introduce someone that i just literally that today but during the course of our conversation, i got a very informed and charming in a very understanding and also somebody is extremely sharp and that's our secretary yellen and
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when an honor for me to introduce somebody such stature and independence. as you know most women when these kind of jobs are very innovative pretty so i'm very honored to be able to introduce to her and i'm reminded of what we'll know certainly what john mccain stood for, and that is stronger and democracy need strong economy and without that, we don't have will we need this country to be free and democratic have a strong economy that they cannot feed their children and educate the children to build a safe and strong community. i'm very honored and very proud to be able to introduce you, treasury secretary, janet yellen. [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] >> thank you so much and good afternoon everyone.
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my thanks to the mccain institute, for the invitation to speak at this year's forum. in this event brings people with their first backgrounds and perspectives together with common values which i know matter deeply to john mccain. in senator mccain was an american hero of his service from the navy to the senate and you perhaps the most important legacy is his belief in the unifying power of american democracy. he stood for a country and we were 31,205,000,000 opinionated, individuals. and we argue and compete and sometimes even vilify each other in public debate. but we have always had so much more in common with each other that in disagreement. today we'll talk about how shaun
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mccain was right, it is impossible to overestimate how important democracy is for america. the idea for our country in the revolution itself the declaration of independence in the constitution is how we define ourselves in the midst those question democratic values, we must reaffirm basic democratic principles. commitment to the values and by the declaration of independence and our constitution. inverted americans, democracy is the basis for the basis for our success in america's hard to support themselves and their families but beyond that, most care for their september americans there was ever an american with his commitment, he was john kane. mccain refused special over
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treated as a prisoner of war in vietnam. and he did so because he was not accepting treatment was preferential to that is of his prison mates. and it's americans respect to their use need to truly launch america's success but that's what allows us to work out our agreements, to address legitimate concerns. and it explained why america is commonly viewed as one of the hardest working in the most successful countries in the world. we can't not trust about ourselves, but about more than another and express by the worker reported - the dignity of the work in the workingmen and if i become rich and carries the same lines that i have felt pretty and the people of those
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assets i will never turn my back on the never. they come first and don't put money before people or use people to get money. that was the feelings of american patriots. your jobs to support ourselves and our families but we also do them to fill the duties that we feel to the fellow members of our democracy. we must protect this democratic spirit as we must work to protect other pillars of democracy from political accountability to economic freedoms and to strong institutions that uphold the rule of law. in admit it does not seem like typical terrain for treasury secretary. but democracy is not just important in and of itself. i believe the democracy is critical building and sustaining rithe story economy and indeed e
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argument made by afford syrians, chipping away democracy is not fair treatment necessary trade and economic gains deeply flawed undercutting democracy under because the nations sustainable and conclusive wrote undergrowth and recent democracies come under threat and that especially territory terrifying under twist dated january 6th, when writer spurred on by life storm the capitol. and attempted to block the peaceful transition of leadership is a part of our democracy. but the democracy is not just here at home and in europe, putin's authoritarian regime continues to wage a brutal and unjust war prudent that more is - two distinct ukraine's future
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and also undermining the roles based international order. and around the world, we see examples to increasing repression and freedom has an annual report political rights and civil liberties decrease in 52 countries in 2023. their improvements, 21 and face of such tragedy must weaken from her conviction and the importance of democracy pleased mutual respect. democracy is far from perfect. that respect is only and it always been the basis for americans ability to collaborate with each other even in difficult circumstances we must renew our commitment to do everything possible and for democracy itself in the economy. economists have long studied the
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importance of the bopper see to economic growth. in recent study analyzing up 175 countries over 50 year time, they found the democracy democratization increases gdp per capita around 20 percent in the long run. but today i would like to focus not on the top line numbers, but on three of the most important letters of democracy that i have seen throughout my life. accountability, economic freedom, and strong and independence institutions that uphold the rule of law. and it is corporate democracy is about accountability. in a democracy, free and fair elections give citizens the opportunity to relax, renew and remove the leaders and intervals and affirming countries direction and calling for
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change. in senator mccain understood the importance of peaceful transfer of power and in his 2008 speech, he urged the supporters to congratulate president-elect into work together to get a country g moving. in the democracy provides for accountability, between elections. and citizens can voice their concerns by means the range from public comments to protest. the free press of the corruption in the wrongdoing. checks and balances limit the power of each part of government and the list goes on such accountability for arranging impacts and first and foremost, he drives economic policymaking and it meets people's needs. democracies to do it best more and public goods like self -
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unification is much as 20 - 30 percent more for healthcare according to one study. in these investments individual outcomes an additional year of schooling at earnings by up 210 percent on average increases the earnings andnd this is intuitive to many of us. and my father was a doctor and it is a child of her stories through him about good help enabled to reach reproductive life sand printed my own strong public high school education, with opening the door to higher education and work that account meaningful and secondly, democracy is working as it should, the government is accountable both citizens regardless of income ethnicity, gender, and geographer geography in this board accountability
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steps taken into account diverse perspectives and this includes, caring for those who have been left out. and third, inability matters because it is not in one time mechanism in future elections and opportunities for voice between elections in citizens demand economic policymaking if there needs are not being met in response of the government's can correct the course of the time. and accountability is only one pillar of they democracy. freedom to participate inn the economy and the free flow of people and ideas also fuel growth and dynamism. the foundation of the economies capacity is a labor force and yet too often the labor force is
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constricted by the constraints of the political andnd economic rights of certain groups. in america's come along way here. in large part by citizens demanding change. i was a freshman in college and 1963, when the merchant washington cord. same time it began to fully understand it the discrimination faced by women in professions like economics and i was one of the very few women in my joy economics program ever know tenured women of the faculty wwhen i started. and every student participation in the economy for black americans, women and many others who first and foremost upfront but it was also an economic one. one of the most important economic stories of my lifetime, was millions of americans getting greater access fisheries
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economic life. specifically, 25 - 54 -year-olds image women participating in our neighbor force doubles and 35 percent just from world war ii, up to 64 percent in 1990. the inclusion of women in our workforce contributed that percentage point per year to potential growth rate through the gdp or for the time. alongside growth participation, economies benefit from the free flow of people and ideas. during my years in the bay area i took payoffs from risk-taking entrepreneurship and the invention of the microprocessor five decades ago to the growth of google and apple and others more recently in recent study of
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23 countries from 1972 - 2010, the connection between democracy and entrepreneurship but enjoy through social exchange, the diffusion of knowledge. the free flow of people and ideas is not just benefit the innovators, the ability to form unions build worker power and according to a recent treasury report, unions raise the wages of the members by ten - 15 percent and for non- which benefits such as more predictable scheduling and is treasury secretary, i benefit from engaging with public and private nonprofit stakeholders who are unafraid to speak openly the free press that amplifies diverse perspectives. democratic governments rely on this freedom of speech and freedom of the press, to make
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wise decisions to benefit everyc member of our topper see. this leads me to the third pillar. alongside accountability and economic freedoms, democracy is associated is strong independent institutions with upholding the rule of law. in a democracy, individuals and firms can trust the arrangement such as property rights and my change right to be forced fairly new matter who was in power and when there is no predetermined were subjectedin to arbitrary ad unpredictable whims of political leaders. and the democracy also widely obey the law and they do so is other citizens also supported. we view it is the duty cooperated with law enforcement. and i disobeyed the lock me
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would see it that it's your duty to help the authorities as the law requires and vice a versa. such cooperation is foundation of democracy. there's a name for the respect of the law is typical of democracies, called the gen z and since agenda missy, the democracyse collapses but with that, democracy thrives and prison and federal reserve i stl have capital market grounded in that rules of law, help drive silicon valley. the rule of law puts thousands of other economic petitions from purchasing the home because you know you'll be upheld in court the deed well into expanding your business because we competing based on your ingenuity and hard work and on the biggest bribe to your local
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officials pretty normal something that the rule of law can be bolstered by institutions that are insulated from political interference. this turned the federal reserve, i insisted on defense independence and transparency. because i believe that it matters for financial stability and economic growth pretty and recent research has been consistent with my belief. an initial planar central bank and this is associated with greater price ability which contributes significantly for long-term growth. emma belief in the impact of democracy on the economy is also influenced by observing and again, i'll take an example for my own experience. just prior to the integration of east and west germany 1991, i studied the economy of east
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germany and it is been moving strongly in the united states and elsewhere that these german economy was doing well under the communist government. and on the contrary in our data showed that outside of the energy sector, it was only one single enterprise in east germany and would be able to make a profit after unification when its currency the smart was exchanged deutschmark's 141 basis that one for in these terms and not only service lately from the cruelty of their totalitarian regime, when the individual - did also much less well economically to the west german counterparts on the other side of the quarter in russia for so long soviet empire poster child for the economic success,
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for those the despair the democracy in recent imf estimates, gdp per capita russia, relative to the united states, or about one sixth card and repression has driven highly educated workers from the country and taking your skills with the ideas and capitol with him and foror example, to mourn some of the worlds leading startups from russia or from the united states and other jurisdictions. in the efficiencies to come from the totalitarian states, they seem to be far more than offset by the advantages ofse democrac. and as for china, is no denying the china's catchup growth listed hundreds of millions of people from poverty and this isf one of the great local economic achievements of the past century and a result of his market in
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openingnd up. and china's future growth is far from certain. his gdp per capita currently is one sixth of america's and less than one third that of the europeanea union. i believe that the actions of some of the leaders i describe the pillars, it will continue to pose challenges china navigates transition to an advanced economy. limits onn transparency and censorship, give companies reason to doubt the information they received in corrosive actions against firms undermine their competition. in it new korean - offers another striking example. and in the 70 years of faulting democracy in south korea, dictatorship and north korea, the country's economic
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trajectory have also diverged sharply. ... in north korea, and life expectancy in the south is a decade longer. so what does this add up to? democracy is not just intrinsically good. promoting democracy is also good economic policy. it creates the conditions for workers to thrive, and for businesses to invest and grow among them the potential gains i've highlighted. the argument tha the argument that eroding orocracy could be fair necessary trade for economic gains isce wrong. and yet, this argument has taken root abroad even here in america. i believe that's because economic success even in the robust democracy is not 100%
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guaranteed. democracies and economies take hard work to build and maintain and it is easy to lose faith i turn to that now and i've spoken before about the challenges faced by america working families. over decades, communities across the country have been hallowed out from the deindustrialization. rail wages have stagnated health care and education have become harder to afford. many american working families are uncertain about their future and there's been the significant increase in deaths of despair. this insecurity and fear persist today not only in america but for people elsewhere around the world and this is what people many understand the question
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whether democracy can, in fact, deliver. their families, their community, and countries. over the past years, president biden and i have worked to show people can. despite this in washington and state of challenges still ahead. if the president and senator mccain legacy and the protection of american democracy and central issue of presidency. we've shown democracy can deliver by addressing immediate crises and kitchen table issues that matter to americans and through pursuit of medium and long-term economic agenda focused on economic opportunity for all. we took office in the deputies
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of depghts of recession brought by the pandemic and president biden went big at the time of national emergency we provided cash relief for households, prevented tenants from being evicted, and supported small businesses to keep employees on their payrolls.p i was vaccine campaign saved lives, and enabled return to work. the funding we provided was unprecedented not just in its scale but in its flexibility. it was designed to reach every city in town in the united states big or small, urban or rural and to meet their citizens' needs and america bounced back quickly. achieving rapid economic growth and unemployment that removes their historic woes. we have learned that scarring affected a generation of workers
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enafter the global financial crisis. the recovery has been historically fast and quickly inclusive seen the lowest unemployment rate since 1960s and narrowing of the black/white wage gap and over 20% gap between the metropolitan, rural rates of unemployment. that gap is now been eliminated. now, with disarming displimenting choices for presidents investing in america agenda its aim, the gains will be felt broadly and no community or worker will be left behind. the results are promising and analysis shown that states of the household incomes can more funding capita from the president historic infrastructure law than
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wealthier states. that bridges, roads and airports and clean water and unique opportunities to come with upgraded infrastructure are being expanded in the communities that need it most. the same is true for our investments in the industries of the future. we're creating good jobs and pathways tooo them for american families across the country. 84% of clean energy investments announced since inflation reduction act was passed have been in counties with college graduation rates below the national average. 75% have been in counties with medium incomes below the national average. that's the impact myself in trips around the country from a plant making parts for ev batteries in rural, kentucky to
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a work force training center in downtownan milwaukee. as i do this work, i feel the ways in which democracy is influencing me and other public servants to serve americans, strengthening my policy making with diverse inputs and making capital markets transparent. put simply democracy is delivering for americans and for our economy. it is democracy, it's the america of all of us. all of us must make our contributions and listen to one another that's what democracy is all about. and even when we disagree, we must respect each other. well, let me end with this, churchill once quipped it is most for the form of government except for all of the others he's right. we need to acknowledge democracy
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is not perfect. and it's messy. we have made and will continue to make mistakes. also in democracy, everyone does not get their way. and we're bound to see some dissatisfaction and frustration from those who feel strongly about their opinions. yet, it is essential that we do not give into the impulses of some and make the devastating error of turning away from our democratic spirit and system. ultimately democracy provides accountability, freedoms, and rule of law that give us best chance of learning from our mistakes and doing better. with democracy, no man or woman dictates how we solve our problems. we work through them together. as we look ahead, we need to make it easier for americans to afford child care, access to
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education, living quality housing and retire with dignity. we need to do more than reaffirm our conviction and democracy we must recommitt to its protection and we must also show it can deliver. we live with time of significant challenges. once in the century pandemic to millions of lives and livelihoods conflict in the middle east to what humanitarian crisis. there's difficult and economic cost of climate change are a daily reminder of the existential threat it'sts a momt that demands american leadership including by bolstering our democracy and supporting democracy around the world. said once said that being american meant more to him than any other association. i too feel immensely fortunate
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to have been born and live here as my wife has been -- life has been made possible by the democracy and america gave me the opportunity to acquire an excellent education. my own career, democracy has made me free to examine and question economic orthodoxy being a come in economics wasn't always easy but i stood on shoulders of overwhelm look forward to their democracy rights and paved the way for me and other women economists to reach the heights of our profession now i feel a special obligation too strengthen the institutions that i've benefited from my whole life. i realized that there are many across this country and around the world who have not had my opportunities. that might give us reason to doubt the power of democracying. but onn the contrary, it should
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be the reason for us to redouble our work, to bolster democracy for its own sake also for america and world economic future. so, america can be the land of opportunity for everybody, from my own part i promise to do everything i can to make this happen. a strong democracy is critical to building and sustaining strong economy also it is the job of all of us to do everything possible to protect it. our commitment to what has been central to who we are since july 4th, 1776. thank you. [applause] [inaudible conversations] madam secretary of state great
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to have you here in a beautiful place and i know you've been traveling across the entire planet trying to find ways to advance the interest and success of the united states but i want to go back in time. you mentioned 1963 you went to college i think you went to brown later picked a rapid ph.d. at yale done start to finish in eight years which is shocking. andta so, and so -- what i would like to get at is -- 1963 to 1971 has been one of the most complicated periods in american history. the war, the senator in the war fighting in the war, the things that went on in the country in 1968 to things that followed that. the reshaping, things that were happening. what was -- what wasw driving you to go into mycs? what was driving you to -- take on this very, very complex form of political math mathemats and economic modeling and so forth? what was driving you way back then? >> well i always felt that
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economics was something that was vital to the welfare of every american and every citizen around the world. and i learned from the economics i studied that there was really no better system than free market capitalist system. but that there are problems, and ways in which markets can misfunction or may fail to deal with problems that are critical to welfare whether it is climate change or the need for public education. or health care or regulation of financial institutions. so i felt from the onset that good public policy plays a critical role in ensuring economic system that works well for everyone. and i was fascinated.
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but fascinated by what i learned about what might be possible and that's what really motivated me to study economics at that time. >> i went back and did a quick survey of the seven or so people that have been treasury secretary of the united states and you'll laugh when i say this but the person intlek comully closest to you in my view was hamilton whey mean by that -- hamilton didn't have the opportunity to finish college and revolution came on went off to be a shoulder and pinned the, you know, whole concept of b the central bank, and whole concept of many of the aspects of our economy. and then you -- you know, have been in san francisco and then chair of the fed, and now treasury secretary and you've been writing for all of these decades about all of these complex subjects. at founding and this goes to the root of the questions about democracy, you know, we really decided in the design of the united states that this
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democracy would be capitalist that democracy could further personal development including wealth development and wealth enhancement that we would and defend intellectual property that it is in the constitution itself. all of these things were laid out as a design. as you implement that design now 200 plus years in a world later in a world no one could imagine particularly on the aspects as you were saying in your speech, democracy and -- our success economically, democracy and our success socially were someur of those design elements that you think are most important? >> as mentioned in the speech, accountability of the population to weigh in periodically on how things are going and whether policy needs to move in a different direction. i think that's critical.
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>> so in economic theory then so there are economists that don't agree with that. they're -- they're not in democratic society but other societies so what's the essential nature of that weighing in process? the way the political process works? which seems -- inefficient to outsiders who are not benefiting from our democracy just -- help the audience understand how that's important to economics -- >> listening to an informed debate about what is the right path and understanding different view points allowing people to weigh in is critical to actually understanding what thel issues are that we need to deal with and figuring out what the best way is to deal with them. you know, treasury we have an important role in writing rules
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that affect how programs are run where in the middle of the moment of formulating almost all of the rules pretending to clean energy now. and our laws prescribe a process administrative proceed procedure act that guarantees you listen to every voice that wants to weigh in. every affected party every interested party, sometimes we can get 40 that will come on notice to proposed rule making that we put out. and we need to respond to those comments and people point out things that are -- flaws in what we had originally done and we have to respond to that. i think that that -- ability to -- for people to weigh in for
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policymakers to be forced to explain carefully what they're doing and answering critics is fundamental to drawing good policy decisions. so, wisely debate. it is critical to good outcome. >> which is -- to the stand sometimes trying to get something done in the democracy. but it's essential so economics. >> you mentioned russia and they're one sixth of the per capita income of the united states and economic performance overer time, it's been a disast. i wason in russia this summer of 1991 september there by the american government to help figure out ways that we could help still late the b economy as they seem to be moving in a path of democracy which is subsequently collapsed and moved into an even tighter
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dictatorship. which strangely some american politicians seem to be enamored with but let me put an edge on it. our democracy is loud and boisterous and arguetive and we have a laboratory of democracy called states and so -- two states over is a place called texas. so, sota in texas, man it's like day and night arguing, every kind of strangege idea that you could possibly imagine. popping up and yet, their economy isma larger than the russian economy. so the texas economy is now larger than the economy of the russian federation. so when you travel around the world and you're talking about democracy like in the united states where we argue and we debate and we take time to deliberate andat we put people n office and we throw people out of office and we do all kinds of things along the way, how do you -- how do you help project the success of the model because people don't seem to want to
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actually look at the facts. this economy of texas is larger than the economy of russia and by theas way, with about -- a quarter as many people. >> well, i guess as i travel around the p world i would say most peel are impressed with the success of the united states. iat think early on in china, one often heard the argument that americans can't anything done. i mention some of these -- wewe have had some deep seated structural problems that have really adversely effected many people in our country went to dissatisfaction, disappearance of good jobs in many parents the country. the difficulty of getting a college education. g the disappearance of jobs for people without a college
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education. >> aspirations not being realized. it's -- >> put to a lot of dissatisfaction and it's a part of i think what -- is lead americans but also for the chinese to make the case that look, our system we decided on something and it goes into effect immediately. you know, we have a dictatorship, and the president ofhi china decides what he wants to do and it begins being implemented the next day. we don't b have that in the unid states. but most people do recognize the states is as a very strong economy. and i think as the pandemic as we've gotten beyond the pandemic, if you compare how the united states is doingng with every other -- developed economy, the united states has had stronger economic performance, and -- >> ending it so strange i was
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mentioning before we ended did a great job of summarizing world since 1990 and the world since 19990 unitedce states outperford everyone in everything literally everything in everything yet seem to have difficulty -- understanding that. and i think what do you think is at the root of the difficulty of -- other than i think you know what -- youhe know what you were describing as disillusion as president what ib see is disappointment. you said we would have these opportunities and then they're not here you said a chance to do this andd too difficult to get there. what do you think is at the root of not understanding the relative success of the united states? >>f so, i think -- recently the pandemic has been a profound experience for most american families. that live through it, and profoundly disturbing to what we
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have. and it was a period in which there were a couple of years with very high inflation, and right now people are very concerned about the cost of living now, in fact, wages have gone up as much as prices. more than prices have gone up. but has this been profoundly disturbing for peel to see whether it is a loaf of bread or gallon of milk. to buy -- so much higher than they were, and they wonder if they're going to be able to keep up. and on top of that, of course, we have challenges that americans, many americans have faced, for a long time. in health care system where health insurance is not always been available more than it is -- has been expensive, difficult to
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afford a college education. child care -- expensive to obtain and cost of housing. a tremendous burden on many households. so these are areas where we need to do work. presidento biden's top priority isen trying to address the high costry of living that has been r a longn time. this is not much of this is not new. it's once standing. a problem that we have dealt with -- >> you probably didn't hear i was mentioning we won one of the carbon hubs. >> hydrogen -- >> no carbon cabs and a hub for the gypsum and science act and one of the engine projects in the efforts to create a new economy area with rapidly evolving technology and those are all things that have been
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recently functionedded so for us things are on fire just every possible way. so -- here we have initiatives all of the spending and economy that is making progress things that are making progress. so as you try to explain both to ourselves and others, you know, the role of democracy, the central role of democracy as you were saying in your speech, you know, what are the lessons that you try to say to our allies stay the course or newly emerging democracies like hungry that's trying to figure out what the word democracy means. what do you --nf what do you -- as they're coming along evolving so forth, how do you help them to understand the importance and the centrality of democracy? >> well, to democracy in many of the closest allies.
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but i think people appreciate what this strength of the democracy are. that just certainty of rule of law that you count on creates an environment from business that is essential of something you don't think about every day. but a person that wants to build a t business to invest in it really has to be able to count on predictability and rule of law and feel they are not just throwing away their life savings. when you look at strength of our universities, and innovation in america -- >> unbelievable. it is amazing and people see that and they're -- they're impressed by that. i mean, that we are a dynamic economy.
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we have vibrant entrepreneurial activity, and it is -- >> all of that is accelerating -- >> and we're investing again -- president biden is worked with congress to increase the amount of funding for basic research and developing. >> which is -- really critical it's declined substantially over time. but when you think about what promotes higher living standards, a lot of it comes from r&d, basic r&d, that then spills over into all sorts of innovations that make our economy stronger and more productive. >> they're flashing the red light but i have have to ask you you were in china and we have many, many american interest in china. thousands and thousands of companies and all of these complexities and everything that's going on, and this is
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where i was -- where i was attributing design level thoig so you're -- over there. negotiating if you will. you know how we're going work together there they purchase large amounts of our debt. they have all kinds of intricate connection and we have intricate connections into their economy. what was your general sense? i mean, i don't think they're becoming democracy next month. >> no i don't think they are. [laughter] so i didn't think it was going to be successful convincing them make that change. but -- [laughter] all of that said, i believe we're going to have the more peaceful and stable world if the two largest economies in the globe can manage to get along and live successfully together. and we have vital, national interest, national security interests.s. wewe sometimes have to restrict
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the export of technology or other things or protest human rights violations. this is really our vital nationalal interest but there ae sports and trade activity between our countries that is beneficial to us. tbeneficial to the chinese, andi think we need to allow space make sure in addressing vital national concerns, we don't need -- but we destroy something that is, is -- is very beneficial. so my objective has been to straightforward about the concerns that america has about chinaa and the economic realm to seek to get china to address ways in which playing field prefers is not level and to try
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to address that and to make clear that we will address our nationalth securitying concerns. but look for peaceful dialect to get along best we can. >> i used short form when i was talking about arguments i'm looking forward to full contact hockey. between us and them where you can actuallyho be put into the penalty box for cheating. and -- and they seemor to understand that. but they didn't know what i meant by hockey. [laughter] thank you "madam madam secretar. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> here's what's ahead on c-span2. first a senate hearing on foreign threats to the 2024 elections. then, former representative liz cheney on how leaders can put principles ahead of politics and later a conversation on liberal i feel and democracy.
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c-span has been delivering unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years here's a highlight from a key moment. >> stay with you, and chancellor, the symbol of our war. we stand. we fight and we will win because we are united. ukraine, america, and the entire free world. [applause] c-span powered by cable.
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c-span is yr unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more nxding comcast, you think this t a community center no it is way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with a thousand community centers to create wi-fi list so students from low income families get tool they need to be ready for anything. comcast supports c-span as a puic service. along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. up next intelligence and cybersecurity leaders identify to the 2024 elections. director of national intelligence avril haines says most significant targeting include china, iran and most notably russia that remains most active threat. this senate intelligence committee hearing an hour and 45 minutes.


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