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tv   2024 Campaign Trail RFK Jr. in Texas Pennsylvanias U.S. Senate Race  CSPAN  May 20, 2024 8:07am-8:38am EDT

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>> get ima of government right in the palm of your hand, when you order your copy of cspan's 2024, congressional directory with bio and contact information for every house and senate member of the 118th congress and imported information on congressional committees, the president's cabinet, federal agencies and state governors and the congressional directory cost 3295, plus shipping and handling and every purchase help support our operation. scan the go to the right or go to cspan shop .org order y copy today. >> the house will be in ordero have this years so basically five years of governing congress but no other. since 1979, we've seen your primary source for capitol hill, providing balance unfiltered coverage of government pretty take you to where theolicies debate is decided it all with
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the support of america's cable companies, cspan, 45 years and counting, powered by cable. ♪ >> this week, 2024 campaign trail was on the road in texas, bringing a mine about robert f y jr. met with the voters and continued hinand every state ballot and for new york city, remarks from individual running mates about presidential nominee about and former president donald trump, showing their support during other wake up criminal trial. and from milwaukee vice presidents,he met with the voters during yet another swing through the midwest michigan.
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the first come up to the top political headline of the week, president biden and former president trump agreed to two debates. cnn come up and another incentive or tenth, hosted by abc.c. the agreement by the two candidates means they will be skipping the dates previouslan commission on residential debates come up for and october of this year. the agreement came after president biden posted t short video to a social media account. bi d two debates me in 2020, something he's not showing up for debates and exacting whites to debate me again and make my day powell, will do it plus are youn wednes. >> former president trump posted this video to his truth social account inesponse. trump: ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ [background sounds].
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>> usa, usa, usa. [background sounds]. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ [background sounds]. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> also making headlines in the past week, the results of may 14th primaries west going gm
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justice, be congressman alex many, to clinch thego gop u.s. . is another favoritene to win general election, with the cook political report with amy walter come upel the race solid republican in the mountains 80s gubernatorial race, west virginia attorney patrick morrissey, we don't two candidates work longtime political families moore capito, some senator shelley moore capito and chris miller, son of congress alone, car isn't that favored to win against democrats steve williams, who was unopposed i. in maryland tacoma congressman david trump lost the state democratic u.s. senate primary coming to angela also brooks, the prince georges countyal executive, bested him by nearly 13 points, despite him sinking more than $60 million of his own money into the race. this also faces former maryland governor. hogan, general election.f the conversation
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from c-span's washington journal úrra in america battles forhe control of the senate. >> so is very closelyat it pretty primary in maryland tacoma to succeed then part of the outgoing senator not running for reelection. we saw two major democratic candidates prince georges county executive angelo also brooks and congressman david trump mind for the nomination know it made this race interestingmi was that announcement $62 million of his own money to very well behis race is more money than anybody is ever self-funded and senate primary in american history. and also brooks spent a fraction of that on her campaign and yet when all this tell us unit up winning by about 12 points so when the stunning results just within the financial p the republican side we had governor larry hogan, former they are very hope it when the public that the republican
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nomination we the nominee and he's going to make in maryland it which is whtraditionally a very blue democratic state, into a top-tier senate race of the false also. >> was go back to the primary in theemocratic side anything that was given how much money trump spent as compared to her what you think that she was cc 12-int. >> i think that is a couple of things but the underlying fr here is just that you have all of the money the world, but the voters are not buying what you're selling is not going to get you all, the way there andi think we found out ishat he had a diminishing marginal recurrent on every additional million dollars he put on to become up and ready new already who he was the knew what he waso vote for him in the elected the choices once also brooks son up for operation of the voters knew that they had a choice, they felt that they would rather go
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th her. >> even those who are saying of the maryland is very much l democratically, what you think this could be competitive. >> because of hogan's popularity we saw h when two elections in 2014 and in 2018, when very narrowly 14 but then, comparatively inside victory in 2018 which you recall is a good democratic year, nationwide about in maryland to come up hogan was really able to appeals in the state if you look at his numbers,hee has as popular in some cases maybe not now but a was probably as popu a democrats as it wasba among republicans in maryland and had significant support among black voters which traditional democc constituency and very high numbers among independents and he brings a lot to the table now that makes him competitive does not make him the s we know that even governors who are very popular in their own
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states when they try to run for senate, often times, they're not able to steal the deal. >> was talk about wes in a house joe mentioned demo h his retirement what is happening there and woody looking up. >> t so tre sentiment because it is by far republican best pickup opportunity the senate is split whenever is 29 republicans, i'm ums the, then all republicans need is to flip one reaim the jury of 50/50 splito the vice presidential tie-breaking aut right now, if we just look at the mapirginm those democratic onto the republican, that's it 50/50 summit president trump is of the polls of the election were today thingst he would have a very good shot at winning. and the democrats are really on their heels that is going to be
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very difficult to maintain majori a wil be impossible for them to maintain jority if trump winds the presidency this fall to president tru to big boost in pulling this week is me polls showing that he is ahead. one from the new york times, philadelphia iuirer and siena college throu the presumptive republican presintial nominee witheads in fiveit of six key battleground states heading to georgia and nevad hisead was double digits and outside of the margin o error. in the strong pulli house that trump campaign active ms. state like new jsey, with the former present city now has a chance of winning this year. deck some of that rally that he held in the seaside resort town of wildwood new jersey. trump: as can see today, we are expanding electoral map because we are going to officially play in the state of new jersey and when the state of
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jersey, we have a great group of people with us. and werelso looking really great state of minnesota which e leading in the polls the state of vginia and actually many other states could be all of them, this gsarn about it could be all of them need so bad thing morning when them off them all across america my millions of people so-called blue states joining a moment. based on love,ntelligence and the thing called, common sense. and it's time to set the differences aside and come togeer get the job done for america and we will make america greaga will do it fast. [background sounds]. umook invited. i'm sure nobody ever saw ts apprentice, that was aen big hit going to look atowerful hit.
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that guy and i'm going to say joe biden, the joe biden your fired and get out of here, your fed. trump: get out of here joe come over to straighten out our country, were not going to destroy it isestring itne thing better you will do it afghanistan disaster, the border from the look of the real om economy, every thing the touch, turns to what. >> from the president was also back for another we canvent had a courtroom. but in recent days, is wrong a series of high-profile entouragesen including one couny is right rumored vice presidential, governor doug program of north dakota congressman byron donald of florida and entrepreneur the vague ramos mommy. >> one thing we all know thiss a sham trial, but we have an opportunity to see it up close, and personal and see is
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actually a scam trial and we have a judge it's an order to biden and you have prosecutors that are supporters ofen you have the relatives of the judgehat are benefiting financially coming directly from this trial that information you peurer in the have to ask yourself, what is all about and i think the only conclusion of course is that the election interference from being out o the campaign trail and there is no prime a oy crime, that is happening here, is the de party, rit in the middle of thelal presidential election crime here is the issues facing our nation are not being addressed by the get democrats they want to go after donald tmp. and there's nothing wrong, there's nothing that is beenn wrong here. nothing will somethiha done by e
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the thing this been done wrong, is by this judge and this is garbage that is the best proof thouhe going to get it's darned if you do part tedhis is a sham not the united states of america some third republic and if this were happening in another country, we would be laughing is a sham the democracy and i'm ashamed of the american citizens is here in a courtroom watching the former leader of the free world as be honest likely next leader of the free world. thi world courtroomignity in with prosecutors and the stand as a witness who actually is violating attorney-client privilege this is a shame and under country's history but we will through it will be stronger because ultimately we actually talk on this case, not just the jurors in the jury coming every one of you would help commence every american about this
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november to say no to the weaponization of justice and if you're coming may say you know h everything don't sit well now to some of his policiesn even though we were great policy pretty is what you do agree with you a democrat orep black or white or gay or straight, man or woman. in our justice system should be blinded to politics, that regardless of whether your left de trump, melissa with the politician or not, that you get a fair shake in our legal system mpaigned of the pledge have we have trump the miss campaign pledge him when you have a judge collecting money for democratic ivesho very trial is presiding over and until the u.s. presidency again order that he cannot talk about it printed is not justice, this disaster with this country was founded on in your notice friends of donald trump supporting him. >> vice president harris made her way once again to the midwest battlegrounds michigan and wisconsin card next, some of
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her visit to an event for entrepreneurs in milwaukee.ackg. >> is so nice to meet you and i am yes. >> to meou'r here. >> for some of your yes. [inaudible]. >>bout your business. >> so yes, we do is we do in committee had so yes. [inaudible]. artists and passions. >> so you doing you know you guys are doing this. [inaudible]. >> i'm just familiar. >> this is why am doing this. >> teneurs like you, and have access to information andiving you everything that you need that you wantha to know.
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[inaudible]. >> would you take one of these this time. es. [laughter] >> they have because when she was a senator sleepover money. >> there you goé. >> now in the senate i hope geto you h a of that and that is the kind of work that we have learned. so folks like you can benefit okay. >> okay there's plenty of hands. [inaudible]. >> i do want to ask you one of thee most frequently asked questions the guys have like what you finding the people are
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hearing about. archnd the youngeo womane here whoene overwhelmed and i don't know where to start so4ó opportunitis like this really explore the axis of the communities. it's very helpful in the communities are effective but we can appeal will try our best to y with thehe norm another organization. and in support. >> are you finding a lot ofoplet actually don't know yesng and tn we have this really long well and were also cdc and so the community and economics and government and a lot things in support but also like planning for publicyo supported that community. >> thank you guys. >> thank you. >> on a national economic level
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come you guys are making a better route [inaudible conversations]. le conversations]. [backgund. >> in a minute candidate, rutter and robert f kenny jr. added ann event in a groceries appreciatively gained valid axes the 1 states and dark purple on this map and among them are california come up in texas, the nation's t most populous states. and nt, some of the rally that the other texas, to celebrate the lone startate ballot petitioning threshold and deadline. >> the h day in texas, we have a most just under 250,000 signatures.
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[a [applause] >> and as for any presidential candidate in the history of texas, the candidacy, and history our country. the texas legislature said, change the roles, to the last seehe number of signatures needed to be collected because i thought nobody would ever to do it. and tt you for them inou the beginning of this campaign, that they were saying that it would be impose us to get on the ballot and we go to the ballot texas and if you can get on in texas, you can get on every where. [applause] [applause]
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>> texas only gave us 45 days to collect 113,000 signatures we got more than double that. and i was just upstairs talking to the dean and it was just completing the signatures and they said we are on new york because new york is next one for we have ten days now to complete we 4 days in the two hardest days are new york and texas we already have more than more 1 million people. [background sounds]. >> they say the sun everything in the power to stop us we are going to get onto the ballot in every single state and i want of you. [applause]e]
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this concern representing - is pennsylvania, in here to talk about the race t to be dim and is getting meyer the government editor and reporter going on the so far this year. >> also one the very big things already has a lot of money isnge a really expensive race and were just going into the 2020 race, to see johnhn fetterman and another alo very expensive so noon here and what we have seen so decratic establishment and mccormick aid with s own money he's that wealthy guy om other wealthy people. going to a super packet spinning on his b so, that's a significant factor here. is a super backsides easy has more on the campaign account but
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mccormick has that to fall back talking you notice of millions of dollars and as of the first quarter of this year. back spinning for mccormick has been 1 million that for many donors, several dozen mostn pennsylvania. and,nsylvania and advocate and yes, you see casey, again pennsylvania is one of those states that the senate campaign committees are focusing onn it o comtted money to that not all of this is on hand yet, so there some financialamic that you see and i would say that's one ofmidae factors. >> in the primary race, that your wasn't terribly exciting another side was it. >> will not know really anything they really the field is clearing out in the candidates and mccormick already run in the primary in 2022 against ozzie
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loss appear rendered pretty ly to think the gop establishment was contented iing casey i mean, you would be i would say, running against casey and pennsylvania and democratic primary coming he has a very long history in the state and is y governor popular republican governor in his term close to biden. it's all about very full centered. >> was in the e from the candidates. >> yes,, definitely very different terms of the focusing on, and notice fighter and a member of the senate and he's not really flashy going a dozen going to be that michelle be talking about thatn initial ads. the pitches himself to voters strapping that he's it part of the major pretty
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aside and bill packs with the big focus is rhino has been consumer protections specifically bill that would have the fcc to penalize the companieething abide in his i go about in date talk about it during the state of theni about casey bad casey avenue see the relationship there, chatting and focused on things that has been sort of really getting us controversialo . mccormick tied himself to companies weretron and has been his approach. immigration is been a huge thing for him to talk a lot about border just residence you know the republicans and states like pennsylvania the notes attached unit one of his recent data bytes thieves talking about palestinians t biden administration of the white house has close offnd they would allow palestinians in egypt to have great to the u.s. be a family herehe
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was something that he really collated and tey to the biden administration as far as that. and i have to mention is that you know mccormick, he lived in connecticut forany years and you know his career is taking him allll of the place were thre sicily the ceo bridgewater the heavy site in all this you wealthy guy for many years does not live in pyl there was a huge issue for him and his last race for u.s. senate heavy at issue in ts he lives part-time in connecticut he's been doingis it muouylvania but he goes back to connecticut a lot of yhere. so yes that is for sure the pandemic here as well. >> images must tour he's doing around penvaer strategies are they can plant in point to reach outhe voters them advertising smear a lot of advertising so were starting to see that you mentioned the super pacs that heport mccormick
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and they have not even spent like we haven't really put a dent into the large amount of money that they have on hand. they're starting to cover sey spent a little more manytes of the campaign against so far. and the same thing for him sorto far we've seen recognition in the bus are is a big part of mccormick strategy for reintroducing himself firsthi that make each of the voters are part of it and see again,lly is goal is to setting several part usually did nothing case seems ut making sure that what they are working on an impressive were there going to be having a hard time we still whend the president doest have a great super ratings issues like inflation will be popping at the top of mind so objectionable. >> pennsylvania long-lived
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lord in the presidential race. what is the interaction between the senate race in the presidential race in pennsylvania this year. >> i mean,, you know, some of those things it's a little bit on the border but whatever happens is top of the ticketed not just pennsylvania but whatever happens coming you get it down ballott. ando i think that with casey and mccormick of the notry to really divorce himself fromhe degrees in casey will be too hard for him to dohahe environmental of some strand. but that, yes, i think so far pennsylvan a story starting not you know, the primary is been quiet for the sin well. uncommitted movement of the w prophetic side and you see some tractions there pretty and
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primary and well-settled by the time it happened and so were really still seeing everything kind of taken into motion here and so a major action still happenma. >> kitty meyer from a government editor and reporter a spotlight be a thank you soh your time and e stop in this last week's 2024 campaign program in washingtonam state, d general, s considered a top contender in probably because of hisace, statewide name recognition. two of bob fergusons also filed a two run, but image were pulles three bob's from, to be in seattle. >> okay we have breaking bob news so to speakust the last hour, two of this candidates name to bob they have pulled back the campaign before the statutory state by the clock, withdrawals deadline. that was after bob ferguson the attorney general, threatened is
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that the bob fergusons with felony if they ran governor and that islo why they decided o end their unusual campaign. >> what is in a name. >> i'm know thison. >> one that is so common a. >> my name is bob ferguson. >>hi attorney general is like the idea of the bob's will also name ferguson, filed friday to for governor inserted similar campaign websites. >> robert parker ferguson is from - netherlands from graham washington robert benjamin ferguson, there goes clear, to mislead voters and split my supporters three ways to depress ote. >> is pointeds by former county prosecutor dan pettigrew called nd also, the revive the credit washington crime. >> is a class b felony is a maximum of ten y in prison. ate political operative when morgan livesri in rural i don't took part in credit publicly for recruiting those of the bob's who both
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lists this ups versus campaign headquarters over however homebuilder told news that he ason and desist letter fromg it the problems attorney general. >> i just little but i don't have the means to combat this, i was i'm served 20 years and he was army in multiple tours in iraq enough getting personaoughe would be from the attorney general from the o harassment of the threats i received from him. >> the other bob whore posted it and read his side and is forcing that he was busy running for goor as well. >> this a threat to our elections is the ferguson in seattle so this is about more th battl of the bob's,. >> bob ferguson ohelot. >> it is also an issue of projecting the name of free clear and affair election. >> a reminder, this proam and all of cspan's campaign 2024 coverage any federal lineup
8:38 am ♪ ♪♪ >> friday nights, watch cspan's 2024, campaign trail, weekly roundabout cspan campaign coverage providing a shop to discover what is candidates across country are sing to the voters along with first-hand accounts for political reporters of updatedba and campaign ads come once she spent 2024, campaign trail, friday nights at 7:30 p.m. eastern, on c-span, online is or download as a podcast cspan now, free mobile app or wherever you get your podcast, cspan, your until you politics. >> sees manager unfiltered view of gnmt, by these tepanies and more coming including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one o best internet providers, and we are
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10000 miles of newed png infrastructure to reach those who need it most. charter communications support cspan as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving different receipt to democracy. y at 3:00 p.m. eastern sinners will go to the nomination an assistant u.s. torney in new hampshire, use u.s. court of appeals judge for the boston-based first circuit announces back tomorrow and noon eastern, lawmakers will consider severalls including legislation directing the justice deptmt inspector general to connect inspections recommendations to congress to fix any problems and a bill iding tax relief victims federally declared disasters includingin■. derailment in east palatino ohio. watch live coverage of the house
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on c-span, the senen "c-span2", and a reminder that u can watch all of her congressional coverage with free video out, cspan now or online at ♪ ♪♪ >> the house will be in order. >> this year cspan celebrates 45 year oessike no other. since 1979, spin you capitol hi, providing balance unfiltered coverage of government pretty take you to her the policy debate has b t support of america's cable companies, cspan about 40 years d counting, powered by cable >> house judiciary committee voted along party lines to start the process of holding attorney general merrick garland in contempt congress for not providing audiotapes of special counse rert her's interview with president biden and subpoenaed by t committee seven of the president issued iv


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