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tv   U.S. Senate Sens. Cruz Marshall Durbin on Immigration Border Security  CSPAN  May 21, 2024 10:46pm-11:13pm EDT

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they tried to reintroduce their order security bill faced an objection from judiciary airajority whip dick durbin. >> mr. president, this week majority leader chuck schumer is bringing up the fai b bill the senate already rejected all anda a political ploy to gie vulnerableoc for d reelection camouflage to hideir t border. thel failed border bill is nothing but a fig leaf that pretends to do something about borderhi security but were not actually secure ther. in fact if he became a law would make the problem worse. the democrat bill wouldn't cch and release output into federal law joe biy of releasing illegal aliens into this country. that is t of the open border crisis we have right now.
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normalize 5000 illegal immigrants a day. that works out to 1.8 million illegal immigrants a year. every year, year after year forever. it would provide immediate work permits to illegal aliens when they cross the border illegallyh with tax payer funded lawyers. not only is the bill by design totally ineffective at securing the s border it is designed to fail. it mathematically the chances this bif of representatives. those chances are 0.00%. two and catch and release and
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defund the ngos are critical part of the human trafficking that builds hr two. hr twolrdy passed the house of representatives. proj l t hear in senate. if the democrats want to a responsible thing would actually secure the border we pass hr two. instead they democrats to liberate with the border crisis deto continue. every single democrat member over andag over against policy o actually secure the border. when joe biden came into office he inherited the lowes rate all present had to just nothing, just don't screw it up. he deliberately broke the system.
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he made three positions his office that crosses crisis. number one he admittedly halted the construction the border wall. number two hete the disastrous policy of catch and release. they want to p i law. numbee h pulled out of the incredibly successful remain at mexico agreement for the leg? we went from incredible success border to immediately the worst illegal immigration in our nations history. over 11 million illegal immigrants have come into this mocrats.over joe biden and the it is an invasion. it isha larger than the populatn of mor t of our states. now, why on earth with the democrats turn a blind eye to the ppl suffering and dying? won't they turn a blind eye to
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the body b i who died last year crossinll while they turn a blind eye to the children been brutalized traffickers broad blind eye to the women being sexually ted by human trafficking? beau they turned a blind eye to the more than a wonder to thousand americans die of drug overdoses? oh they turned a blind eyes to the families and the children? being murdered byoe illegal immigrants joeid releasing. the answer sadly they see every one of these illegal immigrants as democrat voters. it is a cynical decision order to stay iner it is fine for people to suffer and die. in just aen going to propose aak unanimous consent request to take up and pass hr when i do so, we will have a
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n. all of the democrats have to do for this to pass is nothing. just like joe biden. all joe biden edge at the end of his presidency to not break the bordut just keep in place the policies that were working. when asked for unanimous consent to pass this the d nothing it will pass the senate go t immediately will sign and slow predict right now i two magic words the democrats we are hear the words i because they object to securing the border but they object to stopping thisnv object to standing up to the people before doing to yield to my calling from kansas senator markey pickwick a quick thank you, mr. president want to thank the leading the charge appeared to
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secure our border. sincene day one joe biden has ledthe cartels of operational b. every weakness in pushing deadly fentanyl to our communities killing over 300 americans every day. i rise today to joe mccauley got unanimous consent for hr to secure our bordersse asked which the house passed over a year age capitol waiting for hearing, waiting for a vote. time after time the president and his administration us nation afterthought. are facing unprecedented times. under this presidentch over 11 million illegal aliens over here now on u.s. soil. sit or take any real measures to address the he is doubling down. with just six ms until the election the left want you to believe they have suddenly
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stumbled upon solution to the border crisis they created. ■[ news this week was to the democrats a bait and switch tactics out to remind the american people to watch with the majority leader in this administration do not what they say. they have no serious solutions. they know it that's why it's painfully obvious it's politically motivated. americans across the heart feele biden's worsening border crisis. even a state like kansas is now a border state. fentan flooding into our communities across the state claiming a life most every now f death among young adults in. joe biden's border crisis has resulted in over 300 known terrorists being apprehended and the past year for attempting to os southern border. additionally over 35000 chinese natialhousands of individuals from countries like afghanistan, iran, iraq, and
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syria cross through our southern border. wers are in ate of affairs when our foreign adversaries are playing closer aention to our vulnerabilities at our border and the president of the united states. even our own fbi is sounding the alarm warning because of this invasion we are at high alert c for terrorist attacks in the coming month today with the cler message for this chamber it is e american people, not pit motivated messaging stunts that are not serious to the people of been v the bite biden administration lawlessness. mr. president we hav solution to secure our borders for a proposal they go to the president'st' desk today. let's pass the secure our borders act hr two. this legislate tightens asylum standards and build the increases border patrol agents it ends catch and release. pass out house over a year ago the majority lea refuses us
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to take a vote in the senate. there truly serious about securing our borders, enforcing the rule of law and protecting it would stop wasting time and take up hr two today. without secure borders we cannot ensure our nation safety. the national security crisis is unprecedented. we have thoughtful real solutions to address it immediately. americans deserve to feel safe in their ownhe homes. this half-baked so-called border bill isnsul to lakin at riley and her family and every other american citizen who has been victimi crimes committed by someone who should not be in this country. even lead democratte architect f the so-called border has said flat out thisdo legislation does not close the you can quote him. does not close the border. the american people need to hear just how fast alyssa democrat party is willing
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ithur national security. this is a campaign stop for the candidates in a battleground states or politicalt. life-support. no grandstanding in washington this weekng will change thatt. i would like to yield back to the senator from texas. senator from texas where boxes are set mr. president this is what we discover whether or not the senate will pass real and strong legislation to secure the border. again all the democrats have to do to send hr to to the president's desk nothing. let's list magic words to magic words that would kill this bill are i objec pilots here if that's what the democrats have to say. senate proceed to the immediate consideration ofer 71. the bill be considered by the third time in the past motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table.
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>> 's objection? works reserving the right to object. whip? >> now for the rest of the story. last october, president biden had a major piece of legislation that provided assistance tos a t vladimir putin. provided assistance to israel, taiwan and a massive amount of humanitarian a it was bipartisan we thought and particularly in the senate stepped up and said we are not going to consider any bill likeg to deal with our border, border we said how are we going to achieve that? they gave us a formula, they wanted to haveead negotiator the senate republicans did james lankford of oklahoma. jamesllam lankford is a certifid conservative i'm sure he would be happy to b cled that a
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person i respect a great deal. he is a man of principle. he was in charge of negotiating on the republican side.ed us cuu want the democraotia with? we said chris murphy of connecticut and kyrsten sinema independent democrat from arizona. the three of them went to work inob year. they worked on for weeks, months, went back and forth and many times it looked like it was we cannot reach an agreement. and lo and behold we did came up bill that massively change the weight weag border. and they brought to the white house and said to joe biden in this bip bill, thisaid we will e perfect formula bipartisan in a congress with the democratic senate and a republican house and a president of the united states it said what happened next?
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that is the best parts. they went w and asked the republicans, many of the republicans did not take yes for an answer because we this bipartisan bill the architect being the republican senator of eir choice. they decided to ask the one man whether they should gord you want to guess who it was question at donald trump. donald trump said n am sorry i do not want to see this issue go away. i want t b able to work on this issue as part of my presidential campaign in t year 2024. that right now stop stop the bipartisan bill do not vote for. if you want to know, you can blame me go ahead and blame me for stoppinhe "that's what he said" that's a quote it's on the record is on and in fact that most of the republicans except for a handful on the other side ofd the lankf bill is no longer unacceptable and that is what happened. thatd
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not go forward. and unfortunately we know the reality is as i mentioned earlier in the immigration bill has a ghost of chance these to be bipartisan. this a prohibit funding for processing individuals who arrive at our border between ports of entry. th a that. individualing who arrive at o border between ports of entry. this would preventol agents from executing their duties and essentially create an open border in this bill would also dramatically limit the use of parole programs that the biden administration and prior administrations, republicans and democrats, have have relied on for emergencies. i'm proud t city of chicago. i really like the section of
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chicago. when we styed today help thegeir estimate that 36,000o chicago. we basically said to them if you can find a family sponsor you, we'll give you a work permit and you can stay here while the conflict continues in your country. they were absorbed into the chicago and illin and midwest economy without a ripple. they're hardworking people, good people. they were accepted in the churches, in the schools a their kids went to school there and really contributed to the chscene. they've done a good job while the authority like a president like bfor ukrainian refugees is removed by this bill. this authority has been relied on by the executive branch for the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of vietnamese allies in the1970's and evacuation of
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thousands of ira i the 1990's would be eliminated by this bill. this legislation only received republican votes, not a single democrat vote. this partisan legislation also includes many provisions that are completely unrelated to border security. for example, listen to this one, how about this? want to put this in a comprehensive border bill? it would prohibit funds being used by the department of homeland security to purchase agencies, law enforcementk is t about? this bill would also impose mandatory electronic employment verification known as e-verify on every sector of then economy. i left the meeting in my office with ae state of north carolina. you know what percent farmworkers in america working harvesting crops and fruits and vegetables? you know what
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undocumented? re undocumented today. so this bill would impose mandatory e-verify and would include the agriculture industry and these undocumented workers, 50% of agriculture workers would be unable to work. what would that do to our food supply chain? i can tell you it would com a grinding halt and it would dramatically increase food. hear that, america? this provision by the junior senator from texas would raise on its own, massive consequences for american families. this bill is so extreme that there was a bipartisan opposition to it in the house of representatives. under close scrutiny this bill is simply not a serious eff to secure our border. it would harm our economy and make our country less safe and less secure. the bipartisan bill which donald trump and many of the senate republicans killed would have worked to move us in the direction. we had an opportunity to vote on this legislation that would have actually helped border. thou i had some concerns about
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it, i thought it was a genuine bipartisan effort i support. rprised that the vast majorityy of my republican colleagues, including the junior senataking motion today, voted against it. this bipartisan bill with james republican side rejected out of hand by republicans in the senate. it's no sure me the junior senator did that. the only time we brought a to t he voted against that, too. it's no surprise. this bill written by the senate republicans designated a negotiator, senator lankford of oklahoma, endorsed by the national border patrol council, the union that represents border patrol agents, tf the house declared it dead on arrival in the house before the text was even released. we can only fix our broken immigration system if we do a b. nobody gets their way around here. you have to work for xhofrp mice. it's clear the house republicans
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are unwilling telp secure the border under those terms. instead they want to maintain the crisis at the to help score political points for their favorite candidate for president. instead of a symbolic and failed effort to pass bipartisan bills that won't act challenges, let's work together on a bipartisan basis. let's start with the lankford al be on the floor. if you want to change it, let's amend it but for goodness sakes, let's start with the bill we agreed would be the starting point not that long ago before donald trump made his pronouncement. one that supports frontline law enforcement officials, addresses the needs of the economy, provides a path topor immigrant farmworkers and livers up to our legacy of providing safe harbor for refugees fleeing for their lives. the american people are tired of partisan bickerir legislation. three want us to work together and stand by america's fundamental principles, proudly i officer: the objection is heard.
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mr. cruz: mr. president. the prinrom texas. the prinrom texas. romexas. >> i would like to say i'm reflect both what the senator from illinois said and w he didn't say. what he didn't say, h didn't dispute the point i made about e having a show vote later this t dispute that this bill codifies catch and release, that it puts inhe federal statute joe biden's lawless practice of releasing ille when they are apprehended. he didn't dispute that. id this bill would normalize 5,000 immigrants a day every year forever. he didn't dispute that either. dpute he would give illegal immigrants that were apprehended immediate permits, didn't dispute that.
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he didn't dispute that this bilr funded lawyers and he also didn't dispute t many other times although didn't just make it but would give billions of dollars to ngo's, that it would fund the people trafficking into this un he didn't dispute any of that. he said the standard demhich is, trump.p. trump is the bad guy. it's all trump's fault. and i get in democrat circles, trump is the boogie man. that is a fact. and all the political spoking mirrors from t democrats can't hide thatt.
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hehe gave epic words about chico welcoming immigrants. and he's right, our country was built by lal immigrants, by people following the law, coming here the right wayy father came as an immigrant from cuba. there's a right way following the rules. i found it strikug that when he was saying how much chicago loves illegal immigrants that he somehow admitted that the ofyo chicago declared anic emergency because of the crisis of illegalmmoding into the city of chicago. le taking resources from the residents of chicago beingsen chicago o'hare airport, we are seeing illegal immigrants in places like new york city being put in public schools and throwing am of their facilities.
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of new york city again a liberal democrat like the mayor of chicago has said illegal immigration is a crisis and is destroying new york city. and yet senator durbin told us in essence the democrats party of open listen, sav to die, if people have to get murdered bymils and gang bankers released dye democratsyn acceptable price to the democrats. so the people that are her
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illegally, they wouldn't ben' ae to work. i'm going obsng this is not one of them.■
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if he followed the law what would he have done with an immigrant to venezuela, he w flown them back. but he didn't do that because joe biden and the hadecided that they want open borders instead they released this illrant, they let him go. what did he do, he went to new york city andtim again and he committed another crime, this time he endangered the safety of a child, in new york city caught h and arrested, what did new york have to follow the law and two to jail. by the way joe biden and the democrats had followed the lawjn alive. and the murderer came town to
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georgia and lakeland riley, nursing student he went out jogging for what she thought was go beaiful day and this murderer, this illegal immigrant the democrats hadleasn picked up a brick and beat her to death. hat's happening every week. othat you don't hear democrats say jeremy,ul 2-year-old boy murdered in prince county george maryland a rit now by another illegale immigrant that joe biden and the crats released and i want to -year-old in your home state,o a in boston, massachusetts. not only is the biden admimpletely open bored and releasing illegal immigrants arg hundreds of thousands of illegal imectly from their
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home countries into america i this case the biden administration flew and illegal immigrant frommi haitiosn, massachusetts. he didn't try to cross illegally. e administration said get on airplane and you'll get to st been arrested now for violently raping a 1ld girl with severe mental disabilities. this is sick grotesque and this b is happening day after dy and we have a bill right that would stop it and the democrats' answer is i object. and another american is going to be killed next week and wee after and the week after and the democrats all in the name of power. the good news is an election is
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coming. and in swan 2025 with the new administration, we will solve th w will secure the border, we will stop this invasion and we will protect the i yield the floor? beginning friday at 3:3m.eastere presidential candidate robert fe pridalebate featuring former contender and then on saturday 8:00 p.m. eastern, former president and presumptive nominee donald trump will speak before the delegates and on sunday at 9:00 a.m. eastern the party announces the presidential nominee for the november election. the libertarian national 3:30 p.m. eastern on c-span,


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