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tv   U.S. Senate Democratic Senators Discuss Upcoming Border Security Bill Vote  CSPAN  May 22, 2024 7:47pm-8:04pm EDT

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and bridges and dling with lead pipes in schools that is so essentialthe brighter future we all, democrats and country.ans, want for our so, as we wrap up, i want it understood i share my colleague's view about how serious the southern border is, what wifr on is how we're going to pay for it, and defunding infrastructure, which senator cornyn and senator padilla set out tond i think in a very smart way, is not the way to go, and i yield the floor. the presiding officer: under the previous order, the senate stands adjourned until 10:00 stands adjourned until 10:00 today centers conrmed 200 the judge for a lifetime appointment during the biden administration. theyorked on the nominee to be the under secretary of the air
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force on thuy will re- vote on a bipartisan bder security bill t earlier this year. several democratic senators spoke on the senate floor about the bill. >> nearly every day republicans come to this floor to tell us how much they care about the they believe in border security. yeand yet, and yet when they hae an opportunity to do something about it d't walk, they run for the hills. if youarbo securing the the party have to pass legislation our statutes are outdated.s our border patrol does not have enoughes. you have to change the law. you have to put more resourcesde bipartisan border security bill republicans voted against it after they requested that we ins
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to develop that border security bill after they demanded a bipartisan legislation. because we believe this issue is tyso important,ec the american people believe securing our border compassionate treating those who arrive at our board is an important issue but will bring this back for that so but work across the aisle in a bipartisan way to provide more resources to control our southwest border and glad to be on the floor today with a number of my colleagues who believe, as i do t t time to pass significant bipartisan legislation to sece our border. to reform our broken immigration system fits with thepeople want. we should stop playing political games. republicans should choose a security of this country had of their presidential candidates
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political and we have the opportunity to do that this week so grateful to have of my colleagues on the floor and i believe in starting our remarks will beat senator kai yield the floor. >> madam president. what's a >> madam president i'm thrilled to join my colleagues in the orida talk about the importance of this border tysecurity bill and i'm also gog to talk abo é. and it bit admit to being have a senator. i came to the senate in 2013 with senator murphy was pass a significant bipartisan immigration re that was vestment in border security. we pass in a bartisan way of nearly 70 votes in my eat my naïveté was this. when the bill went over there
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having beennd watch a state legislatures work, i assume the rce our bill but that they would dohe immigrl and we would sit down in a middle ground. majority house decide to bottle the bill up in committee cub never took it up never did their l that was in 2013 the ed naïve senator. years latetrump administration d a republican majority in this body we dealt directly president trump he wanted $25 billion in border security over 10 offer is can you take yes for an as part of an eight-member crude negotiating a bipartisan deal for protection for dream wendy $5 billion in border security. every penny donald for it not meant 1 penny less he
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told us he he support us if the bill cotton mocratic house of a to gete had through this about it we would get it to president trump's desk. but as soon as he rolled out the bill with eight democrats eight republicans as cosponsors president trump today 180, it turned tailed, trash the dreamers said the bill was awful, courage republicans aboup against it and we could not get to the 60 vote margin. okay so for the second time we did a bipartisan deal that was going to dong this and invest a whole lot more to insecurity killed by president trump. an out this most recent everydai so applied senat murphy, sinema comments under lankford and others in the administration who wke deal bipartisan border sitision witht provisions normalization of afghanuge in virginia than any other state but really important work in th bipartisan. it is not lost on me how har whe
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american immigration lawyers association and the border patrol union who t be quite opposite politically take a look at a compromise and say this is not perfect but we need to do this. i do notwf another issue where these two organizations have said we need to this. that was the needle these centers ripped a threat after n.nths and months and months of but just as in the first two instances aur significant effort to protectur make our country safer and bhot down prep came out and courage republicans to oppose it. had been briefed and negotiated every step of theay and supported president trump as soon as he said they should oppose it, fos ran. president trump was honest.onese region said he opposed it class c keep pretty much said
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we don't want tod fix this problem. we raise heck about this problem and blame joe biden about this p fix this problem. we are sent here to solve problems and we have a bipartisan solution thatit fits this narrow window are both left and right sits right step to take, we should g do it. i'm so glad this some going to be up on the flooror vote tomorrow look forward to joining my colleagues and urge others to do the same i yield back madam president. >> cuesta center for michigan. >> think it madam president really pleased to be here on the floor with my just want to get something done on the border. hello, we h talked about this but senator kaine talkeded about 2013 i was here as■q well. it was an amazingly difficult piece of legislation to negotiate at the but it was
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comprehensive and in the end it was a big bipartisan vote in the united states senate. i agree senator kaine went okaye put together this comprehensive create pathw t citizenship and address young people who have been there at theiwhole lives who have been he asli dreamers and agriculture js all the time, our farmers need ag lab need to note there is a legal pathe to be able have people work here. but then come at that time republicans in the house did not want to deal with it. but did notwant to solve it. so we have been down this road before. i really did think this time in the context of a national security bill the demand from
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ld not consider the supplemental security issues without a tough border bill i thought okay, here we go. we all kiations months of negotiations senator murphy,or cente lankford, everyone stretching, pushing, trying to get to a spot for something that would really, really make a difference and they did. the vast majority of us saide at it. that was a 105 days ago. 105 days ago. republican colleagues had a chance to solve the they come up to the floor on every day they keep coming to the floor every date weee something about the border we border. do something about the we offer bill, a tough bill to do something about the border and at the last minute they said
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no. madam president want to spefor e here that is so important we think about the southern border and they're certainly funding tg inner for the northern border. one things in your and our presiding officer cares deeplyht of the country certainly affects michigan is the capacity to stop the flow of fentanyl. so important it is in this village. now, on april 2 the justice demeed the largest law enforcement seizure of in the entire history of michigan april 2. 40 kilos of fentanyl were found enough to kill every single michigan resident. on april 198 michigan medical examiner raise the alarm what wa quoted as a really bad patch ofd fentanyl and michigan warned
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public there's been six drug overdo i days raising the flag what dhec is it only takes one pill to cause a death. these are just two headlines from michigan. t they do not come close to encapsulating the pain, the tragedy michigan families have traced over the years due to drug overdoses. so we havet to do more to come at the fentanyl crisis this bill doesha this bill actually does that. nd border security the tools they needcrossing the border to combt the fentanyl crisis this bill would invest 2400 more customs and border protection■s
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desperately needed. new innovative inspection equipment to decreas d all kindg a vehicle.res and every part every imaginable way it is ming in there is equipment that can detect that■v we need that new innovative equipment at the border. our ag. drug enforcement agency efforts to disrupt drug and mexico in this bil analysis of fentanyl samples is bill. improved technology air assets in thi b bill will be voting onor we. colleagues on what drug ugoverdoses they have a chance e
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republic giving that included fentanyl efforts 105 ■y■"days ago they killed the bi. we know why. we know why it is been said over and over donald trump told them too b people and said we don't want to solve this, we want chaos. chaos, chaos, and cast we want people to be afraid. we want chaos we don't care people are gettingch he was quoted as please, blame it on me pleasela me. to do. it was him, it was
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we want to solve the challenges at the border. we know they are serious. want to give the biden administration additional tools to solve them. they want prident biden was elected, every single budget he has asked for more resources to do then t. folks have said no, no, no. this legislation this is what needs to be done. as i have said before, it was bipartisan tough lk let's be clear this bill would significantly improve our nation security and a number of im it would reform the broken quickly and who should be allowed to remn in the country and who should be deported.
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those allowed to say it would be authorization to work they famis in our economy while waiting for cases to be resolved. the legislation would create a new emergency authority that would allow united states to pause the processing of asylumlaims ports of entry when casesise above a certain point. wexpand legal pathways to citizenships increase republicans claim to support. those immigrants who serve in our military, who serve in o military, gain quicker access to citizenship. something i think we can all agree they have earned. sometimt michigan, my home state is a border state this bill would provide up to o dollars in grants to states t
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local and tribal law enforcement agencies to secure the northern , which is extremely impoant to me and the people i represent. republicans say they about solving the challenges at the show otherwise. madam president, we stand ready to pass this legislation. we stand ready to strengthen border security and to keep our e. we are ready to do it, let's go. tomorrow a republican colags will be given another chance. to join us, to pas bipartisan bill i urge them to vote yes i picks coming up
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