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tv   U.S. Senate Republican and Democratic Senators on Border Security ...  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 9:20am-9:58am EDT

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from the responsibility to vend we're asked to vote on a compromise because it's ainst a pill endorsed by highe profile republicans and h profile republican groups. it's inconvenient for them to vote against bill that actually brings them to the border, that they want to be fixed, butt'sur job. our job is to come here and not just do press conferences, not just search for clicks online. our job is to fixem and the broken border and immigration system is problem. those problems, but it's the biggest fix we've got in a gene so, yes, we need toote on this again. to give republicans a chance to do the right thing, choose the security of this country. to choose fixing a problem that th choosing to try to
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gain some political advantage t choosing to continue to double down onhe strategy of dividing americans from each other, that's why voting tomorrow and i am hopeful that republicans and democrats wl come together to come together for the bipartisan border ation. yield the floor. >> madam president, for years too many democrats have been in denial about the national security risks at our southern border. and i have critical of fellow democrats who failed to have failed to acknowledge knowing and controlling who ter fundamental to our sovereignty and our national security. but now, madam president, the situation has changed. more than enough democratic senators ready and
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willing to pass a strong bipartisan border security bill. a border security bill lankford of y a republican oklahoma who has done extraordinary work crafting this legislation, a bill that would surge enforcement row sources borders, thatou tighten standard and abuse and enter ountry unlawfully and take the fight to drug cartels flooding our communities with fentanyl. this is a bipartisan bill to help defend the nation agast terrorists who would exploit weakness at our southern border to enter our country, and kill americans. and now it's republican senators who have already once threatening again to block bipartisan border security legislation. why?
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the icask, would republicans in congress block border security legislation amidst a national security crisis? the answer is simple. asked recently on fox news why senate repubns blocking the border act, senatorkfor the republican co-author of the bill put it simplyquote, president trump said don't fix anything during the esecti. president trump said don't fix anything during the presidential election. the former president would rather wield the border as an ec issue than see congress secure it. and republica in congress appear to be falling in line. even though leaves the country at grave risk. madam he urge my republican colleagues to reconsider position.
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just as i havericized democrats who for years buried their heads in the sand about t the southern border. just as i have criticized t biden administration for its failures at the southern border, this is a time republican senators to stand up to president trump and say, no, we will not obey your command to leave the country at instead, we will do what's right for the nation. madam president, the threat of associated with unlawful entry at the southern border is pressing. if the senate fails t pass border security legislation, refuses to tighten standards, refuses to hire more border patrol officers, to expedite to move to p those who abuse the asylum system to enter unlawfully, our
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nation fac■g a security risk. the first vote on the border act will not even be a on passage of the bill. it will be a vote on whether thd consider amendmentso the legislation. the senate republicans think this bill is if they want to offer amendments, they will have that opportunity. so i urge my republican ignore president. president trump said don't fix anything during the presidential electi he's not your boss. r constituent. we have an obligation to at ris usebate the border act. and i yield the floor. >> madam president.
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>> senator from alabama. >> madam president, it's great hear my democrat colleague come out against what's happening at the border. it is a disaster and it is a national security threat. three weeks ago, two illegal immigrants attempted to into the marine base at quantico in virginia. both individuals are jordanian nationals who werepp by customs and border patrol protection at the southern border and released into the united states. one of them is an the terrorist watch list. now, how did we get here? hoet to the point where two people who entered the country illegally and were d or vetted tried to drive a truck on to a mity base? let me say that again, these people are not beingeed or vetted. we have no idea who people are. but here is what we do know about the people who have
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invaded our country. 25,000 chiatiols have entered our country since october the 1st,2023. more than 84,000 haitians entered under joe biden's mass along with 101,000 91,000 from cuba. 75,0 nicaraguaens, and the afghans who came herefter joe biden's disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. with legal immigration, nor do my republican colleagues. america is the land of freedom and opportunity. if people want to come here we but we cannot, we cannot have terrorists crossing our borders ask the fbi.
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beyond the safety concerns, we simply cannot afford11 million immigrants who have illegally ree and a half years. the past i don't know if joe biden missed the memo, but,folks, we are dead broke. dead broke. yet, we're shelling out hundreds of billions of dollars to these 11 million illegal immigrants. and this does not count the millions of what we call obviou they can come across and not be apprehended, why in the world would they go somewhere and run from theor patrol? it's because they are criminals. a recent report from the house committee on homeland security estimated t bder surge is costing the american ta $450 billion a year. you've got that right, costing
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the americans taxpayers $450 a year. after 10 years we're looking at a $5 trillion bill. in terms of actual ne it's estimated that illegals receive 42 billion in welfare annually, 68 billion in 7 bill care, we're spendin hdreds of billions of dollars to support all of thesepeople. the american taxpayers can simply afford it. so why are joe biden and the decrats allowing this to happen? it's simply becausere more abou than safety and keeping the taxpayers and the american citizens. a new york congresswoman nfmed this, she says she welcomes illegal immigration because it helps with
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redistricting. the president and the democratic party know, theepeop country, the longer they say in stricts. in the blue simple fact, but enough lives been lost by blatant disregard of the law by the biden administration. >> it's time elected officials fulfill the oath of office s protecting the country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. so, this bill, t act of 2024 that schumer is forcing to vote on is basically an president trump has never told me, and i talk to him weekly, never said one word about the border. i don't know where my colleague information, but it's if he'd told anybody he would have told me. this bill of border act of
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2024, it doesn't even have the that's because this bill will only makehe crisis at the southern border worse. it's a border invasion it's not a border bill. ina border give away paid for by the american taxpayers, akens the power of the d president by suggesting the president close the only when customs, border patrol, has apprehended 4,000 illegal immigrants a day. yeah, you heard that going to p that's going to allow 4,000 her a day. that's insane. >> the last time i checked, the commandeas full authority to secure the border, nothing new about that. that's supposed to be a requirement of his job, protect the american citizens, protect protect our country. the bill also includes funding for the border wall.
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zero. and it codifies dangerous catch and release policies. , did we get here? how was the border billft does e border? republican leadership put together this bill, they pushed things without telling the rest en of the day, this is the bill that we've come up with and we rejected it. st of us d what was in the bill even at almost the time of the vote. the bill is just another glalist democrats pertaining to care about the border in an year. we need to get serious about national security created byope if we don't believe that we need to ask our allies over in europe that have pretty much
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had their country destroyed by immigration. the american people don't another messaging exercise. be safe in their neighborhoods. they pay our bills, they e , we them. over the last three years, americans have watched inelie a intentionally erased our invitef illegal immigrants to invade our country. my bill safety and security act would shut down ourl the depart homeland security reg operational control because as we speak, the border is being overrun. that means the border would be completely closed until dhs is able to track exactly who is coming intocountry, by either detaining them or setting up a program similar to remain in mexico. it's that simple. if democrats are serious about securing the border, they will
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support the borderaf and security act. as if iislave session and notwithstanding rule 12, i ask unanimous consent that judiciy discharged from further consideration of s696 and the senate proceed to its immediate consideration, further, that the bill be considered read a third time, andas reconsider be considered made a ld upon the table. >> objection. >> the right to object. >> mr. president, the background that leads up to s worth a minute or two to be explained. it was october. we faced some ominous around th our allies and friends in conflict and the united states wanted to stand by them. president biden made a request for a defense supplemental and
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quickly, for example, our friendn fighting off the barbaric tactics of vladimir putin,help. we shouldn't waste any time. and at the time several members of the senate, on the othno, yo cannoterelping ukraine fight this war against putin unless you do something border. there's got to be a change in our border licy. and so, there eventually emerged the g the task of writing a bipartisan bill. make no mistake, legislation on the subject is serious as this will never ps as a partisan piece of legislation. it has to be bipartisan. so, both sides of the aisle decided to enlist sit down and a deliberative t write a bipartisan border bill to address the crisis that we
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facedthe republicans changed ja lankford of oklahoma. james lankford is a certifiable conservative republican, respected on both sides of the aisle. i join that chorus of respect for him. and the republicans said to us, no free-wheeling efforts, james lankford is our e'll negotiate this and we'll stand by him. at that point chris hy, democrat from connecticut was enlisted to be part of that negotiating effort, along with the senator from arizona, and they sat down start add three-way effort to find a bipartisan bill. we worked on weeks, but for ■> during that period of time. i m et with him from time to time, noterject my efforts or any ideas had, but just to measure their progress and they were not happy about
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the course of business and how quickly they can reach a conclusion, but the fact of the is, they did. they reached a bipartisan agreement, one which i don't agree my aspect. but a good one. serious, partan, republican and democratic effort. and we were prepared and did ond states senate this bipartisan bill that senator lankford had led the republicans to establishing. i believe it ended up with four votes, four votes. the republicans who keep your hands off, democrats, when it comes to lankford's effortse when he finally produced an effort, a good faith reject it had, walked away from it. the senator from alabama just explained they didn't have time to read it. if i recall, there were several days that passed where that bill was available for our staffs to analyze and others to
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at. most of us who wanted to knew the contents of it and iwas a s right direction moving forward. but it was rejected same republicans who initiated the process by re wl be no supplemental for defense, until there's a bipartisan and the bipartisan bills being put together by sators of oklahoma and when it finally appeared they walked away from it. i would tell theens of alabama i worked on this issue for number of the only effort i have seen that resulted in comprehensiven refoo the floor was partan. and the other senatorn received a bill, and it wasn't taken up in the house, but it was a good bipartisan effort. legislation that's meaningful
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when it comes to immigration. the bill the senator fromle an al produces t secure our border, it will not prevent-- flow-- it will not prevent the floor public safety. it would allow the secretary of homeland security to suspend the entry of all asylum seekers at the border anytime the secretary dms it necessary to achieve operational control of let's be clear. including under president recved operational control of the border. if asylum seekers cannot be retained and placed in removal. no administratias ever been able to detain or place
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removal or most of the asylum seek even president trump, couldn't be done. and no congress provided the funding necessary to do it. this bill would end asylum protection without additional resources for the department of homeland security. without the women and children fleeing persecution andho any additional consequences for those who violated our ws we've learned from past experience attempting to shut down the border is and simply doesn't work, to assume that this is one big w that we can close resident gate on is wrong. it's not the reality. our experience with title 42 emergency health authority demonstrated this. repeated attempts of unlawful crossings soared despite 42. and often referred to as got-aways. recent data shows in fiscal year 2024, the daily number of
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gotaways were lower than the riore the end of 42. and it's fundamentally broken and measures l will not fix it. the bottom line, the buck stops here. stops here in the united states senate and the house of representatives. the las we passed meaningful immigration reform was over 30 ago, and we wonder why this broken system continues to be broken. it's because of our dereliction. in contrast, and the opportunity to vote on a bipartisan border bill which by senator red tomorrow. lankford, republican of oklahoma, senatand senator cinema. this legislation would help secure the border and provide essential national security funding. it will reform broken laws that are not lot to asylum seekers at our ndy needed resources to our agencies to allow them to
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implement the new provisions. while the new processes are implemented the bipartisan border bill would provide for temporary asylum and if the number are arriving at t border, succeeds the capacity of the process. i have some concerns about the bill, but it reflects a genuine bipartisan effort to updated laws underfundinglaed the immigration system for years. i' sure senatonkford was to see most of the republicans-- and endorsed by the union who represents the agents. and this was reported deade hou
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released. to think that the border patrol agents said this would the situation, the lankford bill and the republicans still voted againstt whole story. i hope my colleagues will work with me to pass the legislation that the american people deserve, one that front line law enforcement. addresses the needs to the economy. provides a path to immigrant nd farm workers, and safe harbor to refugees for their lives. the american people are tired of americanosnd bickering over immigration, that's why this bipartisan bill, whias encouraged by the republicans, and the democrats, needs to be tur negotiation. they want us to work together to secure the border, support our economy, and stand by america's fundamental values. i object. >> the objection is heard. or from alabama. >> well, there you have it, the american people have their
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answer. the democrats don't care about securing the border, they have, and never will. they pretend they continue to choose open borders. more crime, more fentanyl overdoses, more human trafficking and more american deaths. democrats will yrepublicans tan that would have secured the border, you just heard this is a blatant lie. this bill crafted bydemocrats, would have done absolutely nothing to strengthen border. not one thing. in fact, it would made things worse. it would codify the problems that we've had the last three and a half years. my colue have offered real solutions. anolleagues real solutions for the last month to fix the we have a huge problem, somebody needs to r
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that. but my democratic colleagues have voted ainst and objected to every single thing thate bro don't buy into this lie. mr. t, i yield the floor. >> senator from iowa. >> let's start at the grass ot iowa. the question that comes frequently at my county meetings and next week, i'm going to hold a q & a in 12 of iowa's 99 counties and i expect i'll get this question i'm going to pose to you that i get. senator, what are you going to do about the people illegally entering our country? my answer is usually pretty
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short, that a long time before i came to the congress, congress passed laws saying you can't come to our country without our permission. ad very-- we're very favorable c because about a million people come hereve year and maybe we should have more that come here under our laws, within those laws, not breaking our laws by entering the country illegally. i don't get much of a pushback from that because i explain to them, we pass laws and then the president enforces those laws under our constitution, and the president has decided not to
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enforce immigration laws h shou surprise us he's takingha position for three and a half years because he told us before the election thate was going to open the border. but there is some that congress can do about immigration and that's why i'm here on the floor today t ask unanimous consent for a piece ofislation that i put in. now, maybe if this legisla become law, the president still might decide not to enforce it, like every other law. so, the biden administration has pursued an open border policy. the result has been utter chaos and a crisis at the southern border. this crisis has become an
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indeliblehallmark of president biden's america. however, president biden, as i'said, has the authority to secure therder. he's already empowered under our current l to do that. he could do it today if he really wanted it. it's the same authority president trump used to secure our just a few years ago. the constitution makes very clear that the president takes■ an oath to take care, to faithfully execute the laws. president biden doesn't follow that constitutional oath take care in regard to the immigration laws. trump did take that oath very
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serious. so under the biden administration, some nine million migrants have been allowed to illegally enter our country. that's about three times the my home state of iowa. president's done that for three and a half year llion figure, it's like the entire population of iowa, nearly three times over. so instead of taking that the laws be faithfully executed, of enforcing these immigration laws already on the books, this administration refuses to ignore our border, and abuse our immigration
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parole asylum system. so, that's what my bill deals with, the parole system. immigration parole is supposed to allow the executive branch individuals entry into the united states a limited, but case by case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons significant public benefit. but instead of case by case, the biden administration uses program to admit eire categories of people as a means to by pass t congress. path way, outlawed in other words, not doing it on a case by case basis. e action
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are completely out of line with what congress intended, it was the parole authority. so, to address this loophole, imgration for parole reform act. my bill will close this loophole and ensure compliance with congress' original intent as a limited authority for exceptional circumstances. my bill tls specific paramers constitutes a humanitarian reason or significant pubbenefit. this bill would also provide carat clarity on the timing and extension of parole among other reforms. so, at this point, mr. president, if in
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legislative session and notwithstanding rule 22, i ask unanimous consent that judiciary committee be discharged from consiraon of s-505 and the senate proceed to its immediate consideration, further that the bill be considered read a third timeand reconsider t■ considered made and laid upon the table. >> objection. >> reserving the right to object. >> mr. president, this week has given the american peopleet another clear window intohe republican minds when it comes to immigration. they're not serious about addressing immigration or about having secure or humanly
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managed borders. instead, republicans only seem to highlighting the challenges at our border, instead of actually action to address them prioritizing how it may impact the ballot box in. that's the goal to stoke more and more fear of immigrants every month between now and election day. so i've asked before i'll ask again, my republican colleagues, when are youea to get serious about immigration reform. ending the practice of parole and cut off legal path ways to immigrants is not a serious approach to immigration problem. ey know it doesn't happen in xe that's why they're calling for it.
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let's be clear what this is. this is not updating the amnesty process, whis legal, but in dire need of additional resources, so that we can provide due process for those who may be seeking amnesty a providing them determinations on their request, sooner rather tn later. this is not updating programs because i into all of us are hearing from employers industries that there's a need for additional workers to keep our economy thriving. what we're talking about here, mease, is parole in place. and here presintince eisenhower has used parole authority on a case base basis to allow a safe and secu who are fleeing natural disasters or who need urgent co to the united states. o that's what we're talking about.
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both republican andemocratic presidents have used it because it's a humane way to help address global crises. give you some more recent examples. we have been able to provide protections for families of our tamembers. we've been able to provide prec fleeing the war in ukraine. we've been abl protections for people who fled afghanistan after the taliban takeover and for haitians more recently. and venezuelans and those of nationalities, seeking refuge from violence and ■a instability in their home countries. taking itill actually force more people to come to the southern instead of using other lawful ways like parole to come in a more
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orderly way. is that what republicans really want? because that's what would border so they can continue to point fingers crisis of their own making. the president's ability to grant parole on a case by case basis to people fleeing horrific a dangerous conditions is to america's leadership and history of embracing strategy immigration as part of our success. mr. president, this bill represents a lack of respect for humanityhe laws of our nation and therefore, i object. on is heard. >> i'd like to take 30 before i yield, mr. president. >> senator from iowa. >> i regret that there was objection because fixing the biden border crisis begins with regaining operationtr
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and security at the this responsibility ultimately falls to the president biden as head of the executive branch to immigration laws already on the books. in other words, i would ask president biden to honor his oath where hetook, said in upholding the cotitution, he'd take care to faithfully execute the laws. i yield. >> president biden and first lady jill biden are hosting a white house state dinner in honor of kenyan president william rudo. tonight we'll show highlights from the evening, including the kenyan president's arrival at the northportico, notable guests in attendance and pren toast to president rudo and his wife chel watch the state dinner tonight
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on c-span 11 p.m. our app or online. ahead of the video use the video app or website to watch the guests arrival i real-time. >> c-span's campaign coverage continues live with the three day libertari national convention as they choose their prom knees for president and vice-president, highlights include independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr., followed by a vice-presidential debate featuring former republican contenderrd p.m. eastern. and then on saturday, at 8 p.m. presumptive republican nominee will spe before the delegates. on sunday, 9 a.m. eastern, the party nominee for the
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should have fast reliable internet. that's why we're leading the way. com supports c-span along with these other telesion providers giving you a front row seat to democracy. and we take you now live to the floor of the senate where this morning, members will be considering a nominee to be undersecretary of the air force. and later, senators will be revoting on a border security measure that failed in the chamber earlier this year. you're watching live coverage of the senateer on c-span2. . . the presiding officer: the senate will come to order. today ace opening -- today's owning prayer will be offered by pastor


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