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tv   Prime Ministers Questions Prime Ministers Question Time  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 4:03pm-4:45pm EDT

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ahead of the dinner you can use our free video app or website to watch the guest arrivals in real time starting at 5:00 p.m. eastern. c-span's campaign 2024 coverage continues live with a three day libertarian convention beginning friday at 3:30 p.m. eastern highlights include independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy junior followed by vice presidential debate featuring contender ramaswamy. on saturday at 8:00 p.m. eastern former president.
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on sunday at 9:00 a.m. eastern. the libertarian national convention live friday at 3:30 p.m. eastern on c-span now. our free mobile video app and online at >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. funded by these companies and more. >> the world is changed today fast reliable internet connection is something no one can live without. it's there for customers with speed reliability value and choice. it now starts with great internet. >> supporting c-span along with these other television providers giving you a front row seat. >> british prime minister talked
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about the nation's healthcare system and a controversy surrounding the agency. during his remarks at the weekly question time. prime minister also announced the economy and the israel hamas war. this is about 40 minutes.
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[applause] >> that is the only reason. [laughter] just to mention lord speaker back on the harlem with us today questions of prime minister jen kitsch. >> thank you, speaker. >> prime minister. i know the whole house will join me in remembering the victims of the horrific bombing seven years ago today. our thoughts are with them and their families. i would like to pay tribute who joins us in the galley for her courage and bravery of her campaigning in the memory. i look forward to meeting her today later two. back to parliament to my friend and colleague donna boat member. no one who watched his interview last night could have failed to
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be in all of his incredible resilience. mr. speaker this morning i had meetings with colleagues and others in addition to my duties to the south i shall have further such meetings later today. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i welcome the member to the house and wish him well in his duties. the association may 2022 identified my constituency as one of england's dental deserts. i welcome the prime minister's grand scheme to constituencies like mine. they have to you turned. addressing this issue seriously. >> hear ye hear ye. >> thank you to our dental recovery plan delivering two in a house. the new provision for the communities. actually, we know that the plan since it was announced in
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january 500 and now accepting new. >> thank you, mr. speaker. also for products like the investment into the hospital and to build a second hospital in my constituency. given that good news on the economy although prime minister to build a second hospital and agree that you can only underpin a strong nhs with a strong economy. >> mr. speaker, we are investing a better healthcare. we are delighted to see the university nhs transfer recently allocated over 6 million pounds to upgrade the amd. the specialist emergency
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hospital as part of the program. it is only possible because of the difficult decisions we have taken to bring inflation back to normal and grow the economy. today's figures show that the plan is working mr. speaker. perhaps a leader of the opposition welcoming you. inflation is now back to normal. >> i want to begin by saying a few words to the honorable member. first, thank you for meeting me privately this morning with your wife and daughter so i could personally convey my best wishes to all of you. secondly, on some occasions, this house genuinely comes together as one. we do so today to pay tributes to your courage and determination. not only coming through but by being here today with us in this
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chamber. thirdly i want to acknowledge your deep sense of service. i think politics is about service. and resuming your duties. being here shows us as an example for all of us of your deep sense of service. and we thank you for it. i also welcome mallory who is up in the gallery. she lost her son martin seven years ago today in the manchester arena. we remember everybody lost in that awful attack. we must make the reality as soon as possible. mr. speaker, the scandal reflects a profound failure across almost every part. on monday in our apologies and yesterday on the question of compensation, this house was united. but, too many times we have
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heard similar sentiments from others. many hard jobs to go. does the prime minister agree with me that we only now make real progress if we finally tackle the lack of openness transparency and candor. the stuff that was identified as having prolonged the victim suffering for decades. >> prime minister. >> yes, mr. speaker. the inquiry was established to get to the truth that provide answers in this week's report provided a hugely significant moment for the community. this was an appalling scandal and i think the holes -- whole house is grateful to the work that supported the inquiries work. i also pay tribute to the bravery of the individual that has come forward and told their story and their fight for justice. their voices have now finally been heard and i agree with the honorable gentlemen. we will agree with them and ensure that nothing like this
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can never happen in our country again. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the scandal is shocking, truly shocking. but it is not unique. the story is familiar. stories raised but ignored, reports written but not acted on victims and their families campaigning for years just to be heard. so i want to focus in if i may on the duty of candor or lack of it which has been a failing, scandal after scandal and justice after injustice program felt to her right then held euro and now infected more. i have read the government as evidence for health. but i cannot think of a single example where that duty of candor should not lie to all public servants across the board and i do not think that it is possible for any of us to stand
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and honestly say never again. unless we address it. so does the prime minister agree that the time has now come for the duty of candor to be enshrined in law across the board. >> mr. speaker, i am of course aware of the recommendation made in the final report of the inquiry in relation to duties of candor and accountability and indeed my friend previously introduced the duty of candor into the health service. it is important that the government takes time to fully digest. of course going through the recommendation the detail at the moment before providing a comprehensive response. given the situation and the gravity of the findings it is a recommendation that there is an
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enormous amount of sympathy four . i understand the recommendations we cannot look away on this duty of candor. so can i at least ask the prime minister to expand the call for evidence on the duty of candor beyond health. we do all that to the victims of hillsboro and horizon. and to work across the house to establish a far-reaching and binding duty of candor just as quickly as possible. >> mr. speaker, i think the honorable gentlemen will remember on monday said very specifically that the behaviors we had seen in this tragedy have been replicated. i am very aware that there are structural behavior, cultural problems that we do need to fix. the amount of support for the
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principle of and sympathy four. we are digesting the full contents of the report. nothing like this happens ever again. >> thank you, mr. speaker. identifying individual failures, a number of them, even coverups. he also found equally important and harder to reach institutional cultural failings including in the nhs. a defensive attitude which refused to acknowledge problems, the silencing of those that raise concerns and a total failure of leadership when faced with the truth. the nhs does a remarkable job every day. but that is indefensible. does the prime minister agree that the very culture of the nhs needs to change? >> yes, mr. speaker. i think it respond specifically to the question we discussed
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this on monday. the nhs of course provides saving care to so many people every single day for which we are enormously grateful that it is absolutely clear as the report makes crystal clear that there were significant failings. the nhs failed. it failed people and let them down. they clearly have had improvements since that time. but going forward we need to go through the full recommendations of the report and hold the nhs to account for bringing through the changes that are necessary. >> we need reform, we need change. i have seen firsthand how important the form is. i also saw how hard, i also sell how hard it is particularly cultural issues. it provides brave decisions and difficult decisions. eleven years ago the health
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secretary, the now chancellor said the nhs staff from raising their worries about care must come to an end. ten months from the case. there are still clear examples of nhs manages still gagging staff and then being moved on instead of moved out. so, will the prime minister now commit to ensuring that those that do silence whistle blows will no longer be able to work. >> mr. speaker, of course the behavior that the gentleman describes is wrong. i believe already is illegal under our laws. we will make sure that people do have the abilities to raise concerns. one thing that i do know has given many of those impacted by the scandal some reassurance. chair of the inquiry. obviously someone that does not
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just have the wealth, with this particular set of issues but has a long track record of working with the nhs as well on the issues that they raise. >> the report is a victory for all those campaigners and victims who fought so hard for this moment including the member it is also one of profound pain, anger and sadness for so many. there is a chance for us to make real progress of this issue. we must do that with victims in mind. given the degree of cross party consensus that we have already seen on apologies and compensation and given the government's promise to ensure compensation by the end of the year. will he also now promise to deliver on all of the recommendations by the end of the year. >> prime minister. >> mr. speaker, of course we want to deliver on the recommendations as quickly as practically possible.
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it is so we can't do that before the end of the year. as i said, a wealth of experience. it was crucial that the chair had the knowledge and the expertise and familiarity. making sure. we talked about the community and over the next few weeks so robert will seek views from the community specifically on the proposed scheme to make sure that it will best serve those that it is intended for. it is delivering compensation to all of those infected with absolutely minimum delay and began bringing justice to all of those impacted. >> thank you, mr. speaker. in 1997 the public voted in what they were told was a conservative government. the same policies just for different faces. immigration constitutional value was on. in a broken economy.
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does the prime minister agree that the economy roaring back to life under a conservative government the last thing we need is a return to the failed labor recipe of high taxes, open borders and employment destroyed jobs. >> mr. speaker, my honorable friend gives a superb and passionate diagnosis. he is right. it is now back to normal. at its lowest level in years. our economy is growing faster. wages are rising. that is why we need to stick to the plan that is working. seventy new laws. seventy new laws. what does that mean? it means it will cost jobs and damage our economic recovery. >> thank you, mr. speaker.
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and i begin by also welcoming the member back to the chamber. he is indeed an inspiration. >> mr. speaker, speculation is right. i think the public deserves a clear answer to a simple question. does the prime minister intend to call a similar election? >> mr. speaker. as i have said repeatedly to him there is, there is going to be a general election the second half of this year. at that moment the british people will in fact see the truth about the honorable gentlemen opposite of me. a party that is not able to say to their country what they would do. a party that would put a risk on harder accessibility. delivering a secure future for
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our united kingdom. >> mr. speaker, he continues to play games with the public. let's get back to some serious matters. i was taken aback this week when the prime minister spoke some sense. in relation to graduate or written basis. it will lead. it outlines 5 billion pounds of economic value. can i ask the minister, the foreign secretary. the foreign secretary also said that the levels of legal migration to this country are too hi, mr. speaker. he is right that we are taking decisive action to bring the numbers down. it is working the first three months of this year the visas
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issued down by 25%, mr. speaker. inflation is on its way to being returned to more sustainable levels. i appreciate it is a difference to the labour party. we believe that level of migration need to come down to more sustainable levels and ease the pressure on sustainable services and everyone that comes to our country must indeed contribute economically. that is a migration system we will deliver. >> thank you, mr. speaker. we are incredibly proud of the veterans set toward at the orthopedic hospital. treating veterans locally including from my constituency but also from across britain. the largest hospital-based veteran service in the uk. what the prime minister help resolve the current funding crisis caused by changes of the nhs funding formula last year given the fantastic treatment
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provided by the mayor and his team were amazing veterans community across the uk. >> prime minister, mr. speaker, and i think an honorable friend for raising this issue. we are committed to making the uk the best place in the world to be a veteran and make sure that they have access to the mental health that they deserve. that is why we have called out operation restore and courage. i know that they have been dealing with introducing a suite of health services to work more closely with orthopedic services raising this issue of funding with the minister of veteran affairs. back to an updated due course. >> i join others in welcoming back to the house the honorable member. and say how much we admire his courage and send our best wit sage to him and his family. and also join others remembering all the victims.
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mr. speaker, claiming the allowance when caring for her mother the dwp is now hounding her to pay back 1200 pounds. karina whose daughter requires round-the-clock care is being hit by a bill of 11,000 pounds. victoria being forced to pay back 100 pounds a month. just some of the tens of thousands of carers victims of the dwp flawed system punished harshly for going sometimes just a few pounds over the earnings limit. so, mr. speaker, family care is doing a remarkable job. they should not be penalized for working or for the dwp's own failures. the government should be supporting not persecuting them. >> mr. speaker, the governor recognizes the contribution and sacrifices up and down the country. so often they care for others and that is why we have increased the allowance by
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almost 1500 pounds since 2010. it is why we introduce this spirit the care fund funds which i know it's been warmly welcomed and used. in the rare number of cases where they have not informed dwp in the circumstances they certainly have been sought to recover. expected to in order to ensure the integrity of the system. >> working with anyone who is struggling with their repayment terms and will always look to negotiate an affordable payment plan. >> thank you, mr. speaker. may also extend my welcome to the honorable member. the 8 billion pounds made available to the government or the repair of roads is very welcome. however, some local authorities such as council and city council
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sometimes use inferior materials so the work needs to be done again in a few months time. that is an issue that applies to many constituencies across the country. so, will the prime minister use his influence to ensure that there are tough quality specifications so that the repairs can last much longer? >> mr. speaker i am proud we can announce an additional 8 billioh resurfacing. money made available through the reallocation. funding not only fewer and smoother safer roads across our country but i agree. it is of the utmost importance that these repairs are completed with high quality materials. i join in the calling to make sure that they deliver that for his residence. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i received an e-mail.
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mr. speaker calling a parasite, rat and piece of [bleep]. this came in response to my challenging the appropriateness of a u.s. citizen who is doing a tour in the uk. publicly for the self-proclaimed misogynist influencers. encouraging toxic attitudes in this country. can i ask the prime minister the pictures to extend this. >> knows that the two defined us and indeed intimidate and threaten others have no place in our society and we will not hesitate. also our immigration regime to make sure that we have security in this country. >> mr. speaker. the population is rising rapidly
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and for over 20 years my constituents promised a new hospital. i am proposing to close the existing hospital without any replacement leaving my constituents having to travel up to 30 miles for some treatments. well my friend ask ministers to tell the i see be to withdraw this proposal and commission and independent assessment of how best to provide quality health services. that my constituents and friends deserve. >> cannot command our honorable friend to his commitment to his constituents. i know that they met both the minister of state and the minister recently to discuss theirs. i understand that they have extended their consultation by three weeks to ensure that more consideration could be given. voices heard. i want to make sure that it keeps my friend updated.
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>> thank you, mr. speaker. my constituent has applied to move from the council home because she cannot walk up the stairs and she is in constant pain. she has been waiting for over two years and she has become progressively worse. she feels forgotten and neglected. does the prime minister agree with me that his government is failing in this country is waiting for a labor government to bring down nhs. >> mr. speaker, of course i'm sorry to hear about the experience of the honorable ladies constituent. we are putting more money and bringing the waiting list down. she talks about the difference of the labour party. consists un's looking to see what is happening when it comes to the nhs. a quarter of the wealth population on a waiting list. the worst emergency care performance in great britain.
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people long, long waiting list five times more than they are in england and on average people waiting 40% longer for treatment that is the reality of labor in the nhs. failure. >> 40 years ago describing high inflation as a destroyer of industry jobs in savings. that sentiment is as true today as it was then. making the announcement for my constituents. saving in a good job and enjoy a reasonable sound
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labour party imposing 2000 pounds of tax rights. >> thank you, mr. speaker. it is a public health priority. highlighting the problems the sewage causes. just continuously discharge into rivers and seas contains fecal matter. asking for bills to go up by up to 91%. in the prime minister tell me why his government is allowing these companies to destroy our waterways to make obscene levels of profit while making people ill. >> the level as you see is
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unacceptable. we have gone further than any other government had investing record amounts of our water infrastructure and introducing unlimited fines for water companies to hold them into account. when it came to this house they could not even vote for their own policy. only one policy with a plan to protect the environment. a conservative party. >> it needs to be the cutting edge of innovation and transformation. i welcome the recent announcement of artificial intelligence in the radial therapy. will they commit to us going further and faster in the rollout realizing the potential of ai and the latest metric benefiting of course patients but also physicians. >> prime minister. >> i agree with my friend that we have to ensure that they are a world leader in innovation.
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we announce funding to rollout game changing ai. the benefits are clear. that technology can locate cancer cells two and half times quicker than doctors alone. we will not stop there. we recognize the huge potential and that is why the plan announced in the spring budget will modernize and make sure that the patients get the care that they deserve. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the trust revealed more than $3 billion emergency food parcels in the past year and that is the most it has ever distributed and nearly doubled the number five years ago. absolute poverty has risen by 30 years and a quarter of all children in this country live below the poverty line. two thirds in poverty. at least one parent works. my constituency is one of the worst affected. mr. speaker, does the prime minister have any plans to restore or address the calls for
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free school meals or report on any government plans tackling child poverty et al. >> mr. speaker. nobody wants any child to grow up in poverty. that is why they have reduced not just the number of people living in poverty, but the number of children living in poverty. strengthening the economy. we have extended the holiday to petite and food program 200 million pounds of funding and we are investing 30 million pounds in the breakfast program which will now run until the end of the summer time. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the best ways of helping people with the cost of living is to cut their taxes, keep unemployment low and get inflation down. things this government are doing what is the prime minister's assessment to how the very well today's reduction in inflation going to help both businesses
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and families with the cost that they face. >> mr. speaker, my honorable friend is exactly right and how to help working families in our country. thanks to the difficult decisions we have taken. inflation is back to normal. of course there is more work to do. filling the benefits. it is clear that the plan is working and that is why we have also been able to deliver significant tax cuts worth 900 pounds. this is all progress that would absolutely be put at risk at the party. >> thank you, mr. speaker. an iconic cornerstone of the defense and energy capabilities. seeing a shipyard from the administration invest millions. 1500 markers. many of whom are by constituents approval of the guarantee is crucial to consulting this progress. will the prime minister assured
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that this is achieved. >> thank the honorable gentlemen they are committed to supporting the uk shipbuilding. right across the nation. i have seen firsthand what companies they play in the economy. commenting specifically on the details of any individual case due to commercial sensitivity. i can assure him we are working closely for their request of a guaranteed. it is under consideration. can i also pay tribute to the member's for all that he does to be a strong advocate for the company, to. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the smart new 15 million-pound accident and emergency unit opened in the early hours this morning. will the prime minister join me and thanking the team at hr i welcoming the new doctors and nurses that have been recruited
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for the unit and does he agree with me that alongside the new teaching that the west yorkshire investment zone's and the upgrade it shows that we are delivering for my constituents the valleys. [applause] >> mr. speaker, can i congratulate my honorable friend and his constituents it is as he said a real game changer for residents. not the only piece of delivery in his area. he mentioned the upgrade delivering faster journeys but also leveling up projects and the new teaching block. it shows that it is the conservatives that are delivering the priorities of his local community. >> the chief prosecutor seeking an arrest warrant for war crimes and crimes against humanity. this house does not aid and abet
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but it does aid and abet israel on sales like components at 35 known as the most meatloaf vital -- fighter jet on earth. so, will the prime minister uphold international law about the most robust licensing system in the world and sales to israel if they issue arrest warrants will you comply and make sure that these individuals are rested if they enter the uk. >> always nice to see the changed labor party in action. >> when it comes to the icc, this is a default unhelpful development, mr. speaker. still subject to a final decision. there is no morally equivalent between a democratically elected government exercising its right and the acts of a terrorist group. the actions do absolutely
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nothing to get a pause in the fighting, to get the hostages out or aid in. >> thank you, mr. speaker. if you would indulge me to say a few things because a few are due an apology, actually. breaking so many rules today. my shoes would knock over the plastic feet and my jacket would not go over. my apologies for that. i wanted to get some things. first of all, thanks to you, mrr me. for coming to visit. they thought, the rest of the hospital thought it must be directly ill because they said that guy has a funeral director. [laughter] but you have cared for me.
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you are the person in this chamber that i would like to thank. the prime minister. he has been with me throughout. he has not advertised it. he has been with me several times. that shows the real depth of the character of the prime minister. your wife is in the chamber and our daughter and family members. my wife being there every single day for those many months in the hospital. she can only do that because of the support of family behind her in the public arena they cannot quite see me unfortunately. many of the staff that took me from where i was close to death. [applause] took me from close to death to where i am today. thank you for that.
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can i ask the prime minister question here. can we please ensure that we embed recognition of early signs of sepsis. it would not of works for me mine was too quick and too sudden. if we can stop somebody ending up like this, i would say that that is a job well done. to impress upon your health ministers to allow the provision of appropriate prosthetics for amputees at the right time. thank you, mr. speaker. [applause] >> mr. speaker, it is so wonderful to hear from my honorable friend. also personally paying tribute to his family who are here. i know firsthand the extraordinary job they did to support him over the past several months. they deserve our absolute admiration and thanks for what they have done.
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on the question he raises can i also pay tribute to the nhs workers that look after him. he is right that sepsis is a devastating condition and we are working hard to raise awareness and i know he will play a leading role in doing that. without getting into all the details i will just say he is right. they have recognized this morning that more needs to be done. i can assure him that we will do that. discussing with him shortly as well i his suggestions on how we can improve care and awareness for people. i will just say you have inspired each and every one of us. >> that completes the prime minister's questions.
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ucla testified on pro- palestinian protests a allegations of anti-semitism on their campuses. this comes as the wk continues in gaza. watch the house education and workforce committee hearing tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2. c-span now our free mobile video app or online at c-span's campaign 2024 coverage continues live with the three day libertarian national convention. beginning friday at 3:30 p.m. eastern highlights include independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy junior followed by a vice presidential debate featuring former contender rebecca ramaswamy. and then on saturday at 8:00 p.m. eastern, former president donald trump speaking for the delegates. on sunday at 9:00 a.m. eastern announcing the presidential nominee for the november
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election. the libertarian national convention live friday at 3:30 p.m. eastern on c-span. c-span now our free mobile video app and ♪♪ for a political convention starting with the republicans in milwaukee on july 15. next up check the democrats as a convene in chicago. the democracy at work. watch the republican and democratic national convention live this summer on c-span, c-span now a free mobile video app and online c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. powered by cable. >> c-span i your unfiltered


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