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tv   White House Hosts Arrival Ceremony for Kenyan President  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 7:19pm-8:00pm EDT

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nominees for the november election libertarian national convention live friday at 3:30 p.m. eastern on c-span, cspan now removal of video have been >> c-span now, the free mobile app featuring your unfilled review of what is happening in washington, live and on-demand, people of the day's biggest expense with wide streams floor proceedings and hearing from the u.s. congress. white house events of the course, campaigns and more of the world of politics, all at your fingertips, you can also stay current with the latest evers that i possess washington journal, and schedule information for c-span tv networks and c-span radio and plus variety of compelling podcasts pretty c-span now available at the apple store, and google play was given a qr code to download it for free today, visitor website sees bit of work/c-span now and c-span
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alcoa your front row seat to washington anytime, anywhere. ♪ ♪♪ >> the house will be in order to make this year c-span celebrates 45 years of covering congress like no other. since 1979, is been your primary source for capitol hill, providing balance unfilled coverage of government. taking into when the policy debate is decided all of the support of america's cable company. c-span, five years and counting, powered by cable. >> president biden has welcomed it canyon president william to the white house, in advance of the's date - in his honor believers talk about global opportunities for partnership it limited help security and technology of this is about 40 minutes. background sounds
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♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ background sounds >> honor. ♪ the. background sounds
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>> honor guard. background sounds background sounds background sounds
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♪ ♪♪ >> ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ >> honor guard. background sounds >> honor. inaudible the president of the
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republic in the republic of the united states. background sounds ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ >> the president of the united states and doctor jill biden. ...
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[background noises] distinguishing gaps anthem of the republic of kenya followed by the national anthem of the united states. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ distinguished guests, please be seated.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ distinguished guests, the
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president of the united states. chris good morning. [applause] hold the rain off president chen to mrs. ruto at your free lovely daughters are here to my left, wewelcome, welcome, welcome. and all distinguished guests on behalf of myself and jill, vice at present second gentleman of the american people is an honor to welcome you to the white house. leto celebrate 60 years, 60 yeas of partnerships between kenya and the united states. at the stroke of midnight on december 12 , 63 the world changed. many americans and many around with great hope and great anticipation as
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hundreds of thousands of canyons came together, raised eight new flag, declared their freedom and gave life to a new nation. ladies and gentlemen, that new democracy, that new democracy is enduring. at that moment that forever connected our two nations. we may have been divided by distance we are united by the same democratic values. i saw this during my first trip to kenya as a young senator at the height of a cold war. watched our government stand as one prevail against a communism. i saw it when i returned years later as vice president and spoke to students following the principles of transparency, justice and accountability that lie at the heart of our democracies. and i see it every day as a
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president to proud democracies continue to draw from the power of the people of our diversity. to write the next chapter in our partnership. together united states and kenya are working to deliver on the challenges that matter most to our people's lives. health security, economic security, cyber security, and climate security. mr. president, your bold leadership on this affront has been important and significantly impactful. 90% offi kenner's electricity is come from clean energy. 90%. [applause] that is worth and applause. over 1 million homesre are powed by wind energy alone. that is worth applause two. [laughter] and historic africa greed industrialization initiative which was launched last year has
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poise to create similar results in so many other nations, particularly in the continent. across the region, kenny america driving to the top with investments that we have and in highstandards for workers, technology, and environment. we are working to ensure that does not leave critical investments in crucial and vestments within reach for low and middle income countries. around the world kenya and america are also standing united against the terror of isis and al-shibaab perpetrate in east africa they continue to perpetrate in east africa. the aggression russia is putting on ukraine, the and violence has toppled too many democracies across both of our regions. and today would begin the next decade of our partnership we have launched a new initiative to bring our countries closer together.
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because the past is proven. we are stronger in the world is safer withh candy and the united states work together. [applause] let me close with this, we stand at an inflection point in history. the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. today i optimistic and hopeful as i was those years ago when kenya patriots raise that new flag high in the midnight sky. because kenya and the united states stand together committed to eachmi other, and committed o our people committed to building a better world one of greater opportunity, dignity, security and liberty for all americans, all canyons. god bless our partnership and
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may god bless our troops. thank you. thank you. thank you. [applause] correct distinguished guests the president of. president joe biden, mrs. jill biden, madame vice president distinguish ladies and gentlemen. let me take this opportunity and ina very special way to bringciu warm greetings from the people, the government of kenya and your brothers and sisters across the african continent. [applause] i want to thank president biden for extending an invitation to me too undertake the state visit
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and a sign of friendship and partnership and cooperation between two countries that share common values. values of freedom, democracy, rule of law and inclusivity. her proud democratic nation and today as we celebrate our past we are optimistic about our future. by undertaking we will have the opportunity to discuss and have a conversation about building a global partnership and leadership around the issue that post challenges regionally, globally and in countries like kenya and many others.
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towns of climate change of insecurity to build partnerships that will not only solve our current problem but to build a future which is much more promising, much more prosperous a fairer, eight freer, a healthier and productive future. i am confident. [applause] i am confident, mr. president, a partnership between the united states of america and kenya will give us the solution the world saw will be discussing issues
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from peace and security in our region. recognizing the heavy lifting kenya is doing and supporting peace and security efforts in the horn of africa, in that region i want to say mr. president, we value the support, the friendship and the collaboration the united states has given kenya and our region to make sure that we undertake our responsibilities and securing our region. mr. president will also be having the opportunity to discuss trade and hopefully we will be able to persuade the united states to renew the africa growth and opportunities act that gives africa the
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opportunity so we can see it moe wealth and weore can spread prosperity across our continents and hopefully we will conclude on strategic partnership on our strategic trade and partnership that will give us the opportunity and kenya to work with companies in the united states to build greater synergies around our continent on matters with investment, especially we put together the area with the united states as we discussed the africa leader summit last year. giving us opportunity to build greater partnership between a thecontinent of africa and the
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united states. mr. president, i know our menu of discussion is broad and wide. i am confident that under your leadership we will be able to build eight freer, a healthier and ate much more prosperous and kenya with the united states and for people around the world. thank you very much. [applause] honor guard, attention. grix distinguished guests please rise if you are able for the conclusion of the ceremony and departure of the official party. >> mr. president, this concludes the ceremony.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> president biden first lady jill biden hosting a white house state dinner in honor of canyon president william ruto tonight will show highlights from the evening and couldn't do canyon president's arrival at the north portico notable guests in
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ndance, and president biden toast to president ruto and his wife rachel berrych the white house state dinner tonight at 11:00 p.m. eastern c-span, sp our free mobile video app or online at >> here's what i had summit on c-span2. next college university presidents testify the rise of anti-semitism on college campuses. an attorney general merrick garland announces a lawsuit against ticketmaster live nation followed by a portion of a senate hearing on the matter from january. later the senate debates whether to reconsider the bipartisan border security and immigration bill. >> c-span campaign 2024 coverage continues to live with that libertarian national convention. benning friday 3:30 p.m. eastern highlights include independent presidential


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