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tv   Reel America Army Physical Fitness - 1967  CSPAN  May 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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better community. but indiana and tsoon to turn a timing -- andhe timing couldn't have been more poetic. off a perfect1924 national cham. and the indiana chapter, the kkk would quickly fizzle after the rape and conviction of its leader, d.c. next year. as for the university itself and its brave and proud student body, it would be three more ye reluctantly give in to the wave that started that may day in 1924 and officialize the nickname the fighting irish.but madam president, it was 100 years ago this week in an act of
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defiance against religious irish truly came into being. and s we remember their bravery in exercising their most basic of american freedoms as we celebrate the day they put the fight in the university ofe fighting irish. thank you, to put aside one par.
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rip.k you, to put aside one par. one word right per■ word red ra. when t red tent.
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went round her. friend. ■returned her. and. ■o right horizontal but
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through her. once faster heavy for. right.
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and. uright and. the purpose of the army is physical fitness program is to prepare you for the strenuous activity the just plain hard work of life. a soldier who's not in shape physicallyeatens the security of himself. his unit and the nation he is ou get in good physical condition and stay that way, you have tol the technology of moden mechanized and computerized equipment haven't changed the picture, the physical condition. the individual soldier is still
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prime importance. no matter what his job? a soldier can do it better if he's fit. whecruits arrive at the basic combat training center, most of physical requirements of soldiering requirements. that■4 m out for long periods of time in of crisis or emergency and the ordinary work of the military routine. may be still cannot bring the men up to the necessary level of conditioning. that's why they need the benefits of the physical fitness program. commenting. the poor condition of recru the
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complaint today. it's set today, a great deal isn about how to remedy the proble■. soon after you arrive at bct, you will begin to encounter that action. bunder the expert andl care of your drill sergeant, you'll. you'll run. and u'll exercise ually introduced. the initial stages of the planned, thoroughly organized and expertly conducted, embodying the latest advances in the field of physical and and yet it's a program that cannot succeed without. your help. just results.
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you have to participate wit ent. execute the exercise with.■u circumvent command. o. o. o. one. as the weeks go by, you w impro. this is part of conditioning drill one, which isss program. $professor. you'll be taught toive your own commands to keep up your interest and help you develop a sense of participation and leadership and. these drills exercise all majoro your job and endurance carry it. remember every com
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physical fitness must be developed strength, endurance, coordinate■@á■e a soldier cannot afford a weakness. marching has many virtues, but f cannot fitness. it doesore the legs than the arms and shoulders and does not and respiratory system. but as long as there's an army, you can. there will be■band. highly important element of the conditioning the best way known. build up your wind and aspects fitness. this is the most neglected civilian life.
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wind sprints help to prepare you for that extra burst of exertion. exercise periods preparation and by a cooling off break in accordance with accepted prescription. most of your conditioningtiviti5 minute unit or vigorous sustained is better than a long, workout. and early in your basic combat traini be given your first physical combat proficient c ten or pc. this is a way of reading your fitness and gi■svethe ar yards stick for measuring your improvement and. the effici of thprogram. men in need of additional traini a companies located at each trainingen center, and
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there are five test events, including the 40 yard low crawl. this event is done against the clock and gauges your coordination and in ormi one of the physical military skills that. on the hor■=izontal ored on thes can make in a minute. this is a measu of strength anr general muscular eurance endurance. the dodge run and jump event test your speed and agility over a course requiringrp changes in■ direction. the 150 yard man carry evaluates your ability to carry man or perhaps a greater than normal load at a fast pace pace. run. the pc0
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points for exceptional perform in each event, making 500 a perfect score. minimum army fitness standards require you to score a total of 300 points to beé÷ judged combat ready. you must score at least 60 points in each event. you will probably also find out during first days ofand pains wi added with the toughening stage of conditioning. this toughening period of discomfort lasts usually only a week or two. then you'll enter thestage of conditioning as the soreness disappears and your increase at first, your improvement may be dramatically=f rapid as you find yourself accomplishing feats with ease that were beyond you not long helps to master the acts of running, jumping, vaulting, climbing and other valuable physical ski
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while at the same time providing you with a competitive challenge. you will usu4o■÷ally be allowedo go at your own speed, matching yourself against the course and not the clock clock. run in t t and. strenuous grass drill. the best speed of the individual. but don't tryoafing. you may wonder sometimes just when you achieve a certain performance why the drills seem to get rougher and the rest sh principle in operation. if you are to exercise, it must extend you beyond your youother example of rigorous but excellent
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■■conditioning you will encountr in basic combat training. return. them back, terry. and guerrilla refers to steal■ty fighters and the exercise are aimed at strengthening allng yor flexibility. the moveable strength circuit it which you use in rotation to ime ss prowess. and. oíintroduction of different typ. exseprogram. provides variety and balance an.
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you will be taught combative techniquesew that for a high degree of conditioning and rapid left vertical troop who due to subversion and guerrilla ■@type which confronts us in the world today both combat arms and supports service soldiers must be skilled in close combat fighting all round, but from from. work ready now? stop and go now i've learned a lot fromactically no. pugel training aows you to skilt a live opponent who can think, move and swtrikback if you don't get the other fellow, he'll get you. you'll also be without benefit
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of padding. thaggressiveness and give you confidence in your ability to. opponent. basic hand-to-hand combat training teaches you how to deal the enemy at closesay right. but kick him. to become expert in these hand-to-hand combat skills takes in combat training you will be taught meths,n quickly. one method is the head twist takedown. engage, in some simple and vigorous group some of conditioning activity just about every day.
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regularity being an principle of fitness, training. if or when you take near end ou can judge the results of the conditioning program for yourself. average scores indicate that most of you will be in the best shape of yourevery effort is mau learn andd< qualify. some of you will have qualified during your second pcpceived pel attention. special company is located in each center. assist those with difficulties. this effective in bringing men up to qualifying who mightothers unsuited for army life.
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when basic combat over, you should be well on your way to becoming a soldier. physically fit. in the army. however, your physical training ne stops. next you will go on to advanced individual training or under the army branch or service to which you are this trip may take you across the base or across the country. however, no matter physical fitness program is there ahead of you that program will continue to be theatalyst authentic drill like this conditioning to.
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during individual training. a lot your time will be devoted to instructional as you acquire the technical skills associated os. but every effort will be made keep you moving forward on your condition. earnings$w schedule. if you find yourself in infantry ip, your fitness training will have especially high priority. as pt training. there will be the rifle drill which is primarily designed to strengthen the arms and shoulders. all con■tion act'ivities in a course will tend to be at a faster pace and with shorterper. ("the log drill is another set u will meeinthis is particularly r developing cooin an of teamwork.
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by the time you reach 80,■u you know the formal drill routines by heart and be able to execute them with. snap and precision. whether you're an infantry or not, you'll keep on marching out to t firing range. bivouac area or just in training areas. ee involves periods of quick time and time paui your endurance and has vital military applications. combat. tacticalge many times been gained by a unit that was able to move rapidlyectedly in f the battle area. can make four or five miles an hour or miles in 4 hours. if.
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the rus are also an effective part of the physical training program. the routines of grass drill rapd speed are more difficult than dr a full 5 minutes that shaping up in good style. the very toughness of the drill challenge is you to keep going. another event that presents clear challenge is the confidence course and obstacle thrills.ith wi obstacles named tough one. the swinger the tarzan an for l. this is obviously not for the timid. and you know you'll be
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encouraged against the lofty challenges of the give you important self confidence and assurance. that. on the■h bayonet course you can perfect your bayonet techniques against a variety of targets while advancing in a simulated attack. t construction. the targets indicate the type o. hiit you will receive advanced hand to hand combat training as skill increases. you will demanding parries counters and takedowns. teen contests will also a part
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of your schele. soccer. a good game to play during the improvement of your fitness development. it's fast and energetic and does not require a long a high degree of skill to enjoy enjoy. by the end, yourdv training, yol probably have reached the sustaining stage of attained les beyond which you cou progress e. and. be able to go 15 rounds in the boxing, but y're in top shape and to handle even the most strenuousxich the armye you in the line of duty.
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unlesshould choose to qualify as a paratrooper or volunteer for ranger special forces training in case the standards have to be little. parachute troops because of the physically rough nature of their job must undergo particularly rigorous. by the time he is ready to take his first jumps, conditioning rivals that of the professionale# athletes. it has to. evolve here as a ranger. you will learn many skills and negotiation. the confidence course is one of the requirements.
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rangers develop a high level of physicalnd usually far exceed the basic qualifying level in the■f pc. special forces troops similarly conditioned and beyond the average soldier to cryguerrilla. and. little. stealth and surprise are essential. hand-to-hand combat techniques may be the only weapons at your disposal disposal.
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rifor special missions of this nature. onlyroops thskills arethis is t. the army's physical fitness continues at the unit. whatever unit you join after advanced individ training, you will have to stay in top physical shape. even technicians and, airborne specialists function better when in condition. you' plenty of marching exercise drills and conditioning activities during unit training. some forms of physical training will added.
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for instance, am sintramural leg unitoyalties will be included. other team requiring less skill also staged so that all participate on. in unit training. cross-country allows for team and individual competition and is an? excellent activity for keeping up your stamina and endurance. ■çregular strength circuit will help you sustain your muscular strength and. u utilize the equipment at one station of the circuit or pron the next station until all our
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survival training is emphasized in unit programs. because there is teaching these important skills qualifying tests include a blindfold jump from the diving board and equipment removal a 15 meters swim with rifle and estroke. ■and hand-to-hand combat trainig ts continued attention. unit training. andpreparation whether basic cot
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training, advanced individual training or unit training, is to make you a soldier capable of performing your mitr combat andh level of proficiency while maintaining a resee of strength to meet emergency demand. this holds t not for infantry riflemen and the specially trained troops, but for all branches of the army assault and support forces in. that there is work to be done in every part. the battlefield. under today's military realities, the physical conditioning of army troops ca b aside for a last
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minute attention. there may not be time fo physical. must be constantly maintained maintained. when. forces can be airlifted to part of the world within a single day. today's soldiers had better physically prepared to meet the challenge before he gets there. ■ ■q■8■d


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