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tv   Reel America Army Physical Fitness - 1967  CSPAN  May 26, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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better community. butndnap and the country were soon to turn a corner in the timing timing couldn't have been more poetic. of the football team would pull off ao perfect season in route o the 1924 national championship. and the indiana chapter, the kkk would quickly fizzle after the its leader, d.c. stevenson, the next year. as for the university itself and its brave and proud student body, it would be three more years before father walsh would reluctantly give in to the wave thatíx day in 1924 and officialize the nickname the fightinirish. but make no mistake, madam president, it was 100 years ago this week an act of
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defiance against religious nce irish truly came into being. and so on this day we remember their bravery in exercising their most basic of american freedoms as we celebrate the day th put the fight in the university of notre dame fighting irish. thank you, m■kád to put aside .
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rip.k you, m■kád to put aside . one word right per wordwhen the.
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went round■láfriend. returned her. and.
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ever right horizontal but through her. right horizontal red for.
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right and. the purposphysical fitness progo prepare you for the strenuous activity the just plain hard work of life. a soldier who's not in shape physically threatens the unit as defending. if yetcondition and stay that wu have to exercise. the technologn warfare and the abundamechanized equipment haven't changed the picture, the physical condition.
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still prime importance. no matter what his job? soldierf he's=-■
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julius caesar probably had it's something, a national problem. butd< today, a great deal is knn about how to remedy the problem. soon after you arrive at bct, you will begin to encounter that remedy in action. under the expert and watchful care of your drilleryou'll. you'll run run. and you'll exercise uncoordinated first. you'll b introduced. the initial stages of the physical fitness program. it's a program that is carefully planned, thoroughly organized and expertly conducted, embodying the latest advances in the field ofhysical conditioning. d and yet it's a program that cannot succeed help. just going through the motions
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won't produce results. you have to participate with. spirit and enthusiasm. execute the exercise with. o. o. o. as the weeks go by, you will notice rapid improvement. this is part of conditioning drill one, which is widely in program. professor. you'll be taught to give your own commands to keep up your interest and help you develop a sense of participation and leadership and. exercise all major muscle groups and develops to do your job and endurance carry it on for long periods of time.
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remember every component of physical fitness must be developed strength, endurance, coordinate and agility. a soldier cannot afford a many virtues, but it is acannot fitness. it does mgs than the arms and shoulders and does not sufficiently touch ycvspiratory. but as long as there's an army, you can. th marching. running is a highly important element of the conditioning program. running is t best way known. build up your wind and respiratory and if all aspects fitness. this is the most neglected civian life.
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wind sprints help to prepare you for that extra burst of. exercise periods preceded by warm up■; preparation and follod by a cooling off break in accordance with accepted prescription. most of your conditioning activities will be packaged a 15 minute unit or unit, a period of vigorous sustained is better than a long, leisurely workout. and early in your basic combat training. you'll be given your first physical combat proficient c ten this is a way of reading your fitness and gives the army a k for measuring your improvement and. the efficiency of the fitness additional training are assisted at special traininged at
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each training center are five t, ,including the 40 yard low craw. this event is done against the coordination and in performing one of the physical military skills that. on the horizontal ladder you are scored on the number ofcan make. this is a measure of your arm and shoulderular endurance endurance. the dodge run and jump event test your speed and agility over a course requiring sharphanges in direction. the 150 ya man carry evaluates your ability to carry man o norl load at a fast pace. the fifth event is the mile is 0
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points for exceptional perform in each event, making 500 a perfect score. minimum army fitness sta■j■x■ñaf 300 points to be judged combat read least 60 points in each event. you will probably so fduring fit the aches and pains wysocki added with the toughening stage of conditioning. this toughening period of discomfoas a week or two. then you'll enter the g conditioning as the soreness disappears and your increase at first, your improvement may be dramatically r feats with ease that were beyond you not long ago. the obstacle coursebpmaster the, jumping, vaulting, climbing and
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other valuable physical skills while at the same time providing you with a competitive challenge. you will usually be allowed to tching yourself against the course and go. the clock. run in the top and. strenuous grass drill. the exercises are not done in cadence, but at the best speed of the individual. but don't try loafing. you may wonder sometimes just when you achieve a certain level performance why the drills seem to get rougher and the rest shorter. that's the overload principle in operation. if you are to progress and benefit from thebeyond your previous limits. that's how you improve. guerll example of
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rigorous but excellent coitiong y will encounter in basic combat back, terry. fand guerrilla refers to stealty fighters and the exercise are aimed at strengthening all major muscles and increasing your flexibility. the moveable strength circuit is a layout of exercise equipment which you use in rotation to prowess.your muscular and. erent types. exercise activity into the ■w■1program.
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provides variety and balance and keeps you from getting bored. and you will be taught combative techniques that for a high degree of conditioning and rapid response. harry left vertical troop who due to subversion and guerrilla type which confronts us in the d suorts service soldiers must be skilled in close combat fighti from from. work ready now? stop and go now i've learned a lot from what i did. practically no. pugel training allows you to test your bayonet sonent who ca, move and strike back. fellow, he'll get you.
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you'll also be introduced to duel competitive without benefit of padding. these are designed to develop c/aggressiveness and give you confidence in your ability to. overcome an opponent. si hand-to-hand combat training teaches you how toea q. say bring foot back him. to become expert in these hand-to-hand combat skills takes a lot of practicen combat training you will be taught methods, bringing your man down quickly. one method i twist simple and vigorous group contests throughout. you'll get■n some of conditionig
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activity just about every day. regularity being an principle of
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fitness, training■@■y training. or when you take your second piece near end of the cycle, you can judge the results of the conditioning program for age scores indicate that
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most of you will be in the best shape of your lives. every effort is made to help you learn and qualify. some of you will have qualified during your second pcp as result of having received tention.special company is locan with difficulties. this effective in bringing men up to qualifying who might otherwise bejt separated out as unsuited for army life. d(when basic combat training is over, yoshway to becoming a sol. technically mentally and physically fit.
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in the army. however, your physical training never■ s advanced individual training or under the army branch or service to which you are assigned. this trip may take y base or ac, you'll find that the ahead of you and an important part of that program will continue to be the catalyst authentic drill like this conditioning■go.dung d to instron technical skills assd with your os. but every effort will be made keep you moving forward on your condition. earnings schedule. if you find yourself in infantry
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ip, your fitness training will have especially high priority. as part of thisbgwill be the ril which is primarily designed to strengthen condition activitiesa course will tend to be at a faster pace and with shorter periods. another set you will meet in your training. developing coordination and introducing aby the time you reu know themal drill routines by heart and be able to execute them with. snap and precision. ■whether you're an infantry or not, you'll keep on marching out to the firing range.
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areas. speed marching, which and time pace builds up youendurance and has vital military ■applications. combat. tactical advantage many times been gained by a unit that was able to move rapidly and, show up unexpectedly inther of the battle area. bit troops can make four ove or4 hours. the rugged grass drills are also an effective part of the physical training the routines of grass drill number two executed at rapid speed are more difficult and complicated t one.
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if you can maintain activity for a full 5 minutes, you knowhat shaping up in good style. the very toughness of the drill challenge is you to keep going. another event that presents a clear challenge is the confidce course and obstacle course with some high flying thrills. with■x swinger the tarzan and te slide for life. this is obviously not for the ?ntimid. and youlu know you'll be encouraged to yourself against the lofty challenges of the course because conquering it can give you importantf confidence and assurance. on the bayonet course you can■o
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your bayonet techniques against a variety of targets while advancinin simulated by their■ construction. the targets indicate the type of assault to be used against. and inve advanced hand to hand combat training as skill increases. you will learn the more demanding parries07 counters and takedowns. teen contests will also a part of your schedule. soccer. a good game to play during the improvement of your fitness development. energetic and does not require a long preparation, high degree of skill to enjoy enjoy.
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oby the end, your advanced individualached the sustaining stage of conditioning. having attained level of fitness beyond which you could progress only with unusual effort. you might not be able to go 15 rounds in the boxing, but you're in top shapele even the most strenuous assignment, which the army is likely to ngv. unless of, course, you should choose to qualify as a paratrooper or volunteer for ranger special force in case the standards have to be chan little. parachute troops because of the phicjob must undergo particulary ro is ready to take
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his first jumps, the conditioning rivals that of the professional athletes. it has to. evolve here a many skills and negotiation. the is one of therangers develop a high levelf physical skill and usually far exceed the basic qualifying level in thespl troops similary must be physicallyá# conditioned
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and beyond the average soldier to carry out their arduous anti guerrilla. and. little. ôstealth and surprise are essential. techniques may be the only weapons at your disposal. nature. only troops with exceptional skills are employed.
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this is the payoff. ■= fitness continues at the u join after physical shape.dual training, even technicians aai better when in condition. you'll still get plent marching exercise drills and conditioning activities during ing. some forms of physical training will added. for instance, team sports and asizing unit loyalties will be included. other skill also staged so that all participated$ on.
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in unit training. cross-country allows for team and individual competition and is an excellent activity for stamina and lar workouts on the big strength circuit willyou sustain your muscular strength and. you utilize theone station of the circuit or prescribed period and then move %l our coverage. quarters.rvival training is empd in unit programs. because there is more at a permanent station fo teaching these important skills dfold jump from the diving board andquunderwater.
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plus equipment using the side stroke. d hand-to-hand combat training gets continued training. and the of all this physical preparation whether basic combat training, advanced individual training or unit training, is to make you a soldier capable of performing your military in training or level of proficiency while maintaining a reserve of
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demand. this holds true the specially trained troops, but for all branes of the army assault and support forces in. ■that there part. the battlefield. and. under today's milary reities, the physical conditioning of army troops cannot be put a last minute attention. there may not be time for nstantly maintained maintained.
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when. forces can be airlifted to part of the world within a single day. today's soldiers had better physically prepared to meet the challenge before he■ gets tre


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