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tv   Reel America Washington in War Time - 1942  CSPAN  June 1, 2024 1:54pm-2:04pm EDT

1:54 pm
but lu■] lu. was the first lady of style charm and substances. as anybody interested in her will know. anybody who's read any of the books on will know. and■a this these speaker beforee made it very clear that we have a serious woman. but don't forget that fact. she was not bereft of fashion. thank you. you're a commentator is, ed
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herlihy. washington capital of the united states. now the focal point of the free world. tomorrow here, american history lives in monument to heroes who preserved our freedom. here again, the battle for liberty is centered. in washington. in wartime, his people are busy who pass through these gates in a never ending stream. important people. little people, humble people. young and old. all determined to give their in our nations our peril. here at the portals of the union station. president roosevelt frequently comes to welcome distinguished visitors from other united nations. president and prime minister feel a genuine warmth and sincerity of a washington welcome as they pass down historic pennsylvania avenue through the skyways statesmen from war ravaged countries
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across the seas come to the shores of the great war decision. secretary of state ho veteran diplomat is often present to greet foreign statesmen or upon departure to wish them godspeed. this newest public in wartime washington, among the most frequented to it, come those needing knowledge, seeking information vital to thewartime. more than a million people are crowded into washington in wartime, a city with a peacetime population of half a million. the city was never planned to accommodate such a huge, ever ow workers. but washington in wartime is people intent on contributing their personal effort. people seeking and advice. and sometime papers, others to see histo making. the united states treasury and
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its courageous secretary,■x heny morgenthau jr. war is never cheap. but i have said before, it's a million times cheaper to win than to lose. but no matter american people are prepared to pay the price of victory. here at the bureau, engraving and printing normally engaged in the manufacture of the nation's currency and postage stamps, the presses now have the added burden of printing billions of dollars of war bonds and stamps to pay for the planes, ships and guns. our defenders must have. the na's war production is in the hands of donald m nelson. this is the time for teamwork for you and your government. because we've got a to win and we are going win it in the same social security as paul v mcnutt. dynamic of the nation's manpower of a war the war manpower
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commission will be the great clearing house for all wartime labor needs a civilian and military in terms of the war production goals. it will set priorities of jobs just priorities have been set for metals chemicals and other material. and the eyes and minds, freedom loving people around the world focused on the war department. general headquarters of the united nations in the field. general c marshall, chf staff. secretary of war. henry stimson. daily make decisions aecting millions of soldiers on land and in the air at their huge army is going into action. the great united states war machine is set into instant motion as a result of careful planning behind the walls of important building.
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along washington's mall. a surges constantly from one great military headquarters to another. the navy department, frank knox, secretary and the commander chief of the united states fleet, admiral ernest joseph king. when our heroic marines have retaken wake island. orheoar again, this will be the brain theater behind. our navy's power hard, working hard place. administrator leon henderson. a patriotic example. do citizens. make no a measure. it's a guarantee to the american people that their cost of living will stay put. able u.s. commissioner of education. dr. j.w. studebaker speak. i want to report about another great american army enrolling
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one in every four americans. the army of organized education. boys and girls collect scrap to build up our national stockpile. teachers sign up for selective service and for sugar and gasoline rationing. america's army of education mobilizes to win both the war the department. agriculture will loom large ous written. crop needed to win the war will be produced in enormous quantities as a result of the planning and research centered here. they ponderous sleepy looking building of the department of state is wide awake today awake with anti-problem. here secretary cordell applies a keen mind to negotiate with foreign emissaries and american interests do not suffer.
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much of the war business of the government is centered in the white marble buildings flanking constitution avenue. washington's are so crowded that rooms are rarely obtainable and many a visitor has spent the night in a hotel lobby. some 300,000 government employees crowd sort of yourself. cafeterias or like our defenders at the battlefront. this civilian army must eat and eat well to carry on the fight behind the line. living quarters hard to find and. and it is common practice for war workers to live five in a room. they come from everywhere attracted by the glamor of. the nation's capital. thesting people. and the desire to personally serve. some find that life is humdrum, monotonous. washington is like that. nation is what the people make
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it. the people represented by. in wartime. the job of a congressman is a hard one. he is a people's employee and they work day and night. he must answer to the people for appropriations. war policy is not anything on everything that concerns the everyday life and future of an american. focal point of all washington. the white house. home and office of the president, his executive assistants include marvin macintyre enviable custodian of the president's appointment stee white house in the war. the press. once reporters rushing to telephones smashed the symbolic donkey on his desk. his remaking the wartime job of the president and his.
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winston has crossed and re crossed the atlantic to confer on strategy and to plan op ed not defense of all presidents. great duties. none is more than that of rewarding the nation's heroes, their congressional medal of honor to general doolittle, who led our bombers over. tokyo guarded the 28 nation stand united until victory is won of all grant us victory over the tyrants orlave all freemen and nations, grant us a common fate. that man shall bread and peace. that he shall no justice and righteousness, freedom and security and, equal opportunity and an equal chance to do his best not only in our own, but throughout the world. and in t


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