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tv   Deputy FEMA Admin. Others Hold Briefing on Upcoming Hurricane Season  CSPAN  June 3, 2024 7:24pm-7:59pm EDT

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■h more including comcast. >> are you this is just the community center now its way more than that. >> comcast bartering with a thousand community centers great wi-fi and able to sing from students from low-income families can get the tool the need to be ready for anything. comcast support c-span from as a public service, along with these other television providers giving you a front row seat tod. >> another this year's hurricane season outlook from michael brennan center director and it cuts nams effective this hurricane season with a 13 expected source categorized as hurricanes also hear from deputy fema administration eric cook in the first days to prepare those storms. [background sounds].
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>> all right. perfect right. but wait a second to make sure it'sn wor o good morning everyone and welcome to the hurricane center bait you both for the reporters that are in the room and also do those that are joining us virtually on today's hurricane season kickoff media my name is amalia perez we public affairs officer for the national hurricane senate and the conferences being live stream through the national hurricane centerso fac. regarding the press briefingil will also be available in the semis in canada right after the briefing is over so weave about 15 - 20 minutes or so other remarks from our speakers followed■; right after the
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reporters in the room. we have the national hurricane center director michael bennett, followeded by the fema deputy administrator eric a hook, and congressman derek predict administrator was unable to attendric without today joining us and will pass it on michael bennett. >> thanknd good morning everybody and think youou for coming here to be here national hurricane center this looks to be a very active 2024 hurricane season so if you boys that i want to, we've all seen the seasonal come out this one of thesonal forecast the high-end of the range of numbers that nobody' ever issued and made forecasting very busy season looking 70 - 25 - 13 hurricanes of which - seven or expect to bx
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a major in a very high chance very active hurricane season with a message for everybody coming out of this as we head into the season the preparation has to be the same every year regardless of what the seasonal forecast as it only takes one storm affecting you and your community t busy hurricane season a few things that i i want to emphasize particular is it doesn't take a major hurricane making landfall in your state in your area locality for there to be major invest especially from the water hazards the rainfall flooding is been the deadliest hazard on tropical storms over the last ten years and unites is responsible for more than half of the fal the flooding is almost entirely unrelated to the strength off the storm is no matter what category does or whether to tropical depression or storm or hurricane and only matters how long rates arteries and locations forgiven amount of and again, the rainfall flooding for the biggest killer but hazards in general most concerned about the combination of rainfall floodin■ storm surge and rip currents and
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responsible for about 8590 percent of fidelity's we see of the tropical stormsnd hurricanes across the united states nissan hurricane en the 2020 view itself was for this concert so the potential to go the largest number of people any given day of all of than 40 lives we had a from that particular recurrence are underappreciated hazard tropical storms and hurricanes actually killed more people thatt storm surge by the last ten years in the united was a long fees because facing beaches for carolina new jersey susceptible toda danger conditions there mit be hundreds of miles away so a- want bright practice chosen to safety with these people wanted to date time don't get a lot of att particular hazard but again you know you rest the first step in getting prepared and knowu if u live in a storm surge evacuation zone that forms a your entire hurricane preparedness plan is if you're going to be asked
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potentially leave your home by a local or managementrls community to know where you about, how are you going to get their whaouthig and loveday remember me casey only up to evacuate tens of miles not hundreds together storm surge theuation zone shelter of home of federal of litter aggressive place to stay. again preparation is key going shelter in place, first storm when a heavy and e kit place this article of the items now a days worth of nonperishable food, water, medicine the batteries anything avoid any does right the aftermath maybe power outages for dado access to medical emergencyge services printed placing the postmortem safety which is another■1 increasing point of emphasis we got the most as many people after tropical storms and hurricanes in this c we lost drug force of the storm itself. this particular case here in florida where we lost over 200
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people to these indirect fatalities that are occurring through accidents and power issues, cardiac arrest improper ugenerator use any exhaustion like a medical axiss we want to make sure people are safe after the storm pretty when we doing to help communicate those will this you willng out from hurricane center, a.i. translated spanish-lguage products across our entire tropical cycle of really sweep the atlantic and easternific to speak to the large number of our constituents of public in the u.s. and primary language is spanish those parts are hurricane .gov l be available throughout the season pretty young thing were doing is rolling out an experiment version of the grw the inland extent of the topical warnings in the united states will get better write information thaton would hazard mechanics and many miles away from the coast especially major hurricane landfall. rap up a couple
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of reminders we takes one srm yy this make this hurricane jack had to take care of ourselves and families are further neighbors andei we have new neighbors, new family new variances remove moved into your area tracking from theco cover married that is not exposed understand with the risk is pretty 500 truck the sources of information and follow our consider europa national weather service forecast office can find fema sing local emergency management officials all them social media find out again the information out if ynong to fint that important information when storm threatens youpoint like te federal emergency majesty agency deputy administrator eric cook to come up a few words thank you. >> thanku. you michael c one of the present for voices in
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this important itmunity think you for posting this here( today severe weather events including hurricanes, is the continued increase in frequency had to ration, the collaboration between fema nional hurricane center is more more than ever i wanted college the media here in the room along the national weather service the congressman for all the critical work as you do to amplify lifesaving messaging that needs to take place will focus on preparedness especially as we get into the hurricane season tomorrow marks the official start of the hurricane season and as we heard of it out as it could be a pretty active what someet the ws to ensuring that our community are prepared for the season. when message to the market people remains, trying to make
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sure you have a cle understanding of your unique risk is' they usually prepare for and take into account to be risk pretty. avmedication that requires refrigeration predict medical device that runs off of electricity pretty do you have mobility challenges that make it more difficult t evacuate. most lastime insurance checkup including flood insurance. this te you ask yourself these questions, understand your community together so that you are strikes. that's what resilience is about. anticipating risk taking steps to mitigatehem taking action at the appropriate times which interns hopes to start the recovery process. rhyme ideal is michael has
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earlier, this information not just for coast regions we seen e impacts hundreds of miles and landed storms like hurricane ida and hilary. they can have significant impacts for away from the do ask yourselves, thesewant to particular questions predict all of us froml governments, stating community and individual to start getting risk ready but will plastered coming into this and i think hurricane season in earlier this year, we open a new distribution center in greencastle pennsylvania tripling our capacity better position us to rapidly respond is that i have stated before, tend to be a great asset and recovery oxygen fostering and cn
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reach people faster than ever de readiness to over 4000 emergency managerss to ensure their lost the partners and first responders on the ground braided we may historic updates to we individuals and families receive our assistance to flex epithets ability the programsnd start recovery more efficiently and we continue to work with communities that are partners of the state tribal local gun community levels to prepare for the season we are emphasizing for all of us to be in the know want to know the disasters can strike quickly and warning so this hurricane season we want to make sure that everyone is funny a with evacuation to know where tt to bring, and when you get good
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entrusted information. in the past is mentally future so isthe very important. because preparation is always bd want us to committed to this is a whole community approach. e that we should do, one of know your risk. identify specific hazards as you face and knows who communities face the same extreme weather conditions.+÷ so it is important to understand your locations risk pretty whic will find it femagov and secondly come know when and where to go. weathers the designated children of a home of loved ones outside of the affected area, wherein inland location in a short you know your evacuation destination. having these plans in place will
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save valuable time i most importantly, save lives it printed when states designated evacuation zones the preter local plans visiting your state, county emergency websitee invaluable and again with the emphasis of saving lives knowing to bring about for disaster strikes, knowing when to bringhe will help you evacuate quickly and safelyem pretty thinking abt with the essentials you may nee mnt to mention of her those make sure that everyone in your household knows how to locatese items that were sort and who will be responsible for retrieving those items. as we don't forget your pets as well. our own emergency kids should include things such as water from affairs nonperishable foods for the family■ a pet medication clothing and 40 documents as need and flashlights and batteries, all things michael
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mentioned before and again, no your information resourc a you'e can find reliable information so you can make informed decision before is disaster strikes in your community and have you recover ignore expediently and keeping us today the latest development is key to success and alive pretty check with your local emergency managers, agencies national weather service which will provide updates on the conditions of shelter locations of another imptant sety information. keep ann eye out for text towas your local reports energy everyone develop the female we can get additional preparedness and emergency alerts. i think that i mission are really c low cost and again, we life is worth but these are any low-cost measures that in a protect communities and sav
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lives printed is everyone here has a role to play in makingpood ones and neighbors have with any to maintainma their safety. savino done so already, we ask you to take the time to think about the things that you hear about today do not delay or do nothing tooon time to act is now in the time to prepare yourself and yourov is . i think every time patient is my introe congressman moscowitz, who has lived the experiences and is still in theus fight with us today. >> good morning everyone. it is good to b here. back at the national hurricane center of them heavy be in a different a role thatnt it was back in hurricane center but i want to thank director brandon and deputy because he's
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minimum that their teams folks in this building and it fema and these are the folks that are preparing all year in advance of hurricane season and are prepared to respond to help communities safe partners and directors local emergency managers and search teams thatd< are all other getting ready for hurricane season so one think everybody for their service is only former emergency management director in congress, i'm especially concerned the]ç■ fine statete finances think usually congress provides the resources needed to respond to the hurricane season we know the fema disaster review fund will run out inusurricane season sleeping cabinet last yeaç"san s able to pass ther is
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impacted by disasters all around thation emergency management cannot be something gets caught up in today's part in politics and iag will work with m biparts problem and to makee that we sure the communities of the resources they need to respond and recover from natural disasters. as your today hurricane season official start date is encouragl floridians to prepare this means taking advantage of these disasters preparedness holiday stocking up in items that you need during t the holiday sd tomorrow and end on friday june 14th use this opportunity to go out ando buy your flashlights and lanterns men reason tarps no other approved items needed this now having to
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pay any taxes the state of florida is been aea great job ketor along with the governor into ensure that these tax holidays can help people all across the state save money and hurricane supplies.x% one thing that i learned during the pandemic emergency management director of florida, is how important it is to have your resources on hand as of now is the time to prepare. use this time and you have seen the forecast. and you know do not wait until a last-minute rated this true are not just this level but under government level cities and counties estate and no is the time to take advantage those ofe heart of hurricane season.he pa. two years e october. but don't wait and now the time to get yourself prepared.
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and also interfering your hurricane supply kit, do not forget to include your pets and the plant here in florida it's mandatory pet shelters s place u have discovered of thes far as t sessing we responded severalcs n and dalia nelson response or hurricane michael before that the state hadta to deal disastes emergency management the country as two many ofhe other states who have dealt with disasters in their own regionpry attention to what your local ■nemergency management team and emergency managers out to say please do not to the mall and information can change just because you something morning coming to change by the afternoon so please stay in constant attention while the storm beheaded your general
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vicinity in the trunk of the storm can change you do evacuate heated a warning that are telling you that for any other recent to help save your life and your family's life and your pets. now the good vibes and know your home know what evacuation zoneuu find your evacuation zone at www . florida . disaster back/know your zone. any get www. florida disaster .org it back/new zone printed now the next few weeks make the most of the sales tax holiday stay tuned please i want to natl hurricane center for any questions i think you so much. [applause] [applause] >> thank you and all of you for your marks will begin with the answer portion the press briefi sname and also your affin
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and who will be directing your question to. >> the quest. >> i saw michael bnnan on tv and so what is right now is the water under large numbers in the average taking notice for sure. [inaudible conversations]. we want them to be prepared and be aware. it doesn't matter if there are one or 50 we often understand that here however, see the public see■ these numbes and they tend to freak out and think were done for. and tell them the numbers were ghost unnecessarily —-dash but is there something that i can get through to them to not
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go extreme like you don't need to repair those emergency. >> why think it a basic level we dealt with the public to care for the seasonal forecast is because is not a preparedness i think sing it forecast like this, people should be concerned: measured is we've heard here this morning of the p time to information under preparation you do every year but i thank you so the enterprise, the media hurricane enterprise with emergency management all of the govern neful not a height and use dramatic wos exactly reason you said no want people to sort of see it to now to decide i'm not going prepare so the message has to be concerned the cal again to remind people of the preparedness nse yourself florie risk is here in the entire hurricane season time to get
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ready. n >>bñ"fox news" and if you us toe tested in in the past few years of the parts of the country of learned that just the tropical depressions has really bad other parts of the country that if you had a■0 wand, where would that be. >> will i think would be everywhere and i think you could even in parts of florida make a look at south florida but we tht had a generation so again just because the storm is happening place so people moving in andut risk a time as well and so i think once again survey reminder that again talk about■ rainfall flooding deadliest hazard nothing to do rm is from the wind perspective so want
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the hazardscus on watches and warnings national weather service issues for those especially theer has digit advancers it drives the evacuations and flooding flood watchesod and warnings the highlight the areas of the risk of flooding from rainfall and again that is in the message we just hit over and over again is not about the category of the track for the exact strength of the storm really has to get heavy space and we in 2020, we had watches and warnings every inch of the unitedfrom texas to maing puerto rico and the virgin islands we've had a lot impact many impactful swarms of the passengers especially in florida along the gulf coast carolinas infected and noon and ringlet us your primitive apps was about the entire country to go back over the just the last three or four seasons but again the constant reminder that constant refresher with the risk is in people lead busy life many of the things of thinking about hurricane season comin■5g■ on an
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time to re- emphasize the risk. [inaudible conversations]. >> more common and storms the preparation timeline now schema on the calé(l last week or shorr timelines. >> is a great question but you brought up yes is a risk rapidly developing and intensifying strength ate particular risk for the gulf coast and for florida in hurricanes that ever hit the united states, the hyatt category four o five all t peope involved is on the region particular, you do notpa necessarily have a week or more urricane come all the way across the atlantic but we start from storms of form and the caribbean are off of the southwest at honey and make four days as everybody needs to have a short of it sure views hurricane emergency plan was so
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important it wrist now have evacuation plan to placey he's e one of the storms developed, and threatens your yet they do is a 5kdivi necessarily have the time of it all together so get some time to do it the advantag oholiday going on now t supplies ready kidney readiness be r emergencies in this way gives important to a trusted source of information see not attuning to get the information restroom threatens quickly. >> and again think you'll for the question and as i had mentioned last week,ñ: new distribution center in pennsylvania committee quickly respond for pre- positioned commodities and assess mid-atnt northeast area and also review other state aoc capacity level
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so training thousands of emergency managers to be appropriately equipped address any threat that may come their way through hazards or bruises what we are also more forward lending that we h do noo be slow to leave for the repositioning of not justodities well pretty to iido the impact e ahead of any of that and we also have the ability to respond more effectively three needs of. >> one thing that quickly addol and we actually have much better tools ability and hurricane center moree aggressive forecast the storms going back to a dahlia lecture we are. able correctly forecast its rapid the hesitation of the category three or four status more than two days to be part of that felt
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better tools data from the hurricane acraft in newer models and gives a forecaster tv make more to seek forecast to set stage and expectation property f■uor the sellers especially storm which drives the evacuation information and gives them the information they need t h appropriate levels of response to quickly developing storms. >> when the question>> it corre, and yes there if you want me to walk over but this is is launched out of the bottom of the hurricane aince we like weather billing the measures but he gives out and set up the measures you knowured humidity, i data comes out
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the aircraft. hurricane center e and also because in t bottle this really important information gives us the 3d picture of t date of the aircraft's i love all of the way >> is a new stream. >>l these are sort of a research problem is so smaller more portable lighter weight type of instruments collecting the data and yes this i a small aircraft system called a b ll drone because large at the samet then deploys me and point exactly remote control from the aircraft and you can find out nearly ocean surface we can't fight veteran crude aircraft there theater fear and this
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other youth energy and really big news is dated can get it in the other data from any other aircraft other see that information so get the data here there are consider in real time from these instruments is a glider ocean instrument that again it's measuring date at the ocean surface ten at tenf the upper ocean and again keep on ten at■f ten their informatin about ocean currents and information that again is important to the■@■v■+■@ hurrice intensity for example. sue and thank you for all the speakers in all of your marks and think you for your questions that would be hard briefing for today and you can reach out to me for more questions and any py thank you so much and bye-bye. >> i've next, on "c-span2", current and former government officials members of congress,
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discuss global economic security challenges that a day long for in washington dc, then from director the nationa institute of allergy and infectious diseases testifying beforeou lawmakers about his role overseeing the u.s. response tot ukrainians are working to preserve ukraine heritage with . >> ♪♪ >> she spends washington journal ally form involvingou for decisions a government politics and public policy. washington and across t country, coming in tuesday morning, naacp president a ceo, terry chazen, discusses 2024 and then ethics and public policy center senior flow edward whalen, talks about issues before the supreme court including the controversy threat of justice. season is washington journal,
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joining the conversation live a seven eastern on tuesday mornings on c-span, cspan now are free mobile app or online at cspan dot org. >> this month the house judiciary committee voted along party lines told attorney general merrick garland incident contempt of coness for not providing committee audiotapes of the special counsel in view with president biden regarding classified documents and suzie attorney general garland stified before the committee and i'm coverage begins at 10:0n three, also c-span now free mobile video have been online ♪ ♪♪ >> today ano unprecedented a lot of, landed on the shores of normandie. >> these are the boys the
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. thesere the men who took the cliffs of these are the champions who help free the continent of these are the year olds who helped and a war. >> 2,000,007 from 15 jumped into backfield skies at a bloodsoaked serve, and the met death but an even playing. smith is on the democracy revised and not of their own attacks and that that exact■ moment, on these beaches, the forces of the tide of the 20th century. rted long and traveled by weary and valiant men in history will always record with the road began and get here, with the first footprints on the beaches of
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nobody smith more than 150,000 assaults, set towards this tiny sliver of sand upon which northern the fate of a war. the rather the course of human history. >> today we remember those who felt we honor all who thought right here in normandytoo far sy special coverage of the 80th anniversary of d day, thursday, featuring a speech by president biden from nobody france. cspan is your unfiltered view of government, funded by these television companies and more including media call. >> and viacom we believe that if you have fear right here are way out of the middle o


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