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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Warren on Federal Protections for Contraception  CSPAN  June 5, 2024 1:30am-1:40am EDT

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of women. also, contraception is supported by the american people and widely used. three outf four want easier access and 78% said they see it as basic healthcar for women and 72% are thankful it allows them to manage several health conditions. it's absolutely essential that in the face of the united states supreme court what it didha to deprive women of their own rights to choose by reversing that we in the senate take all action possible to guarantee that women's rights will be
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protected. mr. president, i yield back. >> reproductive freedom is under attack. in 2022, the far right supreme court took. in other states they had new restrictions prewritten to go into effect the very next day. the results have been horrific. here's the thing the republican party missed from kansas to ohio to california, reproductive rights are americans overwhelmingly support the right to an abortion, the rights to ivf and the rights to
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contraception. their actions speak for themselves. republicans said they wouldn't overturn roe v wade. donald trump and his extremist supreme court did and trumpstil. over 20 states have banned or restricted abortion access, past walls criminalizing doctors that perform abortions were threatened to access pregnancy care, miscarriage care, fertility assistance and more. then republicans claim they wouldn't go after ivf. just this year alabama supreme the state and a few weeks later my colleague senator republican party blocked federal
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legislation that would protect access to this care and now the republican parties as they want to go contraception. that makes sense since 92% support for control. they now have contraception in their site and are trying to redefine what constitutes contraception. sure they support it in iudra where they are all for contraception but not plan b. a must except republicans in congress have a bill the life at conception act that would give an embryo so-called personhood rights that would outlaw abortion, ivf and
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outlaw some forms of contraception. that bill has the majority support of the republican caucus including the speaker of the house mike johnson. republicans blocked democrats from passing this very same bill but tomorrow every senator will have to say where they stand proving that no matter what they say about long-term to support when they come down to it they won't. at tomorrow's a turning point. it'sre time we take these republican lawmakers at their word. millions of people across the country are already experiencing a new form of hell thanks to donald trump and the extremist supreme court that overturned roe and black, brown and low income communities are feeling s
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trump continues to push for a nationwide abortion ban and says 's contraception, democrats are standing up and fighting back. president biden and vice president harris have taken steps to strengthen access to affordable high-qualitycontracee access to reproductive healthcare more generally. tomorrow i will be joining my colleagues led by our partner, senator marquis in voting for the right to contraception act. birth control is safe, effective and an important part of reproductive healthcare.ñi it is time that we fight back
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against reproductive freedom. it's time we codify the right to contraception into law. i'm curious many have left fundamental rights and the freedom to make their own decision has been taken away by a small number of extremists. i'm alarmed what the supreme court and congressional republicans are prepared to do to unravel the protection for women under the republican presidency. this is about the right to make decisions aboutur own bodies and futures. it's on the line and we need these protections written into law. that's what tomorrow's vote is about. i don't want to hear from
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republicans who say they support contraception but can't make it the law of the land. if they support contraception's, they will vote yes on the bill tomorrow. if not, actions speak louder than words. they will demonstrate it's not d ivf, it's also all about going after contraception. these are the decisions women should make for themselves. they should have the. freedom o do that. these are not decisions that should be made by extremist lawmakers. landed the
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shores of normandy. >> these are the men who took the cliffs, these are champions who helped free a continent, these are heroes that helped end a war. >> from 15 countries jumped into the skies and bloodsoaked serve and met death on an even
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playing. >> the sons of democracy at that exact moment on these beaches the forces of freedom turned the tide of the 20th century. >> it was hard and traveled by weary men and history will always record where the road began. it began here with of the first footprints on the beaches of normandy. >> more than 150,000 souls set off towards this tiny sliver of sand that would alter the course of history. >> today we remember those who fell and h those who fought right normandy.
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>> watch the special coveragof the 80th anniversary of d-day thursday featuring a speech from president biden from normandy. , preventing diseases from reaching u.s. borders, birth


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