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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  June 11, 2024 1:23pm-2:28pm EDT

1:23 pm [applause] >> it's time to play ball in the annual congressional game where republicans face-off against democrats. watch live they might play coverage wednesday 1:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now free mobile video or online at red view of government funded by these le companies and more including midco. ♪
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you a front row seat to democracy. >> here's the headline justice alito caught on tape and can't be compromised. the supreme court justice returning to a place of godliness. who made the recording and appeared on msnbc a documentary filmmaker and attended the historical society last monday and told "rolling stone" she approached him as though she were religious conservative but out of i bought a ticket and contrasted when she
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recorded with@% remarks she filed now is like the lower level judge to talk about politics anything that might apply to what their opinion might be. there is more to go to the headline more about the interaction that took place yesterday from their story saying they are facing criticism from politically charged all chief justice alito and his wife coming interesting operation guston america's political divide. the one who recorded theseinnerec for her part. r her part, here is one bit with samuel alito yesterday talking but the impartiality in the united states and key
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issues. here it is from yesterday. [video clip] >> considering everything going on in the past year as a catholic and someone who cherishes my faith, i just don't know that we can negotiate in a way that needs to happen. i think it is a matter of winning. >> one side or the other is going to win. i don't know. the way of living together peacefully is difficult. there are different fundamental things that cannot be compromised.
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>> i think that the solution really is winning the moral argument. like people in this country who believe in god and keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. >> i agree with you. host: again, that was just some of the interaction at this historical society dinner last week with the journalist recording the conversation covertly without the knowledge of the justices. the washington post story this morning on this recording is extorted every innocence that marks the political tactics being deployed against the high court te campaign trail or instinct efforts by groups like project veritas. it was first reported by rolling stone. and again as he sat in the video, the filmmaker lauren windsor saying to justice alito that she does not think we can negotiate with the left.
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again, you can talk about the content of the recordings, the recordings themselves as they were made. (202) 748-8001 four republicans. (202) 748-8000 four democrats -- for democrats. (202) 748-8002 for independents. and you can text us at (202) 748-8003. linda and mississippi, democrats line, go ahead. caller: good morning. i am just dispirited about the supreme court. they are not applying the law according to the constitution. (6it seems like they are all just grifters looking out for their own, not for the country. what do you think about these recent comments from samuel alito on the nature of polarization in the united states?
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caller: it is polarized because of what they are doing. mostly what they are doing. trump is not the cause. he is the symptom because they are on the supreme court that will roll us back to the 1950's, taking away rights. that never happened before. they are not applying the constitution. they are trying to apply a constitution to this country. we are not a christian nation. this is what they want to be. they should get on a plane and fly back to a country that is. host: ok. caller: and after clarence thomas as a black woman, i am totally wholeheartedly ashamed of him. host: ok, that is linda in mississippi. to the idea of the chief justice during the interview that was taken by the journalist, the
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hill writes this morning it was the chief justice pushing back on the sentiment when lauren windsor talked to him. denied the sup politically polarized and brushed off her ideas the u.s. is inherently christian. that is part of the interview that was on yesterday. here is a portion of that discussion. [video clip] >> i want to ask you specifically with everything that is going on right now, you know, it is a very tumultuous time in the country. >> first of all i think it is not a tumultuous time. it is kind of a regular thing. it has been pretty tumultuous for a long time. >> you think this is a normal
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period? >> not normal. there have been quieter times. we have a lot of tumultuous stuff going on. >> it is not like it is an innovative thing. it is not new. i really feel like we are at a point in country where it might be irreparable. >> it is like the civil war. we did that. and during vietnam. people were getting killed. this is all right. it is not alright but it is not like it is dramatically different. >> so you'd think there is a role for this court and guiding us towards a more moral path? >> would you want me to be in charge?
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>> i believe in the founders who are godly who were christian. i think we live in a christian nation and the supreme court should be guiding us in that path. >> i don't know if this is a christian nation and that our supreme court should be guiding us in that path. that is not our job. host: again, the comments from that secret recording on the chief justice there and justice samuel alito, their view on polarization in the world and the united states. you can add your thoughts their thoughts or the recordings themselves. (202) 748-8000(202) 748-8001 for democrats. (202) 748-8002 for independent.
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tom in illinois, go ahead. caller: like you to give me a few seconds pedro, because i have some ideas. it is not a shock that conservatives believe in god and christianity, and for the left to make that out to be some crazy idea it is just -- the polarization of the court, that came from joe biden and judge bork. they called him a racist because of affirmative action, and now you flashforward to california and they all vote against affirmative action. jefferson said if we do not have morality, our republic won't work. rality come from? it has to come from somewhere. john locke said it comes from god. so i mean these liberals that want to make out biden or the court is politicized and these people are horrible people, these are things we have
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lived with our whole lives. host: what do you think about the sentimentselves from either the chief justice or justice alito? what do you think about what they expressed? caller: i think those are conservative views and they were voted in as conservatives. the court was never politicized until biden started doing that. yeah. host: ok. bonnie in florida, democrats line, you are up next. bonnie in florida, hello. caller: yeah, i'm here. host: go ahead. caller: the court is ridiculous. you have so much corruption following donald trump's presidency. it should it should be disbanded and start over again. this is ridiculous. host: what did you think about the statements both men made
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specifically? caller: whatever they are saying coming out of their mouths is just irrelevant. too crooked. ng that comes out of their mouth, i don't pay attention. host: barney in florida giving us his thoughts. in the op-ed section this morning, it talks about the recording and this is the headline shown. alito stands falsely accused of candor is the headline they chose to read with. this is their editor saying the magazine rolling stone claims justice alito spoke candidly about the ideological battle between the left and the right the difficulty of living peacefully with ideological opponents in the face of fundamental differences that cannot bthe interviewer, lauren windsor turned out to be lying to justice alito.
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she describeurself as a liberal documentary filmmaker. she met them by joining the supreme court historical society, buying a ticket to the annuin she recorded the conversation. she posted those recordings to twitter. this piece by the wall street journal saying this winter tells the magazine one of the main drivers for me in this work is showing americans we are at a crossroads. do we embrace the idea of secular democracy and uphold that tradition or do we start to transition to a christian theocracy? that is a little bit of the background of these recordings you can find online. you can also comment. some of you posting on our facebook page this morning before the start of the show. this is vicki mayfield from facebook saying you can hear her leaving the ca can do that, no harm, no e.rd conversation with a liberal julicli i hope we can come together to let the institutions know that we expect better. we will hear next from steve
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from illinois on the independent line. caller: yeah. hithe court system is crazy. some of the judgee believe. when the judge is calling a man a woman, the right richard nixon, something like that, he said women have a place in sports. well men and women have a place in sports. host:th the justices were talking about polarization in the united states. what did you think of those comments? caller: oh, i think it is something that he believes in. the reporter said -- asked him a
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question, and he spoke the truth. i have viewpoints. you have viewpoints. the united states, all 350 million of us have viewpoints. but i mean, i don't go ahead and act out on certain things or cry about this cry about that. i just take it as it comes. you know? america has to toughen up a little bit. youand don't cry over everything. everybody is whining. whin about. whine about that. host:qde that is stephen illinois giving us his thoughts. it was the unguarded comments of justice alito in contrast to roberts, who was also secretly recorded at the eventdd justice
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repeatedly declined despite prompting by the filmmaker. when suggested the court was t the right path, he denied that. that is for people we elect, not for lawyers. that is the instances from yesterday. this news coming out of these recordings with not only justice alito but the chief justice as well. you can talk about the recordings and talk about the idea when it comes to polarization in the united states, what the justices were ree lines- - on. on the phone lines, robert in maine. caller: good morning. i don't really see the controversy in these recordings. what exactly is the conversation, i mean the
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controversy? that they are talking about their beliefs, or what is it? host: i think they are expressing their beliefs and talking about polarization overall in the united states and we see what people think about as far as what they expressed. caller: i see. i think there was another recording that came out yesterday of nancy pelosi admitting that she failed in calling out the national guard. that recording, why are you not talking about that recording? that seems a lot more consequential to the country. host: we have that coming up. as far as the justices themselves, what do you think about they said? caller: i think they were just human beings expressing their opinions. they are conservatives. they are religious apparently. so is most of the country. i don't really understand what the goal is other than maybe some kind of a quick mate for a website -- click bait in a website. host: dana is in indianapolis on the independents line.
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caller: hi, pedro. pedro, i don't think there are supposalito is using his own ideology on his opinions for the court. is that correct? host: they were expressing their opinion on this conversation. again, the conversation being recorded not kwn to them. they gave their thoughts. what did you think of them? caller: i thought that alito was again showing how he is leading to the far right in his decisions he is making, he is not keeping up with the forefathers and the constitution. these are his own beliefs in his decisions. host: ifd he say that reflects that in your mind? caller: he was saying how the
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country, it has to be one way or the other. one site has to win or the other side has to come out winning. host: ok. caller: that is what i believe. host: all right. let's hear from eddie. eddie is in massachusetts republican line. hello. caller: good morning. yes. dwight eisenhower when he retired said the worst thing he didof course was the warren court. this was roe v. wade. as far as i understand, it just said you cannot criminalize abortion. you cannot accuse a doctor, midwife, hospital clinic for a crime, but it was the congress that changed that all and established abortion clinics. the people ares aborting children. it is against the jewish christian, muslim, you go on buddhist. host: their comments on
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polarization? caller: becausecaller: -- caller: because a lot of people call itigit is not civil killing a baby. don't call it civil rights. that is where the problem is. just go to an abortionist and have it done and we don't want to know about it. we don't want the government to do it. thank you. host: cal in oklahoma, democrats like. caller: yes, thank you sir. thank you for taking my call. i happen to know anita hill in norman, my hometown, and i always felt like she was being truthful, so that is my admitted bias. polarization is being driven the fact that people of
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it is so polarized. i don't know. this past year i remembered our conversation and i'm like how is everybody negotiating legs it's nonnegotiable. you have to went and if we want to take the country back to a moral place that means we have to do something. >> i want to at it right
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side of the next month. >> one of the other people in the conversation guthrie involved talking about aspects of polarization. sean is in maine republican line. go ahead. >> i believe polarization in the country is calculated plant.
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it's republicans against democrats. i know you can call and more people are paying attention to the last : and outlets running the flag. that was way before january 6 and before january 6 insurrectionist. >> it doesn't mean any person in the history of that are associated so i with the news but that. >> what did you think of those? >> those comments were held in private trying to response. >> i'm there in maine let's hear from ray in connecticut democrat line.
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>> the last color i love republicans, democrats and liberals i'm good with everybody's opinion. as the nomination process during the nomination process i learned a legal term and that's when you base your decision based on what the previous court decided and i learned that through the nomination process. that's what they would say when asked about the law whatever it is in the previous decisions by the court he said no compromise,
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so much for separation of church and state is pushing his values over i like to go back to his nomination process. >> out of the antibusiness church state matter specifically? >> the term no compromise but they were at a religious event >> historical society -- >> i feel as an attorney, a lawyer doctorate in law and the constitution but the job to ensure based on its history and the theory beliefs look.
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>> one more : this republican line. >> this is whatrehe sup me want to talk about term limits because everybody went to law school based on politics and republican presidents go to somebody has to be about already. as a black male, i took issue and that's a military
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thing. >> did you get that does work inherently political x. >> yes and that is one thing separate is a country and your agenda i have more sensitive to black history so that issue came up kaepernick, i was supportive and now we got the other side and can't agree as a country that we have these opinions that's why we need to put it on the supreme court it is just getting out of hand. the got the rule of law and i
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think that's what it was based on the rule of the law that sulla got. >> finishing up this next half-hour thanks to all of you who participated if you want to continue on justice john roberts roberts, matters of political polarization in the united states and continue during the open forum and if you want to add other things you can. most of the lines you can call and comment on the previous topic and others if you want to add that in the name of recording as he pointed out another recording this was from the house oversight committee
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writing that unreleased video say nancy pelosi takes responsibility for lack of preparedness during the u.s. f-uppercase-letter day. a conversation with how the evacuation was released by the house oversight committee and find another release yesterday. >> the responsibility and did not have the accountability and we should have. it is ridiculous call capital police why wouldn't the national
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guard do that. >> they don't know they clearly didn't know responsibility for not having this before. >> house from the house oversight committee yesterday. one that came along with the release of that video and saying the january 6 committee in taxpayer money on the political narrative and for their quote investigation responsibility directly contradicts their own narrative chair of the administration subcommittee on oversight so that was released yesterday, to. a recording that came out yesterday.
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the comments were made in nancy pelosi now the speaker and talk about the release and get context and here's a portion of the interview. >> the fact is the president of the united states -- president they do not want to face the fact. we cannot let us be dragged and to what's happening. they know what happened that day and how serious it have an impact
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on our country they want to call the people in their. >> all about yesterday in florida, in line. >> a new vice president and donald trump that there is no one wants to go over that. the january 6 people pelosi 90 mall and wants to release every one of them.
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>> what did you think of this video? >> i've seen the whole thing and only he the national guard. she can ask but can't call. >> generally follow these people should out those who were writing at the capital. the whole thing in my opinion that was fraudulent because
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parents bypass state legislation and all the pennsylvania being one and circumvent laws that they have and they did absent the pallets that everybody and their brother was able to validate. ...
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side.hi. thank you for taking my call. i really would love to make a comment, they are trying to get previous votes january 6 they counted the vote and counter the vote. this is just not right the way that the republican is doing. the trump is the dictator. we are not in russia or other place while they dictate they stayed in have a constitutional right every four years so the previous can take what's best for our country.
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the justice department is up there with clarence thomas and they're letting the wives dictate to them. and it's not right it's supposed to be doing what's right. is so hurtful the way all of them is doing. >> dog in burke virginia, independent line. >> thank you for taking first time caller. i get frustrated people can get along. we lost the art of disagreement but this whole thing with january 6 and all that stuff, where there is one fraudulent vote or 1 billion fraudulent
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vote it should be investigated. period. that's all i really have to say, thank you for taking my call. >> the video we just showed you with then speaker pelosi saying it was the interaction shot video shown by former speaker's daughter documentarian alexander pelosi recently provided to upon request by republican push to undermine the findings of the previous january 6 mark committee 45 minutes of footage captures extensive conversation among congressional leaders as they struggle to comprehend the rest of evacuation in the capitol throughout clips of the speakers conversation that they were shown part of the previous panels work. had never been released and immediately respond to political. that was released yesterday by the house oversight committee and andy in kentucky, republican line. >> thank you, i want to say you all are doing a great job and
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this thing with nancy pelosi the truth is finaank you lord. she should be gone. they should be term limits and nancy pelosi, she needs to be gone, a bunch of them that have developed their way too long need to go home. we need to have term limits. they will represent the people. we need to turn back to the lord. the supreme court, that needs to be term limit and and when they're doing about like that. they have every right there citizens just like we are.
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>>. >> you are on. trump lied. about the election. after the election there was plenty of investigation and the recounts, he lost. he made sure the capitol was not secure the way it was supposed to be that they. i'm sure nancy pelosi after the fact that she should have made sure that it was more secure, i unders but it wasn't her fault. what it meant to be the prjob since he's at the top is in charge of letting
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calling the national guard wasn't it his job?he was the one that made sure that the capital ã| >> on the day and then taken responsibility for it, let's think about exchange. >> i'm sure she did feel a little responsible because somebody made surethat that they didn't secure it and math. they didn't think january 6 was going to happen the way it happened. that was all trump's fault though. and this notion that the january 6 people are political prisoners and hostages as discussed in. very disgusting. >> dog is next in maryland, independent line. >> i feel that nancy pelosi was trying to be a leader. she was complaining about her team, the government, not dog more to bring out, to protect.
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taking more response than she should. unlike donald trump who called the riders into washington dc something to the capital even though he knew the metal detectors were not going off. sitting cheering him on. calling national guard as an a legislative it's called the military directly and as for aid but it's all donald trump who is responsible for selling it off. thank you. >> that's doug bayer in silver spring maryland. after less than 30 minutes of
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uneventful questions and answers. he was quizzed by new york city probation officer for report required by law that the trial judge can use to help determine his punishment when he sentenced on january 11, july 11, the hush money criminal case the interview monday was conducted privately by videoconference under state law the resulting report which may be included information and his education and economic status remain confidential unless the judge authorizes public sociated press also reporting the deliberation is set to resume today in the hunter biden trial on gun charges adding that the drivers must decide whether he is guilty of federal firearms charger overall the longer he bought in 2018 prosecutor said he was addicted to crack
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cocaine. democrat this is from tony in detroit. >> good morning. >> go-ahead. >> i just wanted to make a comment as far as i saw donald trump over the weekend in las vegas and he actually said they he didn't even care about the voters he just cared about the vote. as far as hunter biden and nancy pelosi with the january 6 insurrection. donald trump unleashed it. it's just a shame that the democrats, who i vote for, they take three years to come out with this? it's like donald trump and the republicans are instant whenever they hear something,
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whether he stumbles, joe biden stumbles he misses slurs his speak because of his speech impediment, the republicans and fox ne on it. but the democrats take three years to even bring out that it was donald trump's fault on january 6, this is a sad day that no one from the democratic party is really stepping up and challenging it's like it's not just joe biden that is slow, the democratic party is slow. >> back in missouri republican line. >> the main thing i was thinking about was one thing i never hear on the democratic side when it comes to the january 6 stuff is basically how we all were aware we all
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saw donald trump said go make their voices heard. go peacefully. that's always been the one thing that they seem to leave out. i was there day one whenever joe biden got sworn and i was working in the oil and gas industry i lost my job because of the covid vaccine mandate e i was definitely nervous about it. i knew it was new mrna technology. i'm not a scientist by any means but i have fairly help build dominant religious beliefs that nowadays we are seeing stuff coming out about it but it's been ruled it's not even a vaccine there's 35 million people worldwide that have been killed because of the vaccine mandate. we are still hung up on nancy pelosi, i just saw today she
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took accountability took the blame for donald trump ordering national guards to be there on january 6, nancy pelosi was the once said she didn't want them there because she didn't like the look of them being there. there is no accountability on the democratic side. >> i like to comment on the nancy pelosi,, she was acting as a leader as she always has been she's taking responsibility because donald trump sat in the oval office and just watched like he didn't even care because he did send the people there. the whole january 6 event that was all orchestrated by donald trump because he wants to stay in the fair. nancy pelosi is a wonderful human being, she's taken
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responsibility because she is a leader. america we need to wake up see what's going on nothing but smoke and mirrors around here with donald trump he's trying to make a focus so he can stay in office he wants to be a dictator he has said it over and over again we need to wake up about it. >> erika and pennsylvania, jamie raskin leave the top called republican arguments for centering attorney general merit garden simply ludicrous is the gop pushing ahead to hold in contempt of congress house rules committee is set to meet tuesday to advance such resolution seeking to condemn garland for failing to share audio files president biden's interview with special counsel robert her conversation for which they already have the transcript republicans " republicans manufacture the allegation that attorney general garland has instructed their impeachment inquiry by withholding the taper president biden's interview with special
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counsel which republicans already have the transcript and republics know the full content of the interview because the doj given the transcript of it that records precisely how resident biden he was asked. expect a watch for that today on the comes to the events there lookout for that and watch on our website and closely follow the house rules committee will debate that. you could see that live starting around noon at let's hear from mike in houston, republican line. >> good morning pedro. first of all, ray apps where was the building? he was on video over and over again saying going to the capitol, he was pressing the people to go into the capitol but we never heard, where does he live? not where does he live but where was his ?"testimony?
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nancy pelosi selected the january 6, members how precious is that she gets to select as she some unbiased view of how the outcome would be? >> that's because were publicans initially she turned down republican request for some members to be on the committee and then republicans in turn held back from putting members on the committee. >> precisely. how is it that she is the ultimate judge and executioner of who gets on the tee. the members of congress are elected already. i find it too timely and too partisan for nancy pelosi to do that, also, the mayor of dc washington dc rejected trump's request for national guard. those are three things. this is all rearview mirror things. i understand the nature of the program but i think joe biden, his record is absolutely
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indefensible. positively indefensible.the quality of life, credit card debt, interest rates, utility bills, all those things that crush disposable income for average people, the poorest americans suffer the most with a bad's clear. >> william in ohio, independent line. >> hello. how are you today? >> fine, thank you, go ahead. >> i just want to say, they keep saying these things like are you better off than you absolutely! i'm absolutely doing a lot better. my finances ain't that bad because biden. [inaudible] my job pays very well. also, through this whole ing. he's done a great job for this country. i just feel that's the way things should be. right now i think this country is in great shape if we keep joe biden.
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>> thank you very much. >> leslie in georgia, democrats line. >> hello, pedro. >> hi.>> first of all, nancy pelosi was not the president of the united states on january 6. it is the president of the united states of america to keep our country safe from foreign attacks and domestic attacks. to blame nancy pelosi is definitely ridiculous. i want the democratic politicians to get off your butt and start speaking and talking and reminding people of how donald trump rated a whole 188 and called the people out it was him. because the problem. >> the speaker herself took responsibility. what do you think of that statement? >> she was just being a leader.
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she was feeling bad anhappened in the first place. that's all she was doing but the country we all know is the president of the united states that has the responsibility overall responsibility to keep us all safe. he owns russia money that's why he's kissing butts. he borrowed in 1995 that's why he is so into vladimir putin. >> giovanni in missouri, republican line. >> how are we doing? i want to make this very clear, cass patel said that donald trump did request 10,000 to 20,000 national guard's. it takes in washington dc three people to sign to the national guard. the mayor and the hous because maryland is not where
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the capital is it's not controlled by the governor. it takes three people. >> located in the district of columbia. >> correct there is no government. it takes three people to call for the national guard. trump did call on the fifth of january for the national guard. they denied trump. there is a video that shows nancy pelosi's daughter talking to john sullivan when they came into the capitol and said we did it, we did it, what did she mean when she said that on video? >> okay. from adjuster security website that takes a look at issues including january 6, they talk about this when it comes to former president trump and his loyalist of long claimed he ordered the national guard to be ready for deployment on january 6 "as many as 10,000 national guard troops were told to be on the ready by the secretary of defense, saying there's just one problem the
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claim is not true. the committee to investigate the january 6 thoroughly investigated questioning multiple witnesses reviewing countless documents the committee could not find evidence to support the claim mr. trump's acting secretary of defense at the time directly refuted it in the testimony under oath explaining the president did not issue such an order. there is more in adjuster security website if you want to check that out. penny and new york, democrats line, hello. >> hello. >> you are on. >> i saw the film that nancy pelosi is doing also in that film you see her calling mike pence to call the national guard. if it was her duty to do that she would have to call pence to get it done. it was pence who got them there. >> this is from jennifer in new jersey republican line.
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>> good morning how are you today? >> fine thank you, go ahead. the one thing it does show is that years go by and people like me have called and we've said how we felt about the stock to steal what happens in 2020 can change it will be on. but here you have pelosi actually going ahead and admitting that it was on her watch it should have had the national guard. it's been proven that national guard was called up by trump it's been proven that they denied they did not want it for optics. you can show the public the truth until the cows come home they're still going to go ahead and support what they believe. it's almost like they have ãã syndrome. i'm glad the truth is finally coming out. thank you for taking my call. >> jennifer new jersey republican line, thanks for all of you who participated in or
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conform. >> we are waiting for remarks from president biden on combating gun violence of the conference hosted by the every town for gun safety confidence. >> just under 150 days until election day the conversation on campaign violence our guest is the campaign legal center, remind folks first what the
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campaign legal center is what is your mission, key. >> campaign legal center is a nonpartisan nonprofit we advocate for every voters right to responsive government and meaningful participation in the democratic process. >> since we are talking about money in the segment how is it funded? >> we are funded with the combination of individual and institutional donors we don't take any money from political candidates or packs or anything like that we disclose on the website every donation above $200 for up to a year fully in the interest of transparency. >> the campaign-finance reform director do the campaign? >> i yields combination of watchdog work and advocacy. my team and i look for violations and we file complaints often with the
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federal election commission for other regulators as appropriate urging that is regulators enforce the law. on the reforms that we see areas of campaign-finance law that can be stronger or potential gaps we try to identify those and work with members of congress to essentially fill the gaps and make sure they are strong. what is dark money. >> dark money it's not a term of hours but refers to any kind of money spent on elections that i the voters ability to know the source of the money. essentially any money where you can't trace it back for who's trying to influence the election one of the main vehicles for dark money is 501(c) four which is any type of entity that claims nonprofit
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status and therefore does not have to disclose to donors. entities despite claiming to be nonprofit and essentially engaging in social welfare they are able to spend money in the election what are some of the biggest names of the entities that viewers would know? >> americans for prosperity is a really long running dark money nonprofit. they tend to have very opaque and obscure names one of the ways in which they operate. essentially have a name that's easy to forget it doesn't mean a lot. >> dark money is not llegal.
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for contribution on corporate and the requirement that the money be disclosed disclosure reports any money that doesn't comply with the requirements is what we refer to as soft money. what is the bigger problem in campaign-finance today the role of dark money and not enough transparency or soft money. >> i think dark money is probably the bigger problem because transparency about who is spending money to influence elections is one of the bedrock principles of campaign-finance law voters have a fundamental right to know who spending money to try to influence their vote and have a right to know who was backing the candidates when they evaluate their
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choices in dec
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