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tv   Washington Journal Rep. Rich Mc Cormick  CSPAN  June 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:10pm EDT

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the rules committee censured towards him or a resnse to towards him paid what he think of that effort? >> is the republicans weapon■ecp icing. it is so ironic they whine, cry, scream how the justiceg3 department is weaponize against them. nobody, presiderund all the republicans are the ones have been aggressively ivadvocating, using our institutions like the justice department for their partisan en it. they want to get revenge on the people they think have wronged or as what merrick and garland is trying to do is enforce the law. and i am sorry law, even if your name is donald trump, you deserve to be investigated. and potentially prosecuted. edthat is all america garlanded and the very ominous way. we are two democrats and the president son. there is no argument the justi e trying to do their job. republicans are trying to make it a partisan exercise. >> represented adam smith armed
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services ranking member democrat from washington state, thank you for your time. >> thank you. two legislators ars now from0e representative rich mccormick, republican serving the sixth district in the armed services and foreign affairs committee representative mccormick. thank you for giving us your time. just recently back from europe for d-day activities and as part of that you decided to jump out of a plane. why? guest: to honor the veterans. the youngest over there was 96 and there were 70 there. ey this is a special time. every five years we have big d da celebrations. ■úin afghanistan, i >> i'm afghani veteran and i served in kandahar they lost
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more than that own d-day they lost 12,000 from the airborne division during their campaign. those guys grew up org did the great depression. they are the greatest generatioi wanted to honor that. was the ee out of the jump? >> when you haven't■ jumped fora while it gets frightening againf an aircraft we have eight congressman that can remember republicans, one democrat testifies exceptional nea bond over that to honor veterans, and to do something that that's a little exciting every once in a while. >>: we're showing footage that was shot during your time overseas when it comes to things overseas as well we asked the previous guest we had about concern he has when it comes to gaza particularly after the news of recent days over the hostage rescue where do you think things stands? e>> there's people that are hostage, obviously, we have not solved this at all. i don't think we're close.
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there'ad guys who made to do harm and people want to lob missiles into israel frankly from all of the people in gaza would lace down their arms there would be peace but that's not the way it would work right now. if they gave up hostages there would be peace but that's not the way it is going to work. if israel lay down arms they would beg. wiped out the face of the earth giving permit i have to the way i see it anyways. wn comes to the secretary of state he's currently of there. he's talking aboutlan of this proposal at least when it comes to a cease-fire hostage exchange what is your level of optimism in it? >> we've had cease-fires in the past and not just from this doesn't seemn to be anything permanent but i would love to see it for a wheeling and healing begin and see long-term peace process but it starts with getting rid of the terrorists and -- electing the right officials making sure there's right leadership, on both sides of
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but i think keep on coming back to what started this. there was no settlement in gaza, there was no israeli in that i know of -- and quite frankly this was unprovoked and we hope that it doesn't happen again but we need toking about eliminating israel from the face the earth. >> when it comes to t support that united states gives do you thinkk that is real -- should be telling of a little more sharing a little bit measure what their long-term strategy is? >> long-term strategy is quite clear if you're talking about tactics, of course, they're not going to be open about that there's no secrets over here but long-term strategy to wipe out hamas alk organization that's trying to destroy israel so wipe out terrorism, of course. and now do they want mass casualties, of course, not and there's innocent people that you ever ised there's war. there's a horrible thing and it always has been and always will be and we shall never forget that.
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bit more lead up without the collateral damage. >> t anybody who's been in war understands that it is a pipe dr name me a war where you've seen no collateral damage it doesn't exist, and one night in -- int. tokyo we had a hundred thousand innocent civilians burned to dea■th■v■m in bombingd in world war ii we forget that. we forget war is a horrible mats afghanistan, iraq,orea, germany, name a war we didn't have mass casualties from civil innocence. that is war that's why it is horrible that's why it is involve war■? and eliminate bad guys, as best as we can but realize there's always gong to be collateral damage. >> when it comes to israeli prime minister visit later on or at least next month what are you hoping to hear as far as what's going on in resolve to the ?iches >> well i hope you come understands people don't want to have innocent palestiniansts toe
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that. i think they have investigations over that. they're trying to do what they can. but once again having reality check of understanding what war really is and what started this particular■@v, conflict. now, there's a lot of side bar conversations on that and listen there are a lot of countries out there that are not recognized but thriving taiwan is one not recognized by china that's doing very well if they focus on the economy rather than on terrorism, there would be much more beneficial to their people andt unfortunately hamas leadership in that country has done them no good service only cause harm and discontent in their name. >> you serve on service we have the fall election if the former president donald trump wins, how do you think defense strategy changes in the united states? >> i think that will get to be determined the president always likes to be out there and strong. i think that it served us well
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and kept peace quite frankly when people realize you're from a position of strength and to governments that are really cost egg to us to our warld view. that is globa globalism. i think president trump is very good at that. >> one thingomestic previous gut this effort to contempt resolution to merrick garland to what degree do you think that's necessary? >> well ask steve bannon. if you do something that's against what con is already said you had to do, and you ignore us, you can be found contempt i think that's very fitting i think it is hypocritical to think anything else. >> what do you think that achieves then? >>ri what do you think? >> what does it achieve in the long-term? >> it keeps people accountable we are the representation of the united states of america. if you ignore us, if you're brought by subpoena and you say dwoangt that who are you ignoring? us or the people? >> representative rich
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mccormick serves on sixth distri serves on arm service and foreign affairs committee thanks for your time this morning. >> you bet. have a good day. pledgets the house rules committee today considered two measures -- full house will be voted on each television companies acluding m. >> at mediacom we believe what you have here right her out in the middle of anywhere. you should have access to fast, reliable internet. mediacom supports c-span as a public service along with giving you a front row seat to democracy.involving you to disce latest issues in govnm politics, and public policy. from washington acrosscountry cy
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morning, we'll discuss the latest in the hunterttorney genl merrick garland contempt of congress vote with wisconsin republican congressman tom tiffany and georgia democratic n washington journal, joining in the conversation live at 7 eastern wednesday morning. on c-span, c-span now free mobile app or online at c-sp.o ♪ >> batter up it's time to play ball. get ready to cheer on your favorite team and this year's annual congressional baseball game where republicans face off against democrats watch live play by play coverage from washington national park on 7 pn c-span. c-span now orre video app or online at >>


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