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tv   Washington Journal Rep. Tom Tiffany  CSPAN  June 12, 2024 7:25pm-7:55pm EDT

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chair martin gruenberg announced he'll resign. watch the full house financial services committee hearing tonight at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span2, c-span now p our free mobile video app, or online at >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 197, c-span -- 19799, c-span was created as a public service, and today we continue to take you to congress and other public policy events in washington, d.c. and around t country. c-span, powered by cable. >> host: our first guest of the moment is representative tom tiffany, republican of wisconsin who serves the 7th district, member of the judiciary comm morningct to you, sir. >> guest: good to join you this morning, faithed row. >> host: from that hat on judiciary, i wanted to get your
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reaction to the events concerning hunter biden yesterday. >> guest: you know, itgu certaiy appears their job, and it was clear hunter biden was guilty of what he was charged with. i mean, in his own words in the laptop, the infamous laptop, he said that he was a drug abuser, and there's a specific question on form 4473 says have you abused drug cans, and he admitted as much. so the jury came to the correct conclusion. >> host: i was wondering, i'm sure you've heard democratic colleagues of yours saying about this idea of justice system, specifically in comparison to what the events of former president trump are concerned. when you hear that, what's your action? >> guest: i look at it this way, so when you look at a year ago, the department of justice was trying to cut a deal with hunter biden that would have involved no prisonce time at all, and it took a judge in this case to say, this doesn't smell right. and so she had to, the judge had
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to say, doj, you don't have this right. whereas in the trump case, they've taken what is a misdemeanor, and the district attorney in manhattan has el felony. so it's two very different cases, and, you know, we see this unequal system of justi ind president trump is at the center of it. >> host: concerning the justice department, the head, the attorney general front and center on that contempt vote today. where are you on that? >> guest: yeah, i'll vote for him, that he is in contempt. he should just share the audio tape. and what i go back to regardless of what the case is, including this contempt vote, is just share the information with the american people. are if give them the full record. we should have. those audio taps because when people communicate, they've given us a transcript, we want to make sure the transcript is accurate. and then let's just have the full information. the american people are
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fair-minded. we're just trying to get that information for them so that we can come to, come to the right conclusion as far as what happened in f regards to joe bin and those records that he had in his house. >> host: in yourho mind, what ds audio,io version of it give, will give the committee versus the written transcriptsome. >> yeah, i think there's a couple things there. one is the white house has altered transcripts 150 times since the first of this the year when there's been interviews with joe biden or joe biden speaking. so with weant to make sure, number one, that the transcript is accurate. but the other thing is when we■c communicate, there's far more than just the words that are being said. it is how they're said, the pauses that are in there. we want a the audiotape it's will provide that. >> host: the ranking member of the judiciary committee has spoken out against this idea, the audio version. i want to play a little bit of the case he's making and get
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your response to it. >> with respect to the recording at issue in this report, a complete certified transcript has already been provided to both ctt credible allegation has been made that a these transcripts have been altered in any material way. the only thing that has not been produced is the recording itself. something that in the wrong hands, specifically in mr. jordan's hands, can be easily manipulated. finish this is not an idle concern. last year a witness testifying in a door deposition told us that she was the victim of a manipulated by republicans on the judiciary committee andhatntrid to a a flh threats against her. ninaat jankowicz toldout her del 2023. this isn't really about a policy disagreement with the doj, this is about a feeding the maga base after a 18 months of investigations that have produced failure after a failure. like most of the t bills house
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republicans have pushed on purely partisan lines, thisoluty little other than smear the reputation of merriwho will remd decentic public servant no mattr what republicans say about him today. >> host: of course, mr. tiffany, that's jerry nadler, the ranking member. your response. >> guest: well, the rankingng member is doing his job on the other side just trying to protect the biden administration. i get that, and i think the american public understands that. but i would go backth to, he referred to other legislation. i had a bill called the fair if act that just passed through the judiciary committee in the last two months, and it requires audio recordings by the department of justice and whenever there's witness testimony that is needed. and we all voted there was one vote against it. all democrats vot■m for that, to have this complete record with audioto included. ..
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if you want to text as a question or comment you can do that03. representative was the attorney general himself in an op-ed he may have seen it leading up to today's actions in which garland writes in rece weeks we w see an escalationactical far from bl scrutiny, criticism legitimate necessary oversight of artwork their baseless personal dus is in conspiracy theories all sorts of violence and violence to effective political outmes is not normal. shorterm political benefits of those tactics will never make up for the long-term cost to our country unfounded attacks against the justice department
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they are dangerous for our democracy and this must stop. how would you respond to that? plus i did not see or read the article. but,ti as is the same department of justice that ignored the whistleblowers in regards to the biden family and taking over $20 million of payments from foreign countries who w trying to deny those whistleblowers from being able to share their information? is this a safe fbi that went aftercs? epis this the same department of justice that is worked in leaks with the social media companies to suppress information from the american public included in regards to covid? attorney general garland has nothing to complain about. just provide ful information to the american people, they will be very fair and have it guest h district of wisconsin. member of the judiciary commitaucus member, sir? what say yes for. >> joins us to take your
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questions and comments. with aunt in silver spring maryland, democ like you are on go ahead. >> caller: do you realize you are an abominati? your judicial committee is a disgrace you have a ruined america so get in line behind door convicted felon and have a ball. switch to i would say this is the that is going on by democrats at this point. i'm hearing it back in the district. it's all about the convicted felon. you can see what democrats were attempting to do here. they know they have nothing to run on an regards to inflation which is at ruinous levels. think about young people they cannot afford to rent much less being able to buy a home at this point spirit energy prices are much higher four years ago. a border on fire our government is complicit in the largest human trafficking inla history f the worldff they want to change the subject that is by the
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department of justice, through all of these cases against president trump. they were hoping a one would stick they were able to manipulate it in a court in new york city to be able to get this guilty plea but think about it state misdemeanor and that's aue district attorney in new york city regularly i think it 60% of the cases felonies and downgrades them to misdemeanors. white this one case againstt he? why to bring a number three guy from the fbi to be able to argue the case? this does not add up. they know donald trump is elect. the only way they see out of it is to be able to get that felony conviction. stu and alvin bragg is set to appear before the judiciary committee on july 12, the day after the former president gets hisre sentencing for what kind f questions you plan for him? what's he needs to be asked why did he do this?
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remember, the department of justice was it a couple of years ago, said no we are not going to oi trump. why the district attorney say you now need to do it. and also why did the judge and not allow expert witness testimony in regards to t federal election commission? they did not allow smith to be able to testify. there are soab many holes in th. what is going to happen here as this case is going to be overturned. it's almt overturned. all they want is to b is eight t like our caller. if it goes away after the election and joe biden has one then mission accomplished by that is what alvin bragg is attempting too do and is for my question is going to lead very. >> my finder said the committee is going to take a look at the district attorney they hear from.
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the attorney general from missouri is going to be there i don't know the other witnesses that are going to be there. we want to know wha is a dual system of justice. and if they agree with this like the attoryen and the story did they agree that's what's happening inrica? we have been hearing from people across the political spectrum. legal scholars have been saying this is a devious case againstca president trump. >> here's kevin, kevin and michigan independent line for representative tom tiffany. >> thank you for taking my call. represtative, i've got two comments the first one is regarding this a judge in fulton county for evan watching him and this guy they would not give up. [inaudible] the same judge i'm sure has taken over trump's case for that is one my second comment would
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be for the russia/ukraine war. ■ russia said they would not invade them if ukraine gave them the nukes. here's the sut russia going to give back of the nukes they were not supposed to invade when the given back thei, quit sending them our money is thatng you guys duke it out. the american people are sick of ascending money over there. send them to nukes, let them fight it out to be done with it. it's okay kevin, and michigan. >> i would start with fulton county case in georgia. as you know really conflicts there. fani willis the district county, georgia is quite disgraced at this point. especial■qly with the love affar she had with the man she wanted to bring in, and a thin way to argue the case against president trump. that is now on hold i think that cases largely fallen off part much like the mar-a-lago records
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case jack smith is arguing. so many of these are falling apart aseen over the last month or so. in regards to ukraine, we need to take care of america first. we have got so many problems here in america and that will run up to thi we heard something about the nicest isisterrorists that were found t yesterday. i mean our country is under siege at this point with the open borders. start taking care of america first. >> democrat mine in maryland william is up next for our guest. william, good morning go ahead. >> caller: good morning, how are you doing, they give take my call. i have a couple quick comments. first of all, i do not see how anyonene could support a man lie presidt t totally is embarrassing this country every day. every time he opens his mouth it seems ridiculous to me.
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second, fanny will love affair has nothing to do with what trump did. and third, what you said a little while ago you said the jury made the right decision and the hunteras biden case. the jury came to the right decision.■puw okay, but the jury in new york the decision made with trump you want to bring in the whole congress in new york to and asked the supreme court to step in. the supreme court needs a state right where it is it's the most embarrassing thing in thisworld. that's looks ridiculous. i went to law school i have a law school integrate the supreme court looks ridiculous i don't like any of them anymore the only conservative justice i like on t supreme court i can't remember her name. the newest lady but i just
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>> we've got your point re down the former presidents immunity claim but go ahead and respond. >> i would go back to there is this a equivalence but out there in regards that these were two week old cases. her jury has decided hunter biden isn't guilty. hunter biden did. he admitted it in the laptop he uses own words were usega he is clearly guilty in the jure jury came to the right conclusion. but you have a department of justice that a year ago tried to make this go away with the sweetheart plea deal for hunter biden. it took a judge to stay tuned no, you are not going to be able to do let's contrast that with the new york case you have the district attorney who up charged with the misdemeanor case. then you have a judge when it
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sent the instructions to the jury that you do not have to be unanimous. an individual charge is made is guilty of just choosing guilty and i calll it unanimous. the judge tha democrats. it is so and on top of it the person argued the case cameom from letitia james office in new york the attorney general. went to beat number threeee at e department of justice. goes back to the district attorney's office is very unusual how all of this stuff happened by coincidence to go and get donald trump. and by the way, i think the judge in this case think he conducted that case in such an absurd way he knows he's going to be overturned but he does not care. as long as it is not overturned before theas election.
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we hear it from the colors we are getting this morning. all they want to b able to do is convicted felon. therefore donald trump will not be elected. but, here's the reason might donald trump will be reelected in 2024 is because the american people will be focusedor americo i say to people all the time do what is best for you in t selection. do you want inflation to go away and ruin the spending going on in washington d.c.? vote for donald trump we did not do nothave it like this five yes ago. we are energyye independent. to produce more produce for americans right here in america. and then the border is probably the number one issue is out of control on this more terrorists coming into the country. it's only a matter of time before this another terrorist attack here in america asrr a
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result the 10 million plus people coming in illegally with the ills that come with it including terrorists. >> representative ing■ to make the republicans on thursday in washington d.c. when your plans forwa this meeting? >> i hope to be able to are. the american people want this about them. it is very important for president trump to talk about what are we going to do for the american people? he saw a proposal in regard to no longer attacks or tipped employee that is the kind of thing that helps the average working person. you go back five years ago to the first time those on the lower end of the pay scale were starting to see pay increases, part of that he got control of
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we don't have a cheap labor coming into the country competing on the lower economic wrong. president trump needs to what are we going to do for the american people? with got a good story to tell just gos back for five years a. >> agenda for this meetingeelecn efforts? policy discussions? what's the plan? ical talking about how do we win in november? i am sure that much of what his remarks will center around >> north carolina this isrepublica. talk too you. this comes down to biden and trump. look at biden, he cannot go to a single world leader thing without his note cards. scott shall have the note cards and they've got to tell him where to sit at and everything.
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you brought up the terrorists, those are the same terrace that wins that moscow theater and killed 140 people. i want to tell you one other thing it is a two-t justice. unreleased, finally released a video from nancy pelosi's own daughter she takes full responsibility for not bringing the national guard up to the capitol. the fbi and the d.o.j. will not admit these laptops aren't real from hunter biden and every one of these 51 so-called professionals with russian disinformationll biden people.
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>> and mike in north carolina and■■ thank. >> i might have a couple different points. from a judiciary member perspective whether it's talking about january 6, the biden's, whatever, just give the americay will be very, very fair-minded about these things now i doey tf mike's questioning is president biden is a metaphor for america at this point it is an america in decline it is a weekly seat with a weak foreign policy. the american people want to have a strong america. america's art winners that is white we need to be talking throughout 2824 to the american people about how we can do so much about it there's not a reason for this inflation that is going on. i can be fixed for there's noto reason not to be energy independent and america there's no reason to not have a secure
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border donald trump did many of those things the four short years he was in office. let's put someone in office who will accomplish the goals of the american people set aside sideshows set aside the personalities the tit for tat an s for the american people. we look at four -- five years ago we were in a much bettertt place and we are now free. >> representative tom tiffany this is back in new york adepen. yes, how's it going. first of all america is not in decline it is disgraceful led by your leader, donald trump you keep pushing them. joe broke open negatives opec of then to cut back their production and because of joe biden, president biden opened increased production they turned
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their back on that. the only disgrace,&.■5f sir isr committee that is promoting convicted felon and foreign agents to give evidence against joe biden that they did something as if trading on your name is illegal. if it was so illegal where's the angst family trading on their name? it might benethical but it is not illegal there is no proof joe biden w a part of any of that with his son. you guys seem to stop that. >> for. >> that is mack in new york. speak to it let's address specifically the part you brought up with energy in particular oil. in regards to the point and the weneirst action he took as a present generate 20th of shut down
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the keystone pipeline it made it very clear to the rest of the world are nng to be energy independent who did that benefit?it benefited russia. basically $60 never come back down to those levels who did that enrich? b russia it helped them to fund their war machine if we want to take on russia as a president biden says the first thing you do is make sure you are energy independent we have imported more russian oil into america since joe biden has been present by the way that oil from russia is dirtier, dirtier burning than what we have here in america. it hasen weakened us. to defen have not seen weakness ignore what happened in afghanistan which is a colossal failure back in 2021 when he
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pulled out of afghanistan, left 13 of our finest at the kabul airport wil■ they will never come back to america again having died there in a firefight to leave afghanistan in such a way wess like we have not seen since vietnam. the american people want a strong america, joe biden is not provided tha congressman later on, july congresses sector from israeli prime minister. what do you think is the end result of this meeting? what's it is important for us to hear from world leaders in particular our allies on a regular basis. just a couple of months ago we were dressed in congress by the japanese prime ministered his r. and benjamin netanyahu is the leader of one of our chief allies in israel. it is good for him to present
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and hear first-hand from a wore. i'm looking forward to his presentation pickwick summer call louise democrat lined north carolina were running short on time so goh ahead. >> good morning, pedro. give me a little bit of representative, i would like to know why are you so for trump? i want the american people to know trump talked about being a dictator. they do not realize his whole family he is the only one who was born in queens, new york his brothers, sters, uncles, father, grandfather, all of them and his children were born and nazi germany not germany but in nazi germany. and also the judicial hearings and stuff you are having is a big joke. hunter biden is not running for office sofo what are you tryingo go after him? also the state garland maybe not
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the prosecutor's and judges in new york that's a state thing except paul doesn't have to leave it there. speak to i could just comment this is what the democrats want to haveoc happen i do not want o be a policy debate i will be workin all of 2024 sure we are talk about who is the nhe people to make us once again a strong country. >> representative tom tiffany republican of wisconsin a member of judiciary committee and member of the freedom caus joining us for this conversation. representative tom tiffany thank you for your time. >> thank you pedro. parks "washington journal" live form of involvement you to discussheatt issues and government, politics and public policy. from austin across the country
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