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tv   U.S. Senate Senate Debate on IVF Access Bill  CSPAN  June 13, 2024 12:13am-12:42am EDT

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■ americans across the country of the joy of children thanks to ivf. i will be meeting with a few families and advocates from new york who have benefited from ivf. the vast majority of americans, 86% support ivf only 14% oppose it. despite claims are my colleagues on the other side, protecting ivf is not a showboat at all. it is a show us who you are vote is to be a chance for centeredness on both sides to show their support for strengthening treatments or people who start families. surely opportunity to start a family is something all senators can and should agreeid on. >> was a present say rights to speak on an issue that is incredibly personal and vital o. theiz protection of in vitro ivf is a medical miracle that is
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brought the joy of t parenthoodo millions of families who might . i was strong support of ivf incredibly grateful for the technology that has enabled to bring into the world little boys and little finally hold a child in their arms. it is astounding to note that over 2% of alln birth i america each and every year come from ivf. that translates to millions of parents who been given the chance to win new life into the. to date, more than 8 million ivf. however, recent development of cause confusion and concern among parents and among those who wish to be parents.
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alabama supreme court decision to recognize embryos created through ivf as children under the law have left many prospectivewo parents worried, understandably worried, about the future legality of ivf. the legislature acted quickly to make clear the ivf is fully protected in the state of alabama. but nonetheless confusion persists. the best of my knowledge, all 100 senators in this body support ivf. seeing this confusion, confusion that unfortunately has been fueled by democrat partisans, i reached out to senator katie britt from alabama. i asked senator britt if she would join together in drafting legislation, federal legislation that would will be a clear straightforward ironclad protection for ivf. into federaa
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clear and unambiguous protection to make clear that no state in the union can banernment in this country can banr britt and i drs together. this bill is simple. it is straightforward. it is clear. ivf is profoundly pro- family. its an avenue of hope for millions struggling with infertility. to everett mom and every data at home every woman and man desperately hoping to be a parent, know that our bill will ensure ivf remains on one 100% protected by law. this should not just be a policy or general affirmation. this should be a clear and unmistakable federal
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we invite our colleagues in thee aisle to join together in supporting this crucial legislation. this should be measure that transcends political divide. a recent poll americans believe ivf should be legal and protected. this is an opportunity for us to put partisan to come together and unites on the a shared commitment to protecting ivf. that's why in the moment when you ask unanimous consent to passes legislation for before i do so would yield to the senatoe from alabama, senator britt. >> thank you so much. i was proud to join my colleague from texas introducing ivf protection act. i am grateful for his leadership on this important topic. as a mom i know firsthand
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there's no greater joy in this life than that of being a mother. ivf helped aspiring parents across our nation experience the miracle of life and start and grow a family. that is why i strongly support continued nationwide ivf access fundamentally profamily. for the millions of americans to face infertility every year ivf prove of a pathway to parenthood. we all have loved vince whether their family members or friends have become parents or grandparents through ivf. across america about 2% of babies born are born because of ivf. that's 200 babies per day. think about the magnitude of that number and the faces and the stories and the dreams it
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represents. in recent decades millions of people have been bored with the help of ivf for dogs my colleague, senator cruz, i was hoan colleagues in a joint support and continued nationwide access to ivf. ivf is legal and available every single state crossed america thate includes my home state or governor iv the alabama legislature acted quickly andr overwhelmingly earlier this year to protect ivf access for our state families. today dissent has an opportunity to act quickly and access for nationsfa families. that is with the ivf protection act would do. it isn't straightforward justrua senator cruz has said. the bill will give aspiring parents nationwide the certainty and peace of mind ivf remained legal and available in every
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single state. now i want to break this down as directly as possible. first there is only one billrots not straight outside the parameters. p that is our ivf protection act. there is only one bill that would protect ivf access will safe that is our ivf protection act. one bill protect ivf access votd once again our ivf protection act that is not the built democrats will be putting on the week. not interested to protect access and figure how we can get back to common law. that would n adv=xance her true goals which is about partisan electoral politics. if democrats let ivf protection act to pass would lose a key scare tactic they li november. that ultimately is what this is
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all about. they are in week two of their summeran scare tactics eventualy will transition into a follow-up fear mongering. at the end of the date the american people want secure borders, they wantafe streets. they want stable prices and they want strong families. my colleagues across the aisle know they cannot sell the buy demonstration record on any of these topics. it has bn a failure after failure yet again. so instead they have to rely on distorting and misrepresenting republicans position on issues including our support for ivf access. the bottom line is the american people der better there's no better path out there than our bill. the passive common ground solutions not show boats or scare tactics. again i want to applaud the leadership of my colleague from texas, senator cruz has been ace
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the world knows we are going to protect access to ivf. what democrats prioritize scaring families, republicans will continue to fight. i yield the floor. >> mr. president. quick senator from texas. quick sometimes eat folks from home find what happens a parliamentary procedure on this more phi confusing. which explain what's going happen and mona going to ask unanimous consent to pass the ivf protection bill into law. one of two things will happen in response. one, the democrats in this chamber can decide ivf should be protected by federal law. in which case this bill will pass the senate 100 -- nothing. the other thing that might happen is senate democrats will enter two words, i object. i want you to listen very
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carefully to the senate democrats. whatever else is included in the speech, understand the remarks and with the words i object, senate democrats will have made the decision ivthat democrats don't want ivf protected and federal law. they do not want to provide reassurance and comfort to millions of parents in america because instead they want to spend millions of dollars winning campaign ad suggesting the big bad republicans what to take away ivf. i get way that could be good politics. but i hope senate democrats are not that cynical. understand again if you hear the words i object, senate democrats are saying no, we will not protect ivf and federal law. because we want to play
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politics. mr. president asf his legislative section and not ascetic rule 22 i ask a nonsense of the finance committee be discharged from furthersi consideration of s4368 and that the senate proceed to its immediate consideration. i further asked the bilby read a third time and passed on the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the payable. this objection? ask mr. psident pickwick center from washington. mr. president reserving the right to object. i am n going to mince words here.ul it is ridiculous to claim this bill protects ivf■ when it does nothing of the sort. in fact it explicitly allows states to restrict ivf in all sorts of ways it is literally in the built text. remember it did not take state lawmakers in alabama passing a ban on ivf or clinics in the
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state to suspend services. under this bill there are a million ways republican-led states could enact burdensome and unnecessary requirements and create the kind of legal uncertainty and■3+? risk that wd force clinics to once again close their doors. also, even though it is an inherent part of the ivf process families will make more embryos than theyem need, this bill does absolutely nothing but not a single thing to ensure families who use ivf can have their clinics disposed of unused embryos without facing legal threats for a standard medical procedure. instead, this bill completely ignores the matter of what happens to frozen embryo in order to appease republicans extreme antiabortion allies.
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this was intentional. that leaves the door open to a lot of chaos. this is the pr tool it's another way for republicans to pretend they are not the extremist they keep proving they are. meanwhile there are bills and some republicans are pushing for right now that would enshrine as a matter of law that life begins atha conception. and discarding a news embryo is essentially a murder. senator cruz himself supported a personhood amendment to the u.s. constitution. that. the junior senator from texas wanted to change the united states constitution to give embryos the same rigs a living breathing human beings. look, the stone cold reality is you cannot protect ivf and champion fetal personhood.
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i would like to estimate colleagues who are offering this enormously inadequate bill, i hope answer directly, you support letting parents have clinics on embryos which is a typical part of the ivf process. you support fetal personhood which by its very nature will throw ivf accessntntil they cley answer that question and it's a couple simple ones, all the claims of supporting ivf will fall obviously short. just like this bill does bid that is why i object. >> the objection is heard >> mr? what's a senator from texas. >> mr. president the senator from washington suggested this bill does not protect ivf. let me read you the clear statutory language unambiguously protects ivf. a state shall not prohibit in
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vitro fertilization asti defined in section 4b of the ivf protection act services. and,o shall ensure note unit of local government in the state prohibit such services. that is clear. that it's unambiguous, that is explicit and that is ironclad. had the democrats not cynically said i object, that language would just pass united states senate 100 -- nothing. a strong federal protection of ivf. now, democrats know that out of 50 states not a single state is seeking to ban ivf date of the threat they plan to spend millions of dollars trying to convince the voters is real. no state is currently pursuing they know alabama who supreme court started this issue, the legislature probably came into session and acted to make clear
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that ivf is protected by the center from washington asked a question but i do find it in what it be to answer it. she's no longer on the senate floor to hear my answer to the question. i'll answer it anyway. the center from washington suggests those states that pursue personhood amendments that is somehow inconsistent with ivf. the one problem she has is facts in reality. there are three states alabama, georgia, and missouri all of which have adopted personhood amendments and all of which protect ivf is legal in alabama, it's legal in missouri. democrats maintain ivf is in jeopardy and get the facts are precisely to the contrary. understand by the democrats did wh t did. every democrat on the belt will tell the voters if you do not vote for b, a democrat, mean
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republicans will take away ivf. and i will tell you that mr. president, the reason they're going to say that is because the democrat record on abortion is extreme and out of the mainstream print every democrat senator in this body isvoted for legislation that wod legalize abortion literally up until the moment of birth. up to and including the 39th and 40th week of pregnancy. is . only 9% of americans support the extreme policy position of senate box. abortion up until the ninth month of pregnancy is too much. what's the s political
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strategy. don't talk about abortion changet it ton, contraception and ivf. no state of the union is trying to ban contraception and no state of the union is trying to ban ivf. every senators supports to right to contraception andor supports ivf being protected. the democrats are counting on the media to pick up sage. they know the bills we will volt on tomorrow will fail. they want the bills to fail, why, this adds.out running tv claiming republicans are opposed to ivf. the reason they will fail tomorrow is they deliberately trample on religious liberty. there used to be
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bipartisan commitment to religious liberty. the democrats decided the first first amendment no matters. among other things force a catholic hospital to provide ifv proside was contrary to the catholic faith we don't force anyone to do anything. if your faith teaches you not to useav ifv you should have the right not to participate in that. riunderstand the legislation the democrats just objected to would protect ivf for every parent in the country. it would become federal law except for one thing. the democrats don't want it to. if we pass clear strong federal■% protections for ivf,
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the issue they are planning to came pain on will go away we just saw one of the senat cal displays we ever saw on the meant to deceive the voters. democrats putately politics above protecting parents and ivf. remember the t next time you hearem a democratns saying they will spend millions of dol9+rs saying it we want to protect it. understand be, we could have passed strong federal legislation today. senate democrats don't want a oprotection of ivf. i yield the floor. >> senator from >> thank you, mr. president. we thank you for the
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leadership on this issue important to millions of americans. let the record show, today the t democrats rejected to a republican lead ivf protection act. the democrats objected to protecting ivf. this is personal and many people up's personal to many republican senators. i would propose a half dozen of us have a family member, child, or grandchild because of ivf. to me as anybody up here. for some 30 years of my life, i had the opportunity and privilege deliver a baby everyday. we have font opportunities to give aos baby to a new mom and dad and see the smile on their faces and see their lives change
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forever. notvesha that fortunate. 10 to of americans they struggle to have children. that's why i work so hard to haved an infertility clinic. a place people can come to get help with their infertility treatments. there wereer many things we could d and w help thousands of women and helped them have a baby. if we weren't successful we'd try ivf. i'm proud to have participated in hundreds of cycles. successfulcy■) cycles and deliver many babies from ivf. our country needs to know republicans believe in ivf and we support it. i never heard one senator up hearsayer anything else. i have not heard any
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state trying to take this down.. ti'm proud to stand upe here and support senator britt and cruz's bill to support ivf. awe'll have an opportunity tomorrow on a show bill. we will somewhere a show vote on the showbi bill. senator duckworth has poison pills that not many republicans can ftolerate. the first is denying freedom ofre religion. freedom of religion, the bill is unconstitutional. as christian physician. there are certain things i wouldn't participate in. i happen to believe iff is a gift from god and given us this technology. i'd like to make sure we apply that. there are certain hospitals and physicians that don't want to
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participate in ivf. there are forces that position and hospital to participate. they arer conscious. that's a violation of religious freedom. the secondee poison pill on the legislation, the bill's definitions are too bread creating unlimited right to all reproductive technologies. you have to assume that includes editing.and gene do we force doctors nto participate in editing. america is not ready for that. this is the third poison pill being ignored.
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-- that's why i'm honored to stand here between senator cruise and britt and champion the pro family legislation and guarantee access to all americans. thank you, i yield back.■nz
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