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tv   Historic Convention Speeches John Kennedy - 1960  CSPAN  June 15, 2024 7:03pm-7:26pm EDT

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can be in the same battle. telland neither one is lying. it all depends on where they were when the battle took place. there are 18 voices from the front. world war two veterans who have been recorded. and you can talk to them here at the3sational world■although.
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rnor stephenson, senator johnson, mr. butler, senator simonton, senator speaker rayburn, fellow democrat. i want to express my thank the governor stephenson, for his generous and heartwarmintroduct. it was my his name in nomination at conved
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i am delighted to have his suhis counsel and his advice in the coming mont ahead. lett that i accept the nomination of the democratic party. accepted without■ reservation and with only one obligation, the obligation to devote every effort of my mind and■g spirit o lead our party back to victory and our greatness. i am grateful to. are providing us with such a strong platform to stand on and to run on.
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pledges which are made so kept. all right. the man that never ran economic right. i thank you for the human dignity of all men are indeed our indeed our first principle. this is i can run with enthusiasm and with conviction. and i am grateful. finally, that i can rely on the coming months on existing running matess programs and strength through our platform and our tict. johnson. and one of the most times, adlai stevenson.
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and a great fighter. and a great fighter for our need as nation. and a people. so it's on my traveling in wisconsin. in west virginia, senator hubert humphrey. on paul butler, our devoted and. /"and on that fighting campaign, whose support i president harry truman. i feel a lot safer with all of them on my side. and i'm proud of the contrast with our republican■l competitos for their rank that both inlengo put his head up in thet 12
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nths fully aware of the fact that the, by nominating someone of my faith g on what many regard as a new and hazardous risk, no. at least scedemocratic party hae american people and in their trt an ability to render a judgment. my oath of office, to reject anr obga my directly or
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indirectly interfere with my conduct of t presidency in the supporting public separation of church and state, and pressure from sources of any kind. should be clear by now to everyone. that no american i hope that nonsidering the really cril issues facing thisis franchise w away his either for me or religious affiliation. it is not relevant.
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i am telling you what, you are entitled to know as come■p before you seeking your support for the mostow office in the free world. i am saying to every public poly will be my own as an american, as a democrat, and as a free man. because this country faces so many serious challenges, so many burdensome response abilities. but i hope that those great
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matters that we can address ourselves in the coming months and if this statement of mine makes it easier to concentrate on our nation's problem, then i'm glad that i have made it. under any circumstances, the victory we seek in november will not be easy. we know that in our hearts. we know that our opponents well invoke the name of abraham f of their candidate, despite the career, n seen toward none. and now for all. we know, it will not be easy to campaign against the man who has spoken and voted on every side of every issue.
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mr. nixon may feel that it's his turn now after the no deal and a bad deal, but before he deals someone going to cut the card. that someone may be the millions of americans who voted for presidentr but weren't bought out,well, just as histors that, richard, the first was not fit to fill the shoesthe secondy alwas not fit to wear the mantle of his uncle. they might in future years that richard nixon did not measure up to thetsteps of dwight dperhaps he could carry e
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party policies, the policies of nixon andentsen and dirksen and goldwater. but this nation luxury. perhaps we could afford following. harding. and perhaps we could afford fi. but after■% lincoln. after taft. we hoover, we needed franklin roosevelt. -8but we're not merely running against mr. nixon. h%our ta merely one of itemizing that wholly necessaryr e from the farm. you do not need us to tell them of theirunemployed miners and
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textile workers know that the decision is before them in november. the old people without medical care, the families without a decent home. the parents, the children without a decent school. they all know that it's time for darkness.ot here to curse the we are here to light a candle. as winston churchill said on taking office. some 20 years ago, if we open a quarrel between the president and the past, we shall be in danger of losing thee. today, our concern must be with that changing. the old era is do abroad.
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the balance of power is shifting. new and more terrible weapons one third of the world may but one third is the victim of a cruelep third is rocked by poverty and hunger and influence has penetrated into asia. it stands in the middle east and now festers off the coast of florida. er the taliban and neutrals have slipped and areti as ourkeynotee by going to korea japan. the world has been close to war before, but no man who survived
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all threat to his taken into his mortal hands the seven times over. heh0re at ■a future is equally revolutionary. the new deal and the fair deal were bold measures, but a generation. generation in a technological output and explosion on the farm has led to an explosion and urban population revolution overcrowdd plundered our city and crowded our slums. ap for revolution for human racial discrimination in all part of our community life has been that the least used imposed by a timid executive leadership. ■■it is time, in is tiw
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genetion of leadership all over the world, particularly9 in the new nations. young men are coming to power. man one not bound by the traditions of the past. man blinded by the old fears and hate and■! rivalry. young man who can cast off the old slogan and the old delusions. the republican nominee you pass is a young man. but hisold as mckinley■z. is 40 as the party of the past. the party of memory. his features are generalitiesf'. theirleft over democratic plank.
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theirquo. and today there is no status■; o for us. i stand here tonight■t facing. west on what was once the last frontier from the lands that stretch 3000 miles behindoneersr safety, their lives to build our new west. captives of their own doubt, nor the prisoners of their own price the new world strong and free and exampl world to overcome its hazards and its hardships. the part of the enemies that threatened from within, in and those struggles are all over, but all the horizons have been explored.
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but all t that there is no longn an frontier. but i trust that no one in this network would agree with that sentiment. we, the problems are not all solved. and the battles are not our one. an stand today on the edge of a new frontie frontier of the ■frontier here of unknown opportunities and peril. theof unfilled hope and unfilled threats. woodrow wilson's new freedom promised our nation a new political and economic framework. franklin roosevelt's new deal promised security and succor to those in frontier of which i speak was not a set of promises. it is a set of challe it sums up not what i intend to
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n people, but what i intend to ask of them. it appeals to theirit appeals tr security. it holds out the pmise of more sacrifice instead of more a new frontier is here, whether we seek it or not. frontier, our uncharted areas of scispace on e on conquered province of ignorance anded questions of poy and easier to shrink from that the mediocrity of the ■/past. to be lowered by good intentions and high rto prefer that post
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should not vote for m party. but i believe that the times require imagination and courage and perseverance. i'm asking each of you to be pioneers towards that new frontier. my call is to the young at heart. in spirit, regardless of party, to all sensible call. be strong enough.
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afraid. neither being dismayed for courage, not complacency is our needoday. leadership, not salesmanship. and the only val path of leadership is the ability to and lead vigorously. a tired■p nation. a tired is a tory nationcanada r tiredr tory. there may be those who wish to hear more, more promises to this
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group or that more harsh rhetoric abouthe in the kremlin as a substitute for policy. more assurancesen future where taxes are always sidies are always high. what my promises are in the platform that you have adopted are and will not be won by rhetoric. and we can have faith in the future only if we have faith in ourselves. for while the harsh facts of the matter of that, we stand at this frontier, at a turning point of story. we must prove all over again. you are watching as we sit on a most conspicuous stageet nation,
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choice, its breadth of oppor alternativn compete with a single minded advance of the communist system. can azed and governed such as ours and do? that is theestion. have we the nerve and the will? can we cay through in an age where we will witness not onlydr mastery of the sky. in the rain, the ocean and the tides, the far side of space and the inside of men's minds. that is the question of the new frontier. that is the choice that our nation must make a choice that lies not merely between■■% huma. or two parties, but between the public interest and private comfort, between national eatn national decline. they bring a fresh air of tfnkprogress and a stale decaden
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the fear of normalcy between dedication and mediocrity. mankind waits to find our decision. a■ñ to see what we shall do. andail. that thrust. and we cannot fail to try. hasr1ee long road. on the first snowy day in new hampshire many months ago to this crowded convention city now begins another long journey kicity and home. across the united states. give me your help and your hand and your boy. great record with me.
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the words of say, say that there that wait upon lord shall renew eir strength. they shall mount up with wings as eagles. and not be weary challenge. we shall and ask that he renew our strength. e be equal to the task? then we shall not be wearing. then we shall ■&■■w


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