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tv   U.S. Senate U.S. Senate  CSPAN  June 17, 2024 2:59pm-6:35pm EDT

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way? >> if that were actually happening, t >> if that's what actually were happening, then i think you hsat here. i change ohaexll right? we are allhang k it off and it automatically fires more than one shot. >> we believe this program to bring you live coverage of the u.s. senate. you can watch this in its entirety if you go to our website today you a senate consider the nomination of an associate judge on the d.c. court for a 15 year term. also this week senate majority leader chuck schumer said he plans to bring up about bump stocks at the u.s. supreme court rejected the federal b now live to the floor of the u.s. senate here on c-span2. the presiding officer: the senate will come to order. the chaplain, dr. barry black, will lead the senate in prayer. the chaplain: let us pray. god, our refuge strength
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whose compassion encompasses humanity and whose mercy never fails. empower our senators to be partners with you in your redeeming p for this -- purposes for this earth. remind them that only great greatness that they will ever kn to your transforming might. as they you, make them seekers after peace, justice, and freedom. lord transform this storied of our legislative branch into a of vision a lighthouse and a source of solace by the raging floods of human disaster and distress. he members of this body become architects of a new order
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of hope and justice for the people nation and world. we pray i powerful name. amen. the presiding officer: please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to our flag. i pledge allegiance to of the united states of america, and to the republic for one nation under god, indivisible, with liber the prlerk will read a communication to the senate. the clerk: washington, d.c., june 17, 2024. to the senate: paragraph 3, of the standing rules of the senate, i hey duckworth, a senator from the state of illinois, to perform the duties of the chair. signed: patty murray, president pro tempore. the presiding officer: under the previous order, the leadership
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mr. schumer: madam president. majority leader. mrhu. s a bill at
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the desk due for a second reading. the presiding officer: the clerk will read the title of the bill for the second time. the clerk: s. 4541, a bill to amend the irsnternal rev with respect to qualified programs permanent. to place the bill on the calendar under er proceeding. the presiding officer: objection having been heard, the bill the calendar. mr. schumer: madam president, i understand there is a bill at the desk and i ask for its first reading. the presiding officer: the clerk the title of the bill for the first time. g=4554, a bill to express support for p to reproductive health care after v. jackson decision. mr. schumer: i ask for a second reading, under the provisions under rule 14, i object to my own requespresiding officer: objection having been heard, the bill will be read a second time on the next legislative day. mr. schumer: madam president.
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the presiding officer: the majority le. few moments ago i took the first procedu the legislative clad calendar the reproductive freedom for women act cosponsored by senator murray and myself and cosponsored by all the women senators on the democrat side. this for enshshrineing the protections of law as most americans say they want. i thank sen colleagues who cosponsored the reproductive freedom for women act and i will work to bring them to the floor. well madam president, only half way through june and it's already been month for maga republicans and their attacks on rep the last two weeks, senate republicans have their attempts to sound moderate on it comes to vote they're falling in line wemists. this month, senate republicans protecting commonsense reproductive care like contraception and ivf.
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as y well-- a bill you know well, madam president. house republicans overwhelmingly on friday to pass the defense funding bill with hard-right poison pills restricting access to reproductive care for our servicemembers. and donald trump, while speaking to republicans on capitol hill last week attacked the decisionroe, and said abortion should be left to the states even if state p restrictions on women's freedoms as is happening all over the republicans cannot escape a simple reality -- their record dangerously out of step with the views of08americans. poll after poll affirms a majority of americans disapproved of the supreme court's decision to overturn roe. i'll say it again, so many sena and so many house republicans will try tro talk -- try moderates on reproductive freedoms but their own record isinst them. when it comes time to vote they ve freedoms over and over again. th that when it comes to protecting
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their fundamental freedoms actions speak louder than't claim to be pro- pro-contraception, but then block federal protections for contraception. but that's just what they dideeks ago. republicans can't also claim to be but then block federal protections for once again, that's just what they did a few days ago. and remember donald trump to this day conties t brag about his role in eliminating roe, dlicans in this chamber who voted to confirm not one, not o, hard-right supreme court justices of overturning roe. make noe, extremists aren't done. if they get the chance had, they will push for their ultimate goal of a national aboard ban. republicans say a national abortioning ban -- abortio is plain old fearmongering. but remember these same able to stand up to the maga right long enough to f bill.
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do we really trust them to resist pushes a national abortion ban? ofrsou approaching, republicans continue to show the american people where they really are, with maga extremists and not the majority of america. that's what republican senators and house members are doing. now, on last friday madam president, the struck once again, saying the federal use of bump stocks the accessory responsibleor the deadliest shooting in american story. nearly seven years ago, a lone shooter fired a thousand rounds in just ten minutes upon a crowd ofers in las vegas. 60 innocent people were mu 850 were injured. this was all possible his rifles to function essentially as machine guns. the aft under the trump administration under themp administration administration banned the use of these accessories
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after the las vegas shooting. yet, on fridayhe reached the incredible conclusion t act like machine guns to fire bullets at almost the sam and in which, in judge alito's own admission did not show quote, any material difference unquote, with machine guns are somehow not machine guns which have been banned for a long time since the 30's. friday's ruling is yet another warning that this maga the deep end, aligning with the most extreme elements of the hard right. they have strict down freedom of choice, environmental protections protec safety and more. the maga supreme court is now even further to the right of donald trump, very hard right himself. so this week theen to try to fix the chaos the magaushed. as soon as tomorrow democrats will seek passage ofks and i urge my republican colleagues not to
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block senator heinrich when he comes to the floor. he's the author of the bill banning bump stocks and leading the charg to get it passed quickly. passing a bill stocks should be the work of five minutes. most america step. poll after poll show a majority of peoplets support restrictions on ar-15 style rifles which is what bump stocks are designed to emulate. i understand that the issue of gun safety provokes intense disagreement in congress. but shouldn't we all agree that preventing another tragedy likvegas is just plain common sense and a good th banning bump stocks would go a long way to making it harder for out large shootings shootings. so i hope our republican colleagues join us. two years ago this month, showed america that even something asversial as gun safety can get passed when both sides are willing to work in good faith. i was very proud as majority
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leaderf members like senator sinema who worked hard on passing this legislation.o pass gun safety once again, as soon as is will republicans join us? will republicans join us to prevent anotherragedy like las vegas and vote to ban deadly stocks? republicans were supportive o stocks when the trump administration took this step so they it tomorrow. will republicans stand up to the gun lobby and side with parents, teachers and law enforcement who worry violence striking their communities without warning? will senate republicans resist pull of maga extremism and embrace bipartisanship so once again we can keep people safe? i hope the answer is yes. i hope we can repeat tuccee passed the first major gun safety bill in 30 years, since i led the passage of the brady bill in congress i was long way to go to cure
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america'se of gun violence. today, you don't need to showhelestatistics. americans know violence is disgustingly feel it in their bones. they are worried a they go nor a public -- the places and instinctively look for exits. sometimes just a loud noise can frighten people in public. now this maga court has undone the ban on bump stocks that will make it easier for deranged individuals to turn their weapons into near machine my republican colleagues want to do the right thing for the country, the answe simple join us every one of you, to ban bump never see the kind of carnage we saw in las vegas, ever again. i yield the floor, note the be a -- note the absence of a quorum. the presid the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.
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mr. mcconnell: madam president. the presidofblican leader. mr. marshall: i ask consent that further proceedings under the quorum call be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. mcconnell: last week thervices committee voted to recommend a $25 billion increase to-linse
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spending. in overwhelming b fashion, our colleagues rejected a fourth straight budget request from the biden administration that failed to keep pace with inflation, much less the threat china. if this major investment is actually appropriatedn overdue step toward equipping america's armed forces to meet an increasinglyworld. but shortly after the committee's action senior democrats shattered any expectation that they were ready tosrt taking the -- to start taking the requirements national defense seriously. they began with about the past. the democrat leader suggested in a statement that quote, democrats have in ensuring our military has the
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best trained and bes equipped fighting force in the world. really? again. every year republicans have to secure defense spending beyond president biden meager requests. when the administration initially wanted the pentagon to pay for increasing operational costs in europe it took republicans demandi appropriations to buy new weapons to replace the providing ukraine.part, our colleague from new york blocked an amendment to the infrastructure bill in 2021 that would have made an historic investment in the defense industrial base and this was before the russian escalation. and then senate democrats loaded in lockstep b one during budget reconciliation. all around the world offering clear
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and alarming reminders of how rapidly modern warfare is changing. the battlefields of ukraine have become aoratory for fast evolving concepts like unmanned aerial vehicles electronic warfare, and defenses. war on israel america, and international shipping highlights the growing importance of long-range weapons and air and missile defense. and china's military modernization from its to its navy underscores the stakes ofn bold, red ink. it offers us essential lessons about the inefficiencies of own capabilities, that is if we choose to act on them.
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america is literally years behind in building the sort of production capacity we need to sustain effective deterrence or win actually comes. the administration for taking production of 155 millimeter artillery shells they haven't directed the same urgency to critical error and interceptors or long-range weapons.republicans fought to include hundreds of millions of dollars for these the supplemental but it's long past time to put critical requirements like these in our budget. if the administration doesn't this procurement in its budgeting and cont surprised when producers hesitate to production lines or new take the requirements of our national defense more seriously. what on earth should the rest of we don't? next month dozens of america's here
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in washington for a summit of the most military alliance in world]g history. in the face of growing threats, they'll have much to celebrate. the addition of two new allies in finland and sweden greater cooperation with allies and partners in theindo-pacific several of whom will be in attention dan and the more than 20 nato member states who now meet the alliance's 2% spending target. it's encouraging that so many of america's friends have taken long overdue stepsds stronger defense in response to aggression. but america cannot to be interests are too great to wait adversaries to actually strike.
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what example will we set snl i know the onegj i'd like to set. i kno the message ranking meer w t overwhelming majority of colleagues on the armed services committee would like to send to the world. but it will take a great deal more from leading democrats for the promise of amernd carry any weight. they could start by bringin to the floor without delay. unfort datided dnsterati o taking up the critical annual defense authorization, the senate will dedicate floor time this week to the l administration's parade of the federal bench. the latest example is a judge nominated to the federal district court in oregon named mustafa taher kasubhai. judge kasubhai's record and judicial philosophy put him well outside the has bragged about
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his lac o commitment to standard during his time as a magistrate judge, he said quote, we have to set aside conventional ideas of proof, of proof when we are dealing with the interperson equity diversity, andclusion. now, if by conventionadeas of proof he's referring to things like clear evidence or sworn witnesses and their testimony, then i think i intend to prefer conventional ideas. unfortunately, this only scratches the surf this judge also sounds like a committed he's offered an article promoting the marxist theory into property law and claimed the notion of resources was a myth promoted about i a iv he's heaped high praise on thed racist
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prophet known for insisting that quote, the onlyy to pass discrimination is presenttion. the only remedy to present discrimination. as many of our colleagues know i was fortunate to be here in washington when mar tifrn luther king -- martin luther king delivered his famous i have a dream speech and i don't recall calling for retribution. in fact his name has become synonymous with the exact opposite. but apparently this is just one more subject on which this judge would prefer to leave ideas behind. well whether it comes to -- when it comes to judicial nominations, i subscribeo conventional wisdom. a judge's job is to follow the law, not the passing fads of woke politics. so i would urge our colleagues to join me rejecting this nomination.
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i suggest the absence of a quorum. thfi the clerk will call the roll. quorum erk: ms. baldwin.
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or older attempts when it comes to vote they are in line with extremist. this month republic locked sense reproductive care for contraception. house republicans voted overwhelmingly on the defensefunding bill is hard right was in those restricting access reproductive
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trump into abortion republicans cannot escape the simple reality and women's healthcare dangerously out of step. in the supreme. talk like moderates reproductive freedoms. mrs. blackburn: are we in a quorum call in. yes, we are. mrs. blackburn: i ask we had dispense with the warmer cowl. cer: without objection. the senate will proceed to executive session to resume consideration of the following nomination will report. oler of the district of columbia to be an associate judge of the superior supreme court of the
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district of c of 15 -- for the term of 15 years. brook . mrs. blackburn: thank you madam president. we beaches of normandy on d-day, june 6 1944. along with our allies, the largest armada in world history, with more than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft with the goal of liberating nazi-occupied europe and defending the free world. to our country's eternal gratitude, these b soldiers succeeded in their mission. 80th anniversary of d-day, on june 6, i joined a bipartisan senate delegation to normandy to honor the americans, among themybtennesseans, who put their lives on the line in the name of freedom. of the 16.4 million americans served
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in world war ii 1% are still with us special honor to meet with those who served such brave heroes who served and we sat together as we commemorated this day. among them was tennessee native cletus bailey who fought to liberate europe in the 84th infantry division. two years ago at the age of 96 mr. bailey received a bronze star for bulge. that was 76 years after his service had come to an end. like so many americans who served in world war ii, mr. bailey was gracious and humble about the incredible that he made to defend the country. it was a reminder that the greatest generation our country, even through the horrors of war,
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as their duty as a but during the memorial ceremonies these heroes received the recognition they deserve in front of a crowd of 10,000 people from world. it was so moving to see french president macron recognize veteranses with the legion of honor,france's highest distinction, for their role in helping to free f from nazi oppression. while we thank the d-day veterans for their service, our delegation alsod the brave soldiers who never returned america. in normandy there is no greater sacrifice than the normandy american cemetery and memorial which holds the graves of 9,387 american war dead. many of these warriors fellb feet away from the cemetery
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omaha beach, thefiercest fighting on d-day, where u.s. forces suffered approximately 22, 400 -- 2,400 casualties. while many markers have long disappeared, a coastline you will still see fortifications where national did i used to rein machine gun fire on beaches to free a continent. in so many ways, normandy is a reminder that america is the home of the free because of the brave. de can never repay their sacrifices we must ensure that no veteran is ever lef especially when it comes to the benefitsey deserve. in the senate i have championed legislation to improve the department of veterans affairs caregiver program and prote veterans' personal information.
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thankfully both of become law, but there is much more that needs to be doneir service. that's why i i health care freedom act, which would expand health veterans by allowing them to seek care in their local communities instead of v.a.s that are often far away from their homes. these will not only benefit our nation's veterans but also 1.2 million active dutyervice comes to an end. during the pleased to meet many of these brave members of fort campbell's 1st airborne division who live in tennessee. on d-day, the101st was crucial to the allies' victory. pair parachuting into france infantry divisions that were storming the 80 years later, the current members of the honored this incredible legacy.
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conducting an air assault drill french town liberated by the 101st. outpouring of support for our veterans and a powerful reminder of general eisenhower's the expeditionary force on the eve of the d-day landing, that then and now the hopes and praye liberty-loving people everywhere march with our armed forces. i yield the floor and note the the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.
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a senator: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from iowa. mr. grassley: i ask that calling the quorum ended. the presiding officer: without
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objection. mr. grassley: last week the united states and nations observed a significant milestone world history. the 80th anniversary ofd-day. that day by air, and sea, this massive unleashed the largest amphibious assault known to the world. more than 18,000 paratroopers dropped on beaches of normandy. more than dispatches from allied air f cover. nearly 7,000 navales participated including more than 132,000 ground troops who swam ashore artillery. american families lost servicemembersd-day alone. all told as we know more than
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400,000 americans died during world war ii serving their country. these courageous patriots defended america's standing a beacon of hope and freedom around theworld. the sacrifice of american to back the war effort allowed its military superiority alongside the allied forces. that effortd the axis powers defeating authoritarian regimes and ending theholocaust, where 6 million jewish people lost their ves. they were murdered. at every opportunity barbara and i are honored to greet veterans who come to washington, d.c. in wha we call honor flights to visit the war
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ii memorial. a worldar i and former senate majority leader here in the senate bob best friend. he took me a fellow midwesterner under wing when i first came to the united states senate. my departed friend brought uncommon courage to the battlefield, and we all know he brought principled leadership to the united states senate. his a lasting impression on me and my work in congress. that includes a nonnegotiable tenet of americans' security which is peace through strength. you seeead isolationists' sentimentt from entering world war i andii.
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americans stayed on the sidelines until the cost of aggression was too high?j and the threat to u.s. became obviously acute. separated as we areurope and asia by oceans and wishing no one americans would naturally feel that we ought to be left alone and ignore foreign conflicts. now here's the lesson for today. the united states learned this lesson from world war ii. preventing and stoppingy early is much less costly and lives. we learned what happened when you wait. when unchecked aggression has lit the world on fire we are forced to fight a devastating world war.
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that is why united states led north atlantic treaty organization better known as nato this most fv
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by my good friend from russell, kansas dole. this philosophy aligns with my the fiscal mess that undercuts the department of defense and undermines morale of our troops. every dollar to fraud is one less dollar for readiness. however, my bipartisan work on this issue shows that i'm not for writing the penta check. protecting taxpayer dollars and boosting military readiness aren't mutually exclusive. on january 8, 1790 his first annual address to core president george washington said, quote, to be prepared for war is one of the most effective preserving
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the peace, end of quote. our nation's 40th president continued president washington's legacy. at the nominating convention 44 years ago in detroi ronald reagan said this -- quote, we too well that war comes not of freedom are strong butweak. it is then that tyrants are tempted. end of quote. during his eight years in the white house, president reagan modernized the. forces the u.s. army two active divisions and the weapons systems to thwart nuclear reagan stared down the evil words as he referred to the ussr and ended the cold war. the reagan doctrine taught us really what other hand the
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appeasement of presidents obama and biden has only incentivized our adversaries to take another inch. think of the uncertainties that we have today which arguably stem from the obama air lifting pallets of cash tiran followed by biden lifting sanctions. given their public action i too surprised when fbi me with records showing just how easy on iran theiradwere. john kerry actively worked to us iranians from being arrested in order to prec negotiation that ended up being the iran nuclear pallets. it's never been a secret that iran uses its wealth to
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te terrorism in the hopes of wiping israel off the map, and they he a target on the united states. example, think of the uncertainty in europe when putin, annexed crimea crimea. the world blinked and now he waged a war in ukraine and looks to knockown the doors of poland and elsewhere resurrect the old sovie to remind my colleagues and the american people what the russian president in 2005 during his annual state of the message. he called can you believe this he called the collapse of the soviet empire the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of century. end of quote. ronald reagan
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said r as it did 40 years ago. he quote, must be made to understand we will never compromise our principles and standards or ignore the facts of history and the aggressive i of an evil empire. to do so wou abandoning the struggle between right and wrong and g quote. 80 years after d-day, our nation is a crossroads as we look ahead toward our nation's 250th anniversary 2026, americans can't afford to i never imagined the lessons of the holocaust wou on the u.s. college campusesy the of innocent civilians the hamas. i never imagined isolationism would fuel pu brazen
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efforts to restore the old soviet union. and let's notforget president xi has made no bones mission to usurp america's global leadership. america's lrs has created the conditions for countries to pursue de self-determination and freedom. in co president xi seeks to expand china's footprint through his sinister death trap diplomacy and of these tactics aim to export the -- the chinese communist model of state control over lives and exert a neodomination around theintention, the chinese communist government silenced the 35th anniversary of the
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bloody crackdown on pro democracy protests in beijing's tiananmen communist leaders have all but protesters by armed police and 180,000 troops from chinese public memory. let there be noistake authoritarianism regimes use any meanssary to censor free speech snuff economic freedom and pursue -- and persec freedom. when putin and about a multi multipolar world in which they can dominate smaller that country's citizens' will. in anoth'1 will shine a light on religious happening against groups like the uighurs and
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minorities tibet and christians in china as well as crimeand -- and others. our constitution guarantees of speech religion press, assembly and theig peaceably petition t we look forward to our independence day, i americans to recognize and appreciate these freedoms. and if americans want to guarantee these freedoms peace and prosperity for generations come we cannot blink in commitment to promoting peaceth. if americans -- if doesn't lead our allies won't follow and our enemies will no longer fear us. i'll close withne more piece of sage advice from president reagan. quote, if america
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good america will cease to be great. i y the floor and of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.
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mr. cornyn: madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from texas. mr. cornyn: a quorum call? the presiding officer: yes, we are. coyne cornyn i ask unanimous coe dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. madam president, for flee and --and a half years, president biden's border policies have resulted in a crisis that's endangered the safety and security of the american people. when law enforcement are forced their day pushing paper, caring for migrants it creates an opening for dangerous people and drugs to slip acrr and into our communities. this isn't a coincidence or accidental. it's of the business model of the cartels to
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whom president biden has outsourced our immigration policy.]"ey control it not the border biden administration. criminal every day smuggling people and drugs across the border. it's a booming business thanks to president biden's policies. but last week we got a striking the dangers that lurk in the shadows of thisborder crisis one that maybe isn't lyly paid attention to. one o cbp, that's customs andotection app, which the biden administration has b touting as a way for migrants to schedule their hearing with border patrol at the port of entry. sof the men last week used this app that was sold as a safe and orderly way to crisis but clearly this is not
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so this episode that i'll tell you more about in a second this individual usinghe cbp app, it took nearly a year for the administration to finally arrest the man in baltimore just 40 capitol. once again this isolated incident. we know this is a recurring theme due to intentional policies. this is not an accident.bu it's not just negligent. this is on purpose. here's a recent eight suspected terrorists with possible ties to arrested in new york los angeles, and philadelphia. it's worrisome enough if individuals who are o the terrorist watch list are detained at the border but these eight men were arrested in major american com the border.
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all tajik stan and entered the border courtesy of the biden administrationlicies. according to reports, at least two of these men crossed the border in the spring of 2023 more than a year ago. and again this was the one who used the p app which was touted as a way flow of migrants across the border by the biden this was an unqualifiably good thing. what we know in addition t these eight just two months ago ice officerst'migration, custom enforcement, in bmo down the road from the nationed another man, this time from uzbekistan with ties to everybody, isis is a successor organization to al qaeda. this is a radical terrorist organization that's determined to kill as many innocent er europeans
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and anonymous limbnon-muslim believers as possible. but this individual in baltimore with tieso isis was released by the biden administration in february of more than a year later, uzbekistan put out a global notice that this man was indeed wanted in his home country for terrorist ties. well just as a reminder it doesn'n army to carry out a devastating attack here in america. 22 years ago on september 11 19 terrorists killed 3,000 americans. and then there's another incident that in february where a of the somalia based terror group that's another islamic terrorists time headquartered in africa -- but a member of tsomalia-based terrorist organization
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al-shabaab was arreste minnesota. he initially had released into the country by the biden administration and roam freely for about a year. become all too common under president leadership. thank goodness since ome more sophisticate -- has become more sophisticated at stopping potential terrorist attacks but the border -- biden border crisis dozen not accidentalnot just negligent but intentional, has created a pathway for terrorists to slip into the united states un undetected. i appreciate as always the bravef ice and customs and border protectforcement partners who have put these suspected terrorists behind bars. but the reality of the situation is have been roaming freely in our country in the first this has been part of a conscious policy of president
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biden. we have to prevent this exact situation from happening, but if you don't enforce the law, which the biden administration refuses to do this is what happens. terrorist should not be able to cross the southern border. people who are not legally in the united states should not be allowed to cross the southern border. they shouldn't be released byla absolutely shouldn't be able to move freely a year. so this is another case of multiple points of failure, and the bidenistration is responsible for all of as the american people know president biden has now issued 95 executive orders 94 of which were specifi dismantle the border protections that president trump had put in place. president biden purposefully eliminated the effective measures to maintain a safe and
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orderly southern border. ole day one he stopped building thel known as the wall halted deportations and end t mexico policy. this was just on one. in his first hundred days in office president biden has taken -- has issued 94 groundwork for the security crisis that we find ourselves in today. thiss direct result of president biden's intentional policies. he has dned to eliminate illegal border crossings, and policies that serve as a magnet for additional illegal immigration. i was just reading on social media that the president's supposedly going to issue another executive this time providing additional work permits and a to a green card and potential citizenship to people who country -- who enter the border patrol calls a pull factor. it's like a magnet attracting
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people into the united states who know that if they wai long enough president biden w find some way to allow them to stay in the united states even though they circumvent legal coming into the country under our immigration laws. now, i don't think a by president biden's sudden interest in what's happening at the southern border. this is a last-ditch attempt to turn down the heat on the border crisis in the lead-up to the election. and the american people aren't buying it they're smart. no matter how much spin democratic colleagues try to put on the situation, the who's responsible. as this crisis was of the biden administrationhe president and his allies went to great lengths to avoid to even bo border even as he was dismantling the prior protections. they essentially placed a ban on the a of
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came up with creative phrases to de happening, a challenge, a situation, a mess anything to deceive the american people into thinking it really wasn't that bad of a problem. president biden waited for two years to even visit border and it wasn't until january of this year he finallydmit that the border isn't secure something three and a half years. he finally admitted last january. he went on to add -- this was a curiosity -- he went on to say that he believed theeen secure during the last ten years. very strange. so it took president biden three years to e acknowledge the security crisis that's been raging since he office. i say all this to remind friends in the media how we got here because be short around this for three and a half years, president biden and senate democrats about the
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crisis at the border because they result. nine maybe ten million people come drugs that killed 108,000 americans last 500,000 unaccompanied children who have been placed with sponsors and lost track of by the biden administration. these were all the direct result biden's border policies. rather than just watching this happen they actually made they fomented this crisis with open border policies they started implementing on day one. and want to acknowledge the exist tense of a crisis let alone -- existence of a crisis let alone work with this side of the aisle to try to craft solutions to address it. but because of their ma crisis has grown and grown continues to put the american people at risk.
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i believe that a terrorist attack on american soil again is not a of if but a matter of result of the fact that terrorist organizations have facilitated the entry of their supporters across the border into the united states. president biden's polie are responsible for these terrorists crossing the border and our communities. they'r fentanyl that's taken the lives of alone. the leading cau' between the age of 18 and 45. and they're responsible for the humanitarian crisis that's burdening communities thousands of miles from the southern border border. thanks to president biden and his community is now a border but the threats that come across the borderthe border.
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or even border mine. they fan out across thecountry. regardless of how many executive actions that the presiakes today or how forceful his rhetoric is when he talks about the people see this 11thrsion for what it is election-year stunt. madam presiden i the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.-éanldfainepr
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sullivan no.peters aye. mr. hagerty, noficer: paul
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. the clerk: mr. paul, no.
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vote: v ÷v
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ms. rosen, aye.
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the clerk: mr. cruz, no.
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the presiding officer: on this vote the yeas are 50, the nays are 39. the motion is agreed the presiding officer: the senator from minnesota. ms. smith: mr. president i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to legislative session and be in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak for up to ten minutes each. the in ms. smith: i ask unanimous consent that the committee on the judiciary be discharged from and that the senate now proceed to senate
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resolution 710. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. of may in agriculture day and so forth. the presiding officer: without objection, the committee is discharged. enate will proceed. ms. smith: i ask unanimous consent that the resolutio to the preamble be agreed to and that the motions to reconsider be consideredand laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. smith: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent the consideration of senate resolution 737, which is at the desk. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 737, supporting senate military-connected fellowship opportunities, and for other purposes. the presiding officer: without objection, the senate will proceed. ask unanimous consent the resolution be agreed to and the motion to reconsider be consideredn the table, with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. smith: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that when the senate com stand adjourned until 10:00 a.m. on tuesday, je 18,
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that following the prayer and pledge the journal of proceedings be approved to date the morning hour be deemed expired, the time for the two reserved for their use later in the day and morning business be closed. llowing theonclusion of morning business the senate proceed to executive session toon of the oler nomination postcloture.ime be considered expired at 11:30 a.m.. finally, that if any nominations are confirmed during tuesday's session, the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the tabl the president be immediately notified of the senate's action. the presiding officer: without iozb is no further business to come before the senate i ask that it stand the previous order following the remarks of senator kennedy. the presiding officer: without objection. the senator from louisiana. mr. kennedy: thank you, mr. president. with me today, mr. is one of my colleagues from my office mr. ian amee. i want to talk for a few
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nute about america, aboutd about louisiana. i leave washington, d.c. and go back home to america, i am reminded of how parochial sh be how removed it can unaware it can be. we often hear people in this city where our capitol sits say, well if the american people just don't understand the you often hear just don't know what they're inon't know what we know they don't read the news, they don't keep up like we do. so recently mr. president, i
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conducted a poll test that were surprised with the results of the poll. i was not. one of the questionspoll of the people of louisiana, is how%yk@ frequently would you say they follow the newsabout 70% of my people in louisiana, mr. president, follow the news every single day. 67.8%. some of my collethat. i was no 23 about the 5 --23.5% said a few times a week. and only 6.4% of my people don't consult the news read t news very often. i also out ofcuriosity, tested polls where mye receiving their news.
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39% of the people of louisiana, 70% of whom single day, get their news from cable tv. another21.1% get their news frvening broadcast television. not cable, local television news and national television news. so guess from one point of view -- and i think the numbers this out -- in louisiana in terms of a source of television is king. television is king. 70% -- or of my people most of news every single day get their news either from cable tv from the national eveni and morning news and from local television evening and morning news.27% of my
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people get their news prarily internet. to break that12.6% from social media facebook twitter. 4. 7% --4 -- 4.7% almost from apple news and thosefn internet. so television news both national and also king in louisiana, with 60% of the people ng that's my go-to news source. but the internet also a substantial factor at 27%,27% of my people 70% o wday, get their news from the internet. radio news is also important in my state. 7% of my people and change
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listen to radio news as primary source of news. and coming in last consistent with national trends, only 4% of their news today from newspapers. my how the world has changed. i just found these numbers to be interesting,. the source of newsor most of my people is interesting to me, but i was very to find that 70% of my peoplea read the news every single day. and in most cases they get it from television but also the internetnd radio as well. with that, mr. president, i suggest
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no i don't. i see the youngd did ied here mr. president shaking her head. i can't do that. what would you like me to do. automatic lei journeyed when i'm done huh? i'm done so w adjourned. so you can bang the gavel, mr. president. the presiding officer:10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. senate today and dan's nomination of catherine to be associate on the d.c. superior court for a 15 year term. tomorrow new mexico democratic senator martin heinrich hines to ask unanimous consent for the senate to pass his bill outline gun bump stocks following the supreme court rejecting the federal ban. live coverage of the senate herespan2. >> social security and medicare are estimated to become insolvent by the and 2036 respectivel action by house budget committee held a hearing on the issue of possible steps congress
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could take to shore up the program. you can see that hearing tonight starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern on cspan2 but see spent now are freed mobile video app or online at ♪ sees fans at "washington a live form involving you to discuss the latest issues and policy from washington d.c. and across the country becoming up tuesday morning we will look at the heritagetion 2025 presidential transition project serves as a compilation of policy proposals for the next conservative administration what with its director paul van jake with the alliance for justice talk about pending supreme court decisions the ethics question surrounding c-span at "washington journal" join in the conversation 7:00 a.m. eastern tuesday morning as he spent now are free mobile app or o ♪
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