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tv   Campaign 2024 Political Strategists Discuss Presidential Elections at...  CSPAN  June 17, 2024 7:14pm-8:02pm EDT

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us. >> thank you for me ♪ >> c-span "washington involving you to discuss the latest public policy from washington, d.c. and across tuesday morning 2025 presidential transition project policy proposals for the next conservative administration with its decto dan's justice will talk about pending separate court decisions in the ethics question surrounding the c-span "washington journal" joining the conversation live eastern tuesday morning on c-span c-span now a f social security and medicare are estimated become insolvent by the year 2033 in 2036 respectively if congress takes no action the house budget held a hearing on the issue along with possible steps that congress could take the short the programs, you can see that hearing tonight at eight eastern on c-span2 n app or online at >> to politicalist donna
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brazile and republican scottupcoming presidential electionp coalition forum in washington, d. >> hello once again. it's not thend but it's a long day and we need you to be alive and excited moving forward tomorrow once again i'm a former senator and the ul clc bipartisanroduce to the conversation and how will america lead. water. his election five months time in the can ballot will be campaigning for us across the country on why we should trust them to larger no shortage of challenges and opportunities on the t world stage is important for national leaders of what happened overseas what happened to the little town in is going to change the world. we want to advance our interest in our values we need to be
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engaged in that there educational plan of action touc a ensure all candidates running in in the world and fullyiplomatic and developing tools of global from the co-chair congresswoman stephanie wishes she could be with us today let me tell you how important you are one of my favorite expressions is without followers and the guy were gal taking walk. we are without you you heard a lot ofeality we need you and candidates want to hear from you and members of hear from you and business leaders the leaders militaryveterans officials and community activist. you are the one with the powerur voices here's what we need from you. tell them elevating american civilian tools underdevelopmentoreign policy toolkit demand that they articulate a clear and compelling wise be a
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leader on the global stage and show them in the midst of daily partisur insurmountable this is one area where republicans and democrats can come together for the good could be part of that discussion to make adifference. we thank you for your continued ffort and were privileged to have two political strategist who nationally recognized that continue analysis and commentary on political and current events and providing insights and perspective of an audience of millions donna brazile is a veteran political strategist of the new york tim strategy by foreign scholarship but i will one should do next ordinary women the first african-american woman to serve as a manager of a major presidential campan of former vice president al goret national committee of the d&c institute enjoining her will be scott professor and a only senior-level counsel in political crisis communication and writes regular columns in the l.a. timesr
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presidential campaigns and george w. bush of administration. early could go on on we look forward to hearing about the election cycle and the role of power under foreign policy and and ottoman please join meat inwelcoming donna brazile and scott jennings moderated by u.s. clc president and c brooks. ♪ all doinging for a while. that's alright i'm not goingmake you stand up and get stirred up, we have 156ays remaining in the 2024 presidential season and let me tell you you have not seen nothing yet. keep yourtb on. >> i love itself. >> they didn't tell you that i moonlight as an actress and he's a chicken farmer.
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>> is a chicken farmer. i say if things get a little weird with the bird flu can i get some from you >> thank you very muc. >> i was so glad when i got booked for t darn thing. >> i thought about the little round circles but i o thought it would look too weird colorful socks onll get into tv appearances and chicken farming and i think already you know why this conferences favorite policy and politics always in forum we have the two giants on tv from the tv screen in our conference roomtoday, let's get into it about this presidential said 146 days away 56, those ten days can be crucial. >> from an extraordinarily conseq election, november 5 we will presidential
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rematch ceatalie stevenson and dwiint eisenhower in 132 years that sees a incumbents grover cleveland and harrison in 1 polls beforehursday we saw the polls neck and neck we saw former president trump leaning narrowly among registered biden leading narrowly among likely voters. to my esteemed panelist we had popular with airbases and extraordinarily unpopular withmblematic of the political times we stand right need too to win over the few undecided voters still left in the middle while shepherding their bases to the polls in this i'm going to start with donna and then turn to you what would joe biden need d do. >> that's a very easy answer return to the common.
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>> if he dippe the ocean, i think everything else will appear okay i hav n against men who turn 80, clearly mick jagger somebody give me some tickets i'm going to him, i like here is important morgan freeman i don't know and besides an older man is seasoned and many of them are mild-d you don't have to tell them to put the seat down when they did the experienced that we should also cole very close if you thought 2000 was close god knows i was there, 537 votes i had therapies lie if you got 2016 when i was unusual to see a alone donald trump with the previous political experience cracked the blue wall, comeha in ground shaking. yes we saw 2020 the democrats patched up the blue and
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kicked up some states in the sun belt mainly arizona come down to six or sevenit depends on if i'm having bourbon or wine, if i have wine it's an everyday variety normally a cabaret calm and we can touch the blue wall and nephews because they may be the problem i saying. i went home for being louisiana and w afford seats and scott can give you that in a minute i went home and i said i'll do some b shrimp jambalaya and invite my knee for nieces and nephews over and i'm not serving mine because i'm not giving my gd wine they'd understand it they have it risen from boone farm at my and i put many of these young people at least i help them those who cannot help themselves and i said after they had their chinos with theit cranberry mixture okay i'll see later.joe biden right
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and they looked at and i said maybe i need to turn my hearing aid but i don't have a hearing aid and i sa biden kamala harris and they said maybe every election season and i've seen before some of the new voters especially young voters perhaps the minority, not all but sor dance partner right now joe biden has to make sure he can reclaim the unquote great lake states, michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania and at least be competitive in the west nevada, arizona and my beloved self. this is going to be a close't know how close but the beta you one thing 99.5% shot you're in the game and the shot. we0j about less than 6 million voters out of the 244 million who t are eligible double actually decide the selection whether we saw in 2016 wh blue wall and of course the coalition
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to have one of the largest turnouts it's going to and i hope as americans the partisan i've been a but i don't dislike conservatives and there some of my best drinking buddies, okay. this election is the party whaorld leadership hal t world democracy yes newnoon thursday we saw the election inel south half the world great britain is cominge this month there's a lot of america the world and now more than ever we have to think about the stakes country not just in the short term but the next four years but long-term were up against 250th anniversary. america andare downur young people are not feeling it so we have a lot of work to do in this election season not just about the politician it's about making sure that we can world
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as well. >> same question to you how fall become glover cleveland and not stevenson. >> before i same network so i don't to spend much time withwi my pane the south and aspiring television pundit, this is somebody you look up to forr candor and their good humor in discourse i want to say it's an honor to be and we look up to. >> same hhink trump is currently winning thef the election were held today he i would win. i look at map into chunks, the sun beltve north carolina and i look at the northern wall and when i look at the sun belt state i see trump ahead and all of them and rfk junior getting on the ballot and mostly hurting biden i think it's 4 3 - 2 but the dynamics in the sun belt
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avail. what does he have to win? he is doing pit savanna michigan and look at two of the three and i think trump is ahead in two of the three when i analymap today i think trump is ahead ahead. i'm not yet fully absorbed what i thiean other to say it's likely only to be a impact. if trump command center in wo senior citizens who are stuck in 20 more than with him, yet strength with seniors the ones mosik be offended by a felony conviction or some of the details of the casend also low information voters w little news and may have only seen a headline convicted they may not know what the casew was about or anyth that. if i were trump i would watch the two groups very closely and i believe there was a cohort of voters that would not vote for felon but i'm not sure were good to be able to see that washout in the polling j yet. so my view is
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simply that the american peoplelle joe biden, he stuck below 40% has been for months underwater s when we pulled out of afghanistan. he's never been water in his personal approval since au21. they are stuck in the mud and the month is an enormous opportunity to shake the conviction at the beginning and the end of the . poles today and really because if after this consequential month nothing has changed, if i were in the biden headquarou think there's panic today ask me in a month and if headquarterstrumpheadquarters i would be thinking about how. [laughter] how do i prevent themmhey appear to be in. my current view is,ays focused on the reasons joe biden's job approval is below 40 he will win. if the election is about anything else on turn out butt my entire career the presidential campaign with george w. bush, the paradigm and
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the republican party has been democrats. our view has always beenn everybody else and that will be good for them. it's the opposite throw out everything you thought youurnout. low turnout helps abide in it. look at why midterms, off year special elections. the highest propensity voters tend to put people with college degrees voters tended to beat so if you have a high turnout in this election it likelytrump was able to successfully bring out a bunch of ink and or register a bunch of new people and change the composition of the electorate. one thing looking for is can they build an infrastructure that as high as possible? because if they do they will insight from you both on the overall election for the skino important with the audience as well enjoy leaders country. both presumptive nominees see some fissures wit parties the respective parties on foreign policy. mcpherson tott with you on
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this one. scott as we all s consideration of theas e package there are serious party on aid to ukraine. and another number establishmt longli serving some new ivals opposing support to ukraine certainly moree skeptical on leadership role that around the world. given how doocy donald trump m the world come on foreign policy the summer and fall again? >> i think one of the ways to be a successful as you have america be viewed as a world. both of these candidate i don't believe trump is an isolationist on the ordereople are true isolationist in the republican party. it is very conceg actually. don't think he actually is better left to see how the
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administration shakes wins. i think it's important what's is equally if not more important here vote on the foreign aid packet was overwhelming bipartisan and whelmingly showed people willing to touch base when these debates wasn't close of the united states to be. friends and people one senatepeakere johnson anonymous amount of credit will stand up in a zone conference i took great satisfaction and heart and the force that will happen election mitch unleashed and a senior member of the great asset who b
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deter i don't think one wor you so much as what the next president d woe is you will have ae appropriations committee up the hard and soft power we can find her that's a greatthing. and these as anything we will continue to see true bipartisans on this topic. quick to look forward to that too. cooks of the democ s dynamic. about the prioritization versus the imperatives. what is democrat coming out choice some times present binds vision communicate on foreign policy to these voters. on get
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to walktowalk and chew gum strong leader who understands america's allies you needs security interests at america's place in the world the leadership influence how voters think a they support. itnt to talk about america's place in the world. closer trillion dollars in our defense tools we need soft power as well after the 16 election i traveled abroad in germany and france and up in if there was ice and up in the netherlands. america democrat
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and the for that i would trash the election of donald trump. i did not trash it. first though i'm not going to travel abroad. thethey disagree with me not going to trash atlanta. millions of hope. they seee themselves as living hope. they want someone to help bring them into the circle o opportunity. that isn't biden's challenges to say i see you two. the leader that can help you in my family. and is biden's calling c he can pull that off he will become president i read something as i was with jason.y
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wit t great hair i didn't know it. [laughter] >> i am available. suffice to say i am a handful. garden-variety woman baby becaus cooking with clarice 75% of democratsrld affairs. are. you can lead a conversation that don't have a great understanding of what happened abroad. we tend to focus in the united states on the country. the cultural wars and the other great stuff we like to fight
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about. that's one of the reasons i did not want to b anymore. i am not going to fig dumb. we will make succotash picnics cooking grease. >> this is america. we are i get a chance to read the application hundreds of thousands of students applying for full bright grant orarship. thank goodnessog i have a dog in ther] that. what did they say about america the they can take from the six rings and go back this is each out every day do not or we are to the world. we need to tell our our narratives needs to change. there are people
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who believe there is a political benefit right to telling in diminished with what the american people believe. large believe we candidates, having conversation with political actors being g screamed at by there fringes on either of those two fronts. please tell them do not with a friend just want you to places america is good we are a force for good. a wide middle that believes that some are liberal and so conservative some are a little ofh.e vast majority believe in the united states we doel not believe we are diminished we don't
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believe we bad. most can ask i think you guys are audience. get a couple of quest sure in front and colleagues of both of yours. alice was a mainstay of the stage is for bully p role in the world. scott she was a republican at cnn.what made alice special why have we seen this outpouring from from both sides of the aisle on her untimely passing will start >> alice, came to know each other very well atnn the reason everyone loved she was a nice person pow alice
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embodied it first person to have out to talk to our democratic debating partners try to make thene conversation with a little more civil. at the end of thet the audience believes despite our differences she was a good heart had a nice person aisle. i do not know a single business has ever had a bad word to say about alice. she wasas something that is important to me i am from kentucky siddle america arkansas and georgia roots. she people brought a middle america perspective cnn it ier greatly. thank you.
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>> i am not my age. [laughter] b i've politics since age nine. doi have had tremendouis 10 presidential campaigns i've camping and 49 states will more state i will ms. usa without the bikini. [laughter] but, when i became a political commentator wha from beingca a campaign operative to political commentator cn and sammy to the republican. not tryingon't drink wine. in t first two after 2010 and it was the tea par our wheeze to wear a red as if to say i am on. this is when i would go toe. i met alice when she workedmichelle i thought oh my gosh she's going to be on hers.
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woman had grace smart when shoot shoot ted c a you from michelle obama to ted cz. intervention i on my former colleagues at cnn into bec begin chair in 2016 w got on a call and gave each other the stories. i cannot tel a on my face covered she was a gentle spirit a wise woman a because god out. st and i'm just going to keep talking to her. >> thank you time runs a little time. i see the audience.
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>> yes thank you so much for the ex are making only a question because of time picnicsñ1 course marks chman from florida you both mey florida by way of election 2000. we have a new resident of who may be apparently involved in the presidential your perspective on one issue that ce c economic security human rights humanitarian will be framed with in this upcoming presidential election. sa florida and then i will pause other things the florida legislature in the florida current g just sign and implemented legislation any reference to climate or climate change from arena statutory provisions quick thank you we have one climate change this is an issue of young young people care deeply about. he lives in orange county, florida, orlando cares about afford
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just to live in thetes s the water is bathtub quality. help you get morei s up the miwind rain, hurricanes and the significance this is a major issue. why not prepare for a while we can how many forest fires that cannot beny how many people must die as we are dying likns pakistan and other places because of the heat. let's mitigate it manage it and plan for the future. i love renewable energy. >> got a question over here. >> thank you.
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the question you believe there will be during the election season. given the stakes that we have just talked about. and if the answer is no obligation in your tv the actual going to occur. we get outside the debates inflation 90% o oxygen the actual debating arena the media will it fairly. corrective is not a debate you make it 20 thed candidates will prepare for
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30 minutes. ukraine the middle east, attention in china taiwan whatever blip we might see between and now and june 27. it will be part of the conversation. but will it b driver? knowno if i talk independent women outside ofhi talking about reproductive rights. if i am talking to young people talk about change. some of you already probably this you are so targeted we know where you we know where you are. we know i you get your news. i love to subscribe to the golf and national review sok a little purple opposed to essence than cosmopolitan and sportsndsports illustrated. seriously. once i got the nascar subscription. [laughter]as >> if you are the good news about [laughter] something i am so close to my retirement age you do not want to have this conversation.
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let me encourage drink more and more, buy some things help our local economy great imperative from data has one from alabama. my first question roll tide. >> you know it baby, i saw the god said to you would know. [laughter] but let me just i won the sec championship and shotput at alabama i'm not all t hateful. i like the sta i don't like the team. >> progress i understand. >> we are so delighted to have you all here. perception of a couple of things. number one when you look biden is in president trump is regarding china difference but when you look at where they are onou immigration difference. foreign affairs.
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differences are between those two c differences and that biden has adopted trumps view interpersonal rel biggest focus of the campaign it es the issue that sucked biden under in the polling was the foreign affairs matter. as afghanistan is not anything people lost t about how to repair that pride don't know if it is possible. for you are in their camp. there is no difference. court that is is going to play that game differences the of america's
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power strength american matter in the margins middle. recipes are extensive one we have time for a close scott and donna many in the strata going to capitol hill tomorrow to talk to importance tools and america's role in the world. i want to try something a little different these folks meeting with democratic of congress senior republican operative of what this c why america should lead with these went to ask for republican a >> my advice to honestly if you are looking for a role john fetterman if i were meeting with a democrat a fetterman republican lately.
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because he has shown absolute leadership on israel. he has shown a willingness to not listen to the fringes of politics. i do not agree with him on everything but i will tell you on respond to andpl old emulate his backbone and a willingness to tell the fringes i don't want to hear. i do not need you yelling at do not need you to chase me into an elevator but i pim or i am hereition but if i was meeting with democrat right now i was that you should do john fetterman since he burst out on the israel issue last of fania is up like 15 points so thank godan that's what i have to say. >> your meeting with the what is your advice on the seasoned political expert. >> what i see the speaker talk to majority leader steve who is from my neck of the woo when i see some members of united states room i talk about america's leadership. here at home and our concernbout crime our concerns abouteproductive
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freedom and voting rights all the issues we care about have to maintain america's leadership. ou concrete examples and it is important when you approach your republi lawmaker are whoever's going to meet withh y thump who you seconds at publix isstate dinner. i had to high school commencement s day the search of speeches by the high you can tell for things you're don going be a freshman again right? i got invited to the state dinner. this was for the president of kenya. at 19 i left america went to a t representing the united states.reagan's daughter. i ken at 24 soon after
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workinon campaign. working to make doctor king's birthday holiday.arine reagan sheet was our leader and i africa with marine reagan. i've been t time with johnny carson a former kenya he had note -- mckee did not have a dinner. whenf i learned the former ambassador went to kenya as an election observer cochair heat was my date. tell yourerut when you are kid it's kidded to first him leaving talkperience you had to wear a dress you could barely get but i did the red carpet and i was proud.just want to say your own story. tomorrow is not soon enough for your own stories difference whether it's republican or democratic lawmakers. many of get to go to when i was a staffer they don'tonoot get out. they commit on twos it lve on
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thursday afternoon god forbid if they get asked to go anywhere it may be the first time they've heard foreign policy in a long time. >> words to live t by from scott of the tv even more when they come and sit down with us todayg them for an outstanding. >> thank you brother. [a >> coming up next we will hear the chief actuaries from medicaremedicaid services and the social security administration on a long-term solvency issues. committee reviews a report with some youth residential treatment from vice president harris on sexual violence by hamas while at the october 7 attack on this and more all coming up tonigh cspan2.r unfiltered v government.
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funded by these television companies and more media come. >> @media com we believe whether you live here or right here you are way out in the middle ofanywhere you should ask us to fast reliable internet that's what we are leading the w
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