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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Heinrich Ricketts on Gun Bump Stock Ban  CSPAN  June 19, 2024 12:52am-1:07am EDT

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>> rnc's washington journal, alive for him involving you issues in public policy from morning the federalist ceo and cofounder sean davis talked d other political news o the day and then jennifer jenkins of educated we stand combat conservative influence on local education policy . rnc's washington journal, joining the conversation live wednesday on cspan or live on■
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democratic senator martin heinrich asked unanimous consent to consider bump stocks for firearms after the supreme court struck down a prior band that was originally put in place by the trumadstration in the aftermath of the 20 17th mass shooting in las vegas. republican senator pete ricketts were objected as he spoke in opposition to the bill. here's some of the debate . >> mr. pres. i'm also here today to make a u. to consider unlawful machine-gun parts or bump act . seven years ago on october 1 of 20 17th, more festival . it was the third day in a row that folks from all around the country joined theiar music from some of their favorite musicians anticipated
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nightmare that was about to unfold . just after 10 o'clock at thousa listening to the final performance of the night and then over the music they started to hear what at first people thought were fireworks i on the ground and shot so close together they seemed to bleed into each othe for the next terrifevery direct cover where there was none. some falling down next to friends and dying loved ones. others clinging desperately total the shooter fired more than 1000 rounds of ammunition in just 10 minutes . he killed 58 people that including two more who had ultimately perished from their wounds . it wasand is the deadliest
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shooting in american history. the las vegas gunman was able to murder and injure so many people, so quickly because he used a deadly device known as a bump stock.q0 bump stocks are an attachment that modifies semi automatic ate of fire allowing them to operate as fully operating on automatic weapons. they make it possible to shoot hundreds of rounds a minute and let me be real clear of the firearms owner myself there is no legitimate use for a bump stock. not for self-defense, not in our law enforcement context . but even in military applications as their less accurate than standard fully automatic military platforms but what they
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i know therereple o will say guns don't killmp people, people kill people but the reality is this . in the hundreds . as someone who has used firearms for most of my life for hunting, sport and self-defense i know for a fact that úetrends will serve no legitimatewhy in the days an weeks that followed the horrific mass shooting in las vegas nevada i led a bi■krtisbump stocks . introduced legislation alongside my republican colleague and ieas senator catherine cortez @masto. we called on then-president trump to use his authority to ban ederal rule. pres. trump actually
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agreed with us at the time and vinyl finalized and atf last week are wildly out of touch supreme court majority invalidated that rule . and in theological and deadly soto mayor said in her dissent when i see a bird that walks likeuc quacks like a duck i call that bird a duck soto mayor. a bump stock equipped rifle is a machine gun and it should be banned ns have been b for 100 years. even still, wiin■majority's ruling they gavecongress, theye direction on the only way us to protect americans from these deadly devices . need to pass my bill to ban
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bump stocks and do it now and i am proud to lead the senators like catherine cortez masto, amy king and the n after the supreme court's recent this is the same bipartisan bill i first introduced in 2018 and the aftermath of ■. th ulother devices that allow semi automatic firearms to increase their rate of fire and operate as fully automatic weapons mething americans agree should be done. this should be a common sense bipartisan public safety vote lieve our kids should have the
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freedom to deal feel safe in their church or be clear about what happens if we don't pass this legislation . w8to cartels and mass shooters acces and turn them against our communities . that's the harm we are putting our there's some skepticism out there about whether congress can get this done area about whether all of us comiis imposs ago we proved that type of thinking is flat wrong. over earned people are always quick to tell you os there is no path forward for ■> path forward until we collectively choose to make one e part of th
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group of bipartisan negotiators here in the senate that helped pass the bipartis act that was the first significant federal gun safety legislation signed into law in near 3iations i worked especially close with my colleague senator collins on a successful effort to o would put guns into the hands of criminals and make it illegal to traffic firearms out of our country . and bypassing that law we proved congress can protect our communities from gun violence. now mr. pres. similar bipartisan action to ban these bump stocks . for my part i refuse to stand idly by and wait for■cq'so i wo
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all my colleagues to please support deadly mass killing devices once and for all cq■. mr. pres. i ask unanimous consent that the committee on the judiciary be discharged from further condition of s9109, banni unlawful machine-gun parts act and sete proceed to its immediate consideration further that the bill be considered read a third time and passed and that the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table tquacks is their objection?■-■■m■ >> senator from nebraska quacks wel to another day in the democrats summer of showboat. we need to be clear why the majority leader is now opening the supreme court made a decision he didn't like . a majority ruled the bureau of alcohol
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tobacco firearms and explosives erto reclassify bump stocks as anmachine guns . the supreme court made the right dethat ie urging the supreme court to do what they did . but the majority leader and #su the majority leader decided to bring up a bill called the bump act. he claims it will ban 2 previously misnamed bill if you actually read the bill that's not what it does it all . the act targets common firearm accessories, not just bump stocks. this is the text of the bill, the bill bans any manual power driven or electronic device primarily designed or redesigned so
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that when e automatic firearm the device materially increases the rate of fire . bump stocks, this bill would ban literally any item that makes a firearm easier and in some cases safer to shoot . we're talking adjustable triggers and reducing the distance between not just about bump stocks. that's why disabled veterans hate this bill.eterans in nebraska, sometimes veterans who are disabled or eldejust the stock or grip on a firearm to make it easier to shoot . the constitution protects their right to do so a.second amendme would take that right away from the same men and women who fougbill is it doesn't define what it's trying to regulate.the bill
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uses the phrase rate hose bills ban a device that increases ■k the rate of fire of a firearm . nowhere in the bill does he rate of firing. the other two times it said it would b a deve that the act rate of fire of a machine-gun but under federal law the rate of fire makes up a machine-gun. under 26 usc 5840is a mechanical function so ■this was written by someone who had no idea what they're talking about or it's a cynical attempt ■>to include more firearm accessories. i would bet the latter. and let's be honest, if anyone seriously believes law in a way that respects law abiding on owners?
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on this and other issues the biden administration has panded our laws in ways that go far beyond what the obama administration was were no friends of the second amendment . we cannot allow unelected bureaucrats to us rpret laws in ways congress never intended so this bill may be called the bump act but it's not really about bump stocks . this is about banning as many firearm accessories as possible given the atf's ■ubroathfirearms. it' unconstitutional attack on law-abiding gun owners . semi automatic firearm that has been modified to make it easier to fire would be forced to register the firearms alongside actual machine guns in the firearm registration and transfer record database and if they nee
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if this bill becomes law it would give the biden administraon any firearm that's been modified to make it easier to shoot . the majority leader knows this bill will not pass. it will pass because enough people still believe in the constitution and the constitution affords americans the right to own a firearm. this infes upon that right . for safety we ought to better enrcexting gun laws and address mental health issues. this bill doesn't do that +u. in fact it doesn't do anything t not addressing the issues arising from men and women to commit these crimes, faile family structures , the division and glorification of violence on social media


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