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tv   Campaign 2024 Political Strategists Discuss Presidential Elections at...  CSPAN  June 21, 2024 9:50pm-10:40pm EDT

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■j community center no, it is way more than that comcast is partnering with a thousand community centers a great wi-fi enabledhis exist students from low-income families get the tools they need to be ready for anything. comcast support c-span is a television providers yet i give front row seat to democracy. >> and now this is on the upcoming presidential election with political strategist and vet donna result republicans scott jennings to discuss foreign affairs and agree that will be a close one. as part of dental forum hosted u.s. global leadership coalition in washington. ♪ once again were cin for one dr one be
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alive and really got excited for tomorrow was again on senator and steadfast believer in the■@ mission and honor to introduce her next conv■ersation in effect 2024, hw will america leadver the time it is her up and down the ballot will be campaigning across the country and why we should trust them to lead. as you heard today no shortage of challenges ores in the world stage and i thank you so important for the national leaders and i habitsas. it affectss lt. china is going to change the world. ananterests and our values, we need to be engag. urthat's the core of her impact 2024 initiative a bipartisan of action tolan ensure that all candidates running in 2024, have a vision
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for america's role in the world and support our diplomatic development tools of global leadership and monitor cochair this murphy announced this i know she wishes she could be with us today to tell you how important you are my favorite leader without■-ol is just a guy or gal taking a walk okay and we are nothing without you d here today with the reality that we need you the candidates want to hear fromt when hear from leaders and faith leaders military veterans terrienit and officials and community activists near the ones with the power. multiply our voices here's what we need from y
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tellon them evaluating elevating american civilian tools on development of diplomacy, foreign and demand that they articulate a clear and compelling vision for why it's important for the u.s. to be a leader on the global stage. and show them that in the midst of a daily partisanship they can this one area republicans in the present intent come together for n good of w the world. and you be part of that disi make a difference and so we thank you for your continued support of the set every more privileging about two political strategist a nationally recognized for their continued analysis and commentary on political andcurrg insights and perspectives an auce millions, donna brazile pical strategist new york times best selling author and advisor verbal strategies foon and on and by the ♪
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♪ on an■h woman american woman serves the manager of the main presidential campaign former vice president al gore and she served interims the national committee and the voting rights institute and joining her will be scott jennings a conservative strategistro founding partner brunswick's senior-level castle polal media and crisis communications cnn presidential campaigns of the p president direct w bush io administration i could go on and automated forward to hearing about that drive in the 2024 election cycle and the role of foreignn conversation ladies and gentlemen please welcome joy meet welcoming donna brazile and josie president brooks. [♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪
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♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> how are you all do i know you been sitting for a while that's right, scott nine will make you stand up and kissed her up andave 156 days remaining in his 2024, telu have not seen nothing yet and so keop a penalty moderates itself makes my job much easier work. [lgh know. [laughter] didn't tellou that i was an actress in the moonlight is a er and he is a chicken farmer. i said youngs get weird with the word loop in the coming get some from i have been set yll.
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get it soon thank you very much. >> i was soer glad make a book r this gig bau not have to do a darn thing. [laughter] [laughter] [laughter]ha about wearing my socks the woulo colorful socks on it will trade later. [laughter] >> so get into tv appearances and chicken farming anything alread you know, why this is one of this channels the intersection foreign policy always a favorite and we've had these tv leaving from tv screens l on the our conferences today and so i look into this presidential election as you said, hundred 46 days away. from an extraordinary. 's could be very crucial. >> well okay from
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extraordinary consequential presidential election. novemberl see the first presidential r and 58 years and dwight eisenhower the version hundred and 32 years t sees rematch to previous incumbents grover cleveland and benjamin harrison in 1892. now as we look to the polls■óí t thursday, we certainly saw the polls neck and nec aaw former president trump leanings- narrowly among registered voters and joe biden leading narrowly likely voters said to my panelist see m candidates popular with the basis an■ unpopular with the other party right now and informatica thank sent right now one of these two
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candidates need to win over the few undecided voters to left in the middle while shepherding the base to the polls in this november going to st donna brazile was joe biden needed to do when this fall. >> will that's very easy answer return to comn youth. [laughter] [laughter] >> will he just dips his little toes and that fountain may be, t everything else will appear okay, i mean, i have nothing against him turning 80 okay clearly might mak jaeger music is ongoing lunacy morgan freeman i love all of them. okay but besideser man is well seasoned. au >> okay have to tell them the seat■nown
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when they leave the bathroom. they have experience we should also count.■ this election is going be very close and if you thought 2000 was close god knows i was there 37 about the worry. we thought 2016 sure the embedded party was unusual see a republican candidate let previous politicalpr experience crack the blue groundbreaking and shaki and yes we saw in 2020 the democrats patched up the ball and picked up in the sunbelt and namely arizona and georgia this election will crop six or seven states and it depends on if i having bourbon or and you know if i have wine, cat
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we can patch the blue wall again but a better, nieces and nephews because the problem if you know what i'm saying. fos and you being a louisiana, foura second. but it would help and you know, crawfish and trim and cheese and barbecues from an invite my nieces and nephews overnight never serve wine these not giving my good mind when nieces and nephews they don't understand they have not risen from the moves farm yet. [laughter] so here i am at my house, house and many of these young helped them go have themselves and i said, after they their chinos without raspberry juice make okay, i will see you later and igz said you all wilsn port joe biden right. look me i thought will i let
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me turn on my hearing aid only don't have what is that you all are going to support joe biden and kamala harris and well maybe.maybe. in every season, and i've seen isore perhaps not all but some minorities are looking for a new dance partner so right now they have to make sure that ty can reclaim those great states and at least be at lea the west and in my beloved south for this is going to be a close but i do not know how close but c i will say one thin, 99.5% of us are not really in the shot thanil
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6 million voters of the tune of will actually decide this election. we sought in 2016 when trump course in 2020 when the fight and expanded the coalition and had o of the largest turnouts. it is going to beat tight and i. this election is not up to thepo noise of my best drinking buddies,this elect partisan. what is at stake for the united states and the world's leadership? half the world is voting half of the world dra friday afternoon we the election in south africa half the world great britain is coming
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the u is coming up in june, this month. it's really about america standard in the world. i'm now more thanver we have to think about the stakes for our country. not just in the short term, the next four years. but the lonrm up against 250th anniveary. american and yet our young people are down. it. we have a lot of work to do in this electio season is not just about the elections or polis. it's making sure we can reimagine america's future in the world as well. >> thank for that same question how does donald trumpbt stevenson? as he >> first, before i start we are not on the same network i do not get to spend much time with my panels when your political operative from the south is aspiring television pendant this
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is someone you look up to for their candor and their good humor and their civil discoursed i just want to say it' an to be on the stage with donna brazile today she is fantastic and we up to you. [applause] >> thank you, thank you. thank■be is currently winning theit election of the election were held today, he would win. i look athe map into chunks the sun belt from nevada all cak at the northern blue wal when i a look at the sun belt states i see ahead in all of them. see rfk junior gettinge ballot in some omostly hurting k it's a four -- three for the president are bad.
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so, what is he have to do to win quest ricky is on pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin i looked two of those three are now think trump is ahead in two of the three when i analyze the map ahead. i have not yet fully absorbedllt is likely to only be a marginal im.t trump command center and tracking two groupssenior ck with joeoe biden. they supported him than they usually do democrats, they stuck with him his strength with the are the ones most likely to be offended by a felony conviction or case. and low information voters. people who get very little news and may have only seen a headline trump convicted they may not note the about they may not know anything other than that if i was trump i wouls
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very closely i always blew this a cohort of voters who felon. i'm not sure were going to see that wash in the polling just yet. my view is trump's strength here was simply that the american people basically want to fire joe biden he stuck below 40% job spent four months ad it's really been underwater sincehe august of 2020 whe we pulled out of afghanistan. he has never been above water ie august of 2021. they are stuck in the mud. in this month of june is anhere of the month they will have a debate i'm interested in the polls today. i am really interested in july 1 ifer consequential month nothing has changed, if i were in a biden headquarters do
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you think there's panic today, asked me in a month. and if i were in trump headquarters i would be thinkinm escaping this quicksand they appear to be in my current v is if it trump stays focusn bidb approval rating is below 40, he will win if the election is about anything else he will likely lose will more thing on tut in the 2000 presidential campaign with george w. bush the paradigm in the republican party has been high turnout helps democrats. our view has always been they will turn everyone out that will be good for them. in this election, it is the eveg you thoughtho you knew about turnt. biden. look at why democrats are winning midterms, off year election specialdt elections because the highest propensity voters tend to beat democrats
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ocratspeople with college degre, seniors the mid to lois lowestpropensity voters tend tol republicans. this election at all likely means that tmp successfully bring out a bunch of infrequent voters people and change the composition of the electorate month am looking for from the trump campaign is can they build an infrastructure that drives turnout as high as possible because if they do, they will win. >> great insight overall election but let's get into foreign policy it is sos well into her leaders from across the country. both the presumptive nominee see some fissures within their parties their respective partieb on foreign policy. let me first turn to scott on this one. scott during consideration of
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the last national emergency spending package■o, there are serious public splits between the republican party on aid to ukraine. and number of related other issues you had the establishmene your fellow kentuckian mitch mcconnell leading a one faction ctsome of the new arrivals into senate and congress may be opposingpp support to certainly more skeptical on america's traditional leadership rolele. given that, how donald trump messaging america's role in the world? on foreignonummer and through the campaign? successful president iso have america bevi viewed as a successful country in the world■ both of these candidates and know that. i do not believe trump is an at some of the people who are testn
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party. very concerning is. we'll have out if he wins. but, i think as important as what he might do if you were to be elect, what's happening in the congress is equally if nort. and here is why. the vote on the package was overwhelmingly bipartisan and overwhelmingly showed people ica's role in the world can win these debates. it was not people's twitter feeds may have made it feel like it was close. this is not a debate.■e the american people want the united states to be engaged for they want us to help our friends llandllies for they want us to help ukraine. it's obvious what the want. people will respond to leadershipenate and the house
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speaker. mike johnson deserves an enormous amount of credit for standing up to some of the people in his own conference. so, i took great satisfaction and heart from what we saw in just a poor shot ofight happen in the election. mitch mcconnell will no longer be the leader. but he will be unburdened, le a senior member of the appropriation committee.m knows what a great asset tha believe that we can deter the freedom with hard and soft power. i don't think one works without the other and i am just telling you as mh as what the next w president does, whoever it is, you■t■ire going have a raging bl in the united states senate buyg up the hard and soft power anybody can find. thing.
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i am as interested in these congressional elections as i am anything. you are going toe to see true bipartisanship in the congress on this topic. >> too. on the democratic side it's a little different damic it is sometimes more about the prioritization of foreign policy versus domestic imperatives. the democrats largely got bd boat. but an election year especially were you see democratic candidates and voters coming out on this choice we are prioritizing foreign policy. president biden's vision and communicating on foreign policy to the voter appeared or domestic poles andpo tugs? >> is all the above that's why democrats learned early on in without a strong leader who understands america'sllies, america's needs, security
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interest and america's place in the world you are not going to bebe able to to succeed on the domestic front. the projection of america's power, america's leadership also influence how voters think about that charaer, thedi important tt america's place in the world. we are spending close to $1 trillion including arrays for our military whi warranted. we can have a strong military but as you said we've got to have -- we have to use the diplomatic tools weé needs hard. i want to say something. but after the 2020 eleio have a lot, after the 16 election i traveled i went to germany and france and i ended up in the netherlands. it's always nice to end up in the netherlands. i had to talk about america and
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the elections of course. because i was a democrat and a former chair i would trash the elections donald first of all i'm not going to travel abroad and i'm not going to do it in america and trash e to half of the american electorate just because they disagree with me. it is like whenhe playing i hate falcons but i'm not going to as atlanta. okay? [laughter] you recognize that we are a co other major western democracy. we are having pains i call them growingor pains. when there is no hope. they see themselves as living on the outskirts of hope and they want somebyp bring them into the circle of opportunity. that is what
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that's up am the leader that can help you and your family. i can help bring americans to the future.that is biden's call. if he can pull tha off he will become president again.ething ws isgoing to be with jason.■j and lu with that gray hair i did not know. anderson c [laughter] >> i'm available. [laughter] cook suffice to say am a handful. h [laughter] i ain't the garden-variety woman, baby. let me tell you that's my book title i am cooking with grease. [laughter] -eight in the on going to find it. all right, 61% of republicans, 61% of independents, 75% of beld
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have a leadingng role in world af when it comes down to priorities it's little different. but the f this is where the majority of americans are. i agree withcott. when you talk about the u.s. growth. you can lead a conversation, engage more who perhaps do not have a great understanding of what is happening abroad. we tend to focus on the politics within our country. the cultura ws and the other great stuff we like to fight about. the reasons i did not want to be on cnn and fox an going to fight with you, i'm sick of that, that's dumb. ieighbors would disagree you grow corn i iger something else, is we wille succotash.
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>> cooking grease.■ç [applause] >> this is america. we are a jewel i get a chance to application of hundreds of thousands of students who are applying to get fulbrightras sc. thank god i just have a dog in th■[ house. [laughter] because my poor dog is like mo unlike she wants to come to mit of course i'm going to approve that. but what say about america and thehe opportunities they are looking forward to learn herecat they can take from this experience and they can go back, this is amazing. and do not know important we are to the world. we need to tell our story, our narrative needs to change. [applause] >> absolutely. go.
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>> this. i thinku? there are people who believe there is political benefit right now to either telling us america is the bad guy in the will or b, america is a diminished power. i see i as two sides of the same coin. buts that is not with american people believe. the american people, she pointed out, by and large believe we are good. we are a force for good andhen e are in it. so you're talking to candidatesh political actors who are being screamed at by the infringers on either of those two fronts, please tell them. do not listens. thepl the francis want you to be are two different places the way forward in any campaign is to believe
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some are conservative and some are a little of both. but the vast majority of us believe in the united staîtes. diminished. we don't believe we are bad.■ and that is where most candidates are going to find su. >> arg spirit of the organizatin you're channeling from this audien audience q&a couple of weeks ago they is that mainstay of the u.s. glc■j stage. to talk about america's role thd
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yo words the outpouring from colleagues who work from both sides of the aisle on the uel■z passing. and opportunism very wellin cnn. the reason everyone loved a nic. the power of being a nice person allison bought it she was a first person in the green room and in our circles to have her hand out to talk to our decr ended partners to make more civil despite our
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differencesel have a good heart generally take believe in friendships hev say about alice. for people from the coast inban. i appreciated that about alice to she appreciat well but she mt as a huge holem real to me. but she was one of the best and i ms her. you. i am not afraid to tell you my age.
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i've been involved in politics since age nine. i've had tremendous experiences. ten presidential i'll be it [laughter] and don a result we are the only three women at c people of color and everyone else. cnn what assignment to the republican not trying to break in everybody. the first two aftç tty hour.. we still wear a redf to say i am not tea party but i have read on. this is when i go to the
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republican debate i met alice when she■!■zt michele bachmann. she will be on a rockers? that woman had grace new smart a new politics auteur detectors and said he went t ted cruz. union internt when my colleagues my former colleagues at cnn and i became chair in 20162001 until two of 16. we got on the call and gave each of the alice doors i can tell you will because i want to keep whatever on my face is covered■
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as a gentle spirit and a wise woman god needs her now because god needs a strategist to sort this all out. time runs short but let's get ar audience so little time i see kerri has a questionaudience fo. >> thank you for another extraordinary. >> please tell so you a questiof time. both mentioned by florida by the wave electionew resident of florida who may be apparently involved in the pde i appreciate your perspective on one issue national security hum, humanitarian concerns. or whethe
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will be framed with income thism incoming presidential director said this for and all pods given among other things a florida legislature on the florida governor by climate change from a range of statutory provisions and climate changes group it together maybe one more. oxen think is going to be a big issue. we care deeply about i care because■c l reason might sister who lives in orange county about it.ce just to live in the states. talking to some from boca raton he said the water is like bathtub i was talking to senator coleman i hope you guys get more snow
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there for that as a candidate for a cold snap because we need the precipitation to keep the incursion of water from the golf up the mississippi river. of other the force of wind, rain, hurricanes and the significance is a major issue. why not prepared for how many mud sliced we have to see? how manyy forest fires that cannot be controlled? hople must die as they are dying and other9. a real issue is a girl going up in the south it's a real issue. let's not pretend it does not exist butit let's mitigate it, less a managem had for the future of state one last thing i have 31 solar panels, i loveur renewable energy. >> thank you. we got a question over here.ob m
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pennsylvania but the question is panelist, do youy'll be sufficient debate about america's foreign-policy during the■t election given the everything you just talked as a default or obligation of media or is it on the candidates? >> first felt my condolences to your mailbox it is about to be violatedep you andou telephone any other device you have for counicatn. i think and the actual debates which i think they are going t occur. i think there will be d the actl debates between the candidates will feature sufficient topics here. however will make it outside o n is lar going to be spun around domestic issues, economy,
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immigration. and that is going to 90 plus% of the oxygen in the debate spaces. the actual debating arena you are going to hearrt. i think that media will treated fairly. >> if it is a 90 minute debate you might get 20 minutes and the candidates will prepare for 30 minutes. givenn ukraine, the middle■a in, whatever other bullet now and j7 it will be part of the■c conversation but is it a driver? re talking of the economies outside of philadelphia and talking reproductive rights if am talking to young people and talk about climate change. are u probably know this you all so targeted. we know where you live. we know who you we know it your turn out part we
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know howut you get your news. as a black woman i lov gulf digd national review every now and then i might look a little cosmopolitan and sportssence and illustrated. seriously once i got the n [laughter] >> he heard the good news about tax cuts? >> i am so close to my retirement age you do not want to have these conversations with and also live in the district of columbia let me encourage youhe all to go out, eat, more and more. help our local cracks a great imperative from w going to group together to more audienc one. >> jon from alabama yes,
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my first question or roll tide. >> you kwaw the tide cooks i knew you would know all right. let me just say i whennd shotpu. not at alabama have not all that hatefulike the team. [laughter] i understand, i we are so delighted to have you al i have a question about your perception of a cou things number one you look at were president biden is in word president trumps regarding china there is not a very significant difference when you look at where they a o immigration there's obviously a marked now,re look at international relations and foreign aff.tell t where the similarities are and where the diffees between the two candidates. >> may be one question right now
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differences, similars and trump and■■x >> one similarity is economic posture you alluded to it. biden has adopted trump's view of economic posture on chi. they have different views on interpersonal relations with our liances. ■@but would say this even though i agree not the biggest focus og the issue that sucked to was a foreign issue it was a foreign affairs and matter,t afghanistan. it was not anything else that's the moment when people kind of lost confidence. it might be that if i were in his issues and might think about how to repair that i do not know if it's possible. we do something to think aboutif if you were in their camp. >> think the trade, the tariffse
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so-called executive order that s one is crafted under trump and courts. you cannot get enough and nothing throughthe congress. so is going to play that gam. there is a lot of differences between the two leaders their projection of strength, america alliances. but again forgn-policy is going to matter in the margins but not in the middle.this is ba cocktail ones have taken a lot of our time so far. we have time for close i think right now would be a great panel wish we cou forever but scott and donna many in this crowd are going to go to capitol hill to talk to members of congress about the importance ofiplomacy and development tools and america's
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role inhe different with both of you i am ascot to give advice for these fol meeting with democratic members of congress what would be your advice senior republican operative of what this crowd should say why i'm going to ask for advice for theep. >> a little jiu-jitsu for you. >> my advice honestly would be if you are looking for a role model, john fetterman i were meeting with the democrat right now on pelvis i preferred to myself lately. shown absolute leadership on israel he has listen to the fringes of anybody in our politics. everything but i will tell you one thing that i respond toq5 ad i think other people can emulate his absolutexgkb■ fringes i do not want to hear it.
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i am or i am here is my clearme. position if i was making the democrat right now i would you should do it like john fetterman. since he first s the israel issue last fall the dude's approval rating is up like 15 points. thank god for people like john fetterman is what i would say. >> for meeting with the republicans what is your advice the sso >> when i see the speaker i talked to the majority leader steve scalise from my neck of the woods on the bayou g mcfall in december members and f united states and in the green room about america's talked abos leadership despite the problems we have here are concerned are concerned about crime, about reproductive freedom and voting rights we have to maintain america's leadership.
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i give examples concrete examples i think it is importan■ ■]wh approach the republican lawmaker tell them about your experiences. tell them wha ynow and i have to close and got 30 seconds and i'm going to take them all. a couple weeks ago i was invited to the states to dinner. i had to high school commencement speeches that day. those are speeches by the way, high school. by college you canse tell them four goodbye. high school your leg you know you're going to refreshment■ú again, right? [laughter] but i got invited to the state dinner and thiste was the president of kenya. at 19 i lef america which at a un conference representing the ed states.
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although and that's another story. but it, led by maureen reagan, ronald reagan's kenya, . soon after huntly jackson can beat working to make doctor king's birthday a holiday pray with maureen reagan.and i went e i said that because i'veeeoln to kenya several times in the lastf former ambassador to kenya. he did not have a ticket to the dinner i learned the former ambassador, somewhat i want to kenya as an election obser o her experiences. talk about when you are a kiditg america. talk about when you go back andk
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about even your most recent experience you had to wear a dress you could barely get into. but i did the red carpet and i wased proud. i just want to say your own stories. why are you? there is no one better because tomorrow is that soon your own stories to make a difference what is republican or democratic lawmakers. many of them unless to go to co- delegation i have on several occasions whe io not know the world for they don't see the world. they do not gut leave out on thursday afternoon.■e to forbid if they get asked go somewhere. that may be the first time they hereforeign-policy in a long ti. >> were to liv by we learned so much on the tv. even war■c sit down with us. please join meding brick works thank you, thank you brother. [appus
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