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tv   Rev. Billy Graham Statue Dedication  CSPAN  June 23, 2024 4:05am-5:01am EDT

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look for that our shown and seen by all throughout the world. the you, our power and we can do things with and through you. bless our safety as weforward td us to be used by you. to walk as daisy, walk to success of the way education economically and spiritually, to be our father's children. amen. ladies and gentlemen, this thank you for joining usladies e honorable mike johnson, speaker of the united states house of
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representatives. true honor to have you with us here in the people's house. and as the speaker of the house, it is pleasure to welcome you here as we honor one of america's greatest citizens and enduring as, you know, is history.ith they teach us about where were and where we are and where we are going as a nation. and there's the statue of the oldest man, the ca■tal, as is john winthrop. he was english puritan lawyer, the massachusetts bay colony in 1630. he symbolizes how our country began marked by the belief as he said in his own words, that with god's help, we could be a shining city upon a hill for the people. of course, making the scripturt statue is of a man whoharethat o
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believed that same. a mawh back where we were and who prayed and served r what we could become again. that shining city on, a hill. i want you to know this is a this■e truly an historic moment. there are only four people in theto have received the three highest honorser congressional gold medal, passig and having ata honored. two of them were president of presidents ford and reagan, and is rosa today will be reverend y graham. i've done a few of these
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but we've had a couple of statues come in since i've been speaker of the house. i ever get nervous for speaking, but i am nervous today honest we billy is such a towering figure in my life and is he is in all of our lives and such a singular figuresz in the leading ambassar for the kingdom of our lifetime. and it just means so much to us. but i want you i want you to know it's alwaon to get a statue here in the capitol. but we have a lot of things to give outhelped to bring this day about and make this possible. billy graham finally takes his rightful place on these hallowed democracy. ladies and gentlemen, please of the colors by the united states army guard from the third unit . the old guard. theed states army band. pershing's own brass quintet. and the retiring of the colors
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colors. all. ■p■d■2■- bald. oh, that. ■1oh. oh. say, can yjí■k■ by the dawn's early light. what so proudly o d we have held the twilight to last gleaming. whose brown stripes and bright
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star eyes through thefight or te were asked were so streaming hie night that our flag was still there oh, say does that stars mangledy neuadd were the land of the free and the home of the cabaret. oh, oh, right.
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oh. ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing for the invocation delivered by dr. berry c black chaplain of the united states senate. let us pray, spirit of holiness beforevjan stand in his or her n righteousness. come into this statue dedication ceremony and dwell within our hearts, lord, we you for
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opportunity to honor the legacye reverend willie m■t■4■ franklin, billy graham, junior statue in s capitol building, we praise you for his like the light of■6 sunrise on a cloudless day. and like the bright notes after rain that brings the grass from the we celebrate his ■ laudable example of blaming ts living of to your and of telling your good news about salvation
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all around the in by his great and sacrificial life. may we emulate his commitment by refusing to deviate■( from. livingh and striving transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrow as in allows. oh mighty god, from tears, our seatstumbling af the one doctor billy graham passionately loved and served
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jesus christ the king of kings and the lord of lords, a man and a man. please be seated. ladies and gentlemen, the honorable mike of representatives. well, one of the good things about these ceremonies is we don't we don't belabor the point. we're going the unveiling of the statue here at the beginning of the ceremony. f doing that. but i'd like to invite some very important people to join me for thisg with governor cooper, the members of the north carolina congressional delegation, the graham family. and it's a big fam bruce, mr. fagan in the statuary
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ll join me here and we'll do this together.
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for. $b>xladies and gentlemen, the
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honorable roy cooper, governor of north carolina cara.well, mrd officials, distinguished family, loved ones of thegraham, i brinm the state of■í carolina. it is such an honor to be with you onhis spia day. and as i'm sure many of you here already know, it is all an honor every day to be from the great
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state of north carolina. our state has given this nation flight, its first public university, its rich farmland, its best college basketball, even its first declaration of results today, north carolina gives the nation a symbol representing, one of our dearest treasures, the reverend billy graha a man known as a minister to millions as the pastor to presidea selfld out calling by preaching and teaching across the world, always returning to his beloved home in the blue ridge mountains of north carolina, for respite.
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then return againo worldwide ministry. i'll never forget as a child ar■' preach in carter findley stadium ini raleigh, he brought together people of races.ent faiths today, we acknowledge that he is a better representation of our state than the statue it replaces, which brought memories ofnful history, of racism. not that perfect. that.ld have been the first to instead, he realized that he and all of uere today had feet of clay. we are imperfect. we have been found wanting. but heelieved, as many of us do, that there is redemption. and he gave his life to deliveri message.
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the reverend billy graham also recoedhat the responsibility of public, such as that of the president of the united states was so immense that whoever was in that office deserved a presumption of good faith, the power of prayer, the gift of his wisdom, friendship and advice. he did not seek to bludgeon or ■ .4deify any political candidar party. instead he would use his magnetic, loving ande to counsel and lift in prayer. political leaders of both parties. he did not seek to attack other religions, and he treated all with dignity and respect. in fact, he once said quote
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racial prejudice, anti-semitism orent beliefs has no place in the human mind or heart. we've oen sayrom that example, but we stand today as . we c h legacy, not just by unveiling the but by being humble, humble enough to know that our public service is not to honor ourselves, but to serve our country and strengthen our democracy and humble enough personal aggrandizement t country, not fl in as we gaze upon north roli's newest statue here in the capitol, let us reflect they
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graham's work to share counsel and guidance, to seek grace and peace and, live a life of faith, service and humor is needed now more than the work to bring people together for a higher calling that work is unfinished and that work must continue. thankladies and gentlemen, the honorablesenator from north car. mgood morning. it is absolutely my honor to be here. you know, this day is a decade in the making and it would not
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have been possible without the teamwork ofof the north carolina delegation. so thank you. want to thank them for their commitment to honor one of north carolina'se legacyd billy graham. simple creation fall, redemption. and in our ultimate hope, set forth in scripture, you know, we took message of hope in christ to than 185 nations to more person, and more than 2 billion people through radio and television broadcasts. now, i was one of those to billion who would watch him on as a young kid. now, when i was young, i remblq■w watch billy graham and for two reasons.o one, it was the good of jesus
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christ when simply presented. and two,rents would let me stayp ■■wlate. you know, to this day. any time i hear hymn, just as i am, i want to get up and forward, you know, more people have heard the good news of jesus from billy graham than any history and that incredible legacy, you know, its with many things, it started in theprior generations, including his parents, his in-laws. and it was enriched by the love of his wonderful wife, ruth. anis continues on through his children, through grandchildren. and for the north carolinians here today, it's our great honor to have billy grahfamily call o. he was raised a small farm in what's now grown into a big city.
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and he and ruth, they could have anywhere in the world, but they carolina home. they raised their family there and they put our state at the heart of global ministry. so as we honor his memory in the u.s. capitoloday, let us never forget the bible that he saved and the lives that were transfmed, enough lives to affect the course of nations. so it'ssñ our that we as lawmakers, as we come and go and as visitors pass of billy that we're reminded of his ministry and what he preached so often■á exmpsizing two verses in the gospel of john etched on either side of this statue. the first, as we know from the book of hn chapter three, verse 16, for as for as god loved the world, he gave his one and only son one only son that who ever believes in perish, bus
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declares, iu; am the way and the truth and the life, and no one comes to the father but by me. his point was this, and i quoted in his words, in his final he said, i have one message that;p jesus came. he died on a cross, and he asked us to repent of our sins and to receive him by faith as lord and savior. and if we do we have forgiveness of all our sins. 's grace is undeserved, but through christ, i and is by trun christ sacricesaved. if you've not made that decision for yourself, i hopi pray that you will for friends. it's by the power of christ. spirit in a transform life that
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we havehelove one another. and the power to make america an franklin graham junior, and may d united states of6ñ america. ladies gi:entlemen, the honorable thom tillis, united senator from north carolina. thank you all and welcome to our great capital. mr. speaker, i think you'd agree u'consensus here on what color e sky is on a cloudless but i believe that we can all agree here and have great consensus that billy graham was a trailblazer. during the 1950s, in an era
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where leaders in the south openlyit was billy graham who se out against it. he insisted in his sermons that be integrated, he shared his platform with black ministerincn luther king jr. reverend graham, blessed with the gift that bridge diffencght. ted, i remember vividly sitting there re a staple in my family. walter cronkite and ll graham. reverend graham was blessed with the gift that that brings all together. bridged the■ differences. us. you can remember it. and the crusades. we all came together here. united americans. he lifted them up. he understood how god's word could changexired us live up to our highest ideals. i hope when members of congress
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walk by his, reflect on the standards of faith ethics and decency that he exemplified dinary life. i that his presence here in the capitol can help us find opportunities to great. th more deserving of this honor. nt thank the many people who play a role in getting a e one of those people, my friend, formerd the audience hed the charge to get the state law passed in 2015. that started this whole process. chase fagan, charlotte artist, what a wonderful job you did with the statue.
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and also, i have to the graham family, franklin and all of you. thank you for sharing such a wonderful treasure with rest of this world. our nation's place to have billy graham as our nation's pastor and as north carolina's honor to be able to call him our native son. thank you all for being here today. and thanyou for gracing this beautiful capitol with billy graham. all. dihe reverend william graham, the third son of reverendyc william franklin. billy graham jr and president andly graham evangelistic association, asian and samaritan's purse. thank you, mr. speaker.
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vice president pence. members of the senate, memof th. governor cooper, distinguished friends and lots ofam my father would be a little withá this. this being here because he want the focus to be on the one that he preached. he'd want the focus to be on the lord jesus christ, the son of go god. on thejohn 316. john, 14 six four. inscribed. and of course, john 16 gives the
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ó■" god so loved this world that he sent his son. on a rescueve sinners. he didn't come to get them. he came to save. and if we would confess our sins and repent and believe on the name of the lord jesus christ, we can be saved. and this was his message. he preached his entire life. and of course, jesus said, i'm the way. the truth and the life. no man comes to the father, but by believed. it. he believed the bible cover to cover. believed it all. every word of it. is honored. that our earthly■, f be here in this capital.
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point into the future. generaons to our heavenly father and, his son, the lord jesus chstthankladies and gentlw smith, per all. honored to be here help but ree many times that we were able to minister together all across america for so many years. but i especially remember the last few years of his life on this earth, especially the last months when i would set up my piano beside him in his wheelchair and he would to hear.
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he wanted to hear hymns is what he wanted to hear.and so i wouls hymns, his favorite hymns, and he would try to sing along as best as he could, that this is one that i remember probably for the rest of l that we had the treasure of experiencing together. and i think maybe, jt maybe that billy would song today ande days ahead. ■:i■ surrender. all to jesus, all to him. my week. i will never love him
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in his presence daily. hasten surrender or. surrender to. o to thee. my blessed say, do to. o to jesus as i saw in the home, the head is he died. worldly pleasure o forsaken to
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me, jesus too= me. or. surrender. o to be my mercy, your surrender. surrender. o surrender. o to the my the; savior. i surrender o.
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■&ladies and gentlemen, the honorable patrick mchenry, united states representative fr t of north carolina carolina. please forgive. i didn't organize the program. had i organized a program, i would not follow. franklin graham or michael w smith. sir, forgive me. this will pass quickly. but one of the great moments and i would say the greatest moment of my service in congress was in 2012.
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in north carolina, which is traditional, seasol, and ipartst a call from the folks office sad that he would welcome the opportunity to meet his new congressman. and so you see my new district sitting it in a little called a little college town called montreat. and this one to the valley of carolina. and it was in this small town in we carolina that reverend graham and his beloved were marriage made their raised a family.he was just as e chatting withach house restaurad neighboring black mountain as he was world stage. and it was in that little stop in black mountain that he woul take the overnight train in the 1950s. in the 1960s, come here to washington. and that overnight train, get off the station right down the
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road. and he would go meet with folks here in this you go to the white house and no matter the president, they wanted him as their counselor. no matter the party they wanted him as their and to be able to speak with. reverend graham in thesed theirg him, to feel the warmth that so many/3ad felt ■>broadly, one on one, his exprs sense that in a memory that i will always always treasure. so today it is a te ho■íto be a part of the lasting tribute to america's pastor, who 13 presidents whoevangelized nearln people and 185 country is a man who squarely was in the public eye, but who■ñnhnscended
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politics. this humble servant of god who raised who was raised on his father's dairy farm in charlotte, from those modest roots, went on to be the finest north carolinian without a the finest north carolinian. north carolina has ever produced. and is altogether fitting that he should among the greatest americansthanks so. god bless. ladies and gentlemen, the honorable virginia fox united states representative from the fifth district of h carolina. ■tso patrick said he had a tough position in the program. so what about me? i have to follow him. good morning, everyone especially the members of the graham who traveled all
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theay fro mountains of north carolina. welcom statues in the united sts capitol, a building that i love and admire deeply, should represent the very best of america. that is why it is such a proud moment for me and north carolinians to see reverend grahamtatuta place here for many years ever advocated reverend graham to have a place within these hall halls and to know that millionspeople whohris■!it the capitol every year will be able to look read those verses and be encouraged. assembly, the designti committee worked with expediency to bring
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this suggestion to everyone involved in this processxñ impact within our country and across the worl desn a very candid way here in the capitol during his lifetime. he counseled foreign, numerous presidents, members of the royal and many other, public figures. however, his ldedicated to the f people around the christ as thes preaching as well as to being patriarch of a family that is continuing his work. he onceúu described being a christian as, quote, more than just an interest conversion.
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it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like) christ. how well we here in challenge tt is and others have alluded to it. but seeing thisday will encourage you just to strive to■wreverend graham and likehr we're blessed that the lord allowed him b for 99 years with this statue, example will . it's an honor to be here this momentous da may god continue to bless allf country. thankcéladies and gentlemen.
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the honorable mike house ofresentatives. what a what an exciting day this has been. and what a what a fitting. you've heard emotion you've heard authentici humility. and he embodied that for so mucy ways. we want to thank you again for being rehare. just just first of all, of course. scripture reminds us always to give honor where honor is due. and we give a special thanks tre committee. governor cooper, of course, north carolina delegation. it's an awesome group. you guys have sent an awesome ■>group to congress. and they're ably led, of course, by the virginia foxd she's amazing. and of course, the billy■e grahm evangelical association, which has a massive, untold impact and immeasurable impact the world.
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and thank youday possible. i've also i know here with us e lots of dignitaries and many of my personal heroes, the senator and secretary elizabeth dole of north carolina is with us in the. another person who i know was personally impacted by billy graham and vice president mike pence. and he was mentioned earlier, just but but charles fagan is the sculptor of this magnificent statue mentioned there's only four americanshieved the tt honors here. one of the other men that achievedearlier was was president ronald reagan. and he's another of my the whatw is mr. reagan so created that statue. and that's pretty awesome. 'rominently there the rotunda.
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i actually this place. i'm not sure if you all realize corridor through the through a through through the congress and througe and literally millions of people will walby a read, john, 14 six right there. and then they'll walk around the other side and see john 316 and they're going to see him pointing there to the open■f ba. and so that'll be a great cover piece for us as we give tours of the capitol. late night, bring all of our friends and the visitors schoolkids and university students. i mean, i think it's providential that it's here. i'm just saying i think it's the perfect stand you as the speaker of the house. a more importantly here today, as so many of us are, as as a believer, as a christian, as a follower christ,ho has been deeply impacted by the ministry, the rerend graham. it was in 1951 that reverend graham came to my hometown of port, louisiana, for one of his early crusades.
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he came at the invitation of dr. emmie dodd, and reverend graham started municipal auditorium. it's a pretty famous place. it's where elvis, you know, the phrase elvis has left the building right there, municipal auditorium. it's very famous person. but but the problem was that reverend graham was too popular. and the message was was too impactful. and the crowds were had to movel field at our state fairgrounds became reverend graham's very first outdoor crusade. yes, you're right. with the reverend shreveport, louisiana. that's right. at least that's what we claim. i think it's true. i think i think it's true. and over theapproximately 200,0, which is greater than the population of the whole northwest corner, the state. so they came in from all over thelaand one of the men who was present at meetings seven decadesn father to present in those meetings were,
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my childhood pastors and my sunday school, who all had a massive influence course upon me and the gospel. they heard of jesus christ, death and resurrection is the gospel that they preach to me and and my siblings and everybody, my sphere of influenc's the message that changed my life for eternity, and which reverend graham knew would person's life. it's the good news of salvation and redemption and hope that you've heard, articulated here today that our cof us. and he gave his only son so that every single person who believes in him can have that same gift of eternal life. and even as he preached to hundreds of and ministered to and walked with presidents, kings, which is what we love, billy graham, is that he exemplified humility, as you've heard today, he was buried. plywood casket that was fashioned byt angola in louisiana. reverend graham humbled himself to care for the poor and prisoners, the forgotten, the
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lost, and least of these exactly what the scripture. lls us to do. and becaus believed. he really did believe that he belied the poorest sinner could be a with christ for eternity. and that's what motivated him and those men who made his casket had come to believe. that message, too. and they believed it through the influence of billy graham and the graham family. and because reverend graham pursued earthly riches as was said he'd probably be uncomfortable with this today, that this great honor, such a great statue, but that humili is exactly why god exalted him and cho to to such great heights. billy s kn noted, and he had a personal relationship with and influence upon every president since harry truman. and it is his body laid here in the rotunda in february.
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2018 at leiden state. throngs of people, course, came through to pay their last respects. and all the members of congress and, everybody and dignitaries from all■c around. and tributes poured in and. they included all of the presid. here's a quick sample of some of the things they said. donald trump said, quote, billy's accept jesus christ. around his 17th birthday, not changed his life. it changed our country and the world.he was one of the towering figures of the last 100 years, an american hero whose life and leadership truly earned him the title god's obama tweeted this y prayed for so many and who, with wisdom and grace, generations. george w bush said, those of us who are blessed to know billy benefited from his deep r;conviction and personal examp. his wisdom and humility, his grace andity of heart. we knew that his life was a gift that he is now in the company of
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whom he loved so much and served so well. bill clinton, he said billy graham was one of the most impoant religiously in american history. his powerful words and the conviction they carried touched countless hearts and minds. george h.w. theyn christ and his totally honest evangelical spirit inspire people across the country and arnd world. i think billy touched the hearts of not only christians, but e he was such a good man andas a personal. one more. jimmy carter. he said the reverend billy graham tirelessly spread the message of fellowship and hope millions of people worldwide. broad minded, forgiving and humble in his treatment of others, he exemplified the life of jesus christ by constantly reaching outnities to serve. what a model for bring
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some school kids through in universities and constituents. we'll stop right here. i'll be stopping right here every timeo tell some of these stories. at the foundation of the statue, as youed, of these two verses. and those will be shared broadly now. and then in his left hand, just a couple of things i'll note and i'll close here. he holds an open bible is as you can. and a hand. and he's he's inviting all those to view and reflect uponword of. and his bible is open ladder to see it. but it's galatians six up, takea picture and send it to all you. but it's but i mentioned earlier a little nervous. and one of the reasons i'm nervous t me billy graham's study bible. i, i it's. it's priceless, right i am about to shake just holding right now. it's got hisi know. i know. and i secret him.
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so but but but it's opened, as i said, to galatians 614. let me tell you what that is. many of you know it by heart, but he has it de i mean it's but forbid that i should save in the cross of our christ, by whom the world is crucified unto. world. that's a that's fitting verse to be ope. pages as well-marked. this is the verse reverend graham put on the life and in his final years and to close o of his bibles that'e chose to share with you. we wan wall for coming here todr being a part of this very special ceremony, was a long time coming, as we said. and in all of you who helped thy possible, it's a day for celebration. and so we invite you to stick as long as you like and take photos as we all celebrate together the
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great legacy of the reverend y.ladies, gentlemen, please stad fomóñxr benediction delivered by the reverend david pistant to william franklin, billy graham jr. what a marvelous day and as we conclude our service on behalf of the grahamamily, the grateful citizens of the state of north carolina. leadership, this marvelous honor, remembered as a preacher of the gospeof the lord jesus christ and. so he shall always be. let us pray. our father and our god. we thank thee for this day of remembrance and for this, your
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servant, billy graham, and his ministry that encompass world. we're grateful for this place in which mr. graham is being honored. a special and its dome that refa beacon of freedom, democracy, dreams, po■ssib this the united states of we pause to pray. this day as you have commanded us in governmental offices, state houses in the judiciary system, for the ■■■military all work top usleadership of this country. and we pray each leajé they would act justly, love mercy and humbly with you, our god. we also pray■■a■t this with thankfulness for the life of william franklin graham jr and
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the extraordinary, extraordinary ministry him the clear enunciation of good news, the way of salvation preached your holy bible and all punctuated with that remarkable north carolina accent. so beloved by a;bll who hea hprs ti h family, and the spiritual calling that he lived so faithfully th statue in its remembrance for generatnspr. and the savior, he reflected in. heart and word. thank you, lord. for billy graham, a preacher of your gospel. a bearer of a good news to those who are lost. and as we conclude this event in this place we pray that in the midst of a of, sin and evilt seems so ple rejoice
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in the profound hope of the good news, the gospel and its power to change human hearts. just as billy graham preached ugh a life well lived and ministry completed i his day for this life and his message. we pray in the strong, wonderful and, beautiful name of jesus christ, our lord.■m ■az■ñ■hq■r■
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thank you for inviting me to be with you this evening. my colleagues and i the work of the supreme court. historic coals to preserve the y of the
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