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tv   Washington Journal Scott Wong  CSPAN  June 24, 2024 5:31pm-5:55pm EDT

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so thank you for your participation. [applause] >> tonight, legal experts on the constitutionality of the federal wealth tax was a by the federal society of young writers ♪♪ >> unfiltered congressional ve years. highlights from key moments.
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,. [applause]■ ♪♪■■ >> congressionalh ncc news parking for the week housee agenda? >> as you know, the campaign trail, they are doing a little bit of legislating oversight.
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the biggest issue a marketing hill. on anti-doping measures in the olympic■ g he believes that there is not oversight and anti-doping measures. he wants to see a tougher response from the olympic and some of the anti-doping organization.e world and he will be making his case on capitol hill. host: that's on tuesday. we will have coverage of that. the former olympic champion swimmer, michael phillips -- michael phelps and allison schm will testify on anti-doping efforts. watch at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span two, mobile
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video app or online at the more from capitol hill this week. but, they have some legislative work to do. they have talked about getting their spending bills in order before september. they made progress and what is their goal? the broader goal is to get their appropriation bills, all of them wrapped upy their■x new deadline, which is the end of september. and that is anumber one, they ar reach that deadline, because of differences overspending between the two priorities hanging over that is the fact that there is an election and so election politics has dominating and
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coloring everything that is happening on capitol hill. they are pushing forward, at least the house of representatives is, with trying to pass a number of those appropriation bills through the summer to put themselves in a good negotiating position. who would bet moneythat this is going to d into after then, with probably a cr, a continuin thata funding bill to fund the government tt would push us into after the election, likely in december. host: outside of that there any other big ticket items or debates like we have seen in re months that will come to november election?mer before guest: so much of what we have seen come to the floor our messaging bills. the singeing bills are things
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bills are things like immigration. number of messaging bills from senate democrats come up, tryin put republicans in a tight position on the issue of abortion protecting women's reproductive rights. expect to see more messaging bills, because democrats and got some of those major issues done last year, with the debt ceiling crisis and with government fng earlier this year, we are not seeing some of those big ticket items being a problem for congress in these closing months of the election. host: let's talk about some house races national news, because of the pt and now who's endorsing them. you've seen splits, the republican party
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primary races. starting with the virginia race, congressman bob good, the incumbent, trying to get another tell us the back story and where this race stands today. guest:ace stands still too close to call. this is a primary race in virginiahat features bob good, the freedom caucus chairman, who is being challenged by john maguire, who was endorsed by president. somebodyrv■e has really split the conservative■p the -- and the movement in the republican party. they are separated by 300 or so s. still too close to call. they are counting some provisional ballots. but, you know, right now,r.
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good is trailing the challenger who has been backed by donald so, the big question at this point is will there be some kind of recount election? is a procet election. in the election week will days or weeks in the it is super bowl selectionur viewers whoot mccarthy leadership role he joined with people like matt gaetz to win td endorsed. >> .micro movement conservatively the republican
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party that on behalf of belanger what the issue donald trump and his alertness split on the issue who should represent the congressional district and it's fascinating. >> we will talk about more of these races with the parties ha. we want you toi@ join in.ql9 city
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another primary race, national media democratic what was in a, was going on with this race? what does it represent with them the party?■u >> middle school teacher, one of the stars one time challenged by george vladimir, the westchestes years is■ c o israel
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carried out, some of the birds. divide for israel. thisssue in the democratic party throughout the cycle terrorist attack israel. pro- jewish group spent a record million dollars in a single cost ■primy record number spending the collective primaryn
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>> a race too long for all of morning. in the house and senate races humana thi money with the legislative this week. what about the, sure what's again, we saw a number of messaging bills chuck schumer has been putting■w■b forward on things like roe v. wade. hat anniversary of the dobb's decision, we are seeing a coordinated effort from democrats dobbs has meant to the country, to women and what it could mean going country.
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the first lady was out in pennsylvania over the weekend, highlighting the need for women and reprodvekamala harris will e university of maryland today and then fly directly to arizona later today, doing a number of reproductive rights events. you saw what the president had to say, today and he's out with a campaign message. the campaign arm for house democrats will have mobile towards, targeting vulnerable republicans in places like k. highlighting their supportcisio. so, you will see a concerted, very coordinated effort among top democrats, highlighting republican support. donald trump trumps support for the dobbs decision.
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you heard what the former president had to say, praising certain members of the conservative supreme court for making that rulgsual thing for a president to do, to personally individually thank supreme court members. but this wpport for bob good. he was featured in the national newspaper today. one of the national newspapers today, for traveling around the country support different candidates and, at the same time, making news, here's nbc news investigating matgaover all misconduct. he says this is something kevin ■/mc left as revenge against matt gaetz. host: -- this has been a long-standing case against matt gaetz. it was investigated by -- has been investigated or committee a
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number of years ago, when democrats were in control of house and ethics committees. now,iven that they have opted to continue this sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, as they have been an t was looked which last year, announced they would not move forward with any criminal charges of mr. gaetz. ficant. but again, house ethics has operated completely seratethey e seen enoughants that moving for. they have interviewed enough
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witnesses -- a number of witnesses in this investigation aneys enough there to keep this investigation open as house ethics is concerned. host: see on the legislative agenda? ■gpublicans, (202) 748-8001. . independents, (202) 748-8002. texas as well, including your first name and city and state at (202) 748-8003r , how much of an impact are the respective conventions going to have this year. both parties havela legislation. guest: that's a good point. ■]th between the conventions and the run-up to th conventions on the house and senate floor. certainly, as i mentioned before that duringection year,
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things tend to slow down but is late of lee -- legislatively. senate democrats who are in control on that side of the chamber of■g the u.s. capitol ad house republicans who of the hof representatives have this opportunity to put resonate witt will helphem really turn out the vote on theiraisle. and so, expect to see a number on both ses conventions. they really want to -- in this election, there is an effort, you can see certainly from donald trump's campaign, an effort to drive outthere is notg of the middle. donald trump has been pretty
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clear in trying to -- she wants conservatives, among his base d to the conservative base. you are seeing that with his speech over the weekend to conservative evangelicals, saying look what i did on roe v. wade. i managed to overturn this law with the help of the supreme court justices that i appointed and i'm going to personalthank e court justices in this speech. host:ig republicans will gather in milwaukee for chn august. ■gthat -- also during the novemr elections, congress will hear from benjamin netanyahu. why is he giving these remarks to both chambers of congress? guest: this obviously comes at a
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time when congress has been ■ç of the war in gaza, carried out by israel in a those terrorist attacks on october 7. this hasn by speaker mike johnson, extended o netanyahu. democrats, including the senate democratic leader, chuck schumer, who happens to be ranking jewish member of congress in washington, has been very reluctant go along with mike so from prime minister netanyahu at such a it has torn apart congress and washington at large. this was not part of an official
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visit. for president biden to welcome netanyahu to the white house. usually, these types of visitsle white house and that was nothe case in this particular case. this was speaker johnson trying to put democrats in a toughin td weofschumer decided the senate paip that letter to formally invite netanyahu, whose facing his own internal struggles in his own government with ■pñthresign cers cabit. it comes at a volatile time in his government and a difficult time as they deal with issues related to israel. host: the prime minister
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accusing the biden administration of selling weapons and military aid. also, as ratchets up tensions be in lebanon. host: that was strongly -- guest: that was strongly denied by the state department and the biden administration, that there was any sort of delay or stalling of weapons being sent to israel. you recall that the massive bipartisan package, supplemental spendingincluded sr as for ukraine and taiwan earlier this year. congress did pass that. you can imagine why there's some
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biden administration and it's intereing to seent biden for global level meetings. >> will democratic members of boycott? >> a number of democrats have , they have called the war in gaza a genocide so the tub issue as ghi've said, there will some
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folks sitting this oneis including mrs from attending@é■d bernie sanders will not be attending. there will probably be many, more and u.s. senators. >> the house returns this week wednesday, thursday and friday. gavel to gavel coverage on the follow scott at >> tonight legal experts in discussing tax policy and constitutionality of federal wealth tax.
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marchhe dss eastern on c-span2.. >> sees him celebrates congress■ itol hill providing balance, coverage of government commute to her that policies debated and decided support of america's cable company. he spent, 45 years and counting. >> a conversation hosted by pain institute.
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