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tv   Agriculture Secretary and Asst. Attorney General Discuss Biden...  CSPAN  June 25, 2024 11:01am-12:09pm EDT

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e world would soon be lost. reagan, january 19, 1989 in the east room of the white house. why do i bring this up? because the panelists correctly said, if we are going to get things done, we have got to take politics out of this. 28 years ago, i wasn the united states for senator ted kennedy when comprehensive immigration we had 90 i need my thumbs to cross the number the number of party-line vote sprayed everybody put country above party. everybody knew about the economic case for immigrants. anybody understood the moral imperative. everybody understood that lady liberty is not a relic of the past lady liberty is not a relic of the past today. on i would ask you to do is help us get to that that. i was in local government 20 years ago. you can't print money and state
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government. you got to get the done. i was going to use are word but that i would be nicer. wanted it to beo do. we need to build the case because what history us, is we have had moments we are going to nd this here to take you live to aood policies. tom feels that financial for american progress live on he's been to. >> i want to thank you for joining us in this important conversation. tom feels that department of justice. the biden-harris lower everything cost for the american people are already seeing the benefits including your health insurce premium prescription drugs and lower utility industries the efforts
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include new innovative strategies in target root price gouging. president biden signed into executive order the american economy. the grocery store checkout line. approach established the white house d.o.j. again other industries the market power and agriculture sets the stage for corporations
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and make consumers vulnerable to higher prices for shareholders. while families can find wewhere putting food on the table is a necessity and ah variables that impact prices outside of our control with the flu and it makes it all the more critical government helps validation and price manipulation from chicken eggs, beef. speakers today will highlight the ongoing action for anticompetitive actresses and supply chain. hundred pounds of chicken and 60 pounds of beef annually. the efforts to upholdn these
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e transparency, genuity and more. they benefit everyday americans w as ranchers, farmers and growers alike. i'm happy to introduce jonathan and i trust department will begin his career as an attorney ommission spiro competition confirmed by the u.s. senate in 2021 and centered integrity and transparency of the competitive market. under his leadership shed light on exchanges that enabled exclusion anticompetitive and opened new channels for farmers and ranchers to report unfair competitive in livestock and poultry centers.l
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was confirmed february fulfill the roles and president biden's cabinet. there, other priorities he's overseeing efforts to identify rk consolidation and hundred kinds of support rural ensure they are more resilient and competitive now and in the future. [applause] >> hello and thank you for having me here today. or hosting this event and think you for your partnership and c. we are proud to be in the trenches every.
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agriculture enforcement is a priority and will remain priority going forward. they were plowed into communities the daily lives family farms. i think the actual arnold my team last fall the son of farmers concentration. at the r and the farmer you can see how it was all connected. local hospitals problem became a local source monopolies to resist everywhere he can't catch a break thousands of the and
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shut down the family farm thoselosses start to add up and each one the american dream spiraling. hospitals communities suffered. when i described it and does not have to happen. it was not and not. it wasct of choice choices and deals boardrooms and bathrooms across the country. small people or small dreams. they got stock sheets. understand what it
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means to parents or grandparents spend more than you can possibly put dollars and cents. did not understand the everyone no matter who they it's a farmer three times a day. at division understand and that's why made it a priority day one. to grasp how we prioritize and the case we filed last fall and influential corporations you probably nevern heard managed information exchange allowing processors and fix prices.
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that enriches the madman at the expense of the family farm and family farmer. i encourage you to read the along. we also understand working with our partners it's critical he part of the whole of government approach. the approach is for revitalizing antitrustkyards enforcement. the usda i am pleased to the results. that operation has delivered multiple cases as formative outcome finally competition and fairness
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in the are proposed remedy lower this week and growers very switching processors the packers inspectors act penalizing groceries for for those growers. this victory could not come the leadership of secretary bill. we know this will be a model going forward. we thought we can and must renew our partnership.
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money and experts related to agriculture. criminal enforcement. with the help of our ta and may even bring packers and stockyards case. with that, i'm pleased to introduce our great ally and collaborator truly a champion secretary bill, thank you for your partnership and leadership. we are proud to be working with you. [applause] >> thank you very much.
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thank you for the incredible work you and your team have done with our team. i appreciate being here i want to thank you for the opportunity. i to put this in context and i think it's important t context. i think back three years or so when this administration began to think weenges of the time. first we had. suggest we moved in the right direction. we had to revive the economy
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make sur to control inflation from a disrupted supply chain. record job growth and wage increase record small businesses.íg revising our economy. necessary to do more necessity to essentially revitalize invest and promote an american economy and felt on water infrastructure infrastructure one built on ufacturing for the chips and science act was so important. understand the clean energy
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smart practices and agriculture would play creating opportunity in rural america across the country. provide a visibly supply very transparent active in every one of the aspects of the 21st bottom of an middle they concentrate of a very few number of farmers. $100,000 each year. about seven and a half%. 150,000 out of 1.9 million.
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theybb w c working with state attorney
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general's ensure consumers
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are for. the product of the everything where it was born and raised in process and was done in the united states. working with the department of and to create a more fair and transparent and we asked to provide us more information about their financial circumstances. these are asking for listing this significant amount and made sense the promise would know for whether theyere
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in a financial services to live up to their responsibilities r the contract so it modernize and create transparency who will. we next focus on better since the place wereacceptable rumination or retaliation. too often put that disadvantage and enforce their rights or raise or speak to a farmer about what their only to find a word retaliated ai defined retaliation and beer is a violation. the ability when farmers thought
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they were getting a base price only to find out later there was deduction for certain action. the actions resulted in lessening anticipated and the result puts them in financial on c-span2.
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the presiding officer: the senate will come to order. the parliamentarian will read a communication to the senate. the parliamentarian: washington, d.c. june 25 2024. to the senate under the provisions rule 1 paragraph 3 of the senate i hereby appoint the honorable tim kaine to perform the duties of the chair. signed patty murray the presiding officer: under the previous order, lawmakers are on their july 4 holiday will be back for business on july 8 labeled on judicial nominee. live coverage of the senate when return to a discussion of the biden administration's policies secretary tom phil.
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>> it's important for us to understand the challenge in front of us and that's why a holistic comprehensive approach that creates more including midsized. more income streams stronger local regional systems that creates resilience and competition which results not only in better army producers and opportunities but also more choice and better value for consumers. it's an opportunity to promote manufacturing of bio products in rural communities jobs and is enticing and encouraging young people to consider staying news is we are beginning to see positive. we thousands of farmers and millions of acres.
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resources available to forms climate smart practices and renewable energy. the resources we put behind all this are funded because of the rescue plan and infrastructural for the next five $35 billion investment be here today work with jonathannd his team and has indicated s sense message and the market needs to be fair and transpare. we will eventually g to where we will solve this.
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i often talk about america and one of the dining room table for families are talking on how they can't make it on the farm and the other conversations with a little bit of help and entrepreneurship we can make this work for our family and your family tree opportunities to live, work and raise families families. [laughter] good morning senior vice president for american progress. thank you so much for joining us costs and make more affordable for families but also making resources and tools available to
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make sure the biden administration and usda have farmers facts. feel free to drop us in the chat. those of y in the room there? available at the reception desk. when you write the question down, iteour name :
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provided for expanded with condition that it would not be purchased by a larger packing companyreated in addition
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creating a number of revolving fundsd to have additional credit if the market becomes fickle or credit different than a commercial bank opportunity to take advantage so combination of restrictions of resource we >> with a few audience questions from the online audience. >> what programs in the next farmville and how can congresshelp families and farmers? >> limited answer is this way.
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farmville which i think from a political perspective very smart essentially asking what you want farmville the challenge in paying for it suggesting the credit corporation used in a variety of ways. and have to meet the need of whatever situation.
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they want to strain that resource gs but a small savings my grandkids are now in the harry potter generation three it's like invisibility cloak essentially taking the cloak masking deficit contained in this bill so essentially a plan that is politically smart practically is not going to happen i'm hopeful the farmville senate practice have supported a more practical appro that ultimately becomes the vehicle and doing so can meet many of th needs but not necessarily all but you can do it in a
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fiscally responsible way and i think see continued support of local and regional food efforts losers of thesome benefit in the form of only impact roughly 100 so you don't get the benefit of that so how that balance? it does have a farmville will get more practical.
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the biden impairs information overseen the program benefits can you? e or so congress directs the department of agriculture to evaluate and know it is the basis of the benefit. ... how does that compare to the benefit? ess has directed us to do this in a way that essentially is sort of budget neutral. did it it did not give that specific so it created an opportunity for us to do what had that been done years which was to ask the question whether or not the using really comports with real life experience. and what we found out w that
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it's one thing to kind of hand select some commodities and try to price them based on what you think is happening at homes across america. it's another thing to take a look at what people are asked to purchasing at the grocery store which is a better reflection of what's going on in their homeçg and then price those items. and what we found out was that, that indeed things have changed since the last time this was done. and the result was we saw the need to increase the s.n.a.p. benefit by roughly 21%. so that translates to roughly $2000 of additional support for families. the challenge with snape is people often think of it only in terms of the families receiving the to think more broadly than that. the reason you need to think more broadly is if somebody has $2000 more to spend at the grocery store, guess what. they actually spend it. so when they spend it that means more has to be packaged and
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transported and processed supply chain in awill from that s.n.a.p. program. it's not just the famous. it's everybody who's job is connected to makin we've got a groceries on the shelves. so it's that impt it also has a way of stabilizing the economy if you will, for and candidly it isdizing companies that for whatever reason are low-wage companies, when you think about it. for example, if the minimum wage was increased you would have fewer people on s.n.a.p. so essentially we are subsidizing with s.n.a.p. those industries that are employing people. people need to think about s.n.a.p. and a much more holistic and m buch than just this is assistance for families. job creator and also assistance for companies that are paying them in a wage. what industries are we talking about and how would
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impacted if we didn't have a stamp program? >> we have time for one last question from michael nelson. >> first of all i want to say thank you to both of you for your work on this next phase and for looking forward to reviewing them in full. what's next for the usda? and will there be a fifth rule to address some of the other consolidation -- excuse me -- that will address specifically forward contracting at some of the anticompetitive and consolidation factors that that practice had on cattle markets in particular? >> the next thing we are going to be look at i think is a cattlecovery rule. and we are working on that. so that may some of your question. i think also i mentioned the study. that also is on the docket, if you will, in terms of what that might tell us about what's truly
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happy in the retail space and impact that i can have on competitive markets on farm income on opportunity. a couple pretty significant things. and these are proposedes that we file today so obviously there will be a comment period and will have to review the comments and ultimately finalize the rule. so there's q of the next several months. >> s and assistant attorney general kanter it's been a thorough, see some ideas that cap could hair here and help incubate to grow c to ensure rural communities have resources to apply for federal funding and federal grants as well systems throughout the competition. we appreciate your making that sustainability of rural communities and small farmers. thank you so much. [applause]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> today a discussion about nato's future of the potential for further european expansion posted by the council on foreign relations. watched the event live at 1 p.m. eastern on c-span2 c-span now our free mobile app or online at >> on thursday to an into the cnn presidentialast live on c-span2. watched as the presumptive nominees president joe biden and former president trump face off as a try to earn your vote n in
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