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tv   House Democrat Leadership Hold Press Conference  CSPAN  June 26, 2024 5:23pm-5:43pm EDT

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leadership too long. have had divided and deadlocked government, too long. we have been governed by vetoes too long.■im■=
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>> good morning, good morning. before i begin i wanted to wish the women's softball team good luck as they take on the capitol press team. i know that could be a source of friction in thismrell
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raising money for charity and i'm grateful that kim schreier, one of the stars of our team joining us here today as well as the dccc chair suzanne delbene for hosting our caucus meeng this morning across the street but but this morning we discussd the two year anniversary of dobbs decision which is has left one in three women in this country living under an abortion ban. the choice confronting the american people cannot be more ear. house democrats are fighting to restore reproductive freedom for every house republicans are marching towards a national abortion ban. house democrats are fighting for every americans right to act on ivf if they choose to do so a extreme maga republicans are filing amendment to block funding for ivfse ty are never going to stop until
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joe biden will be standing on the debate stage tomorrow defeg seek an abortion in donald trump most honest devastation, devastating supreme court justices who cause this pain to so many across our country. this is thes in joe biden 13 roe in donald trump and house republicans are team -- and with that i the vice chair ted >> is chairman aquilar mentioned this as a two year work grueling of roe v. wade. donald trump and rli campaigned on overturning roe v. wade in donald trump em court justices andonservative senate republicans con justices are those justices then overturned roe v. donald trump and republicans celebrated and bragged about the overturnin
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joe biden signed a law codify roe v. wade. the two parties are not the same. this week the u.s. surgeon general announced for the first time in u.s. history the truth that gun violence is a public health crisis. the biden administration and house democrate working to reduce gun violence and make sure that we don'te guns get into the hands of people who should not have them. again the two parties■s the same. it is now my honor to intdu our dccc delbene under her leadership the democrats have puteat to let for bse suozzi one and to tell you about the results last night as well. >> good morning everyone. thanks to chairs aquilar and
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vice chair lieu. we had a great caucus meeting where folks are fired up and ready and eager to take bae mon. this week we are reminded of how high the stakes of this election are. as we all know monday marked the second anniversary of the. wade. since that women lost the fundamental constitutional ptections 21 states have either banned abortion were severely restricted it. we have heard■ medical care becaufhese extreme state bans. now more than ever the public ic consequences of allowing politicians to dictate what medical care what they can and cannot cheerleading the overturning of roe two years ago house republicans stop their attacks on reproductive freedom despite all of their dysfunction and chaos they have managed to stay united on at least one thing, constant pursuit of passing bills and
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policies to chip away at■o abortion rights called towards their ultimatef ssing a national abortion ban. their unityehin this and their freedom agenda is a that there are no more moderate know more moderate republicans inhe house and in south carolina the last three gop women in the state senate were ousted in primaries for heresy of standing with democrats to block a near that state. of this despite the fact that support for abortion rights÷ increasing across the country with more than 60% of voters ing legal abortions. in support for reproductive freedom grows it's increasingly becoming a dealbreaker issue for many voters meaning they would not support someon
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with them on these fundamental freedoms. knowing this house republicans are trying to downplay their extremis d non-issue forid vulnerable house republicans have been caught editing and deleting their extreme antiabortion positions on a public web site and we are going tool accountable for that. no matter how hard they try they won't be able to run away from their antiabortion extremism or the role theyd i overturning roe. whether in california or pennsylvania and in all the purple districts in between we will make sure the public is reproductive freedom we suffered two years ago in the constant attacks against our rights is because of them. this election is about our right or freedom our democracy and our future. comeember we will take back the house of representatives to get our government back to work to protect and res reproductive freedom once and for all. and now i wano colleagues right nextr of washim
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>> thank you chairwoman delbene. two years ago supreme court made the disastrous decisions overturned roe up-ending 50 years of precedent andcally oveg the fundamental freedom away from a third of t women in this country. as one of just two pro-choice women doctors in congress i was outraged then and i continue to be just as outraged now. this decision goes far beyond abortion. has power over authority to make very personal decisions for you and who can
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control your future. our rights are no longer writes. this particular medical decisions when and whether to become pregnant is one that impacts every element of a woman's right t chart the course of her life. to happen later. after woman has chosen to stangg with the pregnancy. either way i want to emphasize this decision is heard -- hers, not the dangerous consequences f xtre daubs decision every day women with miscarriage is not the standard treatment that they need. women,( forced to carry nonviabe pregnancies to term. so now we are seeing attacks on ivf and vitro fertilization which so many families rely on to have a successful pregnancy
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and we on birth control. in year 2024 this is beyond outrageous. in the exam room. democratic majority and we will bring a bill to the floor of the house to make roe the lot the land and restore these fundamental freedoms for women. thank you. i went now yield to our cirman h dr. schrier for questions? andrew. >> i don't think it would surprise anyone in leadership endorsing democratic caucus member and we will in the future. we will have more to say about that in future but it's not a surprise to anyone that we are
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endorsing our democratic congressperson. thanks. i endorsed jaamal bowman and democratic leadership jamaal bowman. our focus in the democratic leadersh i ectly what we talked about today come how do we get the congress and the country on theig path related to roe, relatedml to affordability concerns of many americans have. the only way to do that is by having democratic control in the house and we get there to having 218 votes so th w our focus in their districts that matter to us in november so that will continue to be our focus as we marched
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toward the november elections. their own business that theyrs need to do in their districts t. jamaal bown is a dedicated public servant i wish him best in orc democratic nominee george vladimir. vladimir.[inaudible] >> i think the data is very clear. the volume of individuals in asylum at the southern border is down. joe biden has been these issues. he strongly believes in securing our border while offering
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pathways to come pathways for individuals to have work permits in the states and individuals like his order last week that allow individuals who haee in the country for decades the ability to have a work permit if you■c are married to a united states citizen and those are tter to our communities. that balanced approach is what's needed and that's what joe biden is providing. that's why you are sg his leadership. [inaudible] >> every dollar that is expended to protect an incumbent mr of our congress 10, plus 20
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district expands the majority so in that sense there are impacts but i will tell you our focus is on making hakeem jeffries the speaker. you've heard me say thve and over. i've nominatedm tim and no one is more committed to making this happen. thathe going to be raising the resources helng our members to secure 218 votes for hakeem next january. wntinue to be our focus. we are absolutely united against the chaosfuncon and extremism to be seen from house republicans ahat we take back the majority in districts alntry there couldn't be a stronger caidates running across the country a for rights and freedoms and democracy in
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the of our country versus the extremism of republicans couldn't be more clear. [inaudible] >> i generally will leave those strategy andac■■er jeff reese but i can tell you there has beeongipartisan votes when extremist members on the house republican upper resolutions. they are generally joined bydem.
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hope is that will happen but we haven't had a whole lot of is is yet another attempt by house republicans to have the predent. every day they wake up asking themselves how do we show him. that's what they do and this is one way they can continue to show him their aticarrying his e american public sees it. we are going to devote a lot of time and injured -- energy to that. >> encourage you to look at the substance of what this is all about. if yat committee hearing on the contempt resolution against merrick garland it's clear knowing disputes this, wefr■wave the written transcript. the written transcript was authenticated by robert hur or republican who was dominated by donald disputes that s written transfer -- is
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authentic. why they want the transcript of they said we won't know if biden says and, and, and. they want this transcript to highlight joe joe biden overcame stuttering as a child. he was bullied for stuttering and he overcame that it became tes. it is and shameful that nscrtlicans are seeking to which is exactly the same transcrixc studying the highlight these stuttering to the american people. a should be ashamed of themselves and i hope you're right about that in the process. [inaudible] in these circumstances my first instinct is to always differ to the winds in member -- wayne --
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ways & means member standing be me. joe biden is for fairness and joe fighting for corporations to pay their fair share an per individuals making under $40,000 to get a leg up. that's the prism and whihe administration and house democrats view house policy that will do for two chair delbene. and there are no sfi like most proposals from donald trump they are no specifics behind it and these also proposed tariffs instead of taxes that would be hugely regressive and raise costs for consumers all across next year we will have a big ixeira they have no policies. they have no and we've been very clear we are focused on making sure that they have
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policies that are fair and the supports are middle-class and families and do important things that can make a difference like expahe credit. >> i'm not aware of any of those efforts. they haven't been discussed.slyt related to the two year dots anniversary that we have mentioned. house democrats will support efforts for women to have reproductive freedom. ho we are and that's why we want to see the majority because we want to pass policies anything missing from that frame is wor consideration.
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that opinion that they are going to offer isn't worth the paper that it's posted on but it y much of the last time mike johnson had his hand in aal strategy relate to the house of representatives. december 20 before january 6 and he was architect in a document that went to the had lies and was complete and set the framework for the insurrectionists marching on the capitol. this is a republican party that no lgerule of law and mike johnson has
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proven that. on december this is opportunity the opportunity for them to carry the water for steve manod abouth the janua 6 committee proved multiple course ofal and lawful and that's what you see peter navarro high bars in the federal penitentiary right now. speaker johnson2n going down this route is shameful but it's shouldn't be surprising. thank you very much.


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