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tv   Reel America Tunnel Destruction - 1969  CSPAN  June 29, 2024 10:26am-11:00am EDT

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in today's guerrilla warfare, ■!a
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especially as itscticed in
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the orient, one of the most challenging, dangerous problems whicont combat forces is the enemies use of earthen tunnels. caves were used. the japanese in world war two an koreans during the conflict which once the line of battle had moved them and the area in which they existed was secured by our troops. these subterranean fortif permanently neutralized as a part of the area consolidation. today, however, a different type warfare is being waged. rarely are areas held enough to be thoroughly cleaned out. instd, actions of our combat troops consist operae drives through objective of find destroying his forces and then
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moving on. seldom is the terrain for extended periods objective in enemy's use of earthen tunnels serious. he can hide in them until our troo pas then emerge and attack from the rear in them. in area if the enemyre leaves tunnels deserted during a sweep operation and he will finr facilities. and then when he returns and if they ant he can resume his guerrilla activities almost as though no interio taken place. thus, it is obvious that to effectivenemy and destroy his ability to wage war in guerilla situations, his tunnel shelters must be demolished or denied him as they
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are encountered. this is a relatively new but important military concept for tunnel users included in the doctri o armed forces, particularly in the orient in the future. ■w doctrine may well be applied not only to guerrilla warfare, but to any type of conflict anywhere in the world. therefore, understanding of eaand tuor neutralizing is essential to today's soldier. earthen tunnels may be dug or utilized in military operations wherever the tactical situation warrants although they are practical only where large civilian forces are available■v construction earthen consist of two general types. first, there are those called expedient. they are relatively simple construction and varying in length from approximately 20 to
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several hundred feet. thise ambush safe, hide, riverbank or escape not io provide permanent protection or the second type is made up of several levels of tunnels called a complex, which a series of roomsnnected, many smaller tunnels. a complex y extend to 30 feet in depth below the large areas ey carefully entrances to filitate evasion and escape. personnel may be hidden, housed, ailid. a headquarters be set up and maintained and■■■ese complexes e back to world war two and since have been enlarged and reinforced to provide maximum protection against air and
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strikes. ■such hugelly found away from populated centers. they are the m to but can be destroyed if. time, supplies, equipment, personnel are avail.discovered. area around it must be mines. these are generally used by the enemy for prr warng and until this check has been completed, the should not be entered. before entering a tunnel. need to do the a powerful flashlight in good condition and with fresh e such as a bayonet is m as protective mask aweapon. with the entrance the next step is to perform a
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thor rissance of the tunnel to determine how recently it has been used and if enemy personnel present this reconnaissance is essential a powerful should be avoidedin a . their intense sound can cause deafnessa tunnel and crushing team need all at all t. when a tunnel entrance shaft goes vertically into the ground as here the first man to enter it should be slowly lowered into the shaft head first to permit him to orough floor for booby traps. all minesmove ttunnel.
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when over eight feet deep. the point mho be pulled to safety in case of emergency. as the point mann the tunnel, he carefully checks to be certain that no enemy is awaitingim. entrance. and hisrea is clear, he works
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backup men as, they enter the must be alert for any odor which suggests presence of chemical agents■ and if such odors are detected, protective masks must be done. when both menjí are in the tunn, caly carefullyir reconnaissance carefully initial reconnaissance limited to the first ten feet of a tunnel. if it the recon team should return to the entrance to communication equipment. then they resume the reconnaissance of the entire complex in this demonstration. is permitted. ngalways assume that the enemy s somewhere is. and always assume that the
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tunnel boora, in more elaborate complexes where, the enemy has had ample time traps. carefully, examine all surfaces of the tunnel floor, walls and ceiling for booby traps or mines as. well, as for false walls or a hidden passageways, never undertake a tunnel reconnaissance with less than twstate within the tunnel complx that times. observeyourself against the who may lie in wait just beyond.
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during a definite to do the point man concerned with booby traps and mines as well as the possibility of contact. is alert for information of intelligence value. o notes details of the tunnel construction andk and estimates the depth of soil which lies over theunnel throughout its entire length. this soil is called overburden. and extent, size, depth this is carefully and completely tunnel established this
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ation must then be reported through channels to tactical commander. on the basis of factors which are inherent ie overall combat situation. the commander will decide whether the tunnels should be stroyed or otherwise denied to the enemy bypassed. the of desire, demolition or denial may be left up to the unit commandere factors which we the type of tunnel denial to be relate the tactical situation at the time. first, how much time is available? destruction, how much time the primary mission allow forwork? second, how much time is ssy destruction. these must be weighed against
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each other. third, what equipment and personnequ denial in relation to the tunnel in question? ar equipment available? finally, how important is the tunnel complex to the enemy. return to the area? these are the things which must be considered in determining the type of tunnel destruction odenn individual's situation situation. the methods of tunnel denial, whh be employed in combat situations, be divided into three general catego. immediateh n in minutes with equipment normally at hand. se destruction, which also can be accomplished withinf periods of time with available equipment finally, total destruction, which requires trained troops
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quipment normally carried into combatof immediate denial tunnel action is to flush the enemy out of use for a decisive period of time. the results obtained are immediate, although a relatively brief duration. ■my from. the tunnel cease iswder form. when cs powder is used, the material is liberally sprinkled into the ee. the tunnel is then as tightly as possible, to spread back into the underground passageways and drive the enemy t ugh@qother exy have no protective masks available. dispenser can be carried by one man and may be
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used to blow chemicals into a tunnel. afr checking the area for enemy personnel and booby a other suitable cover is placed over ther; entrance. thethe dispenser is inserted through. the cover ensuring that a tight seal maintained around thethe os sealed to prevent the chemical fromafter all openings of.
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the engine has started. the fan then fors chemical throughout the tunnel. using csas all such denial effoe tunnel should be tightly covered to prevent the of the costumes and force back into the passageway involves damaging the tunnel so that it will beo the enemy and reusable only after considerable repair, generally concussion or grenades are tossedq■ into a tunnel or shaft entrance to collapse it. the destructive effect these grenades will depend on the amount of overburden at the point ofon.
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if the overburden is relatively light, the grenades may completely collapse. seal off the entryway. even if grenades will usually dislodge enough earth to efall entrances must be treatedn this way to completely tunnelconventionaldynamite c-4e used in partial tunnel c-4, normally available under combat charge assembly kits. ■?g, thecontained in the demoli. prepare two of the blocks to ceiv demolition.
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priming assemblytwo of these ase contained in kit. they consist of five foot lengths of detonate cord with a priming adapter and attached to ch end. place the boosters into two of tht blocks. to complete the firing chain. attach an electric cap with firing or a non-electric cap with a length of time views to the demolition kit. we will use a non-electric assembly cut piece of time views
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of sufficient length, allow personnel to move back to a safe area. non-electric cap onto a timeñ/ fuze. crimping using blasting cap at the cap to the five foot length of detonating cord.
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finally attach the fuze lighter to the time. fuze. when explosive assembly has been tunnel entrance to drive back any enemy who may be waiting inside. place char as deeply in the entrance asble. then ignite the fuze and quickly ■z safe distance from entrance. while awaiting results.
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thtran enemy. these are the primary ways in which partial tunnel destructi is commanders call in artillery or highleentr. the total destruction of a specially trained troops using equipment not normally carried in forward areas during combat operations. equires more time and is necessary for the partial demonstrated. once total destruction has bnthe another thorough reconnaissance of the complexby the
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specially trained personnel. assigned to the demolition. these men will make certain the tunnels are clear that no personnel or booby traps have orlooked in the earlier exploration exploration. they will precisely map the complex and carefully estimate the overburden throughout the en system, making special allowances in their where multi-level tunnels findings ofs reconnaissance, the amount of placement can be determined. thumb, which is developed through extensive experimentation and operation.
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2k■tit requires consideration oo amount of overburden four overburden up to ten feet use two pounds of explosive per foot of tunnel length. increase theunof explosive two pounds for eachit ten feet of overburden. the charges should be ground placed at turns or corners of the tunnel as well as at stronger points a type explosives should be used which can be prime with detonating all tunnel entrances which can be discovered should be blockede
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filled with well tamped dirt. this is particularly important for the more of the explosive forces and effective it will be. in t explosion should be primed with deathnon-e the action. ver, e means best because it gives you full control of the firing at all times. in certain situations. bangalore torpedoes shaped milar special charges may be used in destruction.
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in effective of destroying large enemy tunnels andpl developed te to 42 liquid explosive of demolition kit for use with a powerful liquid explosive nitro methane. each kit contains the equipment to destroy a■ tunnel 500 feet long with an overburden of ten feet. larger systems having up to 30 feet of overburden. each kit includes a portable gasoline engine drivenssor 255 f liquid nitroct to the compressor, and 55 gallon drums. vent off internal line pressure, which 15 psi a valve
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flow control regulates flow of explosive and theor that indicates when drums are empty. the monitor box is connected to a sensor attached to the hose feet ofthe kit also contains ano prevent propagation of the detonation backe drs an pumping equipment. tools and accessories for assembly and. llrapack containing 500 feet of lightweight lay, tue hose generator are connected t , must be tof eight not overhand not will not for monitor and firing wire are paid out.
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the monitor is conneed to monitor explosive placed around tubing and primed with two blasting caps caps. 8asting. cap wire is attached to the firing wire. the compressor is startstarted.
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■■■ç closed to start pumping the nitro methane g: tubing. be sure that nitro methane is flowing through the flow sensor moduleçu%qastic tubing, then move back the firing point. at, the firing site, the wires are attached to the blasting machine. the monitor is until one of the lights goes out, then the charge is fired. these then are the general principles of neutralizing or destroying enemy earthen tunnels in installation should always
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treat with respect and should be entered only with the utmost and the proper equipment. ■óels discovered in combat situations should be xplored to determine their size, extent and he recon, together with the tunnels ■ç■v through through the overall determine direct the appropriate disposition of the installation. for immediate denial. see us in various forms,be by combat personnel. for this to be effective, tighty contained to keep the agent from escaping. combat personnel accomplish rtst tunnels
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by collapsing entrances with concussion fragmenon well as available conventional militarycombat trol or partial destruction as a part of their normal. total destruction of a specialized equipment. whichever type of t■ne tactical, it should be performed carefully and completely, only in this vital tunnels and complexes be denied him.
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