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tv   Washington Journal Marc Lotter  CSPAN  July 30, 2024 2:02pm-2:16pm EDT

2:02 pm at the left america city, we we're goingo continue to everything we can to try to advance the democratic opening and try to encourage multilateral coordination in favor of theio restoration of venezuelans democratic institutions. so stay tuned. thank you all. those of you in caracas i hope you stay safe. our thoughts are with you. we will stay tuned. >> thank you jeff and thank you to the atlantic council for hosting. >> take care. >> thank you so much. >> c-span is just of a few of government. we are funded by this television companies and more including comcast. >> are you thinking this is just a community center? it's way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wi-fi enabled lift zones so students from low-income families can get the tools they
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need to be ready for anything. >> comcast supports c-span is a publicervice along with these other television providers giving you a front receipt to democracy. >> 100 days. we'll come back to the marc lotter. he served inecay the trump pence campaign communications team in 2020, 2016 come work on several national and state before that have you ever worked on a campaign where the person that your candidate is running against changes within three to four months of the actual election? >> guest: never disclosed. just when you think you know it's going to happen any campaign, somehow life in the world changes everything at the last minute. >> host: do you think the trump campaign was prepared for this change it? >> guest: they were. they knew this was a possibility following that disastrous debate but also they knew, did met whose names at the top of democrat ticket. the policies were so good be the same.
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the result of joe biden and kamala harris' were still going to be the same. there was a reason why do with most unpopular president and vice president in the last seven years. it's because people didn't like inflation, the open border, the wars that were going on. swapping domains out on the bumper sticker is what a change underlying factors. >> host: the democrats and one thing that absolutely changes is that the age issue that was so much ofag a burden for joe biden now shifts to donald trump. do you think that's there? >> guest: obviously kamala harris' t it much younger candidate but i don't think anyone questions whether donald trump as the energy or the fortitude to not only do a campaign but to serve four years in the white house. it's a nice try but i don't think anyone is questioning whether donald trump is up to the rigors of the white house. >> host: what do you make of the fundraising numbers somee kamala harris' in the past over a week and the polling shifting closer once again from where it was getting farther and farther apart at the end he for joe
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biden a step it doesn't surprise me. democrats were very demoralized prior to the switch out a couple of weeks ago because things were looking so badly for joe biden. there was some pent up energy. there was some picked up the donor money on the sidelines as many have publicly said they were not when you continue funding the campaign. we expectedwo this. i think the trump campaign expected this and expected that a bishop in the polls through her honeymoon, but once we really get into her policies, her campaign for president in 2020 which didn't even make it to 2020 2020 and what you e then the underlying factors will be the same. once the sugar high falls off we will probably be pretty close to where we were. >> host: you were there in 2020 work and the trump-pence campaign also 2016. do you have any role with the campaign for 24 for? >> guest: no. >> guest: no. i'm on theheav outside. i met the think tank american first post is a jew. during my day job. i hear in my personal capacity talking about the election
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itself. we're the ones putting the white papers together and research getting ready for the next time there's an america first president in the white house. >> host: what do you make of the project 2025 and all of the focus, attention has gotten in recent weeks? >> guest: it's a little bit, it's hilarious to be honest with you. think tanks arden edition washington, d.c. there are think tanks on the left, think tanks on the right. everyone i think they get paid by the word and they're hoping that their thoughts, their policy priorities adopted the president or a government or a candidate for congress or the senate. nine times out of ten they will say regardless of what side you're on i like what you did with this, i do what they did overhear come maybe we'll combine some things together and come up with a policy. but no think tank right of that speaks for a candidate or a campaign. that's photos the candidates to do for themselves. >> host: what did you do
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inside? >> guest: i was press secretary for the vice president and specials for the president, what is special assistant do? >> guest: one of those titles to get in the white house the comes with the job but i was a key part of the widest medications to call spent a lot of timeep briefing and preppinga talking to sean spicer when he was white house press secretary, and later sarah huckabee standers during her time is what is per second or 20 what marc lotter with his on "washington journal." time for you to call in and ask him the questions that you want ask. 202-748-8000 for democrats. republicans it is 202-748-8001. independent 202-748-8002. as folks are calling in i wonder if you think the trump now j. d. vance campaign should have been more prepared for the amount of attention that j. d. vance, it's an prior interviews for months or years ago are receiving again today? >> guest: anytime you been, i was a been with governor pence
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when he became the vice presidential nominee in 2016. you expect every vote he ever took him every public homage he made to every interview you've ever done is going to be scoured, dumped on you all at once. i guarantee when kamala harris' names are running mate will do the same thing to them and they can get this two weeks of just intense scrutiny. it's kind of part of the vice presidential cycle. ultimately i think j. d. vance's addition to the ticket is not as much about what he may have said or what he may have voted for because ultimately people are going to go into the polls and cast their vote for president. no one says i'm voting for vice president blank. what i do think j. vance offers is something i don't think people are coming enough is he was once very critical of president trump or he wanted questions about president trump. he was vocal in those questions. so he can go to an undecided voter in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan got anywhere in country and say i did it, i was just likee you.
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i have my question, my critique, my criticisms. when i look at the records of donald trump in office or, here's an joe biden and a look at their plans for the future, i came across because i think the america first policies are actually makes our country t safer. and so come on in, the waters fine. can do it. >> host: you think he's doing that? do you think he's is acknoe had concerns in the first place? >> guest: ink don't think you can disagree it concerns. they were very public and on social media and all the interviews. it's the journeyey since then which can really go out and connect with people who may still be on defense. or they may love the trump policies because things are more affordable, things are safe, the world wasn't at war in the border were secure. but they might not like the tone or the tweets or whatever. they can go but i can get on that because i do want to get so safer country, i do want to get to aus more prosperous country d joe biden and kamala harris' to offer more of that, they just
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give us more of the same. >> host: yet a lot of the focus in the mainstream media is on the childless women comments from years ago. it was j. d. vance who was on fox news with trey gowdy responded to some of the criticism he'st gotten. this is about 90 seconds of it in your. >> eifert for many women, both of whom were conservative and they would very much like to vote for president trump and you but they're disappointed. some nuns and priests aside you agree that there are people who very much love this country and are invested ino its future tht may also happen to be childless? >> oh, of course i believe that, and if you look at the full context of what i said it's very clear the democrats are i trying to take this thing out of context and blown out of proportion which is what they always do because they don't have an agenda to run on themselves. if you look at what the american people are most concerned about, it's not an out of context quit i made two years ago.
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it's the fact kamala harris' the borders on open the american southern border. it's the fact the democratic party has become explicitly anti-family and some of thes policies. you deserve kamala harris' in the surface clip recently talk about how it was a bad idea to have kids because of climate changing society. what did get at here is it's important for us be profound as a country. of course footholdstr of reasons it'sos not been a workup for soe people. we should pray for those people and, of course, of sympathy for them. i still think that means we shouldld be profamily generally speaking as as a party at a k the countryry has become particularly hard for parents cost budget under the policies of kamala harris. >> host: mark -- marc lotter, as opposed waitressing talk at his journeyay to donald trump a message you think is connecting with people tragic that's part of this process. we are in the dump that they are
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doing currently on j. d., the trump campaign will be doing that on her pic here in a week or so. once you get beyond that, out on the campaign trail that's we start to make those connections i was talking about. when you look at what j. d. was saying in that clip he was saying what he think he should be saying is that the america first vegan is very profamily and we shouldn't apologize for being profamily. does it mean that for those who chose not to or can't for a variety of reasons are not important as well, but families make our country better. they make our communities better. and so we should be encouraging families. >> host:.. who is the harris picked republican strategists are licking their lips about, to be able to do the opposition dump, and who do you think is the harris picked republicans are more concerned about traffic i don'tmo think we're concerned that any of them. the biggest question if i take my partisan hat off and put on
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my campaign political operative hat, it would seem to be the most since she would pick josh. the governor pennsylvania because she's got a math problem. the math is not in her favor right now from the battleground states. even with their honeymoon and are poling boat she is still trading donald trump in all of the battleground states. that stops her from getting to 270. i do see a pathway to to 270 without pennsylvania. it would make sense to take a popular governor of thatt state, make the person you're running mate. but on the other side she's got another problem is thatth josh shapiro is jewish. he's very pro-israel and that doesn't align with the radical base of the democrat party and that hurt her in michigan and minnesota and other areas. right now it's like you think about the democrat partyut and s longtime relationship with the jewish vote, you think about the party that praises tolerance, she may actually not be picking the most sensible pick because
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of anti-semitism that's running rampant in the democrat party right now. that's a real problem for. >> host: what is this pathway, what is the map you think democrats have best chance of beating donald trump on? >> guest: right now it looks like the southern states are gone. the southern stateseses b are fn donald trump's category. according to the latest real clear politics average georgia,, arizona are outside the margin of error. it wouldsi seem she has to go te traditional blue wall with michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania where she is trading in all three of those dates as well. again, donald trump doesn't need to winin all of them. he just needs to win a couple of them, of all of the swing states. when it comes to the way things stand now he needs just one more state or a couple of electoral college votes to get to that magic number of 270. >> host: before we get to calls, your thoughts on joe biden yesterday, reforms he's proposing come golson reformed for the supreme court, reforms
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that mitchell, has said is dead on arrival in the senate, is likely get 60 votes to overcome a filibuster and that the speaker has also sent this in coming upd in the house tragic it's ironic commences in washington, d.c. in elected office for 54 years now that he speaking used is the right time for term limits. also it really, it befuddles me, the so-called south brooklyn defenders of democracy who ignored democracy can't ignore the willno of 14 million voters and cast aside the presidential candidate for politics -- >> we take you live now to the u.s. senate. members are returning from break and expected to vote soon. live coverage here on c-span2. the presiding officer: the senate will come to order. ms. collins: mr. president the presiding officer: the senator from maine.


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