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tv   Hearing on Biden Family Business Dealings  CSPAN  March 20, 2024 2:08pm-5:52pm EDT

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intelligence community. from robert mueller. and most recently from special counsel weiss. he stated, quote, russian disinformation campaign targeting american citizens are a threat to our democracy. but secretary mnuchin, someone that you guys usually defend, but my gop colleagues continue to cry russia hoax like cold members selling flowers at the airport. our colleagues are the ones loyally amplifying the actual russian hoax. not the russia hoax. the russia hoax. the ones they have eagerly adopted from putin and his agents. that participate a while they shamefully block $60 million in military assistant to president zelenskyy and the siege to the ukrainian people five years after trump and giuliani try to
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shake president zelensky down for counterfeit dirt on joe biden. and while they continue to parrot these transparent russian lies, vladimir putin wages his bloody, aggressive war on ukraine fueled with atrocities like the mass kidnapping of children and the rape and slaughter of civilians. the wholesale adoption of this russian hoax in there so out of ukrainian people by the maga right is a history betrayal democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. the defense of democracy begins with fidelity to the truth. and america's democrats, the truth squad against this information, is here today to set the record straight. i yield back to you, mr. chairman. >> i would now like to introduce our witnesses. mr. tony bobulinski. mr. bobulinski was a business partner of mr. biden in a joint venture between a chinese energy entity. mr. bobulinski separate
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interview with the committee on february 13th, 2024. mr. 1010. lev parnas he is a political activist and an author. and mr. jason galanis. he was a business partner of hunter biden's. he sat for a transcribed interview with this committee on january 23rd, 2024. we asked the bureau of prisons to make him available in person today. they would only provide mr. galanis for virtual testimony. notably, he applied for c.a.r.e.s. act home confinement and after a lengthy approval process was approved on june the ninth, 2023. on june 12, 2023, i issued a subpoena for testimony. on the following day, june 13th, 2023, mr. galanis's approval was reversed as a result of department of justice
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intervention. so mr. galanis has remained in a federal prison facility. he is currently in montgomery, alabama. mr. galanis, can you please state for the record who else is in the room with you? >> yes. my cancel and adviser mark solana and nicholas y. >> thank you. pursuant to committee rule 9g the witnesses will please stand and raise their right hands. do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god? let the record show that the witnesses all answered in the affirmative. thank you all. you may be seated. we look forward to your testimony. let me remind the witnesses we have read your written statements and they will appear in full in the hearing record.
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please limit your oral statements to five minutes. as a reminder, please press the button on the microphone in front of you so that it is on and members can hear you. when you begin to speak, the light will turn green. after four minutes it will turn yellow. when the red light comes on, your time has expired and we ask you to wrap up as quickly as possible. i now recognize mr. bobulinski for his opening statement. >> should i allow hunter to give his opening statement force? >> it does not appear mr. biden showed up for his public hearing so we will recognize you. >> members of congress, good morning. we present my truthful testimony to the american people. i sit here today under oath for one reason and one reason only. the american people deserve to hear the truth. the truth involving the deep corruption of the biden family, including the malfeasance of the sitting president in the
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united states may be raw and unpleasant but the american people must hear it. your presented here today with two narratives in this investigation. a false one being pushed by joe biden, a serial liar now under this impeachment investigation for public corruption, his brother jim biden, a 75-year- old man who cannot keep his lies straight including under oath, and his son, hunter biden, a chronic drug addict facing indictments with two counts. we also hear from multiple biden family business partners over many years and backed up by mountains of irrefutable evidence including text messages, emails, documents, recordings, and i am the only biden family business partner with an impeccable military record. i am grateful that this company has given me the freedom to be successful. i worked hard to become independently healthy. i have worked hard to tell multiple businesses to some of the world's best private equity firms. in fact, my business success is why they sought me out. however, what they have done is
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repugnant to me. i am here today because i am a patriot and a truth teller. we keep from certain corners that our democracy is at risk and on the ballot in 2024, yet the same people preaching this mantra no better. they continue to lie directly to the american people without hesitation and remorse. representative dan goldman and jamie raskin, both lawyers, and mr. goldman, a former prosecutor from new york, will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies. hunter biden's defense attorney weaponizes letters to congress to try to smear my name. >> mr. chairman? mr. chairman? >> in an attempt to save his powerfully connected client and his father. i challenge him to make those claims on television so he could be held accountable for his lies. prior to my successful business career, i was an officer in the nine states navy.
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delete nuclear power training command. i later served as the command's chief technology officer. >> i apologize for the disruption. >> am i supposed to say it is my time, mr. raskin? >> mr. bobulinski? please? come to order. mr. bobulinski. mr. bobulinski. please proceed. i apologize for the disruption from the minority. >> mr. chairman, it saves us time but he called members of this committee lawyers and i wanted to know whether the decorum of house rule 11 apply to witnesses of the committee? does it apply or does it not? >> should i address? i don't know? >> there is decorum from the members. we have asked for that. there is no language that i
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know of pretending to a witness. so make sure we did not waste any of his time. mr. bobulinski, i am sorry for the disruption. please continue your opening statements. we will make sure it is right. >> i just want to restate and make sure the american people here all these fax. abby lo weapon as does letters to congress to try to smear my name in an attempt to save his powerfully connected client and his father. i challenge mr. noel to make those claims on national television so he could be held accountable for his lies. prior to my successful business career, i was an officer for over six years in the united states navy power training command is a decorated power training specialist. i later served as the chief technology officer where i held a huge security clearance from the department of energy and
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the nsa. when i left nuclear power training command, the number one ranked directive officer in the entire command then i jumped into the business world and public markets. while i have made a few contributions over the years to democrats, such as representative ro khanna, i don't see him but i hope he shows up today -- he sits on the democratic side of the oversight committee -- i'm not a political person. i came from a long history of distinguished service in this nation's military including my father, both of my grandfathers, and my brother all of whom are willing to sacrifice their lives for this great country. my sister served military vets for two decades at the veterans administration. we have lived our life as a family and great service to this country. i also hope they will understand that some members of this committee will engage in absurd attacks in efforts to try to deflect attention from the fax. and i will present today by questioning integrity and
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patriotic duty. you may see me speak passionately at this hearing but for good reason. not only was i willing to die for this country, but every single immediate male member of my family was willing to die for this country. i want to speak clearer. it is clear to me that joe biden with the brand being sold by the biden family. his family's foreign influence peddling operation from china, ukraine, and elsewhere and selling out to four are seeking to gain influence and access to joe biden and the united states government. joe biden was more than an avid participant in the event. he was an active, aware enabler, with business associates such as myself to further the business besides being buffered by a complex scheme to remain with plausible deniability. i asked this big question. if there's no evidence of corruption here today, if joe's conduct and the conduct of his
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family were fully legal and proper why were they so dishonest about it? not just light misrepresentations of fact but deep untruths about the entire corrupt enterprise. hunter biden gave his transfer interview october 28 and lied to his testimony. here is just one egregious example of his perjury. he lied to the committee on important details concerning has many demands and threats to cfc and text messages on july 30th and 31st 2017. he lovers his father's presence next to him in that infamous text to strong-arm csc into paying hunter immediately. jim biden also lied extensively throughout his transcribed interview on for very 21st and perjured himself. an example of that, page 100 of his transcript, he is asked specifically do you recall having a meeting with hunter biden, tony bobulinski, and joe
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biden? the response, absolutely not. the committee was so shocked by his perjury that they asked him the same question multiple times. each time he denied meeting with me and joe biden. after the committee showed him text messages confirming that i met with joe biden, hunter biden, and jim biden at the beverly hilton in may 2017, jim biden was a former u.s. attorney lawyer sitting next to him still denied that meeting took place. hunter biden in his own transcribed interview confirmed that that meeting took place. hunter confirmed his uncle perjured himself in front of this committee. i am simply here to tell the truth to the american people, and i hope each and every one of you congressmen and women given the opportunity to do that instead of focusing on rush-hour smearing my family name or focusing on facts that are irrelevant today. i yelled back. >> thank you. >> mr. chairman.
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parliamentary inquiry. i believe that mr. bobulinski went over 2:14. >> we will give mr. parnas equal time. >> secondly, i see we now have a witness appearing remotely and i thought witnesses were required to appear in person at the beginning of the congress. do we have a new practice with respect to that rule? because i know that members on our side were denied the ability to participate in hearings that were conducted in florida, mississippi, and alabama. we wanted to participate by zoom. >> and i will enter that. and requires to be able to testify remotely a letter from me and approval from the majority leader, which we have, and i will enter that into the record. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i hope we will extend the same courtesy to members of this committee when they cannot get to a meeting as in mississippi or florida. >> do you have an inquiry?
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>> mr. chairman, mr. bobulinski just referred to text messages. i believe he is referring to photos of a blackberry. >> what is your parliamentary inquiry? state your parliamentary inquiry because we have a very important hearing here and we do not have time for stunts. >> it is not a stunt. am simply asking that -- >> you do not have a parliamentary inquiry. we now recognize mr. parnas -- >> mr. chairman! >> mr. parnas! >> does the committee have that text messages? >> mr. chairman, we do not have time for games by democrats today. >> we have important when this is here. >> you asked for a parliamentary inquiry. you have five minutes. that is whenever jamie raskin tells you it is your time to speak. mr. parnas, the chair recognizes you for equal time that mr. bobulinski had which was seven minutes.
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>> thank you. hello. honorable members of congress, chairman comer, ranking member raskin, and members of the oversight committee, i am humbled and thankful to be before you today. i came to the nine states from ukraine in 1976 when it was still part of the former soviet union. my mother, father, sister, and i had left the soviet union escaping anti-semitism and persecution. while in rome on route to israel, my sister and i won the most important opportunity we have ever been given. we won a u.s. green card lottery. became of no more than the shirts on our backs in the hoax of rebuilding our lives in the land of freedom. i say this to you because i love this country. from shortly after my arrest in october 2019 to now, i share the irrefutable truth with you. the american people have been lied to by donald trump, rudy giuliani, and various cohorts of individuals in government and media positions.
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they created falsehoods to serve their own interest know it would undermine the strength of their nation. from november 2018 to october 2019, i was a key participant and a witness from numerous efforts to prove that joe and hunter biden were linked to corruption in ukraine. rudy giuliani on behalf of then- donald trump test me with a mission to travel the globe finding third on the biden so that a array of networks could spread misinformation about them thus securing the 2020 election for donald j. trump. erotically, when i was arrested, the co- conspirator won. we now know that the individual to be individual pete sessions who sets on this committee today. today, i ask you to consider the following. in nearly a year traveling the world interviewing officials in different countries, i found precisely 0 evidence of the bidens corruption in ukraine. no credible source has ever provided proof of criminal
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activity. not the fbi. cia. or an essay. no respectable ukraine official has ever said that biden has done anything illegal including the former president and former prosecutor general. even when ceo gillespie was offered a plea deal for information on the bidens, he provided none because there is none. the only information ever pushed on the bidens in ukraine has come from one source and one source only. russia and russian agents. impeachment proceedings that bring us here now are predicated on false information spread by the come on. everyone involved knew they were sharing lies. from trump and julie artese shadow diplomacy to my missions in ukraine and elsewhere, a group convened for the sole purpose of investigating and damaging the bidens.
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everything was for the ultimate benefit of donald trump and thereby vladimir putin. because the team's investigations were centered around biden and ukraine, is designated an important person in every manner in the pursuit. that is how i know with certainty that these biden stories were untrue then and are untrue now. congressman pete sessions and then congressman devin nunes, senator ron johnson, and many others understood they were pushing a false narrative. the same goes for sean hannity and media personnel, particularly at fox news who used this narrative to manipulate the public head of the 2020 elections. sadly, they are still doing this today as we approach the 2024 election. we cannot separate this conspiracy from the russia- ukraine war because trump has no intention to keep aiding ukraine. without the support of the united states and nato, millions in ukraine will suffer and die. if we allow russia to defeat
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ukraine, then to that suffering will reach american shores. today, i admit my own wrongdoings. i have been a convict a federal election campaign and frog crimes and serve my sentence. i do not hide that from reality. it as part of my truth. despite rigorous attempts by those in power to silence me, i will be silenced no longer. thank you to the committee for allowing me to speak. i look forward to answering any and all of your questions. >> thank you. the chair now recognizes mr. galanis for his opening statement. >> chairman comer, ranking members of the committee, as a business partner of hunter biden, among others, during the years 2014-2015, our business included acquisition of 85-year- old wall street firm company, the $1.5 billion acquisition. our objective was to build a platform which would be anchored by the wall street
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brand together with a globally own political name, biden. our goal, that is hunter biden, devon archer, and me, was to make billions, not millions. the entire value of the businesses were ramped up by his father, vice president joe biden. at that time, we believe the burden of enterprise will be significantly enhanced by partners on the management, a $300 billion chinese service company closely connected to the chinese communist party. he was interested in this partnership because of the game- changing value of the biden family including joe biden. his to be a member of the team. provided to me after the email on august 23rd, 2014, drafted
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from hunter biden the reflected understanding and i quote, please offer my feelings about the conversation for a circulation of mine. we golfed with that relation earlier this week and discovered this very idea and as always he remained very, very keen on the opportunity. end quote. i'm certain that this could serve the relation of mine for vice president biden. we had a conversation shortly after it happened. ultimately, hunter was following the general rules on business deals, say it, forget it, write it, regret it. pertinent to that, with hunter biden and devon archer, hunter took a call from his father and told him that things were going well and that he might need a little help getting across the
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finish line. is not the only time i heard him speak with his father for business reasons. on may 4th, 2014, we put it on speaker mode to have him say hello. meeting with a russian oligarch and private investor. the former mayor of moscow. devon archer was also there. hunter's dad said, quote, i am here with a friend. i was told you were coming to town and i wanted to say hello. the vice president said hello and that i hope you have safe travels. then to end quote, you be good to my blood. hunter ended by saying everything is good and we are moving ahead. the vice president said something about being helpful and they said that he was going to call his father later. before this call i heard him speaking on business matters generally. a few days after i could confirm
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$10-$20 million and clients. in order to build on the national platform, i guess with company vie with $11 billion in union pension money whose trust we could trade. i pleaded guilty. i have had eight years in federal comp study reflect my actions. i deserved the lengthy sentence i received. nevertheless, and mournfully with my full statement, i believe the fbi prosecutors did not indict hunter biden on the same deal for political reasons despite then available documentation for illegal self- dealing that all of us had financially benefited from these schemes. in fact, hunter biden and devon archer's company received $50 million made tribal bond to be
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invested. i have offered slight information to the government about hunter biden's crimes but the prosecutors have been non- interested. in december 2020, we did provide information on hunter biden's culpability. the doj has retaliated against me and vigorously rejected. i applied for home confinement unfairly 4th, 2023. that was proved on june 9th. on june 12, this committee issued a subpoena for devon archer. the fbi prosecutors were strongly rejecting to my release. at each stage, the reason for my denial has changed. during this period, the period beginning in january, 2023, i was trying to gain assaulted by a prison staff. he continued sexually harassing
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me for many months after. their move me from danger. by judgment was clouded by not being able to prevent the attack. i was well aware that the bureau at home would make my disclosure make things worse for me. unfortunately, the sexually harassment continued until early august when things became more threatening. i feared for my safety and i decided to seek counseling on the next day on august 10th, 2023. they individually asked to bring in the word and who quickly showed a preemptive investigation with the prison rape act. after further debriefings, i was immediately escorted to a vehicle and driven by senior staff hours to montgomery in a
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separate facility. the committee has opened up an investigation into these matters and i appreciate jim jordan and commerce signing the letters. i believe being a victim and having no retribution by the justice. i believe i am putting myself at great risk for these matters concerning the president and his on. and being treated professionally at montgomery, and the warden with the help of facilitating access to my attorney.
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>> we are waiting here for the house oversight committee impeachment inquiry into president biden to get under way. the committee, looking into the business connections of the biden family. the biden son hunter biden did not appear. he testified privately last month. >> i am going to turn my question to you. i hope i can see you on the screen there shortly. are you there, mr. galanis? if we can jump right into another biden-chinese deal made while joe biden was in office, a deal i think you described in your interview as a quid pro quo, were the chinese sent millions in exchange for a post bp job for president biden. can you tell me what was burnham? >> burden was an 85-year-old financial services company in new york that owned and was a
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security dealer. relative to the chinese, it was an unimportant, small player. i think the scale of $1.5 billion to a $200 billion chinese company. >> so what was hunter biden's interest in working with them knowing that was the situation? >> i think hunter biden was already working with them along with harvest. and describing some of hunter's emails that i have provided to the committee, he described activity with bhr. his other focus will be the activities between harvest directly and permit them directly in combination. so in his own words in writing, those were to be his only priority and working with the
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chinese. >> did you also say that he said the interest in working with bernem was to make billions instead of millions? did you say that? >> yes. i did say that on behalf of becoming a much larger company were his equity would become a lot more. >> and you said the harvest fund was a $300 billion chinese financial services company. was a connected closely to the chinese communist party and the chinese government? >> that is my understanding. >> okay. and who is henry zahl? >> he has been described to me consistently by devon and hunter as the chairman. he is definitely the head of harvest. i think he has had a couple of different global roles over the years. but he has always been
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characterized as the chairman for that entity. >> right. he is the chairman of the $300 billion chinese equity connected to the chinese communist party and he was based out of work? where was this base of operations? >> in beijing, china. >> and you heard him referred to occasionally as chairman zahl. right? >> most of the time i was chairman zahl out of respect for the chairman. guess. >> there came a point where he wanted to bring henry zahl in their billions of dollars from china into business with burnham. is that right? >> that is correct. >> and why would he do that? >> it was a financial decision. the chinese offered money and he offered political access. >> okay. >> turn off. it is pretty obvious what
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harvest brings. right? $300 billion. but why would harvest be interested in bernem versus other financial institutions. why would they care about this small bernem? what was the interest for them? >> the self-evident answer is the political access and underscoring that is there are at least two emails produced that talk about exactly that. the influence of what henry zhao and hunter had characterized in that the henry zhao pictures in the access vehicle. so that was sort of explicit and in writing. >> okay. so joe biden was going to sit on the board of a chinese company connected to the highest levels of the chinese government's party and what was the deal that you and hunter
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brought to the table? >> it was the access and the inducement to induce companies like this harvest group to participate in bernem. it was -- let's call it relationship capital he brought to the table. not financial capital. >> relationship capital that you described as the biden lift. what was the biden left? >> the biden left was simply hunter's access to his father and his father's power and prestige and influencing the growth of a financial services business largely reliant on his reputation and his ability to attract other clients. >> i am running out of time here but it sounds like a per quote pro to me. so harvested in fact invest in bernem. you call it a material inducement.
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can you explain what that means and how much the chinese government paid? >> it was towards the end of 2015. i believe they ended up paying $4 million into bernem. i believe though at a result of legal entanglement, the transaction did not happen in the way that people expected or that they had written about in terms of what the chinese were expected to do. >> all right, mr. galanis. i will show you a draft email that you provided to the committee. mr. chairman, i yelled. >> objection on time. the chart now recognizes mr. crockett for one minute -- or five minutes. >> one minute. all right. first of all, mr. bobulinski, do you know who elections llc is? yeah. >> well it is not a who.
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>> you know what it is? >> yes. it is an llc. >> is at the llc that your attorney works for? >> i believe so. >> you believe so. at this time i would ask to enter into the record that the law firm representing tony bobulinski was paid $10,000 as recently as this year by the save america pact which you may recognize as chums pack. >> without objection. >> thank you. so far in this hearing, it has felt like the worst episode of the apprentice. i am sure you are familiar with that show. it seems like my colleagues i may be you and some others are trying to become the next vice president of the united states of america. you are auditioning or something like that because, mr. bobulinski, i know you take exception to the fact that your credibility has been called into question over and over. but when someone comes to
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testify weather behind closed doors or in person we have to evaluate someone's credibility, and, sir, i definitely have always had issues with your credibility, as i know you are very well aware of. so let me remind you of what happened behind closed doors. i am going to ask you a question. okay? >> you are? >> i haven't. when i ask you a question that is when you answer otherwise i am talking. so with my time because it is my time, i want to be clear that when we were behind closed doors you called a number of people lawyers. you called the wall street journal liars. you called cassidy hutchinson a liar. you called the fbi a liar. you called rob walker a liar. you called james go you're a liar. you called hunter biden a liar. you called jim biden a liar. and just that you added to your list, my colleague congressman mr. goldman, a liar as well.
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it seems like according to you the only person that is telling the truth is you and everyone else is lying. but i want to move on to something else. >> is that a question? >> that is not a question. you know know when i ask a question. i promise. the other thing i want to ask about is the fact that my colleague from the other side of the aisle talked about the company that we keep. and she wanted to go through a list of people that she felt like were bad company because right now the majority has been relying upon the testimony of someone who is currently sitting in a federal prison. and we know that your company is the company of somebody who has been found liable of fraud, as well as defamation. as well as sexual assault and for some reason cannot pay his bills at this time. but i am going to ask mr.
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parnas, so this is a question to him, are you aware if trump had any associates that had been found guilty of anything? >> lots of them. >> me included. >> you included. so when you were called here to testify, you were not called here to testify for any other reason than to tell the truth. is that correct? >> yes. >> now, we started this whole sham off because of the 1023, and that was debunked by you. was it not? >> yes. >> way before we started this impeachment inquiry. and you mentioned a number of times this guy by the name of rudy giuliani. >> yes. >> now, you know, everyone is so stressed about the fact that hunter ain't here today but hunter came and testify behind closed doors for over six hours and every single one of them, they were not limited to five minutes. there is a full transcript of
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his testimony. i do not know what else they wanted to do besides put on a show. this whole thing is based on something that giuliani came up with. and we try to subpoena him. that is what i remember. if anybody else remembers. we asked and said, hey, we should subpoena giuliani. but kind of like when we were trying to get his cell phone they shut it down. like they don't want the fax. but you would agree with me that considering the fact you are working under rudy giuliani at the time that you went over to ukraine that he has maybe some valuable information that he could offer this committee as to whether or not there is anything that we should be investigating in the first place. >> absolutely, congresswoman. i wish this subpoena would subpoena rudy giuliani alongside me to get to the bottom of the truth about what
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actually happened in ukraine. it is a manipulation. >> i agree with you but somehow it does not look like we are going to get there and i thank you for your time. >> time has expired. the chair now recognizes mr. biggs from arizona. >> on may 9th, 2014, you received an email from devon archer -- or you wrote an email confirming that ms. ball arena was investing with burnham investments. is that true? >> yes. >> let's talk about the predicate for that. the richest woman in russia. and you knew her. were you invited to a party that she attended? >> yes. in portland. yes. >> and here is a copy of the invitations that you received. is that right? >> yes. i did receive an email invitation. >> yeah. an email invitation. did you go to that party?
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>> i did attend that party. yes. >> and was hunter biden at that party? >> yes. he was. >> do we have a confirmation of his calendar which is the next exhibit. it was noted on there and he showed up there. and so all of that is true and verified right there. and her husband was at the party. right? >> correct. >> with devon archer as well? >> that is correct. >> and during that party you guys, hunter pulled you guys and the people you just named away from where the party just is and you go to a separate little area where it is quieter because there were no other people at that party. is that true? >> yes. >> and all the sudden hunter said, okay, i am going to make a phone call. he makes a phone call. does he not?
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>> he does. >> to whom? >> his father. >> joe biden, who was vice president at the time. before you tell us, the reason you know it is because he put it on speaker phone. right? >> he did. after he said hello and then put it on speakerphone so as first party to hearing it. >> sum it up. >> i am sorry, congressman. >> please sum up that phone call for us, mr. galanis. >> it was a rough and short call. it indicated that our friend had come in from out-of-town. then he exchanged and testified what was related to and we were going to proceed -- things were going to proceed. and he said the vice president, look after my body.
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>> and it was five days after that party that you received word from devon that ms. matserini was in for $15-$20 million with you? >> that is right. >> at that time he had to come in. we had a great conversation on our segment. he might join their company with one of the companies as a paid adviser. mr. archer said, did he indicate that to you? mr. archer, i don't recall but potentially. i don't recall but potentially. i said, you don't recall but it is not new to you. the concept is not new to you. is that what you are saying? he said, no, it is not new to
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me. why wasn't it new to him? why wasn't it new to him? yeah. go ahead. >> it was an explicit discussion amongst us that that was an inducement to the chinese to invest in the burnham business. >> on the board of advisers, a paid board of advisers. >> the chinese company. >> and when you say us, who is the us that was discussing that? >> hunter, devon, and myself. >> let's go to something else. >> i was a lot broader circulation about that and that was reflected in an email to a staff member at thorton group who circulated the conversation and drafted a letter based on that understanding. >> how long have you been incarcerated, mr. galanis? >> i have been incarcerated for eight years.
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>> then you offered to tell the district of new york and s.e.c. about hunter biden's company and they rejected your offer. didn't they? >> that is correct. >> why do you think they rejected that offer? >> i am so sorry. but answer the question. answer the question. >> all i can tell you is what counsel said to me. >> which was? >> counsel had indicated to me that he had never seen a prosecution reject the information, particularly paper- based information. >> thank you. my time is expired. thanks. >> the chair recognizes miss bush for five minutes. >> thank you, mr. chairman. where here once again to focus
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on the real issues that affect our communities and set of this partisan circus. let me start that influence peddling is absolutely a very serious issue. full stop. but we all know the truth. donald trump is the quintessential influence peddler and chief. despite this, for well over a year now, house republicans have spent precious hours of committee time hearing testimony from the nearly 20 minutes of a near baseless and increasingly invasive dressing attempts to members of his family members and implicate him by association. even after all this time and effort, they have not been able to muster up any credible link between the president and his son's business dealings. all they have proven that they will do whatever it takes including their razor thin majority and chairmanship to waste the people's time. let's let today's hearing be the final nail in the coffin of this sham investigation. i urge my republican colleagues
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to admit that their attempts to impeach the president have completely collapsed. with each passing deal they are losing votes and credibility, even within their own conference. it is time for them to move on but that is not likely to happen because my republican colleagues do not care about responsible government are making people's lives better. they do not have an affirmative agenda. they would rather distract us all with these unfounded allegations against the president, so it is no coincidence that under republican leadership, 2023 mark the most unproductive year in modern history for congress. aside from a failed impeachment investigation and weeks without a speaker and bringing our country to the brink of the catastrophic government shutdown multiple times, republicans have done absolutely nothing to demonstrate why they deserve to control any member -- any chamber of congress, let alone
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the white house for which their cult leader, a twice-impeached, four-time and i did former president is running who wants to gain influence and control again. they are just grasping at straws and it would be comical if it was not leading to real harm and will hurt in our community. the people in our country are the ones paying the price for our failure to actually govern. instead of wasting all of our time, our hours, and hours and hours going down fake rabbit holes, we can focus on actual policies. we can focus on substance. with a focus on saving and improving the lives of our constituents. not wasting precious moments from this committee. what i would rather focus on is people who do not have the money to buy influence. the minds of people who have been harmed by the ongoing refusal of the federal government to take full responsibility for the manhattan project waste and who are still getting sick from exposure to toxic radioactive waste that their own government
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created. it still lingers in communities all across the country like in st. louis, missouri, where proper cleanup store remains undone. i am a ranking member on regulatory affairs. i have repeatedly requested a hearing on manhattan project waste and its countless victims. i am still waiting. we can focus on any of the crisis is with gun violence in this country. every day, 327 people are shot in the united states. heavier, 42,006 54 people die from gun violence. more children die from guns and anything more in this country. why are we not acting to protect them? why are we not acting like this is the public health emergency that it is? we could focus on the lives of incarcerated individuals. a currently incarcerated individual is your witness today. i applaud your inclusivity. if folks convicted of crimes can testify before congress they should be allowed to vote. why not enfranchise them? what about reproductive rights
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and freedom? millions of people cannot get the care that they need. people in st. louis are being forced to give birth against their will. they need abortion care like the rest of us. why not meaningfully address this issue? why not focus on the atrocities in israel? malnutrition has nearly doubled. experts warn that the famine is imminent for 1.1 million people. half the population due to catastrophic food insecurity. when we not working to prevent famine and the spread of disease and the continuous slaughter of palestinians? we do not have infinite time and resources. i will stop there and use the balance of my time. >> i want to just point to a photo here. mr. bobulinski, you had testified that cassidy hutchinson's account that you met mark meadows then chief of staff for donald trump at a trump rally in georgia behind secret service cars.
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>> your time is expired. >> sir, you went over a minute late with mr. perry. we can have a little extra time. >> time is expired. the chair now recognizes mr. sessions for five minutes. >> if someone else wants to yield -- she had 8 seconds to yield. he got up there with all a speech. he has abused his privilege by making a motion that was not even a motion. the chair has rolled. the chair has rolled. the chair has rolled. >> what are you afraid of mr. chairman? what are you afraid of? >> the chair recognizes -- for what purpose do you seek recognition, mr. biggs? >> unanimous consent to introduce documents from the record. >> without objection. >> here they are. one is the invitation that was mentioned. another's hunter biden's calendar. another is the email mentioned,
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confirming that she was going to invest in the $20 million. another is the 180 of the galanis interview. page 6 of the interview with hunter biden. >> without objection. so ordered into the record. >> for what purpose do you seek recognition? >> i have a motion, mr. chairman. >> percy. i would like to enter into the record the portion of the devon archer transcript where he said that elaina ballerina never had any business dealings with biden and that money went into the joint account was done by mistake. >> without objection. >> this is from front magazine. it is embarrassing. republicans have zero accomplishments to run on in the elections. >> that is so ordered. >> mr. chairman, thank you very much. i would first like to enter into the record the 302's that
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were done with mr. bobulinski. exhibit 400 a. thank you for being here. thank you for being care and those of you who are appearing on our screen. mr. bobulinski, tell me very quickly about the professionalism of the organization that you work for in terms of paychecks, getting paychecks, providing the irs with documentation of people who are paid out of the organization? with documentation of people who were paid out of the organization. >> i am not sure i am following your question. >> were you ever paid?
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>> i was not. >> you were never paid by this organization. >> i was not. >> did you ever receive any enumeration? >> when we were in the process of trying to shut down holdings llc and oneida holdings llc i was compensated, it wasn't compensation, it was reimbursement of $50,000 of money from out-of-pocket traveling around and paying for hotels and stuff like that. >> in other words, people did not get paid, or you didn't get paid, that you are aware of. were you aware of other people being paid? >> the biden family was paid, hunter and jim biden were clearly paid millions of dollars. >> how would you think that information would be transmitted about them receiving that payment and going to the irs? >> i am not sure of those specifics. i am just aware they received those millions of dollars, obviously, based on the brave testimony that came public with a bunch of information, and then senator johnson and
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senator grassley's report. the only bank account i saw was the when i set up at j.p. morgan for oneida holdings llc. j.p. morgan was well aware of the biden family were owners in that business. they authorized and approved in. >> what social security number was utilized to set up that account? >> we had to represent the owners of the underlying entity so they were aware that, on the oneida side we represented each of us owned 20%. i would have to go back and look. as a ceo, i probably provided my social security number. i am not sure if we provide a social security numbers for all five members. excuse me, tax ids for the llcs. >> and yet, you never received
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money, except reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses related to the business. >> correct. imagine that $50,000 i was paid was actually from the legal side of the chinese mall the bidens defrauded me or were receiving millions of dollars into their own pockets. >> were you aware they were receiving millions of dollars at the time? >> i was not. >> did you spend time with the department of justice on this matter? >> i did. i had a voluntary interview with the f.b.i. on october 23, i believe, 2020. >> did you approach them? >> my lawyers coordinated me. it is public knowledge, i went to the second debate. i flew with the see with the intent of sitting in front of senator johnson, senator grassley and their committee. my lawyers sought counsel and had discussions and decided it was a better focus of time to walk voluntarily into the f.b.i. >> where did you do that?
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>> washington d.c. >> main f.b.i. or the field office? >> i believe it was the leading field office. they did not want to do it in maine justice for their reasons. i would've gone wherever they asked me to go. >> did they tell you at the time you were providing information that if you provided information that was not true and correct that you could be held liable for that under criminal statute? >> of course. i appreciate you asking that question. i was operated as if i misstated or lied i was committing criminal offenses, which i take very seriously based on the fact i was willing to die for this country. just to correct the statement earlier, i didn't accuse the f.b.i. of lying. i stated in my transcribed interview the f.b.i. made mistakes in their 302. my lawyers never saw that document after my interview until it was made public to the world. >> and then you made an attempt
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to correct that. >> i did. >> is that the same as the exhibit entered into the record today? >> it is. do you have any other dispute with that? >> there are numerous mistakes. >> okay. thank you very much. do you have any reason to believe that all of these sar reports that have come out of banks for all fraud? >> your time has expired. >> i mean, just the number of reports should kid every american pause. the average american will never received a single sar in their entire life. for family or individual to have over, what i public-key have seen, 150, is extraordinary. >> i want to thank all the witnesses here today. thank you very much. >>
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thank you, chairman. >> if i could have my full five minutes, i would appreciate that. >> reset the clock for five minutes. >> thank you. while we clearly disagree on the merits of this meritless investigation, i hope, chairman, we can at least come to an agreement on some basics. i believe you and i can agree that presidents and white house officials should not be unduly influenced by foreign powers. chairman, i would be happy to yield to you briefly for a yes or no, can we all agree that white house officials should not be bribed or unduly influenced by foreign actors? >> it is your time. we have witnesses here. >> i would assume you would agree. >> we have witnesses if you want to ask questions or waste time with me. >> i am not wasting time with you. we have been discarding all
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day. i hope we can come to an agreement that white house officials should not be bribed or unduly influenced by foreign powers. i think you and i agree. i see you nodding your head. i assume that is a yes. i am glad that we can work as an oversight committee on an investigation. and we can make sure no one in the white house have betrayed the public trust. we have spent countless hours talking about hunter biden, investigating everything a person it seems like he has ever shaken hands with. we have not found a shred of evidence that connects it to the president of the united states or anyone with any say over u.s. policy, but someone who has worked in the white house did accept money from a foreign power. donald trump's son-in-law, jared kushner, received a staggering $2 billion from saudi arabia for his brand new private equity firm. while hunter biden never had any say over you is policy, jared kushner got this $2,000,000,000.06 months after working in the white house as a senior advisor on middle east policy.
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he had no experience in private equity. in fact, he was so inexperienced that saudi officials try to block the transfer of the money until the crown prince overruled them. while working at the white house, jared kushner pushed through a $110 billion weapons deal for saudi arabia. i am finishing my point. he then defended the deal in the wake of the saudi government 's murder of journalist jamal khashoggi. while this may all just be a coincidence, there are many questions like, was any of this money passed along to trump? was a saudi money a thank you for a job well done in the white house? was he given this money in exchange for anything else? or did someone with no experience just have a lucky payday? these are questions we should have answers to. the oversight committee should look into a. >> add another question. what was the role that jared kushner played in covering up the assassination and dismemberment of jamal khashoggi? >> we should absolutely asked that question. thank you. i want to know, if hunter biden
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had accepted $2 billion from the saudi government, i am sure we would look into that today. mr. chairman, i believe we can agree there should not be undue influence in the white house. i believe we should be able to agree that we should look into these questions about mr. kushner. in fact, you are on cnn and said "i have been a vocal, i have been very vocal that i think what kushner did cross the line of ethics." and then in our disposition of hunter biden the other day, when we were discussing mr. kushner, you said "when we deal with influence peddling, we will ask about jared kushner." today's hearing is titled influence peddling. we are here. mr. homer, i would love to hear from you, can we fulfill our responsibility as an oversight committee and determine if saudi arabia bribed or unduly influenced jared kushner or other white house officials?
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is that something we would be willing to look into? >> we already had a conversation. we have pledged to work on influence peddling legislation. we will take up all the people who have been accused of influence peddling. we will try to determine whether jared kushner has a real business. we have not been able to find a real business that the bidens have had yet. still your time. >> so could we expect to subpoena mr. kushner's financial transactions between himself and his father-in-law? is that something we would consider doing as part of that hearing you discussed? >> what was the question? >> if we are serious about looking into foreign money, i saw recently a poster board here about $100,000 to a car dealership, are we going to be serious about the $2 billion from the saudi government to mr. kushner? my question is, what we at least subpoena his correspondence with the saudi government and his financial records? >> it is important to see if
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there were there -- real legitimate businesses. let me ask you a question. what business was hunter biden in? >> we heard explicitly for mr. biden and from -- about his extensive business record and experience on boards. we heard about that. jared kushner, on the other hand ash >> that's a shame. >> i would like to enter into the record an article. the second article titled prosecutor general shokin resigns. to so order. >> i sat in on the entire 7 plus hour deposition hunter biden gave to this committee. one of the things that stood out to me was his assertions with a rather braggadocio flare of his business experience and acumen and impeccable
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qualifications. he claimed with quite some vigor, i might add, that he was a brilliant, accomplished and highly sought after business commodity. a very successful and unparalleled resume. that was the faces lawyers, this administration and the democrats wanted him to where. of course, there is another possibility. one that is a pesky thing we call reality. he was a spoiled, entitled, east coast patrician with a senator mvp daddy who squandered his many life advantages and spiraled into a decadent behavioral pattern of narcissistic excess and criminal addiction. to feed his very large carnal appetites, he acted as his family's bagman in and influence peddling an axis selling scheme that netted the biden tribe over $24 million in illicit foreign cash. lots of money, little effort in a get rich quick scheme.
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if he was such a skilled and gifted businessman, as he claims, his services would be sought after, in fact, even fought over. mr. bobulinski, to your knowledge, how many fortune 500 companies retained hunter biden on their board of directors? >> i can't confirm any. >> because there aren't any. zero. how many energy companies retained hunter biden -- i'm sorry, how many american energy companies retained hunter biden? >> zero. >> correct. there was one energy company that retained him on their board of directors. do you know the name of that company? >> burisma. >> where is it located? >> ukraine. >> that is interesting. he was hired actually for no small sum, $1 million a year. hunter biden said in his deposition, i apologize 11, he said his corporate governance to be brought to the table.
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he brought something far more valuable. he brought his daddy with him. joe biden just happened to have been given the country of ukraine in his portfolio to oversee by the obama administration. let's go over facts. back, burisma ceo have been investigated for corruption. in september 2015 then u.s. ambassador to ukraine specifically mentioned burisma as a corrupt entity. back, burisma was paying the son of a vice president of these united states $1 million a year to serve on their board. fact, december 2015 joe biden visits ukraine and him as a prosecutor general who is investigating burisma be fired. facts, february 2, 2016 ukraine reports tragedy for -- shokin. two weeks later, fact, shokin resigns. president poroshenko called on him to resign. essentially was fired at the behest of joe biden.
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fact, two weeks later, there is a little email sent from coo of burisma and to hunter biden asking him, hey, we help us out? we want to get the u.s. embassy in ukraine to say we are good company. now, the ambassador just said they were corrupt a few months prior to that. lo and behold, with the seal of the united states empathy, they say we have no negative information or feelings about burisma. what changed in those six months? it was magic. the power of the vice president 's visit when he demands that his son's boss, or the prosecutor investigating his son's boss, be fired, and he is going to withhold $1 billion worth of aid, actually loan guarantees, if shokin is not
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fired. and then tran34 is fired. the embassy says burisma is a great company. our democratic colleagues believe it was all magic. no coincidence. with that, i yield the balance of my time. >> i appreciate the gentleman yielding. i will point out that jared kushner was one of the key officials involved in the abraham accords. if we want to talk about influencing -- how about the president of the united states, what he said in a state of the union regarding israel? how about with the democrat leader of the senate said last week and that israel should change its prime minister for goodness sake? that is a concern. jared kushner was doing good work with the abraham accords. of course, the democrats don't want to admit that. >> mr. chairman, i have a motion. i would move pursuant to clause of rule 11 that the committee issue a subpoena to jared kushner to compel testimony related to the $2 billion
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collected from saudi arabia after his service within the white house. >> second. >> there is a motion and second. for what purpose? >> i moved to table the motion. >> a motion, the motion to table is not debatable. as many as are in favor of tabling signify by saying. all those opposed say no. in the opinion of the chair, the motion to table is agreed to. the committee now resumes consideration of this hearing. chair recognizes -- who's next? >> thank you. it is fair to say at this point that republicans on this committee are relying on mr. bobulinski as their star witness. the only fact witness they have brought in in person before the committee. i think we would all expect that mr. bobulinski would have extensive inside knowledge about the involvement they
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alleged that president biden and hunter's business ventures. previous impeachment inquiries relied on whistleblowers and witnesses with intimal -- intimate details. first-hand accounts. to point to exactly what the allegations were and understand what was going on. there were laid out chains of events pointing to a names crime, lying under oath, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, incitement of insurrection. yet we are left floundering here with zero direction zero real evidence while we watch this kangaroo court struggle to continue on. today we have mr. bobulinski, whose biggest contribution is that he had "multiple meetings" with joe biden. let's be clear, he spoke with joe biden, a grand total of two times in the span of less than 24 hours in 2017 and each was short. one in public in the bar of the hotel, and then for a few
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minutes backstage at a conference after biden spoke about the efforts to fight cancer, which took the life of his son. i think we also need to clarify that wall mr. bobulinski is all of a sudden today claiming they talk to business, a new point that at no point did he mention this under oath during his deposition. at two different points when asked about what was said in these conversations, his account made clear he had zero substance and business discussions with joe biden. mr. bobulinski described those conversations twice during his transcribed interview and both times he provided the same account . i will read from the transcript of your interview, mr. bobulinski. you stated that you and joe biden discussed your "family background and the biden family background and joe biden's appreciation for the military." based on your own account, you had zero discussion of cefc, the chinese energy company. you had zero discussion on shares of equity or capitalization of this failed
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business venture. based on her own account, you simply exchange pleasantries about your families and shared values, the kind of small talk any person would make if they had the opportunity to meet the former vice president of the united states. yet today, when my republican colleagues are so desperate for actual evidence, magically the story changes. that is at the heart of everything we are discussing today. mr. bobulinski has also been pushing his texts as proof, but the wall street journal found none of it showed any role for joe biden and even fox news reported there was zero evidence of business dealings involving joe biden. mr. bobulinski would have us believe that everyone is a liar except him. except for when he is under oath, everyone miss remembers, except for him, and except for when he is under oath. the f.b.i., wall street journal, his business associates, all liars.
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republicans on this committee and the culture wars of fox news keep saying, look at the documents. so let's look. this purported investigation has received over 100,000 pages of documents, and not a single one shows any evidence of any wrongdoing, much less an impeachable offense. taking a step back, even if joe biden had discussed his son's business ventures with mr. bobulinski in 2017, and this is rhetorical, so what? what would be the high crime or misdemeanor? what would be the impeachable offense? we are talking about what private citizen hunter biden was doing with his time with his, at the time, private citizen that. this is not about facts or evidence. it is not it that even about offenses . it is about keeping the american people distracted while we do nothing are reforming our criminal legal system. this has been the least productive congress in decades. we just now, in march, finally finding the government for this year. that is shameful. this unserious hearing is a waste of our time and resources. i yield the remainder of my time
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. >> i just want to make sure that i point out, and this is not a question, just in case you wanted to know, that on page 174 of your transcribed interview line 9, it says this is an absolute lie, in reference to talking about the f.b.i. >> i did not call the f.b.i. agent liars. i said a misstated -- >> i did not ask you a question. first of all, it doesn't say you told the f.b.i. this is a summary of two agents that took notes for my interview other summary. apparently they presented, mr. bobulinski first met in person with members of the biden family at a 2017 meeting in miami, florida. this is an absolute lie. that is what it says. the final thing i will say is about this. what we have from a republican.
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i don't think the impeachment abided is appropriate. and so, house speaker mike johnson's ability to talk me into staying here is going to be about as successful as his ability of talking to -- me into an unconstitutional impeachment. >> on july 30, 2017 hunter biden were to his chinese business associate, i am sitting here with my father, we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. mr. bobulinski, why did mr. zhou work -- who did he work for when this message was sent? >> he worked for director zang at cefc. >> is not connected to the chinese communist party? >> it is. >> is a corrupt organization. >> it was. >> from your perspective, what had occurred with cefc from the end of may until this text message? >> it is tough to go through
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the details and 22nd clips, but at the end of july, it is important to note jim biden was broke, hunter biden was broke, published by the brave whistleblower, and hunter made the conscious decision to basically defraud the partners of oneida because he needed money immediately. they publish pages of text messages where he is trying to get money into his bank account. that night, for whatever reason on the 30th when he asked, why hasn't the commitment been fulfilled, the commitment he is talking about is actually the $10 million funding into sino -- sinohawk holdings llc. the next day he decides he is going to defraud the holdings and oneida, and create a new entity, change hudson west that
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was created by the chinese, and make himself a 50% owner in that entity so when the chinese did send money, he would have instant access. really important. backed up with tens of pages of communications. he wanted to get access to the money the second it came in. sinohawk holdings and oneida, he did not have that power. want to address one thing real quick. hunter biden represents that he is a governance expert and that is why burisma put him on the board. he obviously can't do basic math. the board of oneida holdings had seven votes. each one of them, hunter, jim biden, rob worker had a single vote. i have three votes. i have a masters degree in electrical and nuclear engineering. i can do math. i have three, they have four. they controlled oneida holdings. hunter biden's representations that i was trying to take the business from them or didn't know is all a sham and misrepresentation. he wanted money in his account
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instantly, and that is why he shook down the chinese, and they were willing to send him the $5 million because they viewed it as a bride to the biden family -- bribe to the biden family. >> are you aware if they pay taxes on any of that? >> i can only go from public testimony. is not involved in their taxes. >> the next day hunter says he hopes kevin should know that the plan to speak is highly confidential. and mr. zhou responded, cefc is willing to cooperate with the family on the priorities mentioned last night. what family was he talking about? >> the family was the batting that's biden family. more importantly, what he is talking about in the confidential manner. they were four seld and desmet -- indictments where they were about to indict executives of cefc that we now know .
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mcgonigal, who will now apparently served 78 months in prison, ran counterintelligence for the f.b.i. in new york city where the chairman was dropping $50 million of cash for penthouses in manhattan. who you should be asking all these questions are the department of justice, the fdny, the f.b.i. because they have troves of evidence that backup what was going on in july 2017, and then august 2017. i apologize, congressman, to be so passionate and take your time, but this is what i need you guys to focus on. this involved the chinese communist party. they were doing a transaction with a russian sanctioned, u.s. sanctioned company at the time. the biden family was right front and center in the middle. >> thank you. switching gears for a second, i wish hunter biden were here because i would like to ask about his taxes.
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i want to know if he paid his fair share, just like his dad is asking americans to do. i want to know if he is current on his taxes, and if not, i would like to ask him when he plans to pay out. mr. bobulinski, you are a businessman. did you pay your taxes? >> i did. >> unlike the president's so. yet democrats act like hunter is the believable one out of you to. joe biden has no right to lecture the american people about their taxes until he gets his own house in order. >> how are you doing? good? okay. mr. bobulinski, over here. i have a question. we have been at this for 15 months now in oversight. i know this is your first time here. do you think chairman comber has proven that joe biden has
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committed a high crime and misdemeanor? >> i believe with all the evidence he has gathered, yes, he has proven joe biden has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. >> i assume you believe joe biden should be impeached. >> that is up to you guys. >> but do you believe he should be impeached? yes or no? >> personally or constitutionally? >> personally. >> i do. do you believe that because you believe chairman comer has proven he committed a high crime and misdemeanor. >> you know, because i know he did. i was involved and saw them happen. >> but obviously, with all the evidence, you must believe that all of these hearings for 15 months that the chairman has proven that, right? >> can you re-ask the question? >> i will sum it up. i assume you believe he should be impeached. my point is that, the chairman has not yet moved for that. and so, look chairman, we have 3 1/2 minutes here. i mean, let's do the impeachment. why continue to waste millions of dollars of the tax payer's money if we are going to impeach because you believe you have shown he is committed a high crime and misdemeanor? what you waiting on? let's just do it.
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i mean, we have chairman jordan here also. why are you guys calling for the vote in your committee? when will it happen? >> -- when can we tell the american people you will stop wasting their money? >> we don't do snap impeachments like you guys. we actually do the facts in oversight. >> you are never going to call for a. you are never going to call for a. but now you can predict the future. >> you guys only have six more months in power until the elections. are you going to do it in two or three months? a tell the american people. >> does the constitution put a time limit on oversight? i didn't read that in the constitution. >> if you believe you can't call for the impeachment now, you are admitting you haven't yet proven he has committed a high crime and misdemeanor. you have improved it yet.
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>> we are doing our work. >> okay. they have not proven it. they haven't proven he committed a high crime and misdemeanor. otherwise, we would call for impeachment. the chairman knows me well. i'm just here to help him. i think we should do it today. let's just call for a. i will make the motion. i want to help you out. you can second. make a motion to impeach president biden. go ahead. your term. you second. nothing. okay. we got nothing. i want to show the american people that they are never going to impeach joe biden. it is never going to happen. they don't have the evidence. this is a show. it is all faith. they just want to do these -- fake. it is not leading to impeachment. airline to their base on newsmax and fox, leading people to believe they will eventually impeach the president. it is not going to happen ever. period. there even have the votes, even if they had in committee, they don't have the votes on the floor. they know that. they have members resigning rather than taking a vote on the fake impeachment.
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does ask ken buck who said the speaker ain't going to get me to take an unconstitutional impeachment vote. boy, i mean, so look. i mean, if these hearings were a success, if what we have been doing the last 15 months had convinced the american people that joe biden committed a high crime and misdemeanor, you can be sure they would've called the vote by now. but they wanted it to my. they either wanted to go on because i don't have the evidence -- >> are you asking me a question. >> no. but we can talk. >> i think you have not read recent data that shows american people are well aware of the bidens corruption. >> so asked the chairman why he has not called for impeachment? he is right here. i will do a. watch. chairman, haven't -- how come you haven't call for the impeachment?
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when is a vote going to happen? you believe it but he believes it. he says it every day on tv. i just don't know when we will have the vote. let's just go. >> are you asking me to hold the vote? >> i am just looking at you. we can save the taxpayers millions of dollars. are used all of my time to show that this vote is never going to happen. they have no evidence on joe biden. i yield back. >> restart the clock. >> he served in prison for a felony. keep talking. >> do you want to go to that one?
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>> apologies. >> are we good? >> now we are. >> mr. galanis, you've heard the expression, say it, forget it, right it, regret it. have you heard that expression? mr. galanis? >> yes. i am here. >> have you heard say it, forget it, right it, regret it? >> i have. it was a practice we used in our business. >> whose business? >> business with hunter biden and devon archer. >> it was their expression. let me ask you a question. who is you sent? >> a ukrainian investor, i long- time colleague of dymitri firtash. he was mentioned earlier at the
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hearing. who is dymitri firtash? >> he is a ukrainian oligarch close to the kremlin that made his fortune primarily trading gas with a russian oil and gas company. >> connected to vladimir putin? >> very much so. >> during hunter biden's deposition with the committee, he justified his role, i think you will find this comical, he justified his role on the ukrainian burisma board by saying, in essence, it was his patriotic duty that he was serving, you know, freedom, because there were two asked companies inside ukraine at the time, one of them a state owned which is highly corrupt and connected to people like dymitri firtash which was directly going into vladimir putin's pocket. the only independent company was burisma.
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now, my question to you, based on this, he is disparaging dymitri firtash, but are you aware that hunter biden did business with him? >> yes. >> let me ask you. what kind of financial transactions occurred between them? >> what was described to me was a $5 million payment that was made by dymitri firtash , handled through hunter biden's law firm. that was a success the for an outstanding indictment in the united states. >> so april and connected russian oligarch wired over $5 million to hunter biden's law firm for what activity? what was hunter supposed to do for that? >> he was supposed to perform in quashing the indictment that resulted in an arrest warrant
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for dymitri firtash . >> being charged in the united states. he was supposed to quash that and uses political influence to do so. my question is, of that money, $3 million minutes later company you set up with devon archer called in bloom. is that correct? >> that's correct. >> from the $3 million, there was a transfer that was made, and i have a copy of that record to prove that, of $275,000. do you recall that transfer? >> i do. >> it went to which account? >> rosemont seneca bohai. >> despite what hunter said during his deposition, based on your knowledge, with hunter biden connected to rosemont seneca bohai? was he part owner? >> very much so. he said as much and had
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direction and control. eight -- he was a beneficiary of the account. there are emails that he directed money to himself. >> it sounds like, despite what he is saying, what he told the committee, that this guy was a bad hombre, basically. he was connected to putin, and therefore, he had to get in ukraine. and yet, he had no problem doing business for this corrupt russian oligarch connected to putin. in fact, he had no problem taking $5 million in a direct -- and a direct transfer. >> i agree with that. >> mr. bobulinski, i have just a little bit of time left. sorry. i want to ask you, for god sake, hunter biden is doing all of these transactions, all of this business, and yet, his father is vice president.
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we are to believe his father isn't aware of all of these -- he has been on the phone calls and in the meeting, and he is not aware his son is doing business with people connected to vladimir putin? are we to believe that? >> it is an absurd expectation. >> thank you. my time is expired. >> the claims made against the president of the united states have been so completely proven to be lies that even house republicans now are admitting it is time to close this case. mr. parnas, i have a few questions for you. i want everybody to know, especially people watching at home, that you are like one of the most credible witnesses we have had throughout this entire impeachment inquiry. first off, i want folks to know, for people who are not
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familiar, tell me who you are working for between 2018 and 2019. >> rudy giuliani and donald trump. >> to be clear, you answer to rudy giuliani. >> yes. >> you answered to donald trump directly. >> directly to rudy giuliani. >> the former president trump and rudy giuliani flew to ukraine to look for corruption on the part of president biden, did you find any? >> no. >> following your ukraine trip, senate republicans, senators grassley and johnson released the burisma report which new york times concluded was "unproven allegations that echo an active russian disinformation campaign." are the unproven allegations that are at the heart of the republican report the same fabricated claims of the donald trump and rudy giuliani sent you to ukraine to dig? >> yes. >> last summer you wrote a letter to congress noting that when the media started to get tired of the smokescreens and using this, one of the authors of the republican burisma report would be your "guy in the senate to push all the
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information." what did you mean by that? >> senator ron johnson was our guy in the senate. it was told to me that when we pushed information he would push it in the halls of congress. >> someone the media was getting skeptical about pressuring this information after they proved it wrong time and time again, the plan was to have a u.s. senator, ron johnson, push that disinformation even further. >> correct. we had congressman nunez already doing. senator ron johnson jumped on board. >> the chairman have center this entire hearing on the f.b.i. tip sheet that made while claims about bribery that didn't even come close to being backed up. in fact, it is all being proved to be a big lie. mr. parnas, is the allegation in the f.b.i. tip sheet based on the same fabricated claims that donald trump and rudy giuliani flew you to ukraine to dig? >> yes. >> i also want to make it clear
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that the informant allegedly behind this tip sheet is facing criminal charges for lying about the biden family and was a known fraud for years before that. the same fabricated claim kept popping up and getting smacked down over and over again. in fact, our colleagues at the foreign affairs committee did amazing work on this and found that the fly dates back to december 2015, almost 10 years ago. do you happen to know the article i am referring to? >> i don't know the exact article, but i do know that it started back in 2015. >> the article was titled "the ukrainian scam of the biden family." it was posted to a russian language media website registered in russian occupied crimea.
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mr. parnas, do you have any doubt this fabricated claim, the claim that donald trump and rudy giuliani sent you to ukraine to dig more information on, as part of russian propaganda in an effort to destabilize ukraine and undermine our democracy? >> as i sit here today, i have zero doubt that russia is involved. this is a russian campaign to interfere in our elections. >> thank you. i appreciate it from someone with first-hand experience. to recap, there is no evidence to support allegations at present by engaged in corruption in ukraine. we know this. mr. parnas, himself, has made it clear we have no doubt, we should have no doubt the claims of corruption are lies and conspiracy theories rooted in a russian effort to undermine our democracy, posted to a russian language website over a decade ago. this is exactly what putin wants. over the years, republicans have kept moving the goal post. look at the past year. first it was a bribe, that it was burisma, nothing, that it was hunter biden, his laptop,
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nothing but new depicts we keep seeing here, then a money- laundering scheme that turned out to be a family member making a couple of car payments. now republicans on this committee have left the pretense of a crime behind and are moving the goal post to influence peddling. it sounds more like what former president donald trump did in his time in office. we have been laughing a lot about this, calling it theater and a sham, which it is, but i also want to bring up that this is really serious. i mean, we have members of congress and this committee using russian propaganda meant to undermine our democracy, to undermine our president, not just theater are laughable, but it is a betrayal of democracy. >> very serious. >> well, hunter asked for a public hearing, here we are. he is nowhere to be found but i guess hiding really runs in the biden family. mr. bobulinski, in your testimony you state "it is clear to me joe biden was a brand being sold by the biden family. " in your experience, what is the value to joe biden helping
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his family collect millions from foreign adversaries? >> what is the value to joe biden specifically? his children and brothers were enriched. to the questions earlier, that violates rico statutes, fairness statutes. >> you would agree the biden family was involved in this corruption and influence peddling and selling access to the federal government. >> i do. >> mr. bobulinski, in your experience, did president biden play a more active or passive role in his son hunter biden's business dealings? >> i quantified it previously as him acting sort of like a chairman. he shored -- he showed up and shook hands. that is all the chinese, ukrainians, romanians, russians, whoever, canadians,, that is what they need. >> i am going to switch to mr. galanis.
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then candidate for president joe biden said his son did not make any money from china. that he lied? >> yes. >> mr. galanis, you are aware of the bhr fund that consisted of bohai, a chinese backed company , harvest, and rosemont, the biden entity. correct? >> yes. >> you are aware that hunter biden formally held 10% of that chinese entity. what a surprise you that hunter biden held 10% of this entity well into his father's presidency? >> i am aware that he owned 50% or 10% directly from the outset from early on in 2014. >> what it surprise you that hunter biden's attorney to has
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testified he now holds that interest? >> i don't have any knowledge about that. not much of this would surprise me. >> mr. bobulinski, in your testimony you stated the chinese communist party through cefc successfully sought to infiltrate and compromise the obama -white house that continued when joe biden left office. would you agree this is a serious threat? >> i do. >> joe biden has leveraged his elected position to enable the family and their companies to receive over $24 million from foreign nationals and their companies -- and their related companies. biden is compromised. he is a threat to our national security. after today, it is clear joe biden is a bigger ccp asset then herself. will we ever come
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to the agreement that it is far time the congress hold the resident of the white house accountable for selling out the american people? unfortunately, my colleagues to my left have highly -- have a highly coveted may in china product, a brand, joe biden. i yield the remainder of my time. >> mr. parnas, how much time did you spend in prison? >> four months. >> but you were indicted for crimes that result in you spending 50 years in prison. >> right. they were false. the judge saw through it. >> you went to trial and were convicted. >> i went to trial. correct. >> the crime was that you were trying to acquire marijuana licenses and took money from a russian oligarch and tried to use that money to give political donations into what you had to do to acquire the licenses. is that right? >> that is what the indictment
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was. >> sales like everyone here today, the only one working for a russian oligarch was you. right? >> i was. it is public information. >> i just heard you wax poetic. >> i got paid $200,000. you know. >> you said you were here to warn us, but you were working for a russian oligarch. then you didn't even do it. the fraud you committed against the russian oligarch was that instead you spent the money on yourself. was that what you were doing? >> that was at the fraud. that is alive. >> that is what you were convicted of. instead of spending 50 years in prison, you got four months. i look forward to hearing what mr. galanis thinks about how he was treated by the doj for telling the truth as opposed to how you are treated for lyme. >> the doj didn't listen to the truth. >> the question -- [ overlapping speakers ]
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>> the truth for you is taking money from russians to buy marijuana businesses and then going to jail and coming here to lie about trumpet you should know better than anybody. you should know better than anybody. >> thank you so much. it is so exhausting. this is really incredibly exhausting. i can't imagine our residents sitting at home. every time i look up and see our former chairman, elijah cummings, our first ever hearing in this room was about the high cost of insulin. i think one of the first witnesses was a mother of twins who had to ration her insulin and lost a child because she could not afford it. i still remember our previous chairwoman you really did a phenomenal job continuing to talk about the opioid crisis and how the sackler family -- sackler family was part of a scheme to increase addiction. people losing family members because of profit, because of
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folks that were literally drug dealers in suits. all of that to say, this house oversight committee, from our committee hearings on the postal service, which really matters to constituents, the high cost of prescription drugs, the housing issues, the number of struggles and challenges for everyday americans. i say this sincerely, i know, because, what a waste of time. what a waste of time. just even some of the colleagues of my folks here continue to say this is a waste of time. i mean, the representative said, i don't think we have the will to impeach joe biden. just for the record, impeachment is it something you have a will to do. it is something you have to have evidence to do. that brings me -- you know, you heard about, when the staff
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tells you they can't identify a particular crime, there is a problem. it's a problem. i mean, you can go on and on. one top republican admits there is no approachable offense that shows biden acted improperly. it goes on and on. former oversight chair users on judiciary committee now says there is no clear sense of where the impeachment inquiry is going. it goes on and on. look, you all, this is an incredibly important committee. we could be doing some phenomenal things and holding the biden administration on a number of issues. i want to know about the american rescue dollars and where that money is being used. is a being used towards public health or towards a crisis that continues to happen with long covid symptoms? these are things we can do right now. but we are not. we are doing this over and over
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again. it is a waste of time. literally, every time i talk to my constituents about this, they don't bring this a, what is is going to be over with? i told them, my colleagues do not know how to leave the campaigning at the steps of the capital. will be coming here, we have to put that aside and work for our constituents. work on getting some sort of understanding where we can prioritize making sure that we have access to clean water, what is going on with the lead abatement program, talking about challenges we continue to see in the healthcare system. all of that. again, we can hold the biden administration on a number of issues that we can see eye to eye on it say we need to use this committee to open it up and be the watchdog committee we are. instead, we are wasting the time of the american people doing this. this is awful. for them to see us going back and forth like this, it is so
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disenchanting for them. you will wonder why the numbers out there, favorability towards congress are so low. they really have no faith in us. because of this. this is the kind of stuff we do. when literally my folks are literally fighting for the right to breathe clean air and figure out how they could afford asthma inhalers. yet we are here wasting the peoples time. >> will be gentlelady yield? >> i say this who is a social worker at heart. we could do so many things bipartisan on this committee. i know it. i think right now we are really missing out on an opportunity to do that. we really are. i yield. >> there is a question i want to ask you. you have had tremendous success in trying to clean up dirty water across america. we can actually get things done, right? >> absolutely.
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i know my colleague on the other side, we all have a clean water crisis. we could literally bring in folks from the epa, bring folks into this chamber right now and ask where the biden administration is on the development of their lead abatement initiative. these are the things i think very much many of local elected and state folks are asking. what can we do as members of congress to basically have more transparency on where the priorities are? i say this sincerely to all of you. we can do better. we deserve to do better. i remember chairman cummings constantly reminding us that we can be better. >> before recognize, for what purpose does representative mclean seek recognition. >> i would like to enter something in the record. my friends on the other side of the aisle are desperately trying to deflect from the biden family. they are attacking president trump and his family. i would like to enter into the record and article, jared
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kushner and hunter biden are nothing alike. here are the facts. thank you. >> so ordered. >> one of the inconsistencies i have seen is what is on a text message, mr. bobulinski , with mr. zhao and what hunter biden testified to in his own deposition. this is infamous. please have the director call me, not james, not you or jim, have him call me tonight. i'm sitting here with my father. we have talked about this a lot. in response, he says, copy, i will call you on whatsapp. and hunter biden's testimony on page 105 he states that the mr. zhao he sent this to was not the one connected to cefc. what do you say about that?
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>> i think what he is simply saying is that he made a mistake, not that he meant to send that text message, because it is crystal clear that message was meant for the interpreter for the director at cefc, but i think he tried to obfuscate in his testimony that, technically, maybe he made a mistake and texted it to the wrong person. i can't speak to whether he corrected that. i do know based on the communications that he got on the phone with mr. zhao and set the record that straight and went through what he thought he was sending him in that message because it is followed up where they say they step two is a, we will cooperate with the family. why? because effectively they were bribing the biden family to help them with the four unsealed indictments from the fdny. >> you said he was an interpreter, but he was more
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than that. >> he was like a chief of staff. >> he was the handler for the cefc business. >> he spoke good english. >> to the extent this was the wrong zhao, if i get a text message and it is a different russell, i will say, you have got the wrong guy. >> i believe henry zhao, his argument is he sent it to henry. i'm assuming there's a text message somewhere were either henry responded , i think you meant that for someone else. >> is that he said, i will call you on whatsapp. if you were perplexed by a random text message. >> that is actually raymond zhao. >> that is what i am saying. the issue that he brings up, though, is that he was confused that it was the wrong zhao. i want to ask a couple more questions. hunter biden's transcript page 42, he said, i officially began to work for cefc when i received a retainer from cefc in early or spring of 2017.
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is that true? >> it goes back to the word official . he is parsing words. hunter biden started working for cefc in the fall of 2015 and works for comer -- cefc throughout 2016. that was confirmed by him, by rob walker, numerous face-to- face conversations. >> so this is not true. on page 48, hunter is asked, he is never interacting with any of your business associates. is that correct? he is referring to joe biden. is that true? >> that is alive. >> hunter lied to the committee about important details concerning his money, demands and threats to cefc based on this whatsapp message right here. on page 105, hunter states " my father had no awareness. my father had no awareness of the business i was doing." is that true? >> that is alive. >> he also talked about how joe biden lied extensively through his own testimony.
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>> no, and i am shocked that an attorney allowed him to say that three different times. >> right, when pressed he doubled down on that. >> his got excited and his lawyer had to calm him down and he continued to lie about it. >> bid ep states it was hunter biden, myself, i don't know, the five, okay. and everybody was 20%, okay, you know what? you know it was never executed, never signed. he is referring, of course to the contract or the agreement s. that true? >> that is a lie. he documented it, as did hunter and james and bob walker and myself. >> thank you for your testimony today. yours is the consistent, the consistent testimony throughout
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this process unlike the other people who have come before the committee with that mr. chairman, i yield back. >> very good. mr. chairman, when elijah cummings reminded us our role was efficient of the truth. this has gone 15 months, 10,000 documents and 11,000 hours too anwe got a lot of ground to cover here. thank you for being here. last year you wrote a long letter to chairman detailing your role in the quote campaign orchestrated by giuliani and trump to dig up dirt on the bidens and spread misinformation about them through various networks, government officials, journalists and fox news personnel, unquote. when that campaign failed to find dirt because, well, there was no dirt to be found, the former occupant of the white
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house demanded that ukrainian officials announce investigations into the biden family. in order to smear joe biden prior to the 2020 election, yes or no, before they tasked you to try to find dirt on the bidens in ukraine did you ever interact with mr. trump? >> before they asked me? yes. many intersections. >> in late 2018 you attended a holiday party at trump's white house as shown in this picture. can you describe your interactions with donald trump during this party? >> yes, we came to the event. a hanukkah party. rudy giuliani joined us. we were supposed to all go to the residents but at the last second rudy asked for us to wait and he would meet trump himself and update him. he went to meet trump at the residents, we waited at the white house. eventually when trump came down
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to make the speech, secret service says the president wants us to wait for him in the red room. we waited in the red room to wait for him to finish the speech and he approached me and shooked my hand and said rudy tells me great things, continue with the good work, thank you, and continued with the pictures >> when he said keep up the good work what did it refer to? >> it was him and giuliani to go find victor. >> did you interact with trump again or cut off from interacting with him? >> after the trip to ukraine we were cut off because then blt team was formed and the line of communication started to go through rudy giuliani because they did not want anyone to notice me with him because i was in ukraine doing the stuff. >> is it fair to say mr. parnas
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you were no longer allowed to interact with trump to create a buffer with trump and giuliani. >> i was told that. i was told that. you are going to stop going to the events, private events while you are doing this. >> i see. >> so, despite trump's efforts to insulate himself from associating with you as you sought evidence for biden you maintained your contacts with individuals in trump's inner most circle including donald trump jr, correct? >> absolutely, yes. >> the saying goes, a leopard can not change his spots, you are a prime example of trump welcoming people into his circle and creating distance, or appearance from it as he relies on them to conduct improper acts. now trump demanded biden be
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impeached in attempt to win the 2024 election by promoting the same lies about biden, the rumors in russia's propaganda effort to influence efforts and undermind ukraine during a vicious russian invasion, i yield to mr. goldman. >> thank you very much. i want to get back to this photograph here. that i got cut off from before. you mr. bobulinski called a lot of people liars, six fbi agents. >> i did not call them liars >> i am talking. if you go to . >> you know better mr. goldman >> go to page 174, you tuesday is not an accurate statement and it is a lie. >> i don't have time. be quiet. now, this is a photo that was provided by cassidy hutch inson after you called her a liar when she said you met with mark
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meadows and received an envelope. do you see this photo, do you acknowledge that is mark meadows in the red hat? >> didn't you tell me to be quiet? [ laughter ] >> i asked a question do you acknowledge is that mark meadows. >> no. >> maybe your person can walk it closer? >> 15 seconds over. yes. let me just ask you briefly is that you and mr. meadows by secret service cars with you in a mask. >> are you kidding? i am sitting 20 feet away. >> and your time expired. could he just answer the question? >> what i see in this picture is a secret service agent five feet from me with a full mask on and a secret service agent sitting in a cadillac escalate with all of the windows up with a full mask on. is that you talking to the person in the red hat.
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>> is that you talking? >> why don't you ask me this. did i meet mr. meadows at a rally. i being knowledge that. >> oh, you dough. >> okay. but hutchinson is a liar. >> she say liar because he handed me an envelope. mr. meadows did not give me a single thing. >> glad we have the clear time. >> your time has expired. >> chair now recognizes mr. langworthy from buffalo for 5 minutes >> thank you, chairman. glad it is so quiet in here. on the first day of the biden presidency, it is hard to share the truth when it is hard to
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hear. it is laughable, especially when biden avoided wire feeses when he had a $1 million payment through 16 different bank wires to hunter hailey and jim biden's accounts, if you are trying to avoid wire fees why send four. it is a total joke. a glaring example of president biden's failure to live up to his promise to bring transparency. his influence peddling in ukraine. while joe biden was vice president in 2014, his son hunter biden was asked to join the board, a paid position. the committee sought documents from the administration regarding vice president's influence peddling in the ukraine. the administration that claims transparency has failed to produce these documents. on september of 2015 the united states was steadfast in the belief that the owner was the
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face of corruption in ukraine. the administration vowed to work with them to tackle corruption in the country. that all changed after a phone call from hunter biden and the owner to hunter's washington associates in 2015. a few days later, vice president biden delivered a speech to ukrainian legislature and privately pressured the ukrainian president to fire the prosecutor general. the oversight committee asked the white house for drafts of voice president's speech to the ukrainian legislature from 2015. they have withheld them for nearly seven months. to this date we have not been able to review them. we all want to know in there were edits to the speech after hunter called d.c. we all want to know if the vice president, then vice president changed course to protect his son in his corrupt business associates. we all want to know if the
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biden family's business dealings effected policy against ukraine. the white house claims to bring truth and transparency to government. it seems like it is only interested when it is convenient for his administration. now, mr. bobulinski, did hunter ever tell you the value of the income to him? >> i was not involved. i don't recall him ever mentioning that to me. >> did he ever say it was his only income at that time? >> oh, okay. i stand corrected. [ laughter ] >> there is a text message. i never discussed it with him. i was at monco for the grand prix, he there was for a meeting. he set up a meeting with me, he did not show up. i was not too happy and he responded to a text to me asking him what is going on. in that text he states he is on the back of the yacht fighting for the only income he has. but it was not barizm tarks is
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another deal, i never discussed it. it was a single exchange between him and i. >> corruption from the biden family have been common themes through the house oversight committee through the investigation. even when asking for drafts of then vice president's speech in the ukraine the white house has been anything but transparent. president biden is done and will continue to do everything he can to cover up the truth when it is hard to hear. i yield back mr. chairman.. gentleman yields back. mr. bobulinski. don't worry about mr. goldman, we don't pay attention to him either. is there anything that you want to take 55 seconds to respond to? >> it is tempting. i mean my biggest appeal to everyone in this room is i wish you would spend the time focusing on the fact that the chinese communist party infiltrated the white of the
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united states through the biden family. i don't say that lightly. it is not a joke. i was willing to die for this country as was my father and both my grandfather and my grandfather. and my brother. take the biden name and family out of it. how did the chinese communist party infiltrate the white house of the united states. let's start there, focus on those facts, what they did, how they did it, why they used money, why they used private enterprises instead of military stuff and other stuff. that is huge to our national security. i appreciate you yielding that time to me. >> thank you. i will just say this. they criticized the investigation but i think most americans care about public corruption and they realize the fbi has not done the job. doj has not done their job, irs has not, been told to stand down. all but us the house oversight committee and we will do our
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job. pursuitant to the order, the chair will reconvene five minutes after floor votes
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. this house committee meeting is taking a break. the committee looking into the business dealings of the biden family. we will hear more testimony when the committee returns. the house is working today on several energy policy bills, congress faces a friday deadline to fund part of the government for the rest of the fiscal year, live coverage on cspan3 . all right, committee will reconvene. the chair recognizes mr. perry
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from pennsylvania for five minutes. >> i am going to turn my questions to you. i hope i can see you on the screen shortly. are you there? if we can jump right into another biden chinese deal made while biden was in office. a deal you described in your interview as a quid pro quo. chinese spent millions for a post vp job for president biden. can you tell us what was burnham? >> it was an 85-year-old financial service company based in new york but relative to the chinese it was an unimportant, small player in the scale of $1.5 billion, versus $300 billion chinese company. >> what was hunter bidens interest in working with them
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knowing that was the situation? >> i think hunter biden was already working with them through the fund that was created. bhr harvest. and it was described in hunter emails that i provided to the committee. he described the activity with bhr, the harvest activity as one of his only focuses and his other focus is the activity between harvest directly and burnham directly. his statement in his own words, in writing, those were to be his only focus, his only priority working with the chinese. >> did you say that he said the interest in working was to make billions versus millions, is that right? >> i did say that. that was looking to become a much larger company where his equity interest would be worth
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a lot of money. billions not millions. >> you said the harvest fund was a $300 billion financial services company. was it likely connected or was it connected closely to the chinese communist party and the chinese government? >> that is my understanding. >> okay. and, who is henry zhao? >> he has been described to me consistently by devin and hunter as the chairman. he is the head of harvest. i think he had a couple different roles over the years but chairman is the best way, always characterized as chairman and the decision-maker for that. >> he is the chairman for300 billion chinese entity connected to the chinese government, chinese communist party, he was based out of where? >> in beijing, china. >> like you said you heard to him referred as chairman zhao,
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right? >> most of the time. it was chairman zhao out of respect for the chairman, yes. >> okay, there came to a point where hunter wanted to bring henry zhao and their billions in business with burnham, right? >> that is correct. >> why would he do that? >> it was a financial decision. chinese offered money and he offered political access. it was an exchange. >> fair enough. it is pretty obvious what harvest brings $300 billion. but, why would harvest be interested in burnham versus other financial institutions. i am sure there are other ones out there, fairly small, harvest is $300 billion. why would they care? what was the interest for them?
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>> the self-evident answer is the political access. underscoring that is there are at least two emails produced that talk about exactly that. the influence and what hunter characterized his interest in the access vehicle. so, that was explicit and in writing. >> okay. so, joe bid pen was going to sit on the board with a chinese company connected to the highest levels of chinese government, chinese communist party, what was it that hunter brought to the table? >> it was the access to the inducement to induce companies like this harvest group to participate in burnham. it was a relationship capital that he brought to the table. not financial capital. >> relationship capital.
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>> brought value. >> relationship capital that you described as the biden lift, what was the biden lift? simply hunter's access to his father and his father's influence and the growth of the business relying on its reputation and ability to attract other clients. >> i am running out of time here, but it sounds like a quid pro quo to me, sir, what did, and harvest did, in fact, invest money in burnham? you called it a material inducement, can you explain what that means and do you know how much the chinese paid? >> i believe -- i was out of the picture towards the end of 2015. i believe they ended up paying $4 million, but i believe that the transactions did not happen the way people expected or that
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they had written about in terms of what the chinese were expected to do. >> all right, mr. galanis i will show you a draft email that you provided to the committee. mr. chairman, i yield. >> objection on time, good job. >> recognizing mr. crockit for one minute. >> five minutes. >> one minute, [ laughter ] >> okay. first of all, mr. bobulinski. do you know who -- [low mic ] >> it is not a who. >> do you know what it is? >> yes. it is an llc. is it the llc that your attorney works for? >> i believe so, yes. >> you believe so. okay. so, at this point in time i would ask unanimous consent to
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enter into account bobulinski was paid $10,000 by the save america pack that you may recognize as donald trump's pack >> without objection. >> thank you. now, so far in this hearing it felt like the worst episode of the apprentice. i am sure you are familiar with that show. it seems like my colleagues and maybe you and some others are trying to become the next vice president of the united states of america, you are auditions or something like that because mr. bobulinski i know you take question into the fact that your credibility has been questioned. when someone comes before oath behind closed doors or in person we have to evaluate someone's credibility. sir, i always had issues with your credibility as i know you are very well aware of. let me remind you of what . >> i have not asked you a
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question. okay >> i haven't. >> when i ask a question that is when you answer otherwise i am talking. >> excuse me. with my time, it is my time. i want to be clear that when we were behind closed doors you called a number of people liars, you called the wall street journal liars, you called cassidy hutchinson a liar. >> she is. >> you called rob walker a liar. you called james gillard, hunter biden a liar, and jim biden a liar and my colleague a liar. it seems like to you, the only person who is telling the truth is you and everyone else is lying. but i want to move on to something else. >> is that a question. >> no. it is not a question. you will know when i ask a question. i promise. the other thing that i want to talk about is, the fact that my colleague from the other side
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of the aisle, talked about the company and she wanted to go through a list of people that she felt like were bad company because right now the majority has been relying upon the testimony of someone who is currently sitting in federal prison and we know that your company is the company of someone found liable of fraud as well as defamation as well as sexual assault and for whatever reason can't pay his bills at this point in time, but i am going to ask mr. parnas are you aware if trump had any associates that have been found guilty of anything? >> yes. lots of them. >> lots of them. >> me included. >> you included. okay. so, when you were called to testify you were not called here to testify for any other
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reason than to tell the truth, is that correct? >> yes, congresswoman. >> yes, we started this off because of the 1023. that was debunked by you, was it not? >> yes. >> way before we started this impeachment inquiry and you mentioned a number of times this guy by the name of rudy giuliani. >> yes. >> now, you know, everybody is so stressed about the fact that hunter ain't here today, but you know, hunter came and testified behind closed doors for over six hours and every single one of them were not limited to five minutes, ask whatever they wanted to and a full transcript of his testimony, i don't know what else they wanted him to do but put on a show. let me tell you something, this whole thing is based on something that giuliani came up with >> yes >> and we tried to subpoena him if i am, that is what i remember, if anybody else remembers -- we asked. we said hey, we should subpoena giuliani. but you know, kind of like when we were trying to get his cell phone, they shut it down,
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right, they don't want the facts, but you would agree with me that considering the fact that you were working under rudy giuliani at the time that you went over to ukraine that he has maybe some valuable information he could offer this committee as to whether or not there is anything we should be investigating in the first place? >> absolutely. i wish this committee would subpoena him, put him under oath alongside me to get to the bottom of the truth of what happened in ukraine and the manipulation that trump and giuliani went to do. >> i agree with you. somehow it does not look like we will get there. >> time to yield. >> time expired. >> mr. bigs from arizona. >> thank you, mr. galanis you received an email from devin archer or you wrote an email
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confirming that mrs. bardarini is investing money. she is the richest woman in russia. you knew her. were you invited to a party she attended? >> yes. in brooklyn. >> yes. >> let's put the invitation up. >> yes. here is a copy of the invitation that you received, is that right? >> yes. i can not see it. i did receive an email invitation. yes. >> an emailed invitation, did you go to that party? >> yes, i did attend that party, yes. >> was hunter biden at that party? >> yes he was. >> and we know he was because we have a confirmation on his calendar which is the next exhibit. noted on there and he showed up there and so, all of that is
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true, it is all verified right there. they were at the party? >> that is correct. during that party, hunter pulled you guys, the people we just named pulled them away from where the party is and you go to a separate area where it was quieter because there were over 100 people at the party, right? >> then hunter biden makes a phone call. >> he does. >> to whom? >> he called his father. >> vice president biden. >> what was said on the call. >> wait a second. the reason you know it is because he put it on speakerphone. >> he did. after heed hello he put it on speakerphone. i was first party to hearing
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it. and, please sum it up. >> i am sorry? i talked over you? >> please sum up that phone call for us. >> okay. it was a short call but it was he said our friends came in from out of town. and the exchange was the related to going to proceed, things were going to proceed and he said the vice president said look after my boy. >> and it was five days after that party that you received word from devin that mrs. batarini was in for $15 million with you guys, right? >> that is correct. >> let's go to the harvest
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issue. now, just refresh everyone's recollection, when devin was there, he had to come in. he came in. we had a great conversation. i said hey, did hunter tell you the chinese anticipated after his father was out of office he might join the company as a paid advisory. he said did he indicate that to you? mr. archer, i don't recall but potentially. i don't recall but potentially. and i said you don't recall. but it is not new to you? the concept is not new to you, is that what you are saying. he said no, it was not new to me >> why was it not new to him? >> it is because that was. >> go ahead. >> it was an explicit discussion amongst us that it was an inducement for the chinese to invest in the burnham business. the vp's position post, his
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position. >> board of advisors >> when you say us who is the us? >> what i was referring to was hunter, devin and myself. >> let's go to something else. >> it was a brooder, there was a brooder sort of circulation group about that and that was reflected in an email from the staff member at thornton group who circulated a draft email that reflected he had a similar conversation and drafted a letter based on that understanding. >> how long have you been incarcerated? >> for eight years, congressman. >> and you offered to tell the district of new york about hunter biden's company and they rejected your offer, didn't they? >> on multiple occasions, that is correct. >> why do you think they
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rejected that offer? >> time expired. answer the question. >> all i can tell you is what counsel said to me. counsel indicated to me that he had never seen a prosecution reject information particularly paper-based information that could of backed up my verbal statements. >> chair recognizes mrs. bush. >> thank you mr. chairman. we are here to focus on the real issues that effect our communities instead of this partisan circus. the influence peddling is absolutely a very serious issue. full stop. we all know the truth. donald trump is the peddler in chief. despite this for well over a
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year nows. and it is embarrassing attempts to link president biden to his family members implicate him by associations. all they have proven is that they will do whatever it takes including using their razor thin majority to waste the people's time. let's let today's hearing be the final nail in the coffin of this sham impeachment investigation. i urge my republican colleagues to admit that their quest to impeach the president has completely collapsed. they have fallen short and each passing deal they are losing votes and credibility even in their own conference. it is time for them to move on. that is not likely to happen. because my republican colleagues do not care about
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responsible governance or lives better. under the leadership. 2023. and following an impeachment investigation. in bringing our country to the brink of catastrophic moment. republicans have done absolutely nothing to demonstrate why they deserve to control any member of commerce, let alone the white house, for their co-leader, twice impeached, four times indieded former president is running to gain influence and control again. they are grasping at straws and it would be comical if it was not leading to real harm and real hurt in our communities. the people of our country are the ones paying the price for their failure to actually govern. instead of wasting all of our
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time and hours and hours and hours going down fake rabbit holes and conspiracies we could focus on actual policy, focus on substance, we could focus on saving and improving the lives of our constituents not misusing the time of this committee. the millions of people in our districts harmed by the ongoing refusal of the federal government to take full responsibility for the manhattan project waste and the who are still getting sick from exposure to toxic radioactive waste their own government created. still lingers in missouri where proper cleanup remains undone. i am a ranking member on the subcommittee on regtory affairs and reportedly requested a hearing on manhattan project waste and its countless victims. i am still waiting. we could focuses on ending the crisis of gun violence in this country. 370 people every day are shot
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in the united states. every year, 42,654 people die from gun violence. more children die from guns than anything else in this country. why are we not acting to protect them? how are we not treating this like the public health emergency that it is? focus on improving the lives of incarcerated individuals and winging ourselves off. currently incarcerated individual is your star witness today, applaud your inclusivity and surely if folks convicted of crimes can testify before congress they should be allowed to vote. why not enfranchise them. what about reproductive care, people in st. louis are forced to give birth against their will, republicans need to use abortion care just like the rest of us, why not meaningful address this. focus on ending gaza and israel, since january malnutrition in children under
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5 has doubled, nearly doubled. global experts warn famine is imminent for half of the population due to catastrophe food insecurity. why are we not reenacting onra and end the slaughter of palestinians, we do not have time, i will stop there, yield the balance of my time to rep goldman >> thank you very much. >> i just want to point to a photo here mr. bobulinski you have testified that you met mark meadows, 10 chief of staff for donald trump at a trump rally in georgia behind secret service cars, you were wearing >> time expired. >> you went over a minute late with mr. perry we could have a little extra time. if you trump rally that you said that. >> time has expired 52 chair recognizes mr. sessions for 5 minutes. >> could we have basic equity here >> if someone else had it. >> she had 8 seconds to yield him and he got up here with a
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speech. he abused his privilege by making a motion. >> the chair has ruled. >> the chair has ruled. the chair has ruled. >> what are you afraid of mr. chairman. why don't you let me ask a question. >> the chair recognizes the gentleman from -- oh. what purpose do you seek recognition mr. biggs >> consent to introduce documents to the record. >> without objection. >> thank you. >> here they are. one is the invitation that was mentioned. another is hunter biden's calendar. another is the email mentioned confirming that batarini was going to invest. another one is page 180 of the galanis interview. and pages 41 and 42 of the galanis interview. >> without objection, so ordered. now the chair. >> what purpose do you seek
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recognition. >> proceed. >> i would like to enter into the record the portion of the devin archer transcript where he says batarini never had any business dealings with hunter bidden and money that was put in joint account was a mistake. >> okay. >> and chairman i have a request as well. >> this is from embarrassing, republicans worry they have 0 accomplishments to run on elections >> without objection so ordered. chair recognizes the gentleman from texas mr. sessions for 5 minutes >> mr. chairman, thank you very much. i would like to enter into the record 302s done with mr. bobulinski. exhibit 400a. thank you thank you very much. thank you for being here. those of you who are appearing.
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mr. bobulinski, tell me about the professionalism of the organization that you work for in terms of paychecks, getting paychecks, providing the irs with documentation of people who were paid out of the organization. >> and not sure i will following the question. were you ever paid? >> i was not. >> so you were never paid by this organization. and did you receive numeration. and holding llc, i was compensated, it was not a compensation, a reimbursement of $50,000 of money that came out-of-pocket. traveling around, paying for hotels and stuff like that. >> so, in other words, people did not get paid or you did not get paid that you are aware of. were you aware that other people were being paid? >> the biden family was paid.
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hunter and jim biden were paid millions. >> and how would you think that information would be transmitted about them, receiving that payment and going to the irs? >> i am not sure those specifics. i am just aware that they received millions obviously based on the brave testimony of zigler that came public with a bunch of information and the report, i never saw, the only bank account i ever saw is the one that i set up at jp mortgage for the holdings llc, jp morgan was aware that biden family were owners in the business, they authorized it and approve today. >> what social security number was utilized to set up that account? >> for onita? >> we used, represent the owners of the entity so they are aware hudson owned 50% of
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the holdings and they provided their information on the onita we represented each of us owned 20% and i would have to go back and look. i as the ceo probably provided my social security number. i am not sure if we provided numbers for all five members or tax ids. >> or tax ids and you never received money but reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses that were related to the business? >> correct. imagine that $50,000 i was paid was actually from the legal side of sinohawks while the bidens defrauded me and receiving millions into their own pockets. >> were you aware they were receiving millions at the time? >> i was not. >> did you spend time with the department of justice on this matter? >> i did.
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>> i did. they approached you or you approached them? >> my lawyers coordinated me. which is obviously public knowledge, went to the second debate. i flew to dc with the intent of sitting in front of senator johnson and their committee and then my lawyers had discussions and decided it was a better focus of my time to walk into the f.b.i. >> so, where did you do that? >> washington, d.c. >> main justice and fbi or the field office? >> i believe it was the leading field office. they did not want to do it in main justice for some -- their reasons, they decided. i would of gone wherever they asked me to go. >> it they tell you at the time you were going to provide information that was not true and correct you could be held liable for that under criminal statute? >> yes, of course, i appreciate you asking that question. i was operated as if i
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misrepresented, misstated, lied i was committing criminal offenses that i take seriously based on the fact that i was willing to die in the country. i did not accuse the fbi of lying i stated in my transcribed interview that the fbi made mistakes in their 302. my lawyers never saw that document until it was made public to the world >>and you attempted to correct that 302. >> i did. >> is that the same 302 exhibit 400a that i put into record? >> it is. >> have you had any other dispute? have you looked that? >> well, there are numerous mistakes in it. >> do you have any reason to believe that all of these sar reports were all fraud? >> gentleman's time has expired but he has a question about the report. >> i mean just the number of
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reports should give every american pause. of average american in this country will never receive a single sar. for a family or an individual to have over what i publicly seen 150 of them it is just extraordinary. >> okay. thank you very much. i want to thank all of the witnesses here today mr. chairman. thank you very much. >> gentleman. time expired. chair recognizes mr. kazar. >> can i have my full five minutes i appreciate it. >> thank you, chairman. while we clearly disagree casar. while we disagree, i hope that we can come to an agreement on some basics. presidents and officials should not be influenced by foreign powers, chairman i would be
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happy to declare briefly can we all agree that white house officials should notten influenced by foreign actors? >> it is your time. you can ask. we have witnesses here? >> i would assume that you would. >> we have witnesses a question or waste time with me. >> i am not wasting time with you. i think we have been disagreeing all day i hope we can come to an agreement that white house officials should not be bribed or uninfluenced i think you and i agree on this point? >> i see you nodding your head. i assume it is a yes. i am glad that we can work as an oversight committee on an investigations. do the work that we need to do and make sure that no one in the white house has betrayed the public trust. we spent countless hours talking about hunter biden, investigating every person he seems he has shaken hands with. we have not found a shred of evidence that connects it to the president of the united states or anyone with say over u.s. policy. but someone who has worked in the white house did accept
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money from a foreign power. donald trump's son-in-law jarad kushner received $2 billion from saudi arabia for his brand- new private equity firm. while hunter biden never had any say over u.s. policy, he got this $2 billion six months after working in the white house as a senior advisor on middle east policy. he had no perns in private equity in fact he was so inexperienced that saudi officials tried to block the transfer of the money until the crown prince overruled them. while working at the white house, he pushed through a deal. he defended the deal in the wake of the governness and the murder of a journalist and while it may all just be a coincidence, there is many questions. like was any of the money
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passed along to trump? was saudi money a thank you? was jared given the money in exchange for something else? or did someone with no experience have a lucky payday? these are questions we should have answers to. the oversight committee should look into. >> we can add another question. what was the role that jared kushner played the cover up of the. >> yield. >> so, i want to know. if hunter biden accepted $2 billion from the saudi government i am sure we would be looking into that today. and mr. chairman, i believe we can agree that there should not be undue influence in the white house, i believe we should be able to agree we should look into these questions about mr. kushner and mr. chairman you were on cnn and said quote, i have been a vocal -- i have been very vocal what kushner did crossed the line of ethics
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then in our deposition of hunter biden, the other day, discusses mr. kushner you said i quote from the deposition, when we deal with influence peddling we will ask about jared kushner. so, i would love to hear from you, can we fulfill our responsibility for an oversight committee and determine if saudi arabia bribed or influenced jared kushner can we look into it? >> we had a conversation with mrs. porter. we are working on the legislation, we will take up all of the people who have been accused of influence peddling and try to determine if he has a real business. we have not been able to find a real business that the bidens have had yet. still your time. >> so could we expect to subpoena mr. kushner or his firm's financial records or financial transactions between
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mr. kushner and his father in law? is that something we will occur doing as part of that hearing that you just discussed? >> what was the question? >> if we are serious about looking into foreign money, i saw recently a poster board here about $100,000 to a car dealership, are we going to be serious about the $2 billion from the saudi government to mr. kushner. my question is would we subpoena his correspondents with the saudi government and the firm's financial records can we commit to doing that? >> i think it is important to see if they were legitimate businesses. >> and? let me ask you a question. what business was hunter biden in? >> we heard explicitly from mr. biden. we heard from biden about his extensive business record and his experience on boards. we heard about that. >> time expired.
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. this house oversight commitmenty committee. we will hear more testimony when the committee returns. the house is working today on several energy policy bills, congress faces a friday deadline to fund part of the government for the rest of the fiscal year. live coverage on cspan3. . welcome back to washington journal. we are joined by jason snead.
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welcome to the program >> it is great to be here. >> tell us about the honest elections project. the commission and how you are funded? >> so, we are a nonpartisan organization that is dedicated to fighting for every american's right to vote in free and fair elections. we advocate for the best to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. putting confidence in the voting to encourage people to participate. as to how we are funded. we are funded by a number of donors that share our commitment that they have the system they can have confidence in. >> you put out a report to reforms that you are recommending. 14 in all. we will not go through all of them but, one of them is to ban ranked choice voting. what is wrong with voting that way and why do you want to ban it? >> it a new idea pushed all
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over the country to fundamentally alter elections. at bottom, my concern with it is that it makes it harder to vote. it makes voting take longer and it leads to results that are complicated and confusing and as i said before, our number one principal is inspiring confidence, i think it turns the elections into a black box and data shows that it discourages people from participating in the system. what it does is take a election system that most of us are familiar with, where you vote for one candidate in a race and the candidate that gets the most votes wins it upends that. instead of voting for one person, you are ranking candidates and you are going through rounds of elimination and redistribute. average american has 17 candidate races on it. the most common form of rank is final 5. so, now you are talking about ranking 5 people in 17 races that is 85 candidates that you are going to wind up having to rank every single time. it is a complicated system that
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does nothing to improve confidence in the elections or make voting simpler, it makes it harder. >> do you have to rank all of those candidates or, you know, can you just say it is my first choice and second choice and i don't have anymore choices after that? >> you can do that if you want to. but then you run into the issue of ballot exhaustion. if you only ranked two candidates and those candidates are eliminated your vote is eliminated as well. it is not just removed from the column of vote its for a candidate it is removed from the total votes cast. it is a bizarre quirk. with each round of elimination it looks as though fewer and fewer people cast a ballot. eric adams mayoral primary up in new york city, 140,000 votes were exhausted and thrown out. it was as though 140,000 fewer new yorkers casted a ballot. sometimes so many can be thrown out that you don't wind out with a candidate winning with a true majority t. is a manufactured majority, pulling
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in second and third place votes into the winning column to create a winner. >> another proposal that you have is to block private election funding. explain what you mean by private funding in elections >> this is something that we saw really for the first time in 2020. with an extraordinary half billion dollar money, it was given to two liberal nonprofits, we never seen this before. the grants were supposed to be buying ppd for covid, a lot of the money was spent to do things like look like got operations within government offices, what we are talking about, ban private election funding ban the grants that come from the special interest that go into election officers and skew the way they operate. i think that elections should be run in a way that is
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accountable to the people and use tax dollars not others that are pumping money into grant programs >> why are they needing that money in the first place? shouldn't they be well funded? >> well, actually, it is an interesting point. there is a political debate going on if we need additional election funding. i am all for making sure our offices are well funded. the funding should come from states, states are the responsible government under the constitution for running and administering the elections. if you need it you should go to your state legislature and make your case. i would make that case that we need well funded election offices. i don't think turning to private grants when they are coming from what look a lot like partisan groups is the right thing to do. again, that does nothing but muddy the waters and cost public its confidence in elections. >> if you would like to call in and ask a question, make a
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comment for our guest, jason snead. our lines are you can text us on our line it is 202-7488. >> these are not rules confirming audits that we are talking about in this report. these are what are called process audits, the idea here is that every office that runs in the election should have to be routinely audited. look at the books, make sure rules and procedures were followed and the law was adhered to. our laws of policy has secretaries of state doing this. developing professional audit teams and looking at each jurisdiction, making sure rules
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and laws are followed. this is not to cast anything on anyone it is to make sure they are working as well as they can and preed public confidence in the elections we would be looking at ballot handling procedures and the way offices are run across a series of metrics and that, i think, it is a really great way to inspire that confidence in the election results. you also want to ensure prompt election results, i am sure everybody wants to know the results quickly but what about rushing it and what is the importance of getting the results on election night? >> well, the reason you want to have results as close to election night as possible. the longer you drag the process out the more opportunity there is for people to doubt the results or think something is happening. we want to close that off completely by getting results promptly and accurately on election night. i stress the accuracy piece, to your point, we don't want to rush into something or call it
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too early. we have seen what happens when that happens before. what we want to make sure is that we are setting up a whole series of procedures and including setting deadlines for when people can request and return mail ballots to get them counted quickly. it is common sense and popular position with the american people who unlike me don't think of election night is the super bowl they want it over and done. >> here we think it is. [ laughter ] >> well, i want to show you this from the associated press. it says the republican set to push mail ballots. voting methods they previously blasted as recipes for fraud mail voting is how do you secure those ballots. they are vulnerable to fraud and they are vulnerable to errors. that's why we believe they should have common sense like ballots. you have to have restrictions
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on boat conferences. that's where you have workers that go door to door and collect ballots from them. that is something that would be ut hrer i unthinkable. and yet we see people going through ballot collection. making sure we have elections that have a reasonably defined time freight. one of the debates is how long should you offer early voting. some people say 6 weeks is voter suppression. i think two weeks is more than enough time to give people a chance to vote early. if you want to vote by mail, it's about securing that ballot to make sure your vote is being counted. >> i want to show you a portion of the senate rules committee hearing last week with the michigan secretary of state talking about access to early voting in her state. >> i am proud in michigan in
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2018 and 2022, voters enhanced audits and enhanced opportunities for military and over seas citizens to vote. they also gave people a right to vote from home. a right to have a drop box, one for every state that is secured and monitored and checked daily. and nine days of early voting in every statewide election. our presidential primary held just last month was the first state election where we held early voting and we found it to be a game changer in how citizens v an access to cast their ballot not only election day two saturdays or two sundays before election day can increase voter engagement and turn out. and address the fact when we look at who's not voting, a lot of elections based on various services and data is because of inconvenience. it's because they can't get to the polls on a certain time or
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a certain day. but expanding the number of election days we have has dramatically given citizens opportunity to participate and has given more democracy partners to engage citizens in becoming fully educated and informed voters. >> do you agree with that? >> i actually disagree with quite a lot of what secretary benson just said. let's start with the idea of expanding the lengths of voting. to a certain extent yes. but beyond a particular point you're going to see diminishing returns. when you're talking about pushing voting out to a month or six weeks very few people take advantage of that extremely early voting. this is voting that takes place even after there's a debate or candidate. and it ends up taxing election administrators, it ends up costing a lot of money and imposes manpower burn out who need to run six weeks of early polls. 80% of americans say that two
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weeks with of early voting with the chance to vote on weekends is sufficient. we're talking about republicans, democrats, white voters, black voters. there's also a couple of different things drop boxes for instance. if you look at what happened in bridge port connecticut. where there was a fraud ring conducted, where people were harvesting votes from voters and stuffing them into drop boxes. those drop boxes were said to be secured and monitored on video. that did nothing to stop people from engaging in fraud. you need to have fraud boxes secured inside of government buildings. that are ability only at business hours. if you want people to participate the best way to do that is to establish the ruleless we got in this report which is about providing
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safeguards for the voting process so that people understand that this is the way the process works. the rules are going to be followed. it's transparent and i can have confidence that my vote is going to be counted and illegal votes are not. >> thank you jason for coming on. i just want to say, i know after the last election, of course twice impeached failed president trump said it was unfair. so immediately a bunch of state legislatures and cities i suppose started doing all this, oh the elections are fraud, fraud, fraud. because you know he said so. that's basically, you know all that happened in my opinion. for a lot of that because they checked and said, they looked at the fraud over years and years, but the actual people
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trying to do the fraud you know numbers about 100 people. i'm not saying your job is not necessary and you definitely an intelligent guy and everything. i'm just saying it's because a lot of trump said that and a lot of our problems are because of things he said. any way, thanks again to you cspan. >> i would say if you go back and look historically at what states have done after elections, they usually come back with a series of laws that identify problems and then fix them. this is an iterative process. if you go back and look at what florida did after 2000 which was the center of laughs. you're looking at dozens of cig significant changes to law. and they will look at what worked in different places and.
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they will identify problems in their own state and they will pass laws to fix them. that's what we saw go on all over the country in the last six years. our state is identifying there were significant issues with the elections and it was time to fix them. i think its has placed a voting system which is more secure today and which makes it easier to vote in many places today than it did two or three years ago. the proof is in the pudding, they had election has done for a great service and going into 2024 i think on the whole particularly in the red states that passed these reforms, we're looking at an election system that's better than it's
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ever been. >> kathy are you there? maybe not. mike in ottawa. independent. >> i'm calling in support of choice voting. you have to be honest with yourself, the only reason to be against ranked choice voting is to keep third candidates out because most people are smart enough to know if there's a three candidate race, then ranked voting would put the spoiler. >> i think that ranked voting is just a process that makes voting more difficult for the average voter. it asks you to learn about more candidates largely unviable candidates and rank them in preference and you do that over and over again. it makes voting not only more difficult it makes voting take longer. there's an mit study that shows in the final five race you're adding an extra minute to the time it takes to vote for each one of those races. if it already takes 15 minutes to vote, now you're going to
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sit there and vote for 30 minutes in a polling place. that's going to lead to all sorts of ripple effects. people are not going to necessarily vote in those races because they have to pick up their children and go to soccer practice. and they're going to be voting for candidates they don't know anything about. there's a lot of reason why ranked choice voting is the wrong choice for americans. it's a fundamentally sham system that makes a whole lot of promises that they end up not keeping. there was a study out of the university of min minnesota that made a choice vote, more representative candidates, majority elections, nicer politics it fails on all fronts. >> and tom disagreed with you on x, he said this. i love rank choice voting. no more 39% winners, no more
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spoilers, ranked choice is easy and fun. with lots of exclamation marks. let's go to steve in heights town new jersey, democrat. >> hello. >> hi steve, go ahead. >> i would like to ask your guest about the organization that is the honest elections project and what they did in 2020 2020 and how they're funded. it looks like they're funded by the cokes brothers and betsy devoss. they made a big effort to restrict voting in 2020. and they are responsible for pushing certain republican justices on the supreme court. so that's my question. is the honest integrity project honest? >> well, i might be biased but i would say i am honest.
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and in terms of what we try to do here, we are fighting to improve elections with common sense safeguards. now some people say this amounts to restricting the vote. that's a very politicized and misleading term which is ultimately designed to make highly popular ideas like voting i.d.s seem they are fringed. when you look at data, asking you to show a photo i. d. 18% of the voting public say yes you should have to show an id to vote. including black voters, hispanic voters, everybody thinks this is common sense. the only reasonable you slap those misleading labels on these kinds of ideas is because you want to make it appear this is actually the fringe position in an effort to drown out the voices of an overwhelming and bipartisan majority of the american public. we're here to make sure they are a voice that can be heard and to advocate for these
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common sense reforms that are designed to inspire confidence in the election and therefor encourage people to continue participating. >> does your organization get involved in vetting them. >> no we have nothing to do with that. >> another steve, this time in lebanon junction, kentucky. republican. >> all right, thank you jason. this is something i've been wanting to know for a long time. i understand that in the 2020 i election states were allowed to change the election laws without going to the legislature. which allowed people to vote that weren't actually registered voters and those votes were allowed to count. if that were true, how can the 2020 election be considered legitimate. >> what you're probably talking about is the string of lawsuits that were filed in 2020 to change voting laws. there were actually over 200 that were filed before election
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day. usual usually from the left. in fact, almost always from the left. change voting procedures, push mail ballots automatically and so forth. there were about 2,000 of those. and judges rewrote those laws or even worse. the committee hearing will reconvene, chair recognizes mr. swawell for 5 minutes skwr-tz mr. bobulinski in your spwerp interactions with the biden family, did you ever see the chinese government approve patents. >> i did not.
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>> did you ever observe joe biden employ any of their children or spouses in the white house as vice president. >> i did not. i cannot speak to that. >> did you ever observe the bidens install a family member to be the cochair of the dnc? >> i'm sorry, ask the question again. >> did you ever observe the bidens install a family member to be the cochair of the democratic economy? >> i did not. >> did you ever see the biden family receive $2 billion from the saudi arabia government. >> i did not. >> to the trump family is that something you recognize as somebody who was also in that cult before? >> absolutely. >> is there hope for our man tony here? >> very little, i think. until he hits a brick wall.
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>> in your experience on a scale of 1 to 10 how eager was the trump campaign in your interactions to manufacture dirt on joe biden? 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. >> 10 plus. >> 10 plus. >> would it surprise you mr. parnas that the russians and in their disinformation campaign outlets have often sited chairman comers testimony to make their own allegations against joe biden. >> it doesn't surprise me because that's exactly what they want to happen. >> mr. chairman, it's over. time to pack it up. i want you to give you the 10 top reasons why impeachment is dead. number 10, your key witness is testifying from the slammer. number 9, key evidence of a bribe you all relied on.
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the guy who said that has been indicted if lying about that bribe and he's a russian asset. number 8, another key witness has been indicted as a chinese agent. number 7, during the hunter- biden interview you didn't even stay for the whole time. number six, chairman jason fitz didn't show up at all to the hunter-biden interview. the same day, number five, isis said it's a big nothing. number four, today jim jordan began his remarks not by relying on any evidence for this investigation, but he went off attacking the doj about what they're doing with the catholics. number three, you all still have not sent the articles of impeachment for the mayorkas impeachment to the senate and that happened last month. the number two, you're now talking a about a criminal referral but if you had, evidence for a criminal referral then you have evidence
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to impeach them and these are high crimes. number one and i'm sorry to say this, fox news isn't even carrying this today. one of the anchors broke away so minutes in said this is the same hearing over and over and over. at what point are you going to fish or cut bait? so i just have to tell you, it's over. impeachment is over. dunso, bye bye, rigamortis, lights out. curtain drop, mic drop, peace, adios, syonara, doyce donya, a language y'all know. did i say that right? >> yes. >> because you don't have the evidence, you don't have the votes. guys, it's dead. and so, i'm here to pronounce
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the time of death. 5:16. impeachment is dead. 5:16, impeachment is dead. joe biden has been acquitted. >> now recognizes mrs. luna from florida for five minutes. >> mr. parnas i want to read to you, first i will say, that the house oversight committee published in this document he stated that hunter biden was never asked to speak to anyone in the u.s. on behalf of barisma. mr. parnas are you aware that hartstein, our u.s. official in an interview, reported to have a meeting with him. mr. hawk testified he met with hunter biden and they talked about barisma. was the statement correct yes
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or not. >> the statement was correct. >> next statement. are you aware that parismas on behalf of barisma and according to painter and karen toritama the heads of barisma was that statement yes or not. >> no. you're incorrect. the answers were given not by me but by the ceo of. >> archer testified that protoski sat down for dinner with joe biden. that statement also was incorrect that you wrote to this committee, yes or no. >> no it's not incorrect. >> i think this witness credibility is shot. i would like to give the remaining of my time to the amazing representative from florida, representative matt gates. >> the democrats should have
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sent anyone. they could have sent hunter biden, devin archer. the democrats could have sent nip person to come and refute the direct evidence backed up by bank statements, backed up by e-mails, backed up by vice presidents. who did democrats sent? they sent parnas, parnas who was charged with enough crimes and violating our campaign finance laws to like, serve 50 years. but he gets four months. and like the big like grand criminal conspiracy is using russian oligarchs moneys to get marijuana licenses. which seems odd. and using that money to plow into campaigns to try to get that effective. but the fraud he by plowing russian money it was a fraud on
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his own investors who didn't get it. i guess mr. bobulinski as you hear frost say that mr. parnas, fresh often of his prison time, is the most credible witness we've had to address these business dealings. what's your reaction to that? >> i think it's laughable that the democrats are asking parnas to weigh in on my credibility a convicted felon that served jail time, i have an impeccable record. he warned me earlier in this hearing that they're coming to me. >> i said just keep talking. you'll be there soon. >> i look forward to it. >> keep lying. >> are you lying? >> it's not the truth. >> i said if you keep lying you will end up in prison. >> you're the one that went to prison. >> what am i lying for? tell me what i'm lying for. you don't even know what you're talking about. >> you went to jail for lying and defrauding your investors. >> the list is long.
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we don't have enough time. mr. gates has a minute. >> i think you're a little scared because mr. gates doesn't even ask a question. you're filibustering. the -- i've been here for six hours. you haven't asked a question. >> fraud is a crime, correct? >> fraud is a crime. >> you observed fraud on the part of the bidens. >> crystal clear, i have an independent law firm spend $300,000 to analyze that fraud and put together a lawsuit against the biden family. >> bribery a is a crime, correct. >> that's right. >> trying to get you into a business deal with hunter biden. deal and how the money was flowing from the chinese communist party to hunter biden, two other members of the biden family. does that concern you about a
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feature of money laundering. >> it did. i started to grow concerned after i met joe biden and i sat down with jim biden and he used the term plausible. they hired another law firm to kpwáeuf give me a work up to talk about the details of what could and not be done. >> sounds like fraud to me, i yield back. >> mr. fox from north carolina. dr. fox. >> thank you mr. chairman and i want to thank my colleagues for what you have been doing here today. unraveling these issues. mr. galinas, in your written testimony you staid that your quote objective was to build a diversity firm by globally
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known wall street brand together with a political name biden. end quote. is it correct that harvest fund management a $300 billion chinese financial services company closely connected to the communist chinese party was interested in partnering with you and your business partners? >> yes, that's correct. >> thank you. why was the ccp connected harvest fund management interested in doing business with you and your partners, hunter biden and devin archer? >> it was the only plausible reason and the reason we even discussed was because of the access provided. there was a quote that's attributed to henry doud the chairman that talked about the access that it provided. so there's documentation that was contemporaneous that said what that access was and. >> is it correct that believed
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that joe biden would take a seat on that company's board after his vice presidency ended? >> that's right. there were part of those conversations including the golf outing. >> are you aware of hunter biden ever speaking to his father joe biden about the plan to have him join the board of harvest fund management. >> it was aware of biden a choice to pursue personal gain over national security. mr. bobulinski is it true that former vice president joe biden met with xi jingming the chairman of chinese energy. >> it is based on walker saying
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to that. i personally was not at that meeting. >> when did this meeting take place based on what dr. walker said. >> it would have been february 2017 after they had a meeting in miami i believe james gilliard got on the corporate jet and flied with jingming and director zang in preparation for that meeting. >> after this meeting with former vice president joe biden and chairman xi were any payments made to the biden family and associates. >> yes, it gets to $3 million were wired to walker's account. they sent two wires the first wire got kicked back then they sent a second wire on march 1, 2017 to robinson walker llc then as your committee's walked through today they parched that out in numerous different payments. >> thank you. mr. chairman, it is clear that joe biden is a common element
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in all of hunter biden's attempts to do business with china. there's a pattern emerging that the biden family and associates including joe biden himself deliberately chose personal gain over the safety and best interest of the have americans joe biden was elected to serve, protect and defend. with that i will yield the balance of my time to mr. gates. >> hunter biden's deposition. question, do you think some of your business associates we've spoken about today mr. archer, mr. bobulinski, mr. galanis, do you think you had any expectation, your dad had any in your meeting. answer from mr. biden, not an expectation from me. what can we get out of dad for this? mr. galanis what's your reaction from that testimony from hunter biden in light of you describing the joe biden
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list? skwr-tz it's thought that the hraoeufpb i think there's documentation that that's just an untruthful statement. >> what i'm trying to understand mr. galanis is there you are sitting in a prison cell for a financial crime where you were an associate with hunter biden and they're out enjoying southern california and you're sitting in a prison cell. they've got the ability to come and give this false testimony to congress. is it your belief that the bidens justice department retaliates against people who speak out against the bidens and their crimes. >> i am living that. i think to clarify, i feel responsible for my crimes, i've pleaded guilty. i served eight years. clean conduct and i think i've rehabilitated myself quite a bit in that period of time. the evidence and track record but i would say it's quite possibly a pattern of two tiers of justice. that's something i've lived
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experienced that i've gone through. >> yield back. >> before i recognize mr.. for what purpose does phr-g briggs seek recognition. >> i want to include an article. the article is entitled impeach the mfer. >> the press release from the department of justice galanis sentenced to 15 year sentence. >> so ordered. the chair now recognizes mr. waltz from florida. >> i find it rich that mr. swowell is going to come to this committee and lecture how china penetrates our government. i think that's something he may know a thing or two about.
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i want to talk about, how china has penetrated this government. because i think the visual is incredibly important. mr. bobulinski, two skwráeufpl biden as a protege of xi, is that accurate. >> not only is it accurate and it wasn't just hunter biden, i wouldn't have used the word protege. >> you don't run china's largest energy company without being close. >> correct. >> and they ran an enterprise worth tens of billions including from a national security standpoint this is the critical piece here including implementing china's belt and road initiative. not just all over the world, right here in the united
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states. >> correct. >> cnc was effectively the shadow arm of the chinese government employing tens of millions of dollars. at its peak it was doing $50 billion of revenue per year. >> diplomacy where they're bribing officials, they take as collateral. not just grids, ports, airports, key infrastructure that the chinese government could leverage and use against anymore country but also here in the united states. i mean that's how the belt and road initiative works. heck i was just in the armed services committee, our specific command talking about how china is basically gobbling up infrastructure around the world including here. so, by the mid-what 2015- 2015, by 2017, hunter biden scored
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such a partnership with chairman the day he planned to share an office space with him and then just removed vice president biden at the house of sweden in washington, d.c. correct. >> here's what's interesting. building on chairman foxx's questions. within days, blows through these companies we've depict -ld -- depicted here. the flow from jim biden, to hunter biden, to sarah biden. the kicker here mr. chairman is that we know hunter is then complaining about paying all his dad's bills. he's complaining to the other relatives saying you free loaders i'm having to use all
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this money to pay dads bills. house renovations and sorts of things, correct. >> it's important for the american people to understand, the $3 million was 3 of $20 million that the bidens expected to be paid for the work in 2015 and 2016. >> and that's not just my word. that is documented. >> that's all documented. bank records, text messages, e-mails. bob menendez wife can't get paid by the egyptians then go pay senator menendez bills. i can't have my daughter get paid by i don't know russia and china then pay my bills. and we know also that they had comingled funds with the vice president of the united states. when we talk about crimes let's talk about the crimes. we know he purgerred himself. that's a crime. was he registered under fara was he registered as an agent.
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>> not that i'm aware of. >> was he complicit of his dad knowing he was an agent. >> 100%. >> he was clearly acting in that capacity. we have the capacities act. mr. khaeupl, there are multiple, the committee has established ample evidence. we must move to impeachment. we cannot allow this to stand. and i look forward to seeing those references to the department of justices for this alone. this is a critical national security issue. the chinese communist party call it the pri ncling. they don't go through the king they go through the soon. they've done it at the highest levels of the united states. >> a couple of uc requests if that's all right. >> proceed. >> one is from archer's transcript interview testifying
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that joe biden had nothing to do with archer's business ventures. to hunter, second is the declassified intelligence from the national intelligence council march 2021 details efforts to interfere in the 2020 u.s. elections and finally, most importantly, the u.s. district court decision united states versus galanis. where mr. galanis was described as a con artist who wanted to be in business with hunter biden but never was and how they thought they could add layers of legitimacy to the con operations. if i may. >> unlike the convicted felon next to you, you've served in the military. >> correct. >> you've done big deals.
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>> correct. >> complicated deals. deals that involve foreign businesses, right. >> correct. >> what i'm trying to figure out, is when you came to realize that you showed up at the wrong party, because you strike me as a guy who showed up to do a legitimate business deal and you ended up instead at a bribe. and so as you're looking at cefc, as you're having this meeting with joe biden as hunter biden is introducing you to his web of contacts. when did you go from serious businessman, tony bobulinski to a guy worried that you had been unwillingly insnared into joe and hunter's businesses. >> it was not an a-ha moment, it was more of.
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the biden family wasn't any entrance into this. gilliard who traveled the world doing business kept trying to get me involved. i really had no interest. no interest. i sat down in 2017 to walk through things then i quickly put together two businesses, sinehawkins-onida. after a meeting in los angeles with hunt hunter and joe biden. bells and whistles started do go off when i heard plausible deniability. >> straight from the lips of joe biden. right on the heels of your discussion with joe biden. when you start thinking, this may not be legit. >> and may -- my lawyers can attest.
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because i asked, listen, i'm a former service member, someone couldn't take me to dinner for $50. >> but your persist. >> when the biden family put them right center in the middle of a $9 million transaction between the russian state owned energy company rasnas and cnc a surrogate for the chinese energy company. >> and were there ever a deal when you started to see the money move around the legitimate business enterprise and toward the pockets of the bidens. >> well the challenge mr. gates with that is at the time they moved the money, right. you guys have the text messages where text messages where they shook down director zang. this doesn't make sense to me, where's the money. i stepped in and had lawyers sit down and look at the
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entity. i didn't know for years until i found out they defrauded me. took this money. >> it was either a bribe or a business. >> it was a bribe from the chinese energy company. i don't say that lightly. there's 1,200 pages, 8 days of testimony in the southern district of new york. i encourage everyone watching me, hearing me say this. they are publicly available. go read them. our department of justice, outlines in intimate detail the corrections and frauds the cnc was deploying. i'm here to believe that they did this in every other country, with the biden family it was pristine. it was an actual clean business. that's absurd. >> and you came to know that and that's when you blew the whistle right. that's when you started to get worried when you saw joe biden. >> the whistle blowers i can't
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give them enough kudos. they published where i'm it rating the concerns. >> this wasn't just a corrupt bribe, a corrupt business deal happening to a guy that used to be vice president. everybody has made a big deal like you're a bad guy you showed up at the debate or you're trying to give life to these facts that you've observed that it was so bad you did that during a political contest. but observing this it kind of seems it would be unpatriotic for you to stay quiet. >> of course. >> joe biden running for president clearly motivated the chinese to consummate this bribe. did it also motivate you? >> well i didn't want to go public. i wanted to simply unload all the facts, personal experiences. it's funny there's 18 people on this committee with law degrees including i think mr. swallow. evidence, firsthand testimony is the most powerful evidence you've had. i've given it, mr. galanis has given it along with a whole host of witnesses. i have thousands of documents
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and pages of legals and stuff like that. i wanted to give this information. >> no one questioned any of your pacts. no one brought a single piece of evidence that even for a moment discredited any of the truthful testimony that you've given us? >> no they did not. >> i yield back. >> gentleman yields back. that concludes our questions. again, i want to thank the witnesses. we are going to close now. and i will yield to the ranking member for a brief closing statement. >> great and i will take an extra 32 seconds as mr. gates did. well, and while we're on mr. gates, who seemed to be upset about a couple of different things. one is fraud that trump in a civil case owes 154 million unless that's gone up with interest. he's having a hard time coming
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up with that. but i'm sure mr. gates will help him to pay for donald trump criminal lawyers or civil lawyers. that's a criminal choice. he's also upset about china. well if you check out the democrats report white house for sale how princes prime minister and premiers paid off president trump you will find that china actually gave more than $5 million to donald trump while he was president of the united states in direct violation of the imalium clause. and we spent the day jawboning about hunter biden who has never held public office and he's never done business with a government. yet, we have right in front of us in front of our very eyes. mammoth corruption, unprecedent u.s. history by donald trump as president and my friends don't say a single word about it.
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but he wants to lecture mr. parnas about the illegal donations he made on behalf of protrump superpack. i've noticed something interesting with the people who have finally disenthralled themselves and gotten out of the trump cult as mr. parnas puts it. there's an article about them. there's dozens of those people. i would be fleeing for the exits now too. what's so fascinating to me about it is they don't mind when these people lie for donald trump. then when they get out and start telling the truth, that's when they call them liars for what they did when they worked for donald trump. mr. parnas, they are not mad that you lied and went to prison for and did your time. they're mad you stopped lying for donald trump. >> absolutely, congress member. >> so when i was a state assistant attorney general, i saw a judge, my very first day
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of work, said done you forgot the very first rule of lawyering. when you go to court, you have to bring the evidence with you. you forgot to bring the evidence. there's no evidence. hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, dozens of hours of testimony, but not a shred of evidence of presidential wrong doing. much less an impeachable offense by president biden. you're making not just a laughing stock, my members are saying when will they call off this nonsense. here we are. again mr. parnas i want to thank you. you have explained to america that the allegations at the very foundation of this inquiry were predicated on russian propaganda and disinformation just as they were at the start of the hit job that you and rudy giuliani were sent to do back in 2018 and 19. i want to thank you for showing america what real intellectual honesty and personal honesty look like and how you can grow
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out of the deranged trump syndrome that so many of our colleagues are still suffering from today. it's time to call this investigation for what it is mr. chairman. it's not just, an embarrassing failure. an historic failure but it's a betrayal of democracy, freedom of rule of law as putin tramples the freedoms of tkphrobg democracy of people in ukraine. we should be spending our time. >> should have brought my waders from the farm. i want to thank our witnesses for being here today. mr. bobulinski, mr. galanis have delivered testimony implicating mr. biden and his family peddling schemes. schemes that brought over $24 million into the biden family and their business associates pockets. for what? i never heard the minority say what they did or what business
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the bidens were in. mr. bobulinski and mr. galanis have not changed their stories. mr. bobulinski and mr. galanis did not ask for this hearing but they showed up for it because they have not to hide. i also invited hunter biden to this hearing. in part due to his own request that he be allowed to provide transparency and testimony before the american people. or at least he did request this hearing, and then he sent for a deposition with the oversight and judiciary committees. now he's nowhere to be found. mr. bobulinski and galanis and others have implicated joe biden in the biden family business. i attempted to solve this
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problem by getting the witnesses in the same room together to straighten out any misunderstanding. it should be clear to the american people that hunter biden's word is as valuable as the fake services he was selling. and this committee will not play games or belittle the institution of congress by allowing hunter biden to call the shots about who he testifies with. or when he does it. at this point, the only person who can resolve this discrepancy about joe biden's participation in his family's influence peddling schemes is joe biden himself. as i said at the beginning of this hearing, joe biden was either used by his family over and over again and paraded in front of his business partners to rake in millions of dollars. or he knew exactly what he was doing to enrich his family. joe biden was either complicit,
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or incompetent. the american people deserve to know which one it is. which one it was but neither is acceptable for the leader of the united states. i don't think anyone believes this is acceptable behavior for the family of the president of the united states. to receive tens of millions of dollars from our adversaries around the world and they can't say one single thing they did to receive the money. nobody supports that. i don't care if you're democrat, republican, if you're from a big city or small town. that's not what this, democracy is about. that's not what, the founding fathers set up. they set this up that we have public service cub and provide their public service and then go on. they did not, set this up for public servants to enrich themselves through their family. through influenced peddling. no one has denied.
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is anyone denying that the biden family was influence peddling. nobody is denying that the family was influence peddling. what we have here is a mayor discrepancy on what role joe biden played. we know three former biden associates say that joe biden is actively involved and newspaper full well what these schemes were. what this family was up to. we have hunter biden testifying under oath that his dad didn't know. so in the coming days, i will invite president biden to the oversight committee, to provide his testimony and explain why his family received tens of millions of the dollars from foreign companies with his assistants. we need to hear it from the president himself. and i assure the american people that they will be able to evaluate for themselves the
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president's honesty and fitness for the office he now holds. with that. >> mr. chairman are you going to invite donald trump to talk about his violations? >> you all have investigated donald trump for years and i'm pretty sure i read in the papers there's a lot of investigations of don donald t rump. >> are you going to work with me to see that joe biden comes and answers these discrepancies, this is a big deal. >> there's no discrepancies. there's no evidence at all that he has caused any high crime misdemeanor, what is it? >> i want to thank our panelists once again fortune their important and insightful testimony today. with that, and without objection all members will have five legislative days in which to submit materials for the witnesses which will be forwarded to the witnesses for
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their response. if there's no further witnesses, without objection, the committee stands adjourned.
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