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tv   Reel America Historically Black Colleges during WWII  CSPAN  April 7, 2024 4:15pm-4:25pm EDT

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progress, education and industry has a new meaning today to. progress. we must win this war to win this war, we must have machine and brains to direct these instruments of warfare. we need the train minds of millions of specialists, our american colleges and universities are responding to the call for trained education is speeded up courses are being geared for war. like many other american colleges, tuskegee institute in
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alabama has been graduating qualified players for some time. the united states army forces stationed at tuskegee field hold classes on the campus to teach the fundamentals of ground school. tuskegee shops, prepare students for jobs, aviation plants. the work of dr. carver is well known pilot tuskegee. he has contributed much to the science of nutrition and is now using his talents and his knowledge in the war effort. other tuskegee scientists are also working to improve diets at home with the need of greater quantities of alcohol for war uses. scientists are working methods to get alcohol out of agricultural products using an improved process. these scientists get more alcohol from the plentiful sweet potato than ever before. many courses like this automotive class are given to women who learn to fill jobs vacated by men gone to war.
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prairie view, one of the state colleges of texas, is courses to supply trained and women to the increasingly technical fields of industrial military service in the agriculture department, students study the operation and of farm equipment methods of increasing farm products and study of animal husbandry are part of this program of pass how to make machine parts and tools so difficult to get in wartime. many will get jobs in war, plant well-equipped machine shops in the department teach these men how to make the materials vital in our war effort today. the demand for trained specialists is increasing. jobs are opening all parts of the country and these college departments help to meet the shortage of manpower. colleges everywhere are, adding
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new courses for war training and are putting new emphasis on ones. for example here at howard university, located in washington dc, this class in mechanical designing trains, men and women jobs in the plants that make our tanks, guns and machine. this meteorology class teaches future players celestial navigation. the that guides our planes to their objectives and safely home again. many laboratories now specializing on war materials and classes like this teach students the chemistry of powder and explosives to train them for positions in munition testing machines. try the explosive force of new powders. howard university medical has speeded up training to furnish and nurses for the fighting forces. one of the country's leading authorities on blood plasma shows students.
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how determine the gravity of plasma to be used in the war zone in the college of liberal arts. this class that is the economics of war many graduates fill jobs in, the accounting departments of war, plant and government agencies hampton institute located on the banks of hampton roads, virginia, is practically on a 24 hour basis, training hundreds war workers. the president's home was an old plantation house here. one of the country's great educators welcomes foreign students who are sent to learn american customs culture students studying building and architecture built most of the buildings on hampton. one of the special workers is in radio operation and construction. here, students learn, operate communication centers and thus
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prepare for specialized with the armed forces hampton war program is more than that of here. the class in chemistry assists an instructor with doing much research in development of new war material. science students are preparing themselves as laboratory technicians and work on special studies for the united states public health service. this student is testing for bacteria in food caused by handling because of the urgent for trained nurses hampton is cooperating with nearby hospitals by providing classroom and laboratory training. several graduates of ground classes like this are flying with the united states army force pursuit squadron at tuskegee. others serving as instructors in, other college, airfield while turning out for materials on contract. these students are training to take their places with the
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nation's skilled mechanic step up courses are offered to men already in war industry as well as to students to meet the demand for skilled workers at the nearby shipyards where ships than ever before are sent down the way hampton's agriculture department has added a course in farm management for women. these girls are planting corn on the college farm as they learn to operate farm equipment at the student built dairy farm. girls watch an expert nilka cow, one of the most significant fields of the war is the study and work nutrition. as much has been done with the use soybeans as a substitute for and milk so important but present when we are conserving these foods war purposes. since the war began, many radio programs have been sent over hampton station giving. the results of research, ways to
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improve diet, to raise better crops, and how to do our part to the war. our broadcast to thousands families within reach of this station, students take a course in surveying and topography to aid them in army training. the institute regiment has been in existence since 1868, when hampton was founded. cadet uniforms are made students in the college tailoring. many of hampton's facilities are now being used by the armed forces. the elected men throughout the country sent for training as army motor. after the three month course, these men are usually sent back to their in charge of repair crews, army trucks from nearby camps are soon put in order. the class in specialized training is now given in hampton's engineering department for hundreds of men in the united states navy.
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thousands of men and women of these colleges over nation are now taking their places in our war effort physically and mentally fit.
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i'm seuss is senior scientist curator of fossil


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