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tv   New Jersey Governor Gives State of the State Address  CSPAN  April 8, 2024 6:25pm-7:33pm EDT

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[applause] [applause] what a treat to be back. before we kick things off this afternoon, i want to mention a little public service announcement here that yesterday we declared a state of emergency which will take place later today at 5:00. we made this call based on the
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severe weather that is headed our way which will require a tremendous degree of coordination on the part of our office of emergency management and as always, we thank them for their heroic work. we are particularly concerned about the potential impact the storm may have on the area surrounding the rivers as there may be moderate or even major flooding. across the state we expect anywhere from one to 4 inches of rain and of the most significant rainfall to occur between early evening and about 2 a.m. tomorrow morning. we also expect high wind with a potential to cause power outages tonight through tomorrow. alina workers, forest crews and hazard workers are monitoring the situation literally minute by minute and of the board of public utilities are taking every step they can to ensure the providers are ready for
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whatever may come our way and we thank them for their heroic work as well. to everybody watching let me say tonight is a good night to stay home. please avoid driving if at all possible, and if you have to drive, go slow, use caution and planning for extra travel time. if you are experiencing an outage please report it immediately if you come across any downed wires, stay away and call them in. the state emergency operations center is activated at level number two and we will keep you updated as we learn the latest in coordination with the national weather service to the county partners and stakeholders you could keep track of updates and ready .gov through the state's official media channels including on the platform formerly known as twitter lieutenant governor, senate
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president. [applause] assembly speaker. [applause] who is now officially the longest serving speaker in the history of the state of new jersey. minority leaders and members of the 221st legislature with special thanks to the rocking committee that walked me into this chamber. chief justice, associate justices patterson, solomon. members of the cabinet, senior staff, former governors cody and let me say to the governor and
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his first lady who is with him, congratulations on claiming your title is the longest-serving lawmaker in new jersey's history. [applause] you don't get that every day. former lieutenant governor is with us. thank you for being here. the first lady of the great state of new jersey is in the house. [cheering] and josh, charlie and sam murphy. [applause]
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our brothers and sisters in organized labor. [applause] special guests, friends and my fellow new jerseyans as we begin our seventh year of partnership, new jersey stands strong, resilient and brimming with ambition. today we have lived up to the promise to build a state that is not just stronger or fairer. fair. we are building a state that is stronger and more fair. since the day that i first put my hand on the bible, we've been driven by one idea and of that idea is big, inclusive and unmatched. an idea that we are working toward every single day to make new jersey the best place it can be anywhere to raise a family. a state with greater reform and affordability, lower taxes for
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working families and the best possible quality of life. a state where new industries are blooming and small businesses are booming. a state with savor communities and the best schools in the entire country. and the state in which our fundamental rights from voting rights to reproductive rights and every right in between our secure without question. we know these are not a simple times as many of our neighbors tell us. this is an area of unease and uncertainty. we live in a world walked by two borders, a surgeon hate crimes, inflation, high interest rates, the aftermath of a pandemic and the tail end of supply chain
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disruptions and in the face of the challenges, building a stronger, fairer, more resilient and inclusive new jersey has never been more necessary. so here is our task today, to meet these hard times by working even harder. where it's valued every step of the way by working together. before i go any further, i want to acknowledge two of the brilliant beloved colleagues who are sadly not here with us today. the former president of the board of public utilities and my former partner and government lieutenant governor oliver. they were both giants and ims them every second of every day. both joe's wife maryland and charles senior is with us today and i want to thank them both for joining us.
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[applause] this is the first time i've interest this without sheila by my side. it's not the same without her and not just because she stole the show with her style and plays but because she brought out the best of us. she was the best of us and it's her honor as well as joe i ask that we observe a moment of silence. as we strive to live up to their
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legacies today, as i look around the room i'm filled with hope as we welcome many new faces who just months ago took their oath of office. each of you let me say congratulations and especially to those who some predict would not be sitting here today. i guess being in the picture with me wasn't so bad after all. just wanted to get that off my chest. in all seriousness, i want to welcome to new colleagues in particular. the first female member of the lgbt community ever to serve in the legislature.
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[applause] and the very own assembly man the first ever south asia republican to join the ranks. congratulations. [applause] the historic presence in the building speaks to the fact that we are bound by something far bigger than politics because the disagreements or political views we are members of the same new jersey family, and we are all incredibly proud to be americans and as leaders we owe it to our children to hand them a state
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that can overcome any challenge and cease any opportunity. let us unite to the biggest challenge facing the families. the fact that for too many, the cost of living is too high. but we can turn things around for our families. i know that because we have done it before in the face of the strong headwinds we unleashed historic economic progress for new jersey. since the last administration we doubled the growth rate of the states economy and at the same time we've created nearly 200,000 jobs, jobs that pay well and support a family. they give people the confidence that they can make their future right here in the garden state and that is how we make new jersey the best place to raise a
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family. and as we look ahead, our view is to make sure that every family benefits from our economic momentum. we've connected 20 separate new tax cuts for middle-class families and seniors. we've created the most ambitious property tax relief program in the state's history, the anchor program for the second year in a row that program has put nearly $2 billion back into the pockets of a million and a half seniors and middle-class families. what does that mean for each household? that means up to $1,750 of direct relief. and that means more money in the pockets of people and veterans like eddie freeman who is with us today. [applause] eddie is a former sergeant in
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the army who owns his home that will be easier for him to remain. god bless you and thank you for the service to the nation. [applause] we are not stopping there. in partnership with the speaker, we are going to provide even more relief with programs so more grandparents can stay close to their kids and their grandkids. additionally with the help of a speaker the senate president's and all of the legislative partners with the start of 2024, we have hit another milestone in
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our mission to uplift families and as of this month, the minimum wave wage has nearly $1,500 an hour $15 an hour. that is a promise kept and it will adjust for inflation so even when the costs rise, working people will not fall behind. in fact, by the time i leave office which by the way isn't for another couple of years, our minimum wage could be nearly double what it was when i was elected to this office in. but we need to keep moving forward because making life more affordable for more families is our highest priority.
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we need to recognize the financial security is a challenge and in every facet of life. working parents walk through the grocery store or shop for school supplies and it certainly doesn't feel like things are working in their favor. people are worried on a very fundamental level about the financial stability. when i talk to families across the state, they tell me it's harder to make ends meet, harder to cover the cost of everyday necessities. and they live with the fear that they are one bad diagnosis or one paycheck away from financial ruin or that they will never be able to own a home or send their kids to college. i hear these voices and understand the fears because long before i was governor, i was a kid in a family that was middle-class on a good day and those struggles inform who i am
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today and that is why i fight the fight that i do, because i have your back. i always have and i always will, and i will always fight to make sure every family has a fair shot at new jersey. i know i'm called an optimist among other names, just making sure you're paying attention out there, i am an optimist because all those years ago, our government was there for us to provide a stepping stone so my siblings and i could climb the ladder of opportunity. for us a little help meant a fair shot. today i believe we can and must put the american dream back at reach for anyone willing to work for it and that we could provide every family the same opportunities that my family had and that is exactly what we will
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do by addressing the drivers of high cost starting with healthcare. in the wealthiest nation in the world, nobody should have to worry about being able to afford critical healthcare services or a life-saving medical procedure. [applause] but sadly that is the reality for too many. right now in new jersey more than one in ten of our neighbors has medical debt in collections. at that number is even higher in communities of color and we know when someone is saddled with medical debt they are less likely to seek medical care, because they worry about being harassed by predatory debt collectors who will garnish their wages or even cease their property. if they see warning signs of
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other health that is dangerous and it is wrong, so we are taking action. in last year's budget we invested $10 million into an innovative medical debt program. for every dollar invested, we could retire up to $100 or even more. with us today is andrew gregory the husband of casey mcintyre who tragically passed away from ovarian cancer just two months ago. but before casey's passing, she and andrew did something incredibly heroic. they agreed the last message to the world would be launching a fundraising campaign to pay off the medical debt of families struggling to get by.
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please, presumably you all have never met before. in a matter of days they raised nearly $220,000. [applause] andrew told me a while ago that number is now up to $1.1 million. god bless you. [applause] again in a matter of days $220,000 as we sit here today, $1.1 million, and we thank you and pray for your blessed wife's memory. your efforts are a lesson in empathy and a lesson those of us in power must take to heart so let us work together to ensure that our neighbors don't have to start a go fund me campaign just to afford potentially life-saving healthcare.
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pulling people out from under crushing medical debt is vital. but so is protecting them from falling down that hole in the first place. and in that spirit today with great respect, i'm calling on the legislature to enact a new package that will help families avoid being caught in a medical debt trap and at the same time require every single medical bill to be clear and transparent. and i'm asking for the first part of the package to be named in honor of a brilliant public servant who was taken from us far too soon, the debt relief act. a member of our office of healthcare affordability and transparency, and a major force behind this legislative package. tragically we lost her in a car accident on new year's day.
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she was only 25-years-old. she was talented, thoughtful and dedicated every day as a member of the team to make the healthcare system more accessible and affordable for more people, so with this legislative package we can carry her mission forward and helped thousands of our neighbors avoid falling into medical debt. i want to call a timeout and say her mom, dad, brother and partner are watching on a streaming service from their hometown of chicago. god bless you all and her memory and in our prayers forever. [applause]
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as we strive to help our families feel more financially secure when it comes to their medical bills, we are also making them feel more secure in their homes. under our administration, new jersey has emerged as a national leader in expanding affordable housing. however, we have a new challenge on our hands. new jersey is popular. people see our quality of life, best in the nation public schools. the top ranking public safety and they say sign me up. in fact between 2021 and 22, thousands of new yorkers make the move across and set roots in new jersey. it was the third-largest movement from one state to another in the entire country. ..
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suffered a medical crisis was forced to back or forced to move back home. but they were able to keep a roof over their heads thanks to recently built supportive housing project in patterson. today, to help many mortgagors students like the toady family we are committing to eliminating our states shortage of hundreds of thousands of affordable housing units. christina could you stand up and take a bow forest, great to have you. patterson is in the house. we will aim to build new housing
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options where they're needed most. not just anywhere. in locations that are close to jobs, transit hubs and mainstream businesses. to help accomplish this goal i d look forward to setting legislation led by these two gentlemen the senate president and speaker as well as by senator troy singleton assemblywoman ivanka lopez to make it a whole lot easier to build more affordable housing efficiently and equitably. our shared vision is simple, ensuring everyone raising a family in new jersey as a safe affordable place to call home. and, in the spirit of lifting the financial burdens weighing on our families let us redouble our commitment to bringing universal pre-k to all of new jersey. [applause] to ensure every family
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regardless of their economic status can afford to send their child to a safe, enriching environment during the day. so far collectively we have helped more than 14000 of our states children enrolled in the pre-k program and we are just getting started. because making new jersey the best place to raise a family means ensuring every child has the support they need to reach the full potential and every parent has the freedom to go to work, go to school, or take care of other family members. once again, this is how you build the state that is stronger and fairer and more affordable by preventing families from falling into a financial hole because they had a medical procedure. or by enrolling kids in the pre-k program free of charge. or by helping our neighbors particularly in communities of color and young families generate long-term wealth. and by cutting taxes and raising
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wages and putting more money back into people's pockets. each one of these instills confidence that you could not only live comfortably in new jersey but that you could not imagine living anywhere else. and, to go even further let us continue rebuilding the pathways to prosperity in the form of good paying family supporting jobs. in new jersey we have always been the organized labor states. more than anything we are prounion because we are pro- middle-class. when workers are strong, middle-class families are strong. that is why it during our time in office as union jobs have declined on a national level here in new jersey we have increased meaningfully our unionized workforce. [applause]
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[applause] [cheering] amen. amen. moreover we are also taking it lead to helping our workers develop new skills so they can be more competitive in the labor market and ultimately earn higher wages. we have doubled the number of apprenticeship programs in new jersey it feels like the life sciences home healthcare and renewable energy to pick just a few fields. these programs are equipping our workers with the tools they need to outcompete anyone they are helping everyone from displaced workers to recent graduates find
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their ticket to a good paying career. perhaps most importantly they are crating opportunities for veterans in our state who deserve every possible form of support and care that we could provide. god bless our veterans. [applause] amen. crucially these programs are also helping address our lingering shortage of critical workers. especially nurses and educators. with us today is sabrina charles with a great honor of meeting a little while ago who will be graduating there she is,
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sabrina. graduating with honors i might add in may from the wrecker school of nursing. yes. you may not be able to see it she's also flying the colors as well here. yes you are. sabrina is doing her part to help resolve our nursing shortage we are going to keep doing our part to support many others like her who are pursuing a career of service. and with our student teacher scholarships we have already been providing financial support to more than 700 educators getting started in their careers. in the years to come we hope to support many more aspiring educators like one of the folks joining us today besides sabrina, jason william stand up
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and take about. the student at university and. yes. he is already a member of the new jersey education association. [laughter] plans to serve our states as a special education teacher. [applause] just as we are creating opportunities for that workers who are so critical to our society we are equally committed opportunities for small businesses so critical to our economy. tort nation leading pandemic relief revitalization programs
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we invested nearly $1 billion into helping our small businesses stay afloat. these note are helping our family-owned businesses survive in the short-term, but thrive in the long term. in fact since we entered office nearly 60000 new small businesses have open their doors in the garden state. [applause] and i can think of no better measure of our success than recently cnbc made new jersey as the most improved state in america for business. [applause] with us today is hose eight floors the general manager, stand up and take about.
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so ill gordo is a chain of restaurants that have been awarded more than $60000 through new jersey economic develop in authority. was founded by a latina entrepreneur back in 1996. and in the years since it's been a community stable they just open their location. cooks a little over a decade ago, monica handed the keys to the business over to her daughter who i was in touch with this morning who is now carrying this and proud of family legacy forward. immigrants and small business owners like josé, monica and are the backbone of new jersey. we depend on them. we depend on them. [cheering]
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[applause] [applause] so, let's make sure they can continue growing in the garden state for generations to come. as we continue growing our economy in a stronger fair direction it is essential grossman durable foundation. the fact is it is hard to support the economy of tomorrow with the last century's infrastructure. that is why we are continuing to invest in the future a transportation system at record levels. just this past november with initially broke ground on the jersey side of the hudson tunnel rail projects.
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[applause] one of the biggest policy failures in our state's history was when the last administration abandoned this project. we are correcting that mistake we are moving ahead and complete in the hudson tunnel rail project. what does that mean for you? first about this will improve reliability for our entire rail system. in the building new titles were going to create roughly 70000 good paying union jobs. [applause] [cheering] [cheering] and once these tunnels are built
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built, to give you just one example, commuters on the line will be able to catch that one seat ride in and out of manhattan during rush hour. [applause] i knew i would get westfield's attention there. simply put we are making it easier for families to get where they need to be, when they need to be there so they can spend less time commuting and more time with their loved ones. infrastructure is a perfect example of how the decisions we do or do not make will define the type of stately hand to our kids. the sad fact is for a long time trenton was content with ignoring the fiscal elephants in the room. our debt, pension payments, funding for public schools, on and on and on. from day one i've kept my
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promise we would get our fiscal house in order. and we have. we have fully funded our state pension three years in a row. and soon we will make it four. [applause] that is a lot of support in the rafters, you people are welcome to keep standing if you would like. we have secured seven credit rating upgrades over the past six years. let me put that into context for the last time new jersey's credit rating was upgraded even once was 2005. the last time before that , 77. this is bigger than just physical jargon. those upgrades mean we can put money back in the pockets of our
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taxpayers. and don't take my word for it. the office of public finance says these upgrades will save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars over time if, if, if the state remains on a fiscally responsible course. and our complicated and ever-changing world remaining on that responsible course this ever been more important and as long as i am governor we will. but let us also recognize -- but let us also recognize responsible leadership is not only about economics. it's also about defending her fundamental freedoms. we see in many states abandon that principle we seen a resurgence, radical right-wing
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agenda but is bent on coming after fundamental rights. voting rights, lgbt rights, explicitly the right to an abortion. [applause] there is no sugarcoating this. women's healthcare in america is in a state of crisis. why talk about making new jersey the best place to raise a family, that also means ensuring every woman has the freedom to start a family on their own terms. [applause] [cheering]
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here in new jersey, before the dobbs decision came down we codify the right to an abortion. we had long ago restored funding for planned parenthood and family planning services after eight years before us of zero funding. and later this year thanks to the leadership of senator shirley turner assemblywoman reynolds jackson. [applause] we will take another step. women will be able to walk into a new jersey pharmacy and by birth control without a prescription. [applause] [cheering] here in new jersey we understand
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a philip randolph said and i quote him, freedom is never given it is one. we are waiting freedoms for everyone. because of lawmakers in states like florida and texas think they can rip away rights from our fellow citizens we have got news for them, not in the garden state. [applause] new jersey will always be a safe haven for reproductive freedom. and guided by our values today i'm asking you to join me in doing more to protect reproductive rights i am calling again with respect on our legislature to pass a bill sponsored by senate majority leader and assemblywoman to scrap out-of-pocket costs for abortion procedures and to do all weekend to protect patients and providers. let us do this before the
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summer. we cannot lose any momentum in the fight for fundamental freedoms. [applause] and defending freedom also means ensuring our children and families feel safe on our streets. they can live free of the fear of gun violence. and on that front we have made vital progress in new jersey. just last week we received word that in 2023 we saw our lowest numbers of shootings in nearly 15 years. now for those wondering how that could be, there is a simple explanation. it is because we have provided historic funding to community based violence prevention efforts. [cheering]
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and powering a residence in cities like newark, patterson, jersey city and right here in trenton and more. it is because we have some of the strongest gun safety laws in america. and it is because with some of the finest law enforcement officers in the united states led by attorney general matt and the superintendent of the state police colonel pat callahan. [applause] [applause] as a result, we are saving lives and making new jersey a safer place to raise a family. and at the same time improving public safety we are also taking steps to rebuild trust between
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law enforcement on the one hand and the communities they serve on the other. i cannot underestimate the importance of faith leaders in that endeavor. i thank each and every one of them. but we have more to do it. you must continue reforming a justice system that's a failed black and brown communities for far too long. that means undoing the damage of the failed war on drugs and helping our neighbors amen. [applause] and helping our neighbors who have been unjustly thrown behind bars to get back on track. in that spirit and in the next few months i will be announcing a new clemency initiative that will ensure we live up to our promise as the state for second chances. [applause]
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and reforming our criminal justice system strikes right at the heart of building a stronger and fairer new jersey. we need to reject the notion that compassion comes at the cost of vigilance. because today, thanks to our shared progress new jersey streets are safer and we are building a more humane and more effective justice system. and of course we are also defending the most basic freedom and our democracy, the right to vote. thanks to our administration voting is never been easier in new jersey under the leadership of lieutenant governor also for six plus years are secretary of state's. yes. we have implemented automatic
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voter registration with instituted early in person voting with establish online voter registration and we have are stored voting rights to more than 80000 of our neighbors on probation or parole. [applause] just last week i signed a bill authored by senator who is in the house allowing 17 -year-olds to vote in primaries if they will be 18 by the time of the general election. [applause] now, i hope we could take two more steps to invest in the long-term health of our states democracy. first i continue to support passing same-day voter registration in new jersey. [applause] nobody should ever be denied access to the ballot box because they missed the deadline or
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forgot to send in paperwork. same-day voter registration will help prevent that and it will empower every voter to have their say on election day. additionally, today again humbly i am also asking that legislature to send to my desk a voting rights bill that would allow 16 and 17 -year-olds to vote in local school board elections. [applause] this is a proposal inspired by two bright young leaders with us today. sent up and take about folks. [applause] they are the cofounders of 16 and jail him to think a in particular senator bryant for
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his leadership on this issue as well. now i notice to some this proposal makes an unconventional but voting is a lifelong habit studies show if a person votes in one election they are far more likely to turn out in the next election. so encouraging our young neighbors to engage with democracy is really about encouraging them to become lifelong voters. honestly, when i see young leaders i cannot help but think is it any surprise new jersey has the best public education system in the united states? [applause] and that, folks, is something
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that we can all be proud of. but it is a reputation we have to maintain by listening to our students, our educators, our parents and putting their feedback back into practice. so this year with their insights in mind i hope to work with educators and legislators to improve literacy rates among our children. [applause] we will be introducing new initiatives to teach our kids the fundamentals of reading like sounding out letters and combining them into words. it is a simple, an emphasis on phonics and reading instruction is essential to the lifelong success of our children. [applause] and, it is essential to making new jersey the best place anywhere to raise a child. increasing literacy rates make
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new jersey better. because reading books is always better than banning books. [cheering] >> you would rather ban them? and of course as we invest in the future of our education system, we also need to make sure that once our kids receive their diploma they have a world of opportunity right in front of them. that brings me too perhaps the most exciting aspect of our states future, our leadership and new and emerging industries. one of the hallmarks of our administration has been planting a flag in the industries of tomorrow. just look at where new jersey stands when it comes to one of the most promising and important
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sectors of all, renewable energy. we have set one of the most ambitious clean energy goals and the entire country and it is a goal we remain firmly committed to. one 100% clean energy by the year 2035. [applause] now this is not just about doing what is right for our planet, although it is. this is also about creating a generation of good paying jobs in the industries that will literally power our future like offshore wind and solar. clean energy is just one example of how we are reclaiming our legendary legacy and innovation to create economic opportunities for all. it is the classic jersey spirit of ingenuity and invention and it is coming to life in new
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inspiring ways up and down our states. you can see it in fort monmouth netflix is building a state of the art film production facility. you can see it in jersey city were side tech city is bringing people and companies together to launch new industries. and you can see it in new brunswick where bell labs will soon begin a new generation of discovery in a state of the art hub for innovation. just about every category from life-sciences it's paving the way forward. it's both our heritage and a future assignment for new jersey and shaping eight new emerging a with incredible promise.
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generative, artificial intelligence. today with ai i believe we are at the dawn of a new era. much like we were 30 years ago the internet. i think about this way of a governor and back in 1994 talked about the transformative potential for the internet, you might have yawned. looking back we have long since stopped yawning. that is why i'm talking about generative ai today because it is just as big and frankly overwhelmingly likely a whole lot bigger. few places are better positioned to lead the way globally and ai then new jersey. the truth is we are already a leader in the field. just last month in partnership with princeton university we announced plans to create a new ai innovation hub. it will bring together researchers, industry leaders, thought leaders, world leading
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academics, and the public sector to advance developments in ai. and incubate groundbreaking discoveries. i want to give the ceo of the new jersey economic authority, tim sullivan, my deputy chief policy advisor carolyn enormous credit for this partnership. [applause] and beyond our partnership with princeton, our state is already home to some of the most talented thinkers and innovators in the realm of ai. innovators working at the cutting edge like one joining us today. brian the cofounder of car we've weavea global leader in ai infrastructure that began in a garage in suburban new jersey. brian, thank you betty. [applause]
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is a badge of honor and in ai the cool thing is we are also fostering a new generation of innovators a senior and valedictorian at newer technology high school. alex is headed to carnegie mellon this fall the study commute computer science with the emphasis on generative ai. well done. beside him a first generation college student. [cheering] [applause] also egg scholar also from newark and he is on his way to mit. [applause]
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he is already using ai through his studies and robotics. in new jersey we stand alone when it comes to our potential to pioneer game changing innovation. we have more scientists and engineers per square mile than anywhere in the world. we have some of the most renowned institutions of higher education in the world. we are the medicine chest to the world. we may be a small state geographically we have always taught an active bigot started to set thinking and acting big about generative ai. so today we are sending a bold new goal to galvanize innovators across the garden state and beyond. here in new jersey we are announcing nai moonshot. sixty-three years ago president john f kennedy declared we would
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put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. well today our state is lifting off to explore the furthers to reaches of science in our time. new jersey ai moonshot our mission is for our state top minds to pioneer a series of ai powered breakthroughs over the next decade that will change the lives of billions with the be for the better. [applause] our state government will be a catalyst for bringing together innovators and leaders to invest in research and development andt ultimately established new jersey as the home base for ai powered game changers. from revolutionizing the discovery of new drugs and medical treatments to creating new personalized education tools that could dramatically improve literacy rates and math skills.
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whatever the challenge we are going to harness generative ai to unlock a new generation of possibilities. with our it states a talent, our resources and are thriving ecosystem we are going to pioneer breakthroughs and not for the benefit of a small group of stakeholders for the benefit of everyone. new jobs, new commercial opportunities, you name it. today i am thrilled to share the news that new jersey's chief innovation officer will help lead this endeavor as new jersey's first ever chief ai strategist. congratulations. [applause] and thanks to invest in our chief technology officer, we have already begun training thousands of our government workers to use generative ai to
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help new jerseyans access benefits and services far more efficiently, far more easily that scope will only grow in years to come. one last thought is it relates to ai. i realize with new innovations come new fears. how many times have we been told to some new tech platform would change the way we live? only fort seemingly to make it worse. so it is only reasonable for folks to ask why will ai be any different? well, here is how i see it. the future of generative ai is yet to be written. new jersey can be the author. this is not just economic opportunity for our families, it is frankly an imperative. if we do not take the lead on ai i guarantee you someone else will. and our nation's competitors
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like the people's republic of china are already working feverishly to own the future of this realm. no one really knows no matter how big an expert they might be with the road ahead will look like. but here is the road i envision it is a road that heads right down route one new jersey's core door of innovation. lined with the names of institutions like records, bell labs and princeton. i see a future in which new jersey's top minds harness ai to discover new cures for debilitating diseases. giving healthcare workers more opportunities and not fewer. i see a future which are ourinnovators use ai to discover new methods for combating climate change and caring for our ecosystems, creating jobs not killing them. and i see a future in which every student can receive a
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world-class education tailored literally to their unique needs instantaneously. uplifting educators and not replacing them. so, to every innovator out there to the visionaries who believe generative ai has the potential to improve the lives of billions. from the dreamers hungry to usher in a new age of hope and prosperity consider this your invitation. join us in new jersey. and to everyone in new jersey especially those who were understandably skeptical about what ai could mean for them and especially to our working families who are anxious about the future, who have been let down before, here is my message to you. we are going to make a generative ai work not for the few but for you. because that is how we make new jersey the best place to grow up, settle down, and raise a
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family. together we are doing the hard work to get through hard times. together we are building a new jersey that is better today and brighter tomorrow. as state with lower taxes and higher wages for working families. as state where nobody goes bankrupt because they sought life-saving health care and were everybody has a safe affordable place to call home. work every child can receive the worlds of best education from pre-k right up through college. where people's freedoms from who you love to how you worship, to when you start a family are protected and a state where the industries of tomorrow take roots new opportunities to bloom for every worker of all backgrounds. because from day one the vision has been too grown new jersey from the bottom up in the middle out. to live up to the promise of equity, opportunity and hope for
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all. together were going to continue facing our toughest challenges with honesty and optimism. we are going to leave our kids a state that is a better than we found it, a state where you can afford to live your working years and your golden years and estate that affords you every opportunity in the world. and most of all estate that is more affordable for more families. simply a new jersey that is the best place anywhere to raise a family. let me be absolutely clear about the state of our states, new jersey is stronger and fairer than ever before. thank you all so much god bless you and your family and may god continue to bless the great state of new jersey and the united states of america. [applause] a. [cheering]
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