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tv   Hearing on Biden Family Business Dealings Part 1  CSPAN  May 9, 2024 8:01am-10:01am EDT

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[inaudible conversations] >> the command oversight and accountability will come to order. i want to welcome everyone here this morning. without objection the chair may declare a racist at any time. without objection chairman of the ways and means committee mr, representative matt gaetz of florida representative eric swallow of california our weight onto the committee for the quest questioning the witnesses at today's committee hearing. today's hearing opening segments will be open to 10 minutes for
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the chair in 10 minutes for the ranking member. the chair notes points of order pertaining to the engaging of personalities against the president will not be in order for the duration of today's hearing. given this is a hearing regarding this committee's impeachment inquiry, members must be allowed to speak frankly. the chair that recognizes himself for an opening statement. >> the committee on oversight we are hear from witnesses who previously provided information during our deposition interview phase regarding the biden family business practices in china, ukraine, russia, and other places around the world. at the start of this congress oversight committee investigated what products or service the biden family and their associates were selling that would justify over $24 million in payments.
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we reviewed e-mails, bank records, text messages, suspicious activity reports at treasury, and other evidence normally compiled during an expansive investigation such as this. the oversight committees found no credible evidence of the biden's providing any work products. the committee has identified no legitimate value or document or one single hour of work the biden's have provided their business partners. nothing. what is apparent after over a year of investigation the biden's do not work in any traditional sense of the word. they do not work as consultants. or lawyers. or advisors. the biden's do not sell a product or service a set of skills. the biden's cell joe biden.
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that is their business. for months we have heard democrats desperately proclaiming witnesses of told this committee joe biden had no involvement in his family's business dealings. but where are those witnesses today? it is telling democrats have invited one of these witnesses to today's hearing. that is because the other testimonies would not withstand public scrutiny. democrats have relied on these witnesses opening statements have willfully turned a blind eye to the facts that have come out in these interviews once the witnesses were questioned about our record of evidence are democrats now must rely who can talk about the facts but today's witnesses who work with the biden's. president biden cannot control his adult son. he cannot control his brother, his sister-in-law, or his nine
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family members who have received money from these transactions. all president biden can do is control was known actions that it's what we are here today to discuss with the witnesses. because in the course of this investigation we have learned joe biden has taken action after action to further his family's plans to get rich. he shows up to meetings, gets on phone calls, shakes hands and tells people to quote look after my family. he goes to dinners with foreign oligarchs on executive paying to send millions of dollars. he gets paid with money from chinese businessmen has some tells other business associates hope to see what he can do to help the situation. write the letters of recommendation for a bit associates chilled in the scam a simple promises they can make foreign partners go away by
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engaging the u.s. government the problems can be anything. we craning corruption investigation, moving rush at money to the united states ever mining criminal prosecution, access for china to energy sources for job shows up shakes a few hands in front of his son" take care of my boy or something similar. in the money flows to the tune of tens of million's of dollars. i've done over and over again the biden family promises joe's power, joe biden shows up billions of dollars come to the biden's pockets. joe biden is a families closer. how could he not be? the biden's are not doing any other work for the foreign companies that weren't tens of billions of dollars. there are only two explanations for this the first is joe biden knows exactly what he is doing and handshake, a wink and a smile as jim biden calls a plausible deniability.
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or joe biden is being led around by his family and has no idea who he is leading with what message she is and is truly an elderly man with a poor memory. either joe biden is complicit or joe biden is incompetent. since becoming chairman of the news committee generate 2023 a promise investigation by family influence peddling will be based on bank records, witness testimony verifiable facts. after years of democrats is this committee is to help bees for every conspiracy day they could find like the russian collision hoax, under my leadership its return to real investigation. democrats want to spend a russian hoax answer one question. to earn them over $24 million. what did they do for the money? democrats had the same bank records as weighty of bank
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records do not lie. the witnesses today are here to talk about joe biden but republicans are here to talk about joe biden democrats wish to spend their time protecting prison biden they can do so. i wouldn't invited hunter biden here today to sit alongside his business associates and provide his side of the story. hunter biden demanded a public hearing i have given him one. maybe he will show up. he said he isn't but he loves and one thing and doing another at some point hunter biden is saying one thing and doing another begins to reflect poorly on his ability to tell the truth at all. but just think it's not about hunter biden. is this investigation is not about hunter biden's joe biden the lacey continues to tell the american people. with that failed to rank members. >> thank you and ranking member raskin from the beginning of this investigation we have made clear will follow the facts wherever they lead. the facts have led us to two
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conclusions. one the biden family has for years traded under biden's name in order to rake in millions of dollars. often doing so with his direct knowledge and clear involvement. two, president biden has been continually dishonest with the american people about his knowledge of his family's business dealings. we have testimony from multiple witnesses joe biden was the brand. he knew what his son and brother were doing and did nothing to stop it. that alone makes him complicit to make money off of his public service. he was not just complicit. it was one of today's witnesses have testified an enabler of this activity. the evidence of the two irs whistleblowers who came to the ways and means committee has been affirmed by volumes of material provided to congress the testimony of others and even
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by the department of justice to finally brought charges against hunter biden that mirrors those called for by the irs investigators. the evidence obtained shows one joe biden met with his sons of business partners on multiple occasions. he used an alias to exchange and dozens of e-mails with his sons and bookkeeper. he took official government action suspiciously coincided with those meetings and correspondence. the connections between joe biden in the sun's business practices extended even to the biden 2020 campaign. at the height of the democrat primary kevin morris a hollywood met hunter biden at a joe biden campaign fundraiser paid off. tax liabilities because there was in his words a risk personally and politically. if that was not met or swept mat under the rug.
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investigators were told to stand down. the biden family relied on the biden brand is so much evidence rebuilt hunter biden believed quote all of this stuff, meeting legal troubles would all go away when his dad became president. why did he believe that? for years the biden family has personally benefited from joe biden's position of power. joe biden knew this. he did nothing to stop it and he lied about it. i yield to tim jordan chairman jordan. >> i think the gentleman. plants of the pipe bombs and generally six? nobody seems to know if it who leaked the dobbs draft opinion? you know the leak that led to an assassination attempt on justice, part about this one who left cocaine at the white house questioned by the administration does not have time to answer these questions they are too busy investigating parents in
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school board meetings, labeling catholic extremist, retaliating its whistleblowers they're too busy putting together a sweetheart deal for hunter biden. a deal that got laughed out of court. the guy put together the deal the got left out of court is the guy they name special counsel. that time for us going after president trump they have been doing it for eight years. they spied on his campaign then it was the mueller investigation , lawyers 40 agents $30 million and found nothing for then it was impeachment, it was rate his home then special counsel. then it was the 14th amendment. the party of democracy said we can keep the guy off the ballot is leading in every single pole. the ranking member said president trump should be disqualified from even running for office. thank goodness we have a supreme court disagreed with the ranking member and the democrat.
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nine -- zero. not 54, not 63, 78 not 819 -- zero they disagreed. now democrats say how dare republicans investigate joe biden. how dare they look into the money, the business and the brand? millions of dollars as a charm and said millions of dollars in foreign entities run from different companies for what? twenty different companies for what? devon archer told it what it was for access to the brand the brand was joe biden. the brand that played rounds of golf, attendant lunches and dinners with hunter biden and his business partners for the brand that said that conditioned $1 billion of american tax money on the firing of the prosecutor pressuring the company hunter biden set in by the weight was getting paid a million bucks a
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year. today we will learn more about that brand plausible deniability that talk mr. wu heard about the statement, the rule say it, forget it, write it, regret it. i want to thank our witnesses for coming here today but they, like the whistleblowers to come to the ways and means committee symbol because he want the american people to have the truth and i yield back. >> the chart recognize the ranking member or 12 minutes for his opening segment. >> thank you very kindly. with any luck today marks the end of the perhaps the most spectacular failure the effort to find a "high crimes and misdemeanors" and impeach him
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for it. in episodes of this long-running madcap series america got to see the following. one comment nearly 20 fact witnesses could not identify a single act of wrongdoing by president biden much less a "high crimes and misdemeanors" and overwhelmingly testified biden was not involved in any of his family business adventures. two, three expert witnesses called by the majority itself who said nothing they had seen in the tens of thousands of pages of documents produced by the majority even remotely approach the level of a "high crimes and misdemeanors." bank records which show exactly what all of the witnesses told us that joe biden was not involved in his family members businesses repeated displays of pornographic images by the majority completely irrelevant to any conceivable legislative or investigative purpose.
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a star witness turned out to be a chinese agent in an illegal arms a trafficker on that run from america justice. the key piece of evidence which launched the entire zany goose chase at the 1023 form in which the fbi duly recorded a completely fictional tip about a $5 million bribe petal by alex smirnoff by a trump appointed u.s. attorney, special counsel for felony counts of systematically lying to the fbi and constructing a false record about joe biden. and now sits in jail in california as a flight risk while the world studies his long-standing and extensive ties to russian intelligence. today, the good chairman and his a's maga detectives is finally jumped the shark.
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the comedy of errors comes crashing to an end as house republicans and more than a dozen biden districts begged for mercy. the committee throws a flabby hail mary passed after the super bowl is over but to date we revisit the fruitless testimony of two more fading star witnesses have failed to testify to any presidential wrongdoing. much less evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. both of the majority witnesses are frustrated would be business partners of hunter biden who tried to leverage the biden name with the biden brand as they keep calling it. but they never got any business off the ground for reasons that will become painfully obvious to anyone watching the proceedings today. even hunter biden laboring at the time under serious substance abuse addiction could tell these were not the type of people who should be doing business with. so rather than presenting the biden brand they now show us today as loyal servants of trump
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world each of them probably represented by their very own former trump white house attorney. the first the bitterly disappointed one to be hunter business partner famously at litigious history includes unsuccessfully suing his own and dying father's charity for nearly a million dollars. just last month suing cassidy atchinson for $10 million after she recorded he was wearing a ski mask met with mark meadows means backed up with actual documentary photographic evidence. made his hazy allegations public on a press conference choreographed by the trump for president campaign which provided him a venue and even a dress shirt they went out and bought for him to wear to the event.
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hours later he joined the second 2020 presidential debate donald trump's personal guest he was seated with kid rock and mark meadows. the other star witness who i believe the pairing by zoom today is a serial fraudster convicted conman a term i would charitably not use on a witness except it was explicitly bestowed upon him by not one but two different u.s. federal court judges including the one who sent him to over 15 years and prison for defrauding union pension funds a native american tribe and scores of investors. to pay restitution of over $8 million to his victims. that is a lot of money. what donald trump was sent into pay a net civil litigation. the very first record of its claims against the biden family appeared, check this out in the
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clemency petition to president trump. but the key point is this. even if we were to believe every single word offered by these utterly compromised unbiased witnesses, their allegations do not identify any wrongdoing. the impeachment bus running on empty our geo colleagues are preparing to save face with criminal referrals. requires evidence of crimes. doing crimes we have seen like russian asset devon archer, jason glamis. cast a piercing lights on what
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is really taking place here. on has reason to know. he too used to be peddling lies and disinformation smear joe biden. today he joins a long line of self exiled from trump world who could no longer >> all corruption. people like cassidy hutchinson. people like michael cohen. sarah matthews, general james mattis, the chair of the joint chiefs of staff mark milley general jon kelly and now vice president mike pence he refuses to endorse for president the man he served with. but we do have loyal still in the room and one day i look forward to hearing their testimony about how they got sunk into this religious cult. he wrote chairman comber and me
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a remarkable letter on july 23, 2023. this is the first time i meeting him today. he was rudy giuliani's right-hand man. his globetrotting business partner and language interpreter in the mission to manufacture ukraine and burisma related dirt and smears against joe biden. that was in 20,182,019. he spent all this time traveling around the world trying to's stage evidence against joe biden. the desperate search to find evidence of any kind of biden corruption was a complete and total bust. is no evidence in ukraine that joe biden did anything improper but more darkly search for smoking gun against biden to
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invent and concoct evidence out of thin air with the active help of russian intelligence assets and agents. i'm getting to rush you have not heard anything at mr. chairman. amanda reckoned with this own moral dissent into trump world, he is ashamed to serve the interests of russian propaganda and putin's lies. he wants america to know the truth. i was to explain how the conspiracy theories and lies promoted with rudy giuliani the tires and fabrication spread by alex and now repeated by the committee. at every turn might colleagues krait rush a hoax. even in the face of repeated warnings from donald trump's own treasury secretary and secretary of state from the intelligence community from robert mueller
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and most recently from special counsel weiss name to office by butdonald trump is a secretary stated quote russian disinformation campaigns targeting american citizens are a threat to our democracy. someone you guys usually defend my gop colleagues can krait russia hoax like cult member selling flowers at the airport. our colleagues are the ones amplifying the russian hoax. the one giuliani and trump and smirnoff have eagerly adopted from putin and his agents but they participate in this hoax they shamefully block $60 billion in military assistance to president zelensky the besieged ukrainian people five years after trump and giuliani tried to shake a president zelensky down for counterfeit dirt on joe biden.
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they continue to parrot these transparent russian lies, vladimir putin waitresses body aggressive war on ukraine fueled with atrocities like the mass kidnapping of children the rape and slaughter of civilians for the maga right wholesale adoption of this russian hoax and the sellout of the ukrainian people by the maga right is a historic betrayal of democracy, freedom, the rule of law but the defense of democracy begins with fidelity to the troops and the oversight democrats america's troop squad against disinformation is here today to set the record straight. i yield back to you mr. chairman. clock said now like to introduce our witnesses mr. tony bobulinaki. he was a business partner of hunter biden in a joint venture between a chinese entity he sat for transcribed interview with the committee on february 13,
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2024. he was not a business associate of the biden family. mr. parnas is an entrepreneur political activists and an author. mr. jason gallant us. it was a business partner of hunter biden. he sat for transcribed interview on the 23rd, 2012 for we asked the bureau of prisons to make them available in person today. they would only provide him forr brief virtual testimony. notably he applied for terrorist acts, home confinement and after lengthy approval process was approved for home confinement june 9, 2023. the following day 2023 his approval was reversed as a result of the department of justice intervention. so he has remained at a federal
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prison facility he is currently in montgomery alabama can you please estate for the record who else is in the room with you? >> my counsel and nicholas. >> thank you. pursuant to committee rule 9g the witnesses will please stand and raise your right hand use only swear or affirm the testament you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth so help you god? let the wreckage of the witnesses all answered in the affirmative. thank you, you will may be seated. we appreciate you all being here today look forward to your testimony. let me remind the witnesses we have read your written statements they will appear in full in the hearing record. please make your oral statements to five minutes as a reminder please press the button on the
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microphone in front of you it is on and members can hear you. you begin to speak the light in front of you it will turn green after four minutes will turn yellow on the red light comes on your time has expired we would ask you please wrap it up as quickly as possible. i now recognize mr. bobulinaki for his opening statement. >> should i allow hunter to give his opening statement first? >> does not appear mr. biden shut up first public hearing will recognize you. >> think you mr. chairman. chairman, ranking members and members of congress, good morning. thank you for this opportunity to speak with you and present my truthful testimony to the american people. i sit here today under oath for one reason one reason only, the american people deserve to hear the truth. the truth involved in the deep corruption of the biden family including the malfeasance of the sitting president of the united states might be raw and unpleasant the american people must hear it. you are presented here today to
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narratives in this investigation. the false coming pushed by joe biden a serial liar and fabulist known as impeachment investigation for public corruption his brother jim biden 75 your old man who cannot keep his lies straight including under oath and including a son son chronic drug addict facing indictment 12 count you have the truth confirmed by multiple biden family business partners over many years and backed up by mountains of irrefutable evidence of link text messages, e-mails, documents, recordings, i am the only biden family business partner with an impeccable military record. i am grateful this countries give me the freedom to be successful. i would charge you become independently wealthy. i've taken several businesses public. sold multiple businesses and some world best private equity firms affect my business success is why they sought me out. however with this done is repugnant to me i'm here today because i'm a patriot and i'm a
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truth teller. we keep hear from certain corners our democracy is at risk democracies on about and 24 the same people preaching no better. they continue to lie to the american people without hesitation and remorse. both lawyers former prosecutor from new york continue to lie and go straight to the media to tell more lies. hunter biden's defense attorney weaponize as letters to congress to try to smear my name. >> mr. chairman? mr. chairman attempt to save his powerfully connected clients and his father. i challenge him to make those claims on national television so he can be held accountable for his lies. prior to my successful business career as an officer in the nine states navy elite command i served as a chief technology
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officer. >> i apologize for the disruption. >> am i supposed to say it's my time? >> please come to order. mr. bobulinaki please proceed i apologize for this disruption from the minority. >> mr. chairman save his time. he called members of this committee liars i just want to know whether the order and the quorum requirements of house rule 11 apply to witnesses appearing before the committee. does it apply or does it not? >> should i adjust? [inaudible] there is decorum for that members we've asked for that. there is no language i am aware potential witness.
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make sure we did not waste any of his time is opening statement. mr. bobulinkski i'm sorry for this disruption please continue opening statement. we'll make sure it's right. >> okay. i want to restate. make sure the american people hear these facts. weaponize letters to congress to try to smear my name mistake the cold hard facts attempt to save power for collected client and father. i challenge mr. lowell to make those claims on national television so he can be held accountable for his lies. prior to my successful business person officer for over six years the night states navy the elite naval nuclear power training command decorated master training specialist. he later served for the department of endocrine nsa. when i left in the entire commander i jumped into the
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business world in public markets. but i've made a few contributions over the years to democrats such as a representative i do not see him but hope he shows up today. i sits on the democratic side of the oversight committee i'm not a political person to cover a family with a long history in our nation's military. including my father, both of my grandfathers and my brother who are willing to sacrifice their lives for this great country my sister serves the military vets for two decades at the veterans administration we have lived our lives as a family and service to this great country. i hope the american people will pay close attention i also hope they will understand some members of this committee will gauge in absurd attacks and efforts to try to deflect attention from the facts i will present today by questioning my integrity and my patriotic duty. you may see me speak
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passionately at this hearing but for good reason. not only was i willing to die for this country, every single mail member of my immediate family was willing to die for this country. i want to be crystal clear my direct personal explains what i've subsequently come to learn it is clear to me joe biden was the brand being sold by the biden family his or her influence peddling operation from china to ukraine and elsewhere sold out the foreign actors who are seeking to gain influence and access to joe biden in the nicest governor. joe biden was more than a participant in a beneficiary of his family's business he was an active, aware enabler he met with business associates such as myself to further the business despite being buffered by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability. i asked this big question if thereis no evidence of corruptin here today joe's conduct he can't oppose family or fully legal and proper then why are they so dishonest about it?
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not just a slight misrepresentation of fact but deep untruths about the entire corrupt enterprise. hunter biden gave transcribed interview on february 28 light throughout his testimony. here's one egregious example of hunter's perjury. he lied to the committee on important details concerning his many demands and threats and text messages on july 30 he leverages in the infamous text to pay hunter immediately. he also laid extensively throughout his transcribed interview on february 21 and perjured himself. an example of that on page 100 of his transcript he is asked specifically do you recall having a meeting with hunter biden, tony bobulinaki and joe biden? jim's response, absolutely not too. the committee was so shocked by his perjury they asked in the
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same question multiple times. each time he denied meeting with me and joe biden. after the committee showed text messages confirming i met with joe biden, hunter biden and jim biden jim was a former u.s. attorney lawyer sitting next to him. still denied the meeting took place. hunter biden and his own transcribed interview confirmed that meeting took place. hunter confirmed his uncle perjured himself in front of this committee. i am here to tell the truth to the american people and i hope each and every one of your congressmen and women give the opportunity to do that instead of focusing on a russia or smearing my family's name or focusing on facts that are irrelevant today. i yield back. experimenter inquiry just two points. i believe mr. bobulinkski went
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over hope to have the same privilege markets are given equal time too. >> secondly i see we have a witness appearing remotely i thought witnesses were required to appear in person are the rules adopted by the majority at the beginning of congress. do we have a new practice with respect to that rule because i know members on our side were denied the ability to participate in hearings that were conducted in florida, mississippi, alabama that we wanted to participate by zoom. cooks i'll answer that it requires to build testify at remotely requires a letter from me and approval from the majority leader which we have. we'll enter that into the record. >> thank you. i hope you extend the same courtesy to members of this committee when they can get to a hearing in mississippi or florida thank you much. >> for an inquiry? >> take your point.
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>> mr. chairman, mr. bobulinkski referred to text messages i believe he is referring to photos. >> what is your parliamentary inquiry state your parliamentary inquiry. we have a very important hearing here we do not have time for stunts what is your parliamentary inquiry? >> i am simply asking too. >> the chair out recognizes for his time. >> the chair recognizes dizzy chairman have the text messages? >> mr. chairman twitter have time for games by democrats today. >> of important witnesses here. >> and asking a question. >> you asked for a parliamentary inquiry. you have five minutes whenever jamie gives you tells me it is your time to speak. the chair recognizes you for equal time which was seven minutes. >> thank you hello.
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members of congress german coma, ranking member at raskin and members of the oversight committee. i am humbled and thankful before you today. i came to the united states from up ukraine in 1976 it was still the former soviet union. my mother, father, sister had left the soviet union escaping anti-semitism and persecution. while in rome in route to his or my sister and i had the most important opportunities we've ever been given. we went u.s. green card lottery. i family came here with literally no more than shorts on our backs in the hopes of rebuilding our lives in the land of freedom. i say this to you because i love this country. shortly after my arrest on october 9, 2019 until now i've been trying to share the irrefutable truth with you. american people have been lied to by donald trump, rudy giuliani various cohorts of individuals in government, media positions. they create falsehoods to serve their own interest with
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undermined the strength of our nation. from november 2019 until octobey participant and a witness to numerous efforts to prove joe and hunter biden who were linked to corruption in ukraine. rudy giuliani present donald trump task with the mission to travel the globe fighting dirt on the biden's they could spread misinformation about them. ironically when i was arrested my original like me too an individual the unindicted co-conspirator one. we know this individual to be congress repeat sessions are sits on this very committee today. today i ask you to consider the following break nearly a year traveling the world in different countries i found precisely zero evidence of the biting corruption in ukraine. no credible sources ever provided proof of activity. the fbi, cia or nsa. no respectable ukraine officials
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ever said the biden sit anythind anything illegal including former president bush and go and former prosecutor. was offered a deal by rudy giuliani in exchange for information on the biden's, he provided none because there is none. only information push on the biden ukraine has come from one source and one source only. russia and russian agents. the proceedings that bring us here predicated on false information spread by the kremlin. everyone involved knew they were sharing lies. from trump and giuliani shattered diplomacy commission's ukraine and elsewhere, to members of a team a group convened for the sole purpose of investigating and damaging the biden's. everything was for the ultimate benefit of donald trump and thereby vladimir putin.
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because teams investigations were centered around biden ukraine i was just a point person in every matter they pursue. that is how i know with certainty these biden stories are untrue then and are untrue now. congress and pete sessions and devon, senator ron johnson at many other thirds under said they're pushing a false narrative. the same goes for sean hannity, and media personnel particularly at fox news who use this narrative to meet up like the public ahead of the 2020 election. sadly they are still doing this today as we approach the 2024 elections. we cannot separate the conspiracy from the russian ukraine or because trump has no intention to keep aiding ukraine. without the support of the united states and nato, millions in ukraine will suffer and die. if we allow russia to defeat ukraine eventually that suffering will reach american shores. today, i admit my own
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wrongdoings. on surface engines. we don't hide that from reality because as part of my truth. i will be sounds no longer i thank you to the committee i looked forward to answer your question for. >> is a business partner of hunter biden and among others during the years 2015. the one half billion dollar division our objective was to private equity platform be anchored by globally bran together with a political name.
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our goal hunter biden, devon archer and me was to make billions. the entire with his family name vice president joe biden. in 2014 we believe the enterprise submitted had partnership with the management 300 early and dollar chinese financial service company connected to the chinese communist party. hunter biden. this fellowship because game changing of the family. he was a member of the team. the. [inaudible] august 23 cap 2014 that reflects this understanding. and i quote.
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michael, please better conversation for certain relation of mind. but that relation earlier this week. we discussed this very idea. and as always he remained very, very keen on the opportunity. a certain relation of mine had this conversation shortly after it happens. ultimately hunter had a jump rule of thumb say it, forget it, write it, regret it. hunter biden and devon archer what hunter took a call from his father and told him things were going well. and they might need a little help getting across the finish line. it is not the only hunter called
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his father may 4, 2014 put them on speaker mode to say hello to a russian oligarch and investor. and not all was also there. i am here with our friends i told him you were coming to town we wanted to say hello. said hello and hope you have safe travels and ed was okay. hunter responded by saying everything is good. something about being helpful and said he was going to call his father later. before this call on day one i heard him speaking of business matters is generally. a few days after this and e-mail provided the committee showed it devon had confirmed was committed to a million dollars
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in banking. [inaudible] in the financial platform i engage companies interested but $11 million of money whose trust. eight year. [inaudible] i'm sorry for committing these crimes. i deserve what i received. nevertheless my full statement i believe it did not on the same deals for political reasons. we are involved in decision making and all of us had financially benefited from these schemes. and in fact biden and received $50 million to be invested in the group.
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all of this information hunter biden times but they are not interested. and i felt the d.o.j. december 2022. the d.o.j. has retaliate against me for the cares act. [inaudible] on february 4, 2023 as approved on june 9, june 12 a subpoena for devon archer reversed my approval. responding objective. this was personal. [inaudible] during this period generate 2023 he persisted in sexually harassing me many months after.
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which removing from danger. not being able to prevent the attack. the bureau of prisons on these matters leaving disclosure would have made things worse for me. unfortunately it contained until early august when where the officers caught and became more threatening. i feared for my safety and sock to seat seek counseling on 1020, 2023. with events and asked quickly opened an investigation. the elimination to act. i was immediately escorted to a vehicle and driven by staff hours to montgomery to a separate facility. i am grateful that committee has opened an investigation into
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these matters and i appreciate center jordan and subcommittee chairman. i believe retribution i believe i'm putting myself at great risk for providing information on these matters concerning the president and his son. i've been treated professionally at montgomery. i want to thank to help facilitate. [inaudible] mr. galanis i want to thank all the witnesses again for being here today. we will now begin the question. i want to remind members on both sides of the aisle, each member has a five minutes. i'm going to adhere to that and hit the gavel of the question has been asked we will allow the witnesses time to respond. but we are going to try to get in a lot of questions from a lot of members.
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and i will begin the questioning followed by ranking member raskin. again, mr. bobulinkski thank you for your service. your military service i appreciate being here. during the 118 congresses one o' committees and messenger's involvement in his family's influence peddling schemes around the world. so, let's start with that. mr. bobulinkski was joe biden involved with any of your business dealings with hunter biden and james biden? >> asked was he involved in his family's attempt to sell their access to him? you sent out a form -- to form a legitimate business with the biden's. did you come to find out that the biden family had no interest in doing real business? what i did. >> mr. galanis are you aware of any time hunter biden using joe biden with joe biden's knowledge to benefit their business associates?
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>> yes. >> which business associates? >> the russian oligarch russian, chinese the chinese manager henry. [inaudible] and nikolai from ukrainian oligarch. >> that we have established joe biden was involved in his family business dealings productive turn to financial records we have subpoenaed. one major point democrat colleagues downplay is how much money the biden's accumulated from form business features in such a short period of time. we have over $24 million a biden family and their business associates from 2014, will joe biden was vice president, to 2019. mr. bobulinkski there is a time or attempting to raise $10 million in the chinese to pursue an actual business deal a real deal. it would not be correct to say this was a 10 million-dollar
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deal, would it? what did the bidens conceive of business with the chinese becoming? >> the chinese were committing to deploying a billions of dollars in infrastructure projects here in the united states as well as around the world. are you aware joe biden met with rob walker and devon archer to? >> i'm generally aware of it.
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>> as you discussed earlier regarding the russian oligarch, you were present for hunter bidens then calling his vice president father with the russian oligarch was present, correct? >> yes he was. >> you also were present for hunter bidens conversation with his father about a board seat on a chinese board is that correct? [inaudible] >> so mr. galanis isn't true joe biden said he did not interact with his family's business associates, that is untrue, is it? >> i believe. [inaudible] >> out to touch on the fact the absence in the middle part hunter biden has chosen not to attend today's proceedings but i've given mr. biden exactly
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what he asked for. it is clear hunter biden knows his testimony would not withstand public scrutiny. joe biden has not been truthful about schemes to sell access and influence. today's witnesses will show the american people side of the story that the president and his allies on the site of the aisle are eager to hide. mr. bobulinkski can you tell us about your meeting at the beverly hilton with mr. biden kuester. >> the short version of the long version question. >> long version within a minute. [laughter] >> hunter biden, jim biden and joe biden were in los angeles for a variety of business discussions for joe was there to speak at the conference in may of 2017. i had lunch with hunter biden and he had asked to meet with his father that night. he set up a meeting at the beverly hilton where they hold the conference i got there early
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and sat with jim biden, hunter biden we're just talk about what were doing with the chinese illegal documents i was working through. they had coached me before joe showed up say listen were going to keep things in very high level but were not going to go into a lot of details in this meeting and i remember because was odd joe was not in the white house then. they were framing it that way. joe showed up, walked to the lobby i stood up to shake his hand we sat down spent 45 minutes within our going through my background for. >> you most in that long kuester. >> yes, yes this was not a handshake to second is 45 minute long meeting to an hour we talked about a lot of stuff. >> and >> we will actually go to mr.
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garcia to begin. >> thank you, the record i want to be clear. in mr. bobulinski's testimony, he had provided zero evidence of any link between hunter biden and the president as far as the relationship to business dealings. once again we are back to a hearing with no evidence being provided of wrongdoing by the president. -- it is my time, sir. mr. bobulinski, i want to go back to the private deposition -- there were hatful of democrats in the private, on the record, under oath conversation. during that deposition i asked you a question to which you gave me a false answer. i want to go back to that. i asked is typically who got you into the presidential debate that was attended by you and others. and of course it was a huge moment in the campaign, and you could not recall. you said ", i do not recall who
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got me into the debate". do you remember? >> you are playing semantics, as if someone asked me directly and called me and gave me a ticket. >> i am going to reclaim my time, sir. i am reclaiming my time. what i asked you was, do you recall who got you into the presidential debate? you said, i do not remember. you said you did not remember who got you in between president biden and donald trump. >> that is not a true statement. >> you said "i do not recall who got me into the debate". thank you, i will reclaim my time. i am not asking a question right now. thank you very much, sir. and here shown by ranking member raskin, we know you were in the debate sitting adjacent and next to trump official. when we were confronted again on the same question, mr.
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bobulinski, if you are guest of mr. trump's you said, "once the wall street journal called you out -- as if it wasn't encyclopedia fax" you refuse to confirm you are a guest of donald trump. >> mr. garcia, those were not the questions you asked me in my transcribed interview. >> answer the question, sir. were you a guest of donald trump at the debate? it is obvious to everyone in the world at that point. so you were a guest? at the time, in the transcript under oath you said, "i do not recall who got me into the debate" just to be clear. i want to keep going. you say you're not a political person, yet he went to a debate on behalf of donald trump. i want to make it clear you made numerous claims and allegations, today and before, even though you are not a
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political person, this is another photo of you. you chose to show up at a press conference for donald trump, prior to the debate. because you're not a political person. did you show up to a press conference for donald trump before the debate? >> i cannot qualify if it was for donald trump. >> who invited you to the debate? donald trump you said. who invited you to the press conference? >> my lawyers coordinated things. i showed up. >> sir, i will tell you jason miller. he it has been very clear and reported, he worked on part of the donald trump committee. here you are at a donald trump press conference and cannot remember how you got to the press conference. you refuse to answer how you got into the donald trump debate with joe biden. do you remember speaking at the press conference? >> i do, very clearly. >> do you know who jason miller is? >> i do know of him.
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>> you know he is a trump campaign staffer? >> mr. garcia, you keep asking me semantical questions. you once asked me -- i had three lawyers correlating my travel that's that's coordinating my travel. >> it is interesting you show up to a pre-debate press conference, a presidential debate, both invited to by the person running for the presidency of the united states. you know the stakes are high, yet you choose to have no idea how you got to the press conference, you do not remember how you got to the debate. and here you are speaking at a press conference of which the national media -- so how did you get to the press conference? >> i flew on the plane. >> who invited you to the press conference? >> my lawyers told me i was invited, to come to tennessee. at that point, i'm trying to get the truth and facts out to the american people. at that point in time, if i recall, 80 million people
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watched the debate. >> thank you, i recall my time. it is very clear for someone who cannot remember how we got to a donald trump trust conference or debate, you are completely an un-credible witness. >> the chair now recognizes the chairman of the house -- waves to means committee, jason smith for five minutes. >> thank you, we previously heard from two irs whistleblowers that joe biden was the brand being sold by family members. one such example of this could be seen in a june 6th, 2017 what that message were hunter matt -- hunter biden told a business associate he was not willing to "sign over my family's brand", or give them " the keys to my family's only asset". mr. bobulinski, can you confirm that president biden is the "brand" being sold by his family members?
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thank you. during his deposition, hunter biden repeatedly testified under oath that his father was not involved in his business in any capacity, and that there wasn't yet a connection between his father and his business is. here is just one example. ", i stayed that's devastating for the record one time, and under the oath and under penalty of perjury, my father has never been involved in my business. i have never asked my father to be involved in my business. my father has never benefited from my business, and i have never asked anyone, or my father, to do anything for the benefit of anyone i've ever done business for". yet, the ways and means committee released a message that were provided by the rs -- irs whistleblowers that hunter biden wrote on july -- "i am sitting here with my father and
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we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been "fulfilled", i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father." moreover, you said hunter biden was not shy about his ability to get his father on the phone. devon archer testified there were multiple instances in which hunter please -- placed his dad on speakerphone. mr. bobulinski, with hunter biden telling the truth when he testified under oath that his father was never involved in any of his business dealings? >> no he was not, those probably in life. >> we continue with your plot that that claims that president biden was not involved in his family's business dealings and he did not benefit from the illicit business deals. however, irs special agent joe ziegler provided documents to the means committee, 327 email, many of which involve hunter biden and hunter biden's
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business associate. mr. bobulinski, do you have any personal experience that leads you to believe that joe biden was involved with hunter biden's business associates and business dealings? >> yes i do. >> do you want to say a few? >> to outline how joe was involved? >> yes. >> there were different congressmen and women keep trying to say that there is no evidence and use the word, involved, which is very -- if joe biden was not involved in his son's illness dealings, why after flying all the way across the country to the -- conference, where they were next to davo, probably the biggest conference in the world, why would he take 45 minutes out of his night, it was not a 10:00 a.m. meeting, it was 10:40 in the evening. he is an elderly man that flew all across the country. he sat with me for 45 minutes
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to an hour to discuss my background, the business we were doing with the chinese and his family's background. >> because of the business with the chinese, in october, 2020, joe biden asserted that his family had not earned money through business dealings in china. however, irs whistleblowers shared evidence that the biden family meet at least $1.1 million from their business with china, including $100,000 in payment from cfc, china energy and $1 million payment in exchange for legal services that were never provided to a cfc official, patrick hope. mr. bobulinski, you know whether the biden family made any money from china? >> they did, millions of dollars. i think approximately $89 million. >> the biden family has made millions of dollars from china, correct? and you said at least $9 million? >> i think it is actually over $10 million, i believe the detailed up to you guys.
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>> thank you, i yield back. >> the chairman yield back. -- we recognize the ranking member. >> thank you. and thank you mr. parnas for being here today. your involvement with the -- russian groups about joe biden in 2018 that's that's when is a big donor and supporter of donald trump, you were introduced to rudy giuliani and began working to dig up dirt on joe biden in ukraine. if you could tell us quickly how you got involved in that? >> yes, i was a donor at the time. i began doing business with rudy giuliani when he got involved in to something called fraud guarantee. we spent a lot of time together until november of 2018. he approached me about my connections in ukraine. after telling him about people that i knew and things i had learned, at that point, he wanted me to go to ukraine to find -- the prosecutor general. >> basically, he wanted to go
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from his fraud guaranteed to guaranteeing of fraud on the american people. after turning over every stone and going after every rabbit hole, including interviewing -- , did you ever find the smoking gun or any evidence that donald trump was looking for to paste on joe biden? >> on the contrary, representative raskin, not only do we keep hitting the wall and not finding the smoking gun. we kept running into sources of information that was coming out of russia. >> in fact, joe biden was part of a global campaign, including -- to oppose corruption and to go after the corrupt horses in ukraine, is that right? >> yes, sir. >> at what point -- did the campaign to dig up become a campaign to spread disinformation? >> at some point when we hit a few brick walls, all of a sudden i saw the shift between
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the blt group, which includes the john solomon, a media personality, rudy giuliani and other trump lawyers to start to push narratives that were not validated. we had no weight to validate them. a letter would come over from someone in ukraine, i handed over to john solomon. he was on fox tv two hours later with sean hannity. >> at what point did mr. giuliani begin working directly with russian agents and russian assets. individuals who would later become sanctioned by donald trump's own treasury department for spreading propaganda and disinformation against joe biden? >> some time probably around may or june, 2019. >> were you aware -- that these people were basically doing the bidding of a vladimir putin? >> absolutely. >> so he had no hesitation
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about spreading lies that were concocted by russian agents? >> and ones that fit the narrative, absolutely not. >> how are you and giuliani able to take these false allegations, peddled by corrupt officials and russian agents, and promote and amplify them here in the u.s., in our political systems? weren't media group skeptical? >> most, except for fox and a few other right-wing media groups did not want to take any of the information. that aggravated rudy giuliani and john solomon and other players. the main group that was being pushed through was fox, sean hannity and some other media personalities. but i was also one of the people doing the bidding for the -- like senator ron johnson, like congressman pete sessions who sits here right now. who's been with me from the very beginning of this journey and finding dirt on joe biden.
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>> is putin's war on ukraine today, which is cost hundreds of thousands of people's lives, is that part of the russia hoax? is it real? >> yes, absolutely. >> i want to ask you -- in my several years living through this extraordinary period of american history, i have tried to ask michael cohen, cassie hutchison, i wondered about general milley, general kelly, why did you break with all of the -- corruption and lies of donald trump? how did you get out of the culture? >> it was very difficult. i actually had to -- and get arrested to be able to get out of that cult. when you're in that cold, when you are around them, you have blinders on. and you all leave with a certain amount of -- you are not allowed to be outside of
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the circle. if you go outside, then you are not in the circle. eventually, you brainwash yourself to believe certain things that are not true. when i was arrested and had time to reflect and really understand what was going on, i started realizing looking back and thinking back to moments in time where i started taking myself, this cannot be true, we are doing something wrong. >> thank you for telling the truth and helping america and this nightmare. i yield back my time. >> the chair welcomes -- jim jordan. >> thank you. the ranking member said joe biden was opposed to corruption. really? so opposed leverage of million of american tax money to fire the prosecutor in ukraine who was investigating -- the company hunter biden sat on the board on. while. and the prosecutor who replaced -- and mr. parnas -- guess what he did? he took lola check ski -- off the wanted list.
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he is really opposed to corruption there. mr. bobulinski, who is the big guy? are you sure about that, -- >> i am 1000% sure. >> because when hunter biden did his deposition under oath, he said i do not know. even though he said -- will hold 10% for the big guy. are you sure the big guy is joe biden? >> 1000%, and there are emails that back that up here he and there are brave whistleblowers, joe ziegler -- not for my blackberry, they took them from subpoenas, rectally from apples cloud to back up the fact that the big guy was joe biden. >> the big guy is the brand, the one that showed up at golf outings and took phone calls and meetings and lunches and dealings with hunter biden's business associates. is that right? mr. galanis, you referenced in your opening statement, may 4,
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2014, you were at a party at a restaurant in brooklyn, new york. can you tell me who else was there? >> it was a birthday party. there were more than 100 people there. devon archer, myself -- --, her husband and then hunter biden joined. >> i think you referenced a phone call that took place. tell the committee what happened with that phone call, who was involved? >> ever testified in my own statement -- her husband, myself, hunter initiating it. joe biden on speakerphone and devon archer. >> so with that group aside, they were pulled aside and hunter biden called the vice president, is that accurate? >> that is accurate.
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>> tell me what was discussed on the call. >> it was a relatively short discussion. it was a discussion about -- and her husband coming to town. they talked about being good to his boy he. -- being good to his boy. >> let me ask you this, mr. galanis, did you get the impression joe biden was expecting the call? >> yes, to me it was arranged. >> this was arranged and coordinated. hunter biden called his father, then vice president. i think in the deposition you think he said, "i am here with our friends who i told you was come to town", which suggests it was most definitely coordinated. is that accurate? >> that is accurate.
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>> can you tell us who miss -- is? >> she is a russian billionaire. -- the former mayor of moscow for nearly 20 years. >> she is the wealthiest woman in russia? she had already given money to hunter biden and his business before this meeting in may. and then subsequently, she gave more mining -- money, is that accurate? >> it is. >> so the wealthiest woman in russia commits to give millions of dollars more -- to hunter biden's business. is at all accurate? >> that is accurate. >> and this was a poll aside done at this meeting and you know it was coordinated. is this what they call access to the brand? access to the biden lift? is that what you describe it as, mr. galanis?
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>> there is no doubt that would be the intent of the call and the objective. >> it follows the model, the statement you all agree to. said, forget it. write it, regretted. this would not put in writing, this was a phone call on the speaker. there is no writing about this. that was how the business operated. is that correct? >> yes. >> i yield back. >> the gentleman yield back. the chair now recognizes mr. lynch from massachusetts for five minutes. >> thank you. i want to make an observation here. i have been on this committee, investigating committee for over 20 years. as an attorney before that, i have sufficient training and experience to say that with high confidence, when you review the entire record of evidence of these hearings
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going back over a year, you have actually provided more evidence to impeach donald trump for third time than you have in laying a glove on president biden. we keep hearing about the biden family. when you hear someone say the biden family, that is translation two, we do not have track -- evidence on the president, so we would use the biden family to try to implicate him. i the constant fumbling and continually shifting arguments here, you have done nothing more than exonerate president biden. we have heard initially from -- for month we heard about the hunter biden laptop. and there were absolutely some embarrassing photos on back. and some awful information about hunter biden's personal life. i will admit that. then you bring in your own witnesses. your legal expert before the committee and have them testify. what they said was amazing.
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they said there was no evidence to suggest that there was support from -- chronicles of impeachment against the president. that was your legal expert. the republican legal experts that said that. then, we have statement by mr. jordan saying that mr. smirnov was the most corroborating witnesses -- witness that the republicans had. the strongest witness that they had. of course, after that, we find out through the trouble pointed prosecutor that all of the information provided provided by mr. smirnov was fabricated, false and submitted by the inducement of russian agents. going after president biden and
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trying to undermine our democratic system. and now we have come to a point where since that witness blew up, now we are going to prison. we are reaching out to witnesses who have been convicted and sentenced to prison for stealing $80 million from the pensions of innocent workers. we cannot get any lower at this point, that is your star witness. i want to remind people, he is sitting in prison. that is why he cannot be here today. he is sitting in prison for scamming workers pensions. i mean, how low can you get? then, it is the republicans idea that this is the best guy they can get to testify. against the president.
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this is the best guy they can get. a guy sitting in prison who cannot even be here. mr. parnas, you have talked about your own direct involvement with mr. giuliani. and you said your mission was to dig up dirt on president biden. can you talk to us about the coordination between yourself and mr. giuliani. thank you for being here. >> thank you. basically, there was the -- diplomacy secretary of state. i was his right hand. and basically the first person in ukraine to not only dig up, validate, search whatever needed to be done to -- once i would receive any information i received, i would then meet with him, john solomon and other members of the team like pete sessions and -- to discuss
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what we have found. at that point, giuliani would go to the white house and share it with the president. that with the line of communication. >> you said earlier in your testimony that members of the committee and the republican leadership should have known before smirnov was indicted that this information was fabricated about president biden. can you talk about that? >> i think they should have known -- the did know. they knew exactly what was going on. they knew the evidence was not there, the information was coming from left and right field and being pushed straight to the halls of conference without zero investigation. >> thank you. my time is expired. >> the gentleman's time is expired. before i recognized -- recognize mr., -- is correct the record representative
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garcia, who did not provide your entire testimony. on page 147 you told the committee about your understanding of -- efforts by mr. garcia. without objection, i would like to enter into the record the entire transcribed interview of tony bobulinski. >> i would like to enter the record for today's article? -- >> daily beast, without objection. the chair now recognizes mr. palmer from alabama for five minutes. >> mr. bobulinski, i have limited time and i want to get through a lot of information please answer these questions with yes or no. you have met joe biden, is that correct >> correct. >> in fact, you had a meeting with joe biden is that correct? >> two of them. >> one of them would before the -- conference in may of 2017 is that correct? >> it was during. >> you provided a number of
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document. i want to show you some messages between you and hunter biden. on may 2017, you first had a meeting with joe biden. these are your messages between you and hunter biden, do you recognize these? >> i do. >> at the bottom, hunter biden road, dad is not in now, -- attended beverly hilton where he is staying. jim is president biden brother, correct? >> correct. >> the neck city messages, if you put them on the screen, is another business associate of hunter biden than you, his name is james. you recommend? >> i do. >> he writes, about to meet hunter, jim and joe at the beverly hilton. joe is now president -- you write to jim, great to meet you and spend time together. please thank joe for this time, it was great to talk. thank you. you met with hunter biden, joe
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biden and jim biden the night before the -- conference in 2017, correct >> i did, and jim biden try to perjure himself -- >> that was at the beverly hilton, correct? >> correct. >> can you provide more details around that meeting, what was the purpose? >> i did not ask for the meeting so i wish hunter biden was sitting next to me and he could under oath describe it. the only reason i was meeting with joe biden, and the only reason i was there is because i was the ceo of the enterprise that they were putting together with the chinese company, cfc. >> can you give me a little more detail about what was discussed in the meeting? >> as i said earlier, before joe biden showed up, hunter and jim biden coached me, and outlined that we would not go into a lot of detail. to the 45 or 60 minute meeting i had with joe biden, about
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10:40 p.m. after he flew across country, we talked about my background, my family's military background, the different business ventures i've done around the world, the family i worked with. joe spent time talking about his family, some of the tragedies they have lived through. and at a high level, hunter actually introduced me to joseph -- joe because before he sat down with us, hunter said, give me 10 minutes, i need to read my father in on it. >> when you are referencing joe and, hunter's father, you are referencing the president? >> i am. >> in this message you sent to james you said, he spent more time with joe and jim this morning. >> that's correct that as president joe biden and his brother. >> also saw them last night, including hunter. this shows a pretty clear record you meant with joe biden in may of 2017. hunter biden in his transcribed interview said the meeting did,
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in fact take place. and after asking if mr. bobulinski met with your father, he said he met with the -- in the lobby of the hotel. when asked whether the meeting at the beverly hilton between joe biden, jim biden, hunter biden and mr. bobulinski was there. jim biden testified, absolutely not. these stories do not match up. jim biden also told the committee that joe biden did not meet the chinese businessmen -- rob walker said the opposite. mr. chairman, it appears to me there are material inconsistencies between the witness testimonies, the witnesses statements appear to me, irreconcilable. mr. chairman, it appears to be someone lying to the committee. testimony seems to be coming from jim biden, the president's brother. if the bidens or
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anyone else has come before the committee and lied to the committee, i strongly encourage the committee to pursue criminal referral to the department of justice. one last thing i want to ask, mr. bobulinski, or mr. galanis, have either of you heard of an offer of a pardon associated with anyone you are involved in -- >> i am sorry, -- >> is it being suggested that a pardon might be in order for anyone associated? >> i have not. >> thank you, mr. bobulinski. i will yield back. >> chairman, we have heard for months now, and we have seen the photo of the blackberry with a cracked screen. did the committee have in its possession the data from mr. bob linsky's phone -- mr. bobulinski's phone. i feel like we need the data that they keep referring to.
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maybe if mr. bobulinski can turn it over. >> i saw the picture of the crack blackberry but do we see the underlying text? >> mr. bobulinski said he would be happy to turn over his phone. we have pictures of all the text message screenshot we provided with everyone on the committee. >> he has obviously given the ones he has selected, i am wondering if we get all of the text. if we could subpoena mr. bobulinski 's blackberry phone. -- it should be rather simple. >> mr. chairman. >> there is a motion to subpoena mr. bobulinski's blackberry. >> yes, with text that were
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referenced by mr. palmer. >> the chair recognizes mr. jordan. there is a motion to table. the motion to table is not available. tabling may signify by saying, aye. all those opposed, signify by saying, no. aye 's have it. >> mr. chairman, we keep tabling on evidence. i will ask for notes on that. >> a recorded vote is noted. we will suspend for a moment. -- committee hearing, we do not have a clerk. will someone else find the clerk?
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>> did he say under oath? >> mr. speaker? mr. chairman? mr. minority leader, do you think it is possible that the witness would voluntarily just give it? >> i understood that mr. bobulinski volunteered when he was asked about this, it would simplify things if he would just turn over the blackberry. >> he did say he was happy to turn over the blackberry to the committee. we then asked for it in the deposition, -- >> mr. goldman, you are out of order. we are in suspension witting for the clerk so we can take the vote. take your side of the aisle. >> you cannot make this up. >> you can't. >> mr. ranking member? i slowly
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want to desta i slowly want to underscore -- i want to underscore -- >> you are out of order. >> mr. chairman. mr. chairman? >> yes. >> we do not even -- >> i said -- will have to come up, you will have to as well.
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>> [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] >> mr. chairman, an invitation to regular order we >> mr. chairman, just an invitation to regular order. we of democratic clerks are
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faithful to the real law, we will all be here to watch and document their work. if you want to conduct a vote with the democratic clerks, we can do it. >> a recorded vote is ordered. the clerk will call the role. >> [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ]
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[ roll being called ]l call] [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ] [ roll being
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called ] [roll call] [ roll being called ]
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[ roll being called ] [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ] [ roll being called ]
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i vote >> how is mr. -- been reported? >> mr. burlison is not recorded. >> how is this boberg recorded? -- [ roll being called ] >> mr. frost votes, no. -- >> mr. fallon votes, aye. >> how has this porter been reported? >> miss porter votes no. >> will the clerk tallied the
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report -- tally the report? >> mr. chairman, on this vote, the ayes are 21 , the nays are 16. >> mr. bobulinski, in your deposition, you are asked about taking a picture of your phone and you said, and i quote, "i still have that phone, i can put that phone on the table right here and every person in this room can look at that individual text and validate that it is a legitimate text and the date and times on it." are you willing to provide the committee voluntarily with the blackberry referenced, and that phone. >> i am willing to sit in the
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room with the chairman and the ranking member with my phone and their staff and we can go through each and every text message. as i said in my interview, i had a forensic expert plug into my blackberry, someone who has done extensive work with the fbi for over 10 years, with an interest of pulling all the data off that phone so i could provide it to the committee. unfortunately, there were using software that the fbi uses, and they were unable to pull the data after the phone. i am more than willing to sit with the chairman and the ranking member and their staff with the blackberry fully charged and we can go through each and every message. >> that is some progress and i appreciate that. you can understand i am sure why the community does just committee want to look at it on its own. >> [ inaudible ] >> mr. bobulinski, you can understand why we want to look at evidence -- so we can make our own determination. thank you for your willingness
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to cooperate. mr. parnas, you observed back in 2023 in a letter you sent to mr. comber that there were frank witt -- flagrant example of giuliani in ukrainian politics. why would giuliani be interfering in another country's politics? >> giuliani would do whatever he needed to for the purpose of getting information he wanted to secure donald trump's 2020 election. a prime example of one of the things he did, he had a close relationship with a boxer -- who was the mayor in ukraine. when the president came over, there were rumors about him not staying in office as the mayor of ukraine. he flew to new york and met with rudy giuliani and then in a meeting when we had with --
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in spain, that was relevant and had to do with president zelenskyy's announcement -- at that meeting, he also brought up the critical situation and basically told -- that if the linsky got rid of him, president trump and the american people would be very upset about that. because we love him and he needs to be in there. >> was giuliani doing this as -- on his own? or had somebody encouraged him to engage in this kind of political interference in another country? >> i think he was encouraged by donald trump. >> personally? that is your testimony? thank you. in your letter, you also said that mr. giuliani was, "to deliver a precise message in very strict words." with respect to the administration of the
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then newly installed president of ukraine, president zelenskyy, what did you understand, a very strict message, or a message with very strict words -- and what was that message that was delivered? >> he basically told me not to be nice, to be very stern and relay the message that in less zelinski announced investigation into the bidens by monday, this was sunday, there would be no cooperation or aid to ukraine, and the vice president pants at the time, that was scheduled to appear for the inauguration, would not appear. >> that would seem to cooperate the beautiful telephone conversation between president trump and president zelenskyy basically saying, i need a favor. and hinting they would be withholding military aid unless
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the favor was delivered. is that fair? >> absolutely. i was a part of setting up that phone call. -- >> i think your testimony is very important. and it is under oath. i thank you. i yield back. >> the chair now recognizes ms. taylor green in georgia for five minutes. >> thank you, mr. chairman. joe biden continues to lie to the american people about his role in his family's business is. in 2020, he stood up on stage of a presidential debate and told the american people that his family didn't take any money from china. that was a lie. not only was it a lie, he knew it was a lie. he knew it because he met with his son, hunter biden's chinese associates. i want to talk about cfc, the china energy fund committee. -- who is chairman e? >> he was the chairman of cfc.
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>> jim biden told the fbi and irs that chairman yee was the protigi of the president of china, and the chinese communist party. mr. bobulinski, rob walker told the committee that joe biden met him, are you aware of that? yes or no? >> i am now, i was not at the time. >> joe biden also met with you, is that right? >> yes he did, twice. >> who is director -- >> he was the number two at cfc. >> the executive director of cfc? >> yes, he was the number two executive, but really the point person that i worked with and the biden family worked with. he is the individual hutton parter -- hunter biden was shaking down in 2017, demanding that they find the $10 million,
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they were only able to send $5 million, directly to hunter biden's account. >> thank you, mr. bobulinski. i want to show you a text message that hunter biden sent to you and his other business associates. i am holding it here, i will read it. "hey, tony, -- in light of the fact that we are at an impasse of sorts, and my -- i think we can all meet in romania." he is speaking about, my chairman. when hunter biden came in for his deposition, he said he was referring to chairman yee, and that the rest of you referred to -- as a different chairman. does this make sense? >> i never heard director zane referenced as chairman. and i have direct communication with director zhang over we chat. i met him around the world, in new york. he was never referred to as the chairman. second of all, that makes
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absolutely no sense in the context of this message. because we are discussing oneida holdings. >> so he was not the chairman, just to clarify. i want to show you another text. when he said, the chairman, he was talking about his dad. this is from rob walker. it did not seem to make much sense to rob walker either. he said when hunter was talking about his chairman, he was talking about his dad. when rob walker came in to give his transcribed interview to the committee, he basically said, hunter was high or confused. rob walker said he was just trying to calm things down between you and hunter. but that is not really answer the question of who hunter biden is talking about. hunter biden lied to this committee. so, clearly he says, -- i want to be very clear.
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we have established that zhang is not the chairman, obviously, is that correct? >> correct. >> let me show you another message. this message did not call zanger chairman zhang, it just says the chinese want to do business with the bidens. it says, coming to be my partner, to be partnered with the bidens. he, zhang is applied, has implied the number one have many clear and available. who is the number one? >> the number one is she thinking. -- the president of china. >> the leader of the communist party of the pcp? >> yes. that is the number one that hunter was referencing. >> let's be very clear this was 2017, i would like to make a note for this committee that joe biden told the press in 2016
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, as a matter of fact, i quote " yeah, i am, i am going to run in 2020." he told the press in 2016 he was running for president of the united states in 2020. so here are the bidens doing business in china in 2017 when everybody knew he was planning to be president of the united states. do you see that to be a serious problem, mr. bobulinski? >> i do, and i wish this committee would thoroughly investigated and focus on -- they have warrants, they were recording conversation. i wish they would disclose all of that data to the committee. >> thank you, mr. bobulinski. >> the chair now recognizes mr. krishnamurthy. >> rudy giuliani testy with the mission to dig up dirt to damage the bidens reputation in
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the 2018 and 2019 time rain. this was an effort to secure trumps -- trump's re-election, right? by dirt, you mean evidence of wrongdoing or criminality, right? >> yes, sir. >> in your travels, you found precisely 0 proof of mr. bidens criminality, right? >> correct. >> and there was no -- because you said there truly was no corruption, right? interesting, you have looked for dirt around the world about the bidens, joe biden in particular, you say the fbi, cii -- eia -- all failed to find criminal evidence. not only that, but former ukrainian president dated "there is not a single word of truth to these allegations about joe biden" right? there is a guy named --, the former prosecutor general of ukraine, and he also per -- confirmed
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nothing ties the bidens to criminal activity in ukraine, right? and then there is another prosecutor general name viktor shokin who also says quote he had no evidence that either joe or hunter biden had ever interfered with ukrainian law. right? >> yes, sir. >> recent know this because you talk to every one of these people, right? and your job was to dig up dirt or manufacture dirt, right? >> yes, sir. >> and yet you have -- month, you call this whole impeachment a wild goose chase, right? >> yes, sir. >> interestingly, we have heard from the other side that "the real quid pro quo was not donald trump. it was joe biden when he tried to hold up foreign aid when he was vice president in exchange for firing the federal prosecutor in ukraine that was
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investigating corruption by his son." you looked for evidence to support this claim. there is no evidence, correct? >> correct, that was false. >> in fact, firing the prosecutor would make it more likely that they would go after the company in question, not less, right? >> the reason why the majority of the world and ukraine and the obama administration wanted to get rid of him is because he was corrupt, not because he was investigating. when he was stalling investigations for ukraine, never looking into a $23 million -- that they wanted to get from -- and -- stalled the investigation. >> the logic is the opposite of what the majority is claiming to be the case. they say that somehow joe biden was out the fire the prosecutor to reduce the chances of a prosecution of charisma.
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it actually and firing that prosecutor, he increased the chances in prosecuting -- >> correct. >> to let me just talk to you about what some of the witnesses in this inquiry have said. -- said, there is no evidence of which he was aware to support impeaching the president. you agree with that, correct? >> 100%. >> derek gray, a colleague of ours said last week, "have i seen anything impeachable? no i haven't." do you agree with that as well? >> yes, sir. >> last week, -- was about to retire dead evidence of president biden "does not exist right now, it does not exist then". is that correct? >> that is true. >> how many times have you met donald trump? >> well over 10 times. lots of times. >> is there anything you would
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like to relate to us about your conversations with donald trump that would bear on the conduct of these proceedings? >> donald trump was aware of everything going on on that day in the red room when we were in the white house. after rudy bringing donald trump up to read and then -- that i could go to ukraine and get -- truck approached me, shook my hand, and said thank you for all you're doing and keep up the good work. he patted my back, took pictures and i was off to ukraine. >> to go to viktor shokin? >> to find him and bring him here to meet lindsey graham. >> i yield back. >> the chair now welcomes mr. cloud. >> thank you, we have heard time after time joe biden say he had no knowledge, whatsoever about the business dealings and then that change. he never allegedly had any conversation, and then they move the ball to say he did not have business dealings.
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he was not involved, he did not have financial contributions. since then we have uncovered about 20 shell companies, and bank records to bring light to that. while we cannot cover all 20 shell companies in five minutes, i want to focus on one, rosemont -- rosemont seneca bo hi is interesting. devon archer had testified and he's dead this in his testimony. he said, -- this and that you -- entity "-- will the deal between devon and hunter biden splitting" actually go to your words, do you stand by those? devon archer agree with that, he said hunter was a secretary of -- and had a handshake 50-50 deal. is that correct? >> primarily, this company was
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set up to initially be a place to hold equity -- is that correct? >> what i'm told by the partners of the time [ inaudible ]


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