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tv   Hearing on Biden Family Business Dealings Part 4  CSPAN  May 10, 2024 12:02am-12:47am EDT

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to? >> it is tempting. i mean my biggest appeal to everyone in this room is i wish you would spend the time focusing on the fact that the chinese communist party infiltrated the white of the united states through the biden family. i don't say that lightly. it is not a joke. i was willing to die for this country as was my father and both my grandfather and my grandfather. and my brother. take the biden name and family out of it. how did the chinese communist party infiltrate the white house of the united states. let's start there, focus on those facts, what they did, how they did it, why they used money, why they used private enterprises instead of military stuff and other stuff. that is huge to our national security. i appreciate you yielding that time to me. >> thank you. i will just say this. they criticized the investigation but i think most
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americans care about public corruption and they realize the fbi has not done the job. doj has not done their job, irs has not, been told to stand down. all but us the house oversight committee and we will do our job. pursuitant to the order, the chair will reconvene five minutes after floor votes
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those. and judges rewrote those laws or even worse. the committee hearing will reconvene, chair recognizes mr. swawell for 5 minutes skwr-tz mr. bobulinski in your spwerp interactions with the biden family, did you ever see the chinese government approve patents. >> i did not. >> did you ever observe joe
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biden employ any of their children or spouses in the white house as vice president. >> i did not. i cannot speak to that. >> did you ever observe the bidens install a family member to be the cochair of the dnc? >> i'm sorry, ask the question again. >> did you ever observe the bidens install a family member to be the cochair of the democratic economy? >> i did not. >> did you ever see the biden family receive $2 billion from the saudi arabia government. >> i did not. >> to the trump family is that something you recognize as somebody who was also in that cult before? >> absolutely. >> is there hope for our man tony here? >> very little, i think. until he hits a brick wall.
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>> in your experience on a scale of 1 to 10 how eager was the trump campaign in your interactions to manufacture dirt on joe biden? 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. >> 10 plus. >> 10 plus. >> would it surprise you mr. parnas that the russians and in their disinformation campaign outlets have often sited chairman comers testimony to make their own allegations against joe biden. >> it doesn't surprise me because that's exactly what they want to happen. >> mr. chairman, it's over. time to pack it up. i want you to give you the 10 top reasons why impeachment is dead. number 10, your key witness is testifying from the slammer. number 9, key evidence of a bribe you all relied on. the guy who said that has been
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indicted if lying about that bribe and he's a russian asset. number 8, another key witness has been indicted as a chinese agent. number 7, during the hunter- biden interview you didn't even stay for the whole time. number six, chairman jason fitz didn't show up at all to the hunter-biden interview. the same day, number five, isis said it's a big nothing. number four, today jim jordan began his remarks not by relying on any evidence for this investigation, but he went off attacking the doj about what they're doing with the catholics. number three, you all still have not sent the articles of impeachment for the mayorkas impeachment to the senate and that happened last month. the number two, you're now talking a about a criminal referral but if you had, evidence for a criminal referral then you have evidence to impeach them and these are
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high crimes. number one and i'm sorry to say this, fox news isn't even carrying this today. one of the anchors broke away so minutes in said this is the same hearing over and over and over. at what point are you going to fish or cut bait? so i just have to tell you, it's over. impeachment is over. dunso, bye bye, rigamortis, lights out. curtain drop, mic drop, peace, adios, syonara, doyce donya, a language y'all know. did i say that right? >> yes. >> because you don't have the evidence, you don't have the votes. guys, it's dead. and so, i'm here to pronounce
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the time of death. 5:16. impeachment is dead. 5:16, impeachment is dead. joe biden has been acquitted. >> now recognizes mrs. luna from florida for five minutes. >> mr. parnas i want to read to you, first i will say, that the house oversight committee published in this document he stated that hunter biden was never asked to speak to anyone in the u.s. on behalf of barisma. mr. parnas are you aware that hartstein, our u.s. official in an interview, reported to have a meeting with him. mr. hawk testified he met with hunter biden and they talked about barisma. was the statement correct yes
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or not. >> the statement was correct. >> next statement. are you aware that parismas on behalf of barisma and according to painter and karen toritama the heads of barisma was that statement yes or not. >> no. you're incorrect. the answers were given not by me but by the ceo of. >> archer testified that protoski sat down for dinner with joe biden. that statement also was incorrect that you wrote to this committee, yes or no. >> no it's not incorrect. >> i think this witness credibility is shot. i would like to give the remaining of my time to the amazing representative from florida, representative matt gates. >> the democrats should have
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sent anyone. they could have sent hunter biden, devin archer. the democrats could have sent nip person to come and refute the direct evidence backed up by bank statements, backed up by e-mails, backed up by vice presidents. who did democrats sent? they sent parnas, parnas who was charged with enough crimes and violating our campaign finance laws to like, serve 50 years. but he gets four months. and like the big like grand criminal conspiracy is using russian oligarchs moneys to get marijuana licenses. which seems odd. and using that money to plow into campaigns to try to get that effective. but the fraud he by plowing russian money it was a fraud on
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his own investors who didn't get it. i guess mr. bobulinski as you hear frost say that mr. parnas, fresh often of his prison time, is the most credible witness we've had to address these business dealings. what's your reaction to that? >> i think it's laughable that the democrats are asking parnas to weigh in on my credibility a convicted felon that served jail time, i have an impeccable record. he warned me earlier in this hearing that they're coming to me. >> i said just keep talking. you'll be there soon. >> i look forward to it. >> keep lying. >> are you lying? >> it's not the truth. >> i said if you keep lying you will end up in prison. >> you're the one that went to prison. >> what am i lying for? tell me what i'm lying for. you don't even know what you're talking about. >> you went to jail for lying and defrauding your investors. >> the list is long.
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we don't have enough time. mr. gates has a minute. >> i think you're a little scared because mr. gates doesn't even ask a question. you're filibustering. the -- i've been here for six hours. you haven't asked a question. >> fraud is a crime, correct? >> fraud is a crime. >> you observed fraud on the part of the bidens. >> crystal clear, i have an independent law firm spend $300,000 to analyze that fraud and put together a lawsuit against the biden family. >> bribery a is a crime, correct. >> that's right. >> trying to get you into a business deal with hunter biden. deal and how the money was flowing from the chinese communist party to hunter biden, two other members of the biden family. does that concern you about a
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feature of money laundering. >> it did. i started to grow concerned after i met joe biden and i sat down with jim biden and he used the term plausible. they hired another law firm to kpwáeuf give me a work up to talk about the details of what could and not be done. >> sounds like fraud to me, i yield back. >> mr. fox from north carolina. dr. fox. >> thank you mr. chairman and i want to thank my colleagues for what you have been doing here today. unraveling these issues. mr. galinas, in your written testimony you staid that your quote objective was to build a diversity firm by globally known wall street brand
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together with a political name biden. end quote. is it correct that harvest fund management a $300 billion chinese financial services company closely connected to the communist chinese party was interested in partnering with you and your business partners? >> yes, that's correct. >> thank you. why was the ccp connected harvest fund management interested in doing business with you and your partners, hunter biden and devin archer? >> it was the only plausible reason and the reason we even discussed was because of the access provided. there was a quote that's attributed to henry doud the chairman that talked about the access that it provided. so there's documentation that was contemporaneous that said what that access was and. >> is it correct that believed
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that joe biden would take a seat on that company's board after his vice presidency ended? >> that's right. there were part of those conversations including the golf outing. >> are you aware of hunter biden ever speaking to his father joe biden about the plan to have him join the board of harvest fund management. >> it was aware of biden a choice to pursue personal gain over national security. mr. bobulinski is it true that former vice president joe biden met with xi jingming the chairman of chinese energy. >> it is based on walker saying to that. i personally was not at that
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meeting. >> when did this meeting take place based on what dr. walker said. >> it would have been february 2017 after they had a meeting in miami i believe james gilliard got on the corporate jet and flied with jingming and director zang in preparation for that meeting. >> after this meeting with former vice president joe biden and chairman xi were any payments made to the biden family and associates. >> yes, it gets to $3 million were wired to walker's account. they sent two wires the first wire got kicked back then they sent a second wire on march 1, 2017 to robinson walker llc then as your committee's walked through today they parched that out in numerous different payments. >> thank you. mr. chairman, it is clear that joe biden is a common element in all of hunter biden's
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attempts to do business with china. there's a pattern emerging that the biden family and associates including joe biden himself deliberately chose personal gain over the safety and best interest of the have americans joe biden was elected to serve, protect and defend. with that i will yield the balance of my time to mr. gates. >> hunter biden's deposition. question, do you think some of your business associates we've spoken about today mr. archer, mr. bobulinski, mr. galanis, do you think you had any expectation, your dad had any in your meeting. answer from mr. biden, not an expectation from me. what can we get out of dad for this? mr. galanis what's your reaction from that testimony from hunter biden in light of you describing the joe biden
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list? skwr-tz it's thought that the hraoeufpb i think there's documentation that that's just an untruthful statement. >> what i'm trying to understand mr. galanis is there you are sitting in a prison cell for a financial crime where you were an associate with hunter biden and they're out enjoying southern california and you're sitting in a prison cell. they've got the ability to come and give this false testimony to congress. is it your belief that the bidens justice department retaliates against people who speak out against the bidens and their crimes. >> i am living that. i think to clarify, i feel responsible for my crimes, i've pleaded guilty. i served eight years. clean conduct and i think i've rehabilitated myself quite a bit in that period of time. the evidence and track record but i would say it's quite possibly a pattern of two tiers of justice. that's something i've lived
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experienced that i've gone through. >> yield back. >> before i recognize mr.. for what purpose does phr-g briggs seek recognition. >> i want to include an article. the article is entitled impeach the mfer. >> the press release from the department of justice galanis sentenced to 15 year sentence. >> so ordered. the chair now recognizes mr. waltz from florida. >> i find it rich that mr. swowell is going to come to this committee and lecture how china penetrates our government. i think that's something he may know a thing or two about.
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i want to talk about, how china has penetrated this government. because i think the visual is incredibly important. mr. bobulinski, two skwráeufpl biden as a protege of xi, is that accurate. >> not only is it accurate and it wasn't just hunter biden, i wouldn't have used the word protege. >> you don't run china's largest energy company without being close. >> correct. >> and they ran an enterprise worth tens of billions including from a national security standpoint this is the critical piece here including implementing china's belt and road initiative. not just all over the world, right here in the united states. >> correct.
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>> cnc was effectively the shadow arm of the chinese government employing tens of millions of dollars. at its peak it was doing $50 billion of revenue per year. >> diplomacy where they're bribing officials, they take as collateral. not just grids, ports, airports, key infrastructure that the chinese government could leverage and use against anymore country but also here in the united states. i mean that's how the belt and road initiative works. heck i was just in the armed services committee, our specific command talking about how china is basically gobbling up infrastructure around the world including here. so, by the mid-what 2015- 2015, by 2017, hunter biden scored such a partnership with
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chairman the day he planned to share an office space with him and then just removed vice president biden at the house of sweden in washington, d.c. correct. >> here's what's interesting. building on chairman foxx's questions. within days, blows through these companies we've depict -ld -- depicted here. the flow from jim biden, to hunter biden, to sarah biden. the kicker here mr. chairman is that we know hunter is then complaining about paying all his dad's bills. he's complaining to the other relatives saying you free loaders i'm having to use all
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this money to pay dads bills. house renovations and sorts of things, correct. >> it's important for the american people to understand, the $3 million was 3 of $20 million that the bidens expected to be paid for the work in 2015 and 2016. >> and that's not just my word. that is documented. >> that's all documented. bank records, text messages, e-mails. bob menendez wife can't get paid by the egyptians then go pay senator menendez bills. i can't have my daughter get paid by i don't know russia and china then pay my bills. and we know also that they had comingled funds with the vice president of the united states. when we talk about crimes let's talk about the crimes. we know he purgerred himself. that's a crime. was he registered under fara was he registered as an agent.
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>> not that i'm aware of. >> was he complicit of his dad knowing he was an agent. >> 100%. >> he was clearly acting in that capacity. we have the capacities act. mr. khaeupl, there are multiple, the committee has established ample evidence. we must move to impeachment. we cannot allow this to stand. and i look forward to seeing those references to the department of justices for this alone. this is a critical national security issue. the chinese communist party call it the pri ncling. they don't go through the king they go through the soon. they've done it at the highest levels of the united states. >> a couple of uc requests if that's all right. >> proceed. >> one is from archer's transcript interview testifying
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that joe biden had nothing to do with archer's business ventures. to hunter, second is the declassified intelligence from the national intelligence council march 2021 details efforts to interfere in the 2020 u.s. elections and finally, most importantly, the u.s. district court decision united states versus galanis. where mr. galanis was described as a con artist who wanted to be in business with hunter biden but never was and how they thought they could add layers of legitimacy to the con operations. if i may. >> unlike the convicted felon next to you, you've served in the military. >> correct. >> you've done big deals.
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>> correct. >> complicated deals. deals that involve foreign businesses, right. >> correct. >> what i'm trying to figure out, is when you came to realize that you showed up at the wrong party, because you strike me as a guy who showed up to do a legitimate business deal and you ended up instead at a bribe. and so as you're looking at cefc, as you're having this meeting with joe biden as hunter biden is introducing you to his web of contacts. when did you go from serious businessman, tony bobulinski to a guy worried that you had been unwillingly insnared into joe and hunter's businesses. >> it was not an a-ha moment, it was more of. the biden family wasn't any
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entrance into this. gilliard who traveled the world doing business kept trying to get me involved. i really had no interest. no interest. i sat down in 2017 to walk through things then i quickly put together two businesses, sinehawkins-onida. after a meeting in los angeles with hunt hunter and joe biden. bells and whistles started do go off when i heard plausible deniability. >> straight from the lips of joe biden. right on the heels of your discussion with joe biden. when you start thinking, this may not be legit. >> and may -- my lawyers can attest.
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because i asked, listen, i'm a former service member, someone couldn't take me to dinner for $50. >> but your persist. >> when the biden family put them right center in the middle of a $9 million transaction between the russian state owned energy company rasnas and cnc a surrogate for the chinese energy company. >> and were there ever a deal when you started to see the money move around the legitimate business enterprise and toward the pockets of the bidens. >> well the challenge mr. gates with that is at the time they moved the money, right. you guys have the text messages where text messages where they shook down director zang. this doesn't make sense to me, where's the money. i stepped in and had lawyers sit down and look at the entity.
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i didn't know for years until i found out they defrauded me. took this money. >> it was either a bribe or a business. >> it was a bribe from the chinese energy company. i don't say that lightly. there's 1,200 pages, 8 days of testimony in the southern district of new york. i encourage everyone watching me, hearing me say this. they are publicly available. go read them. our department of justice, outlines in intimate detail the corrections and frauds the cnc was deploying. i'm here to believe that they did this in every other country, with the biden family it was pristine. it was an actual clean business. that's absurd. >> and you came to know that and that's when you blew the whistle right. that's when you started to get worried when you saw joe biden. >> the whistle blowers i can't give them enough kudos.
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they published where i'm it rating the concerns. >> this wasn't just a corrupt bribe, a corrupt business deal happening to a guy that used to be vice president. everybody has made a big deal like you're a bad guy you showed up at the debate or you're trying to give life to these facts that you've observed that it was so bad you did that during a political contest. but observing this it kind of seems it would be unpatriotic for you to stay quiet. >> of course. >> joe biden running for president clearly motivated the chinese to consummate this bribe. did it also motivate you? >> well i didn't want to go public. i wanted to simply unload all the facts, personal experiences. it's funny there's 18 people on this committee with law degrees including i think mr. swallow. evidence, firsthand testimony is the most powerful evidence you've had. i've given it, mr. galanis has given it along with a whole host of witnesses. i have thousands of documents
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and pages of legals and stuff like that. i wanted to give this information. >> no one questioned any of your pacts. no one brought a single piece of evidence that even for a moment discredited any of the truthful testimony that you've given us? >> no they did not. >> i yield back. >> gentleman yields back. that concludes our questions. again, i want to thank the witnesses. we are going to close now. and i will yield to the ranking member for a brief closing statement. >> great and i will take an extra 32 seconds as mr. gates did. well, and while we're on mr. gates, who seemed to be upset about a couple of different things. one is fraud that trump in a civil case owes 154 million unless that's gone up with interest. he's having a hard time coming
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up with that. but i'm sure mr. gates will help him to pay for donald trump criminal lawyers or civil lawyers. that's a criminal choice. he's also upset about china. well if you check out the democrats report white house for sale how princes prime minister and premiers paid off president trump you will find that china actually gave more than $5 million to donald trump while he was president of the united states in direct violation of the imalium clause. and we spent the day jawboning about hunter biden who has never held public office and he's never done business with a government. yet, we have right in front of us in front of our very eyes. mammoth corruption, unprecedent u.s. history by donald trump as president and my friends don't say a single word about it.
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but he wants to lecture mr. parnas about the illegal donations he made on behalf of protrump superpack. i've noticed something interesting with the people who have finally disenthralled themselves and gotten out of the trump cult as mr. parnas puts it. there's an article about them. there's dozens of those people. i would be fleeing for the exits now too. what's so fascinating to me about it is they don't mind when these people lie for donald trump. then when they get out and start telling the truth, that's when they call them liars for what they did when they worked for donald trump. mr. parnas, they are not mad that you lied and went to prison for and did your time. they're mad you stopped lying for donald trump. >> absolutely, congress member. >> so when i was a state assistant attorney general, i saw a judge, my very first day of work, said done you forgot
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the very first rule of lawyering. when you go to court, you have to bring the evidence with you. you forgot to bring the evidence. there's no evidence. hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, dozens of hours of testimony, but not a shred of evidence of presidential wrong doing. much less an impeachable offense by president biden. you're making not just a laughing stock, my members are saying when will they call off this nonsense. here we are. again mr. parnas i want to thank you. you have explained to america that the allegations at the very foundation of this inquiry were predicated on russian propaganda and disinformation just as they were at the start of the hit job that you and rudy giuliani were sent to do back in 2018 and 19. i want to thank you for showing america what real intellectual honesty and personal honesty look like and how you can grow
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out of the deranged trump syndrome that so many of our colleagues are still suffering from today. it's time to call this investigation for what it is mr. chairman. it's not just, an embarrassing failure. an historic failure but it's a betrayal of democracy, freedom of rule of law as putin tramples the freedoms of tkphrobg democracy of people in ukraine. we should be spending our time. >> should have brought my waders from the farm. i want to thank our witnesses for being here today. mr. bobulinski, mr. galanis have delivered testimony implicating mr. biden and his family peddling schemes. schemes that brought over $24 million into the biden family and their business associates pockets. for what? i never heard the minority say what they did or what business
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the bidens were in. mr. bobulinski and mr. galanis have not changed their stories. mr. bobulinski and mr. galanis did not ask for this hearing but they showed up for it because they have not to hide. i also invited hunter biden to this hearing. in part due to his own request that he be allowed to provide transparency and testimony before the american people. or at least he did request this hearing, and then he sent for a deposition with the oversight and judiciary committees. now he's nowhere to be found. mr. bobulinski and galanis and others have implicated joe biden in the biden family business. i attempted to solve this
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problem by getting the witnesses in the same room together to straighten out any misunderstanding. it should be clear to the american people that hunter biden's word is as valuable as the fake services he was selling. and this committee will not play games or belittle the institution of congress by allowing hunter biden to call the shots about who he testifies with. or when he does it. at this point, the only person who can resolve this discrepancy about joe biden's participation in his family's influence peddling schemes is joe biden himself. as i said at the beginning of this hearing, joe biden was either used by his family over and over again and paraded in front of his business partners to rake in millions of dollars. or he knew exactly what he was doing to enrich his family. joe biden was either complicit,
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or incompetent. the american people deserve to know which one it is. which one it was but neither is acceptable for the leader of the united states. i don't think anyone believes this is acceptable behavior for the family of the president of the united states. to receive tens of millions of dollars from our adversaries around the world and they can't say one single thing they did to receive the money. nobody supports that. i don't care if you're democrat, republican, if you're from a big city or small town. that's not what this, democracy is about. that's not what, the founding fathers set up. they set this up that we have public service cub and provide their public service and then go on. they did not, set this up for public servants to enrich themselves through their family. through influenced peddling. no one has denied.
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is anyone denying that the biden family was influence peddling. nobody is denying that the family was influence peddling. what we have here is a mayor discrepancy on what role joe biden played. we know three former biden associates say that joe biden is actively involved and newspaper full well what these schemes were. what this family was up to. we have hunter biden testifying under oath that his dad didn't know. so in the coming days, i will invite president biden to the oversight committee, to provide his testimony and explain why his family received tens of millions of the dollars from foreign companies with his assistants. we need to hear it from the president himself. and i assure the american people that they will be able to evaluate for themselves the
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president's honesty and fitness for the office he now holds. with that. >> mr. chairman are you going to invite donald trump to talk about his violations? >> you all have investigated donald trump for years and i'm pretty sure i read in the papers there's a lot of investigations of don donald t rump. >> are you going to work with me to see that joe biden comes and answers these discrepancies, this is a big deal. >> there's no discrepancies. there's no evidence at all that he has caused any high crime misdemeanor, what is it? >> i want to thank our panelists once again fortune their important and insightful testimony today. with that, and without objection all members will have five legislative days in which to submit materials for the witnesses which will be forwarded to the witnesses for
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their response. if there's no further witnesses, without objection, the committee stands
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