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tv   Arizona Senate Debates 1864 Abortion Law Repeal  CSPAN  May 22, 2024 5:31pm-7:39pm EDT

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coverage continues live with a three day libertarian national convention, as they choose their party's nominee for president and vice president. beginning friday at 3:30 p.m. eastern, highlhts include independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr., followed by a debate with former republican presidential contender vivek ramaswamy at 8:00 p.m. eastern, and on saturday at 8:00 p.m. eastern, former president and republican nominee donald trump will speak before the delegates, and on sunday at 9:00 a.m. the party announces its presidential nominee for the 2024 election. the libertarian national convention, lie friday at 3:30 p.m. on c-span, c-span3, c-span now, our free mobile app, and online at c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these
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television companies and more, including comcast. comcast is partnering with 1000 community center so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. comcast supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. next, arizona house members debating whether to repeal an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions in the state. lawmakers eventually voted to pass the motion, which will now head to the arizona senate for consideration. the debate is just over 45 minutes. >> now, we are putting the first -- will the first reader please read the bill? i will recognize you after the
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votes, sir. >> hb 2677, abortion bans repeal. >> mr. president, i have a motion here. >> senator, you are out of order. you are out of order, sir. >> hb 2677, an act repealing arizona statutes referring to family offenses. >> you have heard of house bill 2677. please proceed to vote.
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quick senator, mr. majority leader, senator kearns, how do you vote? senator bolick, mr. majority leader, senator hoffman, senator kern, how do you vote? s? >> yes, mr. president, i senator bullock?
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>> yes, mr. president, i rise to explain my boat. >> please proceed. >> it isn't unusual for arizona to generate headlines. in mid november of 2022, phoenix, arizona made national headlines. in one news article, the headline read, body a pre-born child set ablaze in phoenix homeless can't. later we learned the body was a deceased child estimated to be between 20 and 24 weeks. as many people know, a child of this age born prematurely would have had a chance at survival. yet, in january of 2023, the current governor threatened that she would line item veto support of pregnant women, like homeless pregnant women's services. since 2018, the state budget included dollars for pregnant women's services that supports nonprofits like maggie's place. maggie's place supports
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pregnant homeless women throughout their pregnancy and their children's first year of life. maggie's place has four maternity homes throughout the valley and is a hub for resources in the central phoenix area. some of these homeless pregnant women might have a substance abuse disorder, fleeing a domestic abuse situation, or are survivors of human trafficking. it cost about $26,000 per year to house one mom, what with inflation costs continue to rise, that has created challenges for this local nonprofit. like other nonprofits in arizona, they are having a hard time keeping the food pantry stocked. maggie's place helps feed current women as well as graduates of the program. there is a huge demand from homeless pregnant women that need the resources provided by maggie's place. in march of 2023 it was reported that maggie's place receives 70 calls per week from women actively seeking resources and housing. last year's state budget that was passed in june did not include any money to help these most vulnerable arizona residents. homelessness is often a complex
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issue, not always with one solution. the women who stay at maggie's place emerge as strong and independent mothers. maggie's place was first awarded $100,000 annually, but the grant amount doubled in 20 $22-$200,000. this was something that was part of the state budget. apparently, the reason why the current governor cut the funding was because the grant money could not be granted for abortion referral services or distributed to entities that promote, refer or perform abortions. programs like maggie's place were designed to help homeless pregnant moms maintain a healthy pregnancy and have a healthy birth and healthy baby. these women and families have chosen to parent over getting an abortion. they need special care. our governor used to be a social worker. she should understand how critical it is for these homeless pregnant moms to get the care, nutrition and housing they need to thrive. what hobbs did last year was leave them homeless, instead of ensuring they had access to the tools to be competent and
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successful parents. sadly, the current governor chose abortion over supporting those vulnerable homeless pregnant women as the previous governor had done for the proust the legislative sessions. today, by way of explaining my boat i would like to share the chronicle of three pregnancies. pregnancy number one, a time not too long ago, a young working woman felt like she was coming down with the flu. after two or three days of taking flu medication she decided to take a pregnancy test. even though she looked at her calendar and it seemed too early to determine she might be pregnant, she drove to the store and bought a pregnancy test. the test was positive but she figured she would take a second test just to verify its validity. two positive pregnancy test. she was both elated and nervous. morning sickness became a real issue. she learned of her pregnancy around week three. everything made her nauseous. how was she supposed to drive to work and carry on? she ended up carrying plastic garbage bags in her car in the event she felt the urge to
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vomit. she had trouble keeping down basic saltine crackers. she scheduled an appointment to see her obs initiative. sadly, she ended up in the emergency room for severe dehydration before her first scheduled visit. the emergency room requested that she p into a cup to verify her pregnancy, and for nearly an hour, they pricked her arms to administer an i.v. they finally found a willing vein to cooperate. both of her arms turned purple. she laid down on the emergency room bed watching the liquids from the i.v. enter the plastic tubing and scented into her arm. they added antinausea medicine and she drifted off to sleep. a nurse brought her some ginger ale and two packets of saltine crackers. around the sixth week of her pregnancy, she went to her scheduled appointment. >> point of order. please speak into your microphone. >> she checked in with the receptionist. >> senator bolick, a point of
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order has been called. i major point of order. >> i'm just asking if she would stick to the repeal of the bill. she is kind of going off into a number of other areas. i would ask that she stick to what is on the bill. >> okay. the request, senator bolick, is that you make your comments remain to the bill. >> at her first buy, this young woman was given the option of having a transvaginal ultrasound. it was likely too early to detect the baby's heartbeat, but at another appointment the doctor would order a trans abdominal ultrasound. >> a point of order has been called. senator hoffman. >> mr. president, this bill is to repeal a ban on abortion. the good senator from district 2 is not speaking to repealing an abortion ban. she is speaking to a number of other things. this bill is, specifically, to repeal the abortion ban.
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>> senator bolick, can you explain how your comments are germane to the bill? >> i will continue. the doctor offered to write a prescription for an antinausea medication since the wristbands were not working. at the same appointment -- >> senator bolick. i needed to explain why your comments are germane to the bill. >> the comments are germane because not every pregnancy is the same. >> okay. received. >> at the same appointment, she had her doctor telling her that she needs to eat small bland meals and foods that would not trigger incessant nausea, so she drove to the grocery store and stocked up on rice, sourdough and bananas, and the next day she was admitted into the emergency room again for severe dehydration. she knew the routine of being admitted to the e.r. it was absolutely exhausting and not good for her overall morale. a few days later she went to her next scheduled appointment. the staff administered the ultrasound.
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she was told this type of ultrasound would help confirm her pregnancy by detecting a heartbeat and to confirm gestational age and due date. the technician inserted the transvaginal probe into her, and after a few minutes of probing, they detected the heartbeat and she wept with joy. after the appointment, she felt better. she shared the news with some close friends and family, even though it was very early in the pregnancy. when she got home from visiting her family the next day, she was feeling weak and exhausted. she was around the 11th week mark and getting very weak again. the next day, she woke up from severe cramping. she could barely move. she found herself trying to walk up the stairs of a two- story home and did not have the strength to make it up the steps. she sat down at the bottom of the steps and began to cry. she made her best effort to contact the babies father, but there was a strike with the local telephone company so it was difficult to track him down. she mustered up enough strength and drive to the nearest emergency room. at this point, she felt like she needed a frequent visitor card and still had to submit a
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urinalysis even those they knew she was pregnant. she waited in the waiting room to be called. it felt like hours went by. she felt alone and was nauseous. after she was finished in triage, had her vitals taken, they set up in a single occupancy room. the on-call emergency room doctor ordered an ultrasound. she finally wheeled into a dark room with an ultrasound machine. she was asked to sit on the ultrasound table with her abdomen exposed, a cool gel was applied, and a nonspeaking muslim performed her ultrasound. this woman could not see her facial expressions because they were covered by her veil. her head was covered and so was the rest of her face. the expectant mother asked questions but the medical professional did not speak english, so neither woman could communicate with one another and there was no interpreter or anyone else in the room. since his medical professional did not speak english, it was harder to be in the same room together while she was being poked and prodded. tears ran down this mother's face. this young mom had some of the
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questions and no answers. this young mother to be was in a lot of pain due to cramping. this medical professional was not being gentle as she probed into her abdominal region and typed on her medical keyboard. after this young lady was done having her ultrasound she was wheeled back into the sterile emergency room. she waited hours for the on- call emergency room doctor to return to her room to give her the ultrasound results. the doctor said the baby is not viable and no longer has a heartbeat. she began to cry and slowly tune out the doctor, but the doctor said you need to have a d&c. she said, what is a d&c? the doctor replied bluntly, it's like having an abortion. this young woman felt alone in her own body. this doctor is telling her to abort. the young woman said, i don't want an abortion, i don't want a dnc. the young woman's partner made it to the hospital only to hear the unfortunate news. the doctor responded, you need to have this procedure and we need to get you back to having regular menstrual periods.
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this young woman felt the walls closing in on her, and she was having a panic attack. the emergency room doctor told her that she needed to get dressed and checked out of the hospital. she was told to go home and get some rest, all after telling her that dnc was like having an abortion. the hospital staff told her to expect a call from her ob to schedule surgery. everyone was so clinical and matter-of-fact and she just lost her baby. she went home and cried. later that night she spoke with her mother by telephone, who encouraged her to proceed. the next day she received a call from the ob office to schedule the dnc. they told her that they would test the fetal tissue for chromosomal abnormalities. several months after she had the dnc, she received multiple medical bills. the medical bills were breathtakingly expensive. she had been in between jobs and had used cobra as her primary medical insurance. pregnancy number two, a young
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woman had hopes and dreams in her new life, looking for adventure, she and her husband set eyes on a new chapter with the hope of one day having a family. after returning from a recent trip, the couple found out they were expecting. they were both excited about the prospect of starting a family. the expecting dad said, two kids would be perfect since i have two hands. as they made plans to welcome a baby, the expectant mother found herself hospital bound. she was losing weight, not gaining weight. her diet was mostly canned peaches and lemon flavored luna bars during the first trimester along with vitamins. any odor set her nausea in motion. a few weeks later she was t- boned by large dodge ram. since the driver hit the vehicle on the driver side, they ordered an emergency ultrasound to check on the baby and placement of the placenta. during the ultrasound the baby's gender was revealed, but had to be verified at a later appointment. for the next few months, this couple spent time preparing for the baby together, and she prepared the babies nursery.
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a few months before her due date she attended child birthing classes and they wrote a birth plan. she said she wanted to bond with the baby by breast- feeding. she wanted to master latching with her baby and did not want supplemental baby formula for her baby. she skipped the last class dedicated to c-sections. she had read several books for expectant parents and thought she didn't need to sit through a class to hear what she had already read. near the end of the pregnancy that couples -- the couple switched hospitals. they thought the hospitals looked more like baby factories and birth centers. her due date was approaching and she was sent to the hospital. the medical team determined that breaking her water would speed up her labor. she labored for many hours without an epidural. her husband applied pressure to the lower back to ease contractions, but her husband was concentrating on eating ben & jerry's ice cream as her contractions became more painful. he reassured her that they would get through this and the ice cream would help keep his
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strength up to apply pressure. >> point of order! [ screaming ] >> we cannot have any outbursts from the gallery, please. of or. ok. >> it's going to be for a while. >> a point of order has been called. what is the point of order? okay. senator bolick, can you please summarize your explanation of your vote? >> sure. somewhere in the middle of the night she used her call button to request pain medication. >> vote or not vote. >> after hearing a woman down the hall screaming as if there
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were an axe murderer on the floor, the team of professionals had tried everything, and 20 hours later she was wheeled into the operating room for an emergency c-section. they prepped her for the emergency surgery. shortly after they prepped her abdomen, she could not see what was going on since there was a curtain blocking her from seeing her baby. the team of doctors shouted, this kid is ready for the third grade. each medical professional panicked and asked if she had gestational diabetes. they whisked the baby along as she was sent to a recovery room. she finally got to meet her baby and he was everything and more. number three, who knew a toddler could consume a mom's world? she planned her days around learning and exploring the world. her life came to a near stop when she found out she was pregnant again. about a month into the pregnancy she started to bleed. she was diagnosed with placenta previa.
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she was no longer able to pick up her toddler or do the normal shores she routinely did. after being in the hospital twice the emergency room staff decided the best course of action was to implant an i.v. into her arm and send her home. she now had a nurse stop by her house once a week to check her vitals, to make sure she was using the i.v. properly by cleaning the line. at a precaution she was ordered to bed rest. people around her and her husband said that the pregnancy would not be fair to the toddler. one during individual said the mom should get an abortion. 23 weeks of bed rest with a toddler in tow, the surviving mom -- one of these is roots, the other is wings. as her due date approached she went into full-fledged labor even though she was scheduled for a c-section. the baby was born via a scheduled c-section. this baby is loved by all and the world is her oyster. many women do not have textbook pregnancies while many women wish they could have a baby.
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i know the chronicle of these pregnancies quite intimately because they are all my own, and my family lived and survived each one of them, including my miscarriage. i had morning sickness and was dehydrated the entire time, making it difficult to lose much. having a doctor with a horrific bedside manner telling me that a dnc was an abortion, to come home with no baby. through ups and downs and tears of sorrow and joy, life was created and my two kids were born into this crazy world. i love them so much. my son was 10 ounces -- 10 pounds 10 ounces at birth. he was far larger than my daughter when he was born. my kids are now young adults, ages 19 and 22. as you have heard, none of my pregnancies were easy and none would've been possible without the moral support of my husband. i experienced quite a few medical emergencies during my three pregnancies. i'm thankful that i was blessed with two children as i had
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hoped when i got married. some people say i have a million-dollar family because i have one boy and one girl. mastercard would say that there are some things money can't buy. having a dnc my first trimester because the baby was not viable was very tough. would arizona's law have allowed me to have this medical procedure, even though my life was not in danger? one pro-life individual who reached out to me wrote, is there a definition for, unless it is necessary to save her life? maybe medical doctors could weigh in. i don't know. over the years i've had the chance to meet individuals who survived abortions. somehow permanent scars like missing limbs. other people were told by their adopted families they were not there birth parents, but they were what made their families complete. thankfully, these beautiful human beings were lovingly adopted into these families. some have siblings, others might be an only child. we are blessed to have a family by way of adoption. in 2019 i saw the movie, unplanned, when it came out in
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movie theaters. mind you, it's very rare that i go to the movies. i could not imagine working in such a place like planned parenthood, or feeling like an expected mom that i have no other alternative but seeking an abortion. i have met individuals that work for planned parenthood. these individuals have dedicated their livelihoods to educating the communities of the horrors inside the abortion industry. planned parenthood's -- planned parenthood, for instance, will not report suspected sexual abuse or statutory rape to law enforcement. the national pattern has emerged showing planned parenthood's failure to report sex crimes against underage teens. with a rise in's -- in sex cases, we will never know the real numbers. if you want to go to a tanning booth, get a tattoo or piercing, you need to be 18 years of age or receive can -- consent if you are under 18.
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if you want an abortion, you can get one at age 13 and your parents would never know. many people know i was not born in arizona, but i have come to appreciate some of its history. however, there is one glaring stain. one of the women inducted into arizona -- arizona's women's hall of fame is margaret sanger. her book title, woman in the new race, stated, the most merciful thing a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it, and that birth control is nothing more or less in the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, preventing the birth of defectives, or those who will become defective. planned parenthood set up shop in black neighborhoods to eradicate an entire race. one of my best friends is black and i'm so thankful he's here. there's nothing mentioned in this bill that takes away the profits of planned parenthood or asks individuals who abort their babies to have these tiny bodies cremated or buried and not sold to big pharma. in fact, a constituent from district two emailed me the
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same sentiment. in 1977, the arizona legislator re-enacted this territorial legislation. it was signed by then democrat governor raul castro. it had a delayed effective date until october 1st, 1978, so that another legislative session could consider the new code and add other amendments as needed. the legislature did just that during the 1978 session when it enacted chapter 2.01, which made amendments to the criminal laws in arizona. governor babbitt became governor on march 4th, 1978, and chimed -- signed chapter 2.01. no changes were made in governor babbitt did not ask for one. this law was put on the books by a democrat governor. i'm not sure why they did not repeal this when they had a democratic governor over the years, but that the conversation for another time. when i was recruited to the legislature in june of 2023 i was asked to come back and serve once again after having a six month hiatus from this place. i was appointed to fill this vacancy after serving in the
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house for four years. many people knew when they recruited me back to talk about the issue that i really cared about most, and that is educational freedom, from working with the ged programs in inner-city syracuse, or my early mornings spent on the baseball diamond, to field a coed little league team, or working in a new york city public high school, i had a chance to meet with low income families working multiple jobs. all of these parents and grandparents shared something in common. all of these families wanted their children to have a better education than they ever had, just like i want my kids to have the best education options available to them. my predecessor, who was elected to the seat november of 2022 supported abortion limits with exceptions like rape, incest, and life of the mother. republican precinct committeemen asked me to honorably serve in the likes of republican steve kaiser. in 2023 i did not fill out any candidate surveys during the appointment process. on june 26, 2023, 122 republican
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precinct committee members assembled and voted to add my name to the list of three names sent to the maricopa county board of supervisors. from there i was interviewed by a few of the maricopa county board of supervisors for this appointment. on july 19th, the board of supervisors met and unanimously appointed me to this position. in the afternoon on july 21st, my husband administered my oath to uphold the constitutional laws of the land. mark my words, the territorial law is history in 2024. lawyers will lawyer. the territorial law will never go into effect. come november, voters will decide if they support a 15 week -- for the past two weeks, arizona's variant governor has been going on national television to raise money for planned parenthood's dangerous abortion access act. it's absolutely disgusting. as a pro like myself we should be pushing for the maximum protection for unborn children that can be sustained over time. since roe v. wade fell, it has
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been a call to action for the pro-life community to step up efforts, to provide support for women facing unwanted pregnancies, considering their circumstances. in november of 2022 i had a chance to go on a small group tour to a pregnancy center. they are a small resource that more pregnant mothers need to learn about, so they have the tools to become strong mothers as they bring their babies into the world. recently, someone shared a susan b anthony doorhanger stating, most reasonable people favor limits on abortions. they support limits on abortions at 15 weeks when an unborn baby can see, hear and feel pain. this november, the planned parenthood arizona abortion act , if this initiative passes, it would amend the arizona constitution and cannot be adjusted by lawmakers for any future concerns. the current safeguards and protections in place right now to protect young girls and women, seeking an abortion from an abortion clinic would be removed. if this initiative passes it will remove the required medical doctor that is trying
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to handle any cup locations. it also prohibits punishment for people who take girls to get an abortion, so if a child is sex trafficked, her trafficker can take the victim to get an abortion. her parents would never be notified and they could not be prosecuted, ever. very little legislation written and signed into law is ever perfect. until we have a better choice in this matter, i side with saving more babies lives. i want to protect the state constitution from unlimited abortions. [ screaming ] >> proceed, senator bolick. >> i want to protect the constitution from unlimited abortions up until the moment of birth with planned parenthood's abortion access act. i am here to protect more babies. i vote aye. >> did you want to r vote?
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did you wish to explain your vote? ok, go ahead. >> ok, yes, did you wish to explain yyour vote, senator? okay. go ahead. >> okay. yes, thank you, mr. president. i rise to explain my vote. this is a clear statement that the legislature does not want the territorial ban to be enforceable. i vote yes. >> senator votes yes. majority leader, did you wish to explain your vote? >> yes, mr. president. >> proceed. >> thank you, mr. president. let me just start off with, mayday, mayday, mayday.
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ladies and gentlemen in the gallery and folks watching online, what you just witnessed was a violation of the process. a complete violation of the process. no committee. no debate. we have to do it here during third read. when everything was bypassed, no committees, no discussions. and yes, it has been highlighted . they call it the territorial law. that is a false narrative. completely false. it has been spoken already about in the house, here today. because -- what? four years after you roe v. wade was decided in 1977 a
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democratic governor, a democrat- controlled senate voted for what we should actually call it , the statute realignment bill. that is actually what it did. if we can have a committee or maybe a debate, we could have actually found out, you know, what the reasoning is and maybe an explanation or justification with somebody who is actually an eyewitness to that in 1977 who is actually a current senator now. but we don't have those answers, because we did not have a debate. unfortunately, this false narrative -- and it has been perpetuated by the progressive propaganda partners purposely perpetrating a false narrative. it is not the territorial law. it is not the statehood law. it is the 1977 law.
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it was codified, re-codified. numerous opportunities. i will give credit where credit is due. what's the hurry here, right? because, you know, your partners in the media, they even highlighted it in one of the local publications. the democrats have seized on to this to enjoy a political fundraising boost from the 1864 law without seeing it go into effect. that is verbatim. i want give credit to the author . his head will get too big. >> [ inaudible ] >> hey now, please. hang on. ladies and gentlemen, please, in the gallery. okay. we know why you are here. we are different than the folks
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that two years ago tried to bust into the senate where dps was called and they had to apply teargas right after the roe decision. those pro-choice people. they rioted and broke into the building and vandalized. you are not them. please, maintain order. the where was i? false narrative. democrats in 1977 had an opportunity to strike and repeal, but they didn't. they re-codified it. the democratic governor signed it into law. well, i am old enough to remember certain things back in the '60s and '70s.
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my god, what happened to the democratic party? at one time they were pro-life. until the sds had something else to champion after the vietnam war. academia, became obsessed with environmental movements, and so on and so forth. it infiltrated the democratic party. no longer was it pro-life. things have changed. this country is on the verge of collapse. i have compassion for a woman who has been raped or incest. i have compassion for that. but i cannot go against my core value of life . if the woman
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is raped, get her to the hospital, get a rape kids, get dna on these dirtbags and throw them in prison forever. of fortunately, we have members on this floor to vote against these kinds of things. different penalties for sex crimes. human trafficking. sex trafficking. incest. hey, let's lock these dirtbags up. and if you do get your partner pregnant, and you don't stand up as a man to take care of that child, i condemn any man who won't do that. i adopted my son for my marriage when he was an adult. i raised him since he was 16 years old. guides have problems with that. a man doesn't.
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but we have party opposite that wants to keep dividing, and you know, call us toxic masculinity. we see somebody being assaulted, you better pray somebody must some toxic masculinity, man, goes over there and saves you. we have men in uniform that have toxic masculinity. women, but -- god bless them, that are in uniform. i served in the marines for 20 years. i had women in my charge. i would not have traded them for 10 guys in some of these jobs. but now i gotta make a choice. literally, what we're having here is, literally, a violation of the process. this law won't even go into effect until 90 days. supreme court ruling, even the attorney general is asking for a delay.
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of course, the attorney general won't enforce any laws that she chooses. amazing. amazing. i am not a perfect man. i have my flaws. may not even be a righteous man. but if i gotta choose between life of the unborn, unfortunately, under the circumstances, men need to step up. take care of business. take care of your children. even if you're not going to get married. but the process has been violated. this is the wrong answer for this to be happening this way. for example, there should have
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been amendments on this. rape, incest should have been on there. but we were all robbed of that opportunity for debate. and reason. nothing we do here is perfect. nothing is written in stone. it is written in black and white on paper. so we can fix it. we can adjust. but we throw away good for perfect. but i have to look at mf some of you want to laugh at me, go right ahead. i don't give a dam. but i have to look myself in the mirror every morning with a sharp object next to my neck as i am shaving, and a good conscience, i have to follow my
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heart. mr. president, i don't know. -- i voted no. >> majority leader votes no. senator rogers. >> mr. president, i rise to explain my vote. >> proceed. >> we live in arizona, the hardscrabble west. in 1864 i believe our territorial forbearers got it right. life is unassailable. life in 1864 is no different than life in 2024. 160 years later life is
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precious. i will hear my colleagues say, but it's politically expedient for us to moderate. it's politically pragmatic for us to find middle ground. it's politically astute because we might lose votes. we might lose the legislature. we might lose the presidential election. we might lose federal elections. i say to you, it's more important to do what's right then -- because maybe not in this life, but after this life we will meet our maker.
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whatever faith you are, this is what matters. we have been given the gift of life. and we have given and passed on the gift of life. and so, when senator borrelia and i took the oath of office to support and defend the constitution of the united states, that is a lifetime of to support life. when someone says to you, well, what about this issue? my response is, what about those who have no voice. what about those in the womb who were crying out to be born, to live? they have no voice.
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we are their voice. if not for us, they have no voice. it is our charge. it is our obligation. it is our more bowl -- moral fiber that we give them voice to be able to be born, to live, to become americans. we are americans. we celebrate life! we celebrate the right to life! we celebrate the right to be born! we celebrate the right to uphold life! and life starts at conception. who are we to say otherwise? it is an unassailable truth.
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they got it right in 1864. we need to continue to get it right in 2024. with that, ivo nay. >> -- i vote nay. >> i didn't know we could have 30 minute explanations, but bear with me, sir. the epitome of delusion is saying i am pro-life, yet voting to repeal, voting to repeal an abortion ban. of her that on the campaign trail. i am pro-life, but i want to save babies, but, i am going to go ahead to vote to repeal an abortion ban, the best in the nation. this --
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abortion is one of the tenants, one of the principles of the republican party. and yet, again, we have two republicans voting with the democrats to repeal an abortion ban while saying i am pro- life. that is kind of like germany where the said jews, you go to the death chamber. you have something wrong with you. you jews go live in the field. it's wrong. if you remember back when there was a white female democrat standing behind larry elder with a gorilla mask saying larry elder is the face of white supremacy. that is -- it doesn't make sense. it doesn't compute. it's delusion. when we go against the bigger
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picture, the word of god, which is right here, media, which you all hate, i'm sure, the word of god says, only righteousness exalts a nation. the today was a god that does not change. a god the same yesterday, today and forever. my colleague, senator rogers, just said one day we will stand before god. last week i was here when they did the house thing. i could feel the oppression in the house. thank you, republican three. i could feel the oppression over there when we are actually voting for death. the democrat party stands and runs on death. the republican
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party stands, and is supposed to run, on life. i remember last week when i spoke at a press conference that we have probably 200 or 300 people there. most of you were there. thank you for being here today. appreciate every one of you. when i spoke at dak prescott, i didn't know what i was going to say, but i knew when i got to that moment i would have the words i need to say at that time. i looked at the crowd, and i saw little children on both sides. on my left and on my right, carrying pictures of which i have when under my desk, but i didn't know the rules said i couldn't. i promised joe i would not bring it out, and i won't, because it does break the rules. i apologize. i was at the press conference and saw these children holding signs of aborted babies. dear god, folks, look at those
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pictures, arizona. look at those pictures, america. if you can look at those pictures, and you just think that is just tissue, you really need a check up. you really need some help. i looked at one of the pictures, and there was an aborted baby with his head crushed on his left side. his eyes were dilated. he was dead. i looked at that picture and said, young man, i don't know who you are, i know you are in heaven today, but i am going to speak for you. i get the politics for him. i get the politics of this nonsense. i get the politics of the
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donors and the republicans and all that stuff. why can't we show the nation that we are unified on pro-life? we will have the blessing of god over this state if we do that. we have a law in place. ars 13 1105 was brought to be by my friend. maybe i shouldn't say this because i'm sure katie hobbs probably would not enforce this either, or the attorney general, because they are very selective in the laws they choose to enforce. a person commits first-degree murder if, section 1, a person commits first-degree murder if intending on knowing the person's conduct would cause death, including an unborn child. section c, an offense applies
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to an unborn child in the womb at any stage of development. that is for first-degree murder. let's go to 2nd degree murder. ars 1104. a person commits second-degree murder if there is an intentional death of another person, another person, oh my god. including an unborn child, which tells me an unborn child is a person. according to senator rogers, our constitution guarantees the life of the individual. but here we are again breaking the constitution. section b, an often supplies to an unborn child in the womb at any stage of development. that must mean conception.
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i firmly believe 100%, and i will die on this hill, life begins at conception. i know i have to stand before god one day. he is awkward asked me, did i win the next election? he is going to ask me if the donors gave me a big check because i voted the way they wanted me to. let's go to manslaughter. a person commits manslaughter by doing any of the following, number five says knowingly or recklessly causing the death of an unborn child by any physical injury to the mother. section c says, an offense other section a paragraph five applies to an unborn child in the womb, most destructive
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place in america is in the womb, or at any stage of its development. that of current law, folks. right here. look it up. but yet, we are here also to take a current law, which was again signed by a democrat governor, voted on by a democrat in the senate chamber right now, voted in favor, and now because of our moral backslide, we are here jubilantly voting to repeal this. i also want to say this to arizonans and to the gallery. if you have had an abortion, my heart goes out to you, because the lie is, oh, you can have an abortion and move on. i don't think that is true. i'm not a female. glad i'm not. there are only two genders,
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folks, male and female, right? but i do know, i come from a family of 13 brothers and sisters, and my mom was the most pro-life woman i have ever met. my dad had to make a decision when my little brother was being born, the life of my mother or my little brother. he chose my mother. my little brother is buried in a cemetery in minnesota. he is in heaven today. i want to say, if you have had an abortion, there is forgiveness at the cross of jesus christ. never forget that. you can be healed of that. i said earlier that everything the democrat party touches turns to garbage. it is very evident by the current administration in our white house and other areas of government, but mainly in the white house. in arizona you have attorney general mayes picking and choosing which laws that she wants to enforce. give me a break.
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and her carhartt -- cohort, katie hobbs. you see american deaths, silent. you see illegal aliens given thousands of dollars. veterans are not being taken care of. you see inflation. you see shrinkflation. you see what is happening on our university >> by the way, our universities were built for missionaries and pastors to train them to go into the all world and preach the gospel. that is where a lot of these universities were built. just a little history lesson for the corrupt media. let's go to abortion. just a few years ago we were talking about partial-birth abortion. we saw the pictures of the baby being pulled out of the womb, knife stabbed in the back of the neck, and the brain sucked out in the dead baby delivered. you saw the planned parenthood videos of project their ties --
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veritas. you saw the little petri dishes of little arms and little heads and torsos. we just heard last week meyer rodriguez, i believe her name is, i heard her speak at an event telling me she was the one that works for planned parenthood putting these in garbage bags. i am just very sad that our republican party can't come together on this and can't work something out. we're pushing this bill through because we think it's going to i am just very sad our republican party can't come together on this. can't work something out. we are pushing this bill through because we think it's going to win the next election. i believe just the opposite. if we unified behind life, we
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would absolutely win this next election. lastly, i want to say yesterday we had dutch we did it, the democrat party did, a drag queen show in the basement of the house of representatives. yesterday we had a drag queen show by the democrat party -- >> point of order. senator mendez >> the drugstore is nothing about abortion. >> senator, please speak to -- make sure you are germane to the bill. >> it is the insanity again of saying i am pro-life, and yet, voting to repeal an abortion law. yesterday we had the drag show, the democrat party had the track show in the house of representatives. you see what is going across
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the nation. the voters are not dumb. they know what is going on. the voters i talked to ask us to keep life as the number one thing. again, righteousness exalts a nation. we, as republicans, gave up on the marriage issue. what does the bible say about marriage? now we're being asked to give up on the life issue. i guarantee you that it will be the pedophilia issue next. that is already here, as was evidenced yesterday in the arizona house of representatives in the basement. it's coming. the reason why all this is coming is because we have no moral foundation. we think we are going to do what's right. we think we need to win another election. when god says the shedding of innocent blood brings occurs, and it is something that he hates, the shedding of innocent blood. this is innocent blood, and the craziest thing i have seen and heard is that i am pro-life, yet i'm going to vote to repeal
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the abortion ban. that is insanity to me. america, we are definitely in a down slide, as we all know. the republican party is not going to save us. we tried that for four or five decades. the democrat party definitely is not going to save us. at least with the republican party you have a little hope. i think the next president of the united states, djd, donald trump, will absolutely propel the station back into greatness. but our only hope is jesus christ. if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, then i will heal their land. until we understand who we will
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give account to, until we understand that, we're going to keep sliding down that hill to distraction. once we lose america, which i believe the other party really hates this country, because if you want to destroy a country, you're going to do everything the current administration is doing, and until we get back before god and say, lord, help us find our way back, when we do that, our country will turn. until we go down this path and keep going and believing the lies and keep believing the delusion. it is going to be a hard road up. i'm not running that i am ready for congress to the senator that said that. but that was repulsive what she said, by the way.
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this is what i believe in. you know that. i believe in jesus christ. i believe in life but i will never waver, i don't care if i win or lose. i know in the end, i win. with that, i absolutely vote no. >> senator hernandez. >> i rise to explain my vote. i'm actually not running for congress and polling at 3%, so i will keep my explanation short. i want to clear something up about the messaging around that this law was signed in 1977 by a democratic governor, but the reality is, in 1977 the entire criminal code, which is hundreds of pages long, was restructured every number. the bill was over 100 pages long with 180 sections. the abortion ban was located on one single line and simply said it the it was renumbered from x to y. we vote on hundreds of
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such technical changes each session. this session has been no different. to cherry pick one item from nearly 50 years ago shows just how hard the people that are making this argument are grasping for straws. there is no defense for the territorial ban all that is left is that this is a false narrative. this was signed in 1977 by a democratic governor. roe was a place in 1977, and the law in arizona was unenforceable. i could add so many more reasons why that narrative is false, but i will leave it with that. with that, i vote aye. >> >> we need to get the senator. >> thank you, mr. president. i rise to explain my vote. >> proceed. >> since the arizona supreme
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court made their curiously timed ruling, i have been clear about my position and have made that even more clear with my vote. i am pro-life. i was elected as a pro-life candidate, and i will continue to vote to protect life. but at this point, i have to wonder why we are even taken this vote to repeal the law that those in charge of enforcing it have stated they will ignore completely. what makes any of us believe that these same lawless people will enforce the restrictions on abortion? what they want is the planned parenthood plan. abortion until birth. that is what those using the terms abortion care and reproductive freedom mean. they mean nine months. they need to own that. in order to appease them, we are skipping this entire process as a bill that usually takes
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months to rush appeal of the law that has last been signed by a democratic governor and is still being deliberated in the court system. it is not anyone's fault these people didn't read the bill. in fact, we just learned yesterday that her attorney general, who refuses to enforce this law, is now seeking a stay on the ruling. perhaps we can just change the rules in this chamber to let her write the law she wants to enforce so that she doesn't have to go through all of that trouble. but i can give you a sneak peek of what she wants. it is abortion up until birth. the media that has descended into our state from thousands of miles away is here to promote one cause and one cause only, abortion until birth. nine months. i think they need to be a lot
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like bill maher and say it like it is. he rightly stated, those like me who are pro-life, are antiwoman, that is just made up. we do think abortion, like planned parenthood, is desperately trying to legalize in the state up until nine months. it is murder. those who are on the side of planned parenthood are just okay with that. abortion until nine months. i appreciate his honesty. after listening to the many different types of pregnancies that one can have, i have had three, and i have two children. the first one i saw little babya
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the beating heart of a little baby on the sonogram. and i chose life. she is an amazing. she has given me my first grandson. the second one i lost, a miscarriage. god chose when that heartbeat was going to stop. and then it took 10 years for me to have my second live birth. it is not my job as a state senator to determine when a child's heart stopped beating. with that, i vote no. [ applause ]
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>> senator farnsworth. >> do you wish to explain your vote? >> mr. president, i wish to explain my vote. >> proceed. did you wish to explain your vote? >> mr. president, i wish to explain my vote. >> proceed. >> life begins at conception. we have the responsibility to protect the most innocent in this world, and the most vulnerable in this world, and that is children in the womb. unborn children have a right to
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live. abortion is murder. i remember when the decision of roe v. wade came down. i remember thinking that it was because of corrupt lawyers and corrupt judges. the law is plain. they ruled wrongfully, and we have had to deal with that all these years, but i have been able to say in my heart that god would judge those people who ruled it that way. now we have a different situation. we cannot blame this on judges or lawyers. we stand here today to make a choice, as has been said. do we
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choose life or do we choose death? no matter how this vote goes down today, we all need to be concerned about that vote in november. i stand here to say that if america, because it is not happening just in arizona, but in other states, if america chooses death, then what right do we have to ask god to bless america? if we turn against our founding principles and say that we don't believe in the right for a child to be born, -- i am
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going to share two very quick verses from the bible. this is something i have read many times, and i never really understood it, but maybe i do now. it sounds like a warning. assyrians, this is in isaiah chapter 10, a syrian, the divine anger. i will send him against a hypocritical nation and against the people of my wrath will i give him a charge to take the spoil and to take and to tread them down like in the streets. if we choose death in this country, why should we be protected from other countries? there are countries across this world that would love to come in and take the good things that god has blessed us with.
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one more. have we become so evil in this country? we cannot blame this on judges and lawyers anymore, because arizonans, today we have the responsibility to choose between life or death on this floor. in november the people of arizona will have the right or the responsibility to choose between life or death. god is watching, as has been said. on judgment day we will all stand before the lord jesus christ, and we will confess that he is the christ. the last
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comment in genesis chapter 19. then the lord rained upon sodom and gomorrah brimstone and fire from heaven, and he overthrew those cities and all the inhabitants of the cities. with that, i vote no. >> senator farnsworth votes no. [ applause ] how do you vote? >> mr. president, i rise to explain my vote. >> proceed. >> mr. president, some of you have watched me down here as i have had the exciting
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experience to get married to the love of my life and to begin planning a family together . some of you may remember that my firstborn was born on. how many of you can say that? i wanted to share some of that experience with you all. my wife and i decided we wanted to expand from two to three. we were excited when we got the news we were pregnant. excited still to then go and see -- technology is an amazing thing, to be able to see her firstborn on a sonogram. and then to hear her heart beating.
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that was quite an experience. i don't know that i can quite -- some of you may be no, but i can't quite put it into words. [ heartbeat ] that is the beating heart of my firstborn daughter around the end of the first trimester. in that whole experience i have learned a few things. first, as joyous as the occasion was, pregnancy is tough. i didn't have to go through it, i just got to watch. that was a blessing for me.
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pregnancy is difficult. morning sickness, you name it. it's a challenge. your body changes. having witnessed that firsthand, i can stand up and say, pregnancy, as joyous as it was for us, is difficult. i realize also there are some out there who face unplanned. -- pregnancies. their feelings on the matter may be different than mine, and yet the challenge will still be the same. they may be facing financial challenges as well. candidly, i don't know that those of us in the pro-life community have done a great job standing up for women in that situation. i don't know that we have. i think we are improving. i think we can do better.
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i wanted to acknowledge that. i want to support policies that help women, pregnant women. i do think that is a right way to say it, by the way, pregnant women. situations where they have challenges they are facing. ways that we can come alongside them. another thing i learned when listening to that beating heart is in case there was any doubt, that was a living human being. i have the privilege of being able to see it and here it in front of me. that cast all doubt aside in case i was thinking this was just a clump of cells mac -- i'm pretty sure that's what we
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all are, actually. there was a beating heart. i realized there are serious moral implications to the idea that we will just stop it. we are going to stop the beating heart. when there is a beating heart, i think that matters. it used to be that the other -- the folks on the other side of the aisle, the mantra was, abortion should be safe, legal and rare. it wasn't so long ago that was the mantra. but as i listened to what i hear from the vast majority of them, they seem to be running away from that. in fact, it more lines closely with republicans today than the democrats. the thing they're running away from, seemingly, is the word rear. i get -- rare. i get why that
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may make people feel uncomfortable. there are moral implications. why would we want something to be rare unless there is a moral issue at stake? i became convinced that was with each of our pregnancies. i realized talking about the moral implications of abortion make some people uncomfortable or even angry. after all, if you can convince yourself that we are not talking about a living human being, or we can categorize them in some other way, devalue them in some other way to remove the moral challenge this poses to those who want abortion on demand up until birth with no restrictions, it makes it a heck of a lot easier, doesn't it?
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will we can close our eyes to the little human being pictured on the sonogram and plug our ears to the beating heart of an innocent little person, it does become easier. what really troubles me in the midst of all this, i hear the other side saying, this is just about a woman's choice. a choice, and that comes across to me as disingenuous when then i see by their actions efforts to deliberately attack every other choice possible except for abortion. for instance, i have seen this onslaught against pregnancy resource centers. little mom and pop shops, most of them. i realize they are not the size of planned parenthood and other abortion providers. maybe that makes them less appealing to some and easier targets. all they are doing is volunteering their time and
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resources to help women in need. it is true that they will encourage them to choose life. i have seen them attack for that , for encouraging them to choose life >> comes across as disingenuous to me that the other side really wants there to be a choice. to be honest. when i see situations like that. but what is even more troubling to me is the inability, or maybe the unwillingness, of those who do advocate radical abortion policies to talk about the other living being involved. i will say i don't know my side has done a great job talking about the challenges the pregnant women face, especially
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if it is unplanned or they are facing financial challenges, but i find it really disturbing the other side bends over backwards to try to avoid any acknowledgment of a living being here. i have never once, never once, heard it for my friends on the other side of the aisle in this chamber. not a single time. at least acknowledge it. you can say it has less value. i will disagree with you. you can say that and rationalize why we should allow it all the way up until the moment of birth, but they can't even -- i have heard people say, i am not going to support this bill because it might be helping pregnant women or dealing with the fact that if you murder a pregnant woman there are two lives. they fight it gets all of that and say, i don't want to do
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anything that advances the idea that the fetus is a person. that is unbelievably disturbing to me. at least confront the moral issue here rather than running away from it. of course, well, when you do that, by the way, history is replete with examples where before you do morally dubious things to people, what is it you do? you label them, you redefine them, you remove their humanity and their value so that then it is more justifiable to do the thing. we can see it in this country where we define people as property. we can see it overseas. you're not the right race, we are going to exterminate you, or the right religion. lots of examples. i get really troubled when we are trying to remove the
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humanity of the unborn in the womb. because that would seem to set us up to do some morally questionable things. and then, i hear it glossed over as abortion is healthcare. it is the only healthcare i'm aware of that involves ending a human life. except for maybe physician- assisted suicide, and while i oppose that, at least that person had a choice. whereas, those in the womb do not. now, i can look at this law in the books, one i never voted for, and i don't know that i would have voted for it in this way. i think it needs improvement. i mean, it lacks definitions. people have suggested that ectopic pregnancies are unviable pregnancies are implicated. for me, it should not be. that is not the same situation. other exceptions. it lacks those things. i would support a repeal and replace if that were an option.
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it is not. the choice before me here is whether to repeal it totally leaving almost nothing in its place. i realize the 15 week bill that those on the other side also voted against -- but that means 95% of abortions are still okay. we're saving 5% of the unborn. while i think that is something, it leaves much to be desired. i'm facing a binary choice here . because i believe that when there is a second person in the equation that person should be given greater consideration because i believe that not only does life begin at conception, but that life is precious. because i believe that if i vote yes these will be fewer. these heartbeats will be fewer.
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i vote no. [ applause ] >> senator cavanaugh. >> thank you, mr. president. may i explain my vote? >> proceed. >> i am explaining my vote mostly to my constituents who deserve an explanation. not that they would be surprised, because i have always campaigned as being pro- life. those that have paid attention know that. i am pro-life. i am not pro- life as some might think because i want to oppress women and take away the rights. interestingly, i'm also not pro- life because i am roman catholic, although it is convenient to have your position align with your church. i am pro-life because, at a very early age, in my teenage years, i saw pictures of
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developing fetuses. it is quite obvious that they are little people. there is no way you can change that view if you look, especially as the months go by. to me, they are human beings. to me, abortion is killing them. so judge me on my belief that they are living human beings, but if you want to misjudge me, please misjudge me and call me somebody who wants to oppress women. i would much rather be thought of as a male chauvinist and as a baby killer. the latter is worth. [ applause ] with that, i vote no. >> senator birch. >> explain my vote. >> proceed. >> we heard a lot of mr. president, i was again rise
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to explain my vote. >> proceed. >> we heard a lot of disinformation in this room today. >> [ inaudible ] >> i can rephrase. first, i want to explain that the graphic descriptions of abortion given here today do not bear any resemblance to the vast majority of abortions performed in this country. >> liar. >> members in the gallery -- [ overlapping speakers ] cannot burst out. hold on. i understand your passion. when members are speaking on the floor, there is no outbursts in the gallery, please. thank you. >> certainly nothing at all like the procedures i had.
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were not really talking about what we are voting on here today. this is about the civil war era ban that criminalizes doctors and makes virtually all abortions illegal. the ban that the people of morrisania overwhelmingly don't want, we are here to repeal a bad law . i don't want us honoring laws about women written during a time when women were forbidden from voting because their voices were considered inferior to men. but since we want to talk about the ballot initiative, the lies being told about the language of that bill need to be addressed. the bill does not allow for abortion on demand through the ninth month of pregnancy. that is categorically false. >> point of order has been called. >> thank you, mr. president. the senator from district 9 is not speaking to the bill. the bill deals with the repeal of the abortion ban. she is exley getting into the weeds on the ballot measure.
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i would like to be held to the same standard as everyone else who has explained their vote here today. >> if she is speaking to abortion, it is germane to the bill. please stick to the repeal on abortion. >> thank you. let me move on. appropriate. legislation that i think the public would like legislation that would be appropriate, legislation that i think the public would like to support would have a viability clause. any citizens initiative that was reflective of what the citizens have been asking for from the research polling and community engagement would have language -- >> point of order has been called. >> mr. president, she is talking about prospective legislation that is not been introduced. it is not to be voted on today.
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>> [ inaudible ] what i am saying exactly why i am voting the way i am voting. this is the reason i am voting this way. i have a right. i'm elected to stand here and explain my vote. this is why i am voting the way i am voting. it is germane to the bill. abortion has already been a point of order on this issue, and i am continuing to talk about abortion, which is already been ruled as germane to this bill. >> the chair rules that we have had members speaking about abortion on both sides. as long as she pertains to abortion, she is germane. proceed. >> we also have to stop allowing people to suggest there are abortion providers in the state or even in this country to provide elective abortions on demand for full- term pregnancy. this is false. facts are facts. the majority of the people in the state believe that abortion is a decision that belongs to patients and providers. i appreciate the passionate
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religious convictions of members who have risen to announce their faith. i respect it. my beliefs are different from yours. i am not afraid of the abortions that i had. i do not fear for my soul. they were the right decision for me. i don't have to follow your religion in this country. this is not a belief that is consensus even among religious individuals, a very large portion of people who have abortions identify as christian or catholic. the trend towards legislating religious beliefs in the state is dangerous and should make everybody nervous regardless of their faith. as to the concerns of those about we have we have a balanced body. 16 republicans and 14 democrats. we all introduce bills and representing our constituents. of the bills that made it to
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the governor's desk, three came from the senate democrats. that is not a representative democracy, that is irresponsible representation and that is what the leadership has chosen. if we don't want to be a representative democracy and only allow some voices in the room. >> point of order. >> she is off of point. >> senator burch. >> i am speaking to this bill >> talking about procedure. >> i will wrap it right up. >> the reason we are here right now this pill has been up many times. if we wanted to debate it, bring it to the committee. you have had the opportunity to bring our bills to committee over and over and over and over again. if you refuse to hear our bills when they are popular with the public and what the people in arizona want we will use the tools and resources available to us to make sure our constituents are heard. it is their rights.
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we can not ignore majority of arizonans and lean heavy into politics because everyone else will be silenced here. >> point of order. >> and senator burch how do you vote. >> senator burch votes yes. >>. >> senator, thank you, may i rise to explain my vote? >> proceed. >> the members in the room and the citizens in arizona i have gotten to know. senator shamp nurse manager, elected in 2022. is 100% pro-life. i was not going to speak today but i can not continue to hear
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misinformation to be said and not clarify. that is there is a very large difference between an abortion and a dnc. a dilation and caratoge. i am here as a woman who would never number the operating room to perform an abortion i have unfortunately witnessed the sadness of a die lags dilation and curettage is not the same thing as a pre-born living child. i can not stand to hear that misinformation continued. it is not the same. i also would like to clarify
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that this law when it was put into effect was to protect women. back in the day women were sex trafficked. and when they got pregnant they couldn't work. they could not earn money for the people that held their papers. so, therefore, i do not want to hear anymore misinformation about where this actually came from. and finally, if abortions at 6, 7, 8, 9 months are not happening, then i call on all of the members to vote to ban it in the state of arizona. i will not attack anyone for
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their believed but i will not stand for misinformation when it is medically aimed to distort. with that i vote no. >> senator shamp votes no. senator shope. >> thank you, may i stand to represent my vote? >> proceed. i have been pleasessed with a big family. -- blessed with big family. five children, not all of those children were planned but when we had the opportunity. when god gave us that life inside of my wife's womb we chose to protect life. we chose. it does not mean it was easy. financial hardships, we did not have a house that was big
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enough. there are always considerations and always factors that go into those decisions but our job as humans. our job as people is to defend and protect the most vulnerable to defend and protect those that can not speak for themselves. we have seen virtue signaling at its finest so far in this chamber. you know, had we not abandoned the process. like the amendment that was brought up earlier we could of done reporting to law enforcement in the case of rape and incest. a tragic and heartbreaking thing. we could have done that. but unfortunately my colleagues across the aisle and two on my
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own side abandoned the process. we could have amended the bill to eliminate the disgusting practice of the dnc abortions except in miscarriages. fetal heartbeat no longer exists. but we didn't. we didn't do that because we abandoned the process. and i am disgusted at the fact that the political propaganda in this room, including from all of you continues to call this the territorial law. when you know full well that is not the case. it is not even the same statutory number. the democrats with a democratic majority in the arizona senate
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and a democrat governor on the 9th floor, probably was not the 9th floor then. they recodified this after multiyears input. they reccodified this law and gave it a new number. it is misinformation to say that this is the territorial law. this is the post-roe law. there is the law that four years after roe was decided even democrats in this state recognize that life is in valuable to us as a society. that life is worthy of protection. that is not the case anymore today. in fact, it was insigne waited by hernandez that the democrats in 1977 apparently were not smart enough to read the law.
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that they did not know how to read the law. i tell you that is an insult. it is an insult to the democrats and the republican that served in these legislative chambers all of these years ago. it is an insult when they say minorities can not access an identification to vote. it is misinformation and it is propaganda. that is what this debate has devolved into by my colleagues on the other side of the aisle. the senator from district 2, paraphrasing here, claimed that countless women and teens are victims of sexual assault. had we voted to amend the measure right here we would of required mandatory reporting. we would of protected those people from the disgusting perpetrators of those crimes.
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and by that same senator by district 2, she has confused the pro-life community. now i will not assume her motives maybe it was unintentional. she confused the pro-life community. make no mistake to everyone watching there and hearing my voice right now and everyone who will hear it, she voted for abortions. she voted for 95% of all abortions continuing to exist. and, what i find truly incredible is that even the leftest bill mahr sees the hypocrisy in that stance and in that logic. he recently said and i quote, i don't understand the 15 week thing. i can respect the salutist position, i really can, i scold the left when they say, oh, you
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know what, they just hate women. those are people who are pro- choice. they don't hate women. they just made that up. they think it is murder. and it kind of is. i am just okay with that. i am. there are eight billion people in the world. i am sorry, we won't miss you. that is my position that. even bill mahr knows it is murder. any leftist who is honest with themselves on this topic knows it is murder. plain and simple. that is what this is. you know, our founding fathers in the declaration of independence wrote these words. we hold these truths to be self- evident. that all men are created equal. they are endo endowed, and
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among these are the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. they are life, i say again. and it was not as if the declaration of independence was the only time they made that amendment. it says nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law nor deny that any person within itself jurisdiction. we already heard from my colleague in district 27 that our criminal code codifies these pre-born children as persons. so, what we are doing here today is in plain letter violation of the u.s. constitution, the bill of rights, the 14th amendment. apparently nobody cares about
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those archaic laws any more. that is what we heard today. you know what, i don't take the constitution, i don't take it as being archaic. the equal protection does not seem archaic to me.. it seems like it was designed for a day just like this. so what are we actually doing hear today. for all of the knuckleheads in the media let's put the on the record. what are we doing here today? according to the gut maker institute, no friend of the pro- life community, okay. the gut maker institute is a pro-abortion research center. at 15 weeks come is when this bill right now 16 votes. when this bill passes, at 15 weeks 95% of abortions in
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arizona that equals 12,350 lives snuffed out. that is about 1,000, 57% of those will be young women in their 20s. about 6500. 31% will be women in their 30s at 3600. now, 50% of those abortions will be performed on hispanic minorities. 8% on black minorities. 58%, let that sink in. these are not my numbers these are the pro-abortion crowds numbers. 58%. 7,200 lives from those communities will be snuffed out if this bill passes. the abortions allowed by this bill, according to gut maker,
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again. 44% of those abortions will be surgical abortions. now. you know, we talk about these and again the left propaganda and inflates medical terminology with abortion terminology but let's look at what one of these surgical abortions looks like. if you could see her baby, which is quite easy on an ultrasound, she would be as long as your hand, plus a half from the top of her head to the bottom of her rump, not counting the legs. your patient has been feeling her baby kick for the last month or more but no she is asleep on an operating table and you are there to help her with her problem pregnancy. the first task is to remove the leminaria that was placed in the
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cervix. with that accomplished. look at the surgical instruments, the first instrument you reach for is a 14 french suction catheter. clear plastic, 9 inches long, a bore through the center, 3/4s of an inch in diameter. picture yourself introducing it through th cervix and instructing the nurse to turn on the suction machine that is connected to the machine. it will look like a pail yellow that looks like urine. this is the fluid that surrounded the baby. now with that complete. look for the sulpher clamp, it is 13 inches. at the business end, located jaws, 2-1/2 inches long. 3/4s of an inch wide with rows
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of sharp rigid teeth. this instrument is for grasping and crushing tissue. when it gets ahold of something it does not . >> senator mendez, rise to state your point of order. >> point of order is to stop talking about anything and now just reading off of a manual. it can be passed out and not further any argument he is being dilator. he knows he is wasting time. >> all right. thank you for your . >> okay. the ruling of the chair is that he is germane. in the senate have the pleasure of speaking as long as we want. g it does not let go. g the baby can be it is for agrasping tissue and when it gets ahold of something it does not let go. a second procedure is blind.
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the baby can be in any position, picture yourself reaching in with the clamp and grasping anything that you can. the uterus is thin and soft. be careful not to puncture the walls. once you grasped something inside. squeeze on the clamp to set the jaws and pull hard. really hard. you feel something let go, and out pops a fully formed leg, about 6 inches long. reach in again and grasp whatever you can. set the jaw and pull really hard once again and out pops an arm about the same length. reach in again and again with that clamp and tear out the spine, the intestines, the heart and the lungs. the toughest part of a dne is the head. the head of a baby at that size
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. >> [indiscernible] >> senator mendez. senator mendez. what is your motion? >> you can not motion. we are in the middle of a vote. >> i appeal your ruling. >> i have not made a ruling. your previous ruling. >> okay. >> what is your -- what is your point of order right now, sir >> that you both know that he is wasting time. if you can get to it. ask him to get to the point. >> you are out of order, sir. you have to have a point of order. >> proceed senator hoffman. >> thank you. >> the head is now free floating inside of the uterine cavity. you can be pretty sure that you have hold of if the clamp is spread about as far as your fingers will allow. you will know you have it right when you crush down on the clamp and see white material coming through the cervix.
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this was the baby's brains. you can then extract the skull pieces. many times a little face will come out and stare back at you. congratulations. you just successfully performed abortion. you just affirmed her right to choose. that was testimony given to the united states congress by dr. levatino. a former pro-choice abortionist who realized that what he was doing was not health care. it was murder. and it is heartbreaking. as senator kern said. the democrat policies today have sadly become the policies of death and destruction. senator said, safe, legal, rare used to be the mantra of the
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democrats. but as you can see on the board it is no longer the case. >> in fact you don't have to look much farther than part way across the country in new york when just a few years ago approximately 2016 i think it was when they erupted in applause at allowing partial birth abortions the misinformation that they do not happen, democrats in the new york assembly cheered loudly when they authorized it. that is a procedure, even worse than the procedure that i just described. even more gut-wrenching and heartbreaking because that is a fully formed baby. that when it comes out of the womb, they stab it in the bottom of the spinal cord. they stab it right at the base of the skull to try to sever
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brain function. that is a completely viable baby. these policies are literally, literally, and i don't mean that in the new dictionary. they are literally destroying america. they are destroying american culture and american society and america's viability as a nation. you probably or maybe you didn't, you maybe saw that recently the u.s. fertility rate fell to only 1.6 children for woman in 2023. that is fewer children than in 1980. now, to put it in perspective in 1980 america had 100 million
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fewer people in it. and yet there were fewer children in 2023 than in 1980. we can go through any number of reasons why this is. one, certainly of which is the cultural markism that permiated the political class. the post modernism where we completely abandoned objective truth and reality. we no longer believe as a society, i do, but as a society we no longer believe that there is truth. that there is the truth. society tries to tell us, well, what is your truth? it is not truth. that is opinion. the truth on this issue here today, on this issue up on the
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board, the truth, the only truth is that this is allowing 12,350 murders to occur in arizona every single year. the truth is that hobbs and mayes have said they refuse to enforce the law that is on the books. that the supreme court has ruled is valid, why? because they don't like it. the truth? it is that we will have over 12,000 people die because of what is happening here. that is the numbers from the pro-abortion. they are okay with it. i vote no.
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senator hoffman votes no. >> senator gowan. thank you, rise forward to explain my vote. thank you mr. president. members. it has been a pretty bad day in my mind. i am saddened. i have been pro-life ever since i remember. today makes me feel like when september 11 hit i have that feeling. i don't know if many on the other side is voting yes on this, don't understand that feeling in this arena for this. that is the way i believe a lot of us are feeling for this issue here.
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because when you bring up territorial law and you say territorial law like it is just, it is old law, i guess the constitution most likely is. it was created before the territorial law. we still believe in the constitution. we still believe that murder should be punished, theft should be punished, we still follow laws even from england, from english law. are those not antiquated. i am thankful that i have a right to speak my mind as i wish and choose as an american citizen. i am so grateful that within
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that we can assemble. i am so grateful that i have the freedom to believe in my god. my christian faith. i am a christian, proudly. thank you, lord jesus. my faith directs me in the manner that i lead my life. and in this situation here even as we talk about our faith and where it leads us, where it takes us, i will speak to you scientifically. when the sperm hits the egg that is a life. when the sperm hits the egg it is life. we know this scientifically. from birth to you and me right
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now, is that not life? these babies are innocent. and it saddens me that we are here today voting to takeaway thability for them the bility to live. i wear these proudly. i have feet on my lapel. that is a 10 week old baby's feet in the womb. we are preparing to go to 15. allowing 15 and before. this is 10 weeks. this baby could be aborted after this. that is why i am sad today. you know, i look at this and i think about my two sons.
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when my wife was pregnant. doctors were saying we don't think it will make it. you may want to think about aborting. that did not come to our mind. we said no. same thing when my second child, my wife's womb is thin and might not carry it full term. of course we said no. now, my two sons, 28-year-old david junior, minor engineering degree. just took his lsat. he will be going into law. was not viable at five months yet here we are.
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my other son, graduated high school early, now he is in college, he is going into his senior year that is life. that is my family's life. i feel for many others who are about to lose their lives. and i will pray that this nation will turn our lord will turn our nation to the right again. it is a tough, sad situation we are in with that mr. president i vote no. >> senator gowan votes no. senator carroll. >> mr. president, i rise to explain my vote. >> proceed. >> there is a lot of points
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made by my colleagues here with respect to this bill that is before us. and i will fall back to what senator shamp pulled up. keyed in on a important aspect of things. our responsibility in this body is to understand the intent of the law and where it came from. statements have been made that the territorial times were archaic. the child abuse and the trafficking and all of the other things taking place today. given the size of the population of our country. the size of the populations of the world, our open borders, all of these are impacting the
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situation that is so ungodly. and the medical industry seems to disenvoyed their oath to save and protect lives. to hear them speak as they do as if it is just a business, a financial gain of some kind. it is most unfortunate that we are at a place like this. so, all i will say is, at this point, i will continue to fight for children's lives. born, unborn, i will continue to fight against the sex trafficking and the human trafficking that is taking place. looking at the votes on this board, unfortunately, we are attacking the family as well. i will proudly vote no and stand my ground for god,
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country and children. >> senator kerr. >> thank you, mr. president. i rise to explain my vote. >> proceed. >> listening to my colleagues i don't have a lot to add to your words. your hearts that you have shared. for those of you supporting life today and i am just sitting here reminded how far we have come from teaching, how precious human life is. we got to get back to that. we have to teach it to our children, our grandchildren and beyond. it has been mentioned my vote
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reflects being a voice for the voiceless. i agree with those that have said district 19. i am grieving i am so sad today with him. and i vote no. votes no. senator bennett? >> mr. president i would like to explain my vote. >> proceed. >> the close that we have today, i think, was correctly described by senator meznard. stay with the 1864, 1977,
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whatever or the 15 week. i am voting no because i think 15 weeks is way too long. i think the law in the books presently leaves out some changes that would improve it such as an exception for rain and incest with report -- rape and incest with reporting. defects that would not allow the child to survive at birth. our daughter works three to four days a week and at the end of every shift she calls her mother or me or both to tell us
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how her day went. and that means that i heard hundreds of stories, many of them joyous. many of them so heart wrenching it is beyond my comprehension how she does what she does. and there are situations where parents have chosen to terminate a pregnancy for reasons that are not contained in our present law. and it is difficult to craft any law that takes account for every exception. i can not go from where we are at right now to 15 weeks. because long before that, and i
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give a lot of emphasis on when the heart starts beating and when the brain of that child is emitting waves. that is long before 15 weeks. that is a critical point to me. we can debate as pro-life or all of us. when life begins. god knows that. to me it is long before 15 weeks. but i want to say that i respect the person's behind every one of the names on this board. if you are green or red. i am sure you are doing, voting your conscious and i will stand for that to the end. but i can not, if i have to
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choose where arizona is at today or going to the 15 weeks i choose where it is at right now and i vote no. >> senator no. 16, 14, you paed house bill 2667 . libertarian national convention begins friday at 3:30 p.m. highlights includ independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy junior, followed by vice presidential debate by vivek ramaswamy and then on saturday at 8:00 pp eastern, former president donald trump will speak. and on sunday, at 9:00 a.m.
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eastern the party announces their nominee. the libertarian national convention live at 3:30 p.m. c-span now, or mobile app. . next, families of americans detained in russia and elsewhere. as they urge lawmakers to bring their loved ones home immediately. their appearance on oversight and investigations. it


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