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tv   Connecticut Governor Delivers 2024 State of the State Address  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 9:24am-9:46am EDT

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it's about 30 minutes. ,. [applause]
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work for training and not-for-profit. at the same time our budget provided% tax cut for middle-class families and a
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bigger tax credit for working families are families. [applause] people are noticing unlike neighboring states which is losing population, gained population over the last two years. today we have more people working, starting businesses and more people joining labor unions with better pay and benefits, mark and connecticut and more out of stators going to move to connecticut. one mornings i. too many people cannot find a place to live. it's either not available or not affordable. budget double investment by
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causing affordable housing, elder housing. [laughter] [applause] [applause] long-overdue. long-overdue. most of our cities were much bigger 50 years ago and stumbling grounds. today for the family on these empty parking lots and brownfields art mediated for your child or grandparent welded we have a development model that works right here. the development.
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[applause] what are you hiding back therefore? private money which means mark housing star at least cost. the hartford regional level over 5000 homes have been built motion to be built. public transportation in our schools. the state will be a partner leading the financing asap to get troublesome the ground. [applause]
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[applause] shopping center and an empty parking lot is now a beautiful park 250 new units of housing built, a short walk for refurbished transition. turbocharging the renaissance. the federal infrastructure law especially important connecticut engaging center. new haven to grand central and station.
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the bridge can save two to three minutes and no longer slow down to travel over the 100-year-old bridge. figure out how much time saving our transportation funds connecticut can and wait about the weight class right now. [applause] things to our workforce program. [chanting]
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[chanting] [chanting] acute demonstration in my day
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and whatever the cause is a disservice when you are rude and disrespectful in a room like this, disrespectful to the people in this world disrespecting the audience. [applause] [applause] back to our regularly scheduled program partnering with building to make sure quality workers are ready to go. the more housing around the transportation center and around service.
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[applause] the biggest in our state, the biggest driver of high-cost the cost of housing. if you own a home, you're probably doing well with the lack of housing tribes of cost for everybody else and increases the risk of homelessness. transferring old hotels and personal property and temporary housing and interagency task force. what does that mean? [applause] housing is more than roof over your head. thanks to the extra $350 million commitment we are providing
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addiction to adult services and support of housing. [applause] we are one of the densest states in the country. i wish we had more people in the state of ohio. we have to manage growth carefully. our cities are coming back big time and preserving more open states than ever before, 11000 acres in the last five years alone. 11000 acres. [applause] hundreds of miles and hiking trails but are connecting
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downtown for the great outdoor. better check the weather. state and country are by more severe unpredictable weather than ever before. last summer the river valley required irrigation due to severe drought and a week later they were 6 inches underwater. the dealings with climate change is expensive but they are doing nothing immeasurable. [applause] 's. [applause] flood insurance in florida
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prohibited. the workplaces shut down development in wildfires in california to canada and connecticut. we must continue to work together our energy system reliable, affordable and less toxic. double down on wind, hydro. thanks to energy efficiency is not increased much but thanks to brian garcia more self-sufficient, hundreds of dollars every year without adding one two air pollution.
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data centers and moving hybrid and electric vehicle in modern technology will put more demand on our grid. the next generation of clean energy with an emphasis of affordability and i would welcome insights from the energy in the options. it's not just whether that's more extreme, culture is unleashing more extreme papers. increase domestic abuse, fentanyl overdoses and mental health calls. they are getting younger and younger. thank you for more security for
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house of worship to conscious i think that's the extreme flexing. our budget is doing more, we do a better job people's lives? we have dss service and renewals transformed an opportunity centers for one in the program. it is a reality. it is better pay. we will propose again you don't
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have to show up to where you need. [applause] [applause] the biggest amendment to childcare in history. $90 million this year alone. child educators and reinforcement presenters and family care homes following the recommendation of the blue ribbon panel. continue to provide center for companies to follow closely
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partnering navy and connecticut southeast connecticut and retain moms and dads with her newborn. our budget provides resources to help caregivers get certified to set up their own home-based childcare center. hey, maria. [applause] able to take care of many that was nationally recognized the healthcare center. thank you. the licensing fees and social equity council will prioritize childcare and homeless shelters in those communities hardest hit by the war on drugs. providing also nurses for first
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time parents starting at bridgeport. [applause] [applause] best k-12 education system. our provides more let's make sure we are doing better for our kids. teachers and parents need help. russell that doctor of education. [applause] use the hyperlink with little address future shortages in the program high school age kids can help out elementary classrooms. "big brother" big sister.
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there she is. [applause] she's expanding our future program next generation teachers including tanner callahan. his tanner here? there he is. [applause] during our public schools apprentice getting paid in the classroom while finishing education. thank you, tanner. [applause] in addition stance on the school still have additional $400 million in federal relief for the next two years. we will continue to fund for more kids disconnected from its
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from the pandemic in the classroom for those feeling deep yellow, this is focused on rejuvenating connection the counselor and the budget continues the richmond program together and afterschool programs and expanded preschool goals. [applause] [applause] there is one more distraction in the school classroom -- social
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media. creasing the kids on our phones are tuning out each other and tuning out money including unfiltered images that are disturbing. severe anxiety and behavior can be traced back to social media. remember to. william is pushing to make sure social media companies are held accountable to do a better job protecting our kids. [applause] the legislature will make sure to put an end state.
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[applause] that is not a hologram. the real mccoy. [cheering and applauding] have a simple idea -- i guess. it's a little bit from sinai and a little bit from beyoncé. [laughter] limit tik tok for children to one hour a day and beyoncé leader smart phone before a major event. we will set up guidance to boards soon. younger students leave their microphones at home or seven in a pack at the start of every school day. [applause]


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