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tv   Rosalynn Carter Interview  CSPAN  November 20, 2023 11:59am-12:56pm EST

11:59 am >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? no, it's way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. >> comca supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> this past weekend, former first lady rosalynn carter passed away at the age of 96. during a 2013 interview with c-span, she spoke about a partnership with former president jimmy carter in the 1976 presidential campaign. she also highlighted her charity
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work at the carter center. >> we had a friend that told me he ought to run for president. we cannot even say the words. i did not tell anybody because we kept it very quiet. but then once he decided he would do it, that was when i couldn't -- he could hardly say, i am going to be president. it was something we never ever dreamed would happen. but it was exciting. i was excited about it. i had campaigned the whole last year before the governor's
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race. it was hard. amy was a baby. i did not like to leave her all the time. i enjoyed it. i learned so much about our state. we had 159 candidates. that is how i got involved. our big mental health facility hospital, there have been a big expose. an act had been passed. this was in 1963. this was 1966 when jimmy first ran for governor. we got in late because our leading democratic candidate had a heart attack. they were moving people out of the hospital because there was
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12,000 people but we only had room for 3000. it was happening all over the country. they were moving them out before they had any facilities. no facilities in the communities. everyone he started talking to me about, what would your husband do as governor of georgia? i learned so much about what was going on. after we lost that election, i work for four years to learn a little bit about mental health. and we improved services to the mentally and emotionally handicapped. when he told me about it, i thought this is giving me a chance to go across the whole country, and it was so much fun to me. i love going in people's homes. what we first started camping for president, i went to two primaries.
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i had been working. what we got home from the navy, jim had me. i did not work the first year. i started helping him, and he only has seasonal labor. i started working for him. he said, why don't you keep the office while i visit the farmers? i would go to iowa and there might be six people in somebody's house. i knew the price of fertilizer and how much they could get for their corn. i loved it. it was hard, but i was so excited. i have been able to learn all about georgia and the country. i knew he would be a good president. >> mrs. carter, when did you know giving that campaign that your husband would be elected president. >> i never doubted it.
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i don't think he doubted it. i don't think anybody in the campaign thought we would lose. you have to have that set of mind to win. we campaigned all the time like we were going to win. >> what was the peanut brigade? >> the peanut brigade was a lot of our friends. it started off in georgia, being just people from georgia, but it grew and grew and grew. they would campaign all over the country for us and it was wonderful. they paved their own way. we had no money. everybody who worked on our camping had to find a house to stay in or somebody to support them. they would spend the night with them. they had to pay for a hotel. that could not happen there, but not with the money even to win the nomination.
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>> rosalynn carter, january 20, 1977, what do you remember about that day? >> it was inauguration day. we walked down pennsylvania avenue in the cold weather and it was exciting. >> whose idea was it to walk? >> it was jim's idea. he did not tell me until the night before. he did not tell anybody else except the secretary of state. the secretary of state did not want him to because of security. they did not want him to walk at all. i guess he just thought it was better. nobody was anticipating him walking down pennsylvania avenue. i think he thought everything would be different. maybe we should not do it if everybody knew it.
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anyway, it was really wonderful. >> so january 20, 1977, you are the first lady of the united states. how do you prepare to become first lady? >> the hard part for me was going from the supply business to the governor's mansion. a beautiful mansion. it was new. all the way through. i went to see the outgoing governor's wife after we won and i asked her who did the cooking. she said, i did. i said, who serves the table? she said, i do. everything i asked her, she did. i said i would like to see your office. she said, i don't have one. she said she did not have an
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office. they handle my correspondence. i said, do you make speeches? she said, no, i let the governors mother do it. i said, what have we done? the first thing i do is higher the housekeeper, and then we talk them to serve and cook. developed a fairly competent staff. the music club of atlanta had invited me to entertain someone coming to perform in atlanta. january 30, we actually moved in the governors mansion on january 12. jimmy had an aunt in this area and i called her because she is a wonderful person.
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she came and helped me. we put tuxedos on, which were different for them. anyway, we had a really wonderful meeting. i got her to organize taking people through the governor's mansion. the first time state patrolman were in the hallway, and i thought that did not seem very homey so i had a list of people who came and helped, came every day. anyway, i had to learn everything. i had to develop the staff. we learned by trial and error. i had my sister that helped me. for instance, when we entertained, one of the first
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that your trainers we had was a man who had simply read his biography and talent and what he did and it sounded perfect. we had a lot of racecar drivers, a lot from the speedway, and they were coming to eat. we got him. he stood up and he saying opera if you can believe it. after that, we learned we had to audition. when i got to the white house, everything was already done. i did not have to learn about what we were going to serve or any of those things. she would make our plans for me and bring them to me. it was really quite wonderful. amy was three years old when we moved to the governors mansion. she had never known anything else. and in the governors mansion, the only thing i would change is you could not get from upstairs where we lived to the kitchen
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without going through the tourists. amy learned at three years of age to walk through like this because everyone would go, there is the baby, there is the baby. she learned how to walk through without seeing them. i remember when we got to the white house and she went to school the first day, it was amy going in like this, which she had been doing all her life. everybody felt so sorry for her. that was just part of our life. and actually come after that happened on the first day, the press got together and decided not to bother amy anymore. that was really wonderful. in the white house, we did not have to worry about that very much. >> where did you first meet jimmy carter? >> well, georgia has a publishing of 634, that town,
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and i think i knew everybody in town. there were no girls my age at the time. i knew him but he was three years older. but his sister was three years younger and would stay in town. we would have a basketball game or something, an event at the school, she would stay with her grandmother who lived in town, and we became close friends. she was my best friend growing up. >> this is ruth? >> this is ruth. but he graduated from high school at 16. we only went 11 grades back that and i was 13. there is no way i thought i would go with jimmy carter, and i did not go with him until he came home before he was the
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first classmen. he came home from the naval academy, and i went out with him right before he was going to leave. ruth and i plotted to get me out because i have fallen in love with his photograph on the wall at home. she would call me and say, he is here. i would go out there and he would be gone. one day, we had a farmhouse fairly close to the house. everybody in town used it for events, church events and will events and things like that. she called and said somebody had used it the night before and they were going out there to clean up, she and jimmy. at night, i was at the church meeting standing at the door, a youth meeting one night per
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week. ruth was her boyfriend and jimmy drove up and got out of the car and asked me to go to the movie with them. so i went to the movie with them and went to the station to see him off the next night, and we started writing letters to each other and at christmas time, he asked me to marry him and i turned him down. i was young and i have promised my father on his deathbed that i would go to college and finish college. i went to annapolis the weekend of the dance. i don't remember what they call the dance. he asked me again. >> july 7, 1946. you said your father died when you were quite young. >> 13.
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i was the oldest of four children. i had two brothers and my sister who was four years old. my father developed leukemia. i did not know he was sick. i have been wanting to go to a church camp in the summer, and they told me we did not have enough money for it. one day i came home and went to school and my dad asked me if i would still like to go to the camp. i said great. i did not know he was going to the hospital to see what was wrong, and he died may be may and then he died in november. >> how did that affect your role as the eldest child? >> everything changed for us. i was the oldest one. my mother had never written a check.
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she went to college for two years and had a teacher's certificate. back then, she wanted to do groceries. the company closed and they would send the groceries to the house. my dad paid for them. when he was on his deathbed, he told us all the children and my mother that she did not have to fill the form if she did not want to. the next year, her mother died. she was an only child. mom died and we had no idea she was sick and my grandfather went to a farm outside of town. when he came back in, she was leaning over crying because she was dead in the chair.
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somebody told my mother 11 months after my dad died and we had been depending on them so much. i was getting ready to go to school and heard screaming in the hall where the telephone was. it was tough. my mother worked at the grocery store and then worked in the school lunchroom, and when i was in high school, she got a job in the post office and worked there until she had to retire. she had to retire at age 70. it was the law. i was campaigning. this is 1975. her birthday is christmas eve. and on her birthday she had to retire. so i was campaigning. i went campaigning after christmas and went home and my brother told me, go to see
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mother, she cried all week long. i succumb, mother -- i said, mother. she had to come back late in the afternoon but my grandfather came back to live with us when my grandmother died. my mother had slept for four hours because the postmaster did not want to get up early and did not want to stately, but anyway, i said, mother, don't you enjoy being able to sleep in? she said it is not that. it is just that nobody thinks i can do good work anymore. that made an impression on me. i became interested in working with mental illness. there were no doctors to care for people with mental illness. he passed an age discrimination law.
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people in the federal government could work as long as they wanted to. people outside could work until they were 75, so that worked. >> rosalynn carter, you have always been a political partner to your husband, is that a fair statement? >> been a partner. he was in the navy for seven years. after we got married, we had three boys. after the first year, had one baby, and he was gone for two years. back then, you have to serve two years before you could go to the air force or submarines. he was gone monday through thursday every week and had duty one night. i had to take care of everything. when we got home, i began working on the supply business. i think that is when we really developed this really good partnership. i could advise him, and it just
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developed into a wonderful partnership. i did not campaign when he ran for the senate. i kept the business while he campaigned. but then i campaigned when he ran for governor the first time. but then when he got in the governor's race, i learned all the issues and campaigned and enjoyed it and did the same thing when he was running for president. i think it was the first time that women had campaigned. i had a friend when jimmy ran for president and i wanted to know if i could campaign in other states like i did in georgia. or florida.
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we went to florida. we would just stop along the way in the towns and pass out brochures and look up the radio stations. we started going towards antennas because there were radios. it might be just a music station where they play music. they would have no idea what i would say. i would like you to interview me with my husband running for president. president of the united states, you got to be kidding. no. the first day when i had five or six questions, there were things i wanted people to know about jimmy, and i came home and said i can do it. i learned everybody is the same. there were good families, good places, good things for our families, a church. they wanted a place to worship.
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they wanted to make a living and have a good life. everybody wants the same thing. >> different regions have other things, but in general people want to be home and have a family. >> in your book, you write that you are more political than your husband. what did you mean by that? >> sometimes i would get after him because i think you have to be political in a certain way. you have to be honest and say the same things. but still, you have to cater to people and no what they -- and know what they want and need to be able to influence and have them vote for you. it is not being dishonest. it is just finding out what they want and letting them know how
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you will help them with the problems, the things they want, the things they want to accomplish. but jimmy said if something needs to be done, it needs to be done now. when he was president, i think he ever did anything tha was not corsia that bothered me some times, controversy all the time. >> rosalynn carter, in the white house, you held a conferences, traveled solo, acted as the president's emissary. how did you develop the issues you wanted to talk about or became expert in? >> i worked on mental health. toured the country. i worked with the problems of the elderly, and a lot of that came from seeing what happened to my mother because i was in
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the campaign. but also, in campaigning, they took me where there were a lot of democrats, so i worked in a lot of nursing homes for older people. i saw what great needs were in that area, so that influenced me i had worked on immunization in georgia. a good immunization program. a later senator, he was governor the same time jimmy was. he worked with the centers for disease control on a really good immunization program. and so two weeks after we got in
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the white house, she called me and i was ready to work on immunization in the white house. immunization was required by school age in only 15 states. there was an argument about whether it was 15 or 17. the first year, we worked with betty and the secretary of hhs. it was exciting. we had this meeting in washington. i go from one subject to the other, but we had a big meeting in washington to celebrate and have people all over the country. the next day, there was not one word in the paper about it. i was so upset. i said i know there was a camper there. he said, it was ours but nobody was interested in immunization. i got upset with the press too because they covered my mental health work the first few
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meetings i had and then they never showed up anymore. one of the things i wanted to do was bring attention to the issue and how terrible it was and how few services there were, but just getting it out in the public, that is what i did in georgia, developed a good program in georgia, by the way. they just did not come. in the white house, this woman, one of the press people, i said nobody ever covers my meetings. she said, miss carter, it is not a sexy issue. i never got very much coverage for it, but we toured the country and developed legislation.
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the mental health systems act of 1980, it passed through congress one month before jimmy, as he says, was involuntarily went tired from the white house and the incoming president put it on a shelf and never implement it, one of the greatest disappointments of my life. and now we had a mental health symposium. we have a great program here. one of the people who worked with me in the white house, the subject, he did a comparison of what we did in 1980 with the affordable care act and it was almost identical. it just passed and was announced here, the final regulations. i have parity in the 19 80 act. things don't move very fast. i am so thrilled now we have
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parity and the affordable care act. it covers parity, and we also had immigration in the 1980 legislation, combining mental health and substance issues. >> and you andet ford worked on that together. >> that is rig. after we left the white house, betty and i would go to washington and get the democrats and republicans. >> your husbands were known as good friends. friends or very did you and betty ford have the same relationship? >> yes, we developed a really good relationship. we went to a funeral after we left the white house, and that is when jimmy and gerald ford began talking a lot of time and saw how much each 1 -- betty and
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i started working and we developed a wonderful relationship. >> mrs. carter, there are several first ladies still living. is there a sorority of first ladies in a sense? >> i had a good relationship with betty ford and lady bird. as long as she was alive. that is about it. there has never been a real -- we see each other at events and library dedications come over there has never been that closeness that i had with betty ford. >> when you were first lady, you had a weekly luncheon with your husband and what attend cabinet meetings. what was the purpose of that?
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>> well, i had a luncheon with jimm there were always things i wanted to ask him, and some of it was about the family and the financial things going on back home, but we also talked about issues. i would say it was more family and personal things going on. but i gave us time to do that. after we were there until about august, jimmy stated -- stayed at the oval office a good bit in the daytime. did not come back much at night. started calling me at about 4:30 in the afternoon. my office was in the east wing. he started calling me and said, let's go jog or do something.
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i wanted to be home when amy got home from school. we would jog and exercise and swim and sit on the truman balcony and talk about what he had done during the day and what i had done during the day. we just had a good relationship. but what i learned in the white house was that there is no way to know what has happened because of the press. you can't learn from newspapers. you can't learn from two minutes on tv. we did not have computers. we had the big mainframe still in the white house. no one ever used them. they got more, but this was a long time ago. 30 something years ago. i cannot tell. he said, every day he stepped off the elevator upstairs, i
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would ask him. i had to know. i was touring the country and having press conferences and i needed to know. one day when he stepped off to the elevator, he said, why don't you come to cabinet meetings and you ll know why we do things, and that is how i started. the cabinet meetings are now staffed around the room. a member was in a wheelchair, veterans affairs, and i sat by him next to the door. every time that i could. i thought it was necessary for me to know what was going on and the decisions made and so forth so i could explain to people in the country as i toured around. >> rosalynn carter, did you receive criticism for attending those meetings and being the
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president's emissary? >> i don't think i ever received criticisms from the west wing. they knew how close we were. and how interested i was. but there was all kind of criticism. but you know, i learned why jimmy was in it. that is the hardest, because you know everybody criticizes you. you expect it when you become governor and jimmy had been governor for four years. i knew it was coming. i did not like it but you have to accept the attitude. i did. but i think you have to live a public life. you have to know that your husband does what he thinks is the best possible thing for the country. and what i'm doing i think is
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the best possible thing for the country. jimmy would stay in the state senate and i would get so upset. he sat me down and said if you think i am doing the best job i can do, then worry about it. but also, my feeling was if they reported things in a way we did not like, it was because they did not know it. they did not know what was going on. lots of times it was true. if they know why you are doing it and so forth, that is why you can't. with today's television, there is no way to know what is happening. with the affordable care act, so confused by the time we had a meeting last week. we had people who really knew what was in the law, which was good for us. and to add the credit regulation, we found out the day before that she was going to
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announce the final regulation. that was in 2008. i had been talking to her about it. she is a good friend. her father was governor when jimmy was governor. i talked to her about regulations. i am sure her hands were tied by the white house. as soon as i heard it, i started shaking. this was years after i had wanted it. it was exciting. it was emotional. >> was it possible to have a private life in the white house, and did the white house feel like home? >> it felt like home to us almost immediately because we had all been campaigning. all of our boys had been campaignin and i had been campaigning and we had been
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together. i had two of my sons and amy there. we had meals together. we had to make a rule that if you were not going to be back for a meal, you have to check off a little thing so we could know who would tre. most of the time, i was there when she came home from school. i helped her with her lessons and took filing classes. and then as i said earlier, jimmy and i would jog or swim. if it was raining, we would go to the bowling alley. amy like that. we had a fairly good family life . i think it was so precious to us
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because we had been going, traveling for two years. >> does the white house affect a marriage? >> i think it could. it did not affect ours because we had been partners working together for so long. but i could see if the first lady was not particularly interested in the different issues, it would be very difficult, but jimmy could talk to me about all of it i think it happens that way more and more with first ladies because some of the early first ladies were very active but there were others who were not. >> when you look back at previous first ladies before you served, who did you admire? who did you emulate? who did you learn from? >> will, the closest ashwell --
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well, the closest and the only person i had that had knowledge was labored. they would come together and they met me with the highway beautification program. i just knew her, and the main thing she told me was if i were to ask for something, she would say enjoy it because it will not last long. you will not be there forever, so just enjoy it. but she did help me a lot. look back at eleanor roosevelt, who was quite wonderful. one person that had a big impact on my life was margaret mead. when i decided i was going to run on mental health, she came to georgia, and we developed this wonderful relationship. and she would give me advice. went to canada for a mental-health meeting. anyway, she just -- to meet her
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was emotional for me. i would have liked to have met eleanor roosevelt. >> rosalynn carter, your husband in 2010 published his white house diaries. do you keep a diary or journal during the white house years? >> i kept them at different times. i did not do much in the beginning but i started having my secretary put spaces between events and i had a desk in my bedroom and left it there. i would go to the event and i would start writing notes about what happened at that event. i did that pretty regularly for a while. i have a really good diary about campaigning. i kept those notes all the time. from the first day. >> are those public? >> no. >> if and when will they be public? >> i don't know.
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i just went through and edited them. i did not edit anything but struck out a few passages. >> why? >> i might not want you to know. it was just my personal thoughts along with what was happening. i did not sit in on any of the meetings, but i was there the whole time. as soon as he would come out of a meeting, i was there. it was incredible. it was from the heights of excitement to the depths of despair. i came home one day for answers and we did not know we would be there for 13 days so the last few days i had to go into town, did some events for jimmy and some for me. there was something i planned. got back one day in this was
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towards the end. jimmy and others said it is over. they thought it was. when jimmy left -- i left on sunday, the day they came back. we are just going to have to end it. we opened the white house. we had -- pbs did our events for a while. i can't remember who had to come in. i have to come in and introduce the audience. got about halfway through it and
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thought, no. about halfway through the concert. jimmy told me they thought they had it but don't tell anybody. did not know for sure. but that was interesting. anyway, when they came in that night, dusk or dark, i am not sure. they came in standing by the blue room and went straight to her. mom, we are going to go down in history for this. it was really thrilling. >> you think maybe we will see a rosalynn carter campaign that records diary books sometime? >> we might. actually, i guess it is alright for me to tell this.
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the very next year i think. >> will you be there for it? >> i will be there for it. > another issue during your husband's presidency i want to ask about, the iranian hostage crisis did you keep notes -- crisis. keep notes? wha\ -- did you keep notes? what were you feeling? >> it was awful. just waiting for the press conference and i ran to say what happened that day because we had no idea what was going on and the only way we do what was going on was we were going to come out and announced it --an and announce it. thinking that the family members that were there and what it was
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doing to jimmy's presidency, it was awful. i would go out and campaign. i have found out earlier that when a president goes out he is so surrounded. he speaks to them and says hello but he does not get close enough to people to have conversations like you went about their hopes and dreams or what i was doing or jimmy was doing. ihave learned about that early -- was doing. i had learned about that early in his presidency. they would say, tell the president to do something, he's got to do something. i would come home and say, why don't you do something. he would say, what do you want me to do? you want me to mine
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the harbors and have them bring out a prisoner per day? new tv programs started. and nobody got over it at all. could not get over it. just thinking about it every day and every night. it was awful. i kept up with what i was doing. i never stopped doing the things i was doing. >> by the time the four years were over, how tired where you? >> you lose the election in november and that is depressing. it was depressing. but then you are there until january 20, november to january. i just wanted to go home. and then when we got home, i don't know that i was tired. i guess i was tired, but i just
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room number coming home, boxes to the ceiling. we lived right on the edge of the woods. we have been god 10 years because jimmy was governor four, campaigned two. the woods came up behind our house. the vines and things. we both agreed to write books. it was overwhelming. i did not have time to worry about it, to really mourn it. i think i mourned it before i left the white house. i used to walk around and think there is my mental health legislation. i thing i realized how important it was for a president to have a second term. although jimmy carter would not have changed anyway. he would not have changed anything. >> in your book, you had written
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in 1984, you closed by saying i would be out on the campaign trail today if jimmy carter would run again. >> all the time after he lost the election, i kept hoping he would run again. i would have been there. >> you have a grandson that just announced for governor of georgia. will you be out on the campaign trail? >> i will do whatever he asks me to do. he is a bright young man who graduated from duke university, worked in the peace corps, came home and went to law school. he has a law form there -- he has a law firm there. two terms as state senator. >> you have had 33 years post-presidency, the longest in history now, and you and president carter have been very active. what do you think your legacy first of all as first lady is? or what would you like it to be? >> i hope my legacy continues
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for more than just first lady. it has been an integral part of my life. and building hope. i hope that i have contributed something to mental health issues and helped improve a little bit the life of people dealing with mental illness. i would also hope -- i have had great opportunities for so long. and to go through africa or one of those countries, we go to africa to her three times a year. to go to those villages and now things are coming to fruition that we have been working on all those years likely almost eradicated a worm. to go to a village where is no longer there, it is a celebration.
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one of the good things about the carter center is we do not give money to the government. we sent people in to teach, to help people in that country how to do something. we were with the people in the village and the health department, and we worked with them. they do the work. we go to the village and explain to them about it. if you can get the chief to approve, that is what you have to do. if they hear about it from another country, they are so happy you are there. but just to see, to go back when it has gone from a village that is almost gone and the hope it gives to them, most of the time that is the first thing they have ever seen and it is just so wonderful to see the hope. something good is happening.
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did not mean to get emotional. >> rosalynn carter, we are here in atlanta at the carter center for this interview. how much time do you spend in atlanta? >> well, we schedule one week a month ahead of time to be here. most of the time, we have to come back more than that. my mental health conference, i was here three days last week and this week is my week here. and we have to come back more than that, but we schedule that so we can plan our travels around it. and we travel. almost too much. this year, i would be interested to see how many trips. maybe not half. most of the time, i guess most of the time, it is not half the time, getting pretty close. the only thing, i mean, we go to
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africa. something wonderful happens if you go there from the carter center. we put global 2000 and africa because we found out if they had -- they get credit for what they do. they got through the worm for the village. or the wheat field, the wheat crop has grown by three three times as much as it used to. they get so excited. so anyway, but word gets around. one time we were in this village . there was a farmer who had been named farmer of the year. we went to this village.
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anyway, we were in a village and they would put all these plush chairs. we saw the whole village came. and there was a little girl. about halfway through what jimmy was saying, she held up a sign saying, go away, worm, jimmy carter is coming. word gets around and people know it. so when we get to the village, i mean to other countries maybe, the word is already around. it just works magic sometimes i think. it gives hope to people who have never had any hope of their lives ever getting better. >> it is exciting. and finally, rosalynn carter, what is your advice to future first ladies or first husbands? >> well, in the first place, i
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would say enjoy it, which is what lady bird told me. but i think i have learned you can do anything you want to. these just me if i thought the first lady thought to be paid. if you get paid, i have to do what a first lady is supposed to do, but you can do anything you want to, and it is a great soapbox, such a great opportunity. i would advise any first lady to do what she wants to do. and another thing i learned is you will be criticized about what you. i could have stayed in the white house, 14, had reception, and i would have been criticized. i was criticized outside by what i did and i got a lot of criticism. you learn to live with it. you just live with it. you live with it. i never let it influence me.
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i would just tell her just to enjoy it and do what she wanted to do and the process. i know the first lady will have things she wants to do. but what women do now changed from when i grew up. i could be a secretary or schoolteacher, librarian, but now women are more active. so just do what you want to do and don't worry about the criticisms. >> thank you. >> i enjoyed talking to you. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2023] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> tonight, watch the conclusion of c-span series in partnership with the library of congress, books that change america.
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we will feature the words of cesar chavez published in 2002. it is a clutch of speeches and other writings by the labour leader and civil rights activist. the book weakens the history of the labor movement tell chavez used nonviolent methods like marches and fasting to deliver his message for better pay and working conditions for migrant farmworkers. a journalist and author of a biography will join us on the program to discuss the book. watch "books that shaped america" featuring "the words of cesar chavez" tonight live at 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, or online at also be sure to scan the qr code to listen to our companion podcast, where you can learn more about the authors of the books featured. >> american history tv,
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