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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  January 2, 2024 10:03am-11:06am EST

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we are funded by these television companies and more. including wow. >> the world has changed. today, fast reliable internet connection is something no one can live without. wow is there for our customers with speed, reliability, value, and choice. now more than ever it all starts with great internet. >> wow. >> wow supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. host good morning. it is tuesday, january 2. the house and senate meeting day for the first, the new year. we're asking for the new year's message to lawmakersn the president. what issues do you want washington to take on what do
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you want washington to take on? --ake on? what do u hope ngress will take on? democrats, (202) 748000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. you can send us a text at (202) 748-8003. if you do include your name and where you are from. catch up with us on social media. on twitter or x, @cspanwj. on facebook at a good tuesday morning to you. call in with your message to washington in the new year. here are some issues before congress in the early months of 2024, including the upcoming government funding deadline. funding for military, veterans programs, agriculture, agencies and tranortation and urban development. that runs out on january 19.
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finance expires for the state department, defense department, commerce, labor, health and human servic among others on february 2, just 17 days until the fir of the partial government shutdown. also on the list of congress's dues, border security. the biden administrati asked for the emergency aid package totaling $110 billion, including $61 billion for ukraine, $14 billion for israel, $14 billion for border security. congress also taking up the impeachment inquiry, the formal vote formalized the inquiry happened at the end of 2023. the investigations continue in various house committees. thos of the issues before congress in the early days and weeks of 2024. we are asking what your message to washington is in the new year. democrats, (202) 748-8000.
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republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. we will get right to it. danny calling from denver on the line for democrats. good morning. caller: happy new year. host: what is your message to washington? caller: i think the president should implement a crisis on the price of gas as a maer of national security. the world is a war right now. nixon implement it a price freeze back in the 1970's. i think the president should be able to come up with a price for gas that is profitable for the oil companies and what is best for the country as far as keeping our national security and keeping the supply chain flowing. host: what does a gallon of gas cost you in denver? caller: right now it is about $2.50.
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it was $3.50 last year but started dropping. about two dollars 75 cents would be the perfect price to freeze gas at so it is profitable for the company's. aouple of refineries should be built somewhere stratically around the countryo give the price of gas down. what corporate america has to do is realize if they don't make joe biden look better by bringing inflation down and making him lk better of the two choices we wl have we will get stuck with trump. corporate america has to realize this and make biden looketter. they are the one to control how good the president looks. in ukraine, we suld have given them air force planes an superior and they would've had the war knocked out a long ti ago. they don't have air superiority. i don't know if they have airplanes over there. have we given them airplanes re not? host: that is danny in denver.
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the editial in the washington post. russia's deadly new saos are challenging congress to respond, ting that the wave of bbs and missiles unleashed on friday was one of the largest aerial attackon ukraine since russia's invasion 22 months ago. they write to mr. putin's latest destructive salvo for congress in the white house to ckle down and strike a compromise that will allow aid to ukraine and israel and a packa on the southern border. the total is a small fraction of the u.s. economic output but a sizable investment in ukraine's survival which is an investment in deterring wider aggression by russia and others. the lead editorial in today's washingtonost. nick in indiana. what is your message to congress and the white house? caller: my message is i would like to see cgress, the house passed some kind of bill to get
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to the senate and the president on immigration. it seems to me like all they do is complain, complain, complain. they have not passed -- done much of anything tt i can see. it takes all three branches of government to find a cure r this immigration problem. host: victor -- which party is better on immigration? caller: i don't think either one is doing good to tell you the truth. i think they are just going to have to have a limit. you have to have a limit on each country. if there were a lot of people coming from venezuela, you can't
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let everybody from venezuela in and not let anybody in f most rally or somewhere around there. -- notet anybody in from australia or somewhereround there. host: former president trump making immigration one of the key aspects of his campaign. a new ad featuring the immigratioissue released just before the new year from the trump campaign. [video] >> while the world burns joe biden has created a violent threat in our own backyard. biden's open border opened flood gates and raises the possibility of a hamas attack. president trump our borders secured and held to it again by building even more walls and stopping people from terrorist countries from ever entering. >> i'm donald trump and i approve th message. host: a trump campan addrs
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before t new year. we are asking for yourew ar's message to washington, asking youo call on the phone lines as usual. democrs, republicans, independents. gary from virgia. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i'm an old-time republican so i think all of us at c-span should show congrs how to lead the way. we ought to do something that is common sense. everybody shod call the 800 number on the milk and juice carton and tell em to get rid of the plastic cap o top. it's a waste of high ality plastic. it's an impediment to easy livi. if your fingers are wet, you have to get up flyers. if you break the safety seal ring, you have to punch it out with needle nose -- host: you think that is
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something everybody can agree on? caller i think it . we ought to call the 800 number and tell them to go back to the old way where you pulled the rs back and popped out the center of e jug and have a perfect spout. it saves you time. host: got your point, gary. gary on the milk issue. julian mississpi, democrat. -- julie in mississippi, democrat. what is your message to washington in the new year? caller: everyountry in the world outside of america chooses a president. we are all supposed to follow him. one country under god that we swear to. i think we don't do that. we are not supposed to be one party against the other. that is not right for the country to be led like that
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because the country cannot stand. if t republicans don't respect the democrats. we need toome together as one union, because we are the best country in the world. we are falling apart. even russia, like putin, his people don't go against him. every country in the world, the leader is chosen to lead the country at that time, ty respected. we are the only disrespectful country in the whole wide world. we are in for a fall. host: chris, kansas city, miouri. independent. caller: good morning. i started out as a republican. i'm now an independent. that happened because of the distraction of the values that
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defined assess republicans. they got back to one thing. all created equal requires a font to practice civil rights, i have to honor my neighbor as ving equal civil rights. what i'm arguing for is the president needto talk more about what american values really are. we have th heart of a parent towards her country, towardour children, towards ouneighbor. we practice forgiveness and repentance as skilled social and political ills for a be able to just to have a neighbor to be able have a country, to be able to have a citizen. i would like the president to talk about the family vaeses that defined america, wch are values that say we care about ou country. we care about god. we care about our neighbor. we practice that isuch a way that the civil rights that we have we share with one another and we do not get reduced to
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rhetoric the way it is used right now. if we look at trump, he is the antichrist. h's the opposite of what we need. we neeto get back to the values of america. ho: who was theast president who talked about the values of america in your mind? caller: to be honest with you i have not got one in recent history. i'm 75 years old. that really disappoints me. i have written five books. the last was restored to family values. i'm calling for america to recognize the lway we have a country where civil rights can be shared ishen we recognize all are equal and we have to share those with each other. that means we share that hrt. we make the space in conversation and our politics. our president needs to speak to those values that can bring us back together rather than emphasizing all the differences that we have and the problems we
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have. we need find a cmon solutiono engaged other and reason with each other in a different way that can produce possible solutions that are not available now. host: that is chris and kansas city. tom out of broken arrow, guam. good morning -- broken arrow, oklahoma. good morning. caller: i think all these immigrants that are eligible that are comin across th border should be putnto the military for a couple of years ther than on welfare. we can help our country byoing that. we can keep it as a separate military if you need to. just to have them pay their price. that is all they have to say. thank you very much. host: al in bakersfield, california. independent. ller: i don't think there is a solution f the political problems in the country.
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a few decades ago we h the marshall plan. we supported the entire economies of western europe. now we can barely support our n economy. host: we need a new marshall plan is what you're saying? caller: no. i think there is no solion. we -- back tn we had low taxes, low deficit. now we have modera taxes and we can barelsupport our ow ecomy. host: you are from bakersfield, california. is kevin mccarthy your congressman? caller: i believe so. host: what did you think of kevin mccarthy? caller: ion't really have an opinion on him. i'm glad heot removed. i think he w milquetoast. host: this is leroy in baltimore. good morning. caller: good morning. it's a tricky question. let me give a quick example.
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i don't think we are ever going to come together, both sides we have dianced ourselves so far apart. you see the movies. an alien comes to earth. all of a sudden we are all the same race. we are human beings. we speak together. outside of something extreme like that we are never going to come together. it takes a disaster toctually bring us together. it's terrible to say but that's the way i fee host: alien invasion is the only thing that brings the country together? caller: it s to be somethg dramatic. let's say there's a tional earthquake and the earth is going to split in half. then we are all united because we are trying to figurout how to stop this. on a normal basis it is rare for us all to come together. it has to be something extreme to bring us togeth. extreme.
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hostthat ileroy out of baltimore. jim in north carolina, republican. caller: how are you doing today? host: what is your message to washington in the new year? caller: i understand the question. i just wanted to say hello to you. my message free democrats is quite simple -- for democrats is quite simple. people are rejecting all these leftist policies and theories about this, that, and the other thing they are coming up with. i really hope they understand that. a couple of years ago bere the red wave they did not come, i was on the bandwagon for that. i was a little bit ahead of the curve. republicans, my simple message to them would be keep doing what you're doing in congress. all this -- these issues that we
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have in our country, they need to be exposed. i realize that democrats are never going to get on board with trump. tds. it is that simple. i mean, i'm not sure i believe everything about the polls just simple attacks on the man. he has noteen convicted of anything. anything. they keep spewing lies. my message is, how about live in e world where you operate on truth? that is both parties. independents, whoever. how about we live on what the truth is? that is all i have to say. have a great day. host: you thought there was going to be a red wave in 2022. caller: we spoke about it.
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you brought up a queion about -- you questioned me about, well, it was kind of along these lines. host: what is the lesson for republicans as we go into 2024? you were nothing lewin who thought there would be a red wave in 2023. -- 2022. caller: just keep doing what you're doing. i believe it is working. i think there will be a change in this country in the next election. i'm looking forward to it. host: jim in north carolina. 7:20 on the east coast. asking you for your message to washington in the new year. asking you today as the house and senate get set to meet in pro forma sessions.
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the house will be coming in at 9:00 a.m. eastern. we will go there briefly at 9:00 a.m. to show you the gavel to gavel coverage on c-span. afterwards, we are back on the washington journal for ourinal hour. we ask for your message to washington, ainder of some of the key january dates facing not only washington but the presenal candidates as well. january 4, later this week on thursday, the deadline for the eme court to intervene in that 14th amendment case i colorado. the decision there to remove former president tmprom the primary ballot. january 9, arguments schedul in the d.c. circuit court of appeals on the former president's community claims when it comes to federal on interferee cases. on january 1 gop primary debate in des moines ahead of the causes there. january 11, closing arguments
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set in the former president's civil fraud trial. the 15th of january, the iowa caucuses take place. the 16th, the trial begins in e. jean carroll's second lawsuit for defamation. a primary debate in new england, new hampshire, ahead of the new hampshire primary on january 23. a lot to talk about this month and in the coming weeks. as we start out the new year we are asking you your message to washington in 2024. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. dependents, (202) 748-8002. also loong for your text messages andocial media posts. david in baton rouge on the ne for democrats. caller: hello? host go ahead, david. caller: i'm trying to figure out what's going on with government
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benefits. i'm a 17-year veteran. i can't get -- i can barely get out of my bed. i still can't receive benefits. they are spending all this money -- what is going on with the world. them animals killed the country. -- the man almost killed the country. what are y'all doing? host: rich in texas, independent. caller: good morning. i think we should attack entitlement reform because i think it is the office of management and budget that has said that regardless of which party is in charge that we are
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going to have $2 trillion a year in deficit spending for the next 10 years. that will take us over $50 trillion in debt. we really need to save social security and medicare before it gets right up to the deadline. that is myessage today. host: it's a big question but how do you save social security and medicare? what is the answer here? caller: well, i think we cover too many experimental drugs and so forth with medicare. we are bankrupting that system. the other thing is with social security i think we need to raise the cap. eliminate the cap and that will help to alleviate the problem. the social security problem is
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not as serious as the medicare problem. host: medicare and medicaid account for about $1.5 trillion in spending. that is in this year's spending by the u.s. federal government. social security, about $1.4 trillion. $835 billion on defense. those numbers from u.s. debt clock. the national debt just shy of $34 trillion. this is thomas in rhode island, republican. caller: good morning. how areou? host: doing well, thomas. caller: basically i'm calling because i look around me and i see how americans are living. i se how the influ of illegals
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coming across the border and i'm dismayed of the fact that president biden seems to be from another world. he does not seem to beware of what is happening. i would like to give an example. picture a beautiful day. you are on a lake. you are in a boat. you are out there fishing. you hit an obstruction under the water. your boat begins to take on water. e first thing you dis you throw down your fishing pole, you turn your boat around, he headed towards the shore and you pray to god that you will make it. button biden -- but in biden's
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case, his boat hits an obstruction unr the water. water begins to pour into his boat and he just sits there and continues toish uil finally his boat. esnderwater. host: whais the obstruction that the ss biden has hit? caller: the obstruction is from the standpnt of any obstruction, but i think the reaction -- the reaction is that president biden has reached a pinnacle in his politicalareer where many timehe's giving a presentation o stage and he looks like a lost soul. he does not know his left fr his right. he does noknow left. his up from his down.
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we have to look at that and say enough is enough, predent biden. do not expect get reelected for another four years. that is my presentation. host: that is thomas in rhode island with his advice. here is some of your comments from social media on this question, your messa to washington in the new year. whatever viewers says do more drug prevention. advertise more on the horrific effects of drug addiction and stop the millions of illal crossing our border. ggsays quit stealing from taxpayers. it is awful. the taxeshis old woman is paying. i have to work it almo age 70 to be able to survive and then you steal from me.
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mike says and citizens united. past the freom to vote act. jason says prices are too dam h igh. no more wars that go for proxy wars and end the two-party duopoly. we will also look at text messages at (202) 748-80. your calls as well. grover at a virginia, democrat -- out of virginia, democrat. caller good morning. how are you? happy new year to you. host: same to yo caller: i don't understand these peopm to get amnesia. trump ran on that he would close the border. mexico would pay for it. the elite think he did was build a little bit of own there. t one of his goons down
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there and they stole a the y. howg are they going to live with this guy? his -- his niece tellsat he's about and they don't listen her. he will bring his children and the government and help than steel. they always talk about hunter biden ana few million dollars, but they don't say anything about trump's son-in-law who got $2 billion. what happened to that? that man is a thief and a liar and a racist. host: that is grover -- caller: and in virginia, he got l these charges against him. he could not be a police officer and not a leader of the whole country. host: grover on the topic of the
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former president. peace the subject of congresswoman debbie dingell's column today in the new york times. the member of the house for michigan for how to stand up to donald trump. this is what she writes in her column. "mr. trump's disrespect and prejudice and name-calling and the malice swept aside as has calling it as he sees it makes healthy debate and discussion virtually impossible. congress needs coming together. government should not be about who can make the most noise. it's about working together to find solutions. but mr. trump is doing is not honesty or candor. it is ruthless and deliberate viciousness." congresswoman debbie dingell today in the new york times. this is lori in north carolina, independent. caller: good morning. i have a brief quote from thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin
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that i would like to read to you. this is for all congress. "we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men e created equal. that they are endowed by their crear with certain and a-level rights. among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the ght of the people to alter or to abolish it and institute new government. laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. but en a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing an
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variability -- an variability, designed to reduce them under absolu depth is him, it is their right and duty to throw off such government and provide w guards for their future security." host: july 4, 1776. what lessons should congress take from the declaration? caller: i think that it is the right that they ar not -- they are not governing the people in a proper manner. therefore losing a lot of the consent of the governed. that they have committed multiple abuses and usurpations. that they have used their absolute nepotism -- despotism
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against them. host: who is they? congress? caller: the congress, yes. congress passes laws. congress passes -- they pass bills. they pass aid to foign countries at the expense of the american people. we the american people are just not being heard. host: unlike king george, we get to vote on congress every two or six years depending onhe chamber. why do you think people keep getting elected? caller: i just don't tnk the american people are educang themselves as to what these ople are doing. the definition of insanity is to keep voting the same people in over and over and over again and expect a different result.
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host: that is lori in north carolina. elijah from hilton head, south carolina democrat. caller: how are we doing? host: what is your message congress? caller: happy new year to e congress, the president and all. get to work. stop messing up the country. stop stealing, stop lying. be real. do what john f. kennedy said. ask not what your country can do forou but what you can do for your cntry. righabout now ty are destroying the country. china and evy other country is paying attention. it is not their fault that congss will not do their job. they want to be obstructionists. one site is about everything. republicans in congress, nothing gets done. when it's a republican president, nothing gets de.
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the same thing with joe biden th barack obama. people that help the country they want to destroy because theyre not in favor. it is all about the rich and the greedy and forgethe needy. the problem is that. host: eliza and south carolina. from the shores of lake huron. caer: thank you so mh for taking my cal ok. i have been watchg you guys for years. i'm a first ti caller. i study a lot of history. what i'm saying that needs to be done -- when the republicans get corol of the househey need to file bankruptcy to the federal reserve and all the international bankers that control and own it. that is basically what needs to
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be done. file bankruptcy. get all these trillions of dollars. host: when republicans get controof the house -- they are in control right now are you talking about election 2024? caller: 2024. it is ing to be a landslide. trump is gng to win by a landslide. that is what i see. all these immigrants that are flooding, we will be in a war. who is going to feed them? they have no money, no jobs. they will be coming to people's houses and all these guns that we have we will have a war here. host: vern in michigan on the u.s. senate in 2024 and the battle for the senate. level 3 journal looking ahead saying republicans -- the wall street journal looking kid
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saying republicans are well-positioned to retake the senate. joe manchin's retirement opened west virginia up to republicans. governor jim justice expected nominee. the fight for the senate likely to come down to the states of ohio and montana. democrats sharad brown and jon tester running for reelection and facing tough reelection battles. a varro nearly spt senate again. dan in phoenix, independent. good morning. caller: i'm calling you from my hospital bed here. i should be out of here today. if you hear a beep or an interruption. my message to washington would be to declare at the tot -- that's not --detante on these handful of issues we have been
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beating each other up for decades now. we have not moved the needle in either direction in convincing the american people to change thr minds. i'm thinking of abortion. thinking of tax rates. i'm thinking of, you know, gun safety lislation. we do not age on these things. it is very clear, yet there are many things we do agree on. there are many issues or we have 70% or0% agreement. we need to address some of these issues we need to focus on those for little bit and set aside those issues that a 50-50 divided for the last 30, 40 years. a couple of issuei can think of that would match that would be cybersecurity. i hear daily from elderly people that they are being hacked.
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facebooks are being hacked. their social security numbers are being stolen you have to payrivate security firms to make suryour identity does not get stolen. you have to pay prive security firms to make sure it does not gestolen. if you get your instagram or facebook account hacked and your personal data is leaked, there is no police. there is no law enforcement agency you can call. a third would be repealing outdated or ineffecte laws. we has spent the last 50, 75 year 100 years just enacting new laws. you think there might be a few laws that need to be repealed that we can agree on that outdated, ineffective. education. host:hat is an outdatedaw,
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dan? caller: an outded law? i would like to say any law congress passes should have a suns clause. without naming a few off the top of my head, i can guarantee there are thsands that have passed that don't get risited. civic education. getting people to understand american hisry, to know american history, want to reserve this country because they know something about it. partnering with an oanization like braver angels that are coitted to unity in this country. maybe partnering with them and congresso sit down and do a workshop and get people to unrstandow to sten to ea other and empathizwith one
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another. they do't have to agree on abortion. you don'have to agree on gun rights. you don't haveo agree on tax rates. can you release undersnd where the otr pers is coming from? that would be my west itch -- meage to wasngton. host: you are calling from the hospital. this health care costs fall under that 70% agreement or divisive issues? caller: that's under the agreement. spent two nights in the hospal. we all know my bill is probably going to be $14,000, 20,000 doars for two nights in the hospital. th's crazy. the answer to that problem is that it is partly that the government is too involved in health care. there are monopoly interests that are driving up theosts. the's a handful of people getting rich whil americans
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have $90 billion worth of health caren their credit cards. we are sending $100 billion to ukraine to fight their war. we have to spend thousands of dollars to spend a night in the hospital. that is pretty strange. host: y mentioned the last one. four and eight scifically to ukraine foreign aid specifically to ukraine in israel. decisive issues or agreement? caller: although we have foreign interests and there are some situations we should be providing foren aid when we can, if you can explain to the make and their fellow citizens are suffering under mounting debt because they cannot afford the cost andou put that into perspective, these lge figures of money, these ns of billions
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and trillions of dollars, is hard to mprehend for a lot of americans. if you can put it in that context that this is health care debt, not just foolish behavior. this is health care debt. i think it does become- right now ukraine is a divisive issue you needo put it in context. dublin eight -- illumite the health care debt of americans. that would be a better cretor. i think he would become a 70%-80% issue. host: thanks for that call from phnix. we hope you are out of the hospital soon. talk to you further down the road. that is dan. this is bill in indiana, democrat. caller:ood mning. host: go ead sir. caller: my complai is we don't have democracy and we never will because newt gingrich -- we
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never had campaign finance reform and term limits. we have the best government money can buy and the have the filibuster. that is where democracy is. it's on mitch mcconnell's desk. they will not vote because if they show their true colors they will not get reelected. that is we have 80-year-old white guys running theenate. weeed to wake up and reali fox news is the hoi jane. it is like rupert murdh. he's not even american. he is poisoning the minds of americans. we are in a sad scenario here and things are notoing to get better. that is all i need to say. thank you. host: kathy from new york, republican. ju about 15 mines left in this segment askinfor your message to washington in the new year. caller: good mornin i'm from wetrsfield. i would love it they can stop lying. that would be what i wouldsk for.
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about everything. inflation is not going down. the rate may be going down but it is gas fighting to save his ing down because you think you pay less. many other subjects like the border. thborder is not sealed. there is an existential threa so much lying ing on. i would love to only have them tell us the truth. host: who was the last politician who told the whole truth and nothing but the trh? caller: i don't think any ever have. that is what it is my fantasy statement ofashington. host that is kathy from wethersfield, new york. mary, north calina, independent. good morning. are you with us? thomas in kentucky, democrat. good morning. caller: yes. i wou lik-- myself.
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you sure don't get it from trump. he lied about paying for the porn star. he lied about the russians. it's ridiculous. people can see all this going on and nobody says nothing about it. he says he wants to be a dictator for a deck. most dictators startut for a day. why anybody sits back and listens tohis man tell all these lies and that's it. he is putin's puppet and has been since day o. how these people sit back and listen to theies and take over this mea, he acts like a maniac. how in the world can y sit back and watch this? they are ashamed of him because
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they dring vehicles with blacked out faces. they back a -- you are going to call that a strong meant? -- man> this -- man? host: juan from texas. caller: i want people to know if we don't go back to changing election laws we will never have our couny back. it is just a mess. you look at the election when you go vote and by the end of the night somebody has fnd 300,000, 400,000 votes somewhere. i live in a democrat stronghold. a democrat area f over 100 years. never public it could ever win in this area -- no republican could ever win in this area.
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now people have moved to the republican party. politicians go to washington and don't do their job anymore. they become friends with the politicians that have been up there for a long time. they are just looking at all these programs and all the money, where it's at. that's what i'm going to do for me, not for the country. we have got to go back to vot id. we have got to go back to when you go to bed you find out who t elected for the different positions in our country. we go on and move forward. host: when do you think we shouldo mail-in ballots in this country? call: we should n use them. that is someing that is ve dangerous. there's a lot of cruptiowith the mail-in baots. you don't really know who did it and how ny people did . i'm not in favor of mail-in ballots. you should go and vote in
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person, present your id and you would have we used to do it. there should be more accountability. host: there are somstates that haven't using mail-in ballot inc. for years -- balloting for years? should they stop using it? caller: i think they should because it has gotten out of hand. on the border, i do a job or i have to punch in a code to get the other side of the border. we have a pump on the river. we pump water into a district where i live. i do a job with that company where have to visit the border once in a while. there is a border wall in parts. i think the border wall was something that needed to continue. i live about 15 miles from the border towns and it's getting bad. we used to hear about it in el paso. we useto hear about it further up in arizona. now it is getting down into south texas. i recently read an article where
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i belie george soros has pumped $100,000 into the democratic party of south texas. south texas is turning red. there are a lot of people in my family, about 30 people voted republican this past election. some of them had never voted before. my mother, the less president she voted for was clinton. after clinton she never voted for nobody. she moved from one county to another so she had to reregister to vote. she had not for probably over 20 years. we have seen were people are fed up. we are looking at it. it is not just democrats. it is republicans like mitch connell and these people. the elite is what i call them. they have taken over this country. together with forwarders. they are -- with foreigners. they are trying to turn us into
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a third world country. a lot of people are happy with getting up and going to work and getting their starbucks coffee. they are trying -- we are one of the less countries in the world that has armed citizens. if you look at the other citizens that have disarmed their citizens, they have lost all their rights. that is ere we are headed. host: juan in santa rosa, california. on the election integrity issue. i want to point out the washington times. there piece -- their piece calling on states not to ignore election integrity. the actions for main areas based on the lessons of the 2020 election. they want states to clean voter rolls. three years ago, states conducted checks to make sure only eligible people could cast votes. states like florida and iowa and north carolina have taken steps to right this wrong. election officials should check
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voter ros against local state and federal databases on an annual basis up to 90 days before an election. every state should enact that policy sowell eligible voters are caught before election day. secure the ballots. the explosion in absentee voting has created a loophole in voter id laws. they don't require absentee voters to prove identity. a handful of states including georgia, missouri, ohio, and texas have closed the loophole but most have not. fewer than 10 states including arkansas, missouri, ohio have either prohibitedrop boxes are required they be placed in government offices or other secure locations. since 2020, a further six states such as north carolina have acquired all absentee or mail-in ballots be received by election date. every state should take up those policies to prevent tampeng with ballots. if you want toead more that is toy's washington times.
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time for a couple more calls. less than 10 minute ft in this first segment. asking for your message to washington in the new year. ben in woodsck, coecticut. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. i would like to sayeroy in maryland, you are right on. thguy in michiga all that stuff has been done. that is what we areoing through now. the main thing we could do is to resuit or reinforce or whatever you want to call it, they said under obama they took that out. that was to do with propaganda to the american people. they were not supposed to tell you propaganda. obama took that out and now that is all you hear. anher thing they ought to do is to break apart all the ns stations, like they did with
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at&t. you can go all over the country and you he the same thing. only six people own all the new stations in the world. that would solve a lot of the problems. host: ted in florida on the line for democrats. caller: good morning. my message to washington, congress and senate, is that stay on message. what is your policy? it is all about policy. to me every congressperson -- they are good people in there that rlly want to deal with policy. they need to get out and talk about things like voters rights. things like women's rights. things about all kinds of different policies. i think for one thing that i would really like for them to do
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is get on more media. i don't see a lot of people getting on media unless they get on favoritism media. t on tiktok. get on facebook. get on everything and preach your message for your policies that you believe in. help the american people. that is my message to them. get on policy. this is what we need. if you are against or for immigration, you know, just do that. if you are for anything that has to do with migration, talk about it. solve the problem. that is what u are there fo this all -- to solve problems. forget the politics. host: cornelia out of idaho. caller: good morning. i would like to ask -- exceeds cuse me -- congress and the
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president to remember their roots. rember god who created tm. the honest d be truthful to the american people. it just ems like politics he. people in congress and the fed and the presidency are there to enrich themselves. they go to congress with an average income and they e there for years. theyome ou multimillionaires including past presidents like mr. obama and mr. biden. they have got to work for the macon people and be true to their -- the american people and be truto their calling, which is to serve god and love people and seek wisdom.
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ek wisdom from god how to gorn. be an nest person. cannot be there for eir own welfare or their o advancements in life. how many congresspeople have become multimillionaires after years congress? maybe we should consider term limits, although i don't think that is the totalnswer. ye voter id, f sure. we need to he a good system. we need to remember the declaration of independence. the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. god bless america. god bless all of washington and pray f our politicians. pray for our country. host: that is cornelia in the gem state. alicia, st. paul. good morning.
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caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i'm calling because i get tired of hearing the piticians reporting that is the preside's fault that the border is not sealed. it is time for the people in this country understand the congress, their number one job is to find our government -- fund our government and right 12 appropriationsills each session. i don't know why they don't seem to be able to do that anymore. the thg that bothers me the most when i'm watching their interviews on different talkshows and they are all blaming the policies that are faing on the president. it is a team effort. it is the congress. the senate and the house of representatives and the president and the supreme court.
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if people understood that is how things word we would not be blaming the presint for the war in ukraine are what is going on in israel, this like that. that is what i nded to say. i hope that somehow we can get past all this dishonesty in politics. thanks for taking my call. host: john did a segment from the buckeye state, line for democrats. caller: good mning. two pointthis morning your backed up, you need to update it. there are no leaves the tree in january. you asked a question earlier. who was the last president to tell us the truth. remember that? host: yes or. s. caller: it was john fitzgerald kennedy five mont prior to his death.
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he told the pele we have a shadow govnment that is undermining americanism, selling us out to one world orders, and five mons later we know now, 60 years later, that our own government might've had a very good hand in killing him to shut him up. look at the state of our country 60 years later. were on the verge of ba reps he -- bankruptcy and onworld order. he was not lying, was he we have a government that has covered this out my entire life. i have wanted to know the truth, because i think he was a good president. i think martin luther king would have made one of the greatest presidents. bby knedy could have possibly went down as the greatest president of the st part of the 20th century. there is what i have to sa god bless america and folks, it
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going to get rough. it is not going to get better. thank you. host: our last caller in the first segment of the washington journal. stick around. we are joined by scott macfarlane of cbs news who will talk about the year ahead when it comes to the various legal proceedings that are facing former president donald trump. later, we turn to the year ahead in politics and campaign 2024. we will get a preview with larry sabado from the center for politics at the university o virginia. will be right back. ♪ >> bk in the new year for the start of theecond session of the 118th congress.
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