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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  January 16, 2024 10:02am-11:04am EST

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8, to avert shutdown. you can watch all of our congressional coverage on our fee video app, c-span now, or online at ♪ >> this week, watch campaign 2020 for coverage as we go on the ground to new hampshire in the final week of campaigning. hear the candidates' closing arguments, watch voters the the candidates, and experiences what it is like on the campaign trail. watch in the c-span network, c-span now, or online at c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> healthy democracy does not just look like this. it looks like this.
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where americans can see democracy at work, where citizens are truly informed, he republic thrives. get informed straight from the source. c-span, unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. in the nation's capital to wherever you are, the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like, c-span, powered by cable. ♪ it is the washington journal on january 16. mr. trump won the iowa caucuses. governor ron desantis came in second and haley came in third. the next hour, we will discuss the results and you can make your thoughts known about those results. you can call us and let us know what you think.
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it is -- if you want to text us your thoughts, you can do that at (202) 748-8003. you can post mine on facebook as well. all of tho cnties, here are the results from yesrd. the 1% for the former president, nald tmp, making him the wierf theowa caucuses. 21.2% of votes going to him. nikki haley gaining 19.1% of votes from yesterday, coming in fourth -- ramaswamy said he was
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suspending his presidentia campaign and putting his support words former president donald trump. there were entrance pollgog intoesterday's decionaking. these are for voters going into the process. they broke it down by various categories. when it comes to gender, 40 9% of men and 53% of women putting their support towards former president donald trump. 19% of men said they would vote for nikki haley going into the caucuses yesterday and 20% for some women. when it comes to age, representing 9% of voters, 22
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percent of those categories in that age put their vote towards former president donald trump. 21% for ramaswamy. as the ages go up, so does support for the former president in that category. and then, for education level, these are going into the caucuses yesterday with people registering their common on where they would cast their votes. 67% with some college or less put their support towards donald trump. that is just some of the breakdown from yesterday and we will show you more as morning comes along.
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you can let us know what you think about the results, what you think it means as itoeto new hampshire and other state. (202) 748-8000oremocrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independents at (202) 748-8002. you can send us a text at (202) 748-8003, and you can post on facebook and x. this is alice on the democrats mine. what did you think of yesterday's results? caller: i think it was ludicrous. one of the reasons i explain this is because i was listening to donald trump. i was listening to him and some of the things he was saying was still outrageous, just like when he said mexico was going to pay
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for the wall. did they do that? nno. this man can tell these people that it is raining outside and they will look out the window and they know it is sunshine, and they will still believe it because trump said it. one question -- let me ask you one thing, sir. why can't some of you reporters go out and ask one question? what will they say, if president obama -- all this stuff is happening -- host: all right. let's go to the republican line about the result of the caucuses. caller: i am so fired up.
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i think we will have the best economy, the best stock market in history. it is going to be the biggest landslide, pedro, that you have ever seen. i am so fired up. i'm telling everybody i know to vote for donald trump. pedro, he is a superstar and we have to get him elected. host: that is a victory in one state. what makes you think people get other states' support? caller: i call shows all over the country and i get people economies and, we support in trump 100%. trump is a businessman and he knows how to run the economy better than anybody. i think the stock market will break every record in history when donald j. trump is
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president. host: one thing to factor into yesterday's result is how many people showed up. they were a low turnout affair. that is about 14.4%. many blame the subzero temperatures. by historical standards, i would much rather caucuses did not draw much participation. someone hundred 80 seven people cast balance, a record high. in 2012 -- almost the same number turned out in 2008, according to the associated press. you can factor that in as the
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results came in. we showed you at the top of the show. those votes from those participating in caucuses the other day. that is the result of yesterday. from democrats, we will hear from joe. caller: top of the morning to you. i'm very disappointed with the evangelicals in iowa. years ago i was invited to go to an evangelical church and the guys that i would be experiencing things i never experienced before. about a week or so later after attending, i saw the devil in my minds eye. these people are worshiping the devil and they just proved it by
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voting for the antichrist, donald trump. host: ok. looking at white evangelical christians who voted yesterday. 53 percent of those giving their support to the former president and when it comes to 27% support for ron desantis, when the category of religious people and others, giving their support to former president trump. you can factor that into the discussion yesterday. that is just one of the results ofeople heading into the caucuses. independent, -- jim, you are next up on the results of the caucuses in iowa.
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go ahead. caller: thank you. i think you do an incredible job. my friends and i are terrified of the extreme polarity going on in this country and the possibility that trump will be back in office, so i wanted to say that. thank you again for the tremendous job that you do. host: it is only one state that started off the nominating process. do you think this trend in support for the former president will continue? i do, i am not knowledgeable state-by-state, but it is very worrisome. host: let's hear from president trump yesterday after his win, thinking his supporters. you can find the complete speech online, but here is a portion
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from yesterday. >> we have the greatest economy and our history. now we are a nation in decline. we are going to turn it around so fast. we are going to drill and have great wealth. we will use that money to lower your taxes even further. we gave you the biggest tax cut in history. we are also going to pay off the national debt. it is about time. new hampshire, a great place. we won it last time, we won it both times. the truth is that the people in our country are great. so we love iowa. they only want to see one thing. they won our country to come back. they are embarrassed by what is going on.
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all over the world, they are laughing at us and they want our country to come back. they want us to be great again. make america great again. and america first. it is a very important part. so we are going to put america first and make america great again. go out and buy larger tractors and more land. do not worry about it. it's all the people standing behind me and all the people in this room, so many great politicians and dignitaries and friends, thank you all. this is the first because the big night is going to be in november, when we take back our country and we do make our
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country great again. thank you very much. host: the former president's speech -- all available on our website at, and you can see the speeches on our at. we are asking you to tell us your thoughts out of isla. legally hear from lanita in alabama. the results from yesterday. good morning. caller: i am thrilled that donald trump was the winner and thinking of all i need, i need desperately to make a comment about the guy who called in about evangelicals. i think he does not understand
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what that means. he is treating very close to blaspheming because i am church of god. i believe the white church of god and i do believe in the way that we worship. and they do not worship devils. and he is treading on very dangerous ground, making those kinds of comments. host: we get calls all the time talking about how can religious people vote for the former president. what would your answer be? caller: my answer is he stands for no abortion unless it is a threat to the mother. we do not believe in abortion. that is murder. ok. he stands for america first.
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he may not be a churchgoer, so-called christian, but he is god's child like all of us are. i do not like some of the things that come out of his mouth, but we pray for that man. we pray for that man every sunday. we pray for everyone in leadership. we pray for congress, the senate, the whole system. host: by the way komodo's entrance polls, one of the questions that we asked, which of the issues mattered most? these were entrance polls from yesterday. 52% for those saying the economy is the top issue coming may 2 to immigration.
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25% saying abortion was the top issue and then issues of foreign policy. again, you can find more based on those entrance polls leading up to the caucus yesterday. roy is in north carolina. good morning. go ahead. caller: you could -- you do a great job here. my greatest take away ith there were 110,000 voters -- less than 110,000. trump needs about 85 n votes to win and it is not going to happen. there will be such a turnout. it is almost suicide for the presidential hopefuls, if not the whole republican party itself. there will be such a turnout to
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keep crybaby trump out of the white house. this just shows that there are only 110,000 people. host: are you talking about the general election or other state picking republicans and the former president as their top choice? caller: there will be such a turnout, just like the last time. 67% of the possible electorate. that is like a record that came out last time. i believe that biotin really won by 10 million. i believe all the cheating was done by trump people. wherever they had recounts, he lost by more. he last 360 more votes. people voting for their dead
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parents in pennsylvania, and i believe even north carolina, where it is all trump voters. host: let's hear from washington state, republican line. go ahead. >> what i think happened is all the democrat voters that were supposed to sign up and vote for nikki haley and ruin it for donald trump? i think last minute they came to their senses and realize they did not want divided again and went for trump. the last caller, i'm glad to hear a democrat actually say that there was fraud in the last election. host: when it comes kinds, saying as hopefuls look ahead, democrats were coming to terms
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with the new normal. the party last year stripped isla -- isla -- iowa and lavished attention on both voters and local politicians. it goes on to say that iowa democrats held meetings but only -- the democratic calendar will start at the south carolina primary february 3, after an unsanctioned primary january 23. results will be released march 5. republicans largely heading to places to cast their votes. we have shown you throughout the morning, so let's go to our indendt line.
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hello. caer: my friend was a washington journalist years ago and says new hampshire voters love to create mischief. anything can happen in new hampshire. they do not make up their minds until the last minute. but anything can happen. i have run for years as a third-party candidate. host: as south carolina saying it is the former governor nikki haley showing up for a rally tonight. ron desantis will be in greenville to claim some of the limelight on the home turf
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before appearing in new hampshire in the afternoon. a long time supporter called the race to be a done deal. saying it is clear to me now more than ever that trump will be the republican nominee and will be the 47th president of the united date. he added that the republican party is fortunate that -- looking forward to seeing trump in south carolina soon. that is some of the rction from yesterday. darrell is in georgia. go morning. >> the white evangelical churc nowadays is nothing but a meeting ground for a clan meeting. host: what you think of the
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results from yesterday, specifically? caller: iwas just a farce host:. hold on. he said it was a farce. what do you mean by that? caller: they just might again come all the way white. i'm glad they have low turnout. why iowa? nobody is worrying about that. i looked it. only 20 electoral college votes. only six in the state of i love. how can it be 20? host: let's go to david in north carolina. caller: i am so glad to hear
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about last night. we will be all right. but anyways, trump, i guarantee he will clean up that place. host: that is dead there. when it comes to proportional votes, donald trump gaining 20 delegates and ron desantis gaining. before he pulled out, ramaswamy got three delegates. isla does have six votes. the caller says my mistake. the caller was correct. as we go on, you can talk about those results and what it means and you can also make your
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thoughts known as well. teresa in texas, republican line, you are up. caller: i am happy that donald trump won. our founding fathers went to great lengths to make sure that we were a republic and not a democracy, so i'm just happy. we definitely need him back in office. he was a strong president and he will when he won an 2016. host: that is teresa in waco.
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caller: hello, pedro. i am about ready to be a republican if he stays in the race. i'm impressed with him because what he says, he does. i appreciate how he will handle the issue of immigration closing down the border now. i will vote for donald trump, but still, ron desantis, i feel he is the kind of conservative that we need, as it comes to spending, and taxes. edit really frustrated me to hear donald trump attack ron desantis because of his position on taxation where he would replace it with a national sales tax, which makes a lot more sense.
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host: let's hear from him. here he is speaking about that position. >> they threw everything but the kitchen sink at us. they spent almost $50 million attacking us. the media they were writing our obituary months they even called the election before people got a chance to vote. but so excited about the fact that they were predicting that we would not be able to get our ticket punched but i can tell you, because of your support, in spite of all that they threw at us, everyone against us, we got
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our ticket punched out of isla. and when i -- what i learned by going around iowa is that this country has a basic decency. we have god-fearing people, patriotic people. just do not see it every day because of all the nonsense out there by the media and all this other stuff. people want to have hope for this country's future, and that is what we represent. we represent a chance to reverse the madness that we have seen in this country, to revert they recline of this country and to give it a new birth of freedom and a restoration of sanity. that is what we are going to do. so we have our marching orders. our marching orders are to do all that we can to preserve what
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george washington called the sacred fire of liberty. the same fire that burned in philadelphia when our founding fathers signed the declaration, the sacred fire that burned in a cemetery in gettysburg when abraham lincoln pledged our nation. the same sacred fire of liberty on the beaches of normandy, when our band of brothers stormed the shores to help free the world. the same fire of liberty at the berlin wall when ronald reagan stood there and said, mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. this is our responsibility to carry this torch and to preserve this sacred fire of liberty. do not run away from this responsibility. we welcome this responsibility. host: i do not hear anymore
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audio. although speech is available on our website. events will take place in new hampshire now that iowa is over. governor haley, former governor haley will be in new hampshire. you can find out more information about those events as new hampshire becomes the focus of the process. when it comes to the former president, one of the things he will be doing today is, he will be back in court and this is from the associated press. he acts expected to face another legal challenge. this is at a federal court in manhattan.
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it was in may that a different journey concluded that he sexually abused her in 1996. others claim that she made it up after she revealed it in a memoir. one issue that was not decided was how much trump code. determining that amount will be the jury's only job. it begins state-by-state with isla finishing yesterday. democrat line. go ahead. caller: thank you f taking my call. i firmly believemr. trump -- he is so strong going through
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it on the issues of the border, homelessness, gas prices. jill biden comes around, out of control. the economy is out of control. people have to wake up and realize. host: just to clarify, you are calling on our democrat's line and you are supporting donald trump? caller: i am a democrat for donald trump. we made a mistake. i'm not going to say the election was rigged. i'm not one of those people. but you have to realize that you made a mistake and make a decision that will be great for the country. it is sad because it is going too far to the left. the curriculum in school --
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host: back to the matter at hand. should it come down to the former president in the current president, you will vote for the former president? caller: without a doubt. there are quite a few -- you noticed the polls are in donald trump's favor. host: ohio, democrat line. hello. caller: i thought it was the independent line. host: it is a big deal. i would like you to call back and try to get back and on the independent line again. let me give you the lines again. those are the lines. pick the line that best represents you to call in and
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make your voice heard. joel is up next. caller: good morning. i'm side. who is he competing against, trump? the competition where they had their own rally? of course he smoked them. there was no competition or conversation being had come if you are agreeing with him and going to bat for him. that is what i'm saying. these are republicans. they bow down to trump on these issues. this guy is not as good as you thought he was. matter of fact, he is pretty terrible as president. all right? and also, ethically, he is far from being right. this idea -- he says he's going
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to do all of this by himself in this vacuum and it is ridiculous. we can have conversations about orders, but it is not the reality. host: do you think the former president is a threat to the current president app caller: i do not. the only thing killing biden is his age at this point in time. i think a lot of democrats are like, wow, he is 81 years old, but when you look at trump, he is not in the greatest shape either, and you wonder about his faculties as well, going forward. it would be great to have better priorities, i think. host: the atlanta
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journal-constitution, if you find it online or their website, they see the hypothetical matchup between biden and trump. this published saying it is president biden trailing trump. the polls showed nearly 20% of georgians were not ready to support either candidate after trump's dominant victory. this story adding that mr. biden has been hurt. those who are crucial to his victory in georgia coming fluting 10% of black voters who do not plan to vote at all.
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taking a look at a matchup, that is the atlanta journal constitution out of georgia. let's hear from bernie in new york. good morning. go ahead. caller: good morning. donald trump is not a god. you can tell that he is not a god because he got to percent of the in the primary. that means that 40% of his party do not want him to be president. 40% do not want. they voted for someone else. if he was a god, he would have got his 100%. what joe biden has to do is dump
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-- dye his hair red. how many people at 78 have their hair blonde or whatever? host: 51%, according to the pulling of all 99 counties this was fun yesterday, but those were the breakdowns not only by percentage but b votes. ohio, independent line, lawrence is up next. caller: i think he lost yesterday. donald trump is the republican nominee. that is not going to stop. it is just about the republicans coalescing around that particular candidate.
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looking at the writing on the wall, the general election says it will be donald trump. joe biden -- it is not looking good right now with the israel conflict and ukraine conflict. host: as an independent, how do you go about choosing a candidate to support? caller: i will tell you this. usually, i wait until election day and i gather all the evidence i can. when it comes to presidential years, the last few cycles, i waited until election day because i'm not sure in 2020. i'm looking at the way the country is set up and who will
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be the best leader for the best moment in time, given the chaos going on. to me, it looks like donald trump. host: thank you for calling back on the right line. caller: they sent me to the wrong line, so it was the staff. host: thank you for calling. thank you for calling. caller: can you hear me ok? i was early on going to vote for ron desantis, but i guess they came out with commercials in missouri. he was opposed to social security and i am on social security. i am 68. but yeah, this country does not get enough information regarding the candidates and the system
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needs to be changed where, in order to run, we need to know everything about where people stand on all the issues. trump told us -- these people who say there should be a flat tax? that is the most progressive thing that could possibly happen. a lot of baby boomers now that depend on their social security and we cannot be doing a flat tax. biden already has inflation up above what people can afford to buy at the store. i want to tell my black fellow americans that when you call in, maybe the fathers and mothers were a bit racist, but we are
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not wanting to put you back into slavery. host: ok. that is donald in missouri. the previous caller mentioned support for 2016. an analysis done was taking a look at pockets of support that ted cruz won when he won the iowa caucuses and taking a look at where those pockets go to. they add that mr. trump cap at about 70% of the voting block, which was dominated by evangelicals and conservatives. also adding that he lost very little support from 2016 to other candidates, including marco rubio, who support leading up to that 51% level of support that you saw last night. that is just some of the comparison being done as people
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are taking a look at polls, especially entrance polls, as they are called. the washington post highlighting a couple questions being asked and one of those is, if donald trump were convicted of a crime, would you consider him still to be president? 72% of those who supported mr. trump said yes, they would consider him to be fit and 10% say no. also being asked, do you consider yourself part of the make america great again movement? many say yes to that question versus 25% saying no. let's hear from tony in arizona. caller: thank you, pedro. i would like to say something to you and your team because you are great. for you, i believe everything you tell me.
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and i do not believe anything you do not tell me. and i think that is where we are right now. those who have that belief, they will believe anything that you tell them. and if you do not tell them something, whatever anyone else tells you, you do not believe them because you only want to hear from the person you believe. so, when we look back, and we have an individual who was president of our nation and he would not stay in washington dc to see his successor step up and take the reins of leadership of our nation, how can you accept
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that individual to take over our nation's leadership again? host: that is tony in arizona. thank you for that call. i would ask that you should and vesta gate things on your own as well. particularly when it comes to national, political elections. but thank you for calling. in california, republican line. hello. caller: thank you, pedro. i'm very proud that trump won 20%. and we need a president like trump to lead us back into the leadership, the country, and we
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have a faith-based community. also, gen z is not able to take care of the responsibilities. the seniors, the vast majority, including many democrats will vote for trump because we need a strong leader that will take care of the economy, the border, and all the beautiful leadership skills that he has. we need someone who has the responsibility to take care of our deficit issues and take care this country into strong leadership. thank you. host: se people responding on our facebo pe. the reality is that ron desti got creamed and his failure to achieve victory was his own fault for believing that he had a chance of beating donald
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trump. and followed up by nikki mayfield saying, at least what she would like to see would be the former president donald trump with ramaswamy in 2024. georgia, democrat line. caller: when i was in the fifth grade, we would have a class election for class president. the most popular people would have to run. we would vote on who would be the best president for the class and everybody had to stand up and show where they stood. when i look at a republican primary and no one said anything about their opponent's character, integrity or fitness for office, it makes me think that the entire process is a
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sham. i remember when obama was giving his address and it was showing disrespect, but more importantly, i have never seen an election where someone is running for the republican nomination and use a nothing negative about your opponent. when january 6 happened, classified documents happened, all of these other cases and the last thing, i remember the republicans criticized obama for wearing a beige suit. he had a suit and tie on. it is totally mind-boggling to me. thank you. host: let's hear from nikki haley after the caucus, making her remarks about not only where she goes from here.
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>> i want to congratulate trump on his win tonight. we have had an amazing 11 months here in the hawkeye state. i came to iowa early and often, and i kept coming back, even though the cold weather is beautiful. but the kindness of islands will never be lost on me. you are faithful, patriotic and hard-working americans. i will forever be grateful for the time that we had. [applause] at one point in this campaign, there were 14 of us running. i was at 2% in the polls. but tonight? iowa did what iowa does so
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well. they will analyze the results from every and all. we get back. but when you look at how we are doing, and new hampshire, and south carolina -- [loud cheering] >> i can safely say that tonight, iowa made this primary a two-person race. tonight, i will be back in the great state of new hampshire, and the question before americans is clear. do you want more of the same?
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or do you want a new generation of conservative leadership? host: a couple ways you can watch them on the website. they will remain there for a short time. we are getting your thoughts on the results from last night. hello. let's go toharles. independent line in florida. go ahead, please. caller: desantis did putting last night. i like trump. but i think he is way too hyper to be president again. he has too much garbage. host: wisconsin, democrat line.
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caller: thank you, pedro. i am one of those people that try to be realistic. we all have prejudices and blindness when it comes to those voting. but when you have a democrat party versus defunding the police, every war that could possibly be started and now it seems like they are the war party now. it looks like they are trying to start another one a yemen. i do not know what to say. a man can be a woman, a woman can be a man. a man can give birth. just comes a point where you just go, this is ridiculous. i understand people are going to have differences, but there is a fundamental truth.
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i'm trying to set up the basis for why i might just the trump or whoever the republican nominee is. host: i just want to clarify that you are a democrat. caller: yes. host: go ahead. caller: that is what i'm trying to say. if we can get some entity -- some sanity here. maybe not defunding the police and maybe not starting every war that we can all over the world. i am a veteran, so i'm not speaking from hypocrisy. i went overseas and i served. host: from minnesota, independent line. caller: hello. i was wondering if any black americans voted in the republican caucuses, if you have that information. host: why is it important to
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you? caller: i think isla is pretty unrepresentative of the country and i am interested in that. and i could not get into it because of the payroll host:. i will check, and as i checked, we will move on. caller: good morning. i think -- i sit here and i listen to the callers, especially democrats who claim that they will be voting for trump. there is so much misinformation. how do you support a man who has been accused of rape? a man who never pays his taxes. he was president, he increased the debt over $7 trillion. the man is a liar.
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they do not know how this country runs. you do not know your politics. a man that stands in front of rallies and tells you that he loves dictators that he will be a dictator on day one and he wishes that he could have general milley wrenched? listen to what comes out of a person's mouth. most people are driven by the economy but he handed them to do with the economy. this is a capitalist society. this is corporations. as far as medicare is concerned and social security? there are republicans -- all of them are trying to put your social security -- they want to
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privatize it and increase the retirement age to 70 so all of you that love your social security, go ahead and vote for republicans and he will see what you get. host: this is rob in new york state. caller: i would like to remind people that this was just a primary vote for the republican party. do not get too excited. both parties have yet to hold their conventions this summer. either convention or both could suspend the rules and throw the various parties -- have a floor vote or a floor fight. and finally, i think, just to make a little joke this morning, wouldn't it be something if it all ended up with donald trump
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having to go to joe biden in search of a presidential pardon? have a good day. host: next cap. caller: how are you doing today? i am a veteran. i cannot imagine evangelicals voting for donald trump. i cannot believe they would replace jesus with donald trump. i cannot imagine what the people are thinking. how do you think a truckload -- how do you take a truckload of classified information home with you? one million people died of covid and you want to put this man back in office again? i will never understand that. thank you for your show. host: one more call.
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caller: good morning. i do not even know where to start. i do not understand why nobody understands that biden has done so much for this country. he wants to be a dictator. it is so frustrating that people do not understand what biden has done. inflation is down to 2.9. but republicans lie and have a big mouth and people believe them. host: what do you think of poles that expressed satisfaction with the numbers? some citing the economy and some other things. caller: it is amazing that has done. it is right there. all you have to do is look at it.
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stocks are up higher than they have ever been in history, but nobody is taking the time to look at it. it is frustrating. i read that -- do people realize that we are going --we will not have our opinions anymore. host: let's leave it there. that is teresa finishing up our calls. the speeches are still available on the website, also information about events taking place in new hampshire. both donald trump and nikki haley are expected there as they start campaigning for those vote for the first primary later this week. keep following along on our website at we will break down the events of yesterday and where it goes from here.
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we will talk about the results from yesterday's caucuses. talking about the response that the biden campaign might have. all these conversations and more coming up. >> starting tuesday, watch c-span's campaign 2024 coverage, as we are on the ground in new hampshire in the final week of campaigning before the first in the nation primary. here the candidates' closing arguments, watch the candidates -- watch voters meet the candidates, and watch on c-span network, our free mobile app, or online at
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