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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  January 16, 2024 1:50pm-2:00pm EST

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your thoughts on the results of yesterday's iowa caucus, call for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independents, (202) 748-8002. here arehe results -- donald tr gaining 51% of the both yesterday from those who participated. desantis following up with 21.2%. nikki haley, 19.1 vivek.7% is what he scored yesterday. it was after the events of yesterday that mr. ramaswamy announced he was ending his campaign, throwing his support to former president trump. >> as of this moment, we are going to suspend this presidential campaign. this is going to have to be --
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there is no path for me to be the next president, absent dings we do not want to see happen in this country. i am worried for our country. skating on thin ice as a nation. we have done everything, everyone of us in this room has doneuntry. i am proud of everyone you who has lifted us up, but we are founded on the truth. that is why we have made that decision. i have also made the decision that this has to be in america first candidate in the white housthere are two america first candidates in this race. earlier tonight, i called donald trump to tell him that i congratulate him on his victory. going forward, he will have my full endorsement for the presidency. we will
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this country. i am going to ask you to follow me in taking our america first movement to the next level. it did not begin in 2016. it began in 1776. we are going to make sure that our movement is the one that leads and saves thisas for thisn truth, america first 2.0, we are just getting started. that's not end today. oday. [applause] we are just getting warmed up. we are in this for the future of our country. this country has allowed us to live in american dream that my parents never imagined when they came to this country 40 years ago. now, we have lived in american
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dream that we want to pass on to these kids. the face of our life where we were getting ahead for ourselves, this country has already given us that. this next chapter of our life, on our journey, the next few years, and the rest of this year is about giving back to this country to create a country that i am worried for, but if we all do our part -- and i have been asking that the view at every step of the way -- i promise you if you did your part, that we will do hours. -- ours. we will do our part now going forward to make sure that america first lives on. host: find that on our website, or on our app.
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st -- estelle starts us off, california, democrats line. caller: i am glad ramaswamy got out. he does not have any government experience. someone with at least some government experience. if you do not, you get people who do not know what they are doing. they are all about green. they are just working for themselves. i would like to address -- your first guest was wondering why democrats are giving into theite tired of the republicans gerrymandering us out of our vote. we are going to fight back. angry and we are taking control of the situation. iey can do the same thing in
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our primaries, but we are done with gerrymandering black people out of their votes. host: don in south carolina, republican line. caller: in response to the lady you just had, we are sick of the democrats as well. honey, you have not seen a fight yet. this is going to make a steamroller vote this who is abt of that will vote. as far as having experience, what we have now, as far as biden is concerned, he has made a living off of the entire country for the last 50 years. we would like has made his money, who he has
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sold us out to. tham the border. host: back to iowa, who did you want to win? caller: client want whoever represents the republican party. -- i want whoever represents the republican parbe it nikki haleys or donald trump. we are sick of biden. caller: good morning. i worry very much because i do not see a real candidate to represent the value of the woman. host: you are talking on the republican side or about the current president? i am talking about --
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people who worry about the hispanic american people. democracy represents every race. it is notnedent wants to make a biden -- another conflict, another war. it is difficult to see how women like me are suffering. the do not have raise to be get the education.e children to they are representing another race. we are upset. i do not nobody worried
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about women's rights. host: beatrice in new jersey. he stories that came out of yesterday's talk us was how quickly it was called. the des moines register saying this morning that the decisionly for donald trump before anybody had a chance toans and candidates. cnn also called the race early, about 31 minutes after the causegan at 7:00. that got a reaction from the republican party chair of iowa,g the results less than a half hour after caucuses had been called to order, before the overwhelming majority of iowans had cast their ballots was highly disappointing. one of■; key differences between caucuses and a standard election is that iowans have the
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chance to listen to candidates or surrogates andaking a decisi. no need to rush the process." that is out of the des moines register let's hear from monte, phoenix, arizona, i [captioning performed by thenat, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] >> we'll leave this here to keep our over 40-year commitment to live covage of congress. you can continue watching if you go to our website,nd we take you live now to the floor of the u.s. house here on c-span. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered by chaplain kibben. chaplain kibben: would you pray with me. our father, who art in heaven, you have taught us how to .


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