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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  January 22, 2024 10:01am-10:21am EST

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hampshire will love you. host: host: that is it for our program today. you can watch on a friday thing of platforms. our website is our c-span now app available as well. that is it for our program today. another edition of "washington journal" comes your way tomorrow at 7:00. we will see you then. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> c-span now is a free mobile
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>> comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. >> comcast suppos c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front-row seat to democracy. host: this is "washington journal" for january 22. governor ron desantis decided to end his run for president, and announcing it via video and supporting president -- former president trump. that leaves it one1
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republicans, (202) 748-8001inde. if you wanto text your thoughts on the current state of the campaign, (202) 748-8003. you can also post on facebook and on x. a little bitkdown. reporting that desantis was supposed to fly from south carolina tuna hampshire saturday night for an event but instead flew home to tallahassee's he was supposed to fly from south carolina to new hampshire saturday night for an event but instead flew home tallahassee. he wanted to share his decision, hoping to avoid what had transpired in south carolina around 2:00 yesterday, fundraisers received a message
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from the governor's finance director informing them of the decision. two people were grant e they were not authorized to speak publicly about the decision. that decision made the governor to stand -- governor desantis via a video yesterday. here is a portion. [video clip] gov. desantis: nobody worked harder and we left it all out on the our second-place finish in iowa, we prayed and deliberated on the way forward. if there was anything i could do to produce a favorable outcome, more stops, more interviews, i would do it. we cannot ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we do not■ a clear path to victory. accordingly, i am suspending my campaign. i am proud to have delivered on 100% of my promises, and i cleaa
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majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. they see democrats attacking him . i have had disagreements with donald trump■- coronavirus pandemic and anthony fauci, trump is superior to the current incumbent joe biden. that isgned a pledge to supporte republican nominee, and i will honor that pledge. it is my endorsement because we cannot go back to the old republicanuard of warmed over corporatism that nikki haley represents. the days of putting americans less, tout -- kowtowing large organizations, are over. host: to drop out on his presidential run, leaving former president trump ankkomorrow in w
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hampshire primary. you can talk about the state of affairs and other aspects of campaign 2024. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. you can also text (202) 748-8003. you can also post on facebook and on x. emerson college, out of boston, released what they're calling their final new hampshire poll going into tomorrow as far standings are concerned. r1t dsth governor desantis still being part of it, former president trump expected to get 50% of th haley, 35% estimated result as far as what is expected. it is yet to see were governor desantis'votes will go with the two candidates left.
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7% of those going into tomorrow still undecided when it comes to either who they are going to choose --is all the republican side -- with president biden, that campaign, in new hampshire, as well. avis a call or send us a text, post on x -- again, give us a call or send us a text, post on facebook or x. bill, campaign 2024 and the latest, go ahead. caller: you for taking my call. the only choice i see that we have at this given time the republicans is nikki■x haley. nikki haley has vision, as all the great qualities it would take for president. but donaldru, he has got the mentality of a five-year-old child. and to me, he is a disgrace fore
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republican party. so i would encourage all voters, whether you're republicanindepes myself, get behind nikki haley and push her on through this me. thing, i voted for democrats in the last maybe eight eleio i was an independent up until then. but i do not have any choice. i cannot ad for this country to go down, veterans such as myself who serve the country in vietnam, i cannot sta by and watch democracy taken away. i would actually consider nikki haley my choice for president. ike to hear more about it. host: is it a certain policy position she holds her just her general demeanor?
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is it about her that attracts you as a candidate? caller: i think the biggest thing about her is thatnts to m. she does not want to get tied down. i can sum it to three words, she wants to make ama greater and greater and greater than it has ever been. this is and i am hoping it will be encouraging to other voters. host: ok, that is bill there in georgia. ed in ocean city, new jersey, independent line, as well. caller: yes, i am a third-party candidate for president of the united states, so new hampshire voters can cast right in votes for me tomorrow -- write-in votes for me tomorrow. we need a constitutional convention to serve the whole government over again. it is plutocracy run
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by billionaires and millionaires. vote for me tomorrow in new hampshire. host: republican line in new sure -- new hampshire, hello. caller: i am definitely supporting president trump. he hadmic record, the best record in my lifetime. i have been voting since 1980. you know, think with governor desantis opting out, is votes will go to donald trump, so donald trump win tomorrow in new hampshire. i'm supporting him 100%. host: how early on did youyou se former president when it comes to another run at the white house? caller: oh, right from the get-go, you know, when he decided to run. i was behind him 100%. what he did with the border,
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what he did with his policies. again, it is like your boss, you don't have to like your boss, but if they do a good job and run the company well, you have got to support your boss. i know it is a lot of personality would donald trump, dan will be participating in new hampshire tomorrow in the first primary of the sta■hte the for republicans. you can call and comment on the current state of affairs when it comes to the nominating process. he mentioned governo an editorial this morning talking about the end of the analysis on it. you can find that at now that that presidential campaign has eed damage of the laws he has pushed in florida. without his political ambitions, likely won't be battles
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against drag queen bars, efforts to build a trump base. hard right stance on issues like abortion and the call a territorial dispute,d alienated some voters. he was a candidate without a lane. he established himself as a dominant figure in state politics and had the legislature under his thumb. he got votes with often little vetting and used to the house by design. the editoraying, you could try again in 2028, but he returns to the sunshine state for his final three years of his second term. in■n hindsight, it is clear the young governor, only 40 fight come -- 45, was a man in a hurry, too much of a hurry. [mon our independent line come t
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of wisconsin, this is alan. caller:i am going to break a lie news here, i am running for president as an independent candidate. my number one issue being ■(i will cancel them and replace the lending system with something that works. i think people are tired of the ds r campaigns we have seen. this coming election will be an older, more tired, more bitter rehash of what we saw in 2020. ron desantis actually was calling for bankruptcy to student loans, which i appreciated. now it is just me apparently, because neither biden nor trump will do anything meaningful about student if i could urge people withto comer we need to take a bite t of■= this two-party -- host: aside from your own
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candidacy, who has your support? caller: among the d's and r's, i cannot endorse either of those two parties. 1.5% of the population actually on its to either the d's or r's candidates. why are we letting these people run the country? makes no sense. i urge anyone out there to look at any candidate other democrat or republican. host: madison, wisconsin, independent line. this is jeremy. caller: you doing? i give a shout out to to alan, the new presidential candidate. here in madison, i had the university of wisconsin madison department help me in the late 1980's, 1992 -- host: back to the campaign and
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the last couple days, what do you think? caller: i do think. i think i think. host: ok, ok. let's hear from nikki haley, campaigning in exeter, new hampshire, yesterday. speech, looking at the topic of national security issues. here is a portion of that >> do not let biden tell you that china is a competitor. i have dealt with china every single day in the unitedthey nea competitor. they always saw us as an enemy. we have to start looking at them the way they look at us. we can deal with it, not by putting your heads in the sand, but by being strong. first thing we will do■o are no longer buying any u.s. land from us and we are going to take back the land they have already purchased. [applause]
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we will go to our universities and say you either take foreign money or you take american overt that for an out of our schools. [applause] we will blacklist all technologies that build up their military. and do you know, we have had more americans die if for no that -- die of fentanyl then the erect, afghanistan, and vietnam -- then the iraq, afghanistan, and vietnam wars combined. they need our economy. and then we will strengthen our military. militaries do not start wars, strong militaries prevent wars. [applause] sand that does not mean throwing
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a lot of money at the department of defense, it actually means cleaning it up, getting rid of tting rid of red tape, making sure we go and focus on the things that really matter for the future. right now, you have tooany generals focused on land, air, and sea. we need to bespace, submarines. host: more from nikki haley available on our website at c-span.orgspan now. former president trump speaking yesterday in new hampshire, we will show you that in little bit. a poll to look at how new hampshire voters are putting their support coming up to tomorrow. 52% planning on supporting the president versus 34% for candidate haley. regist republicans, 64% of support versus 22%.
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amongst undeclared who are registered, 48% giving support n haley over president trump. former president trump. those with no college degree, 60% of those giving their support to the former president 27% to nikki haley. college graduates, 39% giving their support over 4í-3%haley. it goes on from there. that is the monmouth pole with can find it online, too. you can stay close to c-span for the results and analysis and also your calls and comments on the events of campaign 2024 on the eve of this new have to primary. houston, texas, inpenden from m. caller: good morning, america. goodbye, desantis. trump all the to get him back in office of he can finish what he
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was doing at the beginning of his presidency. he servedhost: also from our int line, this is from wisconsin, edward. caller: haley has not run, america is generational leader. after biden, we are looking for a proven leader, and that is trump. that trump took from all the democrats, we owe it to him to put him back in office. and i hope he picks marjorie greene for his vice president. thank you. host: why her? because the democrats deserve it. host: ok. thas a call from wisconsin. in south carolina, we hear next from dennie.
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caller: i support donaldwhen he, everything was fine. no wars. you could buy groceries. you could afford to get gas. he is the one that should be in he is the one to straighten out this country. host: why themer president versus your former governor, nikki haley? caller: no, i will not vote for hero only one up there to vote for her. host: why not? caller: she took that rebel flag down on top of that. no, i would not vote for her. like i said, donald trump is the best president we have ever had.


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