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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  January 23, 2024 1:59pm-2:39pm EST

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>> thank you, governor michelle lujan grisham. [applause] >> tonight, c-span is on the ground in new hampshire with live coverage of today's presidential primary unfiltered and uninterrupted. we will bring you the results of both republican and democratic primaries as they come in, candidate speeches and we will take two calls and get your reactions on social media. watch live coverage of the new hampshire primary tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now and online at 2024. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> healthy democracy does not just look like this. it looks like this, where americans can see democracy at
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work, where citizens are truly informed, a republic thrives. get it straight from the source on c-span, unfiltered, unbiased, word for word, from the nation's capital to wherever you are. the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like. c-span powered by cable. span. lead story out of the newspaper out of new hampshire, she's not trump, haley makes her final case. this is nikki haley from last night. [video clip] amb. haley: 70% of americans have said they do not want a trump-biden rematch. the majority of americans disapprove of both of them. look at what they are doing. when you hear trump speak, what is he talking about? grievances? the past? he is talking about vendettas.
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today he is in court. biden is talking about investigations. neither one of them is talking about the future. i am doing this because i don't want my kids to live this way. and more than that, you are voting tomorrow in a primary. we gotta think about a general election. because, let me tell you, look at any one of those polls, head-to-head, trump and biden are in a dead heat. and i'm going to remind you, a vote for joe biden is a vote for kamala harris. we do not want to ever have a president kamala harris. host: nikki haley in franklin, new hampshire, last night. former president donald trump was in laconia, new hampshire. this was part of his pitch to voters before primary day. [video clip] fmr. pres. trump: shortly after
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i win the presidency, we win, i will have a horrible war between ukraine and russia settled, we will get it settled. and when i was commander-in-chief, iran was a weak, broke, ready to make a deal -- they were weak, broke, and ready to make a deal. then biden came in and surrendered everything, all of the things i did. i told china, if you buy any oil from iran -- i told us to practically every country, they were not selling oil, and now under biden, iran is rich, powerful, and spreading bloodshed all over the middle east. you see what is happening. they have no money with me. now they have $200 billion, and they control iraq. what a stupid move. under my leadership, we will restore peace through strike.
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we will rebuild the entire military. of course, we get about 85 billion dollars -- can you imagine? 85 billion dollars they get to afghanistan. and afghanistan now, the taliban, afghanistan is just about one of the leading sellers of military equipment. they do not need 70,000 rifles, they need 50,000 rifles, 20,000 rifles we gave them vehicles, many armor-plated costing hundreds of thousands of dollars each. but i'm the only candidate who can make this promise to you, i will prevent world war iii. host: former president trump last night in new hampshire. it is primary day in new hampshire. taking your phone calls. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. new hampshire voters, especially want to hear from you this
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morning, (202) 748-8003. polls opened at 6:00 a.m. eastern, set to close generally at 7:00 p.m. eastern tonight. some votes have already been counted in new hampshire, referring to a tiny town, dixville notch. here is a story from npr last night, the six registered voters of tiny dixville notch all cast their ballot for nikki haley at midnight yesterday. the resort town, the first place in the nation to vote in the 2024 primary. the voters outnumber there, more than 10 to one, by reporters. not to mention, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. this dates back to 1960, the first in the nation voting.
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one tweet about this tiny town from scripps news yesterday, saying how important getting those six votes in dixville notch, and one of those residents saved a personal phone call from nikki haley asking for his support. taking your personal phone calls this morning to the "washington journal." we will start in new hampshire, berlin, new hampshire, gary on the line for republicans. have you voted this money? caller: nah, i'm going to do that. i am going to be upfront. i am going to vote for nikki haley. i hope the people of new hampshire, open your eyes and not vote for donald trump. he is a crook, and insurrectionist. six capitol police officers died because of his election lies. just like black lives matter,
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don't their lives matter? any election lawyer should know the election laws, you cannot overturn a democracy and take democracy away from the people. come on, people of new hampshire, wake up. it is our democracy, we have to defend it. host: donald trump on the new hampshire primary ballot for the third time in three presidential primaries. he got something like 85% in 2020. did you vote for him? caller: yes, i did, but i am not going to vote for him anymore. host: whatink about the polls that show donald trump up anywhere between 11 and 19 points in new hampshire today? caller: i don't know what's wrong with these people. you know, don't they care that he caused a riot that killed six capitol police officers?
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tell that to the families of the capitol police officers that died because of his election lies. and i cannot believe that these maga republicans refusing to accept the fact that donald trump lost fair and square. anybody that is an elected official, don't care what office you are running for, city, state, county, school board, i don't care, you serve at the will of the people. if it is the will of the people that you no longer serve, so be it. this is a democracy, our democracy. nobody has the right to take democracy away from us. host: that is a gary in berlin, new hampshire, the special line for new hampshire voters this morning, (202) 748-8003. we will set that aside for those voters in the granite state. headline from usa today, four
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new polls give trump a huge lead in new hampshire. insider advantage had the biggest trump lead, 27 points ahead of nikki haley. boston globe suffix poll showed donald trump ahead 19 points. washington post monmouth poll, 18 points was the gap. whdh tv emerson poll in new hampshire had donald trump up by 16 points. that is what the polls say headed into today. today, the people get a say in new hampshire, primary day in new hampshire. this is sam in san diego, independent. thanks for getting up early. caller: yeah, hi, how are you, good morning. i am very alarmed about this upcoming election. i think president biden, his popularity is at an all-time low. and i think he was voted for by
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constituents that were just kind of tired of trump. you know, trump was a very bombastic personality. but his policies -- i mean, there's good to be said about his policies. what alarms me the most is that over one-third of the country believe the election was stolen. this is unheard of. when you look at the flow of election workers that have left their jobs because of this pressure and then all the legal cases and all the scrutiny, i would even go with the word scandals, it is creating an environment that is potentially very alarming. because, already, you have tens of millions of dissolution voters. so if this becomes the two
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candidates to elect, even if trump loses, those voters are not even going to come close to believing it. biden was elected as a moderate, as somebody who would be good for the country. and i think his foreign policies have been kind of against the will of the people. i don't see a lot of support for the $200 billion sent to ukraine. the cease-fire was overwhelmingly demanded at 70%, but nothing has happened. that is going to potentially lead to international genocide. it is really alarming to me to see the sort of political threats in this election, and i am just hoping for some kind of a miracle were somebody just pops out of the blue as a moderate, a centrist, as a vibrant candidate to address the real problems. you know, the crisis on the border, they homelessness, the
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crime, the health care system. so i have never been more concerned about an election in my lifetime. host: that is sam out of san diego this morning. as the washington post puts it today, and unusual campaign to write-in the president today in new hampshire. new hampshire voters heading to the polls, but the ballots are now part of the revamped mechanic nominating calendar. biden and the democratic national committee moved south carolina to the front of the pack. new hampshire decided to hold their first of the nation primary today in defiance of new party rules from the dnc. the content now carries no practical weight. biden opted not to put his name on the ballot. the democrat here in new hampshire say their votes have a new -- an important role to
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play, offering their first show support to the president and his party before other stakeholder contests. that is what to watch for today, how strong that show of support may be for the current president, that in the democratic primary. the republican primary getting most of the attention, nikki haley and donald trump facing off. kevin in michigan, democrat, good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call, avid listener. i spent a lot of time listening to the callers, because i think we do not add enough -- for like of a better word, blame on the constituents, the voters. even those that call in on this show, they say hypocritical things. trump is playing you. guilty of fraud. you hear people calling in talking about bull crap about immigration.
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why people are the only illegal immigrants in this country. -- white people are the only illegal immigrants in this country. black are the people forced to be here. you have the nerve to say someone fleeing poverty and murder and all that stuff coming over here? if they knew what they were coming into, people who like rapists, like fraudsters, like liars in plain, they won't be wanting to be here. host: what is your expectation of what happens today? caller: of the election? host: that is what we're talking about, yes. caller: of course, trump is going to win because all of his constituents, the republican voters, like liars. they are hypocrites. they vote for someone who is the up and to be of everything they have ever said they headed all along. all the history of america, constitution, bible, and you have somebody who ain't even
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read neither one, the leader of your party he is a narcissistic fool, and he is not even going to survive the next four years, let alone the next eight. probably not even the end of this dang gung election. they're all haters, that is all they want america to be. host: do you think is too old to be president? caller: absolutely. joe biden is too old. we have all these great candidates for presidency. i want to see michelle obama to run, honest to god truth, because she has the credibility to be good. host: there are some younger candidates running, congressman dean phillips, a democrat running to challenge joe biden. have you paid much attention to his campaign? caller: i do. but to be realistic, i think gavin newsom would be incredible, because i want
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somebody that is going to fight, somebody that will go toe-for-toe with these liars, front verse, hypocrites. i want somebody that is going to call them out. anytime any maga supporter or talking head is spewing these lies in plain view of the people, i want somebodyike gavin newsom to be on-site to challenge them. host: got your point. that is kevin out this morning on the democratic line. this would be dean phillips, the democrat challenging joe biden, yesterday in new hampshire. [video clip] mr. phillips: i'm disappointed in my party. i have been a democrat my whole life, representing it. to have the audacity to tell you that your extraordinary 103-year tradition, first in the nation primary, that you take so seriously, that you execute so beautifully, is meaningless? the audacity of any party that
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would say that, it is shameful. what else is shameful that it forster attorney general to send a letter back to my party for the seas and desist of the unlawful suppression of voters -- the cease and desist of the unlawful suppression of voters. i do not think americans are being the -- told the truth about what is happening. it is shameful, wrong, and dangerous, and our president is the leader of the democratic party, and he should opine on the subject and white the state of florida democratic party decided that joe biden won already and refused to put any other names on the ballot. those floridians do not have the chance to vote. in north carolina, they decided to do the same thing. despite what the law says, a presidential candidate noted by the media, he should be on the ballot. in massachusetts, it took
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intervention from the secretary of state to put my name on the ballot. here you are tomorrow, the president of the united states chose not to be on your ballot, his decision. i am appalled. i was in the house chamber on january 6 when fellow americans try to prevent the counting of ballots. and i'm witnessing now quietly and methodically another party trying to prevent the printing of ballots. the counting versus the printing. think about it, everybody. i am a proud democrat and will tell you the truth. i intend to say the quiet part out loud because both parties have gone wayward. i would ask for your consideration tomorrow. yes, we are a longshot. darn right, i am. thank goodness we live in a country in which the longshot can have a platform. and but for all you view in this this great state, i never could have tried. host: democratic congressman
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dean phillips yesterday in new hampshire. robert on the line for democrats, greenwich, connecticut. good morning. caller: yes, good morning. am i on? host: yes, sir. caller: yes, really, the whole trump situation comes down to the one overriding issue of all of his indictments. he knows if he gets reelected, he cannot be convicted. so he is fighting tooth and nail to stay out of prison. that is what it comes down to, pure and simple. everything he says is a lie. it is pretty much documented that he lies incessantly. and if anybody does any fact checking on some of his ridiculous claims, they will see that it is a bald-faced lie, one after another after another. of course, he is fighting hard now he knows he is going to go to prison, and he is trying to gum
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up the work in the legal section two delay the trials past the election, and then he can say this is terminated because i'm president now and i have the power to do that. but we have the power to not let that happen. i am not even contemplating voting for this charlatan. he is a snake, conman, pure and simple. probably the best this nation has ever, unfortunately, had to deal with. so please, america, don't even contemplating wasting your lives, your family lives, by voting for this man. he should be in prison. host: robert in connecticut. this is wes on the republican line out of pittsburgh. caller: good morning. i noticed that the first caller said that six capitol police died on january 6, and that is an outright lie. i have never been heard that
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figure before. one policeman died a day later from a heart attack. where are they coming up with this information?you can verifye internet that only one died at that point. the reason i am pro-trump is because of where biden has taken this country. inflation is at 8%, the economy is diving, the border has had 10 million people come in during his time, a lot of them not even vetted, the cost of fuel increased like crazy, and that is house fuel and car fuel, escalating crime, the handling of afghanistan, what an embarrassment with that withdrawal. the current wars now taking place, now begging israel to put in much backed off after they were attacked. even had bill maher, people traditionally on the left,
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mocking the democratic party now. it is a sham, not the party i grew up with, not the party of jfk, jr., which he seems to embrace. i can quite understand why anybody would be voting for this mess. host::■vania. the makeup of new hampshire when it comes to voter registration, some close to 900,000 voters registered in new hampshire as of the beginning of this year, just a few weeks ago. about 31% republican, 30% democrats, 39% unaffiliated, what the granite state folks call their independent voters. they can pick which primary they want to participate in today. nikki haley camp appealing to many of those unaffiliated voters.
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they make up some 40%, close to 40%, of the electorate in new hampshire. to the independent line, this is john in blackwood, new jersey. caller: good morning. i originally was going to comment on -- but wes in pittsburgh did it for me. i was real awake and that six people died on january 6. each democrat came up with more and more outrageous claims, i can only imagine as president trump gets closer to the white house, they are going to be ballistic. i have a suggestion for c-span, this comes under trying to bring the country together, maybe you can create a c-span4 for all the
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people who want to talk past each other and just further divide us and infuriate us. i have a lot of democrats in my family, and friends, and there are some people with conservative values. i am in the middle of it. the democrats, they don't want to come together. i don't know why. a lot have jobs, especially in the cities -- i am a philly guy originally. jobs are real important. but the democrat party is not the one of jfk. i could deal with that. even partly bill clinton. but today, they are off the wall. and for governors to let democrats vote in the republican primary, i can't imagine going
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forward. what else are you going to do to try to stop president trump? i can most of my information from c-span. i watched c-span religiously on weekends, book notes on the older various shows. i listen to both sides, the left and the right. if they would just go on to your recordings and look for the last thing that j.d. vance was on and conservatism, his book, he is so straight, who told people, he says, you want to buy the book, buy it. you don't want to, don't. but he said the lobbyists that come into his door, what they want done, and as he escorts them at the door, if people would listen, this means that our other elected officials are
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also being influenced to back legislation that is going to benefit their concern. and j.d. vance said let the officials work for the people. he said that over and over. i followed him from reading his book -- host: are you talking about the book, "regime change"? caller: no. host: the original book was "hillbilly elegy," but are you talking about the newer one? caller: i was more focused on j.d. vance's. a gentleman wrote it. that's it, sorry. host: go to our website,, for those programs airing on book tv. staying on our independent line,
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cindy out of st. petersburg, florida. caller: good morning. i am an independent, and i look at things towards the middle. i am not too far to the left or too far to the right. i am looking at either nikki haley or dean phillips. i am going to do everything i can to keep trump off from being president. living here in florida with desantis, trump, and all the maga republicans moving in here, i have to walk out my door every day and see the slaughter of my native lands because they don't care. we're losing our farmlands. we are losing our wildlife. the seas are rising. i just heard on the news treasure island is going to do things to try to stop the water
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from rising. they said the water is rising. of course, people who don't live on the beach have to pay for that, as well as the residents who live on the beach. so i am getting sick and tired of walking out my door and having tears in my eyes, seeing the slaughter of my native land. i don't want to see america become florida, because florida is losing its nature. host: got your point. cindy in st. petersburg, says she is between nikki haley and dean phillips. here's more from nikki haley from franklin, new hampshire, last night. [video clip] amb. haley: and every single thing that donald trump has said or put on tv has been a lie. check with the fact checker. every single thing.
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he says i want to cut social security and raise the retirement age, i never once said that, not once. if anything, we're going to make it solvent so that no one lives in fear. he says i don't want to have a border wall. i never said that. i said you can't just do a border wall, you have to do all these other things that are going to stop what is happening at the border. he said that i love war. quite the contrary. you do not have a husband that is in the military and love war. you are obsessed with preventing war. that is what happens when you do that. [applause] but if he is going to lie about me, i am going to tell the truth about him. and that is the fact that he needs to answer to why does he want to raise the retirement age to 70, why as president in 2018 did he propose a 25 cent per gallon gas tax increase on all of us? why didn't he do anything to
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take care of the federal flow on china? and everybody talks about the economy that trump gave us and how good it was, and it was. but at what cost? he put us $8 trillion in debt. in four years. our kids are never going to forgive us for letting that happen. so let's talk about the truth. when you go out on tuesday, you're going to decide, do you want more of the same or do you want something new? host: nikki haley last night in franklin, new hampshire. it is primary day in new hampshire. taking your phone calls, talking about the granite state primary, talking about election 2024. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. keeping open that line for new hampshire, (202) 748-8003. if you want to send a text, you can also send it to (202)
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748-8003. just include your name and where you're from. kevin out of louisiana, republican, good morning. are you with us? caller: yes, sir, i am. host: what are your thoughts on primary day in new hampshire? caller: you know, when nikki haley mentions -- host: i tell you what, let's hold off on the language, helps with the conversation to not cuss on air. this is bruce in texas, democrats line, good morning. caller: good morning, sir. well, i am coming up on my 65th birthday, and i am in combat veteran and i lived through the 1980's and cannot get a job, if you could even buy one -- i am
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an ex-combat veteran. i retired in 2019 from an industrial accident, not because of my fault but because of something else. and i know a few people that are what you call clinical psychologists. and the idea -- i asked them, i go, is there such a saying that if you keep doing what you're doing and expecting different results, you're going to keep getting the same old thing? well, the two of them told me that is the very definition of insanity. host: are we doing the same thing and expecting different results when it comes to all of our campaigns? caller: yes.
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yes, we're doing the same old thing during the 1980's. i came up, when i was in the military, i came up to the reagan era. i did a lot of things and service that we were ordered to do for the sense of our country. a lot of that i cannot talk about. i worked in the nuclear industry for a lot of years after i got out of the u.s. military, and i also did an extended tour because they have a, what do you call, seven and a half, eight and a half years, they can extend your enlistment. but i had a pretty good career. then i got hurt in 2019. but the idea that we keep doing the same old thing, and we are expecting different results. host: that is bruce out of texas. speaking of the 1980's, this is theodore johnson, his piece in today's washington post, the
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1980's called and wants their presidential matchup back. he says it is natural donation would look to the past for an allegory. the 1980's are fashioned as a time when we remember how to win, how to feel better about herself. it seems less strange that trump and biden would be the nominees for two elections straight. their avatars for the age, the idea that comeback is imminent. it says their supporters will symbol partisans at each other's throats, itching for a under gon two. theodore johnson in today's washington post. a call out of st. petersburg, independent, back to st. petersburg. caller: good morning. you're looking pretty dapper. i appreciate you do not use thick facial filters. host: ok. caller: i feel it is a theatrical game here.
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i would like to correct the former caller saying do the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity. if you look it up, that is not what it says. another caller was promoted j.d. vance's book. j.d. vance is not even his real name. i also think that it is pretty tone deaf that so much money is being spent on campaigns when so many people are struggling with their day-to-day expenses. i think the campaigns are doing nothing for the mental health of the country. lastly, i would like to point out, there is a certain comedy at least to the situation when we are looking at a situation where this man who has basically been convicted of rape and is skipping that hearing today in lieu of going to an attempt to win a competition in tiny
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dixville. have a good day. host: this is john in turtle creek, pennsylvania, republican. good morning. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. first of all, i really wish that people who are republicans and democrats would call on the right line here. i know you guys cannot control it, but it is really getting bad. it makes no sense that a republican, your first call, would call in and make the outrageous statements that he was making and say he was a republican. but the important story -- host: he said he was going to vote for nikki haley and said he voted for trump in the past. caller: john, you know anybody can say anything they want and do other. that the things people really need to know today is this primary really does not even count. any state that would allow
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democrats to vote in the republican primary, it makes no sense. so when we go to south carolina and she gets beaten by 30 points in her own home state, then who is going to be talking about nikki haley? the rest of the country isn't new hampshire. we don't have laws like new hampshire. so i think it is going to be a different result when this moves on. but thank you for taking my call. host: do you think she will move on? what is your expectation tonight? caller: i don't think she will. if her advisors are smart, they will be able to tally how many democrats voted for her, and then she will know she is never going to get them votes and that she really lost bad. she may go out before south carolina. i doubt it. but i think south carolina is going to be the state. host: to washington state, this is karen, also on the line for republicans. caller: oh, hey, good morning.
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thanks for taking my call. i just want to put it out there that i will be supporting trump. the way this country has been, the direction this country has been is horrible. we have an open border with millions of illegal aliens coming into the country. host: anything else, karen? caller: i buy gas at costco. the last day trump was in office, gas was $2.89 a gallon for premium. and now -- it has gone down, but that is only because of -- gosh, i lost my train of thought. anyway, my energy has gone up. my groceries, everything, under this feckless administration. it has just been horrible for our nation.
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and trump put us on the right track four years ago. and i would like to see us continue that way. also, we have the crisis in the middle east, have china circling on taiwan, north korea and south korea. none of this stuff was happening when he was in office. so say what you will about him, but i just want the country back to where it was four years ago. and every administration spends interim us -- a tremendous amount of money. that will not stop. but say what you will, we need to do this country back on track. host: do you pay much attention to the stock market? caller: i do, and my stocks, my 401(k), horrible, although the stock market hit a record high, 38,000, i believe. host: yesterday, advancing above 38,000 for the first time ever. caller: yeah, exactly. but yeah, my stocks, my 401(k),


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