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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  January 24, 2024 6:49pm-7:13pm EST

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available at the apple store. poor, visit our website. c-span now, your unfiltered view of washington. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including sparklight. >> the greatest town on earth is facing our greatest challenge. that's why we are working round-the-clock connected. >> sparklight supports c-span as public service, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> a good wednesday morning. here is where the associated
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press has the latest results from new hampshire at this hour. 88% reporting. donald trump has defeated nikki haley by more than 11%. 54.5% of 43% for the former gove of south carolina. onthe national party, and president biden relied on right in votes -- writ e-in votes. he still won handily it is fair to assume he will pick up the lions share o 14% of unprocessed write-in ballots that are still being recorded. we can talk about either race in the first hour of "washington journal." go ahead and start calling in now. last night on the republican side, donald trump was declared the winner of the new hampshire primary shortly after 8:00 p.m. eastern, but it was nikki ha
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at one point we were at 2% in the polls. but i'm a fighter. in nine scrappy. and now, we were the last one standing next to donald trump. [applause] today, we got close to half of the vote. we still have a ways to go but we keep moving up. >> nikki haley mentioned south carolina primary coming up does not take place for several weeks. last night, donald trump came out and addressed some of what
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nikki haley had to say. here's the former president. >> let me tell you, we had an unbelievable week in iowa. we set a record. that was the best in the history of the caucus. remember i sort of had the same feeling. i am up and watching and said she is taking a victory lap. we beat her so badly, but ron beat her also. ron came in second, and he left. she came in third, and she is still hanging around. the other thing, she only got 25% of the republican votes. i don't know if you saw that. tremendous numbers of independents came out because in this state you have a governor that doesn't frankly know what he is doing in the state. in the republican primary, they accept democrats to vote in fact, i think they had 50
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democrats vote. they only vote because they want to beat me look as bad as possible. we won in 2016 and if you want to remember, we also won in 2020 by more. and we did much better in 2020 then we did in 2016, but as they said, we lost by a whisker, just buy a whisker. no, no, but we can't let that happen. you have to have people that speak up. i said i can go up and say to everybody thank you for the victory, it is wonderful, or i can go■ up and say, who the hell was the imposter that went up on the stage before and claimed a victory? she did very poorly actually. host: former president trump just a few hours ago in new hampshire after that race was called by the associated press and the former president up by
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more than 11% at this point with close to 90% reporting. getting your reaction to the first in the nation primaries in new hampshire. (202) 748-8000 for democrats to call in. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. as the number. let me show you some headlines first from today's paper the day after the much anticipated new hampshire primary. the new york their front page, done it again, trump won new hampshire. surging haley vows to fight on. some political analysis from various papers, first from the washington post this morning. a general election rematch against biden brought into focus, the headline of his piece today. from the wall street journal this morning, it is all over but
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the general election. one more from the "washington post" as well. the republican primary is over. get ready for a grim rematch. wl go through some of that analysis this morning, but we mostly wt to hear from you on phone lines as usual. democrats, republicans, and independents, especially looking for new hampshe ters and residents as well to cl in, but we are hri from members across the country starting in wisconsin. th iharvey on the line for decrs. good morning. caller: gd morning. thank you for taking my call. it seems to me it is prey apparent that a lot of tim's tim scott, vivek ramaswamy,heare pandering for later. they are not looking out for the average person but it is about personal movement. thank you fotang my call. host: that is harvein wisconsin. paul is in the bronx in new york.
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good morning. caller: i don't want toay it is a foregone conclusion trump will win again but it looks like it. he never had a chance to go against the other primary contestants, but everybody seems to be dropping out, so at this point, it is looking like trump and biden in 2024. host: what do you think happens in trump versus biden 2 and 2024 if that is the case? caller: another close call to where it comes down to a handful of states that either remain blue or turn purple once again, such as arizona and georgia. i don't see anybody who voted for biden last time jumping away from voting for biden in 2024. it might come down to we just have to keep trump out again. this time, the numbers will probably even bigger, which will
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cause trump to suddenly say election fraud this and that, but it will be more people coming in to say we don't want this guy back here again for another four years. host: you think that will be the biggest thing driving democratic voters in 2024, not having trump again? i ask because this is a week in which democrats highlighted the abortion issue, the anniversary of the roe v. wade decision. and a lot of expectation around that being a key campaign issue. caller: for me, abortion will be the main campaign issue. i don't see just democrats coming out to support that but i see republicans coming out. same with independents. this was his whole campaign. we did not like it. people in various different states -- trump was spearheading most of that, so this will be another chance for them to say we don't want that.
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i don't immigration will come up as another issue, but that more or less will come down to what will trump do differently he did not do during the first four years? host: that is paul in the bronx. president biden was the write-in campaign. it was an unsanctioned primary in new hampshire and of him for deciding to move ahead with its first in the nation primary anyway. the president did not campaign in new hampshire ahead of this primary. yesterday, he was in manassas, virginia, talking about abortion rights at a 2024 campaign rally. here is the headline from "the wall street journal." in a state where democrats took control of the legislature in november following a campaign that focused on the issue of abortion access, this was the president yesterday at that rally in virginia. [video clip] >> pres. biden: did anyone think this is where america was going in 2024?
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i could go on. look, let there be no mistake. the person most responsible for taking away this spirit in america is donald trump. listen to what he says. trump says he is proud he overturned roe v. wade. he said there has to be punishment for women exercising reproductive freedom. he describes his job decision as a miracle, but for women in america it is a nightmare. let us be clear what trump is bragging about. the reason there are 21 states where abortion bans in effect, made with no exception for rape or incest is donald trump. the reason women are being forced to travel out of state -- [crowd chants "four more years"]
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pres. biden: this is going to go on for a while. the reason women are being forced to travel across state lines for health care is donald trump. the reason family members trying to get help and are threatened with prosecution is because of donald trump. the reason the fundamental right has been stripped away is donald trump. because of donald trump, doctors are fleeing their home states, setting up practices in other states because they are afraid they will be put in prison if they exercise the responsibilities. in states like texas, doctors can get a life sentence for providing the care they were trained to provide. it is outrageous. >> president biden yesterday in virginia. you saw him pause and address the crowd, and then the chants
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of "four more years," the president repeatedly was interrupted by shouts from a dozen protesters against his support for israel and the war with gaza. that happened yesterday in virginia outside of washington, d.c. back to your phone calls in the wake of the new hampshire primary, and getting your reaction this morning. ." this is moses, an independent in brooklyn, new york. good morning. caller: good morning. i think abortion is going to be a big issue. in this election. and i think maybe somebody should ask the democrats why margaret sanger founded planned parenthood to exterminate black people, ok. and someone should ask harris
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why her family owns plantations. she is always blaming white people for slavery when her own family owns slaves and plantations. host: that is moses in brooklyn. this is rodney in indiana, republican. good morning. caller: good morning. how are you doing, sir? host: good. what were your thoughts on new hampshire last night? caller: trump got the win. nikki haley needs to step aside. need to get america back on track, and i believe donald trump will be the man to do it. host: rodney, with some $31 million according to reports that nikki haley spent in new hampshire, and this was marco rubio yesterday jt after 9:00 p.m. eastern sagan will be trump as the nominee but we don't know how much donor money will be wasted over the next month. what are your thoughtsf nikki haley takes this to south
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carolina four and a half weeks from now and if she continues through more and more states? caller: i remember they were saying she had some big -- i don't think she will get the backing that she needs. i think she wrote in her own state. host: you think this is as far as this will go? caller: i believe so. i think south carolina will be the end of the line for nikki haley and i highly doubt she will come forward and endorsed trump herself, but i am hopeful. that is all we could do is hope right now. our nation is in disarray. our borders are open. we are being flooded with fentanyl and illegal aliens that we don't know who they are or where they come from. it is pretty scary. there could be sleeper cells all over these united states just waiting for the phone call.
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you know, all we could do is pray and prepare. host: that is rodney in indiana. donald in west virginia, independent, good morning. caller: good morning, john. no big surprises last night. the attacks will come hot on trump now. they hate him because he showed how corrupt it all is, and no better proof of that then the story blowing up on twitter about the gop chair of arizona trying to bribe terry lake. but what strikes me more than anything is what cnn and msnbc are not reporting. you would think they would be drooling over a story like that. that is all i have to say this morning. host: what do you think happened with this -- happens with this republican primary weaving
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forward with nikki haley vowing to stay in? caller: i don't think she will win south carolina. she is wasting her time. my honest opinion. host: donald in west virginia. this is carl in west virginia via our text messaging service saying, i will vote for nikki haley in the primary. if it comes down to a rematch, god help us. i will definity te for donald trump. th fm dave on facebook saying a good win tonight. time for president trump to ignore hey and put his energy towards november. this from mark on facebook. great to see haleynder trump's skin. would love to see her destroy hiebate. he refusdebate anyone. he spends a time reading teleprompters at his rallies and still flipping his lines. a few of our comments from social media. facebook, x formerly known as twitter.
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and it is (202) 748-8003 if you want to send a text message this morning. the story that the caller from west virginia was referring to, the hill newspaper with this headline. to relate called on the arizona gop chair to resign after reports of leaked audio. this up late last night on the hill's website. a recording surface of the chair appearing to offer money in exchange for not running for office. he has to resign. we can't have somebody who is corrupt and compromised running the republican party. the recording first was referred to the daily mail and purports to capture do with offering lake money in exchange for her staying out of politics but two years but the authenticity of the recording not verified by the hill newspaper.
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that story breaking overnight, with the caller was referring to. to tennessee, this is jerry in livingston, democrat. good morning. caller: yes sir. thank you for taking my call this morning. i think donald trump is going to close it out pretty quick, but the problem is it is not donald trump, it is the whole issue taking women's rights away from them. if donald trump is reelected, women's rights and social security are the two first things on the chopping block. people cannot survive that kind of stuff so if you vote for donald trump, you vote against your wife and your girls. that is all i have to say about it. i was so disappointed in him last night to stand up there. i thought he was a pretty good man, but this is unbelievable
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what they are doing. i thank you very much, and have a good day. host: that is jerry in tennessee. from new jersey, independent, good morning. caller: thank you. i just really wanted to say propaganda versus reality. that is how great he is. we have to follow that line. if the economy was so bad, there would not be five supermarkets. there would not be seven gas stations full of people filling of gas. all the casinos are full of people. the sky is notalling. government runs by the people. not like donald trump will come in and everything will magically happen. it happens because of taxpayers and people sitting there getting
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the job done. the lasting i want to say about immigration is if we did not have immigration, so at least these people do bring something to america. thank you. host: i take if you are not a fan of the campaign slogan make america great again. caller: it is hollow rhetoric. we know that government is running when you don't hear about it. every time we have to hear more and more a loud voice going on is because they are not bringing anything to the table. government runs when it is a quiet think in the background. it is your neighbors. it is your neighbors, your family members. these people are like the scientists and engineers and administrators. this is how we landed people on
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the moon. in my town right now, we are building. we got new sewers coming in to handle the rainwater. they are replenishing the dunes so we are not flooding. this is what government does. that is not just mussolini sticking his chin up there. it is qualified people making things happen. host: that is edward out of new jersey. again, here are the numbers from the associated press. 88% at this hour. i'll tru winning new hampshire 54% to 43.2%, just more than 11%. some of the polls heading into new hampshire had the president in the upper teens or even 20's ahead of nikki haley. the nal margin looking tbe closer than originally expected. the new york times noteso republican candidate ever won
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the first two states and not ultimately succeeded in securing the presidential nomination. one other stat from james pinto twitter last night, no nonincumbent g candidate for presenhas ever won t iowa caucuses and new hampshire primary until last night, until donald trump. gary in jacksonville, florida, democrat. good morning caller: good morning, john. good to talk to you again. i have three points. wi never be a republican. everyone talks about the border. in 2017, donald trump -- they had it on the senate. donald trump squashed it. donald trump squashed it. that is on the republicans. number two, john, the assault weapons. when they rescinded the assault weapons that president clinton had signed, they have blood on their hands with all of these deaths.
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the number one killer of children now, these assault weapons and rifles. it is a national disgrace. number three, the leading candidate from the republican party a convicted rapist, tax fraud, who stole documents, shared them with individuals in a staff member. he said he does not believe in the constitution. no nothing republicans, john. thank you. host: your first point was on the border issue. let's talk about what's happening in the senate right now. ongoing negotiations. we keep getting told a final deal is close on border security, a deal that could unlock additional aid for ukraine. what are your thoughts on that? caller: well, john, biden had a proposal on day one. the republicans did not want to come to the table.


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