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tv   Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene After Impeachment Vote Fails  CSPAN  February 7, 2024 12:32am-12:42am EST

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trust. our constitution and our constituents. it is therefore incumbent upon us on this will solemn day to fulfill our ocean to the constitution and exercise the power to impeach. i urge my colleagues to join me. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from tennessee yields back. all time for debate has expired. the previous question is ordered on the resolution as amended. further consideration of house resolution today the house failed to impeach alejanyorkas. refusal toy with law and breach of trust. for republicans joined democrats in voting against impeachment.
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in gop vice chair blake moore, who changed his vote in order to allow for the resolution to be reconsidered. >> we knew this was going to be close going in because the majority is so razor thin. my colleagues that voted no, i think they will hear from their constituents. we have a plan in place, there was a motion to reconnect and that means we can bring the articles of impeachment back to the floor maybe as early as next week. this is not over yet and we still can bring back -- and we look forward to having him come back and being a solid yes on impeaching secretory may orchids.
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>> [indiscernible] why is this different? >> because democrats have a choice to make. either they are defending the fact that 300 americans are dying every day and over 2 million people have crossed our border and americans are the victims of rape, murder, assault , cartels causing all kinds of problems in our country. kids are being kidnapped and americans are paying for it. democrats are owning those as their policies and defending the secretary saying he's doing nothing wrong, or we can vote to impeach secretary may orchids. i look forward to seeing it happen. there hasn't been a failure, we will bring it back. >> [indiscernible]
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>> i am glad you asked that. we can basically look at this as a game, unfortunately. they hid one of their members, waiting until the last minute, trying to throw us off on the numbers we had versus the numbers they had, so that was the strategy at play tonight. >> you are confident that you will bring this back and able to impeach? >> it is basically two issues, several of our issues -- members need to think about things over the weekend and secondly, we look forward to having some back. >> you think you can flip some of the no votes? >> i would love to see them go home and talk to their voters who hired them to come here. i know several of them have strong republican district's.
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>> [indiscernible] how do you think the voters in their districts will respond? >> i'm sure they will hear from their constituents. i'm sure they are hearing from them already. i think they should listen to them. is what we do, we represent our districts. again, i look forward to having steve scully's back, -- steve scalise back, we've been praying for him. i don't think it is a miscalculation. i love transparency and i'm happy the american people got to see the vote record tonight. i think it is a good thing for our country. i think it's the right thing. the american people can get
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involved, they can make phone calls, they can show up and express their wishes what they want to see their representatives do. >> [indiscernible] >> i was explaining that we have six pages in our articles of impeachment citing where the secretary has broken federal immigration laws and arguing my point to him is the right thing to do to vote to impeach. >> [indiscernible] >> he doesn't think it's very clear in his mind. again, he has a full weekend to hear from constituents. >> [indiscernible] do you think this will cause trouble for any biden impeachment? >> this should be a layup impeachment.
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if we can have the american people vote, they would have easily voted to impeach the secretary and they would easily vote to impeach biden and that's why biden is losing poll after poll every week nationally and in states all over the country. if you ask the mayor can people, a lot of things are easier. >> are you worried about a biden impeachment if this one failed? >> we still have more depositions to do, we still have the brother of the president. ok, guys, it is cold. >> [indiscernible] >> we haven't had those meetings yet, we've been working on the votes. >> [indiscernible] >> i don't think i have to. >> how important is it to get it
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right the second time, what is at stake for having a second impeachment vote potentially fail? >> i think there will be a plan to make sure it doesn't fail. >> are you concerned about reprisals from aipac? >> no, because if you really care about israel, you want israel to conduct the war they way they want to. the money becomes the hook, then the state department and biden administration will want to get involved and start telling israel what to do with their war and how to do it. i don't think that's the right thing for israel. i think the people and israel want control over what they are doing and i think anybody who fully supports israel wants them to have full control. >> [indiscernible] >> [indiscernible] i will answer that after we do the second vote. ok, guys, i've got to get out of here.
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>> [indiscernible] >>edsday on c-span, the houses back at 9:00 eastern to consider listion to ban government health care programs including medicare and medicaid from using an -- from using a metric. in sil measures when determiningnsance coverage or determingactors. r campaign 2024 coverage includes republican presidential candidate nikki haley, speaking to voters at a rally in s angeles. on c-span two and 9:00 m.the subcommittee holds a hearing to examine poorivg conditions in military barracks. the senate returns at noon to hold its first vote on wheer to begin work on my 118 billion dollar bill that includes rd security provisions feign aid for israel in ukraine.
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60 votes wl needed. al, c-span3 at 10:00.m., venezuelan opposition leader and presidti candidate appears before a house foreign aai subcommittee to discuss freedom and democracy in venezuela. you can watch our live coverage of the c-span now video app or online at >> on thursday, the u.s. supreme court will hear oral arguments in the case of former president donald trump's eligibility to be on the 2024 colorado ballot. the colorado supreme court ruled that former president trump was ineligible for running from office because he violated the 14th amendment to the u.s. constitution and supported an insurrection on january 6. watch live coverage beginning at 7:00 a.m. eastern on washington journal, with expert analysis previewing the case. at 10:00 a.m. eastern it's live coverage of the u.s. supreme court oral argument. at 8:00 p.m. eastern we recap
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